V P /
H n d j f t r
Hope College, Holland, Michigan, May 11, 1927
8 O'clock—Chapel exercises. il
Seniors enter chapel singing "Coronation March." Audience sings "America the Beautiful." Scripture—Rev. Harry Hager. Music—Girls' Glee Club. Talk—Prof. E. Winter. Cello Solo—George La Meer. Address—Dr. Davidson. Prayer—Rev. Harry Hager. Anthem—Student Body. Pledge of Allegiance—Student Body. National Anthem—Student Body. Recessional—Senior Class. Tree-planting Exercises. 1:30 o'clock—Adelaide Contest, Hazel Albers. winner. 3:00 O'clock—Voorhees Day Celebration at Voorhees Dormitory.
Mnrgnret Fealy Is KxrHlent Coach In Selecting and Training All Actors
We can admit that "The Enemy" was a huge success. It was a creditable cxhib'tion of all-round efficiency. The Senior class must be commended for putting on such a dramatic play, and the cast, for its superb acting, must be highly praised. The play was a first class production, with a great appeal to it—the appeal being for world-wide peace. One man, who had r,een "The Enemy" produced in New York and also in Grand Rapids, was heard to say t h a t the Hopeites were much better than the Grand Rapids cast and t h a t they were on par with the New York cast. And "right noble is their merit." Exciting, inspiring, intensifying are words Jiardly capable of describing the effect it had on the audience. The settings were in key with the spirit and clear design of the play. And as if all t h a t were not more than a fair share of vicissitude for any enterprise with so laudable an aim everyone of the audience broadcasted that they liked the p l a y that alone was enough to get a larger number of people out to each succeeding night of the production. Every one taking part in "The Enemy" resembled their character. Just as if they had been made for it. Miss Harriet Heneveld's personiftcallon of Pauline Arndt. the leading role, will never be forgotten by those attending. especially the scenes in which she finds out the death of^Jier husband, and the death of her only child. It was terrible! And will any of the audience ever forget how •fear' was shown by Mr Rutherford Huzenga, playing opposite Miss Heneveld as Carl Behrend? Joseph Hylnk, as August Behrend was much suited to his part. The Englishman. Bruci? Gordon, was taken by Roy Natt r e s s — a n d what a good Englishman was he. Jacob Klk playing Jan and jack Soeter, Fritz Winckelman had very pathetic r o l e s — b o t h had such effect on the listeners that some of them, the emotional especially, could
Prep Societies Practiciag Play Play Is Annual Event The Mellphone and Minerva societies of
Preparatory Department
have again commenced
f o r t h e annual play. Last year
play proved t o be a very g r e a t success, since
its capacity. P r e s e n t Indications s h o w
t h a t this year's play will be even a greater success. T h e y will p r e s e n t "A
^ Strenuous Life" by Richard Walton Tully, a play In three acts. The leading roles will be played by Henry Roon and Harriet Oonk. Other members of the cast include Jacob Juist, Karel Feenstra, Daniel Boone. Grayce Wllterdlnk. Ernest Keizer. Joy Hungerink. Anne Koeman. Peter Meurer. Bernard Ecklewelen. Margaret Keizer. Henrietta Kulzenga. and Raymond Schaal. The play will very probably be rendered on Friday evening. J u n e 10.
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ORATION IS TIMELY Thought and Delivery Guides Local Group of Judges lj[i the Selection
The Adleaiae contest was held in \viiiants chapel on Friday aitemoOiL thus choosing one of Hope s representatives iu the M. O. L. lor next year. There was qu^te a crowd present to hear the close competition between the various contestants.
ANNUAL ARBOR DAY SERVICES OBSERVED ON FRIDAY BY STUDENTS AND FACULTY The annual Arbor Day exercises of Hope College, were held Friday morning. May Gth. in Winant's chapel and on the college campus. Although rather long, the program was exceedingly Interesting, keeping the attention of the students throughout. Promptly at eight o'clock, the seniors, singing the "Coronation March," marched slowly and pompously into their reserved section. While the crowd remained standing, the entire gathering Joined m tue beautiful strains of "America the Beautiful." For the scripture lesson of the morning, Rev. Harry Hager, college pastor, chose the nineteenth Psalm with its beautiful lines revealing God to man. The Girls' Glee club then rendered two fine numbers, "O Irish Hills," by Lester, and "Tiptoe", by Barrle Carew. These two numbers were received with such enthusiasm by the students, that the girls were obliged to render a third selection, a group of southern melodies, sung without accompaniment. After Professor Winter had explained why the President and Governor had not Issued decrees this year concerning conservation, George La Mere,
cellist, played Gounod's "Ave Maria." The big treat of the morning, however. came in the form of Dr Davidson. pastor of Hope Church, who gave a brief address to the gathering. In his address, Dr Davidson, showed what effect Influence may have upon those around an Individual. In all life there are beautiful things, beautiful trees and flowers and beautiful characters. Flowers give off fragrance, which as one writer suys, is ilio soul oi tne flower. And with Its soul, what a great Influence the little flower has. In the same way, souls, the world over, give Influences to gladden or sadden the hearts round about them. Influences are of two kinds, either that of conscious teaching, or of the unconscious action. Although most of our actions are unconsciously made, we are responsible for them, and Just as "Only God can make a tree," so too, "only God can make our influence good." In closing, Dr Davidson gave his formula for giving off a good Influence. "The great way to do good Is to be good—the only way to be good is
to come Into the fellowship of the good one, Jesus Christ. True Immortality is doing good for others by our influence." Following the address, the prayer by Prof. Hager; an Anthem by the student body, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, and the Recessional by the senior class; followed in; order. The students then went out; on the campus uuU gathered aroun< •unci the flag staff while Old Glory raised on high.
wa^ J
After the seniors had swiped the tree which was purchased by the Freshmen for their ceremony, the planting rites began. Mr. Malvin Lubbers, president of the senior class, presented the tree to the school. Prof. Paul E. Hlnkamp, then accepted the tree for the school. Slowly, the faculty and the members of the senior class filed past the tree and contributed their shovelful of earth to aid the growth of the tree. Other short ceremonies were held by the Prep, department and by the members of the Freshmen class.
Professor Hager To Tour Palestine Joins Summer Travelers
^ c o n t i n u e d on Page 4)
Number 28
Prof. Harry J. Hager has Joined a large party composed of both clergymen and laymen who will make a tour of the Holy Land this summer under the auspices of the church touring guild. The party will sail from New York oh t h e steamship Majestic on June 4 and visit In addition to the Holy Land, Egypt, London, Paris, Constantinople, Greece, and-Italy. Arriving at Southampton, the tra\elers will spend four days In England, making an automobile tour of London, the Shakespeare country, and other places within easy reach of the capital. Four days will be spent in Paris, and t h e departure for Palestine will be made from Mar-
Seniors Receive Good Scholarships
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • •
May 13. Alethlan Banquet May 18 Addison Banquet May 21 Dorian Banquet May 27. Raven Oratorical ConMay 23 Emersonian Banquet test • May 28. Dlckenslan Banquet. May 30. Sybllllne Banquet. June 1. Cosmopolitan Banquet. J u n e 2. Sororsls Banquet. June 7. Exams. Begin. J u n e 9. Knickerbocker Banquet. J u n e 10. Delphi Banquet. June 11. Fraternal Banquet. June 12. Baccalaureate Services. J u n e 13. Prep. Commencement. J u n e 15. Annual Commencement.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • •
seilles on J u n e 21. (Continued on P a g e 4> -o-
DEAN OF WOMEN MOURNS DEATH OF ONLY SISTER While attending a Deans Conference at Ann Arbor, Mrs. Durfee was notified on Friday morning, of her
sister's death in New York. She left the conference and spent the weekend In New York, arriving home Monday evening. The sympathy of the students and faculty go out to her over her sudden loss. Her classes were suspended the three days of her absence.
Great Boost For Hope Eight scholarships and assistantships at other Institutions have been awarded to certain members of the present Senior class In various departments of advanced work. Nell Van Oostenberg has accepted the Regent Scholarship at the University of Michigan, valued at over four hundred dollars, arid expects to continue his study for an A. M. degree In mathematics. The science department has received five asslstantshlps and still others are pending. Betty Molr and Irvln Vander Jagt intend to take u p advanced work in Zoology in the Universities of Michigan and Iowa respectively. Continuing with higher courses in Chemistry, Lee De Pree will study at the University of II-
( C o n t i n u e d on P a g e 5) V-o The court ruling t h a t a girl may jilt a man and retain the ring ought to boost the business stores.
in the
Mr Henry Burggraafl hod charge oi the meeting and introduced the.. speakers. The flrst orator was Miss Grace McCarroll with an oration entitled "If We Gain the World"—deallug with materialism, and its effects In the world today. Miss Bertha Olgers on "Is it Nothing to You?", a plea against drugs was the second speaker. "Dyspepsia Dispelled" was the title of the oration in defense oi the present age by Miss Clarissa Poppen. The question of peace and world brotherhood was discussed by Miss Prlscilla Vermeer in 'Way Beyond the Prophets Ten." At this time the program was varied a little by a solo from our everpopular cellolst, Mr George La Mere. Miss Hazel Albers continued the oratory with "Abandoned Holes," a plea to look forward and act with a view to the f u t u r e instead of the past. "America's Future at Stake" discussing the child labor question was presented by Miss Anne Hyboer. Miss Eva Tysse closed the contest with her oration on man's search for life, entitled "Let My Soul Live." After a few tense moments the Judges, Miss Gibson, Miss Boyd, Ver Hulst, Lubbers and Hager rendered their decision giving third place to Miss Grace McCarroll, second to Miss Clarissa Poppen and flrst to Miss Hazel Albers, making her one of Hope's orators for 1928. We wish to congratulate all the contestants on the remarkably fine work which they did, and Hazel especially. She will ably represent us at Alma next year.
Professor Nykerk Attends Convention Held
Hope College was represented at the convention of the Michigan Authors Association, held recently at Ann Arbor, by Dr. J. B. Nykerk and Mrs Durfee « The members enjoyed a dinner meeting at the Michigan Union at Ann Arbor, presided over by Mr Arnold Mulder, of the class of 1907, who is President of the Michigan Authors Association. Music was furnished by Miss Geraldine Schlemmer, a soprano soloist of Ann Arbor. Two fine addresses were given, the flrst by Professor George Sprau of Western State Normal college of Kalamazoo, who took as his subject "The Literature of the Pedagogue"; and the other by Professor Herbert S. Mallory of the University of Michigan, who spoke on "The Creative Process." About seventy-five authors with their friends enjoyed this "feast of reason and flow of soul."
THE ANCHOR Subscription
Humor Per
J o h n Mulder Agnes Tysse, Lester Bossard
Department Editors Campus—Hazel Albers; Assistants, Grace Mc Carrol, William Hughes. Alumni—Margaret Hondelink. Sports—Leon Bosch. Exchange—Delia Helder Humor—Margaret Barlow, Norman Hatchman Business Staff Business Mgr.—Garry De Koning. Ass't Business Mgr.—Norris Van Duren Circulation Manager—Howard Sluy.ter; Assistant—William Heydorn Reporters Head Reporter—Harm Bloemers. Reporters—Eleanor Ver Wey. Russel Smith, Raymond Steketee, Ray Spoelstra
Do you like cynics? I do. They jolt you out of the ordinary accepted run of things and force you to exercise your mind. If they can arouse us from our mental lethargies, whether they convince o rnot, they have done some good. Cold water dashed into the face of a faint • person, shocks him into consciousness. So does a new, unfavorable, unthought of light on an old subject. It's a great pity t h a t our reactions are often changed to conform to everybody else's. We salve our consciences and drug the inquiring part of our mind by assuring ourselves that it is alright. The majority is always right. And along comes a person like H. L. Mencken who says the most shockingly pessimistic, growly things in the most jolting manner possible. B-if-r-r—what an old bear! But a bear's growl can shake the dreamiest person out of his lethargy, and negative criticism is often the growl that is needed to wake us up; to make us feel, weigh and find out whether a f t e r all that is the thing we believe. Better ponder the things we have so lazily accepted, and find out whether we are asleep. There are pleasanter forms of awakening than to have mind jolts, we agree, but some of us need the jolts. It is strange, isn't it, and rather discouraging, that in a world of so many people there should be so few individuals? And above all, the place where individuals should be developed is the college. Certainly the man who gets one jolt should not settle back into the same rut and wait for another. I am not advising everyone to become cynics. On the contrary. But I am advising the questioning attitude instead of the complacent acceptance of "what's right," because other people are doing or saying it. o
At one of the Rader meetings, two or three young men arose and started to leave Just before the collection
Editor-in-Chief Associate Editors
"All the world's a stage, and all the
The annual senior class play has again been presented with the popular acclaim of the public. The acting of the players had much to do with it's popularity, but it is quite obvious that the theme of "The Enemy" was equally telling in drawing crowds. World peace was the theme to which hearers were attracted. Scene after scene, of the great drama, depicted the awfulness of war. In revealing these scenes of the World War, the audience was not so much impressed by the fact that this struggle cost $188,000,000,000 in direct expense.. Rather, the public was impressed with the individual suffering experienced in warfare. Family circles, were broken; food became scarce; citizens suffer^ ed under the lash of the profiteer; the picked men of the nation were killed or permanently injured. These hardships constituted the basis of Channing Pollock's plea for world peace. Undoubtedly, the writer chose wisely in basing his appeal on those grounds. For, people are not so seriously affected by the material close of war. However, when individual hardships are pictured as dramatically as "The Enemy" portrays them, the average citizen is ready to veto war . Thus, public opinion is created which opposed war. It is then the creation of this public opinion which is the great common benefit derived from the presentation of such plays as "Th Eenemy." For, after all, it is only public opinion, which makes or breaks a war. Without realizing this, perhaps, earlier writers have helped to create a bellicose public sentiment. Today, public leaders seek to promote world peace by the publication of favorable literature. And, certainly, it is the duty of the American college to join hands with the leaders in this effort.Hope has shown an active willingness to support the movement by sponsoring "The Enemy". * Every student has a share in that international aim. The producduction of "The Enemy" should only be the beginning oi more effort toward the creation of a forceful public opinion through the production of favorable plays, orations and literature at Hope. '
was taken. Mr. Rader shouted to the usher t h a t the doors were to be locked and no one was to leave until after the collection had been received. The young men either did not hear him or chose to ignore him, and they proceeded on their way. Mr. Rader saw it was hopeless so he shouted, "let them out, they're on their way to hell," and the "sem' students went complacently on their way. o Kik: "What have you been doing in the bank?" Young Van Arendonk: "Starting an account." Kik: "A saving's account?" Y. V. A.: "No, spending account." o Polite Prosh: "You know you've changed since I saw you last."' Sweet One: "And how?
For better
or worse?" Polite Frosh: "My dear you could only change for the better." o Paul Van Ess: "I suppose t h a t you read Shakespeare?" Bill Beswick: "Oh yes, I read all of his stuff as soon as it comes out." o Cubby: "I want to buy a pencil." Brink: "Hard or soft?" Cub: "Hard, its for a stiff exam." o Short: "Can Billy come in for half price? He's only got one eye?" Weight: "You'll have to pay double. It takes him twice as long to see the show." "Not many people can do this,' said the magician as he turned his Ford into lamp post. o Nettinga: "What's the date today?" Russ S m i t h : "I don't know. Why don't you look at the newspaper you have in your pocket?" Nett: "That wont do any good. It's
conversed them with others, mainly scientists,
people in it merely players". Convention classes, actors and ac-
students. We do not claim to equal In any measure the latter in his
tresses among the loose and thoughtless of society. But it is noticed t h a t
field. Yet, we do claim t h a t
they are serious in their work. They may be careless and frivolous in their life away from their work, b u t they appear to be dead in earnest. I say appear for perhaps they do not enjoy t h e part they are playing b u t they successfully do their work, for little do we detect t h a t they are indifferent, Dr. Prank Crane in "The Actor's Prayer," causes the actor to say, "Can not an actor be God's Man? Can not I, whose business it is to play, be conscientious as those in authority or peril or solemn function?"
caij meet him upon better footing in his field t h a n he can us, in ours. To start with, we challenge
embryo minister or t)r. Welmers, himself, to present t h e array of subjects t h a t the scientific student offers for graduation. First, he m u s t and does have a reading knowledge of German or French. The pre-medic also knows a bit of Latin, Mathematics often extends to the calculus. Few of us get through without Shakespeare, Milton, or Browning. Then there is Psycho-
Ours, perhaps, may never be "a pu-
logy, Philosophy, History, even Bible,
sition of solemnity or of critical responsibility but we can play t h e man. As youth grows older day by day he
all piled on top of the coveted sci-
realizes more and more the t r u t h of the words of a certain man who said t h a t he who would do some great thing in this short life m u s t apply
ences, chemistry, physics and
biologies. We wonder how many of the embryo
ministers open
Browning after the mark is registered. And surely, it is more in their
himself to work with such a concentration of his forcea as to idle spectators, who live to amuse themselves,
line t h a n ours.
looks like insanity. Actors may live in a dream world, and it may be all right to dream. It is natural to build castles in the air. T h a t is where they should be, but our task is to put the foundations under them. Back of every Job is t h e thinke r — t h e dreamer. Wa want, however,
sics, mathematics and anatomy? How
more t h a n that—we want the dreamer who carries things through. We may then, be "merely players," insignifcant men and women thruout life, but we can at the same time play the part assigned to us and play it with a wholehearted zeal t h a t shall at least Inspire and thrill those with whom we have Immediate contact. o
The Forum The following paper was sent to The Anchor with a request for publication: SPECIALIZATION
Return to Hope's campus brought consternation and surprise t h a t the yesterdays paper." many rulings against science were seemingly based upon the fear t h a t Prof. Winter: "How would you dethe science student was becoming fine Premillennialism?" somewhat over-specialized. It is hard Egg Fell: "Very poorly, sir." for us to realize how such claims can exist or be taken seriously by supo Another Bedtime Story posedly educated and cultured inOnce upon a time two Scotchmen structors. Science has fought a winning tight made a bet. against the ideals of Matthew Arnold o for the past quarter of a century, and What Every Freshman Knows: It it is not hard to understand why the All. dogmas of education at Hope College o are harder to break down t h a n in t h e Newlywed: "Jack and I agree on one more progressive schools of the land. point; he doesn't think anything's too And yet there is no reason why scigood for me, and neither do 1.' ence's fight should not be a winning o one. It's ideals in education are far Madge: "The other day t h a t horhigher, and of far greater practical rid clerk spilled ice-cream on me." use, t h a n the time worn idea of Arnold, t h a t the main aim of eduKilley: "Sweet on you, eh?" cation Is to make men mix easily o with other men. Social aims are not "Have you ever waited while your the Ideals of science. Indeed it often girl went up to powder her nose? You forces upon the world such arrogant have? Wouldn't you hate to have a old fellows as Pasteur whose very nose t h a t long?" conceit and stubborness give to a n o unwilling world t h e modern science Jack Soeter: "There are something of bacteriology. Science aims to bring like 60,000,000 reasons why a man will greater happiness wealth, and peace never be able to understand the opto the world, not only by searching posite sex!" t r u t h In its own fields b u t by Bill T u t t : "Right! All of them are - carrying Its method of t h o u g h t Into all branches of learning and living. women." Only by knowing a thing to be true o and good through experience, fact "Isn't Mc Carrol, a wonderful brokand experiment can we be sure of en field runner? I wonder what prep it's fitness to become part of our school?" philosophy of life. "Someone said he was a Pedestrian." It Is useless to argue t h e relative o merits of science and the classics; A college boy walked into a drug nor can the latter be a point of a t store. "Gimme a bottle of liniment tack In this letter, for we do not even and a bottle of f u r n i t u r e polish." ^ know the range of subjects a classical "What in the world are you going education covers, except, t h a t it does to do with t h a t combination?" innot include science. quired the druggist. , What we can do is refute t h e "Well, my roomie has r h e u m a t i s m , charge made, t h a t science students in his legs and one of them is woodtend to narrowness. We can do this en." best by the example and knowledge o most known to us. T h a t is not corProf. Taylor says: The trouble with ceit, but a protest—an honest protraffic these days is t h a t too many test against being styled narrowcops take up all t h e room on the minded. The things we write are streets and leave none for t h e cars. things we know well because we have
To go on, how many can tell us of Leonardo de Vince, his geology, phymany know of Goethe and his contribution to humanity, t h r u his Wil? Ham Tell, read in German class? Science reveals more of the man and his greater mind. How many ever open a philosophy book for the pleasure of it—or can tell us of h u m a n psychology as we might tell them, of Thor, Wodin, Hector and Rolande? Then there Is Mansfield, Mayes, Nietsche, Shaw, Betrand Russel and many more t h a t a moment's reflection would call to mind. I repeat that these are a common knowledge amongst us. And yet you dub us narrow minded. Had you rather not look to the mote In your own eye? To your eight years of Greek and Latin and English without the knowledge of the commonest wood flower, the beauties t h a t lurk in the cross sections of tree or leaf, or the location of the principle organs of the body? If we are narrow-mind—pray, and you? Yet eighty generations since history began Is not long for any great change to take place. And yet can we never learn not to attempt the impossible—to trample down the student. Knowledge causes passion to burn hotter t h a n love and no decrees, will keep t h e students down. P. Van Beulow, '20 o
Exchanges **
The man had Just informed the Pullman agent what he wanted a Pullman berth. "Upper or lower?" asked the agent. "What's the difference?" asked the man. "A difference of fifty cents in this case," replied the agent. "The lower Is higher t h a n the upper. If you want it lower you 11 have to go higher. We sell the upper lower t h a n the lower. I n other words the higher the lower. Most ptople don't like the upper altho it is lower on account of its being higher. When you occupy an upper you have to get u p to go to bed and got down when you get up. You can have the lower if you pay higher. The upper is lower t h a n the lower, because it is higher. If you are willing to go higher It will be lower." But the poor man had fainted.—Ex. o The sun observed Morning Watch this morning at sunrise; what were you doing? • o Did You Know That You Have? A cap on your knee, A roof In your mouth, A drum In your ear, A calf In your leg, A bridge In your nose, A lock In your hair, A pupil in your eye, A blade in your shoulder, A crown on your head. A palm in your hand, and A bat in your belfry?
P a g e Thi
but Whitney was caught out on a popped bunt, and Howlett's fly was captured by Howard and Kazoo was
forced to take the field. Hope-Kazoo Alr-tlght ball, coupled with very effective pitching, marked Hope's win over the Kazoo college team, when Colo pitched his team to a 1 to 0 victory over the Barnard crew. Cole allowed but four scattered hits, and fanned 12 batters. Watson working on the mound for Kazoo pitched pood ball allowing only two hits, striking out 7 men, but he Issued four free trips to the plate, one of them developing Into" the lone tally of the game. Kazoo threatened in the second frame putting men on third and second with one out. ' Simmons fanned and Johnson was out on a high fly back of third and Kazoo's chances were shot Hope received a chance in the 4th whin De Groot doubled, and Howard walked .each advancing a base on a missed strike. Japlnga and Elenbaas fanned however, and Bovenkerk's grounder put Howard out on third. In the next frame Kazoo again threatened when Simmons singled, and Johnson reached first on an error. Each advanced a base, b u t Simmons was caught napping on third and was put out. Townsend walked.
With two out In the sixth Schrler doubled, stole third, but Lamb next up whiffed the air three times and Kazoo again went scoreless. Having gone no farther than third base and that only once. Hope came to bat In the eighth determined to stick one across. De Cook, first up. was walked, and on Cole's sacrifice, he gained second. On a wild heave ,of WaUon. De Cook reached third, with Klels batting. Leon promptly singled, scoring De Cook. De Groot fanned, and Klels stole second, and on a wild pitch thrown to Howard at bat. Klels gained third. Howard's attempt was a grounder fielded by the pitcher who
Hope's track team made Its initial appearance on the Kazoo track Friday afternoon. Though it was out-run In the track events It showed up creditably in the field events. It was the first n u e t of the season for both teams ai.J Kazoo showed remarkable strength In all events. We say w'thout hesitancy that when the M. I. A. A. meet takes places at Albion. Kazoo must be taken Into consideration for first place honors. In the track events Meengs In the 220 low hurdles was outstanding for Hope. He forced Hinkle of Kazoo all the way to the tape only to be defeated for first place by a few Inches.
Mecngs with more real track training should become outstanding In that event by the time he reaches his Sen-
Quality Shoe Repairing That's Our Business <^ Dick , , ihe Shoe Doctor
ior year. What has been said of Meengs also applies equally to Nauta and Wade In the broad Jump and pole vault respectively. Nauta meeting first class competition In his event was forced to accept a tie for first place with Hawkins who Is a three year man at track. Wade was paired with Hathaway \p the pole vault and Incldently It might be mentioned Hathaway Is the outstanding man of the Kalamazoo team. In the University of Michigan Indoor Carnival held this spring Hathaway was the victor In the event clearing the bar at twelve feet six inches. Wade not undaunted by the reputation already established by his rival went Into the meet to force the Kazoo man to the limit. Meeting
Electric Shoe Hospital D. Schaftenaar, Prop. Phone 532S 13 E. 8th St.
(Continued on last pa£fe>
threw him out at first. In the last frame Cole struck out four batters, the second having reached base however on a missed last strike. He stole second, and with two out. Lameraux. a pinch hitter, batted
Thursday, Friday, Saturday HOSIERY
only to be struck out. Hope's win was a mighty one as Kazoo was the favorite in M. I. A. A. circles, and this achievement makes things look pretty rosy for the Hope team, which played superb ball that
As You Like It.
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After putting up such an excellent brand of ball to win from tlie strong Kazoo College nine. Coach
Schouten took his swatters to East
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Lansing, and Orchard Lake to cross
LOO Toilet Water
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bats with the M. S. C. team and the St. Mary's squad. Both games were lost, the one with M. S. C. being dropped 8 to 5. while St. Mary'i won out 7-6 after an eleven Inning tussle.
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Call 2071 for Appointment
BEAUTY PARLOR In connection with the
Knowing t h a t competition adds zest to all the games of life, Hope this year offers to Interested students six prizes of $25 each for the best essays on various subjects given. Certain of these contests are open to all students and others are limited to only one class. The annual prizes are a part of several funds which have been deposited with the college and represent the gifts of those whose Interest lies in Hope and in her endeavors. The conterits are limited to certain general subjects, but each year a specific topic is announced. The contests with their topics are as follows: The George BirkhofT, Jr., English Prize—"John Ruskin." (Open to only Juniors) i The George BirkhofT, Jr., Dutch Prize—"Dr. A. Kuyper, Levenskeschiedenis." (Open to only Seniors) The Mrs. Samuel Sloan Foreign Mission Prize—"The educational work of the Reformed Church in America on Foreign Soil." The VanZwaluwenburg Domestic Missions Prize—"The Education of the Colored Population of the Southern States" The Daniel Steketee Bible Prize —"The Testimony of History to the Truth of Christianity." (Open to only Seniors) The Coopersville Men's Adult Bible Class Prize—"The Apostle Peter in History and Tradition.' (Open to only Sophomores) In addition to these annual College prizes, Hope students are also invited to compete in national university-college contests. A prize of $25000 will be awarded to the winner of an essay contest who submits the best laudation of the principles of Woodrow Wilson. A Cruise Around the World, including classroom lectures, estimated to cost $2500, will be the reward given to the writer of the best essay on one of the following subjects: "International Point of View in Education;" "The Contrast between Eastern and Western Civilization;" "The Influence of the West on the
On February 28, 1927, the Rev. Kumajiro Kimura passed away at his home In Tokyo, Japan,' at the age of 84. Mr Kimura was b o m on January 25, 1843, the second son of "Samurai" family. He was later adopted Into the family of a Professor Kimura of Tokyo and hence his name, Kimura. After a course ot primary study in Tokyo, he went to America and became a student of Hope College in 1871. He will still be remembered, together with Mr Ohgimi, as a genial young man with gentle mien, tho fierce moustache. * petted rather too much by some of the good people of Holland City. Mr Kimura was a member of the Fraternal Society of Hope College. In April 1872 he was baptized in Hope church by Dr Steele. He graduated from Hope Prep. Department in 1875, from College in 1879 and from New Brunswick, N. J., Seminary in 1882. After graduation he returned to his native land and entered the rank of ministers of the "Church of Christ in Japan." His religious activities were partly as pastor of several different churches and partly in Christian educational work for Japanese girls. For a short time. 190D1910, Rev. Kimura taught in our Girls' School. Ferris Seminary, at Yokohama. He was also instrumental in the establishment of tho Y. M. C. A. work in Tokyo. After a long spell of physical debility and illness, Rev. Kimura passed away leaving a wife and several sons and daughters. The funeral services took place at Pastor T a j I ma's church of the "Church of Christ in Japan." At the services, his brethren, in the ministry, bore strong testimony to the faithfulness, devotion and usefulness of their departed co-worker in the service of the Lord.
Delegates to the Particular Synod of Chicago which has been holding It's meeting in Winants chapel Joined with the student body in devotional exercises on Thursday morning of last week. The services were in charge of the Synod, Rev. Dykstra, D. D., President of the Synod, introduced the speakers; Rev. John Steunenberg, Vice President of the Synod, gave the address; Rev. Hioker read a part of the Scriptures; and 'Rev. J. H. Mulder offered prayer. Tho address of Rev. Steunenberg was on the subject, "A Life of Usefulness." He said that number of years did not determine the age of a person, but t h a t age depended upon the view of life assumed by each individual, whether that view was backward or forward. Having asked the question, "What is your life?", he proceeded to give certain characteristics of a life. It is short, and hence the years of service are few; It is full of mystery; it is valuable, for Calvary will always remain a monument to the value of a human soul; and it is uncertain, and because of t h a t fact he asked, "Have we passports for eternity?"
Snappy Shoes
(Continued from Page 1) (Continued from 1) After the voyage through the Mednot control themselves—many a one was seen wiping eyes. The thought of the play, pacifism, was brought out by Doctor Arndt, Theodore Luldens In ordinary life. Miss Ruth Hyma, as Mizzi Winckelman, played her part to perfection. Miss Lucile Cunnlnghan, a young pupil of the Fealy School of Dramatic Art and Public Speaking of Grand Rapids, acted as Kurt, the little son of Mizzi. She was very much like a little boy, and was well liked. The humor of the play came out of Baruska, the maid, otherwise Miss Marie De Cook. Margaret Fealy of the Fealy school, personally directed this four act play, and much credit should be given to her. It was due to her that such typical characters were chosen. And it was thru her methods and efforts that the play went off as smoothly as It did.
iterranean, arriving in Alexandria on June 26, the party will visit Carlo and the tomb of Tut-Ankh-Amen,
spend one afternoon
gazing at
pyramids an dthe sphinx. Jerusalem will be reached on June 28 and the following week will be spent In Constantinople.
that point the
Journey will be made by sea to Piraeus and Athens, thru the straits of Messina to Naples ,and thence back to Marseilles and Paris. The homeward voyage will be made from Cherbourg on July 27.
It Is reported
What a hardy race they were! Once Is all we moderns can do It.
Prompt Service
Holland Dry Cleaners Our Delivery Car is at Your Service 9 East Eighth St.
Telephone 5528
Only $21.75 for any two-piece Suit. Any three-piece Suit or Top Coat $25.75. Large selection all wool.
50 East 8th St.
Holland, Mich.
1100 Sheets, Steel Engraved, and Envelops ^ I n c l u d i n g New Steel Die Many Stylet a n d Color C o m b i n a t i o n s f r o m which t o Select
Van Vyven Music Store
College Ave.
Musician's Headquarters
Buy your Golf Knickers now. New Golf Sox f r o m $1.25 to $5.00. New Tweed Caps. A large selection of Neckwear., Extra trousers in light colors.
28 W . 8th St. •V
tTiQVETTE 0 L ' *rTEn hlUTlNQ (
JOHN J. RUTGERS CO. 19 West 8th St.
"The House off New Ideas"
^ p ^ c ^ D
andqeiljdur COMPUMtNTARY
Awaiting you at our stationery counter , . .free . . . with a one dollar purchase of Eaton, Crane & Pike's stationery—-a copy of the authoritative I
5 0 P a g e book,
" T H E E T I Q U E T T E OF L E T T E R W R I T I N G "
T h i s is the most modern book on the niceties of correct usage in social correspondence—a book you will wish to keep. T h e usual price is fifty cents . . . A most unusual offer, open only until May Fourteenth — while they last.
Greeks frequently committed suicide.
Quality Work
The Enterprise Shoe Store 210 River Ave.
! Strictly Tailor Made Spring Suits
A r e found a t
| Ladies' Hair Bobbing. Beauty Parlor in connection I | Phone 5978 |
BIRTHDAY CALENDAR Write birthday letters to your friends. May 2—Rev. James E. Moerdyke, '97, missionary in Ashar, Busrah, Mesopotamia. May 10—Rev. John Schaefer, '93, pastor of the Cromwell Center Reformed church, Everly, Iowa. May 15—Rev. Cornelius Vander Mel, '03, pastor of the Third Reformed Church of Albany, New York. May 15—Rev. Joseph Sizoo, 07, pastor of the New York Presbyterian church, Washington, District of Columbia. May 16—Rev. Henry W. Pyle, *21, pastor at Hollandale, Minnesota. May 17—Rev. Peter H. Pleune, '09, pastor of a Presbyterian Church at Louisville. Kentucky. May 18—Rev. John J. Van Strien, *14, pastor of the Fifth Street Reformed Church, Bayonne, New Jersey. May 20—Rev. Anno C. Dykema, *06, pastor of the Riverside Reformed Church, Patterson, New Jersey. May 21—Rev. Benjamin Bush, '06, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian church, Detroit, Mich. May 21—Miss Adriana G. Hammekool, '14, teacher in t h e Chicago Christian High School In Englewood. May 28—Mrs C. Lepeltak, nee Gladys Hoekje, Hope Prep. '22, pastor's wife in the Reformed Church at Spring Lake, Michigan.
East." This array of contests might well challenge some of the young "literati" of Hope College.
Columbia Cleaners i | Shoes
8 West 8th St. While-U-Wait
Suits Pressed
MODEL DRUG COMPANY 33-35 W e s t 8th St. We serve that delicious New Pep Drink
Grape-Vine Twist 5 CENTS A GLASS
CHICAGO SYNOD Mother's Day Topic Seminary Leader COMPLETES MEET Discussed At Y. W. Talks At Y. M. C. A. IMPORTANT
Meeting Worth-while
Discusses Holy Spirit
The girls left *¥" meeting in t h e Prep chapel Thursday evening feel, ing a greater love for their Mothers. They realized Just what a mother means to all. Dorothy Blekkink led the song service and Evelyn Steketee the Scripture reading. After an especially beautiful circle of sentence prayers, Ruth Dalman and Lois Dressel played a piano duet. Pearle Leenhouts discussed the value of Mothers and brought out t h a t we should show our appreciation for all t h a t they have done for us. "We should make every day of the year a reflection of our attitude on Mother's Day." She showed how easily we belittle the value of our mothers when we are always with them. I t is often t h a t we fall to appreciate their true worth until we are separated from them. '
The particular synod of Chicago of the Reformed Church In America has completed Its deliberations , after holding four afternoon and evening sessions at Winants Chapel, Hope College. About 130 churches are included in t h i s district which sent 60 delegates a t the call of Rev Thos. E. Welmers of Hope College. It was decided t h a t the 1928 stated session would be held in the First Reformed church of this city. A special program will be arranged to commemorate t h e denominations tercentenary, to be observed by the general and particular synods. The statistics submitted at Thursday's sessions showed Increases in all departments of church activity, with the exception of contributions for objects outside the denominational domain. Addresses were given by Rev. Seth Vanderwerf on domestic missions.
y e a r
a r o u n d
Ca" 5470
28 West 9th St.
- A N D -
32 West 8th St.
Victor and Brunswick Records i
Complete Line of advertised TOILET ARTICLES
MEYER MUSIC HOUSE 17 W. 8th St. Pianos and Victrolas rented at reasonable prices.
D M Mez Bros.
mers, Hope College The reunion on Friday evening was
Holland Photo Shop
featured with an address by Rev. Albertus Pleters of Western Theological Seminary, and t h e synodlcal sermon
Printed and Engraved Invitations |
by Rev. T. W. Mullenburg, South Holland, retiring president.
Special Prices to Students and College Societies.
Steketee-Van Huis Printing House|
Complete P r i n t i n g Service
9 East 10th St.
Phone 5908
Voorhees hall has once again been the scene of the annual festivities in celebration of Voorhees day. This day observes the birthday of Mrs. Eliz-
i !(
abeth R. Voorhees to whom we are greatly Indebted for the hall and after whom It was named. It Is commemorated in t h e first part of May of each
Keefer's Restaurant
Holland, Mich
Dired Mail Campaifm—Cftiilogs—Booklets - Folders—Commercui Printing - Engrafing
For Ladies and Gentlemen HOLLAND
W h y not send home a large picture of your last negative.
The Lacey Studio
year. Mrs. Durfee and the girls ot the college acted as hostesses to the party and ladles of Holland at the reception
from three to six o'clock. There were about 150 gathered at the hall In t h e
% A
course of the afternoon. The guests were received by the
P h o n e 5338
19 E. 8th St.
Dean ,the house president, t h e Y. W. C. A. president and the presidents of
HT H E H O U S E O F S E R V I C E ff
the various girls' societies. Then any of the girls were ready to show the
College Ave. and 6th St.
Inspection. Tea was served in t h e dining room with Mas. Nettinga and
chance of being entertained a t t h e college and of meeting t h e college girls. I t Is also an opportunity for
t h e
Rev. J o h n Steunenburg, Fulton, Illyr and stated clerk. Rev. Thos. E. Wel-
Mrs. Wayer presiding at the tea table. A group of girls served the various groups about the dining roorfi. The ladles of Holland enjoy this
it the—
newly elected president, presided. Other officers are: vice-president,
visitors through the building if they so desired. The society rooms as well as the rooms upstairs were open for
He related t h a t there are certain experiences in life from which we infer God. The flrst fact is the thirst for God, second a broken man may be helpful through the help of God, third everyone has a conviction of guilt, fourth we infer God In the conversion experience and the power to be made over, and the fifth fact is revelation.
Rev. John A. Dykstra of Grand Rapids,
The fact t h a t Nell Van Oostenberg has received the Regent Scholarship Is a special t r i u m p h for Hope since out of t h e eight colleges In Michigan the University awards b u t six scholarships. As long as the Regent Scholarship has been given Hope has never been without a representative, sometimes having even two. *
Roy Nattress and Bruno Bruns have both accepted scholarships at Whites Biblical Seminary of New York City. Each will receive five hundred dollars, half In cash and half as remuneration
Thursday evening's session was the decision given by t h e Muskegon classes approving or disapproving of a court ieclslon. Synod was In session from 7 p M. to 2:45 A. M. Friday morning.
llnols, Iman Schurman a t the University of Ohio, and Simon Dykshorn a t t h e University of Iowa. All of these asslstantshlps Involve a certain a m o u n t of assisting work in the laboratory.
sions, R e v - J o h n E. Kulzenga on Western Theological Seminary, and by C. Dosker of Grand Rapids on the pension f u n d . The main feature of
for services in the work of the Seminary, such as teaching Sunday Schools, leading outside mission stations, supervising playgrounds, and training Boy Scouts.
(Continued f r o m Page 1)
Boston Restaurant
Rev. W. J. Van Kersen on foreign mis-
Addressing the Y. M. on "The Work of the Holy Spirit," Dr. J. E. Kulzenga Tuesday night defined the term "Holy Spirit" as "God operating in us." He said there are three ways t h r u which we may know the Holy Spirit. The first is through direct knowledge as a man knows himself, the second through inferred kriowledge, and the third through revelation.
Phone 2465
Holland, Michigan
Green Mill Cafe Yes, T a s t y and G o o d ! CLEANLINESS, SERVICE, QUALITY
Green Mill Cafe
CHR1S KOR E ^ prietor
Do You Like Home Cooking? j T h i s Place Has It.
Quick Service — Prices Right.
Laughlin's Restaurant
A R 1 Cood Pl,ce ,0
Lunches Put Up to Take Out
the students to make a slight return for all t h e favors done them during the year. -oFlgure It Yourself.
No one has ever added up The value of a smile; We know how much a dollar's worth; And how much is a mile; . We know the distance to the sun, Tho size and weight of earth; But no one here can tell us juat Eow much a smile is worth. Mountaineer, Mt. Morris College.
The FIRST STATE BANK The Students Banking Home The Oldest and Largest STATE BANK In Ottawa County
Surplus and Profits
Resources over
4 Percent Interest on Time Deposits
(Continued from Page 3) him for thirteen hits, the Hope men h i t the Farmer hurler for ten safeties. The Hope twlrler went the whole route and gave a very good account of himself. Had the Hope nine been able to hit In the pinches .the Spartan team would have been defeated, for there were thirteen of our men left stranded on the bases during the game. Sharp fielding on the part of the State team accounted for this fact to a great extent. It was no disgrace to lose to t h a t nine, as they have large scores chalked up over Olivet, Albion ,and Adrian. In addition defeated the strong University of Virginia nine, and lost by a small margin to the University of Michigan Conference nine. The game at Orchard Lake was featured with a home run by De Groot ,the snappy Hope shortstop. Hope gathered ten hits, while the St. Mary's men found Tyje and Cole for eleven blngles. Tyje, another first year hurler, did good work for five Innings, and Hope was leading 5-3. Then he weakened, and Schou. ten sent In Cole. The latter was not up to his form' displayed against Kazoo ,but he held out until the end. St. Mary's brought across the winning r u n In the eleventh frame. Do Groot connected safely for one other hit besides the homer, while Klels, Elenbaas, and Howard also got two singles. Van Lente and Bovenkerk connected for one safety apiece, also.' None of these games are association affairs, so It did not alter the standing of the team. It did give the hurlers some excellent experience, however, and when Olivet and Albion are met In three games this week the result ot fhls experience will no doubt be evident. While dope Is not a safe guide In many cases. It Is not amiss to state t h a t Michigan State won over Albion 17-0 and Olivet 13-0 earler In the season. No doubt the games will be close .but with t h e team playing the ball it exhibited against Kazoo on the home lot last week. Hope will be way up in the win column after these association games are turned In this week.
The officers ot f h e Alumni Association of Hope College are very anxious to get a correct mailing list of all t h e graduates of ou rcollege. Therefore I would greatly appreciate any Information as to t h e present address of the following now unknown graduates. Please inform either myself or Prof. Klels. Miss Natalie Reed Mr .Joseph P. Mlllspaugh Mr. ArAmr J. Mlsner Miss Cornelia T. Ossewaarde Rev. A. Pfanstlehl. D. D. Mr. J o h n T. Tanls Mr. J o h n Tlllema Mr. Wilson A Vander Veere ^ Mr Jacob Van Halteren Mr. J o h n A. Van Zoeren Mrs. Myron Broekema Mr. Jacob L. Wlerda Mr. Tunis Baker Mr. Herman Juistema Rev. William Bruins Prof. G. P. D. Do Jong Mr. Raymond Docksen Rev. E. R. Krulzenga Mr. William N. Birchby Mr. Harold R. Oilman Prof. Albert E. Lampen. Sec'y. Alumni Ass'n.
Prlsclla Ver Meer and R u t h Kennell spent the week end In Grand Rapids at Marian Slekman's home. Ina DeCracker had a wonderful surprise awaiting her In Kalamazoo. Her father and mother, way from New York, were there. Many took advantage of Arbor day. Some caught up on their lost sleep, qthers went home .and a few went fishing. This was all quite evident from chapel attendance t h a t m o r n . Ing. "Aunt" Milly and "Aunt" r'lorence had their little nephew and sister. Mrs. Slmms from Wisconsin at the Dorm for the week-end. What was all the excitement
mall in the dorm last Friday?
Addisonian bids came out. Last week, the girls In the dorm were busy rummaging thru
t r u n k s and closets. You see they also contributed clothes to the flood sufferers.
(Continued from page I») strong competition
Pictures of four of Hope's students
the other
Kazoo entrants Wade came out of the tussle with a second place ribbon and at the same time the first Hope man to break Into t h a t scoring column. Popma tied for third with Mahoney and Dorstlewltz, Hathaway's teammates In t h a t event. The next In fact the only Hope man to break Into the second place scoring column was Dykshorn In the hlgU Jump . He tied for second place with Watson . We are sorry t h a t Dyke is a senior and t h a t we will be losing him this year. If we had him another year we would be sure of a point scorer In t h a t event. The outstanding thing about the meet was the experience gained by the Hope men. Going out for the sport not only to work for their school but als6 for the pleasure of tho sport, they have showed remarkable results in so short a time. Working out their problems by themselves
they did not flinch when placed against t h e strongest of competition. In the near f u t u r e the team will travel to Olivet to engage the tracksters of t h a t school. With t h e experience of t h i s meet we look for a wonderful record from our men. The school has In Its track men some wonderful material and like all plants t h a t are Just beginning to sprout It will need t h e utmost of care In cultivating.
As Rome was not built in a
day neither will our track team startle t h e world this season, but If they can receive t h e right attention and training necessary for such a sport t h « ^ will bring to the school as much If not more credit than t h e team of 1916. Editor's Note—It was in 1910
the University of Michigan Inaugurated the Indoor Carnival. Hope sending two representatives to t h e meet returned the victors In t h e 100 yard dash and the 880 yard r u n .
Hester Ossewaarde went to Coopersville last Saturday.
We wonder why
"Heinle" Bovenkerk was there, also! Many Hope alumni attended
Hoekstra's Ice Cream
Enemy."—Harriet Vanden Bush. Sarah
Fred ricks. Carol van Hartesveldt, Edna Reeverts. Adrian Zwemer and Leona
are to appear In "The Forensic." a magazine Interested in oratory and debating .together with the other victors of the Lansing convention of the PI Kappa Delta society. Each Hope representative who entered any one of the contest stherefore will receive this recognition of their special merit and ability. This honor Is given to each contestant who has succeeded In gaining a place .so that the entire Hope delegation will be Included. The orators
P h o n e 2212
65 Kast 8th St.
Largest Stock \ Best Goods | Lowest Prices |
are Russel Damstra and Sandrene Schutt. winning first and second places respectively. John Mulder and William Tuttle are the debaters who
$2.25 to $5.00
j Large selection of Broadcloth and Rayon Silk | ( neckband or collar attached style. White Gold j I Filled Culf Links Free with all orders over $5.00 f
SIMON VEEN Phone 2908
120 E. 8lh St.
won second place.
r i
Artie Ice Cream I
| Johnson Candies I
Fresh Every Day
Three experienced Barbers. Hair Mobbing a specialty
Try us for your watch repairing. We are in a i j position to give you the finest service at mode- | 1 rate price. All our work absolutely guaranteed. |
P H O N E 3499
23 Eas Eighth St.
> Opposite Warm Friend Tavern
Holland Boot Shop |
1 &
Shoes and Hosiery To Satisfy Us, Our Shoes Must Satisfy You JAMES BORR.
t r-r s * f ***
25th Anniversary |
Hope College Students
232 River Ave.
Opp PostOflice
Are always welcome in our store.
B. & M. S H O E S T O R E
Hosiery f o r Women j
Warm Friend Tavern
Various Weights of Our Numbers at Interesting Prices •VH
No. 1215 is a fiber h o s e — o f u n u s ually excellent quality and pleasing a p p e a r a n c e . T h e best hose you can buy at this price. P a i r 49c
No. 445 — f u l l - f a s h i o n e d hose of silk with a t h r e a d of fiber to give it greater durability. H u n d r e d s of w o m e n are finding this n u m b e r highly s a t i s f a c t o r y . P a i r 98c 4 4 9 — a p u r e silk f u l l - f a s h i o n e d
hose of re?.l quality. T h e n a r r o w m e r c e r i z e d top adds to the s a t i s f a c tion in this hose. All the p o p u l a r colors. P a i r $1.49 No. 447 and 455 — o u r all silk hose. No. 447 is the ideal w e i g h t f o r g e n e r a l w e a r and 455 is a sheer chiffon w e i g h t of b e a u t i f u l quality. Good selection of colors. P a i r . . » • .$1-49
Two Tennis Bails with each Tennis Racket.
One of the most up-to-date Confectionery Stores in Western Michigan. Specialties: Fancy Sundaes, Ma'ted Milks, Hot Fudge Sundaes and' also J Vinson's Famous Chocolates.
Across from Warm Friend Tavern
Lunches at Cozy Inn Next to J.
,i /vAr/av wmt ISS1IWWN-
enney Co
VanTongeren's |
Try our Waffles, Ice Cream, Cigars and Candies. High Grade Bulk and Box Candies. I