068 board of foreign missions rca 1900

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Board of Foreign Missions»'«» Reformed Church in America

Independent 1857 Incorporated I860

Sixty-Eighth Annual Report Presented to the General Synod at Asbury Park, N. J.

J U N E , 1900

MISSIONS Amoy, China, 1842 Arcot, India, 1853 North Japan, 1859 South Japan, 1859 Arabia, 1894

SimO&I&feL EIB2t2TAS?„ Igaaswiek, M. J.

Offices of the Board in the Reformed Church Building, No. 25 East Twentysecond Street, N e w York City :: !•• ::

ACTION OF THE GENERAL SYNOD. The following resolutions, recommended by the Committee on Foreign Missions, were adopted by the Oeneral Synod at Asbury Park, £T. J.. June, 1900: 1. That we re-affirm our confidence and appreciation of the wise and self-sacrificing efforts of the members of the Board of Foreign Missions. , 2. That the Church be urged to raise during the current year the actual sum of at least $120,000 for the regular work of the Missions, and that $20,000 additional be raised for the liquidation of the debt. 3. That the usual method of apportionment be recommended to the several Classes ; that the Board make such apportionment as soon as possible; and let them be made as equitable as possible. 4. That the various Classical Missionary Agents stir up the churches within their bounds to catch the inspiration of this opening Twentieth Century, and urge them to make one extra offering this year for the debt. 5. That the First Sabbath in November, (Nov. 4), be designated for the presentation of the subject of Foreign Missions, and that pastors present it bo their people, 6. That a brief financial statement, embodying the condition and needs of the work, be sent by the Board to each Church, at least two weeks previous to said Sabbath. 7. That the Monthly Concert of Prayer for Missions be com­ mended and urged upon our churches; in order to bring out the peeds of the work and workers before God, and disseminate such intelligence as shall promote missionary zeal. 8. That we give most emphatic endorsement to the work of the women of our Church, and urge the establishment of Auxiliary Societies in all pur congregations. ‘ 9. That we most heartily recommend the Twentieth Century Missionary Movement to all our Y. P. C. E. Societies and all our Sunday-schools. 12. That the various Consistories be urged to do all in their power in securing the co-operation of our church members, to reach all with systematic plans of giving and praying for this work.

13. Since a large part of the support of this work, under God, lies in a greater increase of consecrated wealth, this S y n o d urges upon those of our m e m b e r s m o r e 'favored than others with this world's goods, the grace of giving liberally to this w o r k in propor­ tion to their greater ability, or remem be ri ng it in the disposition of their substance in their last will and testament. , 14. That Classes and 'Churches, together with individual m e m ­ bers, be urged to provide for the support of missionaries; r ec om ­ m e n di ng to t h e m the example of the Arabian Mission which, from its very beginning, has been carried on b y the syndicate plan of giving, and which, although n o w under the control of this Board, continues to be liberally supported.

The Sixty-Eighth Annual Report OF THE

Board of porei^i) ^Hissiops O F T H E R E F O R M E D C H U R C H IN A M E R I C A AND


With the Treasurer’s Tabular and Summary Reports of Receipts For the Year ending April 30, 1900





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- . ■ Before the next meeting of the- General' Synod; "the: Nineteenth •Century will have ended; and'the'TwentiethCentury begun-. , ’ -' i A Backward It seems-proper, therefore,'at'this time, to* ■ Glance. take a backward'look,-to s'ee-what has been' accomplished by us in the w o r k of-Foreign Missions beforeconsidering the condition of that w o r k •to-day. If it' shall appear that the w o r k n o w in hand is the direct -result of divine inspiration and direction at the outset, and of divine­ blessing through all its course hitherto, it m a y well'be ex-' pected that the Church will address itself with the greaterzeal, consecration and liberality to that which lies before itn o w and in the century so soon to open. ' 'Divine F ° r sixty-eight years the ‘ R e f or me d initiative.Church has had its o w n B oard of Foreign Missions, though for the first twenty-five it operated rather as an auxiliary to the A merican B oard of C o m m i s ­ sioners for Foreign Missions. E v e n before the opening of the Century, s o m e of its ministers and churches had united with those of other denominations in union societies in var­ ious places, but this did not satisfy the evangelistic spirit which had been kindled and w a s burning in the Church. In 1832, both of the then existing Particular Synods— of N e w Y o r k and Albany— memorialized the General Synod, urging the responsibility of the Church for the evangelization of the w;orld, and that the C hurch ought to have foreign Missions of its own. T h e appeal w a s heard and heeded. A B oard of Foreign Missions w a s constituted and arrangements m a d e with the Ame ri ca n Board, by which Missions which might be established should be under its care, but the mission-

aries and m e a n s to sustain the m should be supplied by the R e f o r m e d Church. U n d e r these arrangements the Mission to Borneo w a s begun and carried on, and later those to China and India. ’p V 'p" ‘ V' E v e n this w a s not e nough to satisfy the Larger Pleas, evangelistic spirit, which had g r o w n stronger/ year by year. In 1857 General Synod, in answer to ear­ nest and forcible representations from its o w n Board, desired to,abrogate the existing arrangement and alliance; and form ah independent B oard of Foreign Missions.rof its own, take over the Missions it had aided in establishing and supporting/ and had supplied with Missionaries from its o w n minstry and membership, and henceforth administer its o w n independent Foreign Mission work. A n d this w a s done on the ground and for the reason— distinctly stated and urged by m a n y valid considerations,— that thus the Church would be en­ abled and disposed to do m o r e for the cause of Missions and in obedience to the commission’,and c o m m a n d of her H e a d and Lord, than she had done before. T h e revival .which im-: • mediately followed in. the church wit h which the S y n o d met in that eventful year,, seems to attest the divine guidance in arriving at this decision and the divine blessing resting upon it. So, also, does all the subsequent history of the Board. ' Missions Divinely D uring the period • under review, Mis­ Directed. ■ sions of the Church have been planted in four of the most important fields' of Missionary-.oper­ ations in the Asiatic continent, and, with ■ the ex-, ception of Africa, of the world. It - would be easy, to show, did space permit, the distinctly providential leading, which resulted in the planting of the! A m o y Mission- in, China through the instrumentality of David Abeel and those associated with him; of the Arcot Mission-inTndia by the,' agency of Dr. John Scudder and his sons,; of the Missions in Japan through the unexpected and providential call and, the equally providential and unexpected provision of the m e n . to'go and of the m e a n s to sustain them; and lastly, of the. Arabian Mission, through the influence of Prof. Lansing a n d , the' y o u n g . m e n a'ssociated'with h i m in this' last appeal to the

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.Missionary instincts and spirit of the Church. In each of .these cases the C hu rc h has simply followed sometimes, in­ deed, with hesitation, the leadingvof providence— the m a r k e d » expression of the will of God. , i , ; M a n y other opportunities for Missionary effort ha.ye been presented;— in South Africa and in South America, in Mexico, Ceylon and Korea, (the latter on t w o occasions), and-only last year in the Dutch Island of Curacao. B ut in •none of these were the s a m e or like indications of the divine will and interposition to be discerned, and they were all de■dined, in obedience to indications in the opposite direction. ■' Oar Fields and T h e fields occupied by us are wide, the •Responsibility, population great, and the w o r k of their ■evangelization sufficient to satisfy the highest spiritual a m ­ bition of such a Church as ours, and to c o m m a n d all the •energies it can muster, all the prayers it can offer, and all the forces and resources it can supply. In China at least ■2,500,000 look to us for a knowledge of the grace of G o d which brings salvation in a region assigned by mutual agree­ men t with other Missions, to us alone. T h e Arcot Mission in India has exclusive and undisputed care of districts con­ taining 3,000,000 of benighted souls w h o mus t receive the Gospel from us if they receive it at all. In Japan w e have •access, happily not exclusive, to as m a n y more. In the lim­ ited area yet occupied by us in Arabia, 1,500,000 are within our easy reach, and ours alone, while s o m e seven or eight millions m o r e are without a single Missionary of the Cross. A t least 10,000,000 of non-Christian— P a g a n and M o s l e m s — are thus not only easily accessible by us, but depend solely on us for the Bread of Life. It is a large task the L o r d has set us, apparently impossible. B ut not nearly so large nor so impossible as when, looking with compassion u p o n the 5,000 h ungry m e n beside w o m e n and children, w h o had fol­ lowed H i m to the wilderness, H e said to His disciples, “Give ye t h e m to e a t o r when, to those s a m e disciples, after His resurrection, looking upon the world H e had died to save, H e said " G o ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” •

■ " ■ Into these fields, including the early Misforees supplied. sjon t0 g orne0j abandoned in 1843 for the •m o r e inviting field opened in China, the C hurch has sent 196 Missionaries; eighty-two men, seventy-one wives and forty-three unmarried w o m e n , not to mention those, both m e n and w o m e n , w h o m it has contributed to this service under other Societies and -Boards. T h e n a m e s of all are ■justly cherished. S o m e of the m will live so long as the peoples w h o m their lives and labors have enriched and blessed remain, or the C hurch of Christ and its history en­ dures. W h o can estimate the value to the C h u r c h itself the cause of Missions -and m an ki nd of such men, n o w sainted, (not to speak of those yet living,) as John Scudder and the worthy sons w h o have followed h i m in labors and n o w share his .reward, of David Abeel, John V. N. Talmage, S. R. .■Brown, G uido F. Verbeck? Their m e m o r y is a priceless heritage to.the Church, as their lives and labors were a noble contribution to the.evangelization of the world and the wel­ fare of mankind. F or the maintenance of these m e n and Funds Contributed. w o m e n and their work, the erection of resi­ dences, .school buildings, hospitals, famine relief, etc., the Board has received and used, since '1857, the s u m of $3,415,­ 938.61. T o this should be added the a m o u n t received for the Arabian Mission, $49,599.90, since that Mission c a m e under its care in 1894. This m ak es the total receipts for all the Missions $3,465,538.51. If to this there be added the s u m of $245,468.81 contributed from 1832 to 1857, w e have the grand total of $3,711,007.32 as the financial contribution of the R e f o r m e d Church to the w o r k 'of Foreign Missions through its Board during the 68 years of its.existence. While the average of annual receipts w a s $9,819 for the twenty-five years previous to 1857, for the succeeding fortythree years it w a s $60,799. T h e latter period began with receipts of $16,077 *n I8s8; but once since, 1888.have they fallen below $100,000, and in the year just closed, including the Arabian Mission, they,.amounted to $147,214. T h u s marvelously has the Church g r o w n .to its task, and in its

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.practical, appreciation and efforts for. the. maintenance, of its Foreign Missions. i,



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■. A glance.at the . s u m m a r y and .table of Comparative Statistics, on page 86 will . s h o w in part the growth which has .attended these Missions since, .they c a m e fully .into our hands in 1857.. T h e view is only partial because,, from the North Japan, Mission have disappeared almost en­ tirely the churches (more than a .score); the pas­ tors and communicants, .founded, trained and gathered by it which are n o w enrolled with the “Church of Christ in Japan.” T h e figures given only.indicate the ordained help­ ers> (3)) a n d communicants, (524), directly under the care of the Mission or its individual members, and not yet formed into Churches. W i t h this apparent loss but real gain, the growth has yet been marked, and such as ought to w a k e n the liveliest gratitude to G o d to w hose blessing it is. due. , T h e net results, capable of tabulation, in 1858, were small indeed1. T h e y were expressed1in figures as embracing six stations and t wo outstations; twenty-two native helpers without a single ordained native minister; seven churches with 297 communicants; six schools and 87 scholars. T h e entire Missionary force w a s fifteen, of w h o m eight were men, six wives and one unmarried w o m a n . T o day the six stations have increased to 23; the t wo outstations to 230; the native helpers to 380, of w h o m 31 are ordained pastors a nd 112 are w o m e n . ‘T h e seven Churches have increased to 39, beside those in Japan n o w independent of us, and the 297 communicants to 4597. T e n boaiding schools for boys have 577 scholars and ten for girls and w o m e n have 451, w here none existed in 1857, while the day schools have g r o w n from 6 to 163, and the scholars from.87 to 5715. A m o n g these is to be reckoned a College with 1000 students or m o r e in India. N o hospitals 01 dispensaries were found in Jhe beginning. N o w ^ there Work.

•are six, in which m o r e than 26,000 patients were treated in 1899. •• B ut these figures, suggestive and cheering as they are, m a k e no account of the blessed dead, w h o brought out of heathen darkness into the light of everlasting life, are nowo aimong-the great multitude from every people and kindred ■and tribe and nation before the throne and in the presence of their Lor d and Savior. N o r any m o r e of those; silent but pervasive influences incapable of tabulation, which have wrought to the breaking d o w n of superstition, hatred a n d prejudice, the introduction of higher thoughts, desires and aims, the relief of distress and'comfort of the sorrowing, and the preparation, a m o n g all these peoples, of “the w a y of the Lord.” These all are" the blessings G o d has added, to the labors of the past. It is His doing, and marvelous in our eyes. " DEPARTMENTS OF MISSION WORK.

T h e methods by which these results have been obtained are manifold. T h e y will be found under the one title, “ Foreign Missions,” most of those which are d e e m e d necessary for the spreading of the Gospel and the establishment of the Church and its institutions here at home, and each of which has here its o w n separate and appropriate agency. Various Methods.

Without doubt, the “ S u p r e m e and deter­ minating a i m ” .in Foreign Missions is evan­ gelistic. Its object is evangelization, to give the knowledge of Christ to those w h o do not k n o w H i m , that they m a y become partakers of His salvation. This m a y be done by oral preaching or, where m e n can read, by the printed page, the circulation of the Scriptures, religious papers, tracts and books. T h e goo d will of m a n y must be w o n before they will even listen to the message. In no other w a y can this be done in most Mission fields m o r e easily and surely than by the art that brings relief to the diseased, distorted, suf­ fering body. H e n c e hospitals and dispensaries take their Evangelistic Aim In All.


JUNE," 1900'



rightful place a m o n g evangelistic agencies. T h e sam e is true of schools, from the lowest to the highest, since helpers and evangelists must be taught and trained for evangelistic -work a m o n g their o w n peoples, and the children of the % churches receive a Christian education. T h e churches', too. mus t be watched and tended, guided in Christian life and duty, led to self-support, trained for self-government, and stimulated to aggressive and unpaid individual and asso­ ciated effort to propagate the truth they have received.' And, as here, so on Mission fields, these churches must be pro­ vided, or helped to provide themselves, with buildings suit­ able for Christian worship and the needs and w o r k of a Christian congregation. T h e Foreign Mission w o r k of the Church, therefore, is a great, complex system of agencies, in all of which the evangelistic aim is uppermost and the spirit of evangelization dominant. If that spirit be wanting in any department it has no right to be. T h e distinctly evangelistic w o r k of the Missions m a y be represented by the large proportion of Missionaries engaged in it, and its visible re­ sults by the Churches established, the n u m b e r of c o m m u n i ­ cants and congregations. In all the stations, 23, and 'biitstations, 230, the Gospel is preached by Missionaries and native helpers. In Arabia alone this w o r k is done rather by private conversation a nd explanation of the Scriptures, or by the circulation of the printed page. In China and North Japan, m u c h of this w o r k is done by the unmarried w o m e n , occupying stations, carrying on w o m e n ’s meetings and S u n d a y and other schools.' Suc h is the w o r k of Miss C a p p o n at Chiang-chiu, and Misses Calkoen, D ur ye e and Z w e m e r at Tong-an, in China, and Miss W i n n and Miss D e y o in Japan. ' Evangelistic tours are m a d e in all the Missions, both by m e n and w o m e n , and visits to the h o m e s of the w o m e n form a considerable feature of the work. T h e churches and little companies of believers not yet organized into churches are visited, instructed and encouraged. N e w openings for labor Evangelistic work.



■ ,• i" '' are discovered, and an entrance made,for the Gospe|,where it had never before penetrated. T h e Christian E ndeavor Societies, especially in ,India, are taking a noticeable part in this important work. A s an ilustration of wha t m a y be accomplished in the wide proclamation of the truth, the, .statement m a y be noted that, aside from the regular preach­ i n g services, the Gospel ;w a s preached in the. Arcot Mission by Missionaries and helpers, 45;498 times in 27,814 places to audiences numbering,833,194. If to. these be added the 779 visits of Bible and Zneana w o m e n , in a large number,of heathen homes, the n u m b e r of hearers reaches almost to a million. ' Yet it is this most important and indispensable w o r k which is the first to feel a “cut,” and where retrenchment is most disastrous, most alien to the Missionary idea a n d ^ o s t destructive of the yery object for which pur Missionaries are sent out and our Missions maintained. Educational Work Almost every grade of school except the and institutions. University, isembracedinthenumberofthose carried on by our Missions., A t the bottom of the scale are ten day schools in China and in India, in which Christian instruction is imparted to .4600 scholars, children of the Church and others. A m o n g those in India are eighteen .schools for H i n d u girls of high caste w h o cannot, by reaspn of .their caste, be gathered into boarding schools but receive careful training in which the Bible and Christian lyric^ fprm a considerable part, These girls are followed to their h o m e s by Christian w o m e n and themselves carry into .their h o m e s the teachings they receive. 1 T e n boarding-schppls gather,450 girls and w o m e n under the daily influenqe and instruction of consecrated Chris­ tian w o m e n , and few of .them .leave these schools, provided they remain long e nough under such influence, without being brought to accept Christ as their Savior. This is the delight­ ful testimony .botne by those w h o in. the five such schools in China, the three in India and the.Eerris and Sturges S e m i ­ naries in Japan are engaged in this blessed and fruitful seryipe, .... , .-s ..... . ,

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O f Boarding-schools for boys and .young m e n there a tie also ten with nearly 600 (577) scholars, a mong, t h e m .the Meiji Gakuin in Tokyo, the Steele College in Nagasaki, the Middle School, .(Talmage Memorial) at .Amoy, and five schools in India, one of them, ,at Arni,.haying an industrial department. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .,1 Rather than renounce its Christian,character and.giye up its direct Christian teaching and ,influence,,,,the . Meiji Gakuin this year relinquished the privileges it had only.a short time ago secured by becoming connected with the school system qf Tokyo, in 'consequence of the Instruction from the Minister of Education forbidding, all religious teaching and worship in such schools. . ... N e x t above the m in grade stands t h e ,Arcot Mission College at Ve}lore, with its,thousand students., T h p u g h most of these are Hindus, only the.hoarders being Christians, or from Christian homes, the .college is distinctly Christian, and.its Christian influence and spirit are pronounced. , O u t of the boarding schools, in large measure, c o m e the teachers and those w h o are expecting to b ecome preachers, and carry on the w o r k of evangelization a m o n g their o w n countrymen. F or the special training of these and others, four theological.schools and classes are.maintained, with fifty .students in,course of preparation for this work. T h u s through all the educational system, of our Mission schools, if system it.can be called, the .Christian :and ^evangelistic spirit rules and this aim..is dominant... , N Qr is it less so with the medical departmen t of the w o r k . . T h e testimony is volumi­ nous and cumulative that in the hospital, or the dispensary, where physical iljs are ministered to m the very spirit of the Great Physician, the truth of the Gospel finds frequent lodgr m e n t in the hearts of patients and is carried b y U h e m to their homes, often far away, there to spring up and g r o w and bring .forth fruit. T w o hospitals at A m o y — one general and one for w o m e n — are in .successful operation, and an­ other at Sio-Khe will soon ;be re-opened after being, .closed Hospitals and Dispensaries.



for years- through lack- of a medical Missionary to take charge of it. M o r e than 12,000 patients were treated at A m o y during 1899. '■ • -" T h e hospital at Ranipettai, near Arcot, India, with its record of m o r e than 100,000 patients in the last ten years, has recently been turned over by government to the Arcot Mission, w ho se title to its control w a s disputed by the local government chiefly because of the religious influence it' ex1erted and which w a s recognized as pervading it. In Arabia also, where n o Mission hospital as yet exists, dispensary practice (4500 patients having been treated last year at Busrah and Bahrein) has served to dispel prejudice, win favor and afford manifold opportunities for Christian influence and instruction a m o n g the followers of the false prophet. T h e munificent gift to the W o m a n ’s B oard of $10,000’, by the late Robert Schell, of N e w York, to found and equip the M a r y Taber Schell Hospital for W o m e n , at Vellore, India, will add n e w efficiency to this branch of Missionary effort, and greatly multiply the opportunities for giving to' the ignorant and dark-minded w o m e n of India, s o m e k no wl ­ edge of Christ and His salvation. .

N o r should the w o r k of the press be ovefi00ked in this survey of Missionary activi­ ties. T h e Church Messenger, published at A m o y , the M a n g a l a V a s a n a m in India, the Glad Tidings and Little Messenger in Japan m a k e their monthly visits and carry their ministry of light to.thousands of homes. O f all these and other w a y s of reaching the people, non-Christian and Christian, in our Mission fields, the reports of the various Missions speak. T h e y represent a vast a m o u n t of devoted labor and, if energized by the H o l y Spirit, a mighty force for the pulling d o w n of the strongholds of falsehood, ignor­ ance and superstition, and the enthronement of Christ in the hearts of men. r “ It is a w o r k in which the church should rejoice and for which it should devoutly thank God. It is a w o r k it should not willingly let die or be diminished, ham pe re d or curtailed The Press.

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by any lack of liberality or even sacrifice on, its own-part, i . It is a w o r k that must g r o w in the future as it has in the past, by the blessing of G o d upo n it, if the C hurch will but gird itself for the necessary effort,and by larger giving of m e n and means, and mighty prayer, call that blessing down. ■





T h e reports of the various Missions, from ' which these facts are taken, are' presented herewith and will well repay careful study. They, a mply set forth the details of their condition, its d e m a n d s arVd its o p ­ portunities. T h e y m a k e it clear that the w o r k is yet, after all that has been done, in a preparatory, stage; that if the-Lord has indeed led us into these fields, directed and helped'us in the work, m a d e us willing to do it and crowned it with,.Hi? blessing, w e are n o w face to face with conditions which m a k e a large advance imperative. ’ W e have no reason and no right to sit d o w n in satisfaction till He'Himself is'satisfied. • • 1 ' ' ‘" 1 .


" It >s easy to. see that if the peoples a m o n g w h o m w e labor are to be really evangelized,' only a beginning has been made. T aking the most favorable view possible of all that has been accomplished, of the n u m ­ ber. o f .Missionaries and native agents, the churches and ,their membership, the schools and academies established and the n u m b e r of their scholars, it is yet impossible not to say ‘•What are these a m o n g so-many,” W h a t are they all, c o m ­ pared with the millions to be evangelized, t w o generations of . w h o m have passed a w a y since-we began ? ' 1 .’W e have but touched, for example* the fringe of Arabia, and the Mission pleads for. t wo m o r e m e n to reach out to the neglected tribes rnorth qf. Busrah, and up to the mountains of Oman-. Thejiwhole .interior is4yet untouched by. Missionary effort. • So, too, it. asks for, ;t w o women,.to begin and carry on, as no married w o m a n can, that w o r k for w o m e n in Arabian h o m e s which forms so large a. part-oft the: work, in other fields. ., ........ .• .«i-y „ a Beginning.


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O n e of oiif ’Missionaries in'India reports a parish, or diocese, of 250,600 people. W h a t can he do with his small band of helpers to bring the Gospel to the'many thousands' w h o have never heard' its sound ? His case is not the drily one' in India, nor'is India the only'field in which the sarrie is true. T h e agents, both native and foreign, and the agen­ cies, must be multipilied many'fold before there'can be any hope of accomplishing.the, end for which these Missions were established. . . .. 1 ■ 1 ’ 1 Favorable' ,l' Theifime is ripe'for such enlargement. T h e :Conditions. fields are white'unto'harvest.1 F r e e d o m of: access1to the pedple'is1everywhere' the rule. O n l y in"Arabia is there’a'ny qubkionj' and the assumed inaccessibility of any df its'tribes is'yet to be demdrisf rated. Thfe a'tterfipt to reach: th'erh 'with the Gospel has riot'yet beeri-’made. ■ 1 BarfleesBarriers that formerly existed in Japan .Broken down.. to the free .circulation,, residence and w o r k of the Foreign Missionary have been abolished by the n e w treaties which came, into force in July, 1899, and the whole E mp ir e lies opj^n to his efforts. s T h e upheaval going on in China, the promised reforms proclaimed by the E m p e r o r only to be withdrawn by the E m p r e s s D owager, and the very efforts m a d e to expel the ;foreign preacher and his doctrine all.unite to direct attention Jo h i m and his message and prepare for them a way. • i' inquiry and Everywhere, also, a n e w spirit of inquiry Attention. seems to be abroad. M o r e copies of the Scriptures and portions thereof are sold to M o s l e m s by our brethren in Arabia than to any other class of people. E v e n the Brahmins in India' give m o r e respectful attention' and1 s h o w less opposition to the preaching of the Gospel than ever before. A m o n g the lower classes whole villages, or con­ siderable numbers of their inhabitants, press their desire to be taken under Christian instruction, putting a w a y their idols and their idol worship. O n every hand, in every field, the widest opportunities are presented, waiting only to- be em-


braced: The'cbnditions for'and possibilities of future growth are'far beyond anything witnessed'in'the past! „




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.Before these opportunities w,e stand help­ Discouragement. less, with our present force .and the m ea ns at pur disposal. T h e force in all our Missions is utterly in­ sufficient for the, w o r k it has to do. In two, at least, it is der' dining. .T h e A m o y Mission has only half as m a n y m e n on the fiejd as it had three years ,ago,- four instead of eight.. T w o of the force are doctors, ,GPrs.. Otte and Stumpf,) and attached .to hospitals. One, (Mi;.; Pitcher,|) 1is the principal of the Middle rSchopP Thj s ,leaves ji^st ione, (iM!r. Studley,) to the evangelistic w o r k and the care of the churches and, helpers in the Sio-Khe and, Chiangvchiu districts, .with the million, and a half or m o r e :<pf .unevangplized .dw^ders in. those regions. It. is too much-for .tvyo, qr three men. H o w . m u c h m o r e for o n e ? . i-' (i.il1 ' ii.: .: T h e North Japan Mission has had out one Missionary; permanently added .to its force in sixteen years, while it has; lost three, Dr. A m e r m a n , Dr,, Verbeck a n d Dr. Poppen. T h e place m a d e .vacant in..the theological department of the Meiji Gakuin, at Tokyo, by the enforced .return of the last n a m e d to this country, has never yet 1been.filled,ithough w e are morally bound to contribute one professor to that de­ partment. T h e Directors of the institution have desired that M r. Olt ma ns of the South Japan Mission should fill this position, for which he is, confessedly, well fitted. But neither the latter Mission nor the Board were willing that the transfer should be m a d e unless his place in Kiu-shiu could be supplied. Three m e n for China, three for North and t w o for South Japan is the very least number'that would meet the present need. T h e utmost the B oa rd has been able to do has been to commission one m a n for China to g o out this fall. In view of these facts, and of the severe retrenchments the Board has been obliged to order for the last seven years— severest of'all last year— it should not excite w o n d e r that, in s o m e important respects, Going Backward.

our w o r k is actually going.backward. Careful oversight o f the4helpers and visitation of the churches has, in s o m e fields, been impossible. Valuable helpers have been lost through the inability of the Missions to employ them.. Aggressive evangelistic'work has been retarded and in s o m e instances prevented. Last and worst ‘of all, the North J ap an Mission is convinced that, if help does hot come,'the large and p r o m ­ ising field in Shin-shiu, so long occupied by it, must be given up, and'the Arcot Mission, for'the third time urges that, if the “cuts” are to continue, the Telugu portion of its field, long occupied by Dr. Chamberlain and later by his sons, be relinquished and handed over to another Missionary So; diety. • ■ ... ■ .. ■• 1 Is the Church ready'for such'a sacrifice?' Sacrifice of som e sort must'always attend tlie work'of Christ in this world. F or it H e freely sacrificed Himself. H e has left to His Church the completion of His great w o r k of redeeming this’lost world'to God. A part of it He'has given'to us to do and blessed us in the'doing. A r e ' w e ready to'make the sacrifice df ease and abundance in order to perform the larger duty'and embrace the greatef opportunities to which H e has’ led us up ? O r shall w e sacrifice the w o r k itself ?. H o w then can w e look H i m in the face w h e n he shall1 cdnie to take account of His servants? " J *. 1.. . .. . • ‘ : ■’ . . ■' '


. .' '

T h e whole n u m b e r of Missionaries, m e n >’• ' . • and w o m e n , n o w in. connection with the Board is 92: O f the 35 men, five are unordained, three of them being physicians and two teachers. O f the 57 w o m e n , thirtyone are. married and 26 unmarried. T w o of the latter and. the same, n u m b e r of the former .being .physicians. T h e dis­ tribution of this force appears in the Mission Reports.- ■ ■ Present Force.

Losses Arabia has again, suffered the loss of one • . ., • of its Missionaries„.by..,death. ''The-Rev. George E., Stone, a “ Student .Vplunteer.” and graduate of the Auburn, Theological Seminary, joined, the Mission in. 1898.-

His physical a nd intellectual vigor, sterling m anhood, deep spirituality, genial and cheerful disposition and thorough consecration gave the strongest hopes of a career of signal devotion and usefulness. B u t the L o r d had other purposes for him. Assigned to the station at Muscat, he took hold of the w o r k with energy, and bore himself with'a cheerful courage worthy of all praise.' O n being joined by Mr. Cantine he sought a brief respite of rest and relaxation by a short journey- up the coast. H e w a s kindly, received in an A r a b village, but almost immediately succumbed to an at­ tack of ‘‘heat apoplexy,” and died on June 26, 1899, after being less than a year on the field. H e lies buried on the shore at Muscat, near the grave of Bishop French. Rev. H e n r y Huizinga, of the Arcot Mission, having adopted Baptist principles, it w as thought best that he and the Mrs. Huizinga should be released from the Mission and the service of the Board. This action w a s taken in July, 1899, and his relation to the Board terminated in N o v e m b e r of that year. W i t h the cordial good wishes of the Board and the Mission he w a s c o m m e n d e d to the A merican Baptist M i s ­ sionary Union, w h o s e Telugu Mission he has since joined. All those reported as under appointment ' last year, have proceeded to the field and joined their respective Missions: ’ To Amoy:— Dr. a nd Mrs. C. Otto Stumpf, for.medical w o r k at Sio-Khe, supported by the W e s t E n d Collegiate . Church, N e w Y o r k ; Miss Louise Brink, supported by an in­ dividual, a nd Miss A ng ie M . Myers, M . D., by the Y o u n g Ladies’ Missionary Society of Smith College, Northampton, Mass. ■ To Arabia:— Rev. H a r r y J. Wie rs um , Missionary of the Sioux County, Iowa, Syndicate, in place of Rev. Peter J. Z w e me r, w h o died in 1888. ' To Japan:— Rev: Charles M . Myers, as a teacher in Steele College, Nagasaki. In addition 'to the above the following have been ap­ pointed to and have joined the Arcot Mission, India:

Rev. Walter T. Scudder, recently pastor of the R e f o r m e d Church of Oyster Bay, L o n g Island, and Mrs. Ellen B a r ­ tholomew Scudder, M . D., of Ansonia, Conn. M r. and Mrs. Scudder were appointed in place of Mr. and Mrs. Huizinga, and were sent out by special contributions m a d e for that purpose. ’ Miss Ida S. Scudder, M . D., for medical w o r k in con­ nection with the projected Hospital for W o m e n at Vellore. Dr. Scudder w a s formerly connected with the Mission, but w as temporarily released from connection with the Board for the purpose of pursuing her medical studies in this 0 country. She is supported by the Auxiliary of the Mad is on A v e n u e R e f o r m e d Church, N e w Y o r k City. Miss Annie E. Hancock, of Malden, Mass., for evan­ gelistic w o r k in and in connection with the W o m a n ’s H o s ­ pital, supported by three ladies ° in the Marble "Collegiate Church. under

Rev. A.' Livingston Warnshuis of the Qassis of G r a n d River, to the A m o y M i s ­ sion. Mr. W a r n s h u i s ‘is a son of Rev. J. W . Warnshuis, a graduate of H o p e College and of the Theological Seminary at N e w Brunswick, and w a s the originator and efficient S u ­ perintendent of the Students’ S u m m e r C a m p a i g n of 1899. Miss A n n a D e Vries w a s appointed to the s a m e Mission, and expects to join it this fall as Mrs. Warnshuis. T h e Rev. James E. Moerdyk, of the Classis of W i s c o n ­ sin. Mr. M o e r d y k is the son of Rev. William Moerdyk, of Milwaukee, Wis., and a graduate of the sam e institutions as Mr. Warnshuis. H e goes to take the place m a d e vacant in the Arabian Mission by the lamented death of Mr. Stone. Appointment.

Returned Home.

T h e Rev. L. W . Kip, D. D., and Mrs. Kip, ^ ^ Mission, on furlough. T h e

state of Dr. K i p ’s health is such, however, as to preclude the hope of his return to China. T h e Rev.- D. Rapalje and Mrs. Rapalje, of the same Mission, by physicians’ orders on account of Mrs. Rapalje’s

health. T h e question of their return to the field is yet in abeyance. T h e state of Dr., Chamberlain?s health w a s such, in the s u m m e r of 1899, as to m a k e necessary his return to this country with Mrs. Chamberlain, in October, last. H e has so far improved by m e a n s of the rest and change that he hopes to rejoin the Mission and resume his w o r k in India,— prob­ ably on the hills,— this fall. B y physicians’ orders the Rev. H. V. S, Peeke, of the South Japan Mission, c a m e h o m e early in 1899. After rest and treatment he so far recovered as to do m u c h valuable w o r k a m o n g the Churches. H e expects to leave, with his family, for his field in Kiu-shiu during this meeting of the Synod. > T h e Rev. Albertus Pieters, of the sam e Mission, re­ turned h o m e with his family in M a y , 1900, for a well-earned furlough, delayed for one year at the request of the Board. Miss M . Leila W i n n , of the North Japan Mission, and Miss Sara M . Couch, of South Japan, having spent nearly a year at h o m e on furlough, expect to return to Japan in the fall. Miss A n n a D e F . T ho mp so n, of the Ferris Seminary, Y o k o h a m a , Japan, arrived h o m e in April. 1900. T h e Rev. L. R. Scudder, M . D., and Mrs. Scudder. after 12 years’ absence in India, returned to the United States in March, 1900. Dr. H . R. L. Worrall, of the Arabian Mission, is also at h o m e on furlough. T h e R e v - William I. Chamberlain, Ph.D., anci Mrs. Chamberlain, with their children, returned to the Arcot Mission at the end of 1899. Dr. Chamberlain resumed his position and duties as Principal of the Arcot.Mission College, at Vellore, with the beginning of the current year. Returned in the Field.


Early in 1899 M r: Peter Donald, Treasurer of the Board since 1892; resigned that office, and though re-elected

in June, declined to serve. T h e Board immediately elected Rev. J. L. A m e r m a n as Assistant Treasurer, with’ all the powers and duties belonging to the Treasurer, until another should be elected and enter upon' the duties of the office; These duties have been performed by h i m to the satisfaction of the Board. Every effort is being m a d e to fill the vacancy n o w existing. , Otherwise the officers of the Board remain the sam e as before. In obedience to the direction of the last Synod, careful attention has been given to the matter of obtaining a Field Secretary, or, in the event of failure, to secure the services of the Rev. J. G. Fagg. All efforts in this direction have proved thus far unsuccessful, but they have not been abandoned. T h e Board is not without hope that the expressed wish of the S y n o d and its o w n desires m a y be m e t during the c o m ­ ing year. ■ T h e term of the following m e m b e r s of the Board ex­ pires with this session, of the S y n o d : Rev. A. P..Van Geison, D. D., Mr. J. J. Janeway. " C. L. Wells, D. O., “ John C. Giffing, “ M . H. Hutton, D. D., “ Chas. H. Harris, “ W m . Moerdyk. Mr. A. Z. V a n H o u t e n resigned his membership in June, 1899, but, for reasons d ee me d sufficient by the Board, his place has not yet been filled. It should be filled at this ses­ sion. . '


w o m a n ’s



T h e W o m a n ’s Board celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of its organization in January, 1900. Appropriate religious services .were ob­ served in the Marble Collegiate Church, Fifth avenue and 29th street, N e w York, in the afternoon of January 21. T h e statements then presented s howed a truly remarkable record of intelligent, faithful and persistent labor and prayer, and of the blessing of G o d upo n them. O n M o n d a y , January 22, a Twenty-fifth Annfversary.

birthday reception w a s held in the R e f o r m e d C hu rc h Build­ ing which vyas largely attended and a generous offering m a d e for the erection of a Girls’ School Building and a M i s ­ sionary residence at Chiang-chiu, China. T h e latter is de­ signed as a generous free-will offering to S y n o d ’s Board, and the a m o u n t needed for it as well as for the Girls’ School is substantially complete. F or this help in time of need, S y n o d ’s Board is duly and deeply grateful.

Finaqciai Success.

Financially, the year has been the most successfu ] jn history of the W o m a n ’s

Board. Its total receipts a mounted to $50,683.90, including the generous gift of the late Robert Schell for the Hospital for W o m e n before referred to. It is a matter for regret that the venerable and generous donor did not live to see the completion of the hospital and the beginning of its blessed w o r k for the w o m e n of India. T h e total receipts of the W o m a n ’s B oard from the be­ ginning a m o u n t to $498,479. O f those reported above for the year, there have been paid to S y n o d ’s B oard the follow­ ing sums: F or the regular work, $31,361.28; for special objects, not within the appropriations, $5,163.35; for famine relief, $329.04; for the Arabian Mission, $784.89; m a k i n g a total of $37,638.56. Nearly one-fourth, therefore, of all the receipts of S y n o d ’s Board have c o m e through this channel. Twenty-one n e w Auxiliaries were added ’ during the year, m a k i n g the whole n u m b e r of such societies 569, or almost one for every C hurch in the denomination. work in the Twenty-six Missionaries, eighteen H i n d u . F,e,d' Girls’ schools, eight boarding schools, t wo .seminaries and a considerable share of evangelistic w o r k carried on by Missionaries, Zenana and Bible w o m e n , repre­ sent the operations sustained by the W o m a n ’s Board in the various fields abroad. U p o n such untiring and beneficent

activity, w e m a y well expect the approving smile of the Lor d to rest, and the effectual blessing of His grace. OTHER HELPS AND AGENCIES.

Beside the Classical Conferences under ' the auspices of the W o m a n ’s Board, which have been held as usual, the Secretaries and m e m b e r s of the Board have attended Conferences ■of the Classes of Albany, Saratoga and Schoharie at Albany; the Classis of Bergen a.t Hackensack; of H u d s o n a nd Rensselaer at H u d s o n ; of Kingston and O r a n g e at N e w Paltz and of Poughkeepsie and Westchester at Fishkill-on-Hudson. T h e aim of these Conferences has been to bring the condition and needs of our Missions and their w o r k m o r e distinctly to tHe attention of the ministers and officers especially, and also of the membership of the Churches. A few of the m have been well attended, notably that at Albany, and none of the m is believed to have been without effect. A larger n u m b e r w a s projected and would have been held but for causes beyond control. Grateful acknowledge­ m e n t is m a d e of the services so freely offered and rendered by ministers and others, s o m e of them»having no connection with the Board, in arranging for and addressing these C o n ­ ferences. A representative of the Board w a s sent as usual to each of the Particular Synods, at their meetings in M a y . If these delegations, b egun at the request of the Synods themselves, are to be kept up, the B oard would respectfully and earnestly request that the delegates, as in s o m e Synods so in all, have a definite time assigned them, and a period of sufficient length to enable the m to m a k e a suitable presentation of this important branch of the w o r k of the Church. ■ T o these mention should be added of the c. b . Convention. e m ;nentjy successful and enthusiastic C o n ­ vention of the Christian Endeavor Missionary L ea gu e held in N e w Brunswick on M a y 3 and 4, 1900, which enlisted the cordial sympathy and co-operation of the Churches, C. E.

Societies “and the Theological Seminary. Rallies have also been held, at several points, in the interest of the C. E. M i s ­ sionary movement. T h e Christian Intelligencer, De Hope and ° c ' De Heidenzvereld have cordially accepted and printed such statements, letters, and appeals as have been sent them, thus enabling the B oard to reach a wide circle of readers at no expense to it whatever. This service deserves a nd receives grateful recognition. The Press,

O f the regular periodicals m o r e directly . ' . . connected with and representative of our Mission work,- it is also possible to speak with encourage­ ment. T h e Mission Gleaner goes on its useful way, with slight expense, if any, to the W o m a n ’s Board. T h e Mission Field, since the restoration and reduction of club rates, has a greatly increased circulation, reaching n o w about 4300 sub­ scribers against less than 2500 last year. This is not done, however, without considerable cost to the Boards of Foreign a nd Domestic Missions,-— to this Board $874.50 for last year. Thfe D a y Star has a subscription list of 10,600, s o m e w h a t less than last year, but still pays its way. W i t h its monthly issue, quarterly Missionary Lesson Leaf and yearly Children’s D a y Exercise, it is doing excellent ser­ vice. N o valid reason can be given w h y these excellent periodicals should not be found in all the h o m e s and Sundayschools of the R e f o r m e d Church. Mission Field.

Illustrated sketches- of the A m o y and South Japan Missions, bringing the record of these Missions up to date, have been issued during the year. Similar sketches of the other Missions are in course of preparation. Several n e w leaflets have been printed and old ones reprinted to meet a large and increasing demand. There can be no surer sign of increasing interest in Missions and Mission work, than such a desire for information. It is the pleasure of the B oard to meet this desire and d e m a n d as freely and asjfully as possible. / Sketches and Leaflets.

students' ' A n entirely n e w and helpful agency durcampaign. jn g y ear w a s founci in the Students’ S u m m e r Campaign. A s stated in last year’s report, the aim of the campaign w a s not at all to solicit funds, and the c a m ­ paigners were not allowed to seek or receive them. It w as rather designed to secure the dissemination of Missionary literature, the foundation of Missionary libraries and study classes, and the introduction “of such m e a n s and methods in the Y o u n g People’s Societies and Sunday-schools as will, with the blessing of God, result in a deeper and m o r e intel­ ligent interest in the work.” Sixty-two students engaged in the w o r k of the C a m ­ paign, 119 churches were visited and 117 meetings held, 28 C a m p a i g n libraries— about 400 volumes— were sold, and eight study classes arranged for. Information w a s imparted to a large n u m b e r of societies and interest a wakened in the leaflets and publications of the Board. A considerable n u m ­ ber have been ordered and circulated as a consequence of these visits. On. the whole, this first C a m p a i g n cannot but be regarded as a success. A similar effort is planned for the c om in g summer, for which a n e w library of 15 volumes has been prepared, and the workers are again most cordially c o m m e n d e d by the B oard to the confidence and co-operation of the pastors of our Churches and the superintendents and teachers of our Sunday-schools.

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' ' ’’

T h e receipts of the B oard for the regular w o r k of its Missions were $108,000.43, from the usual sources. This s u m includes $889.88 from legacies, (the smallest a m o u n t from that source ever re­ ceived, and less by $4,438 than the previous year), and $2,­ 315.66 from interest oh invested funds. T h e balance, $104,­ 784.89, is from contributions only. It is to be observed, also, that while $10,000 were received in the preceding year in one donation, and applied to the regular work, no such do­ nation for that purpose w a s received in the year just closed. Receipts, Regular.

Notwithstanding this fact, the contributions for 1889-1900 fell only about $200 behind those of 1898-9. In addition to these sums, the Board also spGci&i ’ received, for special objects not included in the appropriations, $6,596.98; for sufferers by the famine in India, $5,722.60, and toward the pay me nt of its debt, $16,­ 256.27. T h e s u m total of these receipts and those above stated, is $136,576.28. T h e receipts of the Arabian Mission were as follows: from syndicates, $3,730.27; non-syndicate contributions, $5,712.23; for special objects (including $900 from the American Bible Society), $945, and from interest on loans $200, m a k i n g a total of $10,637.­ 50. T h e y were $652.84. less than last year. If this s u m be added to the total before given, w e have the whole amount' of $147,213.78 received by the B oa rd for foreign missionary work, regular and special, during the year. Arabian Mission.


O f the s u m s thus received, the W o m a n ’s s Work. g oar(j furnished $37,638.56, and had re­ maining in its hands, of the $50,683.90 received by it, at the close of the year, $13,045 34.. A further addition of this a m o u n t m ak es the total of all such receipts $160,257.12. Deducting from this, the legacies, $889.88; interest, $2,525.66 and donation from the American Bible Society, $900, or $4,315.54 in all, w e have the net re­ sult of $155,943.58 actually given for foreign w o r k during the year. This is the largest a m o u n t the C hurch has yet given in any one year for this purpose. It is a record of which it need not be ashamed. It shows that it is abundantly able, w h e n its interest is thoroughly aroused, to provide all the m e a n s needed to sustain its Missions as they ought to be sustained, and more. T h e following statement will, perhaps, m a k e the above figures m o r e easily understood. • F or the Board of Foreign Missions: Woman

Collections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legacies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interest on Security F u n d . . . . . . Interest on Trust Funds, Board of Direction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Total receipts for regular w o r k . . Gifts ex-appropriations. . . . . . . . F or famine sufferers in India... F o r the debt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$104,784 89 889 88 2,065 , 260 66 "

$108,000.43 6,596 98 5,722 60 16,256 27

, $136,576 28 T o this should be added, for the Arabian Mission: Receipts: Syndicate. . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,730 27 Non-Syndicate. . . . . . . 5,762 23 Ex-appropriation (inch A m . B. Soc. $ 9 0 0 ) .... 945 Int. on loans. . . . . . . . . 200 10,6375° M a k i n g the s u m total of all receipts $147,213 78 F r o m this should properly be deducted: Legacies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $889 88 Donation A m . Bible Society..... . 900 > Interest, both Boards . . . . . .... 2,525 66 4,315 54 M a k i n g the total of gifts. . . . . . $142,898 24 Total receipts of W o m a n ’s Board., $50,683 90 Paid to S y n o d ’s Board and included in the above: F o r regular w o r k . ...'. .$31,361 28 For special objects... 5,163 35 F or famine relief... . 329 04 For Arabian Mission., 784 89 37,638 56 13,045 34 '


$ 155,943 58

The'expenditures, excepting those for the . Arabian Mission which are given below., were: F o r the A m o y Mission, $2i;366.93; for the Arcot

Expenditures of the Board.

Mission, $45,775.82; for the North Japan Mission, $20,­ 358.54, and for the South Japan Mission, $17,771.15; a total for all t he,Missionis of $105,272.44. H o m e expenses, of administration, $9,405.31, and for interest o n loans, $1,­ '817.88. T h e total expenditure for the regular w o r k of the Board, at h o m e and abroad, w a s $116,495.63: This is $8,495.20 m o r e than the receipts from the s a m e work, as be­ fore stated. This deficiency m us t therefore be added to the debt. T h e expenditures for the Arabian Mis. . , . - ,, , , sion were, for salaries, held w o r k and travelling, $8,501.44, and for h o m e charges, $828.36; a total of $9,329.80. This shows a balance in favor of the Mission of $1,307.70, as compared with its receipts. Arabian Mission.


A t the close of the previous year, the net indebtedness of the Board amo un te d to $35,­ 422.11. T h e embarrassments resulting from such a situa­ tion were m a n y and grave. Deeply impressed by the neces­ sity of relief ‘from such a burden, the lay m e m b e r s of the B oa rd undertook, in November, 1899, t0 ra‘se the s u m of $40,000 to clear off all incumbrances. In this they were greatly aided by the subscription of M r. Ralph Voorhees, of $5000, on condition that the entire a m o u n t be raised. S u b ­ scriptions to the a m o u n t of $26,971.27 were secured by the close of the year. M r. Voorhees generously waived the con­ dition and added 80 per cent to his original subscription, m a k i n g his contribution $9000 in all. Others have also waived the condition, and $16,256.27 had been received w h e n the year closed. It would have been a great relief had the income enabled the B oard to meet its expenditures, but such w a s not the case. T h e debt, however, has been considerably reduced, other payments have been m a d e and efforts are still being prosecuted to reduce it still further, or remove it if possible, before the meeting of the Synod. T h e following statement shows the condition as compared with that of a year a g o : ■ indebtedness.

A m o u n t o f loans. . . . . Acceptances.. . . . . . . . . Special gifts expended.. Accrued interest on loans Meiji Gakuin F u n d ...

1899 $30,856 10,472 7,313 149

1900 10 $24,395 10 35 •10,570 69 89 6,207 94 17 130 83 3,350

.. $48,791 51 $44,654 56 Less cash balance and accrued in­ terest on Security F u n d . . . . . . I3>369 40 17,011 86 ■

$ 35,422 11 $27,642 70

Appropriations and

T h e Board has m a d e every effort to keep its appropriations within the limit of rea­ sonably expected receipts. This reasonable expectation has been assumed to be the average of the receipts of the pre­ vious five years. U p to last year, this average has been held to include gifts for special objects. This year they were » rigidly rejected and the appropriations held to include only the receipts for the regular w o r k of the Missions. This re­ sulted in the heaviest “cut” the Board has ever been c o m ­ pelled to make, a mounting to forty-three per cent on all the evangelistic and educational work. H a d not $10,000 been added to this average, the cut w ould have been 72 per cent, instead of 43. T h e operation of the cut will appear from the following comparative table: ' _ Estimates and appropriations for 1900: Estimates Appropriations 20,352 A m o y Mission. . . . . . . . . . ... 25,300 37,880 Arcot Mission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,992 20,609 North Japan Mission. . . . . . 16,212 South Japan Mission..... Estimates.

115,750 95,053 Nothing can prevent a recurring series of disastrous re­ trenchments but a resolute, and persistent effort on the part of the Church to supply the necessary m e a n s to carry on its

Missions in a w a y and on a scale in s o m e proper degree c o m ­ mensurate with their growth and needs, and with the great purpose for which they have been undertaken and prose­ cuted thus far. '


W hi le the B oard cannot but feel s o m e . ’ measure of disappointment in the situation and the outcome of the year,— that its debt has not been paid and the necessary expenditures have not been met,— yet it is impossible to criticize severely or find fault with a C hurch that has bestowed so m u c h upo n its foreign w o r k during the year that has just closed. T h e experience de­ monstrates that the Church is abundantly able to supply the m e a n s to remove all trace of indebtedness, thus actually pay­ ing for the w o r k done by its servants in days gone by, and to m a k e future debt unnecessary and impossible. It sounds a note of encouragement to the Church, to the B oard a n d to our Missions and our Missionaries in their far off fields of labor. . Y et the B oa rd cannot deny that the present situation, as disclosed in the preceding pages, is both distressing and perplexing. Its distress arises from the necessity of repeated and severe retrenchment,— in the past year, almost crushing,— from which heart piercing echoes have c o m e back to us from every field. Its perplexity from the problem h o w to turn the streams of benevolence into the proper channels, and provide first of all, and suf­ ficiently, for the regular work, evangelistic and educational, of the Missions. These lie at the foundation. Without these all special objects would be needless and out of place. N o school buildings w ould be needed if there are no M i s ­ sionaries to teach in the m or superintend the m and no funds to maintain them. T o build houses for Missionaries' would be worse than folly if there are to be no families to occupy them. T o continue to hold large regions, left to us by c o m ­ m o n consent or mutual agreement, as our peculiar and ap­ Distress and Perpiexity.

propriate fields of labor, if neither Missionaries nor native helpers can be supplied to cultivate them, would be a crime against humanity and a sin against God. W hile the Board mus t necessarily look to the Church for help in this perplexing situation, yet it ventures to offer without elaboration, for the careful and prayerful considera­ tion and action of the S y n o d a few suggestions looking toward relief and a better state of things in future.


i. Greater frequency and regularity of ^ .... ,. , , contribution is indispensable. Ihe day has long gone by w h e n a single collection for Foreign Missions, dependent too often on the weather, should be tolerated in any Christian Church. It is an enormity and an anachro­ nism. Yet in a large n u m b e r of the Churches it is still the rule. ^ Better Methods.


2 - Every agency or department of Church life and activity should be brought into the service. That this is not so in regard to our Sundayschools, nor of the Y o u n g Beople’s Societies to the extent 'it ought to be, is too evident, and has been top often dwelt upon, to need further remark. W h a t s o m e have done, es­ pecially in the West, m a y serve as an example and stimulus to others. ’ Employed.



, Men Enlisted.

3.1 In - instances too m a n y by far, the for this object is left to

ac(-ua] w o r k

the devoted w o m e n of ‘ the Church. In s o m e in­ stances all, or nearly all, that is given is raised by their efforts. G o d forbid that they should do any less. B ut the question is often and pertinently asked by them and others, “W h a t are the1m e n doing?” T h e w o m e n are organized for the <purpose. T h e m e n are not. T h e w o m e n meet together for prayer and study. T h e m e n do not. i W h y not ? W e r e the early disciples'women, t o , w h o m

the original commission and c o m m a n d were given? Doe s the responsibility for the evangelization of the world rest on w o m e n only, or on every believer, m a n and w o m a n alike? '4- T h e grand results of our W o m e n ’s B oard and Committee are achieved largely by organization, reaching to every Classis and almost every Church. M a y w e not learn- of the m ? M a y not the con­ sistory of every Church, picked bodies of m e n as they so often are, form the nucleus of such organizations? A n d m a y not a union of them, in every Classis, with correspond^ ence and conferences, tend to infuse n e w life into a w o r k that needs it so m u c h and drags for wan t of it ? Better organization.

5- T h e support of individual Missionaries by individuals or by Churches, in addi­ tion to their regular contributions, might be practiced to a m u c h larger extent than it is. T h e donors would be en­ riched by the larger benevolence and inspired by the “living link” between the m and the w o r k on the field. T h e treas­ ury of the Board would be relieved and its resources for the w o r k increased. individual Missionaries.


This is the w o r k of God. His o w n began it in His life and death, and rising gave it to His C hurch to finish. Y et his Church is powerless to accomplish it without His almightiness working in and_through it. Nothing but constant, importunate inter­ cession will m a k e it strong for such a service and successful in it. T h e prayers of the Church, constant remembrance in the pulpit, the social meeting and the individual closet can bring the blessing that w e need. O n e day of prayer such as the S y n o d has appointed yearly,— the first S u n d a y of N o ­ vember,— is good but not enough. T h e Monthly Mission­ ary prayer meeting, for the conveying of Missionary intelli­ gence, stimulating the- Missionary purpose, encouraging the Missionary hope and blending all hearts in prayer for M i s ­ sionary' success, ought to be a prominent feature in every I' ' More Prayer.

Church. It can, if proper pains be taken, be m a d e the most acceptable, interesting and successful meeting of each month. A b o v e all things is a n e w spirit needed,— . & -1 r-u ■ . spirit in sympathy with Christ our Lor d in the travail of His soul over a perish­ ing w o r l d ; a spirit that apprehends the supreme purpose of that L o r d in .the establishment and per­ petuation of His Church to be the evangelization of the world, and that joyfully accepts that purpose as its own. Within the year just closed this country and the city of N e w Y o r k have witnessed, in the recent Ecumenical Conference on P'oreign Missions, the most remarkable assembly in the in­ terest of Foreign Missions, or rather, of the evangelization of the world, that the world has ever known. In the pur­ pose that animated it, in the elements that composed it,— Missionaries-and delegates from every nation under heaven, — in the unity of such different elements in one spirit and one aim, in the impression m a d e by it, it stands unrivalled, u n ­ approached. N o w o r d of apology w a s heard from begin'rning to end, for Foreign Missions. It w a s itself their m a g ­ nificent and conclusive apologetic. T h o u g h failures have been many, no w o r d of regret w a s spoken. T h o u g h m e n and methods differed widely there were no unpleasant differ­ ences and no unkindly criticism. T h o u g h difficulties and obstacles were clearly seen and stated no w o r d of discourage­ men t w a s uttered. A note of assured triumph pervaded it throughout. T h e spirit of the Lor d w a s in it, so that m e n felt His presence, and they w h o had borne the chief burden of labor and anxiety in its preparation and conduct felt t h e m ­ selves borne along on the resistless tide of His mighty pres­ ence and power.' All things converged toward one end, the evangelization of this world in this generation. This is the duty clearly apprehended and laid upo n the Churches of this generation— our share of it upon us. This is the honor and privilege accorded to the Church of this generation,— our share of it to us, if w e but do worthily our part. W e can never again be as w e have been been, in relation to this great A New Spirit.


duty and privilege. W h a t our part shall be both in privil足 ege and duty, in the century that opens before us, depends largely, under God, on the action of this Synod, and upon the faith, zeal, consecration and prayers of the Church it represents. _

Corresponding Secretary. Approved by the Board, M a y 23, 1900.




F O U N D E D IN 1842. J/wseonari#.— Rev's Philip ,W. Pitcher, John A. Otte, M. D., Hobart E. Studley :• C. Otto Stumpf, M. D. *

AssistantMissionaries.— hln. J. V. N. Talmage, Mrs. Pitcher, Mrs. Otte, Mrs.— Studley, Mrs. Stumpf, Mias Mary E. Talmage, Miss Katherine M. Talmage, Mias Eliza­ beth M. Cappon, Miss Nellie Zwemer, Mies Lily N. Daryec, Mies M. C. Morrleon, Mies M. M. Van Beeck Calkoen, Mias Louise Brink, Mies Angie M. Myers, M. D. - .■ In America.— Rev. D. Rapalje and Mrs. Rapalje, Rev. L. W. Kip, D.D., and Mrs. Kip.


Native Pastors.— tl. Native Helpers.— TJnord&iuedi'SO.


Regular Preaching Places.— beside Douglas Memorial Chapel on Kolongsu, supplied by Reformed and English Presbyterian Missions. * '*

First A m o y........ Second A m o y ...... O-Kang........... Hong-san......... Tong-an.......... Chion-be......... Chiaug-Chiu....... Thian-san........ Sio-Khe.......... Poa-a............ Lam-sin.......... Total.........


4 8 5

2 4 3 2

2 • 5 8 1 *'*5




Infants Baptized.

Under Suspension.

. Excoin.

5 l

Members atclose of 1899.



103 3 152 14 117 6 80 7 195 13 89 2 105 7 99 14 185 4 100 . 6 75 1 12 1315

Received on Certificate.

Received on Confession.


Members at beginning of 1899

Boarding Schools* Boys — 2 ; scholars, 110. Girls' and Women's— 5 ; scholars, 170. -~ Day Schools.— lb ; scholars, 194. Total scholars, 474.

11 2 5 11 4 10 3 1 ...j 3 6 3 2 2 “2

98 165 109 86 198 88 114 117 176 104 72 12

7 9 2 11 5 7 8 9 10 4 4

6 4 2 14 13 10 5 5 9 4 5 2

$ 458 50 1215 90 308 00 368 00 672 00 313 25 458 01 674 '92 730 80 208 00 378 50 18 01





* S5798 89


O-Kang has 4 preaching-places ; Tong-an, 6 ; Hong-san, 5; Chioh-b£, 2; Chiang. Chiu, 3; Thinn-san, 9; Sio-Khe, 6; Poa-a, 4; Lam-sln, 2. *In addition, the First and Second Churches of Amoy gave $214.45 at their annual Union Thanksgiving Service, for the support of the Mission Church. The total of con tributions is thus $6013.34. "

R E P O R T F O R 1899. This year has been m a r k e d b y a severe loss to our Mission in the return of Mr. Rapalje a n d Dr. Kip, each of w h o m h a d served the Mast e r a n d His C h u r c h in this field for nearly forty years. M a n y a n earnest prayer has gone u p f r o m Chinese hearts a n d lips that they m i g h t c o m e b a c k to us. T h e m e m o r y of their deeds a n d sacrifices for the C h u r c h of Christ in A m o y will ever be fragrant a m o n g us. W e h a v e been m o s t h a p p y to w e l c o m e Dr. Stumpf, w h o is des­ tined for Sio-Khe, a n d the Sio-Khe Christians look forward to his c o m i n g to live a m o n g them, a n d to the re-opening of the too long closed hospital, with high expectations. It has also been a source of great pleasure a n d satisfaction to w e l c o m e back the several ladles w h o h a d gone h o m e on furlough, as also to receive the m u c h needed recruits for the ladies’ work, Miss Brink a n d Miss A ngle M . Myers, M . D. T h o u g h death has been all about us, claiming m o r e than ten per cent, of the c o m m u n i ­ cant m e m b e r s h i p of t w o of our Churches, the lives of all of the Missionaries a n d native pastors have been spared a n d only one of our preachers has been taken. W hi l e there has been no m a r k e d progress for the year, w h e n w e consider our w o r k as a whole, yet w e are thankful that w e have gained a little in C h u r c h membership, .that w e h a d a slightly larger n u m b e r of native laborers than the previous year, a n d that w e h a v e a n unusually large n u m b e r of seemingly earnest y o u n g m e n preparing themselves for the w o r k of the Gospel ministry. AMOY


R e v . J. A. O t t e , M. D., in charge. Plague a n d a n insufficiency of workers h a v e prevented a n in­ crease in the n u m b e r of C h u r c h m e m b e r s in this district. N o r can a n y increase be expected until the right person be sent to take charge of the work. With, perhaps, a fe w exceptions none of our Churches are able to dispense with the help w h i c h the right kind of foreigner can give. So if help is not sent w e m u s t expect the w o r k gradually to go down. Unless m o r e workers are forthcom­ ing the future looks dark indeed. Still, while there is m u c h to discourage, there is also s o m e reason for encouragement. Last year the s u m of $5.73 per m e m b e r w a s given, w h i c h w a s really very large considering the financial con­ dition of the people. This year there w a s even a slight increase, a n d that too in spite of very high prices a n d hard times. . T h e a m o u n t contributed per m e m b e r this year w a s $5.76. Conservative estimates place the population of the A m o y Dis­ trict s o m e w h e r e between eight hund r e d thousand a n d a million. A surprisingly large n u m b e r of these people k n o w something of Gospel truth, having for the m o s t part heard the story of Christ In the hospitals. Certainly nine-tenths of the seed s o w n in this

w a y a n d through other agencies is totally lost, because it cannot be followed up. T h e natives can do something, but without the spiritual stimulus w h i c h a thoroughly consecrated, efficient m a n f r o m h o m e can give, even m u c h of the w o r k of the Chinese is lost. Is this state of affairs to continue ? T h e Theological School w a s re-opened last year. O u r Mission furnished eight of its students.



R e v . P. W. P i t c h e r , in charge. F o r convenience w e m a y group the two C h u r c h organizations, viz : T h e T o n g - a n C h u r c h a n d the H o n g - s a n Church, under the above title. D u r i n g the past year w e h a v e succeeded in securing a clear definition of this territory, a n d w e k n o w therefore just h o w m u c h w e are responsible for in its evangelization. T o n g - a n C h u r c h is located in the north of the district a n d H o n g san in the south. B o t h Churches have m a d e s o m e progress. Thirteen were received into the C h u r c h on confession of faith. T e n of the m e m b e r s have died, five have been suspended but none e x c o m m u n i ­ cated. T h e present m e m b e r s h i p n u m b e r s one h u ndred a n d ninetyeight, a net gain of three. In the six places of worship, over two h u n dred have attended the services on each L o r d ’s D a y m o rning a n d afternoon, while there have been over one hundred inquirers. Financially the C h u r c h has m a d e w o n d r o u s progress, contribut­ ing for all purposes the s u m of $672. Besides supporting a pastor, the C h u r c h has furnished the entire salary of the To-kio preacher, a n d part of the salary of the school teacher. A record of this kind h o w e v e r m u s t take account of s h a d o w s as well as of the s u n ­ shine that crosses our path. T h e w o r k at Poa-thau-chhi, over w hich w e h a d every reason to rejoice last year, suffered greatly d ur­ ing the year. T h e m a n w e h a d stationed there m a d e the mistake that others have m a d e before, of m a k i n g the C h u r c h a sort of a s y l u m for the ills a n d complaints of an oppressed people. There is nothing that has a m o r e blighting effect on a C h u r c h organiza­ tion than this, a n d nothing can cause its disorganization faster. T o offset this disaster, good w o r k has been done at the’ other outstations, a n d a n e w place opened at Chioh-jlm, southeast of T o n g - a n city. F o r the past seven or eight years w e have been endeavoring to secure a n entrance in this stronghold of idolatry. Last fall w e succeeded in renting a very suitable a n d c o m m o d i o u s place w h e r e w e propose to s o w m u c h seed, a n d shall expect to gather in m a n y fruitful harvests. O n e of our' recent converts has h a d to suffer for the Gospel’s sake, being persecuted b y one of his brothers a n d two cousins,.

Toag-aa Church.

simply (so far as w e can Judge) because he Joined the To n g - a n C h u r c h a n d refuses to participate in a n y of the heathen rites a n d ceremonies. ' ■ ■ There w e r e seven on confession a n d five by letter received into the c o m m u n i o n of this Church. F o u r have died a n d tw o have been dis­ missed to other Churches, m a k i n g a net gain of six. Ejeven have been suspended. T h e total m e m b e r s h i p of the C h u r c h is 86.. In the four'places of worship connected with Hong-san, one hu n d r e d a n d eighty people have attended the services on Sabbaths, while there have been about one hundred inquirers.. T h e contributions for all purposes a m o u n t to $368. Besides supporting their pastor a n d supplying part of the salary of t w o school teachers, the people h ave wholly supported a Bible w o m a n , , w h o has done good w o r k a m o n g the .women. T h e question m a y . b e asked : H o w is it that, jn view of-so many, inquirers, there are so few. additions ? T w o answers m a y be given, (l).,we m u s t first m a k e sure they are genuine seekers after .the truth.i V e r y m a n y of . t h e m .are not, but are seeking for some, worldly, advantage or escape from a b a d government. (2) It takes a long time, for the true inquirer t o .understand the Gospel ,of redemption. W e believe there is safety in delaying the reception of these seekers into the full fellowship, a n d c o m m u n i o n of the C h u r c h until they have s o m e intelligent understanding of w h a t they are doing. F o r these, t w o reasons the additions are small In comparison with the n u m b e r of inquirers. , A n e w outstation has been opened at A u - K h o e nearly three miles southeast of Te-Soa, w h e r e the w o r k s eems in every w a y m o s t prosperous. T h e Horig-San C h u r c h is aggressive, a n d be­ lieves in opening n e w stations. T h e C h u r c h w o u l d like to open another'station further on. But, as there is lack of funds a n d lack of men,too, I h a v e been obliged to tell t h e m that such a step is impossible now. 1 ” 1 ' ' T h r o u g h the kindness and" generosity of Mr. B." Semelink w e have' been able during the year'to build a nice little chapel at TeThau.' T h e size of the building'is 35x26, 'with a porch seven feet wide. T h e chapel stands on a hill facing the sea. M a y it be a veritable lighthouse, shedding forth the T r u e Light,, a n d guiding m a n y a lost soul into the K i n g d o m of God.


' 1




e v . H. E.


S t u d l e y , Missionary in charge.

F o r practically the-whole'of'1899-this pastor-' ate has been vacant, a n d the sacraments h ave ■ . been- administered: b y -their former pastor a n d the Missionary -in charge. O u r preachers w e r e so few in propor­ tion to the extent of our work, that w e h a d no suitable m a n to

Chtoh-be Church.



put there in the interim. T h e preaching services have been con­ ducted b y the school teacher, a m a n of exceptionable ability, dur­ ing the former part of the year, a n d b y their pastor-elect during the latter part. T h e C h u r c h m e m b e r s certainly deserve m u c h credit for having kept u p their interest a n d their contributions so well as they have under their great discouragements. N e w hearers h a v e been gathered in, a n d the general spiritual condi­ tion of the C h u r c h is good. T h e h a r m o n y prevailing a m o n g this people, a n d the enthusiasm with w h i c h they h a v e taken u p the w o r k of the n e w year, give us every reason to hope that the progress w hich characterized this C h u r c h under the leadership of the Rev. K e h-Nga-pit is to con­ tinue under the n e w pastorate. This C h u r c h has been for years the cause of m u c h anxiety a n d the object of m u c h earn­ est prayer, a n d I believe it is n o w not too m u c h to say that our prayers h a v e been in large me a s u r e answered. T here has been during the past year, a n d is now, a better feeling o n the part of the people t o ward their pastor than for m a n y years past. This has been s h o w n b y a m o r e cordial co-operation in all the w o r k of the Church, a n d b y a n Increase of $2 per m o n t h In his salary. T h e y h a v e also paid a larger part of their school teacher’s salary than they did the previous year, a n d opened a n e w preaching place outside of the city, for w hich they provide all expenses except the preacher’s salary.

Chlang’chhi Church.

W e outgrew the small chapel opened b y Mr. Rapalje at Sin-tng, about three years ago, a n d fortunately w e r e able to secure m o r e suitable a c c o m m o d a t i o n s o n the m a i n road f r o m Chiang-chiu to Sio-Khe. It w a s m y privilege to baptize several of the hearers s o m e m o n t h s ago, a n d one of the hearers w h o m I reported t wo years a g o as ready for baptism, is just about to enter u p o n his sec­ o n d year of study in the Theological Seminary. Anot h e r cause of thankfulness Is that the observance' of the Sabb a t h is better than it was, t h ough w e m u s t confess that it is still b y n o m e a n s w h a t it should be. T w o or three of the offenders h a v e been u nder discipline for a long time, and, as they s h o w no signs of repentance, though repeatedly visited a n d exhorted to d o better, w e fear It is time to cut t h e m off f r o m the C h u r c h entirely. M y Bible School w a s scattered at the beginning of 1899. O f the five students, t w o are w o r k i n g as preachers in the districts under m y care, a n d though their training is very defective, G o d has blessed their faithful, active efforts. A n o ther has been teaching one of the parochial schools un der Mr. Pitcher’s charge, a n d has also assisted in keeping u p the services at a station rendered vacant b y the death of a preacher ; another is just entering u p o n his second year in the Theological Seminary; the fifth, I a m sorry to say, left the w o r k of preaching to follow his father’s trade. •

Lastly, w e are very thankful to-be able to record that this is the third successive year that has seen comparatively large ac­ cessions to the C h u r c h ’s c o m m u n i c a n t roll, a n d a substantial in­ crease, after deductions have been m a d e for deaths a n d expul­ sions. T h e r e m a r k just m a d e concerning Chiangchiu also holds true of Thlan-san, as the aver­ age net gain in c o m m u n i c a n t s in this C h u r c h for the past three years has been thirteen. W i t h the m o n e y sent out about t w o years a g o for the opening of n e w work, w e h a v e within the past fifteen m o n t h s opened three n e w stations within the b ound s of this Church. W i t h i n the past year or so there have been seven aduit baptisms at the first one of these n e w stations, but it is only fair to say that six of these were m e n w h o h a d for­ merly w a l k e d from five to seven miles to hear the Gospel, a n d the seventh, the wife of one of these. Before this station w a s estab­ lished, the female m e m b e r s of the hearers’ families in that re­ gion could not attend service at all; n o w there are ten or twelve wives, mothers a n d daughters attending regularly. This sta­ tion has d r a w n u p o n our fund only for the preacher’s salary, a n d has paid its share t o w a r d the native pastor’s salary. A t each of the t w o stations m o r e recently opened there are hearers appar­ ently in earnest, s o m e of w h o m h a v e brought their families, but as there we r e n o Christians in these places, w e h a v e h a d to rent a n d furnish places of worship, a n d provide chapel keepers, as well as preachers. It will cost about $200 (gold) to run these sta­ tions for 1900, a n d as our appropriations for the year are be­ low w h a t it will cost to run the old work, I do not k n o w w h e r e the funds are c o m i n g from. O f the six out stations of this C h u r c h w e find m o s t encourage­ m e n t at Thian-po, w h e r e the pastor a n d one of our best preachers reside. D u r i n g the past year w e have secured,'-without the use of a n y Mission funds, a building adjoining the C h u r c h property for preaching to the passers-by, a n d o n m a r k e t days, the pastor preacher a n d brethren h a v e a very good opportunity, of preach­ ing to the heathen. A t Soan-slan there are grounds for hopefulness; though there h a v e been n o baptisms for heathen families during the past year. If there is a n y Joy greater than that of w e l c o m i n g the heathen to

Thian-san Church.

the Church, it is that of w e l c o m i n g a re-united family to the L o r d ’s table, a n d such has been m y privilege at Soan-sian, w h e n I a d ­ ministered the rite of holy baptism to the wives' of t w o of the brethren. = A t Leng- s o a the n e w C h u r c h is finished, but it cost so m u c h m o r e to build than w e h a d anticipated, that w e w e r e unable to build a preacher’s house, as w e h a d expected; this necessitates the preacher’s living in the Church; a n d there is also no-suitable place for the ladles a n d the Missionary in charge to stay w h e n they go there. . .

Tng-ll-Jin w a s visited b y Miss T a l m a g e a n d Miss Cappon, a n d the Missionary in charge has been able to go there twice in 1899. T h e first time there were a n u m b e r received to the Church, with prospects of s o m e during the c o m i n g year. T h e Tng-li-jin Chris­ tians generously provide for the lights, fuel a n d other incidental expenses at the n e w station, Hoe-phe, a n d also assist in the w o r k of1preaching to the heathen on m a r k e t days.' As. w e look back over the history of this district as a whole, for the past year, w e see m a n y reasons for profound gratitude to'God. • . . , ■ , I.have not spoken at length of the failures, the disappointments, the' discouragements, w hich are our -lot. T h a t such exist- only m a k e s it the m o r e imperative that w e should put forth greater energy to overcome Satan a n d sin in this; the 'heart, of Southern Fukien.r • ' ' • > T h e 1T h i a m s a n C h u r c h alone is wide e n ough a n d offers oppor­ tunities e n o u g h to: occupy one. m a n ’s entire time, a n d the evangel­ istic w o r k at Chioh-be a n d Chiang-chiu, together-with the edu-' cational opportunities at Chiang-chiu, demand-the'entire time of as-good'a m a n as the'Churchrcan provide.'' D o e s s o m e one think that.we " w a n t the earth’'.? W e do W a n t the earth for Christ, a n d Chiang-chiu isnthe .natural business, literary ■and- political cen­ tre'of a good, bit of. G o d ’s earth; ■w o r t h y of the very best efforts that, our: iChurch can put'forth in it. • . .-i . i ■• . ■ . .!!■' ••i. : ; .'Sio-KHEI DISTRICT. ’ ' 6.3

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- ’•i ■' ' R e v . H . ' E . 'S t u d l e y , Missionary in' charge:1 ■ ' ■' " '. . . . . ..I':' • .. I , . O u r senior native pastor, though nearly-.sevSlo-khe.Ctninb- n:. .entyi years :of:age, still oontinuestto.look after this : ■: large Church, a n d his b o w -iabides in strength, a veritable pillar.against-iniquity,-and low standards of'morality in his.qwn C h u r c h .or elsewhere. :.It has been a matter of great regretithat :we have nott-.been able to-provide m o r e a n d better as­ sistants for this .Church,:but theyjwere simply not to'be had, con­ sequently the out-stations have not grown; in fact, w e h a d to abantion-two of them; at; the end o f -1898. .There have-been'some gatherediin, but n o t e n o u g h to make.-:up the losses, b y death a nd expulsiait,. A ' n u m b e r , w h o received the Gospel at-Sio-Khe'live within thei.bounds of the Thian-san Church, a n d so have taken thein letters there, .and-there;'is an-apparent loss of c o m m u n i ­ cants in this Church.- ' , . ; ■ ' • ■ In point of liberality in their gifts to the L o r d ’s work, this Chiirch-; still .holds' a: place near, the first; though far beneath the standard-, theyi;set*themselves in* 1897iand'-1898.- W i t h the presence of a good .preacher w h o .will go t o .Sio-Khe immediately, a n d of the. Missionaries w h o .will go there in the Fall-, a n d .make possi­ ble, the re-opening of the. hospital and: girls’ school,-we-hope for better things for Sio-Khe in the future. '

T h o u g h the t w o stations established by our Mission in connection with this C h u r c h have . long been' ready to support a pastor exclusively their own, the other stations have not m a d e the progress which would warrant a division.. F o r L a m - s i n this is largely a time of sowing, the harvest does not yet appear. There is a large n u m b e r of hearers w h o s e e m to be In earnest, but they are still so ignorant of the m o s t elemental spiritual truths, or else so low in their moral standards, that w e m u s t continue the preliminary w o r k of teach­ ing, hoping to baptize in future years.

Lam-sin Church.

Poa-a Church. This C h u r c h has so far declined to call a pas­ tor, since their former pastor w a s deposed b y the Synod, a n d Is truly in a sad state. Discipline is lax, a n d quarrels have arisen a m o n g the brethren; their contributions are far beneath those of the neighboring Churches, a n d they have distinctly gone ba c k ­ w a r d In the observance of the Sabbath. However, there is still a fairly good congregation, m a n y of w h o m are certainly earnest Christians, a n d feel as ba d over the state of their. C hurch as w e do. There is ground for encouragement,^in the fact that m a n y of these have brought their entire families into the fold. In fact, all of the six accessions to the c o m m u n i c a n t m e m b e r ­ ship of the Church, were either wives or children of the older Christians of this Church. Four' of. the m o s t promising sons of the C h u r c h are at present studying, in the Theological Seminary,, a n d all s e e m likely to b e c o m e useful, preachers. If they will only call a pastor, a n d the right m a n can.’be found, w e hope it will be the beginning of a n e w era for this formerly prosperous Church. ,


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(Boarding School.)


e v . P. W .

P i t c h e r in charge.


T h e year’s w o r k c a m e to a close on the i.2th of January, 1900.. F o u r boys graduated a n d received their certificates. It is quite likely they will all enter the Theological S e m i n a r y this spring a n d continue their studies for the ministry. , , . W i t h the exception'of t w o a n d a half m o n t h s ’ vacation during the s u m m e r , regular routine lessons have gone on f rom the time w e began, in F e b r u a r y 11899, without a break or a n y serious ill­ ness. ’The' first study hour Is f r o m eight to nine, and. the recitation proceeds,' with, a n exception of a n hour’s recess at noon, until five o ’clock; Considering that" so m u c h sickness a n d plague have prevailed all over the A m o y region, w e cprtainly have m u c h to be thankful for o n account of the good health of the boys. A good, airy a n d well-ventilated building, regularity in diet a n d sleep, a n d a kind' Providence, have, w e believe, been our safe­ guards.


T h e n u m b e r of students remains about the s a m e as last year, Five of the n u m b e r were prevented f r o m returning on account of sickness. T w o others were dismissed. A t the close of the year there were four students in the senior class, fifteen in the junior, twelve In the second a n d ten In the first year classes. There Is also a m e a s u r e of satisfaction In the w o r k done. E v e r y m o r n i n g at eight o ’clock, for over t w o h u n dred a n d fifty days, the daily w o r k has b e g u n with a n hour’s lesson b y all classes, in studying the Scriptures. Then, at nine o ’clock, this has been followed by mo r n i n g prayers, at w h i c h the boys h a v e heard a n exposition of s o m e portion of Scripture for twenty minutes, besides engaging In prayer a nd singing. In this way, w e feel the. lads are getting a good founda­ tion laid in Scriptural k nowledge a n d familiarity with the Bible. T h e dally recitations in the other prescribed studies have been faithfully performed, all the boys passing creditable examinations at the end of the t w o terms. T h e tone of the school has been good, and, for the m o s t part, a m a n l y effort has been m a d e to follow Christ. W i t h the t w o ex­ ceptions noted above, the b o y s 1 h a v e conducted themselves throughout the year In a praiseworthy manner. ' T h e Influence of the Christian E n d e a v o r So ­ ciety has been felt, a n d w e h ave done all w e could to m a k e It something m o r e than a m e r e n ame. E v e r y Saturday s o m e of the boys have visited H o p e H o s ­ pital a n d taught the in-patients something about Jesus a n d the w a y of Salvation b y H i m . A n d in other w a y s they have been active In Christian work. This, w e are sure, has not only proved a blessing to others, but a very decided benefit in the develop­ m e n t of their o w n spiritual lives. T h e event of the year in our educational circles w a s the T e a c h ­ ers’ Conference, October 21-24, Inclusive. T h e four days’ ses­ sion were, for the time, a period of normal school work, which the boys of the A c a d e m y enjoyed quite as m u c h as the teachers a n d others w h o attended, and, w e hope, derived no less benefit therefrom. T h e conference was, in a very true sense, a n Innova­ tion In the annals of education In A m o y , as none other of its kind h a d ever been held before. Unde r t a k en with m a n y misgivings. It ended In a m a r k e d suc­ cess. T h e papers a n d discussions presented something new, proba­ bly never thought of, to a n y extent at least, in these parts, but w h i c h afterwards w a s talked about over this whole region. W e are confident, therefore, that the conference m a d e a lasting I m ­ pression u p o n the m i n d s of the Chinese In regard to the Import­ ance of education, a n Importance never held before. It is safe to say that the boys a n d teachers got m o r e useful in­ struction In those four days than they did In a n y four w e e k s pre­ vious. T h e best a n d m o s t satisfactory part of all was, that not one dissenting voice w a s raised In disapproval of W e s t e r n meth-



ods, a n d every voice raised against Chinese methods. I think the whole year m a y be looked u p o n as one of m a r k e d progress, the beginning of a better order along educational lines. A s one expresses It: “T h e Chinese are asking for the best, n e w It our duty to provide It." D u r i n g the past year there have been malntalned ten of these d a y schools for boys, three of w h i c h have been entirely self-supporting, though their teachers w e r e all trained in schools1established a n d supported b y us. T h e teachers of the other seven schools have been partially supported b y the Mission. O n the average, w e have paid about two-thirds of the a m o u n t required to m eet these teachers’ salaries, but in no case have w e paid the entire salary of a teacher. , • ■ T h a t these schools h a v e proved their right to exist w e feel sure. W i t h o u t them, our youth w o u l d nearly all of t h e m be without primary education that is distinctively Christian, a n d m a n y of t h e m without a n y education at all. W i t h o u t t h e m w e can have neither candidates for our secondary (middle school) nor a trained minis­ try. T h e gathering in of heathen boys to read in our parochial schools' Is, perhaps, a m o r e debatable question, but w h e r e the school is conducted b y well-trained a n d earnest Christian teachers. It affords a n opportunity of instilling Christian truth into heathen m i n d s at the m o s t favorable period. T h e school connected with the Second C h u r c h of A m o y Is the m o s t flourishing of all, a n d w a s the first to b e c o m e entirely self-supporting, having supported t w o teachers since the begin­ ning of 1898. A year a g o the First C h u r c h of A m o y undertook the support of their o w n teacher, a n d wlllv continue to provide for this school themselves. T h e Chioh-be school ranks second to the Second .A m o y In n u m b e r of pupils, thou g h about one-half of these are not C h u r c h boys, a n d has done excellent work, as It has for teacher one of our m o s t promising y o u n g m e n * T h e n u m b e r In attendance u p o n our Sio-Khe school has also been good. In the rest of our schools the attendance has been fair ; only one has failed to keep u p to.the standard of ten pupils, u p o n w hich w e In­ sist, a n d that w a s definitely closed at the e n d of the year. W e suffer f r o m the lack of efficient teachers. Just as w e do f rom the lack of preachers; w e often h a v e to choose between unsatisfac­ tory teachers a n d n o schools, a n d it is often a m o s t difficult choice.

Dlatrlct Schools.

W O M A N ’S W O R K . Miss K. M . T a l m a o b writes : a

D u r i n g the year seventy-three pupils have been on the roll.— first term, fifty-seven, a n d second term, sixty-two. W e are very h a p p y a n d thankful to h a v e the girls’ old school building for. the boys. .It is a great I m p r o v e m e n t on the house w e

Boys’Primary School.

have used during the past years.' Still,° it is already about full, a n d w e fear in a short time it will not be large e nough to ac­ c o m m o d a t e the pupils. ■ • • ■ ■ g Going about the country visiting a m o n g the families, I a m - m o r e a n d m o r e convinced that a boarding school for boys is a very necessary institution. V e r y , m a n y boys w h o are in s o m e w a y con­ nected with Christian families are unable, to read at all; or, if able to read s o m e of the heathen classics, do not understand them, an d k n o w nothing,of the W o r d of God. ( W e are trying to urge the parents of the Ijoys to, p a y w h a t they can towards the support of their sons, but w e have, a number.of pupils w h o are orphans or half orphans, who, if they h a d ,to p ay for their support, w ould be unable to study. ' ’. T h e plague has taken a w a y relatives a n d parents p.f.s^m^.of the pupils. W e are very thankful ,that G o d has kept that .dreaddisease out of our schools. . .‘ . " . •. i






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T h e ’ little daly ■'school -at Tekt-chiu-kha:'''’has Olrls' Day School. h a d a large attendance 'of pupils- this 'year. . ■ ■ There have-been twenty-five girls ;'’,the last'term t h e - n u m b e r has been smaller. ■ • ‘i The- teacher has not -been able- 'to give- her wholei time to'-hbr work-; -so, one of our old school girls has-beea' a- great :h'el{) in teaching various branches in 1the afternoons. My'-'weekly1 visits have been to give examinations;in the various subjecds they 'had been studying. • ' > -• . > -v: r -


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The. weekly visits to the out patients of the Hospital Work. C o m m u n i t y .Hospital have been continued­ .. ' throughout tl^e year, except .when wp. have .-been absent £rom A m o y . T h e attendance, of w p m ? n .has been yery large. Often between eighty a n £ one,hundred, patients, corny, ^ b d very m a n y have been .taught-texts a n d n y mn s , , a n d have, listened attentively te the worfls spoken, to t'hpm. As, m a n y copie again a n d again for medicine,, s p m e ^et. a good k nowledge pf.Christ, a n£ a n u m b e r are n o w attending the various Chprches in A m o y . Q n p w p i p a n w h o attends at b o t h .hospitals h as; Jjepn the mea,ns ol bringing several other w o m e n into the Church, a n d this m o n t h w a s received into the C h u r c h at Tek-chiu-kha. H e r sou., .also has been received ,into the C h u r c h .at Chiang.-chiu. T h e y first .heard. the Gospel at our Mission Hospital, a n d were very attentive list­ eners. . . T h e insight into the lives of these heathen w o m e n m a k e s us realize m o r e a n d m o r e w h a t a dreadful thing heathenism- is,: andh o w it blights the lives of our sisters in this land. T h e cruelty of husbands a n d the selling of children is very, very c o m m o n .



T h e meetings at Tek-chiu-kha on S u n d a y Woman's Meeting. a n d T h u r s d a y afternoons have been kept up, a n d w h e n , w e w e r e unable to be present,- thew o m e n carry on the meeting b y themselves. T h e w o m e n h ave

been m a k i n g a n effort to raise e n o u g h m o n e y to support a Bible w o m a n , a n d w e hope the c o m i n g year they will be able to carry out their plans. ■ ■ Mrs.


reports :

W e h a d twenty-six w o m e n in school during the first term, a n d twenty the second term. Thirty-six of. the n u m b e r w e r e n e w pupils. T h e majority learned to read very well. T h e last term, when- school opened, there w a s only one w o m a n w h o could read a verse.in the Bible, but now, at the close of the term, the majority read well at the m o r n i n g worship. There is such a m a r k e d difference between the beginning a n d the ending of a term that one cannot help feeling thankful a n d encouraged, for it is a n e n couragement to see progress. • This year w e h a v e h a d m o r e y o u n g w o m e n than usual. W e had five w o m e n from our n e w station at Au-khoe. T w o w h o are widows, I hope m a y be trained for Bible w o m e n .

Charlotte W. Duryee School.

This paper has been printed monthly. We have for s o m e years h a d expositions of the S u n ­ d a y school lessons prepared b y different Mission­ aries, a n d s o m e of the preachers have found t h e m helpful, h ave for s o m e years h a d expositions of the S u n d a y school les­ sons prepared b y different Missionaries, a n d s o m e of the preach­ ers have found t h e m helpful. W i t h s o m e of the m o n e y not needed for the paper w e printed a translation of a small English book called ,"Questions on the Facts of the Bible.” There are questions on each book of the Bible, but no answers. T h ose w h o use the book m u s t search for the answers. It is useful for the older scholars, a n d w e hope m a n y others m a y be interested in searching for the facts.

Church Messenger.

W e never, h a d so m u c h sickness in the H o m e as w e h a d last s u m m e r . W e h a d several cases ., of typhoid fever; three of the children died, and one w h o recovered w a s seriously ill for weeks. T h e oldest girl w a s very helpful in nursing the sick, but she- took the fever. Dr. Otte kindly took her in the Hospital, as well as one of the nurses, w h o also b e c a m e ill. This w a s a great help to us. ’ ■ W e sent the children, w h o w e r e well to the various schools. T h e y enjoyed the change, a n d w h e n the time c a m e to open the schools, they enjoying going b a c k to the H o m e .

Children’s Home.

Miss M . E.

T a l m a g e writes:

This school w a s established thirty years ago. on the other side of the harbor, at Tek-chiu-kha. In 1879 it w a s m o v e d to this island of Kolongsu, into a n e w building given b y our W o m a n ’s Board, a vast i m ­ provement in every w a y u p o n the old building. After twenty

Amoy Girls’ School.

years of occupation, the school once m o r e outgrew Its home. A s before, our W o m a n ’s B o a r d (and again w e thank t h e m most heartily) c a m e to Its aid a n d provided a fine, large building, into w h i c h the school m o v e d last October. T h e old building w a s h a n d e d over to, a n d is occupied by, the Boys' P r i m a r y School.

Since its establishment, in 1869, about four h u n d r e d girls have studied in the school. M o s t of these have married a n d gone to the. h o m e s of their h u s b a n d s ’ parents. M o r e than forty married preachers of the Gospel, m a n y of them-doing good service a m o n g the w o m e n of their h u s b a n d s ’ congregations. O v e r thirty h ave taught for a longer or shorter time in various schools, a n d not a f ew have already crossed over to the Father’s H o u s e of m a n y mansions, leaving behind precious testimony of their faith in their Saviour. Duri n g the past year the school has been larger than in a n y previous year; ninety-three girls have'been enrolled, sixty-eight in the spring, a n d seventy-six in the a u t u m n term, their ages running from eight to twenty-one,'the average being fourteen. * T h e Bible forms the Important part of the curriculum. T h e school opens each d a y with a Scripture lesson, a n d in addition there is a regular course of Bible study. M u c h Scripture is also memorized. Beside the study of" the Scriptures, the girls are taught, a n d m a k e good progress in, the usual school branches. M o s t of the girls, either while they are in school, or after they return to their homes, b e c o m e C h u r c h members. T h e older p u ­ pils, each Friday evening, hold a prayer meeting, to pray for the school, but especially for those w h o h a ve gone but f rom the school; a n d on Saturday afternoons they go to the hospital to teach and read with the in patients. ’


T h e native teacher, Miss Sia, in July added one m o r e to the m a n y proofs of her selfdenying Christian character, b y giving to the n e w school building expenses twenty m o n t h s of her salary. She did It so modestly a n d s e e m e d so h a p p y in doing it. Bo-gl, w h o acts as matron, as well as teacher, ga v e to the s a m e purpose onehalf of her year’s salary. •

Noble Givers.

I-sie, one of our oldest a n d brightest girls, has for the past few years given m u c h aid in teaching younger classes. This year she has devoted the greater part of her time to teaching, a n d has been of very great help. W e felt that it w a s only Just to pay her this year for her services, but she has repeatedly refused to take anything, expressing over a n d over her pleasure in being able, in a measure, to return the instruction she herself has received. W h e n w e consider the value attached'to m o n e y in the eyes of the Chinese, such examples as these fills one’s hearts with gratitude a n d encouragement. ' ' ■ ' T w o of our girls were married at the close of the term.

T h e Sin-Koe-a Little Girls' D a y School. This little school, connected with the First C h u r c h of A m o y , has h a d on its roll during the year fifteen pupils. O n e of our Boarding School girls ( w h o is n o w the wife of a y o u n g doctor) is the teacher, a n d under her instruction the children have m a d e very satisfactory progress. ■

Sla-Koe-a Day-School.

T h e Sin-Koe-a W o m a n ’s Prayer Meeting has been regularly held on Friday afternoons. In consequence of the plague a n d other sickness, the attendance has not been as good as in the previous year, but a faithful f e w have been very regular, a n d several heathen ■w o m e n ' have been brought to the meetings b y them.

Woman* s Meeting,

In order to train the w o m e n a n d girls to daily Bible reading, a n effort w a s m a d e at the begin­ ning of the year to urge t h e m to join the Scrip­ ture Union. Little books, m a r k i n g the portions for daily readers, were distributed to those w h o w o u l d promise to try to read their Bibles daily, a n d m a r k off a n y d a y skipped. T h e y w e re requested to return the books at the end of the year. M a n y were glad to join the “Union,” a n d the books returned at the end of the year s h o w that they have been well'used. Several w o m e n ha v e each d a y of the year written out on blank pages, provided for the purpose, a selected verse f r o m the d a y ’s portion. O n e y o u n g w o m a n w h o died of typhoid fever last s u m ­ mer, h a d read until the d a y of her illness, a n d just before her death, she requested her family to r e m e m b e r to h a n d in her book. She also h a d written m o s t neatly each d a y a text until she w a s too ill to write.

Scripture Union.

Miss C a l k o e n •

reports :

In the beginning of the year a station class w a s started b y Miss Talmage, during a visit she a n d Miss C a p p o n paid to Tong^an. Iw e n t u p shortly afterwards, a n d it has been m y privilege to take charge of the class during the rest of that term a n d the next. T h e attendance then w a s very good— an average of about twenty-five w o m e n a n d girls. M o r e w o u l d have c o m e h a d there been r o o m to take t h e m in. Altogether about forty pupils read here for a shorter or longer period during the first four m o n t h s of the year. It w a s v e r y encouraging to h a v e eight c o m e d o w n f r o m Poa-thau-chhi, a station about twenty miles in­ land f r o m Tong-an, at the other side of a range of high hills. T h e w o m e n there have-, very little opportunity for receiving in­ struction, so it w a s w o r t h a good deal to have s o m e of t h e m d o w n here at the class. This last term the attendance has not been so good,— only about fifteen w o m e n a n d girls h a v e been here for a n y length of time.


This is partly o w i n g to interruptions, through our not being able to secure a good teacher, a n d partly because; in autumn, so m a n y w o m e n are needed at h o m e on account of the rice harvest. Other­ wise the spirit a m o n g the pupils this term has been a source of great joy a n d gratitude. W h i l e m o s t of t h e m are n e w hearers, they s e e m anxious for instruction, a n d very m u c h in earnest. T h e other work, too, has been encouraging. One finds the people ready to listen w h e n one visits t h e m in their homes, a n d the C h u r c h services generally ha v e been pretty well attended. Still, n u m b e r s h a d gone down, both at the S u n d a y services a n d at the weekly w o m e n ’s meeting, on account of the station having been without a foreign w o rker for t w o years. W e trust, h o w ­ ever. that n o w a proper residence is being built for the ladies, bet­ ter times are in store for T o n g - a n at no very distant date.



Miss C a p p o n reports : .

All the stations in this district have been visited b y either Miss Morrison or myself. S o m e of the nearer ones w e h a v e been to several times, a n d m a y safely say that m o s t all the families belonging a n d c o m ­ ing to our Churches have been visited, giving us a n insight into their h o m e life. T h u s w e can better understand the m a n y difficul­ ties our sisters in C hina have to contend with, a n d h o w m u c h they need of the comfort of the Gospel ; for theirs is such a hard an d unattractive life, so ignorant a n d filled with superstitious fears.

Country Work.

Perhaps the m o s t interesting trip, in w hich the largest n u m b e r of people w a s reached, w a s one Miss K. M. T a l m a g e a n d I m a d e in October last, in the H a e - k h e region. W e stopped at seven different places a n d held evening meetings. A brother invited us to go to his village, Kim-soa, too far f r o m o Leng-soa for the w o m e n , at least, to attend services. H e wished us to go a n d talk to his relatives a n d neighbors. O n arriving, he gave 'us the choice of t w o rooms. Neither w a s particularly in­ viting, but w e k n e w he w a s giving us his best, a n d w e m a d e

Country Trips.

the best of it. ' In the afternoon w e talked to the w o m e n , but h a d a big out-door meeting in the evening. A very large n u m b e r of men, w o m e n a n d children congregated, a n d if w a s remarkable with w h a t interest they listened. S o m e asked questions. W e . h a d brought our auto­ harp a n d sang h y m n s in Chinese, w h i c h a d d ed to the interest. W e were implored to speak to the Mission about opening a preaching place here; but alas! w e could give t h e m no encouragement, for w e are so short of helpers a n d preachers.

T h e weekly w o m a n ’s meeting has been held every W e d n e s d a y afternoon, the sisters in turn leading, but always calling on the ladies to give a further explanation of the lesson. T h e y h a v e been studying L u k e ’s Gospel this year. A t almost every meeting they brought a small offering for the benefit of the Children’s H o m e in A m o y . D u r i n g the year they collected $8.00. A s it takes a thousand cash to m a k e one dollar, the a m o u n t is not so small as it seems. T h e S u n d a y meetings with the w o m e n , before the afternoon services, have been well attended. W e are glad to state that the n u m b e r of w o m e n attending C h u r c h has been doubled within the last f e w years. A n e w w o r k started in September is a class in Bible study. B e ­ tween fifteen a n d twenty y o u n g w o m e n , m o s t of t h e m old school girls, prepare a set of twenty-five questions every week. W e have m e t with t h e m directly after the afternoon services. W e have been through the Gospels a n d Acts, a n d have b e g u n the Epistles.

Wo ma n’s Meetings.

O w i n g to our being at home, the school w a s closed for a year a n d a half. It w a s reopened in March. W e h a v e been very m u c h blessed. T h e plague w a s all around us, but our school has been free from. Illness. Twenty-four girls have read during the year of w h o m t wo w e r e brides. W e h a v e been very m u c h c r o w d e d for w a n t of room. T h e little' building is entirely inadequate for a boarding school; but w e are not complaining, for w e k n o w that efforts are being m a d e to provide us with a suitable building, a n d trust that, with increased facilities, a larger n u m b e r will receive a Christian education.


S I O - K H E DISTRICT. Miss M o r r i s o n

writes :

W i t h the departure of Dr. a n d Mrs. K i p for America, in J a n u ­ ary, 1899, Sio-Khe w a s left without a resident Missionary, but has been visited occasionally b y different m e m b e r s of the Mission. I hav e been able to visit this a n d s o m e of the other stations in this region several times during the past year, a n d have seen m o s t of the w o m e n connected with our Churches. In the spring Miss C a p p o n m a d e a three w e e k s ’ stay in this region, visiting m a n y brides. ' In Sio-Khe the w o m e n ’s S u n d a y a n d also m i d - w e e k prayer meetings h a v e been kept up, a n d a n e w m o n t h l y meeting started b y a few of the w o m e n , to pray that the w o m e n of the C h u r c h m a y take a greater interest in these meetings, a n d that others m a y be brought In. Although the attendance at the meetings is not large, still, s o m e are very faithful in attendance, being always present a n d active in teaching1 others. Especially is this true of the

daughters of our valued pastor’s wife, Mrs. lap, w h o died a few years ago, a n d w h o s e m e m o r y is still fragrant. A l w a y s In their place-In C h u r c h o n Sunday, quiet a n d attentive, they are bright examples to the other w o m e n , a n d lose no opportunity to do good. A t Sio-Khe there has been but one w o m a n received into the C h u r c h this past year. P o a - a a n d Lam-sin, as well as Sio-Khe, a n d Toa-lo-teng, h a v e suffered f r o m the absence of frequent visits of the Missionary, as well as the fact that, in neither place, Is there a capable pastor’s wife to lead a n d teach the w o m e n . Still, that they are •capable of b e c o m i n g faithful Christians is s h o w n b y the daily lives of s o m e of them, a n d even the w o m e n w h o cannot learn to read, or b e c o m e well instructed in Bible knowledge, h o w m u c h better a n d higher are their lives than those of their heathen neighbors. In Sio-Khe the people are anxiously awaiting the c o m i n g of Dr. S t u m p f to reside, not only that the hospital m a y at last be re-opened but they trust that through the presence of Missionaries a n d the w o r k of the hospital, the C h u r c h m a y be revived. W e cannot but hope that the d a y the hospital is opened again a n d the Girls’ School also in w orking order will be the beginning of better days for Sio-khe.


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. J. A. O t t e , M . D., in charge.

Dr. Otte reports : O v e r twelve thousand visits w e r e m a d e to the dispensaries during the year; thirteen h undred a n d sixty-nine in-patients w ere treated in the hospitals, seven h u n d r e d a n d thirty operations w e r e performed, over one h u n d r e d a n d twenty under chloroform. T h e in-patients remained a n average of sixteen days. T h e y c a m e f r o m twentyfour districts (townships), cities a n d villages innumerable. S o m e travelled over a h u n d r e d miles in order to reach the hospital. W h a t Missionary institution or agen c y affords such magnificent opportunities for bringing a continuous Christian influence to bear u p o n so m a n y different individuals, a n d convey the Gospel into so m a n y homes, spread over such a large area, as a hospital located in a place so easily accessible as the port of A m o y ?

Patients Treated.

O n account of the great a m o u n t of medical a n d surgical, a n d other w o r k to be done, but little time remains for that persistent a n d continuous effort a m o n g the patients w h i c h alone leads to an intelligent ac­ ceptance of Christ. Yet even under these disadvantages souls h ave


been w o n for the Master.' H e r e a n d there w e hear of m e n brought into the fold. If this Is true w h e n It has been possible to do so little, what, with G o d ’s blessing, w o u l d m e results h a v e been If definite, intelligent teaching h a d been given the patients, in addi­ tion to those talks a n d exhortations twice a d a y in the chapel b y the students a n d others attached to the hospital. Excepting the facts a bove alluded to, the past year has been m o s t h a p p y a n d successful. W h a t gives us m o r e happiness than perhaps anything else is that at last m u c h needed help will c o m e to us through the w o r k of Dr. Angle M . Myers, w h o is n o w on her w a y to A m o y . (Dr. M y e r s ar­ rived out in January, 1900.) O n e n e w student w a s a d d e d to our list during the past year. O n e left us to pursue his studies . in J a p a n a n d the United States. It has been possible to do a little m o r e teaching than last year, but w h e n w e think of w h a t o ught to be done as c o m p a r e d with w h a t w a s done w e cannot but feel sad. S o m u c h will be required of these students w h e n they leave us that they ought to be thoroughly grounded In medicine. N o n e w additions w e r e m a d e to the m a i n hospital during the year. A f e w simple changes were, however, effected, largely In­ creasing the utility of the operating room.


NETHERLANDS W O M A N ’S HOSPITAL. T h e year 1899 has been full of surprises, blessings, and, conse­ quently of happiness in the work. First, w e h a v e m u c h for w hich to t h a n k our kind H e a v e n l y Father. T h e n w e cannot forget the kindness of the friends In the Netherlands. If every branch of Mission w o r k w a s so well a n d heartily supported, as is the W o m a n ’s Hospital b y the friends in the Netherlands, m a n y of the anxious m o m e n t s spent b y so m a n y of us w o u l d be c h anged to times of Joy. There were four h u n d r e d a n d forty in-patients treated in the W o m a n ’s Hospital during the past year. Besides this about 6700 w o m e n a n d chil­ dren w e r e treated as out-patients, (including return visits). N o record w a s kept of the proportion of the total n u m b e r of opera­ tions w h i c h were performed for the w o m e n , but w e estimate at about one-third (276). ' All of the 440 in patients h a v e been unremittingly labored with, In m a n y cases with the m o s t gratifying result. N o t only has the B l b l e - w o m a n been faithful in teaching the patients the elements of Christianity, but quite a n u m b e r of the lady Missionaries have been m o s t earnest in their labors for the spiritual welfare of these women. Generally, they begin b y teaching one or m o r e of our


Christian h y m n s a n d psalms. T h ese contain the essentials of the Christian faith set to meter. A s the patients learn these h y m n s b y heart, the truths they contain are explained to them, a n d thus they are gradually led to Christ in a n intelligent way. These h y m n s they take with t h e m to their homes. T h u s the knowledge of, the truth is spread abroad, a n d it is really surprising h o w widely the seed has thus been sown. D u r i n g the year it w a s found best to allow one of the girl stu­ dents to return to her home. A n e w pupil w a s taken in her place, so that the n u m b e r remains the same, viz., four. D u r i n g the year 1899 great changes w e r e m a d e in the building. $1,844.96 w a s used for this purpose. F o r m e r ly there w a s r o o m for twenty-five patients, while at present forty can be accommodated. Besides the bath-rooms there are at present thirteen r o o m s in the W o m a n ’s Hospital, viz : seven wards, t w o servants’ rooms, one students’ room, a dispensary, kitchen a n d dining-room.



The Mission occupies:


g J g & Z S S t S M S S S i S ! } POP-l-tlon abo,U 3,000,000.

iVw^ionarie#.— Rev. Jared W. Scudder, xy.D.^Palmaner; John S c u d d e r , .^Vellore; John H. Wycboff, D. D M Tlndivanam; W. I. Chamberlain, Ph.D., Vellore; Lewie B. Chamberlain, Madanapalle; James A. Beattie, Chittoor; Henry J. Scudder, Afadanapalle; Mr. William II. Farrar, Ami, aud Rev. Walter T. Scudder, Ranipettai.

Assistant Missionaries.— yir*. J.. W. Scudder, Mrs. John Scudder, Mrs. J. H. Wyckoff, Mrs. W. I. Chamberlain, Mrs. L. B. Chamberlain, Mrs. J. A j Beattie, Mrs. H. J. Scudder, Mrs. W. TI. Farrar, Miss Julia C. Scudder, Miss M. Kitty Scudder. Miss 'Louisa Hart, M.D., Mrs. Walter T. Scudder, Miss Ida S. Scudder. M.D., and Miss Annie E. Hancock.


In America.— Rev. and Mrs. Jacob Chamberlain, Rev. L. R. Scudder, M.D., and •Mrs. Scudder, Rev. E. C. Scudder and Mrs. Scudder, and Miss L. von Bergen. Native Pastors, IS ; Other native helpers (unordalned), 169 ; Native helpers (female) 99; Total.'native helpers, 281. Boarding Schools (Boy**),-6; scholars, 264s; (Crirfr’),3; scholars, 176; Theological Seminary, 1 ; students, 35 ; Total, schools, 9 : scholars, 475. Day Schools, 1531; scholars, 5,715.




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■=I S°


p. Arcot...... Arni....... Chittoor.... Coonoor... Madanapalle.. Palmaner... Tlndivanam.. Vellore.... Total...

362 268 168 101 161 52 620 554 153

364 305 197 99 166 51 589 534

631 2042 1897 377 1007 1032 243 626 812 98 248 248 256 796 802 1 42 108 103 105 769 2093 2016 258 690 2024 2020 307 162 151 40 152

2306 2305 1176 3106 8944 8932

495 546 312 85 225 85 634 635

350 385 313 60 240 82 236 170

845 881 625 145 465 167 870 805

4 4

1029 549 917 239 041 309 827 830

3017 1786 4803 5345


1 0 2 1



R E P O R T 'FOR 1899.

T h e year 1899 covered the larger portion of the T a m i l year Vikari, w h i c h h a d long been singled out b y H i n d u astrologers as a period of fearful disaster a n d distress. Especially w a s the m o n t h of N o v e m b e r expected to witness s o m e terrible catastrophe, the conjunction of several planets being supposed to result In a physical a n d social revolution w h i c h w o u l d bring to an e n d the present evil age. T h e m o s t wild a n d absurd- r u m o r s w e r e afloat concerning the overthrow of the British Raj, a n d it is n o w declared that it w a s only through the powerful intercessions of the B r a h m i n priests, that the present order of affairs in India escaped utter annihilation ! In reality, f r o m a material point of view, the year has been a m o r e pros­ perous one than several that preceded it. It opened with one of the largest a n d best rice crops that the Arcot districts have en­ joyed for a decade, a n d food stuffs have been cheaper than for several years. T h e unusual rains in April nearly refilled the tanks, a n d well-water w a s a b u n d a n t all through the hot season. T h e failure of the north-east monsoon, however, has caused scarcity during the closing m o n t h s of the year, a n d unless rain c o m e s soon, w e shall have another famine to meet. r W i t h regard to our Mission work, the year has been devoted to strengthening ‘‘the things that r e m a i n ” rather than to o pen­ ing u p a n d developing n e w enterprises. In J a n u a r y our B o a r d ordered a reduction of 11 per cent, on our expenditure, w hich for­ b ade all aggressive work, a n d kept us from occupying n e w cen­ tres. Numerically, w e h a v e scarcely maintained the position re­ ported last year, but there has been g r o w t h in other respects w h i c h affords no little encouragement. Especially has there been ad v a n c e in the matter of self-support. Schools of all classes a n d grades h a v e s h o w n good results a n d there has been m o r e voluntary evangelistic effort than in a n y previous’ year. Chris­ tians are gradually passing out of the period of tutelage, a n d are exhibiting greater independence a n d m o r e self-help. It m u s t be admitted that there h a v e been s o m e lamentable failures in the attempt to b e c o m e independent of mission support, but it is cer­ tainly satisfactory to k n o w that the n u m b e r of “hangers o n ” in the Mission, is yearly beco m i n g smaller. W o m a n ’s work, es­ pecially in the medical line, has undergone considerable develop­ ment, a n d the gift of $10,000, b y Robert Schell, of N e w York, for a W o m a n ’s Hospital at Vellore, will help to establish a medical plant such as has long been desired.

General Review.

NATIVE AGENCY. Rev. J o shua S e l v a m w a s ordained pastor of the Arcot C h u r c h in October, thus increasing the n u m b e r of active pastors to thirteen. T h e C h u r c h has boldly undertaken to p a y his whole salary without a n y help from the Pastor’s Aid Society.

Native Pastors.

A s the Helpers’ Conference w a s not held, o w i n g to lack of funds, the m o n thly meetings have been about the only m e a n s employed for developing the intellectual a n d spiritual life of the native assistants. M o s t of the Missionaries devote tw o days in each m o n t h to this import­ ant work. T h e following extract from Rev. E. C. Scudder’s report describes the m e t h o d generally pursued : “F o r trying to advance their intellectual a nd spiritual condition there seems little opportunity except at the monthly meetings, c w hich are held usually on the first T h u r s d a y a n d Friday of each month. Duri n g these days I have t h e m all at a meeting in which w e give the first part to prayer a n d praise, next to a brief ac­ count of the past m o n t h ’s work, instances of special interest, or sketch of the preceding or other S u n d a y sermon, a nd then have a discussion on s o m e practical t h e m e relating to personal or congre­ gational spirituality, or to w a y s a n d m e a n s of w o r k a n d improve­ ment. In the afternoon Mrs. Scudder meets with them, a n d in­ structs t h e m a n d counsels with t h e m in regard to school, S u n d a y school a n d w o m a n ’s work. E a c h one w h o wishes to do so then has full opportunity for private conversation with me, the only limit a n d condition being that the subjects they wish to speak of be written u p o n a bit of paper a n d put into a locked box provided for the purpose. This ensures proper thought on both sides before­ h a n d as to w h a t shall be talked about a n d prevents waste of time, at the s a m e time giving t h e m full liberty a n d perfect privacy. A t these interviews I try to point out their weaknesses a nd errors and gain full confidences, which are on m y part kept strictly confiden­ tial. W h e n they a n d w e are not too tired b y our d a y ’s w o r k w e have a “social” in the evening, at the bungalow, where w e try to mingle, not as master a n d servant, or Missionary a nd helper, but as friend a n d friend.” ■ '

Improvement of Native Helpers.

Rev. J. H. W y c k o f f writes : " T o encourage thrift a m o n g the helpers, a n d also keep t h e m out of the clutches of the m o n e y ­ lenders, I organized three years ago a Station Bank. E a c h helper pays fees mont h l y at the rate of 6 pie to each rupee of his salary. This constitutes a pe r m a n e n t fund w hich can only be d r a w n in case the helper removes to a distance, w h e n it is returned to him, or, in case of death, paid to his family. A s the a m o u n t of fees does not produce a fund large e nough from which A

Station Bank.

to m a k e loans, w e require each person w h o desires a loan, first to m a k e a deposit of at least rupees four in the b a n k a n d leave it there for three months, at. the end of w hich time .he is allowed to w i t h d r a w the s u m deposited, together with a loan, of equal a m o u n t for w h ich he is charged a-moderate rate of interest. This has h a d t w o excellent effects. In the first place, it has-limited the n u m b e r of applications for loan ; and, in the secqnd place^ it has taught the m e m b e r s , w h a t every H i n d u .finds so hard to. do, viz., to lay b y something from his salary against future contingencies. T o the Missionary the b a n k has brought i m m e n s e relief as he is n o w able firmly to refuse all requests for advance. It has aided m a n y a helper in time of distress, a n d not a f e w have added to their little stock of wealth.”



F o r the first time in the history of our Mission this terrible pes­ tilence has invaded our borders. W h i l e its ravages were slight c o m p a r e d with the awful experiences in B o m b a y , yet it caused sufficient c o m m o t i o n to affect various departments of our Mission work, a n d the reports of nearly all the Missionaries give consider­ able space to it. It s eems m o r e than probable that this is prac­ tically the s a m e disease that w a s visited u p o n the Philistines as recorded in I Samuel, chaps. 5 a n d 6. T h e G r e e k a n d R o m a n his­ torians m a k e frequent reference to it, a n d E u r o p e w a s visited with it several times during the middle ages. T h e account of the great plague of L o n d o n in 1664, w h e n nearly half of the population w a s swept away, is such g r u e s o m e reading, that after perusing it the w o r d "plague” carries with it a terrible meaning. In India, w e have historic evidence f r o m the 14th century, of repeated visits of the dreadful scourge. T h e present outbreak occurred first in 1896 in B o m b a y , having probably been imported f r o m China w h e r e it h a d been raging since IS^l. It increased with great rapidity, the n u m b e r of cases in February, 1897, reaching 3,172. B e t w e e n O c ­ tober, 1896, a n d February, 1897, 398,000 people left the city. T h e exodus of such large n u m b e r s tended to° spread the disease, a n d before the close of the year the epidemic h a d entered the M a d r a s Presidency, and, gradually work i n g its w a y south, reached the North Arcot District at the close of 1898. It is a strange but universaljy k n o w n fact, that rats a n d mice are m o s t susceptible to the disease ; a n d b y this m e a n s the plague g e r m s are introduced f rom one house to another, a n d the pestilence rapidly spreads. Dr. Haffkine, a Russian Jew, has discovered a m e t h o d of plague in­ oculation w h i c h has proved a successful antidote. T h e College w a s t h r o w n open for lectures on the plague, an d w a s several times placed at the disposal of the inoculators as a centre to w h i c h persons desiring to be inoculated could be invited. T h e empty, or sparsely occupied class rooms, the awe-stricken faces of teachers a n d taught, the exaggerated reports of the n u m b e r

of cases a n d the spread of the disease, together with the c omlngof a c o m p a n y of Sepoys to preserve order— all these w e r e depressing In the extreme. T h e attendance in the College fell off nearly one-half, only 659 being on the rolls on M a r c h 31st, over against 1,004 at the close of 1898. In F e b r u a r y a severe outbreak of cholera In the t o w n a d d e d to the general consternation. T h e plague w a s at its worst in the t o w n during this month, too, a n d as a result from 10 to 16 deaths occurred daily. Naturally, both teachers a n d stu­ dents were greatly agitated. Probably ten thousand people, or a quarter of the population, left Vellore. Students did not prepare their lessons, a n d w h e n scolded for their negligence, replied \tliat there w a s no quiet In their houses; for, either the w o m e n w ould be crying a n d wringing their h a n d s In fear, or else the t om-toms w o u l d drive all thoughts a n d ideas out of their minds. M u c h to the Joy of all, the plague disappeared f r o m Vellore during April a n d M a y , a n d on re-openlng the College, M a y 17th, 1899, the students gradually returned. ■

T H E CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY. C o m p a r i n g the statistics of the year with those of 1898, there appears a slight decrease under s o m e heads. There is one m o r e communicant, a n d six less adherents than in the previous year; no fewer than 202 adults were baptized a n d 350 children, but only 123 adults w ere re­ ceived Into full c o m m u n i o n , o w i n g to the c ustom obtaining at s o m e stations of requiring a higher standard for c o m m u n i o n than baptism. H a d all the adults baptized been admitted to full c o m ­ munion, the c o l u m n of church membership- w o u l d have s h o w n a n advance of nearly 100. A s m a n y as 586 souls w ere received under Instruction f r o m heathenism; but about the s a m e n u m b e r have either relapsed or disappeared, so that there w a s no net gain. A large n u m b e r h a v e left for Kolar, Ceylon a n d other places to seek a livelihood. A s the population increases, a n d the struggle for existence beco m e s severer, these removals are sure to take place on even a larger scale.

Numerical and Spiritual Growth.

“T h e statistics of the Vellore field are not as encouraging as those of last year, as there is a slight decrease in several items, instead of a n In­ crease. Still, I think the w o r k is in quite as good condition, if not better. Statistics are not always a sign of healthy growth. A l ­ though the c o m m u n i c a n t s n u m b e r 20 less, a n d the total of the con­ gregations 4 less, w e are not left without encouraging features. 91 souls have been received from heathenism, 70 adults, a n d 108 children have been baptized, 21 have been received on confession, 52 b y certificate, a n d 6 suspended m e m b e r s restored. T h e con­ tributions h a v e Increased a n d a m o u n t to Rs. 830-9-1, this being


Rs.127-8-6 m o r e tKa.H'last year. O f this s u m Rs. 469-11-8 w a s given for the support of pastors a n a ^congregational purposes.” '' ‘

" T h e numerical gains over all losses have'been 44 families, 29 communicants, 161 baptized adher■ ents, a n d 150 S u n d a y school children. W e wish w e could speak of m o r e distinct signs of spiritual growth. A m o n g s t the n e w Christians the religious life will be crude a n d loose for years to come. N o t being able to read they are dependent on others for the k n o w l e d g e w h i c h m a k e s wise unto salvation, a n d w hich is the basis of conduct. In thinking of the religious life of the villages s o m e descriptions of the early C h u r c h in Paul’s epistles are very comforting. Still, redeeming features are not wanting. S o m e pray in the village meetings a n d others speak about Christ to their neighbors. O n e entire village m o v e d their houses to a new, healthy spot, a n d built o n either side of a wide street. Before they settled d o w n in their n e w h o m e s they requested the Catechist to pray in each house, a n d at the four corners of the village— thus sanctifying the settlement b y prayer.” , ,




‘ ’ “T here has been a loss of 31 c o m m u n i c a n t s a n d Tlndlvanam. ' 75 adherents at this station. This is chiefly o w i n g to defections in t w o villages, in one of w h i c h a large n u m b e r w e n t over to the1R o m a n Catholics, a n d in the other several families reverted to heathenism. Three or four n e w villages applied to be received, but w e were unable to occupy them. It is useless to take over communities steeped in Ignorance a n d superstition, unless w e can send a teacher to Instruct them, a n d it is not to'be expected that people so poor a n d degraded can or will support a n educated teacher at once. E v e n granted that they helped to support-their "heathen priests a n d temples (and w h a t they did in 'this' direction as ^heathen has been greatly ex­ aggerated) w h e n they b e c o m e Christians there‘m u s t be a complete revolution in their ideas a n d motives, since as’heathen they were p r o m p t e d to give f r o m fear of the curse of the priest or the god, whereas, as Christians, such gifts ■m u s t be free-will thank offer­ 1 ■ ■ ings.” ’

"Twenty have been received into full c o m m u n i o n with a net gain of seven c o m m u n i ­ cants. 52'adults a n d 91 children have been b a p ­ tized. These all s h o w signs of progress. Tliere h a v e been no serious cases of discipline. T h e Christians in Melpadi committed a very


serious fault in m a r r y i n g a couple w h o m the pastor h a d refused to marry. It w a s the case of a n uncle m a r r y i n g his niece. T h e con­ sistory m e t a n d after m u c h consultation decided that they m u s t p a y a fine of Rs. 80, or separate the couple w h o w ere really not married, a n d m a r r y t h e m to others in a regular way. A s they finally separated the couple, w e w e r e saved the necessity of fol­

lowing u p the case In the courts. It w a s not, however, till the C h u r c h doors were locked on them, a n d services refused that they c a m e to terms. '

Cases of persecution are constantly occurring, chiefly in the villages, w h e r e efforts to ameliorate the lower classes are persistently opposed by high caste people. T h e w o r d s of the Saviour ‘T c a m e not to bring peace on earth, but a sword,” find practical fulfilment in India, w h e r e the progress of Christianity m e a n s the gradual disinte­ gration of the whole social as well as religious fabric of Hinduism. Mr. Beattie gives the following examples of the petty annoyances to w h ich n e w converts are exposed:


“A Christian m a n ventured to protest against the encroachments of a caste neighbor, w h o h a d h i m first beaten and’ then charged in Court with stealing a goat. T h e Court declared the charge a purely trum p e d - u p one, a n d passed severe reflections on the Monigar or village he a d m a n , a n d police. T h e attention of the R e v e n u e authorities w a s called to the sins of these gentlemen, with the re­ sult that the M o n i g a r w a s suspended a n d s o m e of the police transferred. T h e prosecuting parties h a d to p a y over Rs. 50 for a lawyer, a n d bribes for false witnesses. T h e Catechist of another village ventured to remonstrate against so-called tax extortions of the M o n i g a r of his village, a n d the latter in revenge charged him, a n d three of his people, with stealing b a m b o o s to build a school house. T h e Court declared the charge a pure fabrication a n d dismissed the case. T h e M o n i g a r received a special black mark. R e v e n u e m achinery w a s again set’in motion a n d this M o n i ­ gar w a s finally dismissed a n d a Reddi friend of the Christians has been appointed in his place. Lastly, a Christian m a n from the s a m e village ventured to gather fish f r o m the bed of the G o v e r n ­ m e n t river along with s o m e caste men. T h e latter objected, a n d because the former w o u l d not desist, he w a s badly beaten. M y tent w a s close by, but I w a s at h o m e attending a funeral. N e x t d a y the guilty parties c a m e to a compromise, a n d ten rupees w a s fixed on as the a m o u n t they should p a y to the complainant for their exertions In welting him. T h e y agreed, but afterwards chan g e d their m i n d s a n d were informed that they w ould have to p a y m o r e in Court. Later they c a m e to Chittoor with the ten rupees, but were told that the price of their exertions h a d risen n o w to rupees -fifteen. After parleying a time they swallowed their scruples an d paid the s u m down. T h e complainant received a portion of the fifteen rupees, w e n t h o m e pretty well satisfied a n d took another thrashing f r o m s o m e of his heathen relatives rather than divide u p his spoil. T h e above cases were conducted on our side b y a B r a h m i n lawyer, without fee. T h e B r a h m i n Judge spoke in high terms of the disinterested efforts of the mission a n d workers on behalf of the oppressed classes. T h e enemies have n o w conceived s o m e respect a n d friendliness for the mission, its agents a n d people, and, for the last f e w months, w e have enjoyed rest.”

Dr. L. R. Scudder writes : ■ “A poor aged villager w h o h a d only recently b e c o m e a Christian w a s severely beaten, a n d his assailant immediately w e n t to the Village Magistrate, a n d with his help m a d e a criminal complaint against the old m a n for assault with dangerous weapon. The complaint of the Christian the Village Magistrate refused to even listen to, a n d the old m a n w a s compelled to enter a counter-com­ plaint after he h a d recovered f r o m his w o u n d s sufficiently to do so. A s usual he h a d no chance in Court, .where all are ■against a Pariah, a n d especially if he has committed the crime of becoming a Christian. T h e poor old m a n m o r t g a g e d his land, spent Rs. 60 in trying to defend himself a n d have his assailant punished, but finally h a d a fine imposed on himself for assault. This is the history of another'case: A y o u n g lad w h o has suffered a great deal from persecution w a s severely beaten. H e w a n t e d to bring a charge against his assailants. I advised h i m to bear his beating with patience. B u t his assailants, not satisfied, accused h i m a n d all the Christians in the village of assaulting t h e m a n d desecrating their temple. It w a s totally untrue, yet the Christian w a s fined a n d the others were vindicated. It is certainly hard to have to take the beating a n d the fine also. B u t it illustrates the difficulties our Christians experience w h e n they have to appear in Court. It often seems that the higher officials also are against them. I pre­ s u m e because they look on t h e m through the m e d i u m of their B r a h m i n clerks.” T h e mission has m a d e m a r k e d progress in the matter of self-support during the last five years. D u r i n g the first 19 years of our Mission history, the subject received so little attention that no c o l u m n of contribu­ tions w a s entered in the statistical tables. F r o m 1874 to 1884. there w a s really a decline in the a m o u n t of contribution per m e m b e r , a n d no adva n c e w a s m a d e until 1885. Since then the increase has been steady. In 1884 the c o m m u n i c a n t s gave Rs. 1-1-0 per me m b e r . In 1898 they gave Rs. 1-13-0 per m e m b e r , a n d in 1899 this w a s increased to Rs. 2-4-0, the whole a m o u n t of contributions being Rs. 5,345. This represents native contributions only, a n d does not include s u m s given b y Missionaries. All the reports give interesting state­ m e n t s on the subject.


T h e Chittoor Missionary says : “A house a n d school house that used to cost Rs. 60 is n o w put up for Rs. 43. A helper’s salary has been saved off the buildings put .up this year. T h e catechist a n d village Christians do small repairs on the houses a n d schools gratis, a n d take m o r e care In keeping the Mission property in good order. T h e a m o u n t for the year has c o m e in through subscriptions, donations, S u n d a y col­ lections a n d the annual Harvest Festival. Small a m o u n t s c o m e from each village every month, a n d all the Christian agents p ay

one a n n a on the rupee. T h e T. P. S. C. E. repaired the prayer meeting hall In the c o m p o u n d a n d supplied it with a set of n e w lamps, In the last quarter of the year ; and, on hearing of the result of the deliberations of the special Mission Meeting, w h i c h m e t in Chittoor in D e c e m b e r to consider the cut, the s a m e society, on its o w n initiative, promptly decided to support a helper on R u p e e s 8 per m e n s e m during 1900. This is certainly c o m m e n d ­ able, as it m e a n s considerable self-denial." ■ T h e Missionary at Madanapalle writes: “Self-support is advancing. In 1897, our Native Christian con­ tributions were Rs. 455, in 1898, Rs. 528, a n d this year Rs. 641, an increase of 43 per cent, in gifts, though the total congregation has increased but 1 % per cent, in the t w o years. If by “indigenous Christians” is m e a n t village Christians, 5 per cent, of the total contributions h a v e c o m e f r o m t h e m ; but if all w h o do not obtain their living f r o m the Mission are included, 25 per cent, of the con­ tributions have been b y “indigenous” Christians. E x a m p l e s of self-help, I rejoice to say, are increasing a n d numerous. T h r o u g h being rather hard-hearted a n d refusing pecuniary help without re­ ceiving s o m e equivalent, I a m no longer asked for m o n e y aid. O u r villagers n o w ask for ,work, a n d times have been so hard, that as m a n y as I could supply with w o r k here at Madanapalle, h ave c o m e in f r o m 8 to 18 miles, w h e n e v e r I h a v e work. O n e of the finest sights I have seen in India, because so’rare, w a s our Bible master, a n d another teacher, w h o but a few years a g o - w a s a B r a h m a n , c o m i n g along the public road with big bundles of grass on their bare backs, w hich they h a d d u g themselves a n d were bringing h o m e for their cows. T hose w h o k n o w w h a t a false idea of the indignity of putting your o w n hand' tp a n y m a n u a l w o r k holds in this country will understand w h a t this stands for w h e n t w o such m e n thus frankly s h e w e d all, that they w e re not afraid to w o r k or let it be k n o w n they h a d been working. This they did m o s t of their vacation, the while their wives* were left, contrary to India practice, to attend to their house duties.” T h e Missionary at T i n d l v a n a m observes : “W e are m a k i n g a gradual advance in the direction of self-sup­ port. Indigenous Christians are doing m o r e for their pastors a n d Churches, a n d the contributions are no longer m a d e u p en ­ tirely of the gifts of Mission helpers. It is hard, up-hill w o r k to train people w h o h a v e been accustomed to regard the Mission as established to support them, to contribute regularly to benevolent a n d congregational objects. Y e t steady persistent instruction tells f a n d although w e have no wonderful results to give, w e are glad to be able at least to report progress. T h e station-church, although very small, has m o r e than fulfilled its pledge to its pastor, be­ sides paying Rs. 2-8-0 a m o n t h to a peon, a n d meeting all the in­ cidental expenses, Including expenses of elder to Classis. T h e m e m ­

bers with their o w n h a n d s h a v e done Rs. 30 of w o r k improving the c o m p o u n d , setting a noble e x a m p l e of the dignity of m a n u a l labor. There are still s o m e a m o n g t h e m w h o talk m o r e than they do; but the majority take a real Interest In promoting the temporal in­ terests of their Church. In the villages the people in five places h a v e rendered substantial help in the building a n d repair of their Churches, s h o w i n g that the spirit of self-help is growing. T h e con­ tribution to pastor’s support w a s greater than in a n y former year.” Dr. L. R. Scudder reports : “A t the beginning of the year, the consistory, after a careful consideration of the condition of each congregation, m a d e an a p ­ portionment of an a m o u n t that they w o u l d expect each congrega­ tion to give towards pastoral support during the year. T h e rate a i m e d at w a s a rupee for each family a n d eight a n nas for widows. In m a k i n g the apportionment, due regard w a s h a d to the condi­ tion of the families, as well as to the a m o u n t s that h a d been given the year before. T h e villages were also apportioned to the d ea­ cons to be visited constantly b y t h e m with a view to inducing the people to live u p to their privileges. This plan, while not bringing in the whole a m o u n t expected, has been a very great help. Three villages actually exceeded the a m o u n t a n d one or t w o m o r e c a m e very nearly u p to it; s o m e f e w fell very far behind. B u t even in their case the a m o u n t s given were an ad v ance on last year. It is n o w several years since one rupee has been placed as the stand­ ard for every family to contribute, a n d they have c o m e to feel that they o w e that a m o u n t towards the support of the pastor, a n d at the close of the year, if unpaid, it is called a debt or balance o w e d to the fund. "I h a v e deposed t w o f r o m their position because they h a d not given the rupee for the year, a n d three others w h o k n e w that their cases w o u l d c o m e up, paid u p their “arrears of charity” in time to save their position. But, with all our efforts, arrears w o u l d pile up, a n d o n October 1st it w a s found that they a m o u n t e d to over Rs. 90. After earnest prayer a n d consultation, each helper pledged himself to bring in a certain a m o u n t f r o m his congregation, a nd under the stimulus of their promise a n d with G o d ’s help they w o r k e d their best, with the astonishing result that on D e c e m b e r p a y d a y they paid in charity f r o m their congregation to the a m o u n t of Rs. 50-5-10. I believe that will be a record month. T h e a m o u n t given b y the village Christians during the year w a s Rs. 146-2-4, while the helpers gave Rs. 117-7-0, m a k i n g a total of Rs. 263-9-4.”

Three Harvest Festivals w e r e held within the b o u n d s of the Mission, one at Ponnai for the . Vellore, Ranipettal a n d Chittoor stations; one at D e v i k a p u r a m for the A m i station ; a n d one at M uttathur in South Arcot. Rega r d i n g the last Rev. J. H. W y c k o f f writes :

Harvest Festival.

“O u r Harvest Festival w a s held as usual in the m o n t h of April, a n d although not so well attended as the previous year,'owing to the late rains, yet the interest w a s quite u p to the average, a n d the a m o u n t of offerings largely exceeded that of f o r m e r 'years. T h e latter reached a total of Rs. 130, of which Rs. 45 c a m e f r o m the station church a n d Rs. 85 f r o m the villages. This is Rs. 55 in excess of the year previous. W e h a d with us Rev. Dr. D. R. Scudder, Rev. S. F. B e r g of Trenomalay, a n d W . H. Stanes, Esq., of Coonoor, all of w h o m m a d e helpful addresses, Mr. Stanes also preaching to large crowds with the aid of the sciopticon. T h e offerings e m ­ braced all sorts of articles including live stock, w hich w ere a u c ­ tioned off, generally at m a r k e t prices. A s one d a y has been found too short to finish the p r o g r a m in a n orderly way, t w o days will probably be devoted to the festival in future. T h e heartiness with w hich even the poorest entered into the spirit of the occasion, w a s delightful to behold. A learned Missionary brother has w a r n e d us against these festivals, on the grou n d that the testimony of C h u r c h history is against t h e m ; but, like Christian Endeavor, w e have seen only good in t h e m thus far, a n d if unseen evils should in future appear, w e have sufficient confidence in the leaders of the native church to believe that they will rise to the occasion a nd put a stop to them.” Christian E n d e a v o r is no longer on trial. It is a recognized institution in the Mission. E v e r y station except Arni has at least one society, a n d the n u m b e r of village societies is on the increase. T h e following testimonies are given by the various missionaries as to its value:

Christian Endeavor.

Dr. J o h n Scudder writes : “There are seven societies in the field, viz., a Senior a n d a Junior in the Boarding D e p a r t m e n t of the college ; a Senior in each of the following places:— Kandiputtur, Kottapalle, B o m m a s a m u d r a m a n d Katpadi, a n d in the latter a Junior also. Those in the three mentioned villages hold their mont h l y consecration meetings to­ gether, in different places, a n d spend the following d a y in preach­ ing the Gospel to the heathen.” Rev. J. H. W y c k o f f says:— " A n E n d e a v o r Society has been established at W a n d i w a s h , m a k i n g four in this field. W e have been asked to organize in ■other places; but the very small n u m b e r of y o u n g m e n w h o can read m a k e s us hesitate. T h e society at the station has kept up its organized work, a n d its m e m b e r s have g r o w n in Scripture knowledge a n d piety. T h e evangelistic service rendered has been greater than ever. T h e Narasinganur a n d W a n d i w a s h societies have each organized a Bajani, w h ich is a great attraction in their meetings as well as in their preaching work. W e are surprised

that a n y Missionary should lift his voice against this excellent so­ ciety. T h e awful lethargy, both mental a n d spiritual, that char­ acterizes our ordinary Christians is a constant source of discour­ a g e m e n t to the Missionary. If Christian E n d e a v o r can do a n y ­ thing to rouse their dead souls, a n d a w a k e n n e w life in t h e m so that they will do something for their o w n spiritual a d v a n c e m e n t as well as for their neighbors, w e ought to hail the advent of such a society in India with delight, a n d wish it G o d speed.” Rev. L. B. Chamberlain says : “C. E. has been a boon. W e h a v e not done m u c h with village societies. B u t w h e r e w e h a v e them, a n d w h e r e there are C. E. Societies in central stations, there has been increased spiritual life a n d voluntary activity. T h e Madanapalle C h u r c h never h a d a m o r e intelligent, active, a n d faithful consistory, a n d every m e m ­ ber w a s trained in C. E. A t P unganur, Laza r u s Marian, w h o has always m a n a g e d the S u n d a y Schools, says formerly he could never get the Christian w o m e n to help even in the Girls’ S u n d a y school. Since the C. E. Society started, a n d as a result, the w o m e n have taken entire charge of the Girls’ S u n d a y school. Some of the younger Christian teachers also w o u l d not Join in village preaching, but n o w f r o m the H e a d m a s t e r of the H i g h School, all join. There are five C. E. Societies, with a total m e m ­ bership of 108." Rev. L. R. Scudder writes : “T h e Christian E n d e a v o r Societies of m y field have held their o w n during the year a n d have continued to exert a healthful in­ fluence. T h e senior society has held a n u m b e r of meetings in the villages w h i c h have helped the m e m b e r s as well as villages. In D e c e m b e r the Christian E n d e a v o r anniversary w a s held in T e h a m u r a n d it w a s m a d e a special rally for the juniors. S o m e 60 or 70 juniors f r o m the whole field c a m e together at that m e e t ­ ing. T h e services w ere enthusiastic a n d helpful a n d did m u c h to encourage the children. A special effort has been m a d e to e m p h a ­ size the importance of the pledge, with good effect.” Rev. J. A. Beattie writes : “T h e Y. P. S. C. E. is a good m e d i u m through w h i c h the people of this land can express their Christian Endeavor. It is s o m e ­ thing tangible a n d concrete w hich they can see. It is not regarded as a separate institution; but only a convenient m e t h o d of ex­ pressing part of the Christian E n d e a v o r of the Christian c o m ­ munity. T h e principle of Christian E n d e a v o r w a s here before the society c a m e a n d will be here w h e n the society m a y go; but there can be no doubt that, for the present, the society has helped to accentuate the Christian E n d e a v o r principles of s o m e w h o need a m o u l d in w h i c h to cast their efforts. It is a n a c c o m m o d a t i o n to

a C h u r c h w h i c h has not fully developed all Its parts ; but is not a necessity to C h u r c h w hich Is aroused a n d alive in all its m e m ­ bers.” T h e only Y o u n g M e n ’s Christian Associations in the Mission are connected with the college at Vellore. O f these Rev. H. J. Scudder writes : "This organization, of w h i c h the Principal has continued to be the President, has held its meetings regularly every Friday even­ ing. T h e C o m m i t t e e w o r k has been m o r e systematically ar­ ranged a n d the meetings have been interesting a n d helpful. T h e T o w n Y. M . C. A. w a s n e wly organized in August. A s the T o w n is too distant f r o m the Mission c ompound, for Christian teachers of the College to attend the Friday evening Y. M. C. A. meetings, the need w a s felt for a n organization, in which the College Christian teachers a n d the Christian m e n of all denominations in Vellore could unite, a n d be mutually helpful in doing the L o r d ’s work. T o m e e t this need the T o w n Y. M . C. A. w a s started, and holds its meetings Saturday evenings. A Tennis Court has been m a d e a n d three S u n d a y evening religious lectures ar-1 ranged for. These were delivered in the College Hall b y George S h e r w o o d Eddy, Ph. B., a n d the Revs. L. R. Scudder a n d H. Huizinga respectively. O n e of the aims of the T o w n Association is to exert an evangelistic influence u p o n the educated a n d the stu­ dent population of Vellore. T h e lectures have been a small begin­ ning in this line. T h e Y. M . C. A. W e e k of Prayer w a s held, as usual, in N o v e m b e r , b y the College Y, M.' C. A.” K yW. C. A.




Mr. Huizinga, u p to the time of his leaving the Mission in No v e m b e r , pursued his evangelis­ tic touring with great faithfulness. It.is to be regretted that, with his departure, this useful agency m u s t be for a time suspended, except as the native brethren can carry it on. T h e reports_of the Missionaries s h o w that m o r e evangelistic w o r k than usual w a s done during the year at the various stations, a n d the statistical tables indicate a greater n u m b e r of hearers a n d a larger distribution a n d sale of literature than for a long time.

Evangelistic Work.

Dr. J o h n Scudder writes : “Street preaching in Vellore has received m o r e attention than usual, a n d the Helpers have visited the villages surrounding their stations m a n y times. B y these m e a n s the Gospel has been preached in 5,197 places, 11,342 times to 165,569 persons, a n d 12,000 h a n d bills distributed. If the n u m b e r s reached b y the Z e n a n a w o m e n . b e added, it m a k e s the total of persons w h o h ave heard the good tidings, 193,292. T h e mess a g e has generally been well

received, a n d m a n y are ready to acknowledge that it is the truth a n d should be accepted, but as yet they are unwilling to do so.” Rev. J. H. W y c k o f f says :




" M o r e evangelistic w o r k has been accomplished at this station than for three years. I have been only able to m a k e one tour myself, but native evangelists have carried on the w o r k syste­ matically, a n d reached m a n y thousands. In July I toured t w o w e e k s with Mr. Huizinga in the W a n d i w a s h Taluq, m a k i n g three e n c a m p m e n t s a n d preaching over a large area. A t the close of October, Mr. Huizinga’s b a n d of preachers w a s transferred to m y charge, a n d in c o m p a n y with s o m e of m y o w n Helpers, they con­ tinuously toured for nearly t w o months, m a k i n g six different en ­ c a mp m e n t s . T h e C. E. workers of the s«.ation-society have kept up. their preaching with remarkable perseverance, going again a n d again to the s a m e villages, besides visiting M y l a m t wo or three times during the festival periods. O n the east of T i n d i v a n a m the Gospel Extension Society A g e n t has continued his good work, pro­ claiming the gospel repeatedly in the s a m e villages, while the Catechists a n d Teachers have done the usual evangelistic w o r k in a n d about their resident villages. A n e w feature introduced into our evangelistic w o r k in the villages w a s the organization last year of six Bajani S a n g a m s , three in each of the t wo village pas­ torates. T hese S a n g a m s m e e t m o n t h l y a n d hold special e v a n ­ gelistic services. T h e three in each pastorate also this year united in holding anniversary meetings. T h e y were organized a n d are carried on exclusively b y the Helpers a n d Village Christians, a nd besides being a great help in preaching to the heathen, are also a m e a n s of a w a k e n i n g the Christians.” '

Attitude of the


T h e testimony of the Missionaries generally is that open opposition to the gospel is not so m a r k e d as it w a s a f e w years ago.

Rev. E. C. Scudder writes :


“W h e r e v e r our m e n go they are well received. I forbid use­ less arguing, a n d all abuse of H i n d u gods, or even u n d u e refer­ ence to them. It is e n o u g h for t h e m to preach "Christ.” T o this rule I ascribe the present relations w hich prevail. N o ’n e w m e t h o d s ’ of preaching have been adopted unless the emphasis on Individual to individual rather than c r o w d to c r o wd be so con­ sidered. T h e present attitude of the higher classes Is one of friend­ liness, or at least not opposition to the Gospel. I feel sure there are m a n y w h o read the Bible. I k n o w of a few such, a n d though they are not disciples, they will in time become-so. There are tw o great hindrances : (1) the caste difflcutly, a n d (2) the fact that Christianity, as w o r k e d out practically b y m a n y of its exponents, does not c o m m e n d itself sufficiently to compensate for the risks of a chan g e of religion.”

Rev. J. A. Beattie says : “A kind of agnosticism m a y describe the condition of the e d u ­ cated Hindus, a n d the restaurants on railways a n d in cities a n d shops, w h e r e oilman’s stores are sold, can testify h o w they break in practice the caste they defend in theory. This is a stage in w h i c h the m i n d of m a n cannot rest, a n d such a transition, as all history shews, is prophetic of better things.” Rev. L. R. Scudder observes,: " A s a result of the evangelistic w o r k of the year, t w o n e w villages have been received a n d the people placed under instruc­ tion. A silk w e a v e r f r o m the M a d u r a District, w h o has c o m e to Arcot to m a k e a living, has n o w for several m o n t h s professed a great desire to b e c o m e a Christian. H e has often attended our services. T h e interesting thing in connection with h i m is that he says his wife is the m a i n cause of his desire to c o m e to Christ. She, as a little girl, attended one of the caste girls’ schools of the M a d u r a Mission in M a d u r a City, a n d there learned about Chris­ tianity a n d Christ, a n d though she has forgotten m o s t of w h a t she learned there, the truths of Christianity h ave left their m a r k o n her life, a n d n o w after m a n y years, a n d after w a ndering far f r o m that place she is d r a w n towards the truth. Only a f e w w e e k s a g o she w a s brought very low b y a n attack of sickness, w h e n she experienced her faith in Christ, a n d prayed for His aid. She recovered, a n d is all the m o r e anxious to b e c o m e a Christian with her whole family." Rev. H. Huizinga reports : “T h e mo s t of m y w o r k has been that of e v a n ­ gelistic touring. F r o m F e b r uary to October our b a n d preached in over 1,300 places, 2,700 times, to audiences aggregating about 65,000 ; a n d w e sold over 1,000 Bible portions a n d tracts. I will give a brief description of one of our m o s t Interesting tours. W e started out on the 19th of J une a nd returned on the 26th of July, having been out thirty-seven days. First, w e pitched our tent seven miles f r o m h o m e at Ayilam, w h e r e w e h a d been last year. N o fruit, w a s the despairing cry of m y helpers as w e w e n t f r o m village to village. In one large t o w n I w a s preaching a n d telling about Jesus restoring sight to the blind. T h e n t w o m e n brought a little lad w h o w a s blind a n d said: “If y o u will give h i m sight w e will all believe.” W e m o v e d to K a n n a m a n g a l a m on the 1st of July, a n d ha d s o m e difficulty in finding a suitable place for pitching our tent. It w a s pleasant w o r k round this centre, for w e w e r e especially well re­ ceived almost everywhere, a n d the people listened attentively to our message. W e sold m a n y Bible portions a n d tracts there. B u t w h y do they not b e c o m e converted ? you m a y ask. T h e reason is not far to seek. T h e y a n d t.ieir parents have followed

Evangelistic Tours.

the teachings o£ H i n d u i s m for m a n y generations. T h e y have worshipped idols f r o m the time that they stood at their m o t h e r ’s knee. If a n y break a w a y they m u s t not only give u p all preju­ dices that h a v e been instilled into them, but they m u s t literally give u p father, mother, brothers, sisters, wife a n d children. This is illustrated in the case of a M o h a m m e d a n on w h o m I called as I proceeded on m y w a y to W a n d i w a s h , all of w h o m I have written before. H e has been a n inquirer for over a year an d seems m u c h in earnest. H e reads his N e w T e s t a m e n t .diligently a n d privately confesses to believe in the Saviour, but he dares not c o m e forward for fear of his people. In all the history of our Mission w e have h a d but one or t w o converts f r o m M o h a m m e d a n i s m . “D o you never me e t with a n y opposition ?” I hear friends as k ­ ing. Yes, frequently a mild sort of opposition is shown. One m o r n i n g I w e n t out with tw o brethren to a village. W e h a d a fair audience, a n d a m o n g them, a f e w Brahmins, one of w h o m tried hard to interrupt us, until Anally he began vociferously and with m a n y gestures to w a r n the people against our preaching. A m o n g other things he said: “O u r god V i s h n u b e c a m e incarnate nine times, a s s u m i n g the forms of different animals, in order to save all creatures. Christ c a m e to save only m e n !” This B r a h ­ m i n volunteer preacher followed us to another part of the t own a n d b y his noise considerably disturbed us. T h e people, however, sympathized as m u c h with us as with him. Opposition of a worse kind befell our b a n d the last evening in Kovilur. W e planned to give a lantern exhibition, a n d I had chosen a convenient centre. B u t as I h a d already preached five times that mo r n i n g I stayed in c a m p while Dr. W y c k o f f with Hfteen brethren w e n t to s h o w the lantern a n d preach. B y m e a n s of song they gathered a c r o w d of people, but scarcely h a d they put u p the lantern w h e n stones b egan to rain from different direc­ tions, as big as a Ast a n d larger. T h e y c a m e f rom behind trees a n d houses, a n d temple walls. Like the Spaniards these m e n hit nothing, except our heathen b a n d y - m a n , very slightly. However, nothing could avail but to leave the place as Christ said : “w h e n they persecute you in this city Aee into another.” N o t willing that this should be the last incident .in the place, a n u m b e r of us went the next m o r n i n g a n d preached in the t o w n without opposition.” An

°SPeSocieiyS 0"

organization called the Gospel Extension

Society c a m e into existence in 1895 which n o w sustains t w o evangelists a n d t wo colporteurs, w h o s e whole time is devoted to the preaching of the Gospel. T h e evangelists are located at Pallipett in N orth Arcot, a n d B r a m a d e s a m in South Arcot. T h e y h a v e preached over a wide area, a n d the reports they have given to their Society are extremely interesting. A third evangelist is n o w about to be appointed for the Telugu Aeld. T h e Native C h u r c h contributes very liberally to the support of these agents.



e v . L ewis

R. S c u d d e r , M. D., In charge.

Miss L. H. H M



, M . D., in charge of W o m e n ’s Department.

. A. J. H o m e , Civil Apothecary.


O u r Mission after a n interval of years, is again taking the position of a Medical Mission, w h ich it occupied during the first t w o decades of its history. T h e Ranipett Hospital, w hich w a s established b y Dr. Silas Scudder, but which, o w i n g to w a n t of M i s ­ sion funds, h a d for s o m e time been chiefly supported by the Local F u n d Board, w a s in October last passed entirely over to the M i s ­ sion. T h e G o v e r n m e n t in future will give the institution a re­ duced grant-in-aid. T h e Mission w a s enabled to take this step through the liberality of a benevolent gentleman in America. T h e dual m a n a g e m e n t so long exercised b y the Mission a n d the Local F u n d B o a r d h a d not been satisfactory to either party, especially to the Mission, a n d it is a matter for congratulation that the H o s ­ pital has n o w been recognized b y the G o v e r n m e n t as distinctly a Mission Institution. O f the w o r k of the past year Dr. L. R. S c u d ­ der reports : T h e statistics for the year s h o w a very large falling off from those of last year. This is due to the fact that plague broke out in J a n u a r y a n d continued to carry off a case n o w a n d then till June, w h e n it disappeared. Their prejudices a n d fears kept m a n y a w a y from the hospital. So long as the plague continued, patients w o u l d not come, especially from the surrounding villages. T h e lowest ebb of out-patients w a s in J u n e w h e n only 613 were a d ­ mitted. B u t f r o m that m o n t h there w a s a rapid recovery of n u m ­ bers till in October 1,107 were admitted. T h e lowest n u m b e r of in­ patients admitted w a s 16 in February. In October the n u m b e r w a s 91. T h e total n u m b e r of in-patients w a s 532, a falling off of 118 over last year. T h e daily average w a s twenty. In all 9,046 out­ patients were admitted, a falling off of 3,186. T h e daily average w a s 42. In addition to the above, 107 cases w ere treated in the Lying-in-Hospital, 27 of w h i c h 'were instrumental. F o u r cases were treated outside ; 594 operations were performed. T h e rapid increase during the closing m o n t h s of the year s h o w s that the plague scare has subsided, a n d that the hospital has not lost a n y of its former popularity. These figures indicate a very h e a v y w o r k for 1900. T h o u g h the preaching has been carried on as usual this year, w e have no special results to report. B u t n o w that w e are freed from the restraints of the Local F u n d B o a r d ’s interference, a n d control things ourselves, the religious side of the w o r k will be m u c h m o r e emphasized, a n d w e trust that G o d will a d d His blessing to the efforts to m a k e this a distinctly Christian Hospital

Dr. H a r t reports: — “T h e change from a G o v e r n m e n t to a Mission Hospital has been a m e a n s through w h i c h w e h a v e been able to a dmit nearly all w h o c o m e to us needing to be taken in, a n d thus has already proved a great blessing to m a n y w h o m i g h t otherwise h ave been sent h o m e to die or get well in spite of the odds against them, as they sometimes do. M a n y of those w h o c o m e to us need surgical treat­ ment, m a j o r or minor, a n d flndlng.it almost impossible to attend to so m a n y during a m o r n i n g a n d do Justice to all, I w a s obliged to a d d a trained nurse to m y staff, a Eurasian w o m a n , w h o seems to be a faithful, earnest Christian, kind to the patients, a n d winning her w a y a m o n g s t them. T h e w o r k has been m u c h m o r e satisfac­ tory to all since her arrival. T h e Hospital Assistant so m u c h needed, w e h a v e been unable to find, a n d so, w h e n called off to visit a village or to another station for a d a y or more, Dr. Scudder or the apothecary has h a d to attend to the w o m e n as well as do the w o r k of their o w n Department.”




Mis V o n Berg e n writes: “In Punganur, a progressive place, in which our schools flourish, it is very difficult to gain access to high caste Punganur. houses, a n d to B r a h m i n ones almost impossible. H o w e v e r , the Bible w o m a n has on her list s o m e sixteen houses, in three of w h i c h she is teaching the w o m e n to read, t w o of t h e m reading the Scriptures intelligently. B y per­ mission of the Zemindar, a free entrance to the ladies of his household has been afforded me. T h e y are truly zenana ladles, not being allowed out of doors, except in closed vehicles. O n e of m y school teachers is instructing them, a n d as the books they read contain considerable religious instruction, I consider they have m a d e a good beginning. V a y a l p a d is a rather bigoted place, a n d there is a n undercurrent of ill feeling there a m o n g s t the B r a h m i n s against Vayalpad. us Missionaries a n d our work. B u t during "the past year It has been a n Interesting field of work, all the same. In s o m e cases the w o m e n have received us readily enough, but twelve has been the limit of the n u m b e r of houses visited. A f e w w o m e n b egan to read with Amelia, but they soon ' dropped it again, a n d did not adva n c e sufficiently to read the Scrip­ tures. O n e nice little M a h o m e d a n w o m a n , w h o has b e g u n reading with Amelia, one day, s o m e m o n t h s ago, invited m e to visit her house. I found her a n interested pupil, with w h o m , however, I could only converse b y having the B l b l e - w o m a n interpret m y Te•lugu into T a m i l T h e little w o m a n s e e m e d to enjoy m y visit, but

her husband, w h o c a m e in during m y stay, though he w a s per­ fectly polite to me, afterwards forbade her to let m e enter the house. However, on m y last visit to this town, the h u s b a n d being away, she invited m e again to visit her, a n d w e spent a half hour together. Esther, the Bible-woman, continues to hold her own, twentythree houses being n o w open to her. T h e pupils Madaaapatte. c o m e a n d ’go, and, in several instances, w e were able to sell to the women,' w h o were obliged to leave, the four Gospels, before their departure, a n d received their promises that they w o u l d continue to read t h e m if possible. D u r i n g the year four visits w e r e m a d e to Punganur, a n d seven different villages visited in its neighborhood, ’ Touring. while V a y a l p a d w a s visited three times, with visits to nine villages in its vicinity. T o Filer only t w o trips w e r e made, a n d six villages reached. It did not s e e m practicable to go there oftener, there being no resident Biblew o m a n , nor w a s there one always available to take along with m e o n m y tours. In s o m e of5the villages near P u n g a n u r a n d Vayalpad, s o m e of the people h a d never seen a white w o m a n before. M a n y of the w o m e n w o u l d run away, out of shyness, on first see­ ing me. B u t if a second visit w a s made, they w o u l d stand at a distance a n d give s o m e attention.” Miss-J. C. Scudder writes:— " “There are a large n u m b e r of houses visited by the t wo w o m e n ' engaged in this work, but the people are, as Palmaner. a rule, those of the poorer class, there being only about a dozen officials’.wives a m o n g them. A f e w of the w o m e n are learning to read, t w o dr three of t h e m h a v e asked for Bible portions, a n d s o m e others, w h o do not k n o w h o w to read, h a v e learned to repeat Bible verses. Quite a c r o w d gathers w h e n e v e r I visit the houses, a n d often there are several m e n in the audience, a n d always a n u m b e r of half-grown boys. T h e houses being usually m e r e huts, w e do not enter them, but open a c a m p stool a n d sit d o w n before m e only doorway. People passing b y naturally gather to see w h a t is going on, attracted b y the colored S u n d a y school pictures s h o w n or b y the lyrics sung. W e h a v e h a d this year about nine M o h a m m e d a n houses a m o n g the number.” Miss M . K. Scudder says:— " W o r k has been carried on in Wallajah, Arcot, Ranipettai a nd " Karl, largely a m o n g the Chetty a n d Mudaliyar Ranipettai. castes, a n d in a f e w M a h o m m e d a n houses. A small book, prepared b y Miss Swift for the B i b l e - w o m e n has proved m o s t helpful in directing the w o m e n w h a t to teach. Slight attention is given to sewing, but learning

to read is heartily encouraged. A small circulating library in the hands of each Z a n a n a w o r k e r supplies useful reading in the .h o m e s between visits. There h a v e been no cases of severe opposi­ tion, but on the contrary our w o m e n s e e m to .be w e l c o m e d by their pupils. Interesting questions are asked sometimes, on such subjects as the future state of children unconscious of sin, a n d of adults, a n d whet h e r the dead ever return to, us.. T o the query, " W h o is Jesus, of w h o m y o u are always celling us?” the answer w a s given in G o d ’s o w n declaration at the time of Christ’s b a p ­ tism a n d transfiguration. In a recent meeting of the Z e n a n a w o ­ men, w h e r e they talked freely .with one another of incidents in their work, each one reported the general fear that h a d pre­ vailed a m o n g the people of s o m e terrible catastrophe to trans­ pire in N o v e m b e r last, o w i n g to the extraordinary conjunction of planets. O n e of t h e m w a s exhorted to prepare food, water and lights for a three d a y s ’ imprisonment in her home, as the sun w o u l d be darkened for that length of time, a n d another to ask m e on m y return from Vellore in regard to a flood that w a s to wipe it off the face of the earth.” ' •

Mrs. E. C. Scudder observes:— “W e

b egan the year with one worker, w h o visited in thirtyseven houses. W e close it .with three workers Aral. w h o teach in one h u n d r e d and thirty-three . houses. S o m e fancy w o r k is taught, but the w o m e n spend the large part of their time in simply telling about Christ. Only a few H i n d u w o m e n are learning to read. Others are afraid to try, "because the older m e m b e r s of the family w o u l d laugh at them.” O u r w.omen visit a f e w B r a h m i n s and M a h o m m e d a n s , 0 but find their w a y mostly into the houses of the middle class Hindu. T h e y are well received, the greatest objec­ tion m a d e in regard to t h e m being that they “do not c o m e often enough.” S o m e w o m e n ask a daily visit, w h i c h is not possible, since w e go to so m a n y houses. S o m e of the girls w h o have left our schools are continuing their secular studies at home, helped b y the Bible-women. Sixteen years ago a Christian m a n w a s beaten in Arni for daring to w a l k through a B r a h m i n street. T o ­ d a y there are over a h u n dred H i n d u houses inside of which Christian w o m e n go freely. Truly, H i n d u w a y s a n d thoughts are changing."

Mrs. J o h n Scudder writes :— "Although

plague a n d cholera prevailed during the early m o n t h s of the year, a n d m a n y refused to allow Vellore. strangers to enter ineir houses, zenana w o r k w a s continued, a n d the Bible readers were faithful in carrying the Gospel message, visiting regularly 87 houses,, a n d 1,982 visits h a v e been m a d e to audiences totalling 8,013. O n e of the

workers w a s absent nearly t w o m o n t h s on account of illness, a n d Paramal, w h o is supported b y the W o m e n ’s Gospel Extetnsion Society, only b egan her w o r k in Vellore in August. She c a m e back from her t w o years’ training in M a d u r a with n e w m e t h o d s of work, a n d spends one or t w o days of each w e e k in visiting a m o n g villages, w h i c h are within walking distance, a n d w h e r e such w o r k has never been attempted before. 'In Septem' ber she w e n t with m e on a tour a m o n g the Christian villages of our district. W e were a w a y f r o m h o m e nine days, a n d several hours of each d a y we r e spent a m o n g the Christian w o m e n , m a n y of w h o m are still very ignorant. P a r a m a i spoke in each village to groups of heathen w o m e n . In one village w h e r e the Catechist’s wife h a d been work i n g a m o n g them, the heathen w o m e n contrib­ uted a basket of rice, asking that it m ight be used toward the Bible R e a d e r s salary.' W e hope m u c h m o r e of this w o r k can be done during the c o m i n g "year.”

Mrs. J. H. W y c k o f f reports:— “T h e t w o workers of 1898, Mrs. S a w y e r a n d M a r y S a r g u n a m , h ave faithfully continued their w o r k during the m ost Tlndivaaam. of this year, though the former, through ill-health, • w a s obliged to be under Dr. H a r t ’s- treatment in Ranipett Hospital a month. T h e g en­ 'eral character of the w o r k of both has not changed, Mrs. S a w y e r seeking her opportunities in the bazaars, along the street, beside the tanks, or wherever groups of people are at leisure to listen, or single individuals w o u l d give a hearing. M a r y Sar­ g u n a m , on the contrary, has her w o r k within the closed doors— with Primer, Reader, or Gospel in hand, hearing the reading les­ son, a n d then teaching Bible truths b y texts of narrative. N o tours in the country districts h a v e been possible for us this year, a n d but few visits to outlying villages, but I h ave tried to keep up with the progress of the thirty or forty pupils in the t o w n b y sev­ eral visits to each during the year, a n d have found t h e m proud to s h o w their advance f r o m one book to another, a n d always cor­ dial in their w e l c o m e to m e . ”

W O M A N ’S G O S P E L



It is n o w m o r e than three years since, at Puthalapett, during the W o r k e r s ’ conference,'the Christian w o m e n acted u p o n their •desire to have their o w n Gospel Extension Society, a n d organized one, with constitution a n d laws. Its object w a s to a w a k e n a sense 'of responsibility a m o n g our Christian w o m e n to spread the G o s ­ pel to other Indian w o m e n w h o h a v e not yet heard of Christ; an d that even the poorest m i g h t be encouraged to Join, the annual m e m b e r s h i p fee w a s placed at only t w o annas, or six cents. F r o m

m a n y little rills started u p from all over our Mission, the streams of the w o m e n ’s benevolence h a v e been broadened year b y year, till n o w it supports three Bible-women, at a n expenditure of nearly 300 rupees annually. Detailed accounts of the h u m b l e w a y s In which m u c h of this is raised a m o n g the poor w o m e n in the vil­ lages f o r m one of the interesting features of the Society’s annual meetings. T h e salaried w o m e n give regularly f r o m their wages, but the poorest village sisters m u s t collect their donations, a quar­ ter of a cent at a time, s o m e by going to the jungle for firewood, or by drying cakes of m a n u r e a n d selling them, 24 for a cent. S o m e can- give enough' grain during harvest to m a k e u p the sum, a n d again, others save out a handful at a time from the family’s daily food allowance. T h e Society,’ in the very beginning, de­ cided against employing a n y w o m e n w h o h a d little children at home, the care of w h o m •m u s t necessarily take precedence of outside work; a n d satisfactory c a m S d a t e s for its- appointments are not numerous. Mrs. Sawyer, in Tindivanam, w a s the first to be taken up, a n d in adopting her their s y m p a t h y for her ex­ pense In the support of her old mother, led t h e m to a dd a rupee to the salary she formerly received from the Mission. . T h e Society, desiring its agents to w o r k under the best condi­ tion for success, sent their second Bible-woman, a y o u n g widow, to be specially trained for the work, to the Bible Training School in M a du r a , w h e r e for t w o years she h a d thorough Scripture in­ struction, as well as dally experience of w o r k under careful super­ vision of long-tried workers. She has taken u p w o r k in Vellore since August, under Mrs. J o h n Scudder. T h e third B i b l e - w o m a n has only Just been adopted b y the Society, in January, 1900.

EDUCATION. Theological S e m i n a r y . . College................ .... 1 H i g h Schools.......... .... 2 Boarding Schools..... .... 8 Total n u m b e r

D a y Schools............ .. 156 N u m b e r of Teachers... .. 391 No. of Christian Pupils.. ...1,479 No. of non-Christian Pupils 4,727 of Pupils, 6,206.



Rev. J. W . Scudder, D. D., Principal a n d General S y n o d ’s P r o ­ fessor of Theology. • Miss J. C. Scudder, Teacher.of Catechists’ W i v e s ’ Class. “W i t h D e c e m b e r 31st, 1899, the institution completes the twelfth year of its existence. Since its establishment it has sent forth m e n as follows:— Thirty-one graduates w h o took the full four years’ course; eleven Catechists, w h o h a d t w o years’ training, an d thirty-nine “L a y ” students, who. were only f r o m .one to two. years

under tuition; of these eleven w e r e sent here b y the Free C h u r c h of Scotland Mission. Six of the full course graduates, a n d three of the Catechists’ class have been, ordained since leaving the in­ stitution, a n d are n o w occupying important posts as pastors of native Churches. T h e remaining graduates, although not yet or­ dained, are working, as Evangelists, or are virtually filling the places of ministers,.being in charge of congregations in various sections of the Mission territory. T h e rule is that no one shall be ordained until he shall h a v e received a regular call f rom a Church, accompanied with a pledge to p ay a large portion of his salary. W i t h a f e w exceptions, the m e n w h o took only a limited course in the S e m i n a r y are usefully employed either in this or in other Missions. • . T h e classes in 1899 are as follows: Senior Class, four m e m b e r s ; L o w e r Middle Class, one m e m b e r ; Junior Class, ten members. O f these last, six w e r e froifl the Free C h u r c h of Scotland Mission, a n d four f r o m our own. T h e L a y Glass h a d seven pupils; four of t h e m f r o m the Scotch Mission. ■ ' T h e S e m i n a r y w a s e x a m i n e d D e c e m b e r 20th a n d 21st, b y the B o a r d of Superintendents, ’ consisting of three clergymen ■and t w o elders. T h e results were pronounced to be satisfactory. All the students of all the classes passed. ' A s usual, the students h a d full opportunity to practice as well as to study. T h e m e m b e r s of the Senior Class preached, from time to time', in the pulpit of the Church, while all did evangelistic work; regularly visiting outlying villages on Saturdays, m a k i n g m o r e distant excursions into the surrounding country once a month, a n d preaching statedly in the weekly bazaar, a n d in the streets of the t o w n on Fridays a n d Sundays. Non-Christian S a b ­ bath schools also gave profitable e m p l o y m e n t to m a n y , while the prayer a n d Christian E n d e a v o r meetings afforded the younger stu­ dents space to exercise their gifts in brief addresses a n d prayers. Statistics kept of the evangelistic w o r k done by the students s h o w that they preached 679 times, in 356 places, to audiences a g ­ gregating 17,447 persons. A b o u t the middle of the year m y T a mil Theology issued from the press, w a s immediately introduced in the S e minary as a text book.This saves m a n y hours that have hitherto been spent in dic­ tating a n d laboriously writing out the lectures delivered. I hope it m a y prove of service in Missions a n d institutions other than our own. I h a v e also a C o m m e n t a r y on R o m a n s nearly c o m ­ pleted in Tamil, a n d hope to secure funds to publish it in the course of the c o m i n g year. A s our o w n resources w ere pretty well exhausted in printing the Theology, w e shall-be glad to have a n y help towards the publishing.of this second work. It has been a great gratification to have with us so m a n y stu­ dents f r o m the Free C h u r c h of Scotland Mission. W e look with pleasure to the return of those already connected with the S e m i ­ nary, a n d hope that others m a y Join us for the'coming year. O u r

classes m i g h t just as well be larger, a n d in the lack of available material a m o n g ourselves, w e gladly w e l c o m e accessions from other quarters. T h e ten w o m e n in the t w o Bible Classes have been studious and faithful in their work. T w o of t h e m w e r e f r o m the Free C h u r c h Mission, a n d c a m e to study for one year. T h e y improved in a remarkable manner, a n d passed a good examination. T h e y car­ ried the good will of every one with them, as they conducted themselves without reproach during their stay with us. F o u r of our w o m e n have finished their course of four years, a n d are ready with the c o m i n g year to be sent out with their husbands to w o r k in various parts of the Mission. T h e classes were examined by the B o a r d of Superintendents, w h o expressed themselves as pleased with the result, a n d awarded certificates to the w o m e n w h o leave. T h e w o m e n connected with the classes all do voluntary Mission work; that is, they go once a w e e k to preach a n d sing the Gospel to the heathen w o m e n of the town. T h e D o r ­ cas Society has done good w o r k also, a n d has been wonderfully blessed in its efforts to help the poor.. T h u s w e have improve­ m e n t in every way, a n d t h a n k the L o r d with grateful hearts, for all the w o r k is His. T o H i m be the glory.”




Rev. H. J. Scudder, M . A., Acting Principal. N u m b e r of the Pupils at the close of the year, 952. “T h e result of the G o v e r n m e n t a n d University Examinations were not as satisfactory as the previous year. O f forty-one stu­ dents that appeared for the L o w e r Secondary Examination, only thirteen passed for the complete certificate a n d seven secured a partial pass. Thirty- seven candidates w e r e presented for the matriculation examination, a n d but eleven passed, being a little over thirty per cent. The. average percentage of passes for the Presidency w a s thirty-two. 0 The

Senior a n d Junior Literary Societies of the College held their Second Anniversary on the closing day Literary Societies. of the College, D e c e m b e r 7th. T h e exercises opened with a m o s t interesting paper on Vellore, b y T. S. K u m a r a s w a m i Aiyar, B. A., L. T. T h e n followed reports f r o m the Tennis Club, a n d of the Football a n d Cricket Associa- ' tions. T h e report of the Secretary of the Senior Literary Society s h o w e d that theirwork h a d been confined tothe second term exclu­ sively, a n d reported fifteen meetings, at eleven of w h i ch essays, were read, with four other meetings for debates. T h e essays are regularly followed b y discussions. T h e strength of the Society w a s thirty-five. Its President spoke, in his remarks, of the gooc

w o r k done b y the D r a m a t i c Society, w hich was, in a way, a branch of this Society, but w hich w o u l d probably be separately organized next year. A Telugu Debating Society has also been organized during the year, a n d has held four meetings. ' The report of the Secretary of the Juvenile Literary Society also indicated good w o r k being done. N ine essays a n d six debates h a d been the order of business in their sixteen m e e t ­ ings. Their President has kept up the interest a n d energy of the Society, w h o s e average strength is forty, a n d average attendance thirty-five.


course of periodical lectures has been continued. There have been nine secular lectures, with one M a g i c Lectures. Lantern Exhibition; and, in addition, nine dis­ tinctly religious a n d evangelistic lectures de­ livered in the College Hall, seven of the latter being a special series by Mr. G. S. Eddy, addressed to the teachers a n d students of the College. Mr. E d d y m a y be termed a specialist with a m e s ­ sage specially suited to the m i n d s of students in the colleges a n d schools of India. H e w a s mightily used of G o d in the College. W i t h great spiritual p o w e r a n d earnestness, he presented tne truth as it is in Christ Jesus, preaching a m e ssage of love, a n d demonstrating with convincing proofs a n d apt illustrations the fundamental truths of the Scriptures.

Instruction in the Bible has been systematically given. T h e poor attendance of the first half of the year con­ Scripture tributed to the poor results at the A n n u a l Bible Instruction. E x a m ination undoubteuly; but m a n y of the stu­ dents, especially in the U p p e r forms, have done very little studying, a n d partial b lame m u s t fall u pon the teachers. T h e very large classes m a k e it difficult to keep track of each student, it is true, but better results should be produced. T h e Boarding Department, with the exception of the discipline, has been under the care of Mrs. Jo h n Scudder, u pon w h o m the re­ sponsibility of caring for the sick a n d providing for the food a nd clothing of tne students, has fallen. O n account of the cut there have been about eleven boarders less than last year, to lessen ex­ penses. Everything possible has been done to economize in food, books a n d clothes, a n d a considerable saving has been effected. T h e health of the boys has been fairly good throughout the year. In F e b r u a r y every student w a s inoculated, a n d all alike h a d the u n ­ pleasant experience of the three days’ fever a n d the seven days’ severe soreness In the arm. T h e students have been very diligent in their Sabbath out-preaching work, w h i ch has been carried on in connection with the Y o u n g M e n ’s Christian Associations, a n d the Junior a n d the Senior Christian E n d e a v o r Societies.




W . H. Farrar, Esq., Arni, M a n a g e r Technical Department. N u m b e r of pupils, 70.

•“T a k i n g the trades in the order of the n u m b e r of pupils w e have:— 1. Carpentry.— A radical change w a s m a d e in this Depa r t m e n t at the beginning of the year. T h e w o r k w a s divided into t wo parts, k n o w n as (1) the Manufacturing Department, or, rather, the a dv a n c e d class, consisting of those boys w h o h a d w o r k e d up to or passed the Elem e nt a r y Grade; a n d (2) the Technical Depart­ ment, consisting of those of less skill, w h o were placed under a separate Maistry (Overseer), with separate course of special m a n ­ ual training work. E a c h boy w a s furnished with a kit of tools, a n d the w o r k w a s graded according to the regular course of study suggested b y the Government, a n d on the plan of such schools in America, so far as possible. M a n y changes for the better have been observed in the atti­ tude of the boys toward their work, as they are beginning to understand to be at the Industrial School is not as disgraceful as they h a d pictured it, a n d that there is as m u c h education in learning to be a good carpenter as in learning to be a preacher or teacher. 2. Printing.— T h e boys in this D e p a r t m e n t were, for the m ost part, students in the Third F o r m in the Literary Department, a nd this fact w a s a help to t h e m in their shop work.. T h e y have a great desire, however, to learn to run a n A m e r i c a n platen press, a n d w e h a d hoped that one wold be here by this time, but in this w e have been disappointed. M o s t of our w o r k is in Tamil, and the Telugu printers get very little practice in composition except in a little English. There has been no c h ange of the plan of w o r k for this department for this year, a n d so w e still have w h a t is k n o w n in A m e r i c a as the apprentice system. Ti.is, of course, re­ quires a “devil,” a n d the newest b o y or 'the d u m b e s t is kept at such work, a n d rises very little the first year or two. This is not as it should be in a school. W e hope that the s a m e plan of graded w o r k as the carpenters h a v e m a y be introduced into this department soon. Then, w h e n our press arrives, the printers will be happy. 3. Tailors.— This class has been going o n as in former years, also on the apprentice system. Plans are, however, well under w a y for a graduated course next year that should do m u c h toward fitting the boys to do nicer w o r k a n d of a higher grade than has hitherto been taught. T h e Industrial School ought to furnish w o r k m e n of high grade e n o u g h to do all the tailor w o r k of our Mission. W e avin g ,

Blacksmithing a n d

M a s o n r y are daily taught to


very small n u m b e r of boys, but w e hope to develop w o r k in these departments as our resources increase. D r a w i n g 4s taught to all the students,'but free h a n d - d r a w i n g should, in m y opinion, be m i x e d with model drawing, Geometric drawing, a n d the princi­ ples of orthographic a n d isometric projection as applied to their work. It w o u l d then a s s u m e a n e w interest, a n d b e c o m e a pleas­ ure instead of a burden. A D r a w i n g Master capable of teaching d r a w i n g in this way, is sorely needed. W i t h a few exceptions, the w o r k of the Maistries a n d Teachers has been satisfactory during 1899, a n d unless our “cuts” continue to get bigger every year, w e m a y hope for a pleasant future for the Industrial School, which, under the blessing of God, may, w e trust, be even yet a p o w e r for good in the w o r k of the L o r d in India.”

BOARDING B o y s ’ Schools Girls’ Shools

5 3'


N o of Boarders, Girls..... 185 No. of Boarders, B o y s ..... 218

Besides the Theological Seminary, the College, a n d Industrial School, w hich h a v e already been noticed, the Mission sustains a P r i m a r y Boarding School for boys at Tindivanam, a n d L o w e r Sec­ ondary Schools for boys at Arni a n d Madanapalle. T h e Arni school embraces the Literary D e p a r t m e n t of the Industrial School. There are L o w e r Secondary Schools for Girls at Chittoor a n d Madanapalle, a n d a P r i m a r y School at Ranipett. A Primm a r y a n d L o w e r Secondary Training School for girls is also m a i n ­ tained at Chittoor. T h e Mission utilizes the G o v e r n m e n t Training School for boys. T h e above schools constitute the m o s t hopeful as well as the m o s t important feature of our work, as in t h e m are trained those w h o are to b e c o m e the future workers of the Mission. S u c h institutions are expensive, a n d a m o n g a people ready to receive a n y favor from the Mission without paying for it, are also liable to w o r k injury to those w h o studj^ in them, by fostering a dependent spirit. H o w the m a n a g e r s seek to counter­ act this, a n d m a k e the schools contribute to the physical a n d spiritual, as well as the intellectual up-building of the pupils, will appear in s o m e of the reports. ’ Mrs. W y c k o f f writes of the T i n d i v a n a m School: “U n d e r the necessity of recovering a good portion of our station “cut”- of Rs. 800, f r o m the expenditure on the Tlndivaaam B o y s ’ P r i m a r y Boarding School, we. h ave kept Primary. our n u m b e r below 45 throughout the year. A third of the n u m b e r h a v e been active m e m b e r s of 'the Junior Chris­ tian E n d e a v o r Society, a n d m o r e than another third associate members. Of t h e m all I a m glad to report that, except a deplora­ ble readiness to sign a subscription list without a corresponding ex-

pectatton of paying the a m o u n t subscribed, w e h a v e h a d to deal with no very serious moral delinquincies during the year. After' a long a n d m o s t persistent course of dishonesty with regard to the food allotted to the boys, the so-called Christian cook w a s dismissed early in the year; thereupon, he a n d his family found refuge in the R o m a n Catholic C h u r c h in Tindivanam, the burdens of life being temporarily eased b y the cash p a y m e n t of Rs. 3 per head, infant a n d half-witted brother included. W i t h their departure, however, the school boys h a v e found the quantity of their o w n rations increased, a n d w e do not grudge to the C a t h o ­ lics their n e w converts. It has been a pleasure to find three of our Christian boys in the 1st F o r m , leading their class of 40, in the Middle School, w h e r e they study with H i n d u s a n d M o h a m e d a n s . In the classes below the 1st F o r m w e ha v e n o ^ a single failure to pass the G o v e r n m e n t Inspection E x a m i n a t i o n to record, so w e m a y trust the standard of scholarship is really improving.” M r s Li. R. Scudder reports f r o m Ranipettai:— “W e

were m u c h saddened in the opening of the year by the ill-

01 1 ' P I a ’^Parripettal^'

ness an<^ our Headmistress, Mrs. A n n a Gibson Selvam. S h e w a s a w o m a n of a superior a n d strong character, a n d I loved her, as I k n e w her in her various spheres of life. H e r death w a s our loss but her gain. An o ther cloud w i h c h h u n g darkly over us the first few m o n t h s w a s the plague, but it w a s not allowed to c o m e nigh us, a n d except for the detention of t w o or three scolars f r o m school for a m o n t h or two, our sessions w e r e undisturbed. T h e n u m b e r on the rolls the first term w a s seventy-six. In October twenty-one new admissions w e r e made. The Bible E x a m i n a tion w a s held N o v e m b e r 16-17th, a n d is reported as on the whole satisfactory. T w o pupils w e r e received into full c o m m u n i o n with the C h u r c h during the year. Regular weekly meetings of the C. E. Society h a v e been held, a n d m a n y of the little olive branches give good signs of a good, fresh life. T h r o u g h delegates, they have enjoyed the stimulus of t w o Conventions, one at Vellore, a n d the other, a purely Junior Convention, at V e h a m u r . T h e girls have also taken u p o n themselves the raising a n d saving of Rs. 2-4-0 per m o n t h for the Pastor’s Fund. This they do In various ways, by work, so far as possible, or b y self-denial, if necessary. T h e y have kept their pledge, a n d end the year with Rs. 3 In h a n d for the m o n t h of January, w h e n they will not be here to raise it as usual.” . . . Mrs. Beattie writes of the Chittoor Schools:— ■■ “T h e w o r k of the classes has gone o n with the regularity of girls’ Lower Sec- clock-work, a n d all the m achinery of the school ' oodary and nas run smoothly. M o s t conscientious a n d thorTralnlng,Chittoor. - o u g h w o r k has been done b y 'the Headmistress, w h o s e only fault as a teacher, if she- has any, lies in the direction

of over-anxiety. Eleven girls out of a class of thirteen have gone u p for the L o w e r Secondary Examination, all of t h e m a p ­ pearing for the first time. W e dare scarcely hope for a repetition of last year’s success of one h u n dred per cent, pass, but the girls h a v e ail studied hard a n d done their best. B o t h the schools were e x a m i n e d in Scripture b y Mrs. L. R. Scudder, in Nove m b e r . She reports that all the classes passed a very g ood examination, a nd expressed herself as particularly pleased with the w o r k of the II F o r m . In N o v e m b e r w e were re-enforced by twenty-seven girls from Ranipettai, w h o h a d pased the P r i m a r y Examination, so that w e closed the year with seventy-nine pupils in the B o a r d ­ ing School. There have been ten students in the N o r m a l School. Five in the L o w e r Secondary a n d five in the P r i m a r y Department. Mr. Goudie, of the Wesleyan-Mission sent three of the latter, a n d the other t w o were from the L o n d o n Mission. T h e health a n d discipline of the schools have been good through- . out the year. M a n y of the senior girls belong to the C. E. So­ ciety. A S u n d a y evening meeting for the Junior pupils is con­ ducted every w e e k b y the Headmistress. O u r girls are taught to b u y a n d o w n their o w n Bibles a n d H y m n books. T h e y have also put into the charity box a proportion of all the m o n e y they have received during the year.” Rev. L. B. Chamberlain says of the Madanapalle Schools:"Perhaps the m o s t gratifying feature of the year has been the spirit of manliness a n d self-help increasingly Madanapalle manifested. A s for several years, the boys of Schools. the Boarding D e p a r t m e n t do all the w o r k of the school, including pounding grains, drawing water, &c., save the actual cooking. Besides this, they s w e e p a n d care for the C h u r c h a n d the R e a d i n g R o o m a n d the T o w n School Buildings. On. Sat­ urdays they,spend f r o m half to the whole d a y on w o r k about the c ompound, or wherever appointed. - W h e n a room - was being a d ded to our little Church, all gave a day's labor toward it freely. T h e y w o r k in the garden, drive bullocks to the wellsweep, gather leaves,, trim the roads, a n d go to the hills to gather shrubs,to m a k e b r o o m s for, their work. D uring the s u m m e r v a c a ­ tion m o r e asked for w o r k than I could keep busy. Three took the task of night a n d d a y punkas: one, n o w a student of the Matriculation Class w o r k e d as a n ordinary cooly in mixing m u d a n d helping bricklayers ■build ; another, n o w in the Industrial School, w o r k e d as a cooly carpenter, a n d these both thus earned e n o u g h to p a y their older brother for their food. Several others did ordinary cooly w o r k w h e n e v e r given opportunity. Again, this vacation, four are earning their living, a n d several m o r e have fairly persecuteo m e in their desire for work. It is a healthy a n d h a p p y sign. W h i l e there have been several cases of discipline, I rejoice that I can report that every one yielded to moral suasion.

Indeed, the whole tone of the school Is Improving. L a d s w h o were formerly notoriously w a y w a r d a n d stubborn, have developed into reliable, steady, earnest workers. • T h e Girls' L o w e r Secondary School, also appears to be doing good w o r k at attaining its end. W h i l e Mrs. Chamberlain has taken the general oversight of it, she has not been free to take entire charge? a n d hence it falls to m e to report. A s with the B o y s ’ School, there are a few m o r e boarders than last year, an d the total strength is also slightly in advance.




Of these, the one at P u n g a n u r is the only one that reaches the H i g h School Standard. T h e Rev. L. B. Chamberlain writes con­ cerning it : . “T h e P u n g a n u r Anglo-Vernacular Schools are still in Mission charge. B u t they also cost the Mission nothing. It is no small matter to carry on a H i g h School in a place of 5,000 inhabitants, a n d yet not h a v e it cost the m a n a g i n g body. B u t the liberality of H. H. the R a j a of P u n g a n u r in raising his subscription from Rs. 384 to Rs. 600 ; a fully equipped a n d certified staff ; the careful a n d strict e n ­ forcement of fee collections ; a n d the obtaining of increased grants f rom G o v e r n m e n t ; _ h a v e c o m b i n e d to this h a p p y result. To signalize the first decade of this H i g h School’s life, the R a j a a n d the Mission have each agreed to establish Scholarships Rs. 1,000, a n d the G o v e r n m e n t has promised a n additional Rs. 500 for each. T h e R a j a has also transferred a valuable site in the centre of the t o w n to the Mission to erect a R e a d i n g R o o m a n d Feeder School Building.”

Puagaaur Nigh School.

Rev. J. H. W y c k o f f says of the Middle School at T i ndivanam:— “T h e school, with its t w o branches, has h a d 270 Tindivanam boys in attendance, w h i c h includes 43 boarders Middle School. w h o attend as d a y scholars. T h e results of the Middle School Exa m i n a t i o n w e r e very fair, six out of nine candi­ dates having passed. O f the m o r e than 40 w h o appeared for the P r i m a r y Examination, all except one passed creditably. T h e ex­ aminations in the lower classes; were all well sustained, a n d the report of the Inspecting Officers on the whole school w a s very favorable. T h e Scripture teaching receives the usual attention, no efforts being spared to m a k e it thorough a n d helpful to the pupils. .The annual prize distribution called together a large audience.’. ’.

V I L L A G E SCHOOLS. T h o u g h taking the last place in the report on Educational W o r k , the D e p a r t m e n t of Village Schools is b y no m e a n s the least in importance. T h e y are the fountainhead w h e n c e issues the

stream of educational influence that is be c o m i n g broader a n d farther reaching in its effects with each year. Simple a n d even crude as these little village establishments are, it is f r o m t h e m that our Boarding Schools as well as our College a n d Theological S e m i n a r y are fed. There are m o r e than a h u ndred Village Schools in the Mission, varying f r o m ten to forty pupils in strengtjj. F e w of t h e m go b e y o n d the Third Standard, though efforts are n o w being m a d e to introduce one class higher. T h e Mission has this year b y a majority vote cut off the supply of oil in the night schools, thus saving a f e w rupees to help m a k e u p the "cut,” but bringing discouragement to m a n y a hard working village teacher.


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There are one or m o r e of these schools at every station a n d s o m e have been established at out-stations. T h e whole n u m b e r m a i n ­ tained b y the Mission is eighteen, at a yearly outlay of over Rs. 6,000. T h e y are an expensive agency, but w h e n it w a s proposed a few years ago b y the Mission to close t h e m as a m e a n s of re­ trenchment, the W o m a n ’s B o a r d loudly protested. S o m e of the schools, notably those at Vellore, Arni, Chittoor a n d P u n g a n u r are large, containing over a hund r e d girls in regular attendance. W e are sorry not to be able to give the exact n u m b e r of pupils on the rolls, in all the schools, but there are not less than 1,800. There is so m u c h sameness in the conduct of the schools that the reports f r o m the M a n a g e r s vary but little. T h e Bible is a daily text b o o k in all the schools, a n d the ladies in charge m a k e every effort to follow u p the children w h o leave school at a n early age into their homes. ■

SUNDAY N u m b e r of Schools.... N u m b e r of pupils, Boys .... Girls . ....

162 3,017 1,786

SCHOOLS. Non-Christian children 2,712 A v e r a g e attendance___ 3,492 Total on the rolls..... 4,803

T h e S u n d a y school is m o r e a n d m o r e b e coming a n organized Institution a m o n g us. Besides schools in all our Churches a n d Congregations, a large n u m b e r of non-christian children are gath­ ered into S u n d a y schools through the influence of the D a y schools. This w o r k is chiefly in the h a n d s of the ladies. W e have only space for extracts f r o m t w o reports. Miss M. K. Scudder writes : " F o u r S u n d a y schools for non-Christians have been held, one each in Wallajah a n d Arcot, a n d t w o in Ranipettai. A minority of the s a m e children attend quite regularly a n d repeat Bible-verses

J U N E , 1900.

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a n d the Lord^s Prayer, a n d sing a n u m b e r of the Gospel H y m n s . D u ring the greater part of the year lessons on the Life of Christ were used, to w h i c h interesting a n d useful hints for presenting the truth were a d d e d in the regular Teachers’ Meetings. Recently w e h av e adopted the International Lessons in order to dissemi­ nate the printed W o r d b y m e a n s of the International S. S. leaflets, used first in our Christian S u n d a y school, a n d then carefully col­ lected for the H i n d u schools. S o m e of the older children In the latter learn the Golden Text a n d repeat it the following Sabbath, a n d w e feel that the lesson first taught in the S u n d a y school is thus kept in m i n d during the week. “Various m e t h o d s have been used for attracting the children by m e a n s of blackboard exercises in colored crayons, the timehonored picture roll, block-building, card board cuttings, a n d s i m ­ ple object lessons, using familiar, objects that appeal to the children’s senses. T h e teachers also are beco m i n g quite adept in using the blackboard illustrations in the classes. A small c o m ­ mission is,given the'poens to gather the children, a n d they themselves ‘are encouraged to c o m e b y the use of tickets which they re d e e m for larger ones, or for tracts or booklets. B o y s w h o can read English at all are found to recite a n English text, a n d to receive cards or children’s papers in that language. I have no special visible results to report, but I have been glad to see the children carea’e n o u g h for the school to c o m e on a rainy Sabbath.” Mrs. E. C. Scudder says:—


" T h e S u n d a y schools h a v e gone on as usual. Lessons on the life a n d teaching of Christ, Bible verses a n d lyrics, h a v e been taught on the whole better than ever. A n u m b e r of teachers h ave learned fairly well to tell Bible stories to the children, but’ m a n y still talk entirely over the heads of the little ones.. O n e h u ndred a n d thirty-five children f r o m all the villages c a m e to our festival, a n d It w a s a great pleasure to hear t h e m sing together the lyrics they h a d learned in their different villages. This year the children have given m o r e than last, a n d the Missionary has purposely urged the matter less than for several years, in order to see whether the teachers w o u l d encourage the children to give w h e n left m o r e to themselves. F o r years w e have preached “give,” until w e have wearied ourselves with the sound, but I feel sure the only hope of future spirituality a m o n g our people lies in the children learn­ ing to give, a n d in their learning that they are not the only special favorites of heaven. If the children are not taught now, w e shall h ave another generation like the present, of people w h o try con­ tinually to get a n d forget to give.” Rev. L. B. Chamberlain writes : " T h e choicest incident of the year awaits recital. It is the m o s t cheering event in m y ex ­ perience as a Missionary. W h e n the Helpers c a m e In for the rendering of accounts early this month, I took

,4 Choice Incident.

t h e m a n d the Christian teachers of Madanapalle into counsel as to w h a t could be done in our field to reduce expenditure a nd m e e t the cut. W h e n the meeting broke up, Mrs. Chamberlain c a m e into m y room, a n d asked w h a t I h a d done to m a k e the Helpers so happy, for she h a d never seen t h e m look so bright a n d cheerful w h e n they left m e before. I could only say I h a d done nothing, but that it w a s a wonderful illustration that,^ "It is m o r e blessed to give than to receive.” F o r during that four hours those m e n h a d s h o w n not only j u d g m e n t in the sugges­ tions m a d e for economizing, but a very high devotion to the best interests of the work, regardless of the result to themselves. O h their o w n initiative a n d motion they voted curtailments in several Boarding School expenditures, that m e a n t that they, the parents, w o u l d have to spend the equivalent; also that R e ading R o o m s be closed, though they chiefly benefltted‘themselves; also, that each congregation supply its o w n oil, though it m e a n s practically, they, as Catechists, w o u l d have to p a y for the oil; a n d they rejected s o m e proposals I made, because it w o u l d be detrimental to our work, though they w o u l d have benefltted. T h e y even proposed to relinquish the biennial bonus of w a r m clothing given b y the Mission, because of the coldness of the Madanapalle cli­ mate. B u t the crowning incident was, w h e n w e h a d reviewed all w a y s of saving, one rose a n d proposed that beside all these m e t h o d s a n d b e y o n d their present charity, each one contribute half a n a n n a on each rupee of his salary to help the Mission. Even t s proved that they h a d previously consulted over this.' All heartily agreed, a n d it w a s with the happiness of this sacrifice they w e n t smiling f r o m m y room.” ■ •

N O R T H JAPAN MISSION. Organized 1859.

ifltsionaries.— UevB.' James H. Ballagh, Yokohama; E. Rothesay Miller, Morioka; Eugene S. Booth, Yokohama; Howard Harris, Ichinoseki; Frank, S. Scudder, Nagano; Prof. Martin N. Wyckoff, Sc.D.,. ToJjw. ' •'Assistant'Mlssionaria — i&tt. Ballagh, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Booth, Mrs: Wyckoff; Mrs. Harris, .Mrs. Scudder, Mrsj Jennie D. Schenckj Miss M. Leila Winn, Miss Anna de F. Thompson, Miss Mary Deyo, Miss Julia Moulton, Miss Harriet J. Wyckoff. ' ‘

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■The great event of the year in political circles has been the c o n s u m m a t i o n of Treaty Revision, for w n i c h J a p a n so long labored a n d 'hoped.. T h e revised treaties w e n t ihto effect on July 17th, in thevmidst of great rejoicing. O n Ju n e 30th the E m p e r o r issued a n Imperial Rescript, part ,of w h i c h is. as follows:— "It is our. earnest wish that our subjects, w h o s e devoted loyalty in the discharge of their duties is conspicuous, should enter earn­ estly into Our. sentiments in this matter, .and in compliance with ithe great policy of opening the country, should all unite with one heart to associate cordially with .the peoples f r o m afar, thus maintaining the character of the nation a n d enhancing the pres­ tige of the Empire. • “In.view of the responsibilities that devolve'upon us in giv­ ing effect to the n e w Treaties, it is O u r will that O u r Ministers of State, acting, o n O u r behalf, should instruct O u r officials of all classes to observe the utmost circumspection in the m a n a g e m e n t of affairs, to the end that subjects a n d strangers alike m a y enjoy equal privileges a n d advantages, a n d that, every source of dissatis­ faction being avoided, relations of peace a n d a mity with all n a ­ tions m a y be strengthened a n d consolidated in perpetuity.” O n July 1st the Minister President of the State issued a Cabinet Notification, in w h i c h occur these words: “There, de­ volves u p o n the G o v e r n m e n t of this E m p i r e the responsibility, a n d u p o n the people of this realm the duty, of protecting the rights a n d privileges of foreigners, a n d of sparing no effort that they m a y one a n d all be enabled to reside in ■the country confidently a n d contentedly.” O n the s a m e day, July 21st, the Minister of State for Education issued t w o special instructions,— one to Local G o v ­ ernors, a n d the other to G o v e r n m e n t schools— urging that school' discipline a n d regulations relative to conduct be made, m o r e stringent, in order that the existing rudeness of students, espec­ ially to foreigners, m a y be caused to cease. ■

J U N E , 1900.


.!■ . i .'it1 fr These s h o w the spirit with w h i c h the E m p e r o r a n d his iCabinet enter into the new, foreign relations, and) w h i c h they desire to see 1

manifested b y all the, people. ,r f , Our, o w n Minister, Mr. Buck,, tactfully m e t t h e m in their ex­ pressions of.good will, .by.a,notification of United States Citizens In Japan, issued on July, 10th, jin .which-he referred to the kindly w ord s of .the E m p e r o r a n d his Ministers, .and-further said: ‘.‘In like spirit attention is .called to the duty, which, I trust, will be the pleasure of the citizens of the'United States, under no circum­ stances to.glye a n y ;cause. of complaint,,,flther j p , G o vernment offi­ cials or other Japanese, subjects. In their relations with,, the, peo­ ple of this country they:, should s h o w , ,at .all times, by their, de­ m e a n o r a n d by. their ,every act,,such sentiments of regard •for those, with w h o m they will necessarily ,be associated a n d for, all laws, regulations, a n d customs,, as .will demonstrate that reciprocal friendship reasonably expected,,of .them in.,response to thej.kjjid, considerate .andjjust treatment^ enjoined, on all Japanase subjects b y Hjs,Imperial M a j e s t y a n d . by^the^hl^h officials of the-^Go^nj.ment.” ; . , ■: .,1 1 0 1'uti ; ,<?i •' a.! . ,Tfius the.new condition, of things,.w^^happily started, but,itj,,is yet tooj.soon . to tell ,piuch ^.pf [Ihe^ workings, t h o u g h . it is .top m u c h to expect .that,there .yill ,be no.jPpintSj^of friction before matters are perfectly adjusted. b ,„ v, lt.* i'r ' . ., .. Soon after the Revised .Treaffes,wpn.t.-into operation^ the .Depart­ m e n t ..of.,Home. Affairs .issued,,af Notification to Religious, Propogandlsts, which, while it, a m o u n t s chiefly .to a system,of registra­ tion, is really a recognition, b y the,,,Government that' there|rils a-thing ag CJiristianity in the”land/ ; • , Following this, on A u g u s t 2nd a n d 3rd,,jCame an^Imperial .Ordi­ nance, giving regulations for private_,schpols,; and. thp npw^ f a m o u s instruction,of^the Minister ot Statp for,,Education, in,which li, is stated, “Religious instruction, m u s t not be^given or .religious cerempnies , performed,, ,a-t (.Government Schools, public Schools, ,pr schools, w h o s e curricula jUre regulated, by provisions, of c.law, ..even outside of the regular course Instruction.” , Also, on D e c e m b e r 16th, a Bill relating to the L a w of Religions w a s introduced in the Diet b y the Government. This bill is in­ tended to place all religions on the same'.footing in the eye of the law, and, while it is s o m e w h a t restrictive, it s e e m s to be on the whole fair a n d Just. There is m u c h opposition to it by a section of. the Buddhists, a n d (n a tAye Christians d o ,not approve several points. T h e bill has not yet b.e.en taken u p b y the Diet, •so it is not possible, to tell w h a t treatment -it will receive. It is yet too early to forecast h o w these various things will .affect, Mission work, but it se e m s certain that the Missionaries are not yet past the stage of difficult problems. W e are, however, m u c h encour­ aged b y the fact that public opinion, as s h o w n b y all the. leading newspapers, Is opposed to the action of the Educational authori­ ties in. forbidding religious instruction.,in private schools with G o v e r n m e n t privileges. . ,, . . ,. , , s

T h e discussion has called attention to Christianity in a m a r k e d way, a n d w e hope that the o u t c o m e m a y be good. T h e principal opposition to Christianity c o m e s -from a small but Influential b o d y of conservative scholars,- w h o fear that the loyal spirit of old J a p a n will be un d e r m i n e d by Christian teaching; .but there is also another class of opposers, w h o are well .described in the following editorial note widen appeared .a few days ago in the J a p a n Mail, viz.: . . “O n e of the jnost'disTieartening-utterances w e have read a p ­ peared recently in t.ie columns of the J a p a n Times. In a series of leading articles the editor, after confessing frankly that in the welter of change through w hich this country is passing, m a n y guiding principles have been dropped a n d a lamentable condition of immorality has resulted, w e n t on to .survey the religions of the world, a n d finally arrived at the conclusion that not one of t h e m Is good e n ough tor Japan, a n d that the only hope for her lies in the appearance of s o m e great moral teacher a n d preacner w h o will galvanize the nation’s m o r i b u n d conscience into practical activity. S u c h a n expression of opinion s e ems to us to illustrate forcibly the cancer that Is eating at the vitals of this country. T h e leaders of thought are basking in a false notion of their intellectual su­ periority to the rest of the world. "Yet w e believe that there is silently a n d steadily at w o r k a force w h i c h will regenerate J a p a n in spite of the arrogant nonchalance of her publicists. T h a t force is Christianity; Christianity dis­ missed b y so m a n y Japanese as a m a s s of w ornout supersti­ tion, but retaining all its vital strength, a n d daily producing effects not the less potent because they escape the attention of careless or hostile observers.” . It is a great satisfaction to k n o w that the final o u tcome for ■Christianity is sure, w h o e v e r or whate v e r m a y oppose, a n d that the Christ w h o w a s "to the J e w s a stumbling block, a n d to the Greeks foolishness,” is here also "Christ the p o w e r of God, a n d the w i s d o m of God..”



A t the C o m m e n c e m e n t held last spring' five students of the Theological D e p a r t m e n t c o m ­ pleted the regular course of study a n d received diplomas, a n d at the s a m e time certificates were given to two w h o h a d finished the Special Course.Most if not all of these are n o w at w o r k in different parts of the empire, from Morloka to Formosa. ■ ’ A t the beginning of the Theological School year there were three applicants for admission; but as no one of t h e m w a s fully atile to m e e t the requirements for entrance, there is n o w no P r e ­ paratory Class. • . -

Theological Department

Reference to last year’s report will s h o w that there w ere then no Juniors ; and, accordingly, there are this year no Middlers. T h e school is therefore divided into t w o classes; five Juniors a nd t wo Seniors; to w hich should be added one student w h o graduated several years ago, a n d w h o is n o w taking a. special course. All of these h a v e regular evangelistic w o r k in addition to their studies. .^ T h e w o r k of the year has gone on without a n y occurrence call­ ing for special mention. T h e year has been m a r k e d b y important events in educational matters which' have touched us very closely, but have not produced a n y change in our principles or the character of our work. W e started the year with grow i n g numbers, a general’spirit o f ’w o r k a n d a de­ cided interest in’ religious matters. A t the close of' the' school year, M a r c h 26th, five y o u n g m e n graduated f r o m the Middle School Course. T h e n e w year opened encouragingly, a n d by the end of June, w h e n w e closed for the s u m m e r vacation, there w er e one h u n d r e d a n d thirty-two pupils in attendance. W e hoped to have at least one hundred a n d fifty in the autumn. But on A u g u s t 3rd tlie Minister of. Education issued an instruction forbidding religious teaching a n d religious ceremonies in all schools connected with the G o v e r n m e n t system of education, even tliough said schools were entirely supported b y private funds. This action caused us to give u p our connection with the G o v e r n ­ m e n t system a n d the privileges pertaining thereto. This change not only hindered n e w students from c o m i n g to us, but led s o m e of our old ones to leave, so that the attendance during the last year has been barely ninety. '

'Academic Department.

W e are, however, grateful that it is no worse, a n d while w e regret the attitude of m e Government, w h i c h w e feel to be unpro­ gressive a n d injurious to the reputation of J a p a n in other lands, w e are by no m e a n s discouraged b y it.. S o m e of us are beginning to think it m a y be a blessing in disguise, a n d prove of great a d ­ vantage, both b y attracting public attention to Christianity a n d by m a k i n g Christians a n d Christian institutions m o r e vertebrate, a n d less disposed to consult expediency b y constantly trying to con­ f orm themselves to their non-Christian suroundings. If positive Christian character is developed, as it s e ems probable it will be, w e need not be sorry to ha v e undergone this trying experience. O u r school w o r k has gone on steadily a n d satisfactorily, an d our Bible classes a n d religious meetings h a v e been kept up just as in former years. T h e school Y. M. C. A. holds a regular weekly prayer meeting, a n d twice a m o n t h has a Bible class to study the Life of Christ. T hese meetings are well attended, especially the Bible classes. W h i l e w e do not k n o w w h a t the n e w year has in store for us, w e enter u p o n it hopefully a n d prayerfully. P r a y for us.

FERRIS SEMINARY. Sixty pupils h a v e been enrolled during the year. Of these six h a v e graduated, one has been dismissed a n d one has left the school. O n e of the graduates is pursuing the Bible Course. T h e present attendance is fifty-one, w h i c h is thirteen m o r e than that of a year ago. ' • ■ ■ . . ■ T h e prospect for increase is m o r e encouraging than it has been since 1886. 1







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Miss Moulton returned f rom A m e r i c a in time to take her place in the school w h e n the a u t u m n . terjn began, a n d thus released Miss W y c k o f f to go into the interior. "_ ’1 Mrs. Nakamura", for seven 'years the 'faithful matron, resigned In. July, “a n d has been succeeded b y Miss H a r u Maki, a graduate oit'the school! ' l;1' ' ' k' • 1 ■ J ’


j.ljiir! Hosh'ino, ’w h o 'lias'been Japanesfe Superintendent of the school for'seven" .years!'resigned in S eptember to accept''the pas­ torate of . ‘a C h u r c h in'Tiikyo". '/ ’' ' - „ • ■ • .,.v.“Miss Tetsu' Sato!, one of the” trusted, tried a n d ever faithful graduate 'teadiers,'! is'about to be'married to'Mr. Ike, t h e 'suc­ cessor'to Mr. "HostiinO. "lir.' Ike' is1'a gradiiate of ’th, e,lMeijl 'Gakuin, a n d lias been11a 'i'eacher’ for several'years. ! H e Hhs-'given u p exceilent‘’oppbrtunlti‘es in business life', as he" prefers'1t o "be engaged1 in Christian1'work. 1 ''' 1 1 '• '' ' ''' ' W h a t is" perhaps'ViJe11m o s t important cliange' ih the'bistbry of * the school, has occurred"durihg the year,'vi2 .: the "passing under Japanese Jurisdiction. ‘6 n tile" 24th of October w e received notice that our' applicaVioi^'Hb1 continue our existence as' a Christian Private School had'been accepted, a n d that the i'efris S eminary h a d been so registered. Ul' " '' '1 ■ 'The effect of''the n o w "almost notorious'“Instruction”' of the Minister of Education'v^ill be"to p r e v e n f u s ' f r o m "reopening’oiir priinary department, which' w a s temporarily closed'three !years ago. B u t so' long as the next highest 'grade is not interfered' with, w e shall have e n o u g h to'do. ' ' * ‘ '■ ■. ._■■■ '

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Visits from Nor* , W h a t relatio.n these visits have to our -regismal School , tration I do not know, ,but scarcely a w e e k has Principals. ■ passed since the first .of N o v e m b e r in w h i c h w e have not. been, visited b y the principal of s o m e school in T o k y o pr from the provinces.. T h e y c o m e to s e e ^ u r methods, especially in English, music, a n d physical culture. O n e m a n f r o m a provincial normal school, w h o h a d been four years a student in the. Boston Conservatory ,ofj Music, after hearing the. pupils sing, a n d asking a n u m b e r a n d variety of, intelligent questions, asked permission to address the pupils. H e Introduced himself as a Christian, a n d earnestly exhorted the pupils to. practice a Christian life, a n d to

cultivate diligently the knowledge a n d practice of Christian song. " W h a t hath G o d w r o u g h t ?” Surely, Christian w o r k in this land has brought forth marvellous fruits. , . ' The


presence a n d


of the H o l y



has be®n continuously manifest 'throughout the year. Fourteen pupils h a v e been baptized, a nd there are five candidates for baptism. Nearly ,all above twelve years of age are professing Christians. W e are, therefore, m o r e nearly than ever before a Christian school. E a c h n e w class Is our legitimate evangelistic Held. T h e one thing that w e regret m o r e than 'any­ thing else is the fact that our tried a n d faith­ ful corps of graduate teachers is'becoming cohstantly smaller. W e shall begin the n e w term with only t w o of t h e m left. A n d there is no prospect of adding to them, at least hot for years to come, if indeed w e can ever.do it, n o w .that the A c a d e m i c D e p a r t m e n t is abandoned. ''

Graduate Teachers.

O n e of our graduates, w h o assists in the school, Is Corresponding Secretary for Japan. There are five "tens” in the school, a n d ninety per cent, of the girls are memb e r s . T h e y raise m o n e y for fees, etc., b y knitting, sewing, washing, or selling useful articles a m o n g their friends. O n e of the “tens" takes entire charge of a poor school held on S u n d a y in one of the class rooms. T h e y gave a Christmas entertainment to the forty children of their school, providing all the gifts themselves, a n d being aided only to the extent of t w o yen (one dollar), with w h i c h they bought cakes a n d oranges.

king’s Daughters.

EVANGELISTIC WORK: B y the aid of four h u n d r e d a n d sixty yen, received'through Mr. Booth for his services in teaching English to Postal a n d Tele­ graph clerks, it w a s possible to adjust the "cut" oh our evangelis­ tic work, so that only one preaching place in T o k y o w a s absolutely given up, though the w o r k has been c r a m p e d everywhere.' It is cause for great regret that w e have not been able to' advance, especially as there s eems to be a n increasing readiness to listem to the Gospel message. • ' ' „ * • _ 1 ' ' '’ ■ • j'-i ,, * ' . ■ T O K T O - Y O K O H A M A STATION. ' , t. I '

•' ' 1 ' • ’ '■ '' '1 ( I’ iii •Mr. Ballagh has visited,all thei Held except ,Izu, a n d has, m a d e

two trips. In Shinshu. T h e whole Shizuoka;,fleld .has .alsoiibeen visited, under Mr. Ballagh’s direction, b y Rev. K. F urusawa, and

part of the Shinshu field b y Rev. S. Maki. Mr. Ballagh is of opinion that very little real advance has been m a d e in self­ support, a n d finds that s o m e Churches are disposed, under pleas of self-support, to dispense with a pastor’s services except at long intervals, a m e t h o d w h i c h is sure to prove injurious, and, if con­ tinued, fatal to spiritual life. T h e recent letter from the Mission B o a r d Secretaries seems to threaten increase of such action, as at least one preaching place is planning to act on the suggestion of said letter b y doing a w a y with a stated evangelist, a n d call­ ing in a minister once in a while, w h e n they w a n t him. It is possible that the regulation for registering Churches, preaching places a n d preachers m a y s o m e w h a t h a m p e r the open­ ing of n e w work. It is a matter for thanksgiving that in nearly all places there is a! readiness co attend public religious meetings, a n d there have been considerable additions to the n u m b e r of believers. There are no serious defections or causes of contention, a n d the most imperative need is a holier a n d higher consecration on the part of both foreign a n d native workers, a n d of zeal a n d fidelity on the part of believers. MORIOKA.


T h e meetings of the W e e k o'f Brayer s h o w e d s o - m u c h interest that they were continued through a second week. Mr. Shimamura, a graduate of the Theological D e p a r t m e n t of the Mejiji Gakuin, w h o has been in M o r i o k a since M a y , is engaged in visit­ ing a m o n g the people, a n d preaches alternately with Rev. T. Miura. Mr. M i y a g a w a , also f r o m the Meiji Gakuin, continues to w o r k in Ichinoseki since Mr. a n d Mrs. Harris r e m o v e d to Aomori. H e is soon to be married to a graduate of the Bible School of the Presbyterian Mission. There has been no one to w o r k a m o n g the w o m e n of Ichinoseki since Mrs. Harris a n d Miss K u shibe left. • A y o u n g m a n has been baptized there, a n d his wife a n d two other w o m e n are candidates for baptism. Mr. Miller m a d e five visits each to Ichinoseki a n d A o m o r i during the year, but prin­ cipally on business matters. H e baptized several applicants at Aomori. H e also- m a d e a visit to Sambogi, a t o w n about half w a y between M o r i o k a a n d Aomori, a n d seven miles distant from the railroad. There is a Christian teacher there, w h o s e wife is a graduate of Ferris Seminary; also another teacher a n d a Chris­ tian family that has lately m o v e d in to the place; so it is hoped that w o r k m a y be carried on there. On the first Sabbath of N o v e m b e r our hearts were re­ joiced b y a large addition to the body of believers in Morioka. Eight adults a n d three "children-were baptized, a n d t w o others, one of w h o m h a d been baptized in the G reek Church, a n d the other in the R o m a n Church, were received on profession! A m o n g the n u m b e r w a s a whole family, consisting of father, mother, three children a n d servant giri. ■

J U N E , 1900. ' ‘ ‘



F r o m the sixth to the eighth of December, a conference meeting of our evangelists w a s held at Morioka. It w a s pleasant a n d prof­ itable for us all, a n d consisted of d a y sessions for the discussion of such subjects as ‘‘Christian Beneficence” a n d ‘‘Pastoral Wo r k , " a n d popular evening meetings, at w h i c h the following subjects were presented, viz.: ‘‘Christianity a n d O u r Country;” “Christian­ ity’s G o d ; ” “Christianity’s Scriptures;” “Christianity a n d the F u ­ ture Life;” “Christianity a n d Sin;” “Christianity a n d the R e d Cross Society,” a n d “Christianity a n d Salvation a n d the Saviour.” T h e local branch of the R e d Cross w a s having a reunion at the s a m e time, a n d the opportunity w a s taken to distribute a m o n g t h e m three thousand copies of Florence Nightengale’s letter to soldiers, a n d sailors. Although there has been s o m e friction a m o n g the believers in Morioka, it has mostly passed away, a n d there is n o w a spirit of desire to study G o d ’s W o r d a n d to do His will, w hich ought to result in quickened C h u r c h life.The Baptists a n d Methodists, as well as our o w n people, are looking forward to the W e e k of Prayer in expectation of a special manifestation of the H o l y Spirit. A t Mr. Scudder’s request, Mr. Miller m a d e a n evangelistic tour in South Shinshu in October, of w h i c h he says: “W h a t e v e r good effect this tour m a y have h a d u p o n the workers, it certainly re­ sulted in great good to myself. Old associations were renewed; old misconceptions in reference to the w o r k a n d workers were re­ m ove d ; experience w a s gained a n d n e w ideas were engendered.” r Mrs. Miller, reports: “M y w o r k for the year 1899 has been of .the usual kinds. In connection with the- S u n d a y school, .in which I a m deeply interested, I have aone m u c h visiting. Tlie monthly S u n d a y school teachers’ meetings for conference a nd reports h a v e been continued. .The average attendance at S u n d a y School has been- seventy. It has been - our policy from the be­ ginning of our w o r k here to have one good S u n d a y School, a n d to keep the s a m e scholars continuously, rather than to have various small schools attended b y irregular scholars. -- “D u r i n g this year-six scholars, f r o m the-Sunday school-have, con­ fessed- their faith in-Christ a n d been received 'into the C h urch -by- baptism. -Six scholars- have not ■missed a S u n d a y attend­ ance, a n d twelve others- h a v e .misse'd not more, than one ,or two. A n d this in-the m i d s L o f heathen surroundings a n d t e mpta­ tions, with little:or no e ncouragement at h o m e toward attend­ ance. ,• • . , '' “M y w o r k u p o n the Glad Tidings a n d Little Messenger, which I began in 1882, is continued. A t that time the field w a s unoccu­ pied, a n d the little papers still hold their o w n in the mids^.pf m a n y other publications. T h e circulation has not. been increased or diminished since 1896. T h e f e w copies w h i c h remain over u n ­ sold I use in m y .hospital - work,’ w h ^ r e they are eagerly re­ ceived, 'and "read, too,” as the. physician in, charge told m e with emphasis. I have m a d e weekly-visits-to the t w o hospitals here. In





connection with the Prefectural Hospital- there is a training class for nurses, attended b y eighteen y o u n g w o m e n . W h e n .I began to visit the hospital, they treated.me very coldly, but gradually they have changed, a n d n o w they greet m e w a r m l y a n d eagerly ask for the papers, soul regularly leave one for each in their large resting room. ■ There are' b u b three'trained nurses-in the City Hospital, and'these have always-received the papers gladly. T h e patients are f r o m all parts of .this province, and' they care­ fully preserve their papers .and"take t h e m to their homes. So the seed is s o w n broadcast, a n d the L o r d of the Harvest alone k n o w s into w h a t soil the seed s o w n in m u c h ^weakness has fallen. T h e T h u r s d a y afternoon meetings for w o m e n have been continued. O n the first T h u r s d a y of each m o n t h it is a meeting of the W . C. T. U., in w h i c h they are m u c h interested^ T h e usual'attendance, is about twenty-five, nearly half of w h o m ^ a r e not Christians., A s the meetings are always,opened with prayer a n d ’ reading of, the Scriptures, they m u s t hear m o r e or less of Christian teaching, which, w e pray, m a y bring forth*fruit to eternal life.’’ • ’ AOMORI. Mr.. Harris reports:—

' ,


. .

Early in S e p t e m b e r - w e m o v e d from Ichinoseki, w h e r e w e ,h ad labored for a year, to Aomori, to look after the w o r k in this field during Miss W i n n ’s absence in America. It was, gratifying to find the w o r k m o v i n g on so nicely. Certainly .G o d ’s blessing has rested u p o n the faithful, efforts put forth here during the past five years. T h e m u c h - n e e d e d C h u r c h building w a s completed during the summer.- T h e fact, that the m e m b e r s at once raised fifty yen a n d furnished the building, s h o w s that they do not lack interest for w h a t is being done for their spiriutal welfare. T w o services are held on the Sabbath, a n d a prayer meeting a n d a w o m a n ' s meeting during the week. ..All are fairly well attended, but only through the untiring efforts of the evangelist, a n d those associated with him. . There are four S u n d a y schools, with a n average at­ tendance of t w o hund r e d a n d twenty children. There is a weekly class of fifteen girls, who. are instructed f r o m the Bible as well as in the art of knitting. M o s t of t h e m also, attend the Sabbath school,and the W o m a n ’s meeting. There is also a class of four7 teen y o u n g m e n in English, all of w h o m study the Bible a n d attend Church. There have been four baptisms during the year, a n d there are three or four inquirers.. T h e evangelist has m a d e s o m e visits to the village of Sambogi, a n d reports six Christians -living there, a n d tnat there are several inquirers. ; ■ ..Mrs. Harris w o r k s a m o n g the w o m e n b y w o m a n ’s meetings, vis­ iting, a n d -work in the S u n d a y .Schools. T h e y o u n g lady helpers are interested in the work, a n d are faithful In their efforts to bring Liie. people to Christ.;-Among, the older inhabitants but lit­ tle .can be done along Christian, lines, but a m o n g those w h o have c o m e from other parts of the country, progress, though slow, is

being made. W e are glad to report that w e find a great m a n y , especially of the y o u n g people, dimly feeling through the d ark­ ness of heathenism for light a n d salvation.



Miss D e y o writes:— T h e m o s t encouraging feature of the U e d a w o r k Is, that It has been taken u p a n d is being chiefly carried on b y the y o u n g Chris­ tians of the place. T h o u g h not so m u c h actual proclaiming of the Gospel Is done, yet the fact that it is done chiefly b y volun­ teers m a r k s a n advance, a n d has, I believe, m o r e influence than w h e n done b y salaried helpers. D u r i n g the first three m o n t h s of the year, fifteen children's a n d nine w o m e n ’s meetings w ere held weekly in U e d a a n d K o m o r o . T h e average attendance w a s about four hund r e d children a n d fifty w o m e n . A s both m y helpers left on the first of April, a n d there w e r e no other trained helpers to be obtained, I appealed to the C h u r c h people to take u p the work. A t the present time seven y o u n g m e n a n d one y o u n g ■married w o m a n h a v e each taken charge of a neighborhood S u n d a y school, or a weekly. Bible meeting, a n d they are carrying t h e m on with considerable success. T h e y are glad to receive suggestions a n d advice, a n d spend m u c h time In pre­ paring the lessons. Three other children’s meetings are carried on b y a n U e d a girl, w h o is supported b y me. I have borne all of the expenses for rent, literature, etc., but h a v e paid no salaries since July. It w o u l d s e e m that the C h u r c h here is n o w In a condition w h e r e it can safely be left to care for all the evangelistic w o r k In U e d a a n d the adjacent villages, a n d I h a v e good hopes that from next s u m m e r the m o n e y needed for' carrying on the w o r k will be provided b y the Church. T h e condition of K o m o r o Is not so satisfactory. M y helper, w h o w a s w o r king there, got married in July, a n d I h a ve been unable to find a n y o n e to take her place, but Mr. M a k l ’s y o u n g daughter a n d Mrs. K i m u r a are each trying to carry on a S u n d a y school. Miss W y c k o f f writes:— F r o m J a n u a r y till July m y time w a s spent in teaching In Ferris Sem i n a r y a n d in studying the language. D u r i n g the s u m m e r I spent about t w o hours a d a y o n the language, a n d since c o m i n g to U e d a In October, I h a v e devoted all m y energy In that direc­ tion, studying with a girl w h o graduated f r o m Ferris Sem i n a r y last April. ( I have started one S u n d a y school in a village called Someya, very near Ueda. There are twenty-three children enrolled. T h e largest attendance has been twenty-two, the smallest seven. Miss Kufimoto, m y teacher, does m o s t of the teaching, as m y Japanese does not allow m e to attempt very m uch, but I explain the lessons to her beforehand In English. T h e children s e e m

Interested: T h e y listen quietly, a n d r e m e m b e r very well. Besides the children inside the room, w e have a n audience of g r o w n people w h o stand around the door. T h e y listen as if interested, a nd I hope m a t s o m e of the truths that they hear m a y s o m e d a y bring forth fruit in their hearts. NAGANO. Report by Mr. Scudder:— T h e C h u r c h a n d S u n d a y school have g r o w n s o m e w h a t in stability a n d numbers.Ten persons have united with the Church, four on con­ fession of their faith. T h e good thing about our people is their willingness to b e c o m e a working Church. For four m o n t h s the experiment of self-support w a s tried, but with disastrous results, a n d again a pastor w a s secured b y the Mission. Last winter one flourishing S u n d a y school w a s carried on by the y o u n g m e n of the Church, w h o first taught the children a n d then “preached" to the adults. This S u n d a y school w a s broken up in the spring b y the death of the house owner, a n d has not yet been reopened. O u r C h u r c h also secured a visit from a representative of the. Christian O r p h a n a g e of Gifu, w h o gave a stereopticon lecture t wo nights in succession to audiences of about 600 each. T h e excellent s h o w i n g of this O r p h a n a g e called forth the ad■miration of all, a n d the city newspapers twitted the Buddhists about their so-called O r p h a n a g e s a n d advised t h e m to follow the exam p l e of the Christians. A large non-religious charity associa­ tion w a s started in N a g a n o during the year. A t its opening m e e t ­ ing, w hich w a s attended b y eight hund r e d people, the principal of the' Middle School, w h o boasts that he believes in no religion, spoke s o m e w h a t as follows: “I favor this society because it is non-religious. I believe in no religion, blit the people of J a p a n ought to be a s h a m e d to allow Christians to do all the charitable work. T h e reason Christians are so charitable is that they have such a noble inspiration in the character of Jesus Christ. Jesus said: 'Greater love hath no m a n than this, that a m a n lay d o w n his life for his friends.’ T h e grandest event in history w a s w h e n Jesus died u p o n the cross for mankind. If w e have this spirit, this society will flourish.”

Nagano Station.

T h e w o r k at Shinonoi has been rather at loose 'ends during the year. A few visits from Mr. M a k i in the spring were productive of good. B e ­ y o n d that, w e have been able to do little for the place. There w a s one baptism this year! a n d there are n o w three earnest inquirers.


A m o s t interesting a n d hopeful w o r k has been b e g u n in this t o w n of 11,000 inhabitants, • fifteen miles from Naga n o. Mr. Tajima, of the Meiji G a k u i n graduating class, w o r k e d there during the s u m -


mer. W e held several theatre meetings in the place during the last half of the year, the average attendance being about one thousand. „ ■ T h r o u g h the valuable assistance of Rev. A. Oilmans, of our South J a p a n Mission, a n d Rev. Dr. D e Forest, of the C o n g r e g a ­ tional Mission, wh'o w e n t there in A u g u s t with me, a n d of Rev. E. R. Miller, w h o spoke there in October, these theatre meetings evidently c h a nged the whole sentiment of the people in regard to Christianity, a n d boisterous opposition gave place to respectful attention. There are three inquirers there, the m o s t prominent people of the place, a n d there is certainly a very promising field open to us. ■ D ur i n g the past year I have prepared the weekly S u n d a y school Leaflets for the children, for a period covering fifteen months. U p to the end of 1899, these with other publications for older schol­ ars a n d for teachers, have been used b y the Methodists a n d the several denominations co-operating with the C h u r c h of Christ in Japan. Beginning from 1900, the Baptists a n d Congregationalists join in the support a n d use of these publications.

Mrs. Schenck reports: I find both encouragements a n d discouragements. W e e k l y w o m e n ’s meetings are held at which there is a systematic study-of t h e - N e w .Testa\ ment. T h o u g h the attendance is not large, those w h o c o m e are interested. T w o h a v e been converted a n d there are three inquirers. ..

Women’s Meetings.

English Bible Classes.

I have h a d three of these each w e e k during m o s t ’of the year, with a n attendance of from thirty to forty y o u n g men.

Five S u n d a y schools are carried on b y one of our y o u n g lady helpers, a n d these are going on satisfactorily, but it w a s in connection with opening n e w w o r k ’ that w e found our great discouragement. W e opened a S u n d a y school in one of the villages near Nagano, a n d for a while all w e n t well, but then resistance w a s stirred up, •undoubtedly at the instigation of the priests, a n d w e were followed b y a mob, w h o snatched our tracts a n d papers f r o m our h ands a n d insulted us in m a n y ways. Still after t w o or three w e e k s matters quieted d o w n a n d w e were able to go on again with our school. W e n o w have w o r k in nine different places. I follow a systematic distribution of tracts, w hich are gladly received in m ost cases, a n d w e also offer the Scriptures a n d Bible portions for sale. In spite of opposition w e are not cast down, for the Lord reigneth a n d it is His work.

Sunday Schools.

CONCLUSION. In conclusion w e again present to the C h u r c h at h o m e s o m e facts that h a v e been presented before with little app'arent effect. T h e w o r k is going backward, not forward. E v e n the places of Dr. V e r beck a n d Dr. P o p p e n h a v e not been filled, though w e h ave asked for men, not to Increase our forces, but simply that the n u m b e r of workers on the field m i g h t not be lessened. T h e w o r k wh i c h has been carried on for m a n y years In the I m ­ portant field of South Shlnshu will h a v e to be given u p unless s o m e one can be sent soon to take charge of It. C a n the Church, considering the years of service that h ave been given a n d the earnest prayers that h a v e ascended for this work, allow others to gather the fruits w h i c h rightfully belong to her through the faithful sowing of the seed b y Dr. Verbeck, Mr. Ballagh a n d other m e m b e r s of our Mission ? W e on the field Join our prayers with those going u p for the “F o r w a r d M o v e m e n t ” at home, that this closing year of the century m a y witness a wonderful a w a k e n i n g of interest in M i s ­ sion W o r k , a n d that m e n m a y realize as never before their per­ sonal responsibilities, opportunities a n d privileges In regard to this work, a n d that they m a y consecrate themselves a n d all that G o d has given t h e m to His service, so that they will be willing to do or give whatever H e seeks of them, r e m e m b e r i n g that if they close their ears to G o d ’s call at home, the Missionary is hindered In doing G o d ’s w o r k on the field. .

S O U T H JAPAN MISSION. Established 1859.


Organized 1889.

Missionaries.— Reve. H. Stout, D.D., A. Oilmans, A. Pieters, H. V. S. Peeke, and C. M. Myers.

Assistant Missionaries.— Mrs. Stout, Mrs. Oilmans, Mrs. Pieters, and Mrs. Peeke; Misses S. M. Coach, H. M. Lansing, A. K. Stryker, and A. B. Stoat. Native Assistants.— neve' A. Segawa, I. Tomegawa, T. Hirayama, and E. Monakata; twelve 'licensed evangelists, one Bible woman, and nineteen teachers In Stnrges Seminary and Steele College.

R E P O R T F O R 1899. T h e location a n d w o r k of those on the Held w a s as follows: Miss Stryker w a s in charge of the H o m e D e p a r t m e n t of Sturges Seminary, enga g e d In teaching a n d s o m e study of the language. Miss Stout taught in the S e m i n a r y a n d studied the language, tak­ ing her first examination. Miss C o u c h h a d her h o m e In the S e m i ­ nary, there taught Bible Classes, a n d h a d a small class of w o m e n preparing to b e c o m e helpers, w h o s e study a n d w o r k she directed. Miss L a n sing spent her time In K o g o s h l m a , e n g a g e d chiefly in lan­ g u a g e study, passing the examinations of the course prescribed for the first year's study. S h e did s o m e teaching, a n d h a d three S u n d a y school under her care. Mr. Pieters w a s principal of Steele College a n d en g aged In teaching till the close of the spring term. A t the annual meeting In J u n e It w a s decided that he go with his family to K a g o s h i m a , there to e m p l o y his time principally in the study of the language. This decision w a s carried out after the s u m m e r vacation. Mr. Stout h a d charge of the N a gasaki station with Its three outstatlons, a n d taught in Steele Col­ lege. A t the annual meeting he w a s appointed principal of the College for one year. H e took charge In September. Mr. M y e r s ar­ rived on the g r o u n d the first of September, a n d with the opening of the fall term, c o m m e n c e d teaching English In Steele College. Mr. O l t m a n s h a d charge of the S a g a station with Its nine outstatlon. In the early spring the usual Bible school for the evan­ gelists w a s in session in S a g a under his care for ten days. There w ere fifteen evangelists in attendance, s o m e f r o m other Missions. Until his return to A m e r i c a Mr. P eeke resided at K a goshima, having charge of that station with Its five outstatlons. Mr. S e g a w a h a d the care of the N a g a s a k i C h u r c h through the year, as pastor-elect till M a y , w h e n he w a s Installed b y a c o m ­ mittee f r o m Chiukai. H e also h a d charge of the services at the preaching place In the city. Early In the year Mr. T o m e g a w a w a s transferred f r o m S a g a to the m u c h afflicted a n d greatly de-







K A G O S H I M A ^j


'MAP •

KIUSPIIU Mission Stations and Out Stations underlined.

pleted C h u r c h at .Karatsu.. Mr. M u n a k a t a continued his work, acting as pastor of the K a g o s h i m a Church. . H e also visited s o m e parts of the southern field, as far as possible doing the office of the Missionary in. charge. Mr. H i rayama, re-entered the, ser­ vice,of the Mission about the middle of the year, a n d w a s located on the far eastern side of the island, thus, holding a n outpost of the field. Mr. Yoshidomi w a s transferred f r o m Shibushi in the extreme southeastern part of the island to O m u r a near, Nagasaki, w h i c h leaves a former outpost practically abandoned. , A t the close of the year the w o r k amongjthe, “E t a ” at U s a b a r a w a s given u p — to be explained later on— a n d M r . . T o k u n a g a dismissed from the service,of the Mission, on account of lack of qualifications for a n y ’ other-,kind of w o r k than that he, h a d been doing. ' '' F o u r evangelists retired from, the w o r k ^during the year. T h e reasons ,given by,- t h e m for resigning, w e r e doubtless genuine and, in themselves, quite sufficient, but there is no doubt that ‘ inadequate salaries, due to the adva n c e d prices'of all kinds o f J necessities h a d also not a little to do with the decision.' In fact it w a s discovered that a certain degree of unrest existed a m o n g the whole body of evangelists. This w a s natural, for they found it difficult to m e e t expenses, a n d there were cases w h e r e debt w a s being constantly accumulated. It, therefore, b e c a m e necessary to m e e t this condition of things b y a slight advance in salaries. This w a s not done, however, till after the four h a d severed, tneir connection with the Mission. T h r o u g h these resignations, trans­ fers a n d dismissal, together with the dismissal of another m a n • just at the end of the year before, the force of workers at N agasaki a n d S a g a has been shortened, a n d four outstatlons, those at Sasebo, Nakatsu, Shibushi, a n d Usabara, long occupied, are left: without resident preachers. T h e best that can be done for t h e m is to have the m e n located near at h a n d visit t h e m occasionally. It is with profound regret that w e m u s t thus report contraction instead of expansion of this m o s t essential part of the work. Miss Muto, a graduate of Sturges Seminary, w h o has been as­ sociated with Miss C o u c h in w o r k for w o m e n , h a d her home-in the Seminary, a n d carried on w o r k assigned to her in teaching In t h e '. Se m i n a r y a n d in m o r e direct evangelistic w o r k for w o m e n a n d children outside. ' ' • Of the teaching corps: Mr. Salto, as principal of Sturges S e m i ­ nary, filled the office with the s a m e degree of satisfaction as'for' so m a n y years past. H e also did his full share of class work. F o u r teachers, three of t h e m Christians, gave their whole time to the Seminary. Five others were engaged for special lessons. Three of the teachers, those for music foreign a n d native, a n d for eti­ quette, sewing, etc., are w o m e n . In Steele College there were nine1 Japanese teachers, four of w h o m gave their whole time to the Col­ lege, the others but part of their time. F o u r of these are Chris­ tians, one a graduate a n d for a time immediately after a teacher. H a v i n g studied for three years in T o k y o he returned last fall to the College.

Beginning with Sturges Seminary. This Instltutlon enjoyed a year’s uninterrupted ■ prosecution of w o r k u p o n the usual lines. There were sixty-eight pupils enrolled with a n average attendance of fifty-four. Of these f r om twenty-five to thirty w e r e boarders, the n u m b e r varying at different tim-s. A class of t w o graduated in March. O n e of t h e m returned in the a u t u m n , taking s o m e a d v a n c e d studies a n d finding the Saviour. M o r e definitely Miss Stryker reports :

The Work Done.

In spite of m y ignorance of the language m y W o r k has been very pleasant. I a m especially h a p p y over O Mika San, w h o is our m o s t a d v a n c e d pupil, a n d w h o so long held out against Christianity. S h e has at last given herself to G o d a n d is very h a p p y in her n e w life. H e r position in the school as a post-graduate pupil gives her great influence a n d she is a great help to m e in all m y Christian work. " A f e w w e e k s ago I b e g a n visiting the d a y pupils in their h o m e s in c o m p a n y with Mrs. Suyehlro, w h o is our music teacher a n d w h o acted as m y interpreter. Mrs. Suyehlro is also the president of our Christian E n d e a v o r Society. E v e r y w h e r e w e w e n t w e w ere m o s t cordially received, a n d in each place w e g ave a n Invitation to attend our S u n d a y afternoon prayer meeting, a n d also the regular C h u r c h services. W e w e r e obliged to give u p our visiting before w e h a d called on all the pupils o n account of the approaching holi­ days a n d the extra w o r k that w e all h a v e then, but I hope to begin again in the n e w year. “Last spring I felt quite troubled about the lack of spiritual Interest in the school, but since the s u m m e r vacation there has been a great change. Miss Stout a n d I thought that something should be done to rouse the Interest of the Christian girls, a n d at last decided lO, propose to t h e m that they form a Christian E n ­ deavor Society. This w a s done, a n d they were at once ready to do all they could to m a k e it a success. A constitution w a s pre­ pared a n d the society w a s organized with thirteen members. Since then w e h a v e received ten associate members, a n d hope soon to have three n e w C h u r c h m e m b e r s enrolled as active m e m b e r s of the society. E v e r y S u n d a y afternoon a C. E. prayer meeting is held in the school chapel a n d the girls all take part promptly. W e h a v e several committees, the m o s t important perhaps being the visiting committee. This committee visits all the d a y pupils w h o are absent for a f e w days, ascertaining the cause of the absence a n d speaking a f e w w o r d s about Christianity. T h e c h a i r m a n is one of the teachers w h o always takes one of the girls of the c o m ­ mittee with her w h e n she m a k e s these visits, a n d in this w a y the girls are being trained in religious w o r k a n d their o w n interest in­ creased. “In addition to the C. E. Society, the Christian girls h ave their King's D a u g h t e r ’s Society, a n d w o r k for the benefit of two o r p h a n ­ ages in Japan, one at O k a y a m a a n d the other at Gifu. This

Society n o w n u m b e r s fifteen m e m b e r s , a n d all w o r k with Interest. “F o u r of the boarding pupils h a v e been received Into the Church, a n d there are six others w h o h a v e asked for baptism. S o m e of t h e m are quite .young, a n d the pastor of the C h u r c h thought it better to h a v e t h e m wait a little a n d receive further instruction.” A t the end of the year there w e r e sixty-seven pupils In at­ tendance, of w h o m eleven w e r e f r o m Christian homes. Twelve boarders a n d one d a y pupil are C h u r c h m e m b e r s , four having been baptised during the year. T h e tone of the school is decidedly Christian, a n d there Is every reason to believe that it is fulfilling its proper mission a m o n g those for w h o m it w a s established a n d is maintained. ' Steele College has been unfortunate in having been subjected to changes in the principal a n d in the teaching force, involving necessarily m o r e changes in methods. Still the course of study, so far as there w e r e classes to take ic, w a s taught regularly throughout the year. D u r i n g the first part of the year there w a s neither Senior nor S o p h o m o r e Class, a n d consequently no J u ­ nior Class for the last part. A b o u t a h u n d r e d a n d twenty-five students w e r e enrolled during the' year, of w h o m fifty-eight passed their examinations at the end of the spring term, a n d eighty-nine at the end; of the fall term. T h e distribution of these into classes w a s far f r o m ideal, as the list) of those w h o took their examinations at the end of the year shows: Seniors, three; Juniors, none; Sophomores, four; Fres h m e n , seventeen; “A ” Class, twenty-two; “B ” Class, forty-three. T h e “College” was, therefore, m o r e than ever a sort of preparatory school, preparing for nothing in particular. This is a condition of things experienced, very m u c h in c o m m o n with other schools of the class, to be accounted for in various ways, but largely f r o m the fact that the G o v e r n m e n t is doing so m u c h for education that the inducements offered b y the Missions Schools are little b e yond that of efficiency in furnishing students with a practical k n o w l e d g e of the English language. W h e n this is supposed to be acoomplished, the pupils leave to engage In business, or to study elsewhere, w h e r e they can escape the conscription, a n d receive diplomas of recognized value. H o w ­ ever, occasionally students b e c o m e Interested in the course of study a n d attached toj the college, holding it In esteem after graduation, as a n extract f r o m a n article written b y Mr. Pieters shows: “Letters occasionally received s h o w that the school is not forgotten as soon as the C o m m e n c e m e n t exercises are past. O n e of the graduates not long ago’ , wrote to the principal as follows: T a m loved a n d trusted everywhere I go, a n d It is b y your school that I w a s educated into such a m a n as to be trusted by everybody. I o w e a great deal to your school of m y better char­ acter, a n d t h p u g h I did not write to y o u for a long time, your school, nay, m y school, Steele College, stands clear always In m y head. I cannot forget It, f r o m m y gratltudel for it’ That expression, ’m y school,’ s h o w s the true spirit. T h e greatest thing that w e need Is a n outpouring of the spirit of God. T h a t stands



always first in our hopes a n d prayers. B u t next to that there is nothing that w o uld insure the future success a n d prosperity of the schoo. better than, for our graduates a n d former pupils to rally p o und it with this watchword, ‘ m y school.’ ” . . A s to the religious condition of the college, there were five m e m ­ bers of -the C h u r c h in- three of .the .classes during the spring term. B u t three of these-failed to pass their examinations, a n d so there were but t w o to return in the autumn. T o s ay nothing . about-the lack of influence of students w h o s e standing is so. low that they cannot pass examinations, or-of o n e . w h o did just pass, it is a pleasure to say that the remaining one m a n does credit to . the iChristian name. .But being.-practjcally-alone*- it, is. impos--siblenfor. h i m to give tone Ao.-the-school. Howeyer,-, there arev ,a number->of r-young men, s o m e f r o m Christian .hQ.mes— there are. twelvejfrom- such, h o m e s — w h o s e morals .are exemplary-and w h o s e influence, if not Christian, is salutary. There is no reason to suppose .that, there has been, as the year, before, any. gross, i m - i morality, or a n y practice -detrimental to the welfare, of the. ipstitution. .-It is a n interesting fact that a f e w of .the students have for <a long time m e t regularly every m o r n i n g before breakfast, for ..devotional exercises, at the : s a m e time some, of these y o u n g .men even have s e e m e d to s h o w little or no interest in the. study of the truth, or in the services of the Church. .The,form, of a Y o u n g M e n ’s Christian Association exists, taking, in the oldest, m e m b e r of the faculty. B u t the usefulness of thi,s society may, be questioned. O n e great defect in the college.is the lack of teachers of pronounced Christian ..character,, zealous for the highest inter-, ests of their, pupijs. The. problem ,of .h o w to secure such teachers is yet to be solved. •. , . . . . S o m e of the teachers a n d pupils- of -the college ■conducted a night school-in the city through m o s t of the year. -T h e Mission badnothing-to do with-it further than to allow the use of r o o m s rented -as a preaching* place,-and-some personal.-assistance givenin instruction. Students c a m e in large.numbers, a n d there w a s s o m e attempt to have ■religious • instruction • given, -but it w a s ■ rather formal than effective. It is a- question w hether the effort, under the circumstances," w a s of a n y real value. ■ ' T h e College Industrial L a u n d r y continued to suffer f rom the’ competition of the local s t eam laundry, a n d so, with the removal of Mr. Pieters to K a g o s h i m a , it w a s closed, a n d the plant sold. (This w a s a private a n d not a Mission enterprise.) ■ T h e Instruction concerning religion in schools receiving G o v ­ e r n m e n t recognition, issued b y the Minister of Education last s u m m e r , has, of course, not affected dur schools at all, as they have been f r o m the first entirely" independent of G o v e r n m e n t patronage a n d recognition. With' the c o m i n g of the n e w treaties they were registered; that w a s all. ■ '


A t the annual meeting'of* the Nagasaki C hurch the pastor m a d e a report, from w hich the ■following is taken: “W e are thankful to say that our C h u r c h enjoyed a b u n d a n t blessings last year, in spite of our w e a k n e s s of faith a n d short-comings in duty.' S o m e per­ sons were received into the C h u r c h on confession of their faith, a m o n g w h o m were t w o students f r o m the N o r m a l School; w here hatred, of Christianity, as in all G o v e r n m e n t schools, is the pre­ vailing sentiment. There are ten"ftandidates-for baptism at t h e present time. 'It is exceedingly sad-‘tol'be obliged tb report the n a m e s of m a n y m e m b e r s takeh •from', the tolls during •the year. ,■ either because of removal o r 'through discipline.'■B u t pruning is necessary, in' order to'maintain C h u r c h 'purity., T h e congre­ gation has b e e n -quite different f r o m that of-former years, w h e n it w a s co m p o s e d almost entirely of students'from the two schools. • For''now the 1 m e m b e r d “ 'are from different’ classes; officials,' business "men, teachers a n d students. W i t h the ;lnstallation, .of the pastor s d m e anxiety w a s felt -by'the officers of the-Church as to-'whether ■it w o u l d be ’possible' to m e e t the increased ie x - , pense's assumes. Howe v e r , the faithfulness of "those having this • matter in charge has been rewarded, so that the accounts "at the end of'the year s h o w e d 1a deficit of only a-few cents, ’T h e increasein the contributions for all expenses for the year w a s about a, hundred' a n d twenty yen, the whole a m o u n t being three hundred a n d sixty-nine. In the- a u t u m n a < Christian •E n d e a v o r Society was- organized with) seven memb e r s , w h i c h society has -.been active in m a n y w a y s in assisting in the w o r k of the Church. It is with regret-that the w o r k carried on at the preaching place in this city has -yielded no apparent ifruit.” A s to the present condition of the Church, there are ninety-seven m e m b e r s in full c o m m u n i o n on the -roll,; a regular weekly prayer meeting is m a i n - , tained, a n d t w o S u n d a y Schools are carried on with about seventy ■

The Churches.


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This C h u r c h has no settled pastor, but enjoyed' Kagoshima. the ministrations of the Rev. K. Mun a k a t a , to w h o s e support a small a m o u n t w a s regularly contributed. T h e constituency of the C h u r c h is small, there being' only thirty-six m e m b e r s in full c o m m u n i o n on the roll, s o m e of w h o m live at long distances f r o m the Church, a n d are conse­ quently seldom if ever present at the services. T h e latest reports from the C h u r c h are very encouraging, as s h o w i n g an increase in the attendance u p o n the services a n d a readiness to hear the truth, whether in public or private. Mr. M u n a k a t a h a d his time fully occupied, outside his regular duties to the Church, in making' a n d receiving calls f r o m interested people, to m a n y of w h o s e h o m e s he found 'a cordial welcome. T h e attitude of the people generally towards the resident Missionaries is that of apparently disinterested friendliness. T h e S u n d a y schools under Miss L a n ­ sing’s'cafe h a d a h average of about eighty pupils. • ' '

' T h e C h u r c h at Karatsu, w h i c h h a d suffered so long f r o m the devices of Its former pastor, w a s relieved, first, through his deposition of the year before; and, second, b y having the C h u r c h property, w hich for a time w a s in danger of being sold b y foreclosure of a m o r t g a g e Illegally laid u p o n It, secured by proper legal title. T h e Rev. I . T o m e g a w a w a s put In charge of the C h u r c h a n d the w o r k in the locality early In the year. His c o m i n g w a s attended with m a r k e d I m p r o v e m e n t In the Church. A family that h a d been forced out of the C h u r c h during the former difficulties reunited with it, a n d at the end of the year there were several candidates for baptism. Altogether the outlook w a s better than it h a d been for several years past. W o r k w a s carried on as in the better days of the past at H a m a s a k i a n d Kaganil. K aratsu has recently b e c o m e of Increased-'Importance as a centre of trade, largely through the building of a spur to the m a i n line of railroad running through the Island. A s yet there Is n o other w o r k carried on permanently b y Protestant Missions In the place, but the South­ ern Baptists h a v e decided to m a k e It a regular preaching sta­ tion. T h e C h u r c h has thirty m e m b e r s o n the roll. T h e S u n d a y school has hardly yet been revived, for but five scholars were reported. T h e contributions 'for general w o r k were exceedingly small.


T h e C h u r c h at S a g a w a s under the care of Evangelist Hlratsu. Attendance at the services both on S u n d a y a n d at the prayer meetings. Increased considerably during the year. A spirit of unity a n d s y m p a t h y w a s manifest a m o n g the m e m b e r s. Three n e w m e m ­ bers were received b y baptism, a n d several candidates were still waiting to be received at the end of the year. O n e ofthose baptized, a school teacher, s h o w e d m a r k e d fidelity In following the Mast e r In difficult surroundings. T h e C h u r c h reported fortyt w o m e m b e r s in full c o m m u n i o n , a n d contributions of yen one h u n dred a n d fifty-one. Regular w o r k w a s carried on at Arita a n d Iwarl, t w o t owns of considerable size, about twenty-five miles f r o m Saga. These places are easy of access b y rail. A t Arita there w ere s o m e hopeful candidates. After the resignation of Mr. Yoshetake, Sasebo w a s cared for also fr o m Saga. All this w o u l d not have been possible but for the valuable aid rendered b y Mr. O l t m a n s ’ personal assistant, Mr. Kabayashi. '


In the matter of superlntendance, Mr. Oltm a n s visited all parts of his extensive field, going • to s o m e localities several times. B u t little could be done In the K a g o s h i m a a n d N a g a s a k i stations, Mr/Peeke, leaving for A m e r i c a so early In the year, a n d Mr. Stout having his time taken up largely with school duties. Still, hurried visits w e r e m a d e to the Naga s a ki outstatlons b y Mr.

The Outstatlons.

Stout, a n d Miss C o u c h spent several w e e k s during the spring on the Held, giving m o s t of her time to the K a g o s h i m a district. F or the m o s t part, however, the evangelists of these t w o stations were left to carry o n the w o r k In their o w n way. O f Usabara, the village of outcasts, Mr. O l t m a n s writes: “T h e w o r k carried on there for s o m e years a m o n g the ‘E t a ’ b y Mr. T o k u n a g a has certainly not realized the hopes of the Mission. A s far as w e k n ow, not a single conversion took place as a result of these labors. W e are sorry for the H o n . H. Hospers, by w h o s e funds the w o r k w a s carried on all the time. Still w e are confident that the efforts h a v e not been in vain. A n u m b e r of people h a v e been taught, a n d a few s e e m e d receptive of the trutn. B u t the o u t w a r d circumstances have been against us. M a n y of the people m o v e d away, a n d the extreme poverty of those w h o remained m a d e it impossible for t h e m to allow their children to go to school, as they h a d to help earn the family living. Mr. K a w a ­ saki will continue to hold meetings for the U s a b a r a people.” O f the twelve outstatlons with resident evangelists. It Is a pleasure to report that, except at Hitayoshi, w h e r e sickness in the preacher’s family interfered for a time, the w o r k w a s car­ ried on uninterruptedly during the year, a n d that generally it w a s attended with a fair degree of success, counting that success as opportunities given a n d e m b r a c e d for seed-sowing. Sometning of the joy of ingathering w a s also experienecd, for a f e w were a d d e d to the C h u r c h f r o m these outstatlons. T h e m e t h o d s of w o r k emplo y e d b y the evangelists are varied a n d are a n interesting study. S o m e m e n confine their efforts almost entirely to the immediate localities w h e r e they reside, find­ ing quite e n o u g h just at h a n d to e m p l o y all thlr time. Others m a k e efforts to reach people outside, m a k i n g regular visits a n d holding preaching services in outlying districts. This is the consetant a i m of Mr. N a g a t a a n d Mr. Taka h a s h i In the south, a n d Mr. K a w a s a k i In the north. In the south a good deal of attention Is paid to tract distribution a n d the calling together of people for preaching services. S o m e again spend a good deal of time In vis­ iting f r o m house to house a m o n g those w h o m they find willing to receive t h e m a n d converse on religion. Mr. K a w a s a k i has a wide range of acquaintances o n a broad field, w h o m he visits in this way. Mr. K a m l m u r a , at the large t o w n of K u r u m e , has a talent for w o r k In union with the evangelists a n d Missionaries of other societies represented in the place. Still others combine these various methods, working in a n y w a y that s eems best under the circumstances in which they find themselves placed. It is a ques­ tion w h i c h is the best w a y to carry on the work. Probably each one finds his o w n w a y the best for himself a n d his o w n field. A t a n y rate there is little or no disposition on the part of the Mission to d e m a n d that the w o r k be done In a n y particular way.

Opportunities are not wanting for the exten­ sion of the work. A loud call c a m e from the far-eastern side of the island w h e r e Mr. H ira­ y a m a w e n t prospecting s o m e time ago, a n d found a n open door. Other .localities, did w e dare exploit them, w ould certainly be found ready of access. S o m e of the evangelists are .anxious, have begged to be allowed to extend the sphere of their work. B u t w e k n o w that such a course w o u l d only result in the embarra s s m e n t o f .success. W i t h the constantly reduced appropriations w e can do nothing m o r e than to try to hold on to w h a t w e have in hand. W i t h the n e w treaties in operation, the w a y of access to the peo­ ple is open as never before. A n d w e wait the order from h o m e to go forward according to the a b u n d a n c e of the opportunity given.

Openings lor Larger Work.



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T H E ARABIAN MISSION. Incorporated 1891.

Organized 1889. Adopted by R. C. A. 1894.

Missionaries.— Reve. James Cantinc, S. M. Zwemer, F. J. Barny. +Geo. E. Stone, H. J. Wiersum, H. R. L. Worrall, M.D., S. J. Thoms, M.D.

Assistant Missionaries.— Mre. S. M. Zwemer, Mrs. F. J. Barny, Mrs. M. W. Thome, M.D. Motive Assistants.— Yakoub Sawa, Mlcha Gibburi, Daniel Minas, Esa Abd el Messiah, Murad Rashu, Elias Bakkor, Jusuf Mfcha, — Colporteurs. | Elias Behnan, Gibrail.— .Dispensary Assistants.


S. M. David.— Teacher, Rescued Slave School. Jusuf Seeso, Abd el Ahid Sf‘eso.— Arabic Teachers. T H E MISSION OCCUPIES :

1. The Busrah vilayet.— Area, 50,000 square miles; population, 700,000. 9. Bahrein Islands and adjacent coast.— Area, undefined; population, 300,000.! 3. Oman. Area, undefined ; popnlation, estimated, 500,000,

Stations.— Bnsrab, 1891 ; Bahrein, 1892 ; Muscat, 1893. 1895; Naeariyeh, 1897. . ♦Died June 26, 1899. '


Out-Stations.— Amara, ,


R E P O R T F O R 1899.




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This is our decennial year. O n October 1st w e celebrated our T ent h Anniversary which, for us on the field, w a s an occasion of-' thanksgiving as w e recalled the m a n y mercies of G o d in this period. W e are glad to say that the tenth year has_ been the best one in results ; m o r e tours have been made, notwithstanding m a n y difficulties; m o r e Scriptures w e r e sold, with the exception of one year w h e n conditions were especially favorable, a n d m a r e patients treated than in a n y previous year. O u r joy for all these signs of progress'is’bnly lessened b y .ne m e m o r y of the loss of one of our number. ■■ ' M u s c a t has again claimed one of our number. George Edwin This, time it w a s not a pioneer, but yet one w h o Stone. h a d early proved himself a w o r t h y soldier in this warfare w h i c h w e w a g e against Islam’s p o w e r of darkness. H e gave promise of large usefulness, a n d because of this promise w e - m o u r n ' t h e loss of'him thevmore. -.Sent to Muscat, to relieve one of our n u m b e r w h o h a d been seriously ill, he was, after only four m o n t h s of hard trying a n d well done service, called unto the higher service. Mr. Stone w a s not of our c o m m u n i o n , having c o m e to us f r o m the Presbyterian Church, but he gave himself whole-heartedly to the w o r k in Arabia.

M u s c a t thus, has been


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doubly, yea, trebly, .consecrated. A l m o s t side b y side with the venerable Bishop F r e n c h lies the strong Mr. Stone. A n d pur other .martyr, Peter J. Z w e m e r , w e n t h o m e f r o m there.but to die. T h e youngest of our three stations has a solemn record for us. H a v e a n y of us uttered or thought the w o r d retreat? N o ! W e k n o w that .the precious lives that h a v e gone out for M u s c a t a n d Arabia are not lost; but as the seed In the grou n d abides not alone, so these lives will also bear their harvest, a n d because of this assurance ,we go forward with greater faith a n d hope. W e are glad to be able to-report one n e w ac­ cession to our forces. Rev. -H a r r y J. W i e r s u m w a s appointed last s u m m e r , a n d arrived o* the field on J a n u a r y 8, of this year. O f the force on the field there have been no serious illnesses except the one already referred to be­ fore. All of the stations h a v e been occupied, for the first time in ■our history, for the whole year without a n y interruptions. T h e year has seen no n e w accessions to the n u m b e r of our native assistants; rather there has been a loss. T h e five colporteurs remaining are fully competent m e n a n d do good work. T h e two ■teachers have also given a part of their time to colporteurage, a n d w e m a y say that seven m e n h a v e given their whole time to this work. W e h a v e been hoping for re-enforcements from the north but have been disappointed. T h e authorities interfered a n d hin­ dered several m e n w h o m w e h a d e n g aged f r o m c o m i n g to us. ; W e have at present no prospect of other helpers, but trust that G o d will supply our needs soon. T h e t w o y o u n g m e n that were engag e d as language teachers for the Missionaries have remained iwith us, a n d h a v e been very faithful to their pupils. T h e M i s ­ sionaries at B u s r a h h a v e h a d the use of one, a n d the other, after Mr. Stone’s death, has been doing school a n d colporteur duty .at-Muscat a n d Bahrein.

The Mission Force.

O n e of our m o s t vexing problems has at last been solved, if not permanently at least for a sufficient n u m b e r of years to give us a decided feeling of relief. A t B u s r a h a five year contract is about to be signed, w h i c h will insure us a comfortable dwelling for that pe­ riod, at a reasonable price. T h e greatest difficulty is that the land­ lord systematically falls to keep his promises as to doing needed repairs. This is a c o m m o n failing In the East, a n d w e do well not to w or r y unduly over It. A t Bahrein the Mission has w o n a signal ^victory. T h e lease for the present quarters runs out this spring. T h e issue w a s fairly stated b y the religious heads, the mullahs of the community, that they w o u l d force the Missionaries to with­ d r a w from the Island, as they would permit no one to rent or sell a n y house or land whatever. T h e issue w a s accepted an d h a n d e d over to our Lord, a n d H e settled it for us. Prospects h a d been dark for months, when, from a n unexpected source, an offer to lease a house w a s made, a n d Mr. Z w e m e r w a s able to sign an

Mission Dwellings.

eight years’ contract on reasonable terms. This w a s so evidently a victory of faith a n d a n a n s w e r to prayer, ..that w e are greatly •rejoiced over it. T h e house at M u s c a t has h a d s o m e of the i m ­ provements added, w h i c h w a s contemplated w h e n the property w a s first secured. There are n o w four enclosed rooms, a n d soon there will be another, so that with f e w m i nor repairs the Mission will o w n a comfortable house at that m o s t trying station. W h i l e the preaching of the W o r d by a living witness is the divinely ordained m e t h o d of e v a n ­ gelizing the world, the circulation of the printed page is ever the first a n d foremost auxiliary in the great task. T h e e u n u c h .already h a d a septuagent version of Isaiah before Philip preached Christ to him. In Arabia, also, the colporteur pre­ cedes the Missionary, a n d is the real pioneer for all subsequent effort. O u r field in Eastern a n d Turkish Arabia is nor a n easy one. T h e thorns a n d thistles of prejudice a n d fanaticism cover the hard ground. T h e p l o w m a n m u s t precede the sower, a n d the h u s b a n d m a n m u s t have long patience for the harvest. S o m e of the regions w hich w e are trying to open u p h ave never yet been explored b y the traveller, a n d the Journeys of Missionaries a nd colporteurs have not yet completed our scant knowledge of the character a n d n u m b e r of the population. Besides the difficulties w h i c h are c o m m o n to this field, such as the extreme heat during six m o n t h s of the. year, the illiteracy of the population a n d the apathy a n d unresponsiveness of M o s l e m hearts, w e have, at all the stations, h a d m a n y serious hindrances. A t B u s r a h there has been a dearth of colporteurs for the latter half of the year, as also at the other stations. D u r i n g the last quarter w e were h e m m e d in on all sides b y ,a quarantine, not only to the southward, ad heretofore, but to the nort h w a r d also, o w i n g to a slight outbreak of cholera. T h e transfer of one Missionary, the untimely death of another a n d a severe outbreak of cholera in M u s c a t a n d O m a n , interfered with the w o r k there. In Bahrein there w a s throughout the year determined hostility toward our Bible-work on the part of s o m e of the Mullahs. Yet, in spite of the hindrance, the three stations report a total of 2,464 copies of Scriptures sold during the year, of which 52 were whole Bibles a n d 118 N e w Testaments. This is 454 m o r e than last year, or a n increase of over 20 per cent. The largest n u m b e r w e r e in Arabic, but Persian, Turkish, Hebrew, Syriac, Gujerati, English, F r e n c h a n d Portuguese, were also in de­ m a n d ; 82 per cent, w e r e sold to M o s l e m s a n d the rest to Christians, J e w s a n d Hindus. In educational a n d religious books there w a s an increase of nearly 100 per cent., 1,019 such books having been disposed of. , , ,. ■

Bible Work.


Notwithstanding the difficulties before m e n tioned, w h i c h were such as to interfere especi­ ally with this phase of our work, there is a good record of tours made. F r o m B u s r a h the region to the North be­



tween the T w o Rivers, in w h i c h our outstatlons A m a r a a n d Nasariyeh are situated, w a s twice visited b y colporteurs a n d once b y the Missionary. T h e region to the South w a s also traversed b y a colporteur. F r o m M u s c a t only one tour w a s made, a n d that w a s cut .short b y the outbreak of a feud a m o n g the Arabs. F r o m Bahrein the Pirate Coast w a s twice visited. Katif, one of the oldest t o w n s in Arabia, formerly the capital of the Carmathians w h o sacked M e c c a a n d brought the f a m o u s black stone to Katif, w a s visited b y Dr. Worrall, a c c o mpanied b y the colporteur. Kuweit, a place w h o s e n a m e is n o w so unfamiliar, will b ecome as well k n o w n as Port Said w h e n the expected N o r t h Arabian Ra i l w a y m a k e s this its terminus. It w a s visited by Dr. W o r ­ rall a n d twice b y colporteurs. All these tours have been successful, i. e., a goodly n u m b e r of Scriptures w e r e sold a n d those that*'' w e n t returned full of enthusiasm on account of their good recep­ tion. W e realize that as yet w e h a v e only skirted Eastern Arabia a n d this year w e intend to m a k e determined efforts to get in­ land. W i t h the present force on the field, tours b y Missionaries m u s t be short a n d few. W h a t w e need a n d ask for is several m e n w h o can a n d are willing, to give their whole time a n d energy to touring, especially touring inland.

T h e medical staff w a s strengthened this year b y the accession of Drs. Sharon J. a n d M a rion W . T h o m s . T h o u g h they have been engaged chiefly with the language, they were able to do a good deal professionally. T h e dispensary in B u s r a h w a s kept open for nine months, a n d Bahrein has for the first time h a d a resident qualified physician for six months. T h e books again s h o w large n u m b e r s that have found relief a n d healing f r o m all m a n n e r of ailments, f rom simple ophthalmia to cases requiring operations. W h a t has been a c c o m ­ plished b y the doctors w a s with a m i n i m u m or rather lack of ac­ commodation. W e look with s o m e satisfaction at the result, but it grieves us to think of the magnificent opportunities for doing good w h i c h w e m u s t see slip b y because m e a n s are not at h a n d for m o r e extended operations. O u r dispensaries have been the scenes of m u c h witnessing, as there is a short service held be­ fore the treatment of the patient begins. A s there are always those w h o a c c o m p a n y their friends to see the hakim, w e judge that 6,000 h a v e heard the preaching of the W o r d . B u s r a h reports a total of 2300 patients treated a n d Bahrein 2228. ,

Medical Work.

This has been possible only at Bahrein Stawhere, amidst manifold duties, Mrs.

Wotnaa’s Work., ‘ tion,

Z w e m e r has been able to undertake it. Shd reports the w o m e n as welc o m i n g her to their h o m e s a n d eager to visit her in the Mission house. Friends in A m e r i c a have enabled her to do a w o r k of charity w hich is m h c h appreciated, viz., the distribution of garments to the poor w h o are not only

a l ways with t h e m but in great numbers. A s w e n o w have ladies at' several of the stations, w e are planning to engage Bible w o m e n , but w e want'to do even m o r e for the w o m e n of Arabia. W e be­ lieve the time has c o m e to begin systematic w o r k a m o n g the w o m e n i a n d therefore the-Mission is asking for t wo single lady Missionaries. T h e field is a hard one, but opportunities are m a g ­ nificent. W h o will c o m e ? T h e school has claimed m o s t of the time a n d


interest of those in charge of M u s c a t Station. , ’ T h o u g h there has not been a definite C o m m e n c e ­ m e n t season the close of the year sees the school greatly reduced in number. It m a y interest the.friends of these black boys to k n o w h o w this c a m e about. Three of the largest were disposed of first. These h a d felt themselves too large to be governed by the rules of the school, a n d during the protracted illness of Mr. B a r n y took the opportunity of getting quite out of hand. After these were gone it w a s thought the rest w ould be content for a f e w more.years, but they were one a n d all anxious to be appro­ priated b y s o m e one a n d begin the life w hich h a d been held up before t h e m a long time. There were good reasons for acceding to their requests. T h e y were outgrowing their c r a m p e d quarters in the Mission House, a n d the Missionary w a s finding their presence a growing discomfort. T h e y h a d also ou t g r o w n their first teacher a n d no other suitable one could be found. Their limited n u m b e r scarcely warranted a large outlay for a fully qualified teacher, and yet there w e r e e n o u g h of t h e m to require constantly the pres­ ence of the Missionary. So nine m o r e w e r e placed in private f ami­ lies to be developed as servants, a n d already w e have heard good reports of these. O f the eighteen w h o w e re taken over f r o m the English G o v e r n m e n t nearly four years ago, twelve have been thus placed in good families, t w o have died a n d a n d four of the youngest still remain. 'There will be a nucleus for another school should other slave boys be taken a n d brought to Muscat. O u r school has thus surely been a success a n d - w e joyfully acknowledge the leading of G o d ’s providence in all its ways. A s w e co m p a r e the condition of these boys n o w with w h a t it w a s four years ago, a n d note the possibilities of their future, w e can say that the time a n d strength spent in their behalf h a v e not been in vain, a n d that the prayers of G o d ’s people for t h e m have been a n d will be a b u n d ­ antly blessed.

First Fruits.

A t all of our Stations w e have, h a d c o m e to us s o m e who, though not strictly enquirers as thai

term is usually employed, yet profess to be seek­ ers after truth, a n d w h o are examples of the fact that the Gospel has found a n entering in this land, if it be only as the edge of a wedge. A m a r a continues to report a f e w earnest seekers who. under persecutions a n d trials, search for m o r e light than is found

In their dark Islam. T h e soldier convert f r o m A m a r a , of w h o m there h a v e been notices in our reports, for -several years, is n o w in exile in a t o w n in Asia Minor. W e hear f rom h i m in­ directly. H e se e m s to suffer at present nothing m o r e than separ­ ation f r o m his family. T h e Missionary at Bahrein h a d the Joy this year of baptizing this family, consisting of the m other a nd three children. In order to escape being forcibly kept in the M o s l e m religion she fled f r o m B a g h d a d a n d c a m e to Bahrein where, after instruction, she renounced Islam, professed her faith in Christ a n d w a s baptized. It is happenings like this thht cheer us on our way. This is the proof of G o d ’s acceptance of our work. T h a t w e m i g h t h a v e m o r e such proof. W e realize deeply the w e a k n e s s of our efforts a n d w e plead strongly for m o r e workers in this neglected vineyard, but above this w e realize the need of G o d ’s spirit, w o r k i n g on our hearts to m a k e us m o r e acceptable laborers a n d on the hearts of these people to turn t h e m unto Himself.






48 68 52

7i 54

1660 1888 2294



1 8 9 7.......... ........... 1 8 9 8 ..................... 1 8 9 9.....................


1779 2010 2464



N o r t h So u t h C h i n a . In d i a . J a p a n . J a p a n . A r a b i a T o t a l .

Stations.................... Out-Stations and Preaching Places Missionaries, ordained........ Missionaries, unordained....... Assistant Missionaries, married ... Assistant Missionaries, unmarried. Native Ordained Ministers..... Other Native Helpers, men..... Native Helpers, women........ Churches................... Communicants.............. Heceived on Confession in 1899.. . Seminaries, boys’............ Scholars................... Seminaries, girls'............. Scholars....................

8 43 5 1 6 10

1 12 6 169 99

it 1439 77


110 B 1 8

Students.............. Sunday Schools......... Scholars.............. Day Schools............ Scholars.............. Hospitals and Dispensaries.. Patients Treated....... . Native Contributions......




10 194 12941 $6013

7 17 5 1 6 6 9 13 11

7 153

2305 123 5 264 2

17f 2 35 159 4690 153 5591 1 9153 $3518

3 15 5

3 2 4 2 3

4 4 4


.12 2 4 329 20 1 90 1 54

524 47 •1 95 1 51 1 ■7 28 970

15 279

1 6



4528 $93

2 1 18


23 230 30 5 31 26 31 237 112 39 4597 269 10 577 10 451 4 50 203 5945 163 5715 6 26622 $11136

vAll contributions in silver. *One, at Sio-Khe, temporarily suspended.







Out-Stations and Preaching Places.. Missionaries, married women...... • Missionaries, nnro&rried women....

2 8 6 1 22


10 ' 18 14 12

11 49 16 14

4 76

6 66


7 297



13 816 2 55 1 46 7 17 413 1 15507 $1134


11 123 28 21

9 26 178 47 47 4559 7 308 5 800 32 106 2612

10 31 1563 1 40 3 97 19 44 1341 1 6673 $1590 ''’$8325




241 36 31 20 30 211 41 47 5564 10 BIT 10

456 61 201 6059

23 280 35 31 26 31 237 112 39 4597 10 577 10 451 50 163 5715



18046 $10758

26622 $11136


Woman's Board.



1 > Sunday Schools.




Classic of A l b a n y . $639 24 S50 69

$340 $ 5 00 27 81 3 65

54 45

12 50

New Baltimore.............

42 16 6 63

45 51 50 4 50

80 81 21 96 70 71 45

3 00

19 25

30 25

7 53

13 12 50

60 51 38 29 7 10

50 69 2 50 60 45

139 28 3 2 50 60 00 45


20 68 1427 64

3614 85





131 46 47 30 26 35 268 4 35

673 83 92 11 26 35 458 34 35 18 65 173 267 51 25 00

10 18

6 10

5 35 1 63 5


2 10

36 15

2 44



1703 15

$ 865 66 2071 94 J21


20 g 8 13 ir fin 6 10 8


$10 15 $216 27 881 25 16

63 38

Classls of B e r g e n . 417 37 14 81 150 16 15 103

30 30


2 50

212 fil

55 25 15

25 75


15 30 10

32 34 12 41






22 10

16 82 13 24



2 92 80 48

48 28

11 57

10 50

12 79


42 18 26 41 23

1063 59

7 95 713 24

2299 94

207 50 50 280 45 107 50 86 46

413 90 223 79 418 80 107 50 196 48 16

2 50


334 13


103 98

12 41 23 66 82 55 34 14 92 182 33 18 26 74 52 7 50 7 95


N e w Milford. N. J ..........

68 09

S o u t h Classts of B e r g e n . 201 40 134 79 131 74 110

Second, Hudson City.........


5 39 6 61

a d i1

1 £




II inday



S o u t h O a s s l s of B e r g e n . (c o n t i n u e d .)

Lafayette.................. Greenville.................

$ 87 80

8 6 45


$ 3 67

$77 58 41 23 20 10

9 50

9 50

6 45


54 28

880 34

1614 80


638 73

$160 50 41 23 20 10 7

Classls of D a k o t a . Charles Mix............... Davis, Bethel.............. Grand View............... Immanuel................. First, Lennox.............. Second, “ ............. Orange City................ Salem..................... Sandham Memorial..........



14 145 64 55 83

3 22



29 145 64 114 04 40

40 12 10 40 96 SO 5 90

Yankton.................. Van Haalte.................



12 10 92 35 80

21 39

11 52

5 62

8 20 5 86 5 3 65 6 53 374 66

38 84


‘21 39


3 5 5 3 6

20 86 65 53

509 89

Classls of G r a n d River. Atwood..................

7 54 14 60

Detroit.................... Falmonth..................

Third, Fourth. Fifth,


“ “

Eighth, Ninth,

“ “

i....... ........ ........ ........ ........

15 82 71 160 27 29

42 72 38 01 13 47

31 38 5


23 65 66 54 16 86

N e w Era..................

24 80 23 63



18 65 36 40 9 1 40

19 35 25 4 50 74 46 153 67 154 159 8 47 10 62 13 11 21 12

72 05 16 16 50 50 .

10 10 30 23 22 65 7

65 5 7 50

8 28 10

161 19 2 45 •70 46 9 55

10 17 36 5

17 54 51 51 30

15 75 189 61 113

35 67 296 79 413 05 170 31 237 52 263 52 32 91 105 54 15 91 35 49 15 338 32 50 26 22

27 45 10 10 25 27 29 35 12 252 ‘ 2 40 10 83


16 91

21 19

1 60 , 17 21

665 78 1016 82

150 02

102 69

802 57

268 99 26 08 18 164 9 9 3 17

65 96 55 .• 21

2737 88











'«ca “I

0 >*


Classls of Greene. $100

; 35

438 29 41 75 208 80 27 8

137 50 5 50 20 88

823 84

198 88

29 60 25

44 42


22 50

161 50

50 5 15 10 5 20

182 12 12 151 82 29 28 25 • 9


99 10

434 69

1561 51

8 SO

36 60

87 39 14

66 69 128 42


807 91 64 25 396 60 66 56 25 9

Classls of H o l l a n d *

Third. Second.

.............. "

16 36 11 10 24 17 18 101 08 105 44 12 05 39 26


Overisel.... .............

33 36 132 46


52 70 30 66 48 96 103 39


10 113 68

31 45 21 30 76 70 50 64 221 14 365 08 12 05 144 40 14 ,118 38 648 01

15 09 10 20 2 80 71 10 160 25 105 15 14 75 306 85



35 14


124 324 50

70 461 27

620 42

6 115

15 5 . 73 50 398 25

59 14 5 793 50 1841 02

648 50

188 50

902 53

4097 12

51 80

”321 19

1001 32 1361 27 Classls of H u d s o n * 46 99 11 02

82 40



20 19 si 318 46 14 32 26 70 26 50 249 71 94 03 10

5 25 78 16 46 3 25 15

6 13 8 18 55 71

4 60

io 47 • " Y ts

816 24

241 30

3 75 27 75

2 50

8 60 46 17 26 01 2 80

Q 9A 19 62

123 75

53 9 89 55 08 68 57 12 14 46

11 02 66 94 76 484 62 62 32 68 83 69 57 375 50 162 60 37 07 18 21

473 80

1791 69

46 70 93

136 60

Classls of Illinois.

57 70 13 70 29 15 22 39 First Pekin.................

6 25 27 75 15 20 30 10 119

30 2 67 6 4 85

4 32 50

8 50 70 41 67 93 12 80 206 70 16 37 29 21 31 24 32 50



Woman’s Board.



1 1 Sunday Schools.


Classls of Illinois. (c o n t i n u e d .)

Second,'Pekin .............. $ 15 Second. Pella............... 29 33

■$33 60 $217 65

27 63 14 91 41 56 11

18 89 3 65

394 20

94 75


105 30*70 57 06 22 61 80

2 29 32 8

95 10 63 75


** 20'33

200 5




" :12"

45 44

455 45

13 25

74 51 5 36 20

8 15 280 71 24 66 11

58 52 73 56

999 84

Classls of I o w a .

Clara City................. Firth .................... Free Grace.................


100 ■

334 79


60 27 50 26 61

Maple Lake................ N e w Kirk................. Third. Pella................ Pella, Neb.................


106 83 14 41 68 138 35 131 87 177 41 26 85 7 57 15 14 8 75 10 7 25 158 80



96 94 224 99 93

30 .35 62 76

10 21 39

5 7 20 143 75 120 47 20 6 10


3 25 136 58

25 106 75

125 91


1564 63

726 80

608 62

5 62 94

46 20


24 32

2 55

96 80 69 36

112 73 65 35 .60

52 08 5 85 14 40

7 195 64 140 46 30

44 64

608 44 66 33 172 08 27 50 74 61 5 85 166 23 21 20 282 37 540 35 348 07 177 41 32 85 17 57 30 14 8 75 10 10 50 446 24 106 ?5 5

817 22

3761 91

30 63 87

35 195 01

37 18 40 50

.51 92 17 126 87 38 03


53 2 269 35 5 2

Classls of K i n g s t o n .

11 05

19 3 87

Guilford................... 53 50 33 73

. 4 30

Krumvllle................. 18 2 138 20

77 40 53 17 5i 19 • 8

, 2

• 25 •5-

88 34

5 2 35

■ 348 46

77 40 38 19 85

121 35

121 35

101 03 ■ 7 55 • -67-17 •-429 06

953 27



*g Se a o Es


12 50

171 24

15 27

12 50


A* North

Classic of Island.


Jamaica........... Newtown.... .... . Oyster Bay.:....... . North Hempstead... . First Williamsburg.... First Astoria....... Flushing.......... Brooklyn, Kent St..... South Buehwick.... Second, Astoria..... East Williamsburg... Queens............ Brooklyn Ger. Evang.. Sayville...... r.... Locust Valley...... College Point........ First, Long Island City. Bushwick......... Jamaica, Ger. Evang... Second, Newtown... Steinway ........ Church of Jesus.... . New Hyde Park..... Sunnyside.........


Classls of Island.


$203 93


17 17

40 31 20 156 81 127 54

30 13 25 93 43



14 86

3 08 32 04


5 50 60 40

75 90 02 80

7 50 1 35

5 61 61 84 20 07

18 186 57 81 113 95 31


’20 35 8 50

___ ... ...


457 35 39 35 257 96 381 301 135 62 3 54 10 5 162 30

67 50 92 81 15 26 34 08 40 85 61 19 17

............ 1650

16 50

2 5 37

283 65

2 17

9 5

1019 89

387 80

2 35

... 49 80 ... • II 15 ...

2 338 82

2 20 15 22

216 72

841 66

2466 42


469 14 70 7 180 209 30 191 85

939 12 936 36 42 593 21 297 60 319 48 158 11 156 25 331 232 46 39 66 1596 77


First, Brooklyn............. First, Flatbush.............. Grace Chapel............... New Utrecht................ Gravesend................. Flatlands.................. New Lots................. East New York.............. South, Brooklyn............. Twelfth St., Brooklyn........ North, Brooklyn............ On the Heights, Brooklyn..... Bethany Chapel, Brooklyn..... New, Brooklyn.............. Second, Flatbnsh............ Canarsie................... Bedford................... St. Thomas, W, I............ Ocean Hill................. Edgewood................. Ridgewood....... ......... Greenwood Heights......... Bay Ridge................. German American,........... Classical Union.............

25 65 15

442 12 856 66

20 201 45 36 127 84 138 59 13 1250

78 42 93 30 70 71 38 00

171 43 42 88 70 70


' "

20 SO 75


5 50 25


10 28

56 55 83 147 75 16 346 77




50 3

50 3



4 24 75 98 80

2 50 40 68

3452 10

418 47

0 85 5 50

35 90

8 74 00

4 24 75 5 50 213 48

........ 205

12 23

12 23

143 75 1906 15

6125 47

Classls of ITtlchlgan. Bethany, Grand Rapids..... . Britton................. . Centerville............... . Constantine............. DeSpelder............... . Grace, Grand Rapids...... Second,' Grand Haven...... .

6 50 1

51 65 4 60 2 50

2 15 19 20 9 26

‘28 75 27 59


“2 ’ 60

100 90 6 50 4 60 2 50 2 15 51 03 96 85

s-s ■S” £





o &

Classls of ITIlcliI^an. (c o n t i n u e d .)

First, Grand Rapids........ Hope, Holland............ Second, Kalamazoo........ Macon................. Second Muskegon......... . South Bend.............. South Macon.............

S70 30 05 69 67 12 87

$20 25 59 85 . 5 *91’43

9 9 26

243 81

13 75 36

$ 7 50 90 68 15 6 85

$11 76 29 71 61 15

$108 75 256 62 161 28 38 12 127 43 9 87 01

138 06

279 80

997 94

38 81 , 43 70 43 19 43 74

22 75 243 52

92 75

Classls of RIoninouth. First, Freehold........ . Holmdel.................. Middletown............... Second, Freehold........... Keyport.................. Long Branch.............. Colls Neck................ Highlands................ . Ashury Park.............. Classical Union..........

16 72 56 70 ” 7'66 ! 20 50 166 44 ” 5 1 *2 2 !

” ii*86! 15 42 3 80 25

73 17 .

25 5 88

39 74 ,

3 75 234 80

629 60

31 18 21 75 9 30 12 75

95 92 27 68 9 30 12 55 67 51


7 46 47

12 2 60

21 75 19 86


' *8 *

309 03

55 53 107 49 68 69 261 40 12 36 21 35 28 3 46 25 3 75

12 60

Classls of l U o n t g o m e r y . First, Amsterdam........... Trinity, “ ........... Aurlesville................. Buffalo................... Canajoharie................ Cicero.................... Columbia................. Cranesville................. Cnrrylown................ Kphrata... ................ Florida................... Fonda ............... . Fort Herkimer.............. Fort Plain................. Fultonvllle................. Glen..................... Hagaman ................. Herkimer ................. Johnstown................. Manhelm.................. Nanmburg................. Owasco................... “ Onllet.............. Point Rock................. St. Johnsvllle.............. Sprakers.................. Stone Arabia...11............. First, Syracuse............. Second, " .............. Thousand Islands........... Utica..................... West Leyden............... Classical Union.............

12 55 1 54 76 7



25 27 77 42 1 30 45 56 29 75 38 06 10 26 58 08 8

9 24 5



13 79 88 75 1 51 94 7 60 5 4 38 38 33 34 50

50 03 121 17 2 30 97 50 82 35 38 06 23 74 100 45 50 50

9 82 2 52


42 50

9 32 52 52

7 47


8 88

6 50

11 47 10 38

38 40 2 80 14 50 101 55 3 50 6 50 121 50

32 25 30

3 9 04 .

6 10


119 28 10 26 151


11 18

718 51

75 40 26 10 14 50 340 83 13 50 32 50 272 50

167 33

170 39


707 85

1764 OS

73 21 207

126 50 207

Classls ot N e w a r k . Belleville........ ....... First, Newark...........

34 22

19 07 .












Classls o f N e w a r k . (CON TINTED.)

Irvington....... Newark, N. Y. Ave. Franklin......... North, Newark... West, “ ... Clinton Ave.,'* ... Trinity, •* ... Linden.......... Christ, Woodside.... Stone House Plains . Orange.......... Trinity, Plainfield... German, " ... Montclair Heights... Classical Union...


$22 56 60 61

38 11 1485

390 80

373 03 9 14

60 30 37 8 61

62 30 695 20 208 39 5 10 31

9 25 30 63

2946 70

696 79


$30 50 18 600

155 04 46 71 37 50 1333 92 15 13

179 34

1049 92 65 51 8 61 20 89 51 953 20 469 31 5 17 83 179 34

145 28 3047 71

7436 48

5 71 20 57


601 89 13

$68 06 244 65 84 82 3847 22

20 12 25 226 177 35

Classls o f N* B r u n s w i c k .

First, New Brunswick. Franklin Park...... Hillsborough. Middlebush . Griggstown . Second, New Brunswick.... Bound Brook........... Third, N e w Brunswick.... East Millstone........... Metuchen.............. Suydam St., N e w Brunswick. Highland Park........... Spotswood............. . Classical Union..........

168 05 310 17 31 33 66 19 16 15 226 18 50 30 28 11 27 72 52 61 33

20 6 25


27 50 3 65

2 7 64 69 41

12 11 22 72 1066 62

229 05


57 40

8711 87

85 37 50

383 40


118 60 119 137 50 17 60 44 50 183 30 30 50 7 58 30 73 61 01 72 25 35 66 18 65 50 15

456 65 435 42 168 83 83 79 60 65 536 80 52 65 39 86 49 64 133 53 222 99 47 77 41 37 50 15

927 03

2380 10

4106 83 48

13300 70 125 50 174 94 50 1602 13 1210 13

Classls o f N e w Y o r k .

Collegiate, N e w York City.... Thlrty-fomth St., •* .... Knox Memorial, “ ... Vermilye Chapel, “ .... Harlem Collegiate, “ .... South, ’ “ .... Manor Chapel, u .... Port Richmond............. Bloomingdale.............. Madison Ave., New York City.... Bethany Memorial Mission.... German Evangelical, Houston St. Huguenot.................. Mott Haven Union, High Bridge.......... Fourth German, N e w York City . Prospect Hill, “ .. Ave. B, German, •* .. Brighton Heights........... German, 6Sth St., New York City Krelscherville........... Grace, N e w York City...... Hamilton Grange.......... Church of the Comforter.... Ford ham................ Anderson Memorial....... Classical Union...........

174 94 615 88 1035 13 30 95 41

50 440

46 51

ie‘ 32 50

499 74 175 55 99 21

4545 02

8 25 129 05 17 51 66 93

80 181 88

31 179 64 2 82 230 13 150

106 234 58 15 92 241 38 27 80 150

348 88 7636 46

25080 30


10 5 95 185 20 *' 24 49 99 81 20

25 25

80 44 80

47 46

20 69

32 44 6 59 11 38

3 33

22 50 3 18

11 11

*3 69

15700 72

966 28



101 342 12 5 6340 02 ‘160 75 10 14 20 363 74 162 32

5 132 50 1662 50 160



& O U

SStt3 o &

9 X


Classls o f O r a n g e .


:2 5


3 9 26 i 20 150 50 40 10 4 10 25 4 25

15 15 3 25


7 29 384 42 18 63 19 42 85

Wallkill Valley............

810 50 51 16 5

51 10 57 38 18 20 1 10

‘ 20 266 10116 58 50 70 6 10 8 79

1 50 30 75


18 100

7 19



352 42 154 38 19 120 54

45 20 40 32

150 44 100 52

8 01 63 10 47 20

$ 8 50 29 90

12 01


17 14 10

5 3

3 10

3 10 5

Classls o f P a r a m u s .

804 10 155 79 c -

592 95 200 , 11 41 1 34 21 86 3 70 80 89 Clifton.................... 13 2 57

GO 5

10 20

66 75 435 eo

1462 54

* 10 :327 51 3 82 25 2 30

1180 46 16 57 50 06 38 19 13 2 57

21 ■ 287 23 92 3 45 20 13

760 24 151 60 54 09 34 73 592 64 226 88 65 32 105 80 42 35 41

18 150 87 54 31 80 51 23 326.82 69 86 65


10 20

18 51 37 250 23 37 GO 11 73 50 32 02



25 38 23 51 41


55 58

12 22 18 84

44 21 14 10 75 5 79 256 39 19 50

21 31

*160 32 115


37 *

66 25


10 110 95 6 97 45 78 94 71 25 14

54 3 11

157 46 19 10 217 26 58 54 430 10 36 61

13 33

20 79

1880 62 505 01 412 46 127 24 1439 71

4365 04

7 46

Classls o f Passaic.

21 Fairfield.... '............. Second.


66 54 10

12 15 40‘ 10 12 99 ’ 45

7 50 60 42 18 10


80 65 70 * 166 71 25

Woman's Board.


; 9



■&i 'OOT a <73




aJ O

Classls o f Passaic. (c o n t i n u e d .)



$12 ’10 50 64 21 101 56 19 20 46 75 42 25

69 76 54




23 50 2 47 10

$ 29 ' 16 50 208 90 224 09 8 50 49 25 ' 37 47 67 64 199 01 62 31 55 43 12 54 55

407 35

1367 01

30 55 10

10 05 07

1 51 9 21 19 10 79 01

104 47 .8 28 7

14 46 50 15 50

20 31 68

6 25 7 45

523 38

298 32

37 76

100 20

Classls o f P h i l a d e l p h i a

First, Philadelphia..........

120 14 56 100 ‘ 35 121 13 17

15 56 15 35

29 34

16 78

61 55 23 53

10 10

03 25 (M

7 50

40 68 28 22 14 04

3 30 62 50

640 08

217 42

5 95 5 20 12


59 78

68 57 88 25 141 25

25 50 62 65

21 5 45 20 14 65 10

172 82 165 228 60 262 44 25

27 81 20 50 03 85 43

26 65 45 103 72 87 86 54

19 75

19 75

496 87

1434 70

Classls o f P l e a s a n t Prairie.

Bethel................. .






45 28 70 10 50 49 25 20 . 90 22 23

3 28

45 28 58 70 10 134 55 49 50 25 89 20 155 39 41 06 23 75 6 20 243 92 37 73 43 25 06

99 78

1002 33

58 50 50 89

44 50

35 39 4 56


24 55

30 12

2 50

75 1 20

5 49 50

194 42 37' 63 43 • 21 78 764 65

10 85 65

17 50

34 55







3 *. tH

o £

ClaaNls o f P o u g h k e e p s i e .

First, Poughkeepsie........ Second, “ ........ Fishkill................. Hopewell................ New Hackensack.......... Rhlnebeck............... Fishkill Landing.......... Hvde Park............... Glenham................ Cold Spring.............. Millbrook............... Classical Union...........

225 96 243 51 47 80 19 11 26 02 58 30 7 , 1 78

50 52 10 9 41

11 50

5 29

14 70 09 50 24

188 408 96 54 65 40 50

28 20 98 29

211 37


6 738 07

165 70

149 16 26 60 148 08 55 56 3 79 78 293 89 12 48 18 100 74 19 02 32 92 15 47

60 66 18 50 5 30

499 24 703 81 164 71 74 09 96 31 69 108 14 123 70 7 09 1 50 314 80

99 50 1120 12

2168 39

.Classls o f R a r i t a n ,

First, Raritan........... Readington............. Bedmlnster.............. Lebanon................ White Hoiue............ North Branch........... Second, Raritan.......... Peapack................ South Branch........... Third, Raritan........... Pottersville....!.......... High Bridge............. Annandale.............. Fourth, Raritan.......... New Center Miss. Soc..... .

19 73 23 8 .61

20 6 15

96 48 28 79 51

35 58 5 7 15 5 10 .

119 25 81 79 21 107 195 25 74 52

50 45 50 99

17 29 .

3 74


349 07 131 60 292 08 60 86 24 50 207 19 587 87 96 34 115 79 222 89 29 12 32 92 86 50

12 35

Ill 12

324 72

755 69

2233 23

Classls o f R e n s s e l a e r ,

Bath-on-Hudson........... Blooming Grove........... caeticton................. Chatham................. First, Ghent.............. Second, “ ............. Greenbush................. Einderbook............... Nassau.................. . N e w Concord.............. Schodack................. “ Landing........... Stuyvesant................ u Falls............. Classical Union.............

24 23 30 64 117 32 63 40 489 28 14 55

46 06 9 90

11 33 4

8 100 16 90 20 60 8 85 203 49 4


13 50 35


97 101 21 37 102 53

36 64 10 57

62 40 38 314 152 105 59 845 78

39 13 64 26 64 45 34 55

10 8 49 115 70 20 62

12 01

915 91

381 18

49 17 8 35

122 98

27 45 78 78


16 52

81 90

638 41

47 50 160 70 143 80 16 2069 40

Classls ot R o c h e s t e r ,

Abbe, Clymer............. Arcadia.................. Brighton................. First, Cleveland........... Clymer Hill............... Ea-t Williamson........... Farmer.................. Lodi.................... Marion..................

S 38 47 15 31 28

84 45 16 50 22

54 34 20 87 31

20 . 6 50 13 •

1 80

7 69

34 56

120 72 10

69 20 25 28

192 15 14 85 67 34 23 87 113 89 167 45 74 36 56 50 123 32




A '002 m








Im o


Classls o f Kocliester. (c o n t i n u e d .)

N ew York Mills. Ontario...... Palmyra...... Pultueyvllle..... First, Rochester. Second, 41 , Tyre........

13 3 26 75 17 13

07 70

10 9 120 25

27 50 30 79 50 9

01 21 .

1 60

369 68

7 69

13 13 63 231 96

07 20 25 51

22 21

332 26

1277 97

25 14 19 26

31 60 29 384 45


25 32 163 56 69 7 90

Classls of S a r a t o g a *

Boght.................. Buskirks................ Cohoes.................. Easton.................. Fort Miller.............. Qansevoort.............. Greenwich............... Northumberland.......... Schuylerville............. Schauticoke.............. West Troy, North.......... ** South......... Wynauts Kill............. Classical Union...........

6 46 10 . 279 33 69 12

8 79 30 69 7 69

88 *27 67 50 . 99 .

32 40 73

15 5

21 02

31 .

7 95 603 06

10 59 114 79

40 59


28 52 99 • 31 .

16 07

48 54 16 07

226 01

984 45

Classls of S c h e n e c t a d y .

AUamont.... Amity....... Bellevue.... First, Glenvilie Second, “ ' Heidelberg... Lisha’a KOI__ Mt. Pleasant.... Niskayuna..... Princetown..... First, Rotterdam.. Second, 44 .. First, Schenectady Second, “ Prospect Hill.... Classical Union...


6 18 93 . 32 65 .

1 50


11 68 , 150

10 00


16 21 . 12 82 2 212 29 37 68 *20 30

561 41

12 00


5 C 15 . 29 23

64 36

24 40

12 . 40 60

24 40



11 35 25 9 13 7 77 15 24 3 196 50

40 50< 35 70 25 87 40

16 40 60 31 29 47 19 279 15 53 43 446 168

15 40 50 93 38 25 08 22 69> 04

52 24

52 24

537 71

1315 88

Classls o f S c h o h a r i e *

BeaveTdam............... First, Berne.............. Breakabeen.............. Central Bridge............ Cobleekill................ Eminence................ Gallnpville............... Gilboa.................. Howe’s C a v e ............ . LawyersvlUe............. . Middleburgh............ . Grand Gorge.............. North Blenheim............ Prattgville............... . Schoharie.............. .

0 70 . 24 40 .

10 50

.32 65

’Y s o

6 70 1 67 557 30 ‘

10 11 75 . 3 50 . 10 59 31 56


20 54 25

’i8’20 ‘'9*48 ! 13 47

12 50

16 75 6 50 62 15 54 25 18 20 9 48 65 97



Z a O


si 'OGG



ss so



Classls o f Sclioliarle. (CONTINUED.)

6 6 60

Shnron..... South GHboa.

4 ...

140 66

50 59

30 30 42 29

28 81


10 5Q

9 6 60

133 70

340 45

2 15 45 20 77 52 61 7 30 45 84 193 31 10 35

14 30 66 05 20 77 60 36 46 54 208 55 461 23 35 21 26 80 139 62 1 60 6

Classls o f Ulster,

Blue Mountain Comforter .... Bsopus.......... Fiatbnsh........ Jay Gould Memorial. Hatsbaan....... First, Kingston .... Port F w e n....... Plattekill........ Saugerties....... Shandaken....... Shokan ......... Stewartville.... West Burley Woodstock... .Classical Union

7 75 04 24 103 75 199 02 16 11 19 30 49 42 1 GO 6

5 18 53 9

40 43 S9 9C 6 75 2 5C

5 45

4 13


34 87

4 15 50 34 67

42 03

427 60

1161 30

18 28

75 93 12 25

207 85 12 25 7 13 26 05 57 57

2 50

G01 03

145 64

85 20

28 44


C l assls o f W e s t c h e s t e r .

■Belmont........ Bronx ville...... Cortlandtown.... Greenburgh..... Greenville...... Hastings....... Melrose........ Mt. Vernon..... Park Hill, Yonkers Peekskill....... First, Tarrytown.. Second, “ .. XJnionville...... West Farms..... First, Yonkers... Classical Union....

7 1 3 ..... 7 05 5 23 08 8 40

14 26


io'” 'Tso

17 50

’ 3 ...

44 39 117 29 69 53 10 16 92 46 35

10 08 62 61

426 94

142 12

94 59 135 50 8 50 191 25 58 35 2 75

148 98 145 50


90 68 63 78

308 54 143 88 12 75 27 199 64 63 73

58 78

742 53

1870 87


129 54 91 197 44 20

267 67 99 19 434 55 210 46 102 98

Classls o f W i s c o n s i n .

126 67

Alto....... Bethany.... Cedar Grove.. First, Chicago XJanforth... De Motte... Ebenezer... Englewood.. . Franklin... Fulton..... Gano...... Gibbsvllle... , Greenbush.... Greenleafton., Bingham... •Hope***... .Kenosha....

213 11 36 60 5 11 47 10 82 156 45

10 55 74 3 85 82 11 55 15 05



44 28 24 169 46 29 17




26 21

148 50

11 35 36 66 82 49

20 5 24 08

5 70 .....

12 45 15 185 10


95 .14 23 32

18 75

83 75

5 159 97 21 82 209 60 61 66 294 08 3 181 82 30 55 96 20


Woman's Board.

* Y.P.S.C.E.


-------- 1



Sunday Schools.


Classls of Wisconsin (OOHTDfUBP.)

^ 14*68 17 ^ io 75 47 150c 84 75 840 8 28 69 8 7 05 19 88 19 82 4 45 170 1897 67

10 50

18 98 10

155 50 2 60 '•»....

140 80 40 4 85 49 48

•• 20

770 47

827 71

14 66 87 429 45 74 75 548 50 28 59, 17 40 89 08 4 45 190 00

85 18 1021 60

8602 43




T w o Brothers, Mich........ $ 50 Miss S. Van Neste.......... 200 Rev. E. Rothesay Miller..... 1300 Mrs. Joseph Scudder........ 25 Harmer DeVries .......... 2 10 K. Pheifer............... 2 50 H. Eldrenkamp........... 12 Rev. P. G. M. Bahler. ... 12 G. J. Krotzenbrink......... 35 Birthday gift, In Memorlam....'' 10 Peter Lott............. 200 Mrs. K. V. Searle and daughter. 40 Miss Susan Tntema........ 100 Subscribers to “ DeGids” ... 11 Rev. fl. Drukker........... 5 D. Dimnent.............. 30 Mr. and Mrs. E. Boom...... 5 28 Miss Eva Howell.......... 3 J. J. Janeway......... 100 Sigma................... 150 Mrs. D. de Elelne.......... 1 50 Goert Soil................ 50 A minister's widow... c.... 5 Rev. W. H. Steele, D . D ..... 572 MembersRef.Ch.,Kingston,N.Y 170 Rev. Henry N. Cobb, D.D.... 75 A friend................. 100 Miss M. Reed.... .. ...... 5 Rev. James Demarest, D.D.... 20 Rev. S. W. Mills, D.D....... 30 Mrs. E m m a L. Blauvelt...... 25 Miss M. B. Labagh......... 10 M. G., Marion, N . Y ........ 10 Rev. Lewis Francis, D.D.... 25 E. M. S ................. 4 John C. Gifflng............ 25 Rev. Edw. B. Coe, D.D...... 25 John Ossewaarde........... 15 Per S. F. Riepma.......... 15 60 A friend, Mt. Vernon, N. Y . ... 75 Rev. E. P. Johnson, D.D.... 25 Mrs. J. Hoffman........... 15 Rev, W m . A. Shaw......... 15 In Memoriam, Rev. J. M. Van Buren... ............... 100 Ralph Voorhees........... 50 Rev. W.G. Baas........... 5 Cash.................... 5 R D. Clark.............. 5 Rev. and Mrs. Oosterboff.... 5


Birthday gift, In Memoriam.... -10 Mrs. Nathan Shoemaker..... 5 Students at Hope College.... 20 From a friend...... .......• 250 Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Dubbink... 60 3 Rev. John Van Burk........ Rev. H. D. B. Mulford.... . 50 Rev. G. C. Dangremond..... 5 Miss S. M. Lansiug........ 12 50 Miss M. S. Clark........... 48 Martinus Ruye............ 1 50 J. H. Nakken............. 50 * For salary of Rev. E. C. Scudder 500 Miss Jane Van Alstyne...... 15 Rev. M. G. Hausen............ 2 50 A friend in Hudson, N. Y .... 40 AdamJ. Keizer........... 1 Mrs. H. S. Edwards........ 35 L. S. Blackwell............ 25 Rev. C. A. Jongewaard...... 8 G. Z. G .................. 5 In Memoriam.............. 65 10 A friend................. A.Wormhondt and J. Doedyns. 6 34 Miss A. L. Pond........... 30 A friend...’.............. 700 The Misses Van Wagenen.... 15 Privilege................. 10 62 Western Theol. Seminary.... Sanford E. Cobb........... 25 D. Hopper................ 1 Rev. Jacob Chamberlain, D.D.. 1500 40 A friend, Trenton, N. J ..... Jacob Salathe............. 20 W. B. C .................. 35 G. D. Veldman and friends... 21 Continued................ 5 Mrs. Margaret B. See........ 5 Rev. John G. Smart........ 10 Rev. George Davis......... 5 Mrs. Henry Cammerden..... 5 Mr. and Mrs. H.IJ. Kollen.... 15 60 Miss Agnes N. Lake........ M iss Mary Clark........... 3 Miss Ida Tanis............ 2 Mrs. Grace Y. Felter........ 2 March 31, Birthday gift...... 100 S. H. Wheeler............. 20 E. R .................... 1 Rev. J. W. Beardslee, D.D... 25



JUNE, 1990.

• Rev. S. M. Woodbridge, 25 Rev. and Mrs. A. Ooeterhooff... 5 Mrs. Eleanor Heermance.... 200 Mrs. Grenville Wlnthrop.... 100 Mrs. R. S. Wilson.......... 15 In Memoriam. Rev.E.R. Atwater 50


Shat In.................. Mrs.E.N. Collier........... Stadents,New Brunswick Theol. Seminary.............. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Enders....

1 10 51 50 30

$8,072 67

MISCELLANEOUS. Interest on Security Fnnd....................................... $2,065 Semellnk Family Hisslon Fnnd.................................. 209 88 Interest on Trust Funds, Board of Direction......................... 260 66 Mission Sunday School, Auburn, N. Y ............................. 18 Sunday School, First Congregational Church, Glastonbury, Conn......... 80 82,683 04

LEGACIES. Mary E. Bemsen.............................................. $ 629 54 Kobert Schermerhorn.......................................... 24 84 Lenajabaal.......................... 36 Sarah M. Kemble............................................... 200 8889 88

GIFTS FOR OBJECTS OUTSIDE T H E APPROPRIATIONS. From W o m a n ’s Board.......................................... 88,183 85 For Sending Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Scudder to India.................... 838 Special for India.............................................. 235 Sundries..................................................... 350 68 86.586 98

JUNE, 1900.

Hadeon............ % 816 24 Kingston........... 348 46 North Long Island. .. 1,019 89 South ** ... 3,452 10 N e w York.......... 15,700 72 Orange............ 804 10 Poughkeepsie....... 738 07 Westchester........ 426 94 Total..........

$ 241 30 101 03 367 80 418 47 966 28 155 79 165 70 142 12

8123 75 8136 60 7 55 2 35 205 428 45 811 65

67 17 216 72 143 75 348 88 66 75 99 50 58 78

(B I’S is



OF N e w York

CLASSES. Individuals.


Sunday Schools.

Classes of Synod

1 Churches.


8 473 80 $1,791 6? 953 27 429 06 841 66 2,468 4? 1,908 15 6,125 47 7,636 48 25,080 36 435 90 1,462 54 1,120 12 2,168 39 742 53 1,370 37*

1,138 15 13.585 70 41,420 51

23,306 52

2,578 49

1,703 15 823 84 718 51 915 91 369 66 603 06 561 41 140 66 501 03

63 36 198 68 167 33 381 18 566 54 114 79 64 36 50 59 145 64

6,337 25

1,752 69

1,063 59 638 73 309 03 Newark........... 2,946 70 N e w Brunswick..... 1,066 62 1,880 62 Paramus........... Passaic............ 523 38 Philadelphia........ 640 68 Raritan............ B 976 70

334 13 6 45 73 17 696 79 229 05 505 01 298 32 217 42 324 72

600 100 412 46 37 76 20 65

10,046 05

2,685 06

1,355 22

771 83

8,902 74 23,760 901

374 66 665 78 1,001 32 394 20 1,564 63 243 81 764 85 1,397 57

38 84 1,016 82 1,361 27 94 75 726 80 243 52 85 65 770 47

15 150 02 648 50 10 608 62 92 75 17 50 327 71

21 39 102 69 183 50 45 44 44 64 138 06 34 55 85 18

60 802 57 902 53 455 45 817 22 279 80 99 78 1,021 50

6,406 82

4,338 12

1,870 10

655 45

4,438 85 17,709 34-

46,096 64 11,354 36

4,570 17

Albany Alban;............ Greene........... Rensselaer......... Rochester.......... Schenectady....... Schoharie.......... Ulster............. Total..........

3,614 85 1,561 51 1,764 08 2,069 40 1,277 97 984 45­ 1.315 88­ 340 45 1,161 30'

24 40 5 45

20 68 99 10 170 39 81 90 7 69 40 59 128 10 50 42 03

1,427 64 434 69 707 85 636 41 332 26 226 01 537 71 133 70 427 60

533 20


4,865 87 14,089 89'

400 5 52 1 80

N e w Brunswick Bergen............ South Bergen.......

. Total...........

85 35

103 98 * 713 24 54 2S 880 34 32 60 234 80 145 28 3,047 71 57 40 927 03 127 24 1,439 71 100 20 407 35 59 73 496 87 111 12 755 69

2,299 9*41,614 80 629 60* 7,436 48 2,380 104,365 04 1,367 01 1,484 70 2;233 23

Chicago Dakota............ Grand River....... Holland........... Illinois............ Iowa.............. Michigan.......... Pleasant Prairie..... Wisconsin........... Total.......... Grand Total........


509 89 2,737 88: 4,097 12 999 84 3,761 91 907 94 1,002 333,602 43

3,166 31 31,793 16 96,980 64



1858.. . 1859 • i860.. . 1861.. .. 1S62. ..



25.034 61 30.181 58 34.159 2 6 28,603 17 $26,811

$134,055 4 9 1863.. 1864.. 1865. 1866. 1867.



.. 42.257 36 .. 35.391 18 .. 82,038 22



• ■ 55 .7S 3 75 . .*64.030 8 q 278,501 40

55,700 28

328,525 01

•65,705 0 0

316,046 95

63,209 37

341,884 10

68,376 82

4 03,544 42

80,708 88



1868. .. 53-472 91 1869.. 1870.. .. 57,342 94 1871.. .. . 71,125 52 1872.. 1873.. 1874.1875-. 1876..

• • 55.352 95 .. 54.249 95 .. 64,342 91


.. 5 8 1 5 2


.. 69,085 87

10,004 72

53 $2,495 6 3

1879-• .. 58,443 49 1 S 8 0 . . .. 63,185 71 1881.. .. 92.984 32 1882.. 5,167 45

1883 . .. 65 2 8 4 58 1 S 8 4 . . .. 76.955 23 1885.. .. 86,386 55 1886. 1887.. 1888.. 1889.. 1890.. 1891.. 1892.. 1893.. 1894.. 1895.. 1896.. 1897.. 1898.. 1899.. 1900..

.•(■109,946 11

12,332 06 .

.. 93,142 24 . .117,090 14 ..116,265 45 548,607 53

109,721 50

29,012 62

6 01.589 56

120,317 91

10,596 41

. 106,571 48 ..147,156 65

..109,244 79 .P

* In addition $56,500 were given by M r. Warren Ackerman to remove the debt resting on the Board. • o . . t In addition $45,335.06 were given for the Endowment of the Theological Seminary in the Arcot Mission, through the efforts of Rev. Jacob Chamberlain, 1). 0. The total amount given since 1857 is$3,415,938.61.




F O R T H E T E A R E N D I N G APRIL 30, 1900.

D r. For the Amoy Mission..’............. For the Arcot Mission................ For the North Japan Mission......... . For the’South Japan Mission.......... Discount and Interest........; ...... Home Expenses : Salaries..............’....... Rent and care of Office........ . * Account Books and Stationery..... Missionary Boxes.............. . The Mission Field.............. . Printing Annnal Reports......... . Printing Leaflets... !........... Travelling.................... Postage and Revenne Stamps...... Department of Tonng People's Work Stndents’Missionary Campaign.... Stenographer and Typewriter...... Testamentary Expenses ......... Incidentals.................... Remsen Estate Expenses.........

^Cr .

$ 21,366 93 45,775 82 . 20,358 54 17,771 15 1,817 88 $4,700.00 1,059 06 130 00 80 30 924 30 442 87 626 70 253 61 279 99 156 52 48 43 299 20 107 00 225 73 70 70

■ »>

9,405 31 $116,495 63 Collections............................... Legacies................................. Interest on Security Fund................... Board of Direction Trust Funds.............. Excess of Expenditures over Receipts..........

. *

$104,784 89 889 88 2,065 00 260 66 8,495 20 $116,495 63


D r.

Cr .

The Geo. B. Walbridge Fund, cash waiting Investment.... The Semellnk Family Mission Fund.................. Cash................................... $ 427 56 Mortgages............................... 9,572 44 Woman's Board Foreign Missions, Special Loan......... Mortgage................................ Andrew J. Schaefer Legacy, cash waiting investment..... Maiji Gakuin Fund, cash (this fund is still incomplete).... The William R. Gordon Fnnd, cash...................

$ 5,077 38 10,000 CO

5,000 00 5,000 00


150 00 3,350 GO 2,000 00

S E C U R I T Y FUND. This consists of 29 First Mortgage Bonds, Illinois Central R.R.Co......... 6 " 11 ■ Lehigh Valley Ry. Co......... 12 tl " West Shore R.R. C o ........... General Mortgage Bonds, Central N.J'.R.R.Co.........

Par Value. 29,000 00 6,000 00 12,000 00 6,000 00 $53,000 00

Present Market Value. 30,595 00 6,600 00 18,620 00 7,350 00 $58,165 00



t 2,017 60

Woman's Board of Foreign Missions... it it (t . ‘

777 50 5,600 00

The Arabian Miseion................ William R. Gordon Fund............ Promissory Note, Bank of the Metropolis “ “ s Mr. Hart B. Brundrett.

2,000 00 4,000 00

10,000 00 $24,395 10

S T A T E M E N T O F LIABILITIES, M A Y 1, 1900. Balance of Loans^............................... Acceptances......... ............................

$40,651 37 10,570 69

Gifts for Objects outside the-Appropriations....... 1.... Amount due to Trust Funds..... ................... Accrued Interest on Loans......... ...............

553 00 9,004 94 130 83 $60,910 83

Less Accrued Interest on Security Fund......... ....... Balance on hand............................... .

668 S3 16,328 53 17,011 86 ■ $48,898 97

Cash received on account of the Debt of the Board........ Paid on account of $40,651.37 Loans (as above), leaving the balance of Loans as per Balance Sheet, $24,895.10....

16,256 27 $16,256 27

Present Debt. ‘............................................ Unpaid Subscriptions.......................................

$27,642 70 10,152 00

Balance of Debt to be raised

$17;4Q0 70

JUNE,. 1900. Ci CD


co so




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A R A B I A N MISSiON RECEIPTS. M A T 1, 1899, T O APRIL 30, 1900.

S Y N D I C A T E O F O N E H U N D R E D DOLLARS. Rev. T. H. P. Sailer......... $50 Mrs. Sarah Willing.......... $100 Mrs. Jacob S. Wyckoff.................. $100 S Y N D I C A T E O F S I XTY DOLLARS. John Wharton...............................................


S Y N D I C A T E O F FIFTY DOLLARS. H. P. Cortelyon............ 50 Mies Emily D. Sumner....... 50 L. M. S., Mad.Ave.,Albany,N.Y. 50


Peter Lott................ Mies Sarah F. Sumner....... The Mieees Duryee........

50 50 50

S Y N D I C A T E O F T H I R T Y DOLLARS. Fred'k. Frelinghnyeen.......


Mies M. and Mies H. Zwemer..

87 50

S Y N D I C A T E O F T W E N T Y - F I V E DOLLARS. Rev. Lewis Francis, D.D..... The Mieses Merry........... Y.P.S.C.E.. Stone Ridge, N. Y . . Union Y.P.S.C.E., Nyack, N. Y.

25 25 12 25

Hon. Henry Hospers ..... .... 18 75 Rev. H. D. B. Mulford.... Miss N. Zwemer........ , G. H. Schoep............

S Y N D I C A T E O F T W E N T Y DOLLARS. • Peter Cortelyon.......... Rev. Peter Crispell....... . 20 Rev. J. Elmendorf, D . D...... 20 Rev. Geo. D. Holst, Ph.D....,... 20 Miss S. McCready........ .... 20 T. L. M. B., 1st Orange City, la. 20 Rev. J. F. Zwemer.... ..... 20 Miss Sarah B. Reynolds.... ... 20 F. S. Schenck......................... 30 S Y N D I C A T E O F FIFTJBEN DOLLARS. Dr. B. H. B. Sleght......... 15 Dr. C. Van Zwaluwenberg. Rev. J. H. Gillespie, D.D................. 15 S Y N D I C A T E O F T W E L V E DOLLARS. John Ten Hope............................................. S Y N D I C A T E O F T E N DOLLARS. 10 Rev. Henry N. Cobb, D.D.... 10 Miss Mary S. Dougherty..... 10 Mrs. Anna G. Frlsbee........ 10 John Glysteen............. 10 S. H. Jolderema .......... 10 L. M. S., Grand Haven,Mich.... 10 Rev. A. H. Strabbing....... 10 Rev. B. V. D. Wyckoff...... Rev. F. J. Zwemer ......... 10 10 ' J. N. Trorapen............. 10 Rev. A. Zwemer........... D. L. Pierson.............. Mrs, Abbie J. Bell.......... 10 Miss E. H. Cantine......... Rev. J. P. DeJong.......... Rev. I. L. Amerman, D.D.... Rev. J. G. Gebhard.......... A. W. Hopeman............ L. M. 8., 1st Rochester, N. Y.... Rev. W. W. Schomp........ Rev. A. Vennema........... Y.P.S.C.E., Mott Haven, N.Y.C.

S Y N D I C A T E O F E I G H T DOLLARS. Clayton Demarest...........


Rev. Isaac J. Van Hee.

10 15 10 10 10 10 7 60 10 10 10 12 50 10

J U N E , 1900'.


S Y N D I C A T E O F FIVE DOLLARS. The Misses Abeel........... Rev. E. J. Blekklnk...... . MissE. M. Crowell.......... Rev. A. J. Hageraan......... Mrs. C. M. Hutchings........ Miss Kate Lang............ Mrs. H. J. Mentink......... W. J. Overocker........... Mrs. Joseph Scadder........ Rev. E. Tilton. Jr......... "J. M. Vandevelde....... .... Mrs. Gertrude E..Williams.... G. H. Dubbink.............. W. L. Vanderwalle......... L.U. Circle,.2d Rochester, N.Y.. Miss Hila B. Terbell......... A.J. Welraers.............. C. J. Dodgshun.............

5 5 5 7 50 5 5 5 5 5 3 75 5 . 5 5 5 5 5 5


Miss Elizabeth Anderson..... John Boon................ Mrs. H. T. Dernell........‘... Rev. G. H. Hospers........ John Kloot............. '.. Miss Juliet McCarreir........ Mrs. E. E. Olcott............ Rev. P. T. Phelps.... ...... Rev. Geo. G/Siebert..... Rev. J. A. Thomson...... Miss A. T. Van Santvodrd.... Miss E m m a Williams....’... Mrs. H. De Groot........... Mrs. J. J. Beetle....'........ Rev. T. W. Mullenberg....... Pres. Ch., Blauvelt, N. Y., L. Soc.:................... A friend........ '........

S Y N D I C A T E O F T H R E E DOLLARS. G. J. Stegeoian.............


10 5 * 5 105 5 10 5 5 5' '5 5 & 5 5 7 50 5


Mrs. H. J. Veldman........


SYNDICATE. O F T W O DOLLARS. S. Sprletema............................. ...................... 1


2 h


Miss M. Van Steenbergh...... 1 James E. VanAken.*....... 1 • '' • *' ■ " , t • . S y n d i c a t e op " '2nd Ch., Grand Rapids, Mich..;................ ............... g 55 00 West End Collegiate Ch., N. Y. C.1........ .................... 160.00 1st Somerville, N. J ....................... . ..;...... ........ 87 °* Ch., Mt. Vernon, N . Y ........*.............................. 60 30 2nd*Ch.*, N e w Brunswick; N. J ........ ............ ........... 54‘.25 Ch., Philmont, N. Y ......... ...... : ..... *•............ 52* -' Grace Chapel,.Flatbush, Brooklyn, N. Y ........................ 3 .i ' 1st Ch.,.Jamaica, N. Y ...................................... 18'ii:) Ch.,.Catskill,.N. Y .................... * ................... 21. / A. M. Soc.,Milwaukee, WIs:... ...... ........ :....... '... . 80,.'. ■ Class of :97,'Theol, Sem., N e w Brunswick, N. J ....... :.........'.. <19. r. : Flatbush Ch,, Brooklyn, N. Y .............. .................. 181 ■ Ch., High Falls, N. Y....'............................. ...... ‘ 21 50 Sioux.Co.,.Iowa.... ........ ....../.. '..................... ».482 £2 Ch., Belleville, N. J ........................................ 6.. < Bethany Ch., Grand Rapids, Mich................... .......... 9.„ A. M. Aes’n, Zeeland, Mich............ 1..................... ,700 . Arcot Memorial.............................................. 5 J Y. P. S. C. E., Boonton, N. J ................................. . 12 55 Ch., Katsbaan, N. Y ..........................................-IS 00 3d Ch.,Raritan, N. J .................................... :.... 80 35 - Ch., Cedar Grove, Wis...............................:...... 4t*10* 1st Ch., Claverack, N. Y ..................................... 20 1st Ch., Philadelphia, Pa....................................... 89 Total.................... ........ :............ 83,730 27J



Woman's Board........... $679 89 Albany, N. Y., Madison Ave.... 113 4i “ W. M. Ass’n.... 15 " •* Holland C b .... 4 “ " '* S. S .... 9 28 “ ** “ Y. P. S4 35 “ 1st C h ....... 10 “ •' 6th C h ........ 5 Alto, Wis., Catachumene and Y. People.................. 84 92 Alto, Wis., W. M. S ......... 80 “ “ Y.P. S . C . E ..... 25 Alton, la................. 25 ** ••T w o children....... 157 u “ Y. P. S. a E ........ 6 Accord, N. Y., Y.'P. S. C. E... fi Asbury Park, N/J...;....... 8 . Athens, N. Y., 1st C h ...... 2 Atwood, Mich., Y. P. Soc..... 2 50 Bath-on-Hudson, N.Y..,..... 10 “ “ “ Y.P.S.C.E.. 5 1st, Bayonne, N. J., Y.P.S.C.E.. 10 Beaverdam, Mich........... 7 40 “ “ Y. People... 4 55 Berne, N. Y „ Y. P. S. C. E .... 3 50 2nd Bethlehem, N. Y., S. S .... 5 Boyden, la,, L. Soc........ 20 Bronxvllle, N . Y ........... 16 50 Brooklyn, N. Y., Bethany Chapel 5 Y.P.S.C.E............. Brooklyn, N. Y., Flatlands S. S.. 6 " E. N. Y., Y. P. S. C. E ..........:......... 5 Brooklyn, N, Y., N. Utrecht, Y. P. S. C. E ................. 5 Bruynswlck, N. Y„ 8. S...... 2 50 Chatham, N.Y.,Y. P. S. C. E... 80 13 Chas. Mix, S. D ............ P Canajoharie, N. Y. ‘......... 12 49 Carmel, la................ 13 63 2nd, Cleveland, O., Lydia Soc.... 5 50 Englewood, Chicago, 111...... 36 40 1st, Chicago, III............ 29 67 ...........Y.P.S.C.E.... 5 Trinity, Chicago, III., Y.P.S.C.E. 2 50 Gano, “ " ........ 22 50 Bethany, Roeeland, Chicago,.111., S. S .................... 7 75 Chicago, 111., Miss J. Wessellu’s . 6 Class................... Coeyman's, N. Y., Y. P, S. C. E. 5 Cohoes, N. Y ; ............. 7 31 Coopersvllle, Mich........... 75 1st, College Point, N . Y ...... -.20 1st. Coxsackle, N.Y.,.Y.P.S.C.E. 10 . Clymer, N. Y., Abbe Ch...... 9 42 “ “ w. m :s ...:.... 6

East Greenwich, N.Y., Y. P. 8. . C. E ................... 5 East Oostbnrg, Wis., Y.P.S.C.E. 5 Flatbush, Ulster Co., N . Y .... 3 Franklin Park, N. J., in memo­ riam, Rev. P. J. Zwemer.... 57 Franklin, Park, Y. L. M. Guild.. 1st, Freehold, N. J., Y.P.S.C.E.. 2nd, •* " “ Fulton, 111................ Fultonvllle, N. Y ........... “ “ Bible Sch.... 11 ” Y.P.S.C.E.... 2nd, Grand Rapids, Mich..... ............... . S. Sch... “ “ 11 * " Y. P. S.. C. E ................... Sri, Grand Rapids, Mich., Y. P. S.C. E ................. 4tb, Grand Rapids, Mich., Y. P. S. C. B ................. 4th, Grand Rapids, Mich., M. M Soc.................... 5th, Grand Rapids, Mich..... ................ Y.L.M. Soc.................... 5th, Grand Rapids, Mich., Y. P. S. C. E .................

45 10 28 18 77 16 75 5 5’ 4 73 10 80 15 • 15 50 16 50 5 81 14 67 25 20

6th, Grand Rapids, Mich., Catachumene................ 7 85 6th, Grand Rapids, Mich., S. S. 48 16 7th, “ .“ " .... 28 75 “ ............ .... S, 19 61 “ “ “ ** Y. L. M . B ................... 5 Bethany, Grand Rapld8t(Micb.... Jan. C. E. S.............. Grandvllle, Mich........... 1st, Ghent, N. Y ............ Gibbsvllle, Wis............. Glen, N. Y., Y. P. S. C. E..... 1st, Hackensack, N. J ........ “ “ “ Y.P.S.C.E. Harrison, S. D. ............. Hlngham, Wis............ 1st, Holland, Mich.......... 3rd,.. “ “ L. M. S .... Holland,Neb.............. 1st, Hudson, N. Y., Y. P. S. C.E. let, Hull, la., G. M. S ........ Irvington, N. J............. Bergen. Jersey City, N. J .... Lafayette, “ “ “ Y. P. S. C. E ................. Wayne St., Jersey City, N.J., Y. P. S.C. E ..............

1 7 50 8 05 16 69 25 20 10 12 33 7 43 75 5 62 40 25 5 2 25 16 5 5

let, Jamestown, Mich., T. P. 8. C. E .................... 10 Jerusalem, N, Y.,. A r a b i a n 8 75 Knights................. 1st, Kalamazoo, Mich., Y.L.M,8. 50 “ “ 44 Catechumens 6 75 3rd, 44 44 S. 8 ....... 7 44 ■» 4iY. M. C.A.. 12 60 4 71 Fair St., Kingston, N. Y ...... 44 44 44 8. S.... 50 44 44 41 Y.P.S. C, E .................... 6 1st, Kingston, N.Y., Y.P.S.C.E.. 15 Kingston, N. Y..Church of C o m ­ forter .................. 35 Ktskatom, N. Y ...........*. 3 Knox, N . Y ............... 3 50 Leota, Minn., Y. L. S ........ 5 Livingston at Llnllthgo, N. Y.... 5 1st, L. 1. City, N. Y., Y.P.S.C.E. 2 50 44 Little Falls, N.J., 44 5 23 Manhasset, N. Y „ “ 5 9 81 Marlon, 44 ........... 44 44 Y. P. S. C. E.. 6 40 Metuchen, N. J., 14 15 Millstone, N.J., Y.P.S.C.E.. 10 09 Mlddleburg, la., Dorcas Ver... 15 Milbrook, N. Y., Y. P. S. C. E.. 10 1st Milwaukee, Wis.......... 10 41 44 L. M . 8 ....... 15 Monroe, la................ 18 1st, Mnskegon, Mich,, L. M. 8.. SO N.Y.Clty, Marble Coll. S. S... 89 74 44 Y. P. Fund........ 585 26 44 48th St. Coll., Y. P. 8. C.E.................... 1 N.Y.Clty, Middle Coll., 8. 8... 44 t Fordham, Y.P.S.C.E.. 44 1st Harlem Coll., 44 .. 44 34th St., Miss. Soc.... 44 Manor Chapel, Y. P. 8. C. E ...................

25 60 15 10 5

N.Y.Clty, 4th German, Y. P. S. ' C. E ................... 10 N.Y.Clty, Ave. B, German. Y. P. S.C. E .................. 10 N.Y.Clty, Houston St,, S.S... 25 Newark, N. J.. Clinton Ave., Y. P. S. C. E ............ Newark, N. J., Clinton Ave., S. 3...................... Newark, N. J., N e w York Ave., Y. P. 8. C. E ............. Ne.w Brighton, N. Y ......... New Concord, N.Y., S. S ..... New Durham, N. J., Grove Ch.. Newkirk, la...............

15 15 15 10 6 13 8 80 30 27 26

2nd, N e w Brunswick, N. J.,Y. P. 5 S-C.E.......... North Holland, Mich., S. S .... 10 27 Nyack, N. Y ............... 28 46 “ S . S ........... 29 78 1st, Orange, N. J ........... 10 1st, Orange City, la.......... 107 50 44 44 44 Y.P.S.C.E. 5 Am., 44 44 .......... 19 65 44 44 “ Y.P.S.C.E. 6 Overlsel, Mich............. 30 05 Oostbnrg, Wis............. 5 44 44 W. M. S ....... 10 65 Oostbnrg, Wis., S. S. Class.... 3 25 Ontario Center, N. Y ........ 8 2nd Paterson, N. J., W. M. S.... 10 Broadway, Paterson, N. J., Y. P. . 8. C. E ............. :... 10 Passaic, N. J., 1st Holland.... 25 Plainfield. N. J., Trinity Y. P. S. . C.E.................... 10 Plainfield, N. J.tTrinity Y. P. 8: C. E., Junior.............. 10 Passaic, N. J„ 1st Holland 8. S. Class................... 11 Passaic, N. J., 1st Holland Inf. Dept................... 7 1st Pella, la............... 53 05 44 Miss. Soc.......... 10 44 Y.P. S . C . E....... 18 75 2nd Pella, 44 10 61 3rd Pella................. 80 Pella, Neb................. 7 20 44 Ia.,W.C.A. andD. Soc.... 10 Piermont, N.Y., Y.P.S.C.E.... 9 35 44 v ** 44 ‘ Jan.. 3 Deer Park, Port Jervis, N. Y.\ Y.P.S.C.E............... 10 Queens, N. Y., S.S.......... 20 37 Randolph Center, Wis....... 13 53 Readington, N.J........... 145 Rocky Hill, N. J., Y.P.S.C.E.... 5 - 1st Roseland, 111............ 26 98 Schenectady, N. Y., Y.P.S.C.E.. 14 05 44 Hope Chape).... 5 50 Hope, Sheboygan, W U ....... 5 05 Sheboygan Falls, Wis........ 4 Silver Creek, 111............ 82 40 44 M i n n.......... 5 Spring Lake, Mich ........ 5 25 44 “ W. M. S ... 5 Sioux Centre, la............ 26 67 “ Y. M. C . A ...... 25 South Holland, 111.......... 10 14 “ W. M. S .... 10 Sooth Branch, N.J.......... 5 28 Stone Ridge, N.Y., M.L.B.H.... 5 44 Jun. C.E.S.. 4

Stoyvesant, N.Y., Y.P.S.C.E.... 10 40 2nd Tarrytown, N. Y., Y.P.S.C.E. 8 Three Cake, Mich., S.S....... 7 13 50 Warwick, N. Y ............. 17 Weat Copake, N. Y., W. M. S.... 5 West Leyden, N. Y., L. M. S __ 11 20 let Yonkers, N.Y,, Y.P.S.C.E... 15 Park Hill, Yonkers, N. Y„ Y. P. S. C. E ................. 10 Zeeland, Mich.............. 45 “ Y.P.S.C.E..... 41 Mrs. A. H. Baldwin......... 5 “ “ two grandsons 1 2 Mrs. W. B. Bradner......... Mrs. A. Bonthuis........... 10 Rev. Jesse W. Brooke, Ph.D.... 5 Mrs. Bylema?.............. 75 25 Miss Currie M. Campbell..... Mrs. E. N. Collier........... 5 Mrs. Anna Conger.......... 2 Misses Anna and Josie Cook.... 2 Miss F. DeGraaf........... 10 75 J. Doedyns and A. Wormhoudt.. 10 Rev. G. S. Mott Doremus..... 10 Miss Mary S. Dougherty..... 3 Miss Carrie Dusinberre....... 5 Rev. J. P. De Jong.......... 20 Mrs. J. P. De Jong.......... 20 John DeJong... .......... 50 Rev. George Davis......... 10 C. J. Dodgshun............. 5 C. Dosker... .............. 5 The Misses Duryee.......... 30 Dyk Children.............. 30 Miss Mary C. Ellsworth...... 1 Floris Ferwerda............ 10 Miss Elizabeth Frost........ 1 50 2 50 G. Felder................. Mrs. M. and Mies K. M. Fagg... 3 Miss Cora Farnham......... 1 1 A friend.................. 5 5 u 5 * u 1 59 u 1 “ .................. 20 it 1‘ “ In Eludson, N. Y ..... 10 Two friends............... 30 E. Griffiths................ 2 E. Gritters................ 10 Eugene S. Hand............ 200 Mrs. Rebecca H a m m o n d ...... 10 Mr. and Mas. J. F. Heemstra.... 5 Jacob Hoagland............ 2 Mrs. Clara M. Hutchings..... 1 J Samuel M. Hyde............ 25

Per Rev. R. H. Joldersraa.... A. Jongewaard............. Rev. Taber Enox...........

4 00 5 5 3 50 5 1


Miss Susan Y. Lansing....... John Lemmenes............ Miss Margaret Q. Logan..... . In memoriam Mrs. Sarah A. » Sandham ............... 50 In memoriam James Lansing Yeeder....... ■.......... 25 50 Id memory of C. B. L ....... In memory of loved ones..... 10 2 50 j Bequest of Coba Lyetra....... Rev. S. W. Mills, D.D....... 10 Children and heirs of Martha Liesveld................. 200 Missionaries and native helpers in the field.............. 100 Rev. Arthur T. Mabon....... 5 Mrs. I Marsllje............. 5 Per Miss Amelia Menning.... 2 75, 2 75, Mennlng children........... D. Niesslnk............... 5 Mrs. Edgar Pearce.......... 10 o Miss Carrie Pierson.......... Mrs. Polhemus............. 3 Miss Mary Polhemns........ 2 Per W. Fos................ 22 Rev. Wm.Stegeman......... 5 Mrs. Henry J. Storms....... 2 Rev. Theodore Shafer........ ■5 Miss Sarah F. Sumner....... 2’ Miss Bertha Snyder......... 0 Mies Jessie Snyder ......... 20 Mrs. G. W. Sanford......... 5 Peter Semelink ........... 30 Miss Cornelia Steketee....... ' 1 E. A. Stone................ 10 Mrs. Sorber............... 2 Sale of hymns............. 6 Mrs. F. M. Tichenor......... 3 3 60 4 5 5 A. W. Van Houten and friends.. 13 40 Anton Vanderveer.......... 50 Misses S. and K. Van der Velde. 5 W m . H. Van Doren......... 1 Miss M. C. Van Brunt........ 2 Mrs. James Van W y c k ....... 3 Mrs. S. Veldman........... 5 Dr. and Mrs. A. Ward....... 10 • Mrs. M. J. Winans and daughters 15 S. H. Wheeler.... ......... 20 Mrs. R. S. Wilson.......... 10

113 1 Mrs. C. W. Wisner........... 6 Mrs/Richard Wisner.......... 5 Mrs. J. A. Wisner........... 10 Miss Anna Wisner........... 2 Miss Sophronla Wlssner....... 5

Rev. S. M. Woodbridge, D.D...


A. Wormhoudt and J. Doedyns..

7 08

Total................ $5,762 28

ii'if'.Vn A f'Af-v'. I'.yV^/aK ■'iitii'A\ a V o Vvs-v\>'

, '.’‘it

,'07 VviaV-. ‘



Receipts from Syndicates.......... “ “ otherfibnroer..■...■........ Gifts for Objects ontelde the Appropriations'. b i. in} >\<i',... ,• •

...................... $3,730 27 ......•.•.•....•....A.Av..:..; : : 5,;62J23 .V..n.':.,’....*.:.H'.7.K- V..v.! . 9 5 0 oo » rt ;. •* '!> $10,442 50 : ..1 ^ 5 .iL: . - i . * '* i

..................... ..........

« • I" •n,'./’

' ’ ’ :

......... ......... ,............... 2 •■f i , j.-:

... , •

.-i' ............ ., ■L “ .! .’


\ D •* h ’ •,

iv. <.

I \


r 1: ■*1 en

The Arabian Mission in account with JAS. L. A M E R M A N , Assistant Treasurer, for the year ending April 30, 1900. Dr. $ 7,140 00 To account with Field Treasurer..................... Cash paid in New York for account of missionaries.... 673 48 u “ “ “ misstonariesoutfit,and traveling 402 06 ------S 8,225 44 Home Expenses: Printing Annnal Report, Quarterly letters and leaflets.. 24172 Financial Secretary........................... 300 00 Postage.... ................................ 02 52 Stenographer................................ 74 80 ' Office Safe.................................. 75 00 Incidentals.................................. 44 32 ------828 36 Miseion Building Fund, May 1, 1800................... 3,077 2 Loan account, April 80,1900..................... . 5,600 0 Balance on hand, carried to new account................ 2,547 40 $20,278 58

Cr. By Balance brought forward May 1,1600................ Loan account. May 1, 1890....................... Gifts, Syndicate............................... “ Non-Syndicate............................ “ Ex-appropriations......................... Interest on loans............................... Mission Building Fund, April 30,1000.................

$ 2,834 70 4,000 00 $ 3,730 27 5,762 23 900 00 ---------------- 10,39250 200 00 2,851 29 $20,278 5

New York City, May 1,1900,

JAS. L. A M E R M A N ,

Asst. I'reasurer. Treasurer's account examined and found correct, showing the condition of the Arabian Mission May 1,1900, to be as follows : ~ Reserved Fund, loaned at 5 per cent.............. $4,000 00 Other loans.......... ....................... 1,600 00 Cash on hand................................ 2,547 49 $8,147 49 FRANCIS BACON, K Auditina Committee J O H N C. GIFFING, $Auautn9 tommura. New York, May 8 1000.

J U N E , 1900.


with resolution of General Synod.)

A M O Y MISSION, CBINA. Salaries and allowances for children...................... $10,186 23 Persona) teachers..................................... 85 24 Outfit and travel to China : Dr. and Mrs. C. O.Stnmpf........ 1,270 81 Misses N. Zwemer, L.Brink, andDr. A, M. Myers 1,42045 Travel to America: Rev. and Mrs. L. W. Kip, D.D., and D. • 1,354 24 Rapalje.......................... Evangelistic work.................................... 2,152 08 Boys' Academy, Kolongsu............................. % 297 60 Primary School, “ 30000 Woman's 41 “ 15000 Girls’ “ “ 32500 " “ Slo-khe............................... 79 38 “ 44 Chiang-chio........................... 110 00 174 57 Day Schools........................................ Theological Seminary................................. 285 55 --- ------- 1,722 36 Hospitals........................................... 539 06 Rent, repairs, taxes, etc............................... 1,147 19 Printing, stationery, etc............................... 68 47 Medical bills........................................ 165 03 Freight and sundries.................................. 282 71 4,072 47 Special gifts for work not Included In appropriations......... $24,475 34 A R C O T MISSION, INDIA. Salaries and allowances for children..................... 317,455 14 Personal teachers..................................... 274 04 Oatfitand travel to India: Rev. W. I. Chamberlain, Ph.D., and family, Rev. and Mrs. W . T. Scudder. Misses Dr. I. S. Scudder, and A. E. Hancock............... 2,706 99 Evangelistic work.................................... 5,764 46“ Boarding schools..................................... 3,170 08 Day schools......................................... 3,420 85 Arcot Mission College................................. 827 85 Industrial school..................................... 240 00 Hindu girls’school.s......... .*....................... 1,934 40 9,504 08 Hospital and sanitaria....................... 1,007 14 Rents, repairs, taxes, etc..................... 2,370 07 Mission meetings........................... 183 08 Printing, stationery, etc..................... 335 97 Freight, etc............................... 72 85 Special gifts for work not included In appropriations. 2,269 65 $42,053 47

N O R T H J A P A N MISSION. Salaries and allowancea for children...... ..... .... ..... Personal teachers. A ...•...'1....% /............ . Travel to America, Miss M. L. Winn................... Travel to Japan, Mlee J. Moulton; ...... . Evangelistic work.............. .................. Ferris Seminary__ V.-... A ....;. ;. v . ... ... Meljl Gakoin. Academic Department................... Theological “ • . . . . . . A..:... ..

$10,863 92 ' v 7." . 808’00 188 00 253 65 2,749 20 $1,236 83 1,050 00 719 65 —

jHouse rents....................... ....... ■Repairs, taxes, etc......................... Mission meetings............................ Medical bills........................... ... Publication................. ............. . freight.................................. Special gifts for work not included in appropriations.


a ;8’006 48

_ wJtiJtl,305 00 • 891 20 85 12 249 88 54 00 4 00' 170 00 ' $20,127 45

S O U T H J A P A N MISSION. $8,517 28 Salaries aad allowances for children... ....... ’...... 184 62 Personal teachers....'................................. 406 89 Oatfit and travel to Japan. Rev. C. M; Myers.. ... Travel to America, Rev. H. V. 8: Peeke and-family and- Miss S. 755 57 M. Couch;:..;... v . ... ...... . • 2,924 23 Evangelistic work........’....... *.................... i;!'j li (' Sturges Seminary........... .................. . §1,023 16 , Steele College................. *.................. . . 1,207*78 ri Other schools............................ ........... 2,322 94 1,460 30 Rents, repairs, taxes, etc 98 61 Mission meetings..... . 254 79 Medical bills......... 38 01 Publication.......... v •■•38 45 Freight............. 183 17 Sundries............ $17,184 89

H O M E EXPENSES. .. Salaries......... .............. Rent and care of office........... Account books and stationery..... Postage and revenue stamps....... Missionary boxes............... Sundries .................... Printing Annual Report.......... Printing leaflets................ Traveling.................... The Mission Field.............. Department of Young People’s Work.

$4,700 00 1.035 21 138 15 308 49 84 69 ' 291.20 442 87 609 35 179 11 1.036 58 156 52

Counsel fees........................................... 10000 Stenographer. .7.T.../...... ...... ;......... ;r.'i.s:.. 272 00 ^tadentB'Missionary Campaign.... . 44 19 Hemsen Estate Expenses... ........ 191 67 Interest on loans....................................... 2,16855 • .


« ly 'V





$11,758 58

i ,

. ^

Amoy Mission......................................... *21,47534 Arcot Mission....................................... 42,053 47 North Japan Mission.... ...................... '.... . '20,127 45 Sooth Japan Mission.................................... 17,18489 Home Expenses.

103,811 15 11,758 58 $115,599 73


T h e following listpresents the n a mes of Missionaries n o w


with their various Missions, whether in the field or at home, expecting to return, with their addresses. Letter postage to all Lands here named, five cents per half ounce, or fraction. Postage on printed matter, one centf o r each two ounces, or fraction.

A M O Y MISSION. Only address— A m o y , China.. went out, Mrs. J. V. N. Talmage................................1865 Rev. Daniel Rapalje, Plainfield, N . J . .................. 1858 Mrs. Alice Rapalje, “ “ .................... 1878 Rev. L. W. Kip, D.D., H i g h l a n d P a r k , N e w B r u n s w i c k , N . /.1861Mrs. Helen C. Kip, “ “ “ “ .... 1861 Miss Mary E. Talmage................................ 1874 Miss Catherine M. Talmage............................ 1874 Rev. Philip W. Pitcher...... 1885 Mrs. Annie T. Pitcher................................. 1885 Rev. John A. Otte, M.D .............................. 1887 Mrs. Frances C. Otte................................. 1887 Miss Nellie Zwemer.......... 1891 Miss Elizabeth M. Cappon..............................1891 Miss MaryC. Morrison................................ 1892 Miss Lily N. Duryee................................. 1894 Rev. Hobart E. Studley............................... 1896 Mrs. Edith J. Studley................................. 1898 Miss M. van Beeck Calkoen............................. 1896 C. Otto Stnmpf, M.D................................. 1899 Miss Eleanor Stnmpf..................................1899 Miss Angie M. Myers, M.D......................... .1899 Miss Louise Brink................................... 1899 Rev. A. Livingston Wamshuis........................... 1900 Mrs Anna D. Warnshuis............... 1900 A R C O T MISSION. General address— M a d r a s Presidency, India. Rev. Jared W. Scudder, M.D., D.D., P a l m a n e r ............. 1855 Mrs. Julia O. Scudder, P a l m a n e r ......................... 1855 Rev. Jacob Chamberlain, M.D., D.D., Madanapalle .......... 1859 Mrs. Charlotte B. Chamberlain, Madanapalle ................. 1859 Rev. John Scudder, M.D., D.D.,* Vellore.................. 1861 * Died May 23,1900.


Mrs. Sophia W. Scudder, Vellore.........................1861 Rev. J. H. Wyckoff, T i n d i v a n a m ....................... 1874 Mrs. Gertrude Chandler Wyckoff, T i n d i v a n a m ............... 1892 Miss Julia C. Scudder, P a l m a n e r .........................1879 Rev. Ezekiel C .Scudder, Jr.,23 East 22d at., N e w York City.... 1882 Mrs. Mabel J. Scudder, 23 East 22d St., N e w York City........1889 Miss M. K. Scudder, Ranifettai......................... 1884 Rev. W. I. Chamberlain, Vellore.........................1887 Mrs. Mary E. Chamberlain, Vellore...................... 1891 Rev. Lewis R. Scudder, M.D., 23 E a s t 23dStreet, N e w Y o r k City1 1888 Mrs. Ethel T. Scudder, “ " ...1888 Rev. Lewis B. Chamberlain, M a d a n a p a l l e .................. 1891 Mrs. Julia Anable Chamberlain, Madanapalle ................ 1897 Miss Lizzie von Bergen, Madanapalle ...................... 1893 Rev. James A. Beattie, Chittoor........................ 1893 Mrs. Margaret Dali Beattie, Chittoor...................... 1894 Miss Louisa H. Hart, M.D., Ranipettai.................... 1895 Rev. Henry J. Scudder, Madanapalle ...................... 1897 Mrs. Margaret B. Scudder, M a d anapalle ......... •.......... 1897 William H. Farrar, A r n i ...............................1897 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Farrar, A r n i ......................... 1897 Rev. Walter T. Scudder, Vellore......................... 1899 Mrs. Ellen B. Scudder, Vellore.......................... 1899 Miss Ida S. Scudder, M, D., Vellore...................... 1899 Miss Annie E. Hancock, Vellore......................... 1899 N O R T H JAPAN MISSION. General address— Rev. James H. Ballagh, 49 Bluff, Y o k o h a m a ........... 1861 Mrs. Margaret K. Ballagh, 49 Bluff, Y o k o h a m a .............. 1861 Rev. E. Rothesay Miller, Morioka, Iwate K e n ................ 1875 Mrs. Mary E. Miller, Morioka, Iwate K e n ................... 1869 Rev. EugeneS. Booth. i j S Bluff, Y o k o h a m a ................. 1879 Mrs. Emily S. Booth, jjg Bluff, Y o k o h a m a .................. 1879 Prof. Martin N. Wyckoff, D. Sc., Meiji Gakuin, Tokyo .......... 1881 Mrs. Anna C. Wyckoff, Meiji Gakuin, T o kyo ................ 1831 Miss M. Leila Winn, A o m o r i ............................ 1882 Rev. Howard Harris, M o r i o k a ........................... 1884 Mrs. Lizzie B. Harris, M o r i o k a .......................... 1884 Miss Anna DeF. Thompson, Readington, N e w Jersey ........... 1886 Miss Mary Deyo, 619 Ueda, Shinano ..................... 1888 Miss Julia Moulton, 178 Bluff, Y o k o h a m a .................. 1889 Rev. Frank S. Scudder, N a g a n o .......................... 1897 Mrs. Florence D. S. Scudder, N a g a n o ...................... 1897 Mrs. Jennie Dumont Schenck, N a g a n o ......................1897 Miss Harriet J. Wyckoff............................... 1898



'General address— ’ Rev. Henry Stout. O.'D.i'rVa/oj-a/H..^...... ...... ....'.1869 ^ -Sotrd.i-i.t-,’N a g a s a k i , ....... ...... 1869 , Mrs.' Elizabeth G. Rev. Albert Oilmans,, S a g a „ .. ...__ ..... ........ . ■ 1 8 8 6 Mrs. Alice V. oilmans, Saga - ........ .•■1 . .1886 „ ....... ... . .Rev.' Albertus Pieters, Holland, M i c h ,',_________...... . ....1891 .Mrs. Emma T. Pieters,'//uV/ani, 'Mich . ....^ . ..:i89i .1892 ,Miss Sarah .M. Couch, N a g a s a /H......'. ......... Rev’ . Harman V. S. Peeke, K a g o s h i m a ....... .1893 •’i.v: ,Mrs.’Vesta O. Peeke, Kagoshima, 1893 ,.Miss Harriet M. Lansing, Nagasaki ,v..i.^............ .... ,...1893 Miss Anna K. Stryker, N a g a s a h i ... .*..... ........... .7. .1897 ,Miss Anna B.'Stout, N a g a s a k i .. ... ‘.. .... ......... 1...1898 Rev. Charles M. Myers, Nagasaki . ' . ....•• -1899 r, ,.......... ................ . • -

, V"

:-i : ..............ARABIAN .MISSION... .; 'J General'addi«$^ V i d


V •f';; ..*!...1889 ‘Rev.'Samuel-M. Zwewer, F.'R. G. S.yBahrein,1Persian‘G u l f .I 1890 'Mrs.'Amy W.' Zwemer, Bahrein', 'Persian G u l f ' . ..1896 "•H.;R; L.-Worrall; M:D„ ^ 9 W e s f ^ k SI.,‘N e w ' Y o r k . . V'::: .'.i894 'ReV. Fred. J.'Barny; Busrah, Persidn'Gu'lf, ,\y \\ 1 . I : , .7 ..1897 Mrs.'Margaret "R: Barny; Busrah; Persian Gulf. :':'-::. LV.'L ■.'.l.:...'1898 Sharon J. Thoms, M.D., Busrah, Persian G u l f ...............1898 Mrs. Marion T'hosxss:,}KlXf:-,:Busr.ah:Persian Gulf ............. 1898 Rev. Harry J. Wiersum, Busrah, Persian G u l f ... ... •........ 1899 Rev. James E. Moerdyk....... ...... I * ' . .7:-.,f.,JL l .T,f.t71H.1900 Sosritd/'


'Rev. James'Cantine,' Muscat, A rabid .

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li •• .• .... i;';"i i-:i, -l PAGE Amoy.Mission Report..... ... ..... ...ui.:;__ !.T.. :o'.;__ 1-20 .7 ... ..Changes in.Personnel.............................. 3 .Children’s.Home................... J ............ 13 . Christian Endeavor........ j-J.1'..ar .i.......'............ to .. Churches :.Statistics.________ _____ >.o..•••. i..„.•»:>..... 1 - *..


o y ............ * * * • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’. * ».'•’•.. ioi.i.. ■


. . Chiang-Chiu..... .. .............. .............. 6 . .. Chioh.be..---- ---- --- ---------- ii.. .‘.......... 5 •

. .Hong-san.

...... ............... ..:... w.du.-,::.-.'::..... 5

- 1 .. Lam-sin....... ........ ........ . .u.'i. 7-9 Sio-khe..... .... ..... ...... ••.. __ :j...1.).......8 '" .. .Thian-san ..... ^a .J....7 Tpog-an ... . . ....... . .1..;. -.i'.).:■■■;.'.'.!.'.1.... 4 Church Messenger... ..j^)V; j'A /v’ J'.r.'.f.'j.. Districts:. Amoy.............. ....... .....I., .i:rX)....... 3 I... .... 5 ..Chiang Chiu............. ..... c : ...... Sio-khe... ..... .V:..«^V.'....I'....... 1..... ....... 8 Tong-an .......... . '.iv,'..;..: .i-.t.-. : ....4 Map... ................. ............ ..........2 Medical Work........................... ...... ..:... 18-20 Evangelistic Value.............. ...'............■:......18 Hope Hospital....... ...,.... v _______ •„.....18 Netherlands Woman’s.Hospital '.1.. . : . . . ...!:v’ .,.-.. ... 19 Patients treated............. :...1. ... 1® Students....•'.•..■......I............ ^.. .......... 19.20 Visiting Hospitals....... ......... '........ .12, 19 Need of more Missionaries..... .,................... 3 .Opportunities.......... ...... ............... ...... 8 Schools : Boys’Academy......... ............. .......9 Boys’Primary .............. ........ ... ........ 11 Girls’.Boarding School, Amoy... ......... ......... 13 Chiang-Chiu.... ........ ........ __ ' .... 17 Girls’.Day, Amoy............. .............. V .... 12 Parochial or District...................... : .... 11 Woman’s, Amoy............ ■..... ....... ; . .... 13 Statistical Tables............. . ......... '......./;.... 1 Teachers’Conference.... .............. ,... :. '. .10 Woman’s Work : Amoy... ......... .......... :.... ; . .... Chiang-Chiu...... ......:....... .. .,:.i6

Sio-khe......... 17 Tong-an............................. .*.......15 Appropriations for 1900, compared with Estimates ............ xxviii Arabian Mission Report........... .. ................. 79 85 Bible Work..................... 82 Fields Occupied.......... 79 First Fruits.................................... .84 81 Force, The Mission............. Map.......................................... 80 Medical Work................................... 83 Mission Dwellings............... 81 Rescued Slave School.............................. 84 Rev. George E. Stone.............................. 79 Scriptures Sold................................... 85 Touring............... 82 Woman’s Work............................... .83 Arcot Mission.Report............................... 21-54 Attitude of the Hindus............................. 35 Choice Incident, A ......... 53 Christian Community. The........................... 26 Christian Endeavor.............. 32 General Review.................................. 23 Gospel Extension Society............................ 37 “ “ “ Women’s.................... 42 Harvest Festival................................. 31 Map...'....................................... 22 Medical Work.................. ■............... 38 “ Women’s............................ 39 Native Agency........................... 24 Non-Christian Community, The....................... 34 Numerical and Spiritual Growth....................... 26 Persecutions............ '....................... 28 Plague, Effects of................................. 25 Schools: Arcot Mission College........................ 48 Boarding..................................... 48' Hindu Girls'...........-.......................52 Industrial............ 47 Sunday...................................... 52 Theological Seminary............................. 43 Village.......................................51 Self-support.............. 29 Statistical Tables for 1899........................... 21 Woman’s Work............................... 39-43 Backward Glance, A ....................................iii Balance Sheet, Board F. M .............................. 107 Barriers Broken Down ................................. xiv


Bible Distribution, Arabia............................... 82 Board: Officers and Members............................. xix Christian Endeavor: (also see Missions) ..................... xxii Comparative Summary, 1858-1900...........................86 Condensed Statement of Receipts and Expenditures............. 105 Conferences........ xxii Day Star................. xxiii Death of Rev. George E. Stone............................ 79 Departments of Mission Work............. viii Detailed Statement of Mission Expenditures.................. 115 Discouragements...................................... xv Divine Initiative...................................... iii Divine Direction............. iv Ecumenical Conference................................ xxxii Educational Work and Institutions (see Missions)................ x Evangelistic Aim......... viii “ Work: (also seeunder Missions)................... ix Favorable Conditions in the Field.......................... xiv Financial ..................................... xxiv-xxviii Arabian Mission: Receipts and Expenses............... xxv Syndicates&c..................................108 Treasurer’s Statement............................ 114 Board F. M.: Debt... ........................... xxvii Comparative Table............................ xxviii Expenditures................................. xxvi Receipts.................................... xxiv Receipts : Table............................. .xxv Receipts and Expenditures.......... 105 Forces Supplied from 1832................. vi Funds Contributed from 1832..............................vi xvii Gains in Force in 1899...................... General Summary, 1899-1900.................. 86 too Gifts from Individuals....... Going Backward....................................... xv Growth of the Missions..................................vii Helps and Agencies............................... xxii-xxiv Hospitals and Dispensaries (see Missions)......................xi Improved Methods Suggested.............................xxx Inquiry and Attention to the Gospel........................ xiv Japan : General Conditions................. :...... .*.... 55 Liabilities of the Board................................. 106 Loans................"............................. 106 Losses from Force.................................. xvi Maps (see Missions).................................. Miscellaneous Gifts.................. 102 Missionaries : Movements...................... xvi

■: ... Names.and Addresses................ .... ........ 118 ■■ .Returned .Home...............w .v..xviii . .. Returned to the Field.... .v.’.ei.'.v.: wj.-.:.... ..xix ■ ... Under Appointment...... . . . . . . . . j-.t. .’.... ...xviii Mission, Field.... .■.\z ;..v. .."i. ’..........xxiii ......... . ..... ...... ..........’ ..xxiii ,,Mission.Gleaner liHeed .of fetter Methods.......... ..... ........ . .•-- - xxx . New Spirit Needed.......... ............ ....... ......... ..'I.:. i t . . - . ----- ^.xxXii •,North Japan Mission. Report,.... .1.'/'..r;c.'.. .'...I....... ..... 55^-68 ...Educational Work :F e r r i s : S e m i n a r y . ... 1 .’.60 .(.61 'ii...... Graduate Teachers....... .........KinglsPaughter.s__ ________________ r-.lvvF. .i. .t.;6i . ... Religious.Interest........ .^1. . . . < . 6i ... ' ■i.... Meiji. Gakuin.................... ... v. x.... Academic.Pepartment..., ....;,i ••-.•.'..•.59 It./.... .Theological Pepart.njcnt:____ ......mi... 58 . ...Evangelistic Work: Aomori.i.l..... ,... .............. 64 . Morioka...... ......... ul.-ii .'.otli VJ.r. ' .".62 1:• ./iaxNagano......... ..... ............ .... ...... .';•••I.;4Vj66 w.. ... Tokyo-Vokohama..;f.. ..i‘C..,iV. ••.'.r.;....... r.i,:,.'.... 61 F 1....Ueda..... .............. ------ .............. 65 |.u . General Conditions jn Japan ..... .................... 55 .... 56 i'1 .>■./.,. Map... ............... ...... tii.i.l.i..'...’1 lib; .■.. Need of.More Workers.... .... ... '.1. .... 68 •Only a Beginning Made... ...... ........ : . . .\,.l..... xiii vOur Fields.and .Responsibility................... '.-.iii.;...... v •Present Condition of the.Missions... ....... •■..i.). .'.... xiii .Present Force................ ..........■;r.’....J..;.....'.....xvi 4. xii ./Press in Mission Fields, The...... ..... ... .1.'.'....t. 'Press : Obligations.to......... .... ....... ■...1.I-...1...1..... 1..xxiii uSchell, Robert :.Gift for Hospital............... .xii, xxi Security Fund.,.'........................:............ '...V___ 105 ■jSketches and Leaflets........................ xxiii South Japan .Mission Report....... ..... ................ 69-78 .■/.....Churches, State of...... ............... ......... ■•75 .• -Map.. .... ..... .... .. .. ................ .. .70 ... Native Force and .Changes. ...I.... .. ............ 69 ,. .. Openings for Larger Work...___ ___ ................. 78 .. Out-stations.. ................i'.v ....... '...... ...76 ., .Schools :.Steele College................ '...... . 73 r .Sturges Seminary........... 72 Special Gifts : Ex-appropriations.......................... 102 Tabular View of Receipts,:, By Classes........ : ...........87-99 . By,Synods.,.... ............ ........ 103 1.... .. From.1858........... 104 Trust Funds... .. .......... ,......... -........ ..... 105

Woman’s Board....................................xx-xxii Anniversary..................................... xx Auxiliaries..................................... xxi Financial Success................................. xxi Mary Taber Schell Hospital....................... xii-xxi Work in the Field..................................... xxi Woman’s Work for Women (see Missions)...................



“ I give unto

o r


t h e


o a r d


Board of Foreign

Missions of the

R e f o r m e d Church in America, dollars, to be applied for the maintenance and support of the Foreign Missiohs of said Church." N. B.

Care should be taken to insert the full corporate title,

“ T h e Board of Foreign Missions of the Ref or me d Church in America."


o r

t h e


r a b i a n



“ I give and bequeath to the Arabian Mission the s u m of dollars for its m a i n ­ tenance and support." N. B.

Care should be taken to insert the full corporate title,

“ T h e Arabian Mission."

Board op foreign missions. _ Members whose Term expires June, 1901. Rev. J. H. Whitehead,. Mr. Francis Bacon, •“ E. B. Coe, D.D., “ V. H . Y o u n g m a n , “ E. P. Johnson, D.D., “ J o h n Bin gh am . “ J o h n G. I'agg, T. G. Huizinga, M.D,, Rev. J. II. Oerter, D.D. Rev. “ “ “ -

Members whose Term expires June, 1902. D. Sage Maekay, D.D., Mr. William L. Brower, Lewis Francis, D.D., “ W . H. V a n Steenbergh, J. P. Searle, D.D., “ Joseph 0 . Pool, B. G. Read, D. D., “ Richard B. Ferris, Rev. M at th ew Kolyn.

. Rev. “ “ *•

Members whose Term expires June, 1903. A. B. V a n Gieson, D.D., Mr. J. J. Janeway, C. L. Wells, D.D., “ J o h n 0 . Gifling, M . H, Hutton,D.I)., “ Ohas. H. Harris, W m . Moerdyk, J. H. Fink, Rev. W m . Bancroft Hill.

Rev. “ “ “ “

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. M . H . Hutton, D.D., C'/(atr»nare, Mr. Clms. H. Harris, Lewis Francis, D.D., “ Richard B, Ferris, C. L. Wells, D.D., “ J o h n C. Giffing, E G. Read, D.D., “ V. H. Y o u n g m a n J. H. Whitehead, “ J. J, Janeway, Rev. J o h n G. Fagg.

A R A B I A N MISSION Rev. M. H. Hutton, D.D., Pres't., Rev. C. L .Wells, D.D., “ J. P. Searle, D.D., “ Lewis Francis, D.D., “ D. Sage Maekay, D . D , Mr. J o h n C. Giffing, Mr. Francis Bacon. Rev. “ “ “ “ “

O F F I C E R S F O R 1900-1901. M. H. Hutton, D.D., President. J. P. Searle, D.D., Vice-President. C. L. Wells, D.D., Recording Secretary. J o h n M. Ferris, D.D., Hon. Secretary. H en ry N, Cobb, D. D., Cor. Sec , 25 E. 22nd St., N. Y. J. L. A m e r m a n , D. D., Pin. Sec. and Asst. Treas., 25 E. 22nd St., N. Y.

M E D I C A L ADVISERS. Henry R. Baldwin, M. D., N e w Brunswick. N. J. E. G. Jaueway, M.D., 36 W . 40th St., N e w York, T, G. Huizinga, M.D., Zeeland, Mich.

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