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May 10, 1957

Hope College — Holland, Michigan


MAY DAY IN FULL SWING AT 10 A.M. Winter Represents Hope at Interstate Oratorical Contest

LOIS THOMS ACCEPTED AT U. OF EDINBURGH Lois Thorns has recently received her acceptance to study physiology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. This course of study will equal one year's credit a t Hope and will include histology and biochemistry. In addition, Lois expects to take either social anthropology or psychology. Definite a r r a n g e m e n t s concerning her transportation and living quarters have not been made as yet. Many students have been inquiring about the nature of this school. The University of Edinburgh is best noted f o r its courses in science and medicine. Its classes are not run on the compulsory system. A p r o g r a m of three subjects comprises the maximum load, and the cost is about the same as or less t h a n attending Hope f o r one year.


Miss Lois Thorns


A program of ensemble music will be given in the music building auditorium on Thursday, May 23, at 8:15 P.M. Two piano duo teams The second of the piano recitals f r o m Miss J a n t i n a Holleman's given by students f r o m t h e class piano ensemble class will perform, of Mr. Anthony Kooiker will be along with two ensembles, string presented on Wednesday, May 22, and woodwind, f r o m the class of in the music building auditorium Dr. Morette Rider. a t 8:30 P.M. The first piano team, Lois Thoms Marianne Wildschut, E d n a Holand Judith Mulder, will play the lander, Mary Lou Pierson, Ruth "Children's Suite" by Pinto, and Moore and Ruth W r i g h t are the "Minuet" and "Gavotte" by Saintpianists who will participate in the Saens. Margo Gotte and Evelyn program. The first group of numbers, to Carter, the second team, will prebe played by Miss Wildschut, will sent "Theme and Variations" by consist of "Prelude and F u g u e in Saint-Saens, and " J u b a Dance" by C Minor" by Bach, "Etude, Op. 10, Dett. No. 12" ("Revolutionary") by The members of the s t r i n g enChopin, and "Minstrels" by De- semble, J e a n Kroman, Lois Griffes, bussy. Zoe Gideon and Bob Ritsema, will Miss Hollander will present the Beethoven "Sonata in D Minor, Op. present a string quartet by Hinde3, No. 2" ("The T e m p e s t " ) . Next, mith. A Beethoven Quartet f o r a group of Debussy Preludes woodwinds will be played by Har-"Danseuses de Delphes", "General old Ritsema, T e r r y Zylman, Charles Lavine — Eccentric", Des pas sur Lindahl, Sheryl Normington and la neige", "Ce qu'a vu le vent Mary Lou Pierson. d'Ouest", will be played by Miss Pierson. Miss Moore will p e r f o r m the f o u r movements of the Beethoven "Sonata in A Flat Major, Op. 110". The final group will be given by Miss Wright, and will include the Chopin "Etude, Op. 10, No. 8", "Down in the Valley" a F e a t u r e "Oiseaux Tristes" by Ravel and of Tulip Time Liszt's " H u n g a r i a n Rhapsody No. "Down in the Valley", an opera 11". by the contemporary American composer, K u r t Weill, with libretto by Arnold Sundgaard, will be presented as a f e a t u r e of Tulip Time by the d r a m a and music departA.S.A. Hurdles Tradition — m e n t s of Hope College. The perChooses First Insignia formances are scheduled f o r WedASA h a s adopted a coat of arms, nesday evening. May 15, a t 8:15 which, in the f r e s h m a n colors of P.M. and F r i d a y afternoon. May green and white, represents the 17, a t 3:00 P.M. in the Civic Cen purposes of the organization. The t e r . Neil P e t t y , tenor, sings the p a r t coat of a r m s is built upon the anchor of Hope and represents of Brack Weaver, while Marianne friendship t h r o u g h the symbol of Hageman, soprano, is cast as Jenclasped hands. F a i t h is represented nie Parsons, his sweetheart. Harley by the cross. Also appearing on Brown, baritone, is singing the William t h e emblem are the greek letters role of the n a r r a t o r . f o r Alpha Sigma Alpha. The coat Brookstra, bass, Iowa, plays the of a r m s was drawn by B a r b a r a villain, and P e t e r de Moya, h a s Martin and is based upon the the speaking role of Mr. Parsons, Jennie's f a t h e r . words of the A S A song. The theme of "Down in the The sorority will adopt its official emblem with a dedication service Valley" can best be described as a t its meeting of M^y 17. A minia- an old-fashioned melodrama with t u r e coat of a r m s HI? H a p p e a r on t r a g i c variations on the basic plot. I t unfolds in a series of flashbacks t h e programs.

Kooiker's Pianists Present May Music


Sports Activities To Be Followed By Coronation

The most festive occasion of the school year has arrived. May Day, 1957. Activities begin at forenoon today with the women's competitive sports events between classes. In the afternoon, the men t a k e to the field in i n t e r f r a t e r n i t y competition. Both events take place a t the 22nd Street field. Screening and practice has taken place before the events actually occur. The men held their time trials Wednesday, May 8, a t the 22nd Street field. The women were more informal, using their dormitory halls to hold time trials. At 5:00 in Pine Grove, the Freshmen girls form the traditional Daisy Chain to prepare a path f o r "The Forensic" Publishes the retiring Queen, Ethelanne PeelArticle by Dr. Schrier en. Chairman Betty Burnett reThe latest issue of The Forensic, ports t h a t the Daisy Chain will the Pi K a p p a Delta national f r a - proceed f r o m the gym this y e a r ternity magazine, contains an arti- r a t h e r than f r o m the chapel as was cle entitled "Intercollegiate Debat- the case in 1956. ing and Citizenship" written by Dr. Tension mounts as the new memWilliam Schrier of this campus. bers of Alcor, the Women's Honor Dr. Schrier delivered this address Society, are tapped. They a r e to the Grand F o r k s Kiwanis Club chosen on the basis of service, Wednesday, November 22, 1953. A leadership, scholarship, and character. letter f r o m Dr. Schrier to the ediThe supreme moment arrives as tor explains his reason f o r presentthe 1957 May Day Queen is esing this article to the readers of corted to the throne by retiring The Forensic. Wrote Dr. Schrier: Student Council President, David "I w e n t through my voluminous Van Eenenaam. Although the elecW O M E N APPROVE NEW files recently and ran into a speech tion of May Day Queen and her SORORITY PROPOSED BY I had delivered as long ago as court were held early this year. PAN-HEL BOARD November 22, 1933. As I indulged Chairman Burnett r e p o r t s t h a t the At a recent meeting of the upper in the doubtful luxury of spending ballots were locked in a vault and class sorority women, a plan f o r time reading it, the thought did counted shortly before the May the organization of a new sorority occur to me t h a t the point made Day celebration. to be effective next fall, as proIn addition to these events, the in defense of intercollegiate deposed by the Pan-Hellenic Board, bating and citizenship were as Jack Schouten Medals will be was approved. awarded to this year's winners a t This year has been one of ex- relevant today as twenty-three the annual May Day Banquet, held tensive study and discussion of the years ago." in the J u l i a n a Room tonight. Ann sorority conditions on our campus Bloodgood, President of Alcor, will by the Board. Because of the inannounce the name of t h e sophoevitable growth of Hope College, more girl who will be the recipient already being f e l t by the sororities of the Alcor scholarship f o r 1957and the women's dormitories, the 1958. need was seen f o r planning ahead. The annual Student Council ReCharley Byrd's Orchestra will The plan calls f o r the drawing t r e a t will be held again a t Castle play at the May Day P a r t y followof the charter membership of the P a r k on May 20. This event pro- ing the banquet, "Lilac Lane". On new sorority f r o m the present these lilac strewn paths falls t h e F r e s h m a n class. The effectiveness vides a time f o r old and new councurtain of another memorable May of the plan depends upon the ap- cil members and f o r school leaders and faculty members to get better Day — May Day, 1957. proval of the F r e s h m a n girls. It was twenty-one y e a r s ago acquainted with each other, the t h a t Dr. Elizabeth Lichty, then problems of their school, and the Dean of Women, introduced t h e workings of their student council. May Day celebration to our campThe discussion groups in the us. a f t e r n o o n will consist of "Our State and National Affiliations — GOUWENS, LEIGHLY, describing the execution of the NSA and MACSC", led by Dick hero. Brack Weaver, who has killed Brown; "Evaluation of Our Con- VANDERBORGH PREXY the villain, Thomas Bouche, in a stitution", Dave Van E e n e n a a m ; WOMEN'S SOCIETIES quarrel. Both Brack and Bouche " U n d e r s t a n d i n g O u r Committee Hope women met in t h e chapel are in love with Jennie P a r s o n s System", Bob Lesniak; and "Proa t 5:00 P.M. Wednesday, May 1, whose f a t h e r is anxious f o r her to posed Improvement f o r Campus to elect t h e i r governing body f o r m a r r y Bouche because of the lat- Life", Aileen McGoldrick. Reports the women's organizations on t e r s financial potential. During t h e will be made on the results of campus. House Board, Women's course of the opera, a n a r r a t o r ex- these discussions. Athletic Association, and Women's plains the various details of the A f t e r a picnic dinner, the in- Activities League had each preplot. a u g u r a l and exaugural reports will pared a slate of eligible nominees.

Representing Hope College a t Michigan State University, Robert Winter was awarded first place in the eastern division of the Inters t a t e Oratorical Contest. The title of his oration was "A Senior Looks a t Education." The contest of the I n t e r s t a t e Oratorical Association is divided into f o u r sections — the E a s t e r n and Western Men's and Women's Divisional Contest. Included in the E a s t e r n Division are Illinois, Ohio, Mississippi, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, and Indiana. This organization which is bebelieved to have held the first intercollegiate contest in the United States was premanently organized a t a meeting held in Chicago, J u n e 9, 1874. The competition a t this level is keen and of the eighty-two first and second place winners between 1874 and 1915, twenty-five a p p e a r listed in "Who's Who in America".

S.C. Plans Fest at Castle Park

Music and Drama Depts. Stage Tulip Time Operetta


Much of the music of the work is based on American folk tunes, particularly those originating in the locale of the opera, t h e southern mountains of t h e United States. Among the melodies a r e "Down in the Valley" t h e title song; " H o p Up, My Ladies", "The Little Black Train", and "Sourwood Mountain." Although t h e opera is in one act, clever use is m a d e of lighting and movable scenery so t h a t scenes change without curtain i n t e r r u p tions. Participating in t h e opera a r e members of the Hope College Orchestra, Symphonette, and Chapel Choir.

be made by the incoming and the r e t i r i n g presidents. The Retreat is under the cochairmanship of Diane Sluyter and Bert Swanson. Roger Garvelink is in charge of transportation, and Carol Hondorp is in charge of the food committee.

OOPS! WE'RE SORRY The Anchor r e g r e t s the omission of two members named to the Blue Key Honor F r a t e r n i t y on Wednesday, April Robert







added to the list.

and be

The results were determined by secret ballot. House Board's new President is J a n e Gouwens; Vice-President, Darlene Elzinga; Secretary, Ruth Laning; T r e a s u r e r , Carol Hondorp. The new officers elected to represent W A A next y e a r a r e Joyce Leighley, President; M a r y K a y Diephuis, Vice-President; Sandy Dressel, S e c r e t a r y - T r e a s u r e r ; Winona Keizer, Point Recorder; and J a n e t Owen, Publicity Chairman. Elected to Women's Activities League a r e President, Virginia Vanderborgh; Vice P r e s i d e n t , Sheryl Y n t e m a ; Secretary, N i n a Mih; T r e a s u r e r , Carol Nieuwsma.

Page Two



HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Member Associated Collegiate Press


Published bi-weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $1.00 per school year to non-student subscribers. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-Chief Virginia Vanderborgh Assistant Editor David Spaan Managing Editor Frederick Brown News Editor Jane Gouwens Feature Editor Lynn Van't Hof Society Editors Joyce Leighley, Henry Doele Sports Editors June Short, Bob Van Wart Copy Editor Sally Schneider Make-Up Editors Darlene Elzinga, Janice Peck Rewrite Editors Mary Anne Vollink, William Means Art and Photography Editor John Heins Proofreader Mary Alice Ferguson



ANCHOR ANNOUNCES SHUTTERBUGS CONTEST Rules: 1. All entries must be submitted to John Heins, Photography Editor or placed in the ANCHOR mailbox in Van Raalte Hall, not later than Friday, May 17, 1957. 2. Entries may be any size black and white glossy print. 3. They must carry an attached paper bearing the identification of the photographer, full name, age, college class, address. 4. Contest is limited to Hope college students and faculty. 5. Photographs will be judged on subject, contrast, composition, etc. Decision of the judges is final. 6. Winning photos will be published in the May 24, literary issue of the ANCHOR. First prize — $5.00.

Dr. Carl Nemeth

Letter To The

BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager Advertising Managers Circulation Managers Bookkeeping Manager

Fredric R. Birdsall Charles Hesselink, Ronald Lokhorst Gardner Kissack, Arthur Martin To the Editor: I would like to express my apJohn Fragale preciation to all the foreign students who made International Night a very enjoyable evening. Without their co-operation such a project which seeks to help the campus become more acquainted with students from abroad and gain an appreciation of other culJTe believe that a college newspaper should be three things: an tures would be impossible. Also, a objective reporter of the news, a stimulator of student thought, and a special thank you is extended to means for the expression of student and faculty opinion on controversial the members of Alcor and all those subjects. To the latter end, we invite letters to the editor, which we will who assisted on their committees print if the letter does not violate good taste and if space permits. and in particular capacities. Needless to say, the thoughts expressed in such letters can reflect only Very truly yours, the views of the author, and cannot be supposed to be representative of Lois Hoeksema the opinions of either the staff of the Anchor or the student body as a International Night Chairman whole. Signed editorials may be considered expressions of staff opinion,

Anchor Policy

and we invite disagreement with them. We are not trying to force our opinions on anyone. As we see it, our one editorial mission is to cause our readers to think about what we say.

Summer Well Spent American students in Europe are no rarity these days. There are countless opportunities abroad for college people at reasonable rates. These involve a variety of systems; junior year in Europe, summer study and travel, post-grad study. One of our professors has given this project his consideration. More than this, he has contacted resources and made possible the summer European tour and study for Hope students, with an extension at the University of Vienna. The number of students who have been taking part in this program is his gratifying reward.

Austrian Profs Mea n Study-Not Just Fun At Vienna University

Note: In the past two weeks the ANCHOR has received a bevy oj anonymous letters and other comments, commenting both pro and con on particularly controversial campus activities. Once again, we must quote from ANCHOR policy, which states, 'We invite letters to the editor, which we will print if the letter does not violate good taste and ij space permits." However, these letters must be validated by the writer s signature. Due to space limitations, letters should be concise and will be accepted first from Hope students and I acuity. —Ed.

Outstanding scholars will augment the Hope College faculty in Vienna Dr. Carl Nemeth, 31 years old, with a doctorate in musicology from the University of Vienna, will teach the course in Music Literature of the Classic and Romantic Period. Mrs. Esther Snow of the Hope College faculty will assist him in the planning, testing and grading for the course. Dr. Nemeth is the author of numerous articles and book reviews and has been very active as a music critic. He published the German translation of Dika Newlin's book Bruckner-Mahler-Schoenberg and has just completed a book on the Austrian composer Franz Schmidt. Dr. Nemeth also has considerable experience as an active musician. He served as Assistant conductor for the Vienna Tonkuenstler Orchestra, as guest conductor of the Municipal Theater in Fiume, Yugoslavia, and as choir director in Vienna. Since 1953 he has been associated with the University of Vienna and the Institute for European Studies, where he lectures in English. Dr. Richard Sickinger is also 31 years old, and received his doctorate in modern history from the

University of Vienna in 1951. He will teach the course in the History of Europe since 1918 and will coordinate the material various visiting experts or statesmen may present in their lectures. Dr. Paul Fried of the Hope College faculty will also take part in the planning, testing, and grading for the course. Upon completion of his graduate training Dr. Sickinger was assigned to a research project in the field of Austrian political history which was followed by a Fulbright award for study and research in the United States. During 19531954 Dr. Sickinger worked at Yale University and in Washington, D. C., on a history of the U.S. Civil Service. The following year he was chosen to represent Austria at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium where he did post-graduate work in the field of interEuropean diplomatic history. Since 1955 Dr. Sickinger has been on the editorial staff of Historical Abstracts and a member of the faculty of the Institute of European Studies. Plans f o r the study-tour through western Europe, which will precede the summer session, as well as f o r the many other technical details connected with the Hope College Summer School project were worked out by Dr. Fried in close cooperation with Mr. Paul F. Koutny, the director of the Institute f o r European Studies. Mr. Koutny is a brilliant young Austrian who, while still an exchange student in the United States, conceived the idea of providing an opportunity f o r American undergraduate students to spend a year in Vienna, studying European art, music, history, literature and philosophy. The result was the establishment of the Institute of Eureopean Studies, affiliated with the University of Vienna, where specially selected professors of the University deliver the lectures in their field in English.


Whatever knowledge or experience is gleaned from a summer's study abroad is certain to benefit not only the student participant himself, but also the student body to which he returns. As a result of last summer's tour, the travelers have taken a more active interest MUSIC IS OUT - SIDE! in the language clubs, providing a really good program of activities The Hope College Band will preand stimulating interest. sent an outdoor concert on WedThis year's program includes a large study area in history. Art nesday, May 22, during fourth and music will be studied in the original settings. This area is a hour. The Pine Grove performance definate improvement and should prove very beneficial to students will feature five student conductors. Harold Ritsema, Robert Ritsema, interested in the fine arts. Charles Lindahl, Jean Kromann Evidence of the popularity of this program may be seen in the and Calvin Langejans are the stufact t h a t thirty students have signed passports for this summer's trip dents who will be demonstrating with Dr. Fried. Besides study, at the university with professors from their talents as band directors in Vienna as well as those accompanying the group from Hope, Mrs. Snow this years concert. and Dr. Fried, (see col. 3 & 4), the trip includes tours of Germany, the Netherlands, England, Switzerland and a short stay in Paris. Planning has been done will in advance of June 10, sailing date. The • • • • • • • • • • • students have had adequate preparation to provide a good background and should be able to appreciate the full value of all that they HEARTHSIDE — encounter. • , — HANDCRAFTS

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Spring Parties Take Spotlight Under New Fraternity Officers With the semester f a s t approching a close the f r a t e r n i t i e s are winding up their many activities with the election of third term officers and spring parties.

W a r r e n Kane; and Treasurer, Paul Elzinga. May 25 is the date f o r the Cosmos spring party. T he party will be held at White Pigeon Lake. Emersonian's slate of officers John Ten P a s is general chairman. The Arkies are going to have a r e : President, John Hamelink; Veep, John Van I warden; Secre- their spring p a r t y at Prospect t a r y , Burt Cooper; Sergeant-at- Point, Spring Lake, May 25. Roger Arms, A1 Grube; and Treasurer, Garvelink and Chuck Vanden Berg are co-chairmen. Roger Roelofs. Third term officers of the Arkies John F r a g a l e was the chairman of the Emersonian spring party, are President, Nate Vander W e r f ; t h a t was held S a t u r d a y , May 4, at Veep, Bob Verduin; Secretary, Mike Van Dornik; Treasurer, Paul the Whitehall Country Club. F r a t e r n a l ' s informal will be held K r a g t ; and Alumni Secretary, Ken May 31, at Castle Park. Tom Kole. Knickerbockers had their Spring Lewis and Fred Leaske are coP a r t y May 4, at Prospect Point, chairman. F r a t e r officers f o r the third Spring Lake. Dick Bennett was t e r m are Dave Van Eenenaam, general chairman. President; L a r r y Lup, Vice Presid e n t ; Randy Baar, Secretary; Henry Doele, Corresponding Secret a r y ; John De Fouw, T r e a s u r e r ; and Tom Lewis, Keeper of the Archives. John De Vries is the President of the Cosmos f o r the remaining p a r t f o r the year. Other officers a r e Veep, Ted Bechtel; Secretary,

Third term officers f o r the Knicks are L a r r y Siedentop, President; Mike Brummel, Vice President; Bob De Forrest, Secretary; Bob Vander Lugt, T r e a s u r e r ; and Dick Bennett, Corresponding Secretary.


Sand and sea provide an ideal s e t t i n g f o r t h a t much needed " b r e a k " f r o m study. Throw in a strictly a m a t e u r g a m e of Softball in the sand, a couple of weiners The Hope College Chapel Choir, with all the trimmings, and an ununder the direction of Dr. Robert forgetable ride in a Holland F u r Cavanaugh, will present its home nace limousine, and . . . well, if concert on Sunday, May 19 a t 3:00 you don't know by now, you've p.m. in the Hope Memorial Chapel. missed all the f u n ! The p ro g r a m will be the same as This was the annual Y Beach t h a t which was performed on the P a r t y , held a t Ottawa Beach on recent t o u r of the Midwest. The Tuesday, April 30, in place of the Women's Choir and Men's Choir r e g u l a r Y meeting. Attended by will also p e r f o r m . Officers of the nearly a hundred students, the Choir are Bill Vander Yacht, evening ended with a song f e s t led President; Ann Bloodgood, Vice by Len Rowell and an impressive President; A n i t a Van Lente, Secredevotional period, as the setting t a r y ; Mary Lou Van E s and Stan sun reflected its path in the water. H a r r i n g t o n , T r e a s u r e r s ; and DoroE v e r y p a r t y has its mishap, and thy Hesselink and N a t h a n Vander the Y is no exception! A potential W e r f , Business Managers. " p r o " hit a long drive into left field, scoring a homer f o r his team #,• ».• »,• #.• • • «• #.• # • »,»«• #• #.• ».• • • *.* ».• # • • • # • «• • . •# «v •» «v • • •• •« •'« •# %« *• «> »• •• and bringing one run in. However, l e f t field — you guessed it — w a s Lake Michigan! One minute and DIAMONDS two wet f e e t later, the game ended with a soggy Softball. There was WATCHES no evidence of dampened spirits or cold feet, however, as the truckSILVERWARE load of enthusiastic students faced the reality of returning to the grind. Lusty strains of college favorites accompanied the g r o u p until they disembarked a t Durfee JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Hall.

Chapel Choir Sings Here

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Page Three


week's vacation f r o m lectures. Combining business with pleasure he visited his d a u g h t e r in F t . Lauderdale, attended the convention in Miami, and came back with a beautiful tan.

On the Social Side Sororities Terminate Season with House Parties A.S.A. A.S.A. has planned a busy month of activities to conclude its y e a r together as the f r e s h m e n girls' society. The informal p a r t y , "Dixie Daze" will be held on May 11th a t Prospect Point. Co-chairmen are Ardith Brower and Sue Kirkwood. Special p r o g r a m s have b e e n planned f o r the remaining sorority meetings. Karen Damson is organizing a talent show to be presented on May 17th. The final A.S.A. meeting of the y e a r will be a style show on May 24th. DELPHI Last Friday night Delphi paid homage to the senior class at the farewell house p a r t y held on Lake Michigan. Games, music, skits and r e f r e s h m e n t s helped the night to pass quickly. A look toward the f u t u r e was evidenced by the election of officers f o r the next school year. The meeting was turned over to Joyce Leighley, the newly elected President. J a n e Gouwens was then selected as Vice-President, Lynn Van't Hof was chosen to keep notes on all Delphi's happenings as Secretary, and Ruth Voss was elected to the responsible job of T r e a s u r e r . Carolyn Scholten was elected Keeper of t h e Archives. Delphis and their dates will attend "Cinderalla's Ball" tomorrow night. May 11th at the Rowe Palace. Harold Cooper and Band will render royal music f o r the formal party. Janice Peck is general chairman and is responsible for seeing t h a t everyone is home before the clock strikes t h a t magic hour. DORIAN Dorians will conclude their y e a r ' s activities a t the informal p a r t y "Oriental Overtones? .on May 17th a t Prospect Point. The Hope College Collegians will play "overtones" f o r dancing. Anita Van Lente is chairman f o r the p a r t y . Following the informal party, Dorian will hold its house party.


Kleinheksel instructing Chem. Students — p h o t o by Ambellos

Kleinheksel Sees Science Potential

These conventions, b i a n n u a l meetings of the American Chemical Society, have become increasingly important. This spring there were nearly six thousand delegates — chemists and chemical engineers f r o m all over the United S t a t e s and even abroad. Twenty hotels were involved and over fourteen hundred papers were given. N a t urally unable to hear them all. Dr. Kleinheksel chose to hear only those papers which were about inorganic chemistry, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and chemical education.

The p a p e r he found most interesting was given by Dr. Seaborg To the many who climb those f r o m the University of California four flights of stairs to the a r t on the t r a n s u r a n i u m elements. Dr. room, or to a P&M production, or Seaborg is nationally known f o r to a required biology course, the his work in this field. Using a science building is only a place of cyclotron, he has discovered and evil smells, hospital-like corridors, produced our newest elements: and altogether unpleasant associaEinsteinium, Fermium, and Mentions. Yet to more t h a n might be delabium. suspected this building is almost Typical of the spirit of science a second home. To our f u t u r e doctors, chemists, and physicists — the today is the annual award given scientists of tomorrow — this build- by the A.C.S. honoring the person ing is a place of fascination and who has made the g r e a t e s t recent hard work — a combination which contribution. This year the Priestdrives them to lengendary behavior. ly Medal went to Dr. Daniels f r o m There is the story of the would be the University of Wisconsin f o r his chemist who brought his tooth researcn in solar energy. By a brush to lab because he felt he chemical process induced by the ought to "move in", and the one sun's r a y s he has been able to told by a Durfeeite, who, upon store this energy until it is needed. To find a source of energy which waking at 4:30 one morning, saw a person working in the senior can be used when our supplies of coal and oil run out is perhaps the laboratory. This f e r v e n t activity owes a g r e a t e s t goal of science, f o r as g r e a t deal of its inspiration to the Dr. Kleinheksel says, "This is the faculty whose loyalty and guidance way science can best meet the have spurred on many a student. need of man." Dr. Kleinheksel, professor of inorganic chemistry, is one of these. A reserved man, quiet and precise. Dr. Kleinheksel has contributed much to m a k i n g Hope well known in the field of science. Recently he attended the spring convention of the American Chemical Society, giving his classes a

SIBYLLINE The Sibs a r e holding their inf o r m a l p a r t y a t Castle P a r k on #.• • • #.• #» *> • • #.• #,• ».• #,• #,• ».• #,• ' May 11th. Alyce Weener is acting as general chairman f o r the event. Mr. and Mrs. Dale De Witt, Miss For . . . PHOTO FINISHING Eleanor De P r e e and Dr. Titus Van •• •» For . . . PHOTOGRAPHIC S U P P U E S •» H a i t s m a are chaperones. The theme is "Oklahoma." For . . . GIFTS A N D GREETING CARDS «r« Recently, the Sibs and Knicks enjoyed a joint meeting in the — See — •> «.» Music Building Auditorium. The p r o g r a m coincided with the theme "Knickerbocker Holiday" with Sue ».• Klyn acting as chairman of the Holland, Michigan 10 East Eighth Street meeting. The final meeting of the year »* *.* *,* ».• »,• *,* #.• ».• *,* *,* fi* will be the house p a r t y on May M *.• «> «• •» #> #.• #.• ».• #.• ».• •> •,» #.• #.• 17th. 1 1 will be held at Russ • #.• *.* *.« #«»• ».• #.• #.• »• ** »> »* #.• »• • #,• #.• *.* ».• *,* *.* ».• *,* *,* *,* *.* *.* *.• »,• Homke's cottage on Lake Michigan. »• »« Adele Dingee is chairman. ••


SOROSIS Sorosis held its house party last Friday night a t the Timbuktu Cottage on Lake Michigan. Amid the f u n and frolicking t i m e out was taken f o r a business meeting during which the officers f o r t h e fall t e r m were elected. Sally Schneider will head Sorosis as President, assisted by Mary K. Diephuis, VicePresident. Phyl Brink will be writing minutes as Secretary and Helen Wade, Treasurer, will be in charge of finances. " S a n d and S u r f " is the theme of the informal p a r t y to be held on May 17th a t Ghetts F a r m . Tentative plans call f o r a steak f r y . J a n e Mac Eachron and Joan Peelen are co-chairmen. The A.S.A.-Sorosis joint meeting is schduled f o r May 16th in the J u l i a n a Room. Ellie Bylsma is in charge of the p r o g r a m which will be centered around t h e theme "The Roaring Twenties."


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Page Four




Wiegerink Takes Three Firsts As Hope Wins Triangle Meet Hope Netmen Defeat Hillsdale 5-2

Girls Prepare For Track And Field Events

Hope College won its third tennis match in MIAA play last Saturday, defeating Hillsdale, 5-2. The Dutch won f o u r out of -five singles matches to swing the decision. Singles results: John Jeltes (Hope) defeated Jerome (Hillsdale) 6-4, 6-2; Teusink (Hope) was defeated by Macintosh (Hillsdale) 4-6, 2-6; Boersma (Hope) defeated Tanallali (Hillsdale) 6-4, 6-0; Kamp (Hope) defeated Briggs (Hillsdale) 8-6, 6-1; and Van Es (Hope) defeated Zuckerberg (Hillsdale) 6-3, 8-6. Doubles results: Jeltes and Kamp (Hope) were defeated by Jerome and Mac Intosh (Hillsdale) 0-6, 4-6; and Boersma and Teusink (Hope) defeated Tanallali and Zuckerberg (Hillsdale) 6-4, 6-1.

Girls of all classes are preparing for today's May Day track and field events which will be a contributing f a c t o r in determining this WAA trophy winner. Eight events are scheduled for the competition: broad jump, high jump, 50 and 75 yard dashes, mile relay, badminton doubles and a basketball and softball throw. The girls' tennis team has completed its first 3 matches, winning two and losing one. The first two watches were played against Calvin College, with Hope losing the first 4-3 and winning the second by the same score. Winners in the second match were Alice Warren, Jan Evert and J a n Owen in the singles and J a n Owen and Alice W a r r e n in the doubles. The third match was played a g a i n s t Aquinas College where the girls won a decisive victory, by a 6-1 score. Winners of the singles matches were J a n Evert, J a n Owen, Mary K. Diephuis, and Carol Scholton, wrhile the winning teams of Alice W a r r e n and J a n Owen and Joyce Leighley and Donna Hardenberg took the doubles. Badminton intramurals closed last week with Nella Swart, a Junior, the singles champion. Barb Van Putten, a senior took second place. The doubles championship was taken by Juniors. Nella Swart and Sue Klyn. Tied f o r second place were seniors Barb Van Putten and E r m a Van Dyke and Sophomores Mary Hoffmeyer and Winona Keizer. Tennis inter-murals have recently started under the direction of Winona Keizer. Nine girls are participating in singles matches which are being played at the convenience of the contestants.

Hope Humbles Albion In Doubleheader Hope's baseball team, behind the s t r o n g pitching of Bob Andree and Jim Kaat, turned back a hopeful Albion nine twice by scores of 7-1 and 5-1 a t Riverview P a r k last Saturday. The double vict^jy-tnade it six games in six days f o r the Dutch, who have eased into second place in the MIAA baseball race behind Alma. Hope's league mark now stands a t six wins and one loss. Jim Kaat struck out twelve batt e r s in the opener while giving up only two hits. Jim scored Hope's first run in the game. He walked in the third. Singles by Woodcock and Kempker brought him home. Hope clustered five tallies in the fifth. Woodcock opened with a single, Kempker tripled, and Olson, who batted l e f t handed f o r the first time, singled, and two runs were in. Carl De Vree crossed the plate on a passed ball, and Morgan scored on a wild pitch. In the sixth, Kempker doubled and came home on Olson's third base hit. Albion got its two hits and one run in the f o u r t h . Albion had a brief 1-0 lead in the nightcap, having scored in the second, but the Dutch tied it up in the third, added another single tally in the f o u r t h , and put the g a m e on ice with three in the fifth. In t h a t inning Olson singled home two runs and Tim VanderMel one. Olson had three hits in each game, while Kempker came through with five f o r the day. Woodcock had three hits in the opener, and Bekuis two in the second game. The line scores: r h e Albion 000 100 0 1 2 1 Hope 001 051 x 7 11 2 Batteries: J. Mastellar, Weiskopf (5), and Flack; K a a t and Woodcock r h e Hope 001 130 0 5 10 0 Albion 010 000 0 1 4 2 Batteries: Andree and Woodcock; Nash and Russell.


Bekius rounds third on home plate bid —photo

Hope Trounces Hillsdale In Home Meet

Hope's varsity golfers evened their MIAA season's standing a t two wins and two losses by virtue of decisive link victories over Adrian and Calvin last week. They traveled to Adrian on Tuesday and came home the winners 14 Mj to and made a clean sweep of Calvin, 15 to 0, at the Holland American Legion Course last Friday. Ray De Does w a s medalist a g a i n s t Adrian, firing a 79 and defeating Don Gatsdeon (116) 3-0; George Bitner of Hope blanked Adrian's John Henderson (109) 3-0; Bob Holt (Hope) shot an 80 also and defeated Bill W a t t s , who shot an 84, 3-0; Bob Burwitz (Hope) carded an 87 and won 3-0 over Bill Grand, who took 92 storkes; J o e Martin defeatedCharles Bower 21/£ and^5. Martin shot an 89 and Bower 92. Bunvitz won medalist honors a g a i n s t Calvin, firing a 77, and defeating J. Bielema (Calvin), who shot an 89, 3-0; De Does took 78 strokes to beat Weidenaar of Calvin, who shot an 88, 3-0; Bob Holy also fired a 78 to d e f e a t Eskes of Calvin, 3-0. Eskes shot a 97. Joe Martin's 82 took t h r e e points f r o m Calvin's Schneider, who carded 102. George Bitner completed the clean sweep, defeating Vander Ark of Calvin, 3-0. Bitner shot an 82 and Vander Ark 98.

l 1 /2".

Double winners f o r Hope were John De Vries in the pole vault and broad jump, and Dave Spaan, rcing home first in the 220 and 440-yard dashes. #.•

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Dutch Golfers Win Two MIAA Matches

Sparked by Paul Wiegerink's three first places, t h e Hope College track team breezed by Hillsdale in an MIAA meet last Saturday at the 22nd Street oval. The Dutch took first place in twelve events to win 90-2/5 to 40-3/5. Hillsdale took first in the shot put, javelin, and discus, but didn't m a n a g e another blue ribbon the rest of the day. In the javelin throw, Hillsdale's Andy Kincannon let f l y with a record Hillsdale performance, tossing the spear 169'







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Paul Wiegerink broke another of his own records a week ago Saturday, running the 220-yard low hurdles in 25.2 seconds, and took firsts in the 100-yard dash and the 120-yard high hurdles to spark Hope's trackmen to a triangle win over Calvin and Alma a t Houseman Field in Grand Rapids. The Dutch took eight first places to pile up 79-4/5 points. Calvin had 60-1/5 and Alma 22. De Vries, Hilmert First John De Vries won the pole vault and Broad jump, Jim Hilmert tied for first in the high jump, Dave Spaan copped the 440, and Tex Bennink won the two-mile run to account for Hope's first place points. Spaan narrowly missed winning the 220 as well, losing out to Hertell of Calvin by .2 seconds. The results: Pole vault — De Vries (Hope), Elzinga (Hope), Schut (Hope), Merithew (Alma) Height—11'6". High j u m p — Hilmert (Hope) and Merithew (Alma) tied f o r first; Robbert ( H o p e ) ; Van Wyk (Calvin), Ritsema (Hope), Holwerda (Calvin) and Smitts (Hope), tie for third and fourth. Height — 5'8". Shot put — Essenmacher ( A l m a ) , Ter Molen (Hope) ,Altena (Calvin), Hilmert (Hope) Distance — 43'5". Javelin — Acton ( A l m a ) , Veenema (Calvin), De Vries (Hope), and Korthuis (Calvin). Distance — 158'1/2". Broad j u m p — De Vries (Hope), Robbert (Hope), Snyder ( A l m a ) , Drenosky (Alma) Distance — 20'7". Discus — Vander Griend (Calvin), Hilmert (Hope), Ritsema (Hope), K r a g t (Calvin) Distance — 123'6". Mile — Steen (Calvin), Gazan (Hope), White (Hope), Collinson (Calvin) Time — 4:53.5. 440-yard dash — Spaan (Hope), Kingma (Calvin), Korthuis (Calvin), Tanis (Calvin) Time — 52.0 sec. 100-yard dash—Wiegerink (Hope), Hertel (Calvin), Moore (Hope), Vander Broeg (Calvin) Time — 10.6 sec. 120-yard high hurdles — Wiegerink (Hope), Hilmert (Hope), Holwerda (Calvin), Ludtke (Alma Time — 15.7 sec. 880-yard run — Alkema (Calvin), Stonehouse (Calvin), De Vries (Calvin), Bronson (Hope) Time — 2:06.4. 220-yard dash — Hertell (Calvin), Spaan (Hope), Moore (Hope), Bolkens (Calvin) Time — 23.6 sec. Two mile run — Bennink (Hope), Steen (Calvin), I m m e r ( A l m a ) , Wristers (Hope) Time — 11:05.4 220-yard low hurdles — Wiegerink (Hope), Holwerda (Calvin), Vander Broeg (Calvin), Ludtke (Alma) Time — 25.2 sec. Mile relay — Calvin (Stonehouse, Tanis, De Vries, and Kingma) Time — 3:39.1.












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