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Michigan Justice, J. Prins Speak A t 81st Convocation The Convocation exercises this morning, September 25, a t 9:00 A. M., officially opened the eightysecond year a t Hope College. The speakers f o r the occasion were Dr. Jacob Prins and • the Honorable John R. Dethmers. Dr. Prins is from Grand Rapids and is well-known as the Minister of Evangelism of the Reformed Church. He is the Vice-president of the Board of Trustees of Hope College, s Dr. Prins presented the devotional meditation f o r the chapel program. The Honorable John Dethmers is a Holland man who recently was appointed by Governor Kelly as justice of the Supreme Court of Michigan. Mr. Dethmers attended Hope College for three years and then became a law student at the University of Michigan. He received his Bachelor of Laws degree with the class of 1927. Mr. Dethmers began his practice in Zeeland, but moved to Holland in 1931. He has served as prosecuting attorney of Ottawa County, Chairman of the Republican State committee, and part of one term as state attorney general. While at Hope College, Mr. Dethmers became a member of the Pi Kappa Delta. He is especially interested in all that promotes the civic, social, and moral progress of the community, and he is highly regarded by fellow members of the legal profession in Western Michigan.

Beach Party Begins YM, YW Activities The Y.W.C.A. and Y.M.C.A. activities begin this year with a beach party for all new students, freshmen or transfers. Transportaflbn is provided, and trucks will leave Graves library Wednesday, September 25, at 3:30 p. m. Group and team games will off e r opportunities f o r getting acquainted with fellow students as well a s working up an appetite for the weiner roast and s i n g i n g around the campfire which follows. The transportation, food, and recreation is in charge of the Y.W. and Y.M.C.A. cabinets with Miss Margaret Gibbs, college librarian, and Rev. Eugene Osterhaven, college pastor, as the group advisors.

Musical Ar+s Sponsors Vesper Concert Sunday

Musical Arts, an organization )f students participating or inter>3ted in music, will present its first in a series of five of Vesper services next Sunday, September 29, at 4:00 o'clock in the Hope Memorial Chapel. This Vesper service will include, among other selections, a vocal duet, organ solos and an organpiano number. The sen-ice is open to students and towns people alike, o f f e r i n g a few minutes enjoyment with the musical talent of the college. Mrs. W. Curtis Snow and Mr. | Robert Cavanaugh are the faculty 6 East 8 t h St., H o l l a n d , M i c h . 1 advisors for the organization.

Visscher-Brooks INSURANCE

Curriculum and Classes Enlarged To Accommodate Hope's Record Enrollment

Social Calendar

Monday — September 23 Freshman Registration Tuesday — September 24 Registration of Upper Classmen — Sorority House Parties. Wednesday — September 25 Convocation, 9:00 A. M., Hope Memorial Chapel; Y Beach Party, 3:00 P. M., Pan Hellenic Board Trucks Leave Graves Hall. Thursday — September 26 Classes Begin at 8:00 A. M.; Sets Forth Rules Orientation Tea, 3:00-5:00 P. M., Voorhees Living The following are the Sorority Room; Pep Rally, 7:30 P. M., Practice Field. Pledging Rules as compiled by the Friday — September 27 Football Game 8:00 P. M., RiverPan Hellenic Board: view Park, Hope vs. Albion; Dorm Pal Party 12:00 1. All sororities will have a Round Midnight, Voorhees Living Room. Robin Tea on either the second Sunday — September 29 Vesper Concert 4:00 P. M., Hope Friday or Saturday of the Fall semester. Memorial Chapel. a. A uniform price will be set Monday — September 30 Anchor Staff Meeting 4:00 for this party at an early P. M., Van Raalte. meeting of the Pan Hellenic Tuesday — October 1 Y Meeting 7:15, Pine Grove Board each fall.

/'s Schedule Hymn Sing N. Ritsema Announces ror October I Meeting Koffee Kletz Manager Alcor, the Senior girls honorary "Music is the r u s h i n g wind society, and A.D.D. the Athletic through pines Debt Digers, have combined as the On the crown of the hill." co-operators of the Koffee Kletz That is the setting of the hymn for this year. The Koffee Kletz is iing planned by the Y.W. and Y.M. the place for food, fun, and relaxaorganizations in the Pine Grove, tion located in the basement of Tuesday, October 1, at 7:15 P. M. Van Raalte Hall to be opened soon. Special musical features are a Nellie Mae Ritsema, Alcor presiq u a r t e t t e and instrumental selecdent, has announced that Luella tions by several students of the Pyle will be the business manager music department. Musical devotions, singing of fa- for the year. New equipment has been added vorite choruses, and effective closing moments all carry out the idea to accommodate a larger faculty and student body. of worship and praise by music.








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Welcome Hope College Students


b. All sophomore and new junior and senior girls are invited to this tea. c. A mimeographed sheet of announcements concerning pledging will be given to each guest by the sorority with which she has tea. 2. The following Monday, the sororities will meet and make a list of the girls that they would like to bid. a. The number of girls t h a t each sorority may choose is unlimited. On Tuesday all sorority lists must be handed in to the faculty committee.

Hope's incr^ised enrollment has greatly enlarged the number of classes in most subjects to be offered to Hope's students this fall term. Plans have been made f o r 18 sections of Freshman English Composition. These sections because of the scarcity in rooms available will be spread throughout the day and will necessitate Saturday classwork. In the language department, a third year of Spanish, Spanish literature, will be offered and will be taught b y . Mrs. Peter Prins. Miss Bouvy, from the University of Leydens in the Netherlands, will teach a course in Dutch popular with many students of Hppe with Dutch ancestry. Greek instruction wjll be given by Dr. Kuiper and Dr. Oudersluys, also professors at the Western Theological Seminary in Holland. New in Hope's elective curriculum is a three hour course in aeronautics and a one hour course in flight training which will lead to a government pilot's license. The Hope College Choir will have a regular school hour for practice. Try-outs are necessary for new members in the choir. Also in the music department, a piano ensemble course will be given by Miss Jantina Holleman plus a four student plan of teaching so each can benefit from others criticisms while playing for the instructor.

4. The girls wishing to be pledged must also have their choices in on this same Tuesday. a. Each girl is to list three sororities in the order of Other departments are adding her choice. b. If a girl does not wish to be many new courses and sections to pledged, she must hand in a accommodate all students if possible. The Northwestern Associapaper saying just that. c. Girls not joining a sorority I tion of Universities and Colleges in the Fall may be bidden las enlarged the quota for the and initiated by sororities number of students in classes allowing Hope tp remain on the same any time during the year, d. If three sororities are listed, high standard .during the emerit should mean that the girl gency period. is willing to join any one o( these sororities if she is not ' orities with each other. f o r t u n a t e enough to be bid9. The Friday night following the den by her first choice. day that the acceptances of the 5. A box, for the reception of bids are received, all sororities these choices, will be placed in will hold a welcoming party f o r the college office. The deadtheir new members. line will be 5 P. M. Tuesday. 10. All sororities will hold formal fi. No girl who has not made at initiation on the following Frileast a "C" average in her day night. freshman year will be eligible a. There will be no informal to be bidden by a sorority. initiation. 7. As soon as the faculty commitb. Following formal initiation, tee has completed their matchsororities will go their indiing process, they will give the vidual ways for the rest of sorority the list of their new the year. members and the bids from each sorority will be sent ^ t the same time. igjp&i 8. From the time the choice lists . All Kinds of are handed in until the accept- </uance of the bids are received i« &. a silent period and all girls arflr j w , 1 7 7 > College A v e n u e honor bound not to discuss sor-


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