059 board of foreign missions rca 1891

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desirable such a union might be on general grounds, yet, in view of the great differences in dialect which are found in som e of the provinces, it was felt by our brethren at A m o y to be impracticable at present. T h e y have, however, entered heartily into the proposition to institute such a union a m o n g the Churches a n d Missions in South China, comprising the Presbyterian C h u r c h (North) at Canton ; the Presbyterian C h u r c h of Canada, in F o r m o s a j the English Presbyterian C h u r c h at A m o y and SvVatow, and our o w n A m o y Mission. S o m e such basis as the following is proposed : ’ “ 1. Th a t the united church to be formed shall be a Native Church, entirely independent of the H o m e churches represented b y the Missions in China. “ 2. T h a t foreign missionaries shall retain their full connection with the churches at H o m e , and shall be subject in all respects to the discip­ line of their courts. “ 3. T h a t those foreign missionaries w h o have been ordained to the ministry or the eldership shall have seats as assessory m e m b e r s in the Native C h u r c h courts, having the full right of deliberating and voting ; but, that, while provision be m a d e for duly safeguarding the rights of the Native Church, such missionaries shall not be subject to the dis­ cipline of its courts. ‘•4. T h a t the adoption of doctrinal standards be reserved for the mature consideration of the united church, doctrinal unity being in the m e antime secured b y , the h a r m o n y of the present standards of the several churches concerned.”

* I ' ^ A t the meeting of tbe Tai-hoey, kheld in M a r c h of the present year, delegates from the S w a t o w Tai-hoey were present. T h e y brought proposals for union which were favorably received, and a committee was appointed to confer with one from their o w n body. It was also resolved to c o m ­ municate with Canton on the same business. A s is well k nown, union has long been a practically accomplished fact at A m o y , a nd the present proposals do but look to the exten­ sion of that which already prevails. In this view it has m e t the cordial approval of the Board, of which the Mission has been assured. So far as the Board is advised, no further steps toward union have yet been taken in India, though the subject is receiving needed and careful discussion in India and a m o n g the h o m e churches. In cases such as these, delay is better than u n d u e haste. ’

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