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Making A Touch Down


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D. J . D u S A A R

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ers, who, weary of t h e sight of ina n i m a t e material, a r e going f o r t h to behold t h e gigantic projects and w o n d e r f u l creations of the Master Architect. We see them m a k i n g theiu. pilgrimages to N i a g a r a Falls to m a r vel a t the greatest water-works project known t h r o u g h o u t the ages, we behold them struggling enthusiastically upward a m o n g mountain c r a g s and crannies to satisfy their h u n g . y eyes with a sight of t h e eternal hills lifting their towering spires out of the valleys into t h e r a r e r a t m o s p h e r e of majestic heights, or we see t h e m delving into t h e caverns of t h e e a r t h to ge.t a fleeting glimpse of s u r p a s s ingly beautiful s u b t e r r a n e a n a r t i s t r y " w h e r e the mosses weep in eternal shadow."

As t h e writer was passing t h r o u g h t h e central states on his way to thla little city by the Inland sea, he sa»v m a n y conveyances passing hither and yon upon the rross-country hifihways. They were a motley group, ranging f r o m the rattling good Ford, barely rescued from t h e j u n k - y a r d , to the stately P a c k a r d and Pierce-Arrow. in a p p e a r a n c e the passengers of these conveyances were equally as varied as t h e machines which carried them. Men, women and children of every social class, type and s t a n d i n g were represented in t h e great trek over the highways of t h e country. As a study in contrasts I could think of no object of greater interest and wealth of subject m a t t e r t h a n one of our All these things, the marvelous proAmerican highways on a bright ducts of the h u m a n mind and the September morning. the gigantic, awe-inspiring wonders of There goes, on t h e one hand, the n a t u r e afford a beautiful p a n o r a m i c man wh<» has tasted all the pleasures scene for the h u m a n eye. Hoth come and good things that money can buy in for their s h a r e of praise in prose, have t h e i r for him and who is exerting every in- poetry and song, and fluence to find new fields in which the c h a m p i o n s a m o n g all classes of o u r is a fairy goddess of wealth may unbolt American people. Yet t h e r e new t r e a s u r e s to yield t o ' h i s bidding. p a n o r a m a which f a r surpasses .these On the other hand we find' that large in grandeur, majestic beauty and varclass of individuals who, having been iety of color, design and profusenes^. bound to their tasks the whole year It is a p a n o r a m a which easily escapes round, rejoice in t h e glory of a few- the notice of t h e less observing bedays vacation in which they may- cause it is so common. There is no rest and refresh their bodies, c r a m p - necessity of expensive travel and long ed and wearied by the irksome task, weary journeys in order to s h a r e in and purify and uplift their minds, this wonder. It is t h e sublime kaleidodwarfed and stinted by their sordid scope of the seasons. From the time and beautiiess surroundings. When when Sam Walter Foss wrote: "Let me live "Leafless, yet soft as spring, t h e tenin a house by the side of t h e road der purple s p r a y on copse an.l and be a friend to m a n " he must briar," to t h e time have had a glimpse of the interest- "When winter winds a r e piercing ing p a n o r a m a that unfolds itself bechill fore the eyes of one who observes the And through t h e h a w t h o r n blows passing life upon the highway. t h e gale,

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14 East 8th St. With solemn feet I treaiT t h e hill. That overbrows the lonely vale", t h e r e is nothing in all the expansive fields of literature, next to t h a t allpervading subject, love, that is so widely s u n g and so unstintingly praised as thfs ever changing, ever new p a n o r a m a of the seasons. Is t h e r e a HOLLAND, MICH. sweeter and gentler tribute to Spring Capital 1100,000.00 possible than Longfellows translation Surplus and Profits $140,000.00 of t h e F r e n c h poem on Spring i»y Charles D'Orleans? Interest paid on Time "(Jentle Spring! in sunsLlne clad Comp ^ Deposits s^1.AnBU.ll7 Well dost thou thy powers display! F o r Winter m a k e t h the light h e a r t If we should ask those upon the sad. i highway regarding their deetinatio i And t h o u — t h o u makest the sad h e a . t and purpose of travel we would legay. ceive answers as varied as the groups and individuals themselves, but He sees thee, and calls to his gloomy train, . roughly we can divide them into two the classes. There a r e those who are in- The sleet, and the snow, and wind, and the rain, terested in the wonderful achieveMarcel .75 ments of their race and a r e making And they shrink away, and they flee Maniure in fear. .50 long and tedious journeys to worship Shampoo .50c at the shrine of some great architect, When thy merry step draws near." Pfcone Ur ApptbUuit. PkMt 5978 And where is t h e r e a man witn sculptor or iminter. And well may they be proud of s o m e of the wonder- soul so dead who has not rejoiced with the Hoosier poet; ful things which t h e mind and t h j "Ix)ng about knee-deep in J u n e , h a n d s of* m a n have created and i brought to pass. In the days of ihe I {out the time strawberries melts On the vine,—some a f t e r n o o n dawn of modern inventions when "Announced by all t h e t r u m p e t s cf J u s t sprawl out lengthways on th*; Samuel Morse invented the telegraph, the sky. grass he flashed the message over a faw Arrives t h e snow, and, driving o'.-r miles of wire: "What hath God W h e r e the s h a d d e r s thick and soft t h e fields. As t h e kivvers on the bed w r o u g h t ! " Today, as we stand and Seems nowhere to alight: t h e whited Mother Axes in the loft marvel at the creative energy of m a n air Alius when they's company." displayed in the erection of towering Hides hills and woods, the river, a n i skyscrapers and t h e development of And who h a s not shared t h e feelings t h e heaven modern s u p e r - p o w e r projects, the lat- of the poet in t h e glories of the And veils t h e f a r m h o u s e at t h e garest discoveries in the fields of sci- a u t u m n a l days when he writes: dens end." "Outstretched with benedictions o'er ence, mechanics and medicine, we Truly there-Ls a beauty and lovelit h e land, may wonderingly a s k : " W h a t is the ness in .the ever c h a n g i n g kaleidosnext marvel which the power of Blessing t h e f a r m s through all thy cope of n a t u r e t h a t is sublime, and vast domain. m a n ' s mind will bring a b o u t ? " it "To him, who in t h e love of nature, Thy shield is the red harvest moon seems as though nothing were imholds suspended possible for t h e h u m a n race to acCommunion with h e r visible forms, complish and small wonder it is t h a t So long beneath the heaven's o'ershe s p e a k s hanging eaves. so large a part of our fellow-men A various language: for his gayer feast their eyes upon a p a n o r a m a 80 Thy steps a r e by t h e f a r m e r ' s prayers hours attended; full of interesting variety a n d inclaShe h a s a voice gladness, and a Like flames upon an a l t a r shine the \ sive boundlessness. smile sheaves; Yet this is a p a n o r a m a cold and And eloquence of beauty and she And, following thee in thy ovation glides lifeless, composed of inanimate stoive splendid. and steel, of unresponsive materials Into his d a r k e r musings, with a mlM Thine almoner, t h e wind, s c a t t e r s the which do not r e f r e s h t h e mind or And healing sympathy, t h a t steals golden leaves!" away rest the weary soul. F o r a mora And when t h e golden leaves* a r e Their sharpness, ere he is a w a r e . " pleasant scene we must accompany scattered all n a t u r e is ready for her Bruno Bruna '27. t h e second class of our fellow-travel- velvety winter cover when, Addison Society. In recalling this scene t h e r e arises before my vision the picture, not of one highway, l»ut of a bird's eye view of this vast expanse of hill, valley and plain, and t h e surging s t r e a m s of a restless h u m a n i t y upon a thousand highways which resembles the ceaseless activity of a huge ant-hill, where each individual c r e a t u r e seems to know where he is going and is in a hurry to get there. So every individual in this vast h u m a n procession is conscious of his destination and is not fully h a p p y until he has reached k.


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