A p r i l 2003 Joumamalismical
Hope College
H o l l a n d , Michigan • A s t u d e n t - r u n n o n p r o f i t p u b l i c a t i o n • S e r v i n g t h e Hope College C o m m u n i t y f o r 116 years
Students have Iraq doubts Some Iraqis displeased with the continued presence of U.S. forces; Hope students weigh out issues of past month for themselves Anjey D y k h u i s C A M P U S BEAT EDITOR
AMCHCft P H O T O B Y D E R E C K C H A V I S The 4 by 400-meter relay team raced at an invitational this past Saturday at Western Michigan University. Brooke Costing ('03), on the right, broke a season best record. The competition broke several records and was a warm-up to the MIAA meet. more TRACK on 8
Since the onset of Operation Iraqi Freedom 34 days ago, the United Stales has watched the Middle Eastem conflict surge and ebb along with the rest of the world. Due to imbedded reporters and more advanced j o u r n a l i s m t e c h n o l o g y available than ever before, most of the world has had 24-hour access to video and audio feeds directly from the front in history Now, however, the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq is beginning. For many Iraqis, it is frightening, because there is no guarantee of what might happen in the next few months. France and the
U.S. are calling for an end to sanctions on Iraq now that Saddam seems to have disappeared, although Ahmed Chalabi, the leader of Iraqi opposition to Saddam Hussein, claims that his group has detailed information on Saddam's movements inside Iraq. Although due to U.N. Security Council resolutions sanctions on Iraq are not supposed to be lifted until inspectors declare Iraq to be free of weapons of mass destruction. Also, for the first time since before Saddam Hussein took power in Iraq, Shiite Muslims were allowed to take part in religious rituals banned by Saddam. Hundreds
m o r e OCCUPATION o n 2
Hope copes with professor's unexpected death Kurt Koehler C A M P U S BEAT EDITOR
C. Kendrick Gibson's, professor of business administration, unexpected death Saturday at age 61, has left a void in the Hope College community and in the department of economics, management, and accounting. "Professor Gibson was a very important part of our department. The loss is huge for us. He was the architect of the new management major. He was somebody we all liked and respected and will miss a great deal," said John Lunn, professor of business administration and departmental chairman. Gibson, whose funeral was held today at Park Christian Reformed Church, led a very active life before and during his tenure at Hope. He joined the Hope College faculty in 1986. He had coordinated the "Hope in the Future" strategic planning process during 1989-90 and directed the college's Carl Frost
Center for Social Science Research from 1991-92. Bom on March 4,1942, Gibson graduated from Louisiana State University in 1964 with a bachelor's degree in business administration, and completed his MBA there in 1969. Gibson worked in investment and sales management and was vice president of a construction firm before completing his doctorate in business administration at the University of Arkansas in 1978. Gibson was also a U.S. army officer with the 101st Airbome Division in Vietnam from 1967 to 1968. He began his academic career as a professor of management the University of Wisconsin at La Crosse, moving on to Indiana State University, and then became dean of the School of Business at Henderson State University. He was the author of numerous articles published in scholarly joumals. His article
"An Empirical Investigation of the Nature of Hospital Mission," published in "Health Care Management Review," was selected for inclusion in the "best of H C M R " book "Health Care Management: Strategy, Structure and Process." Gibson was also active in editing textbooks. He edited the book "Annual Advances in Business Cases" published by the Midwest Case Writers Association, which he served as president of from 1985-86. His publications also included the instructional guide "Case Enrichment Portfolio for Selected Cases in Strategic Management." This semester Gibson taught two sections of MGMT 100 Management Decisions, and two sections of MGMT 331 Marketing Management. The department of economics, management and accounting has made arrangements to accommodate Gibson's students. "One of our professors, Tom Smith, is cov-
The late C. Kendrick Gibson ering his 100-level classes," Lunn said. According to Lunn, students in Gibson's other marketing management classes have made arrangements with Lunn to finish the semester.
Dr. Roberta Kraft honored by state association for excellent teaching
Phelps scholars help migrants
Student congress elections begin
Roberta Kraft, professor of music, has been named the 'Teacher of the Year" by the Michigan Music Teachers Association (MMTA). She will be honored on May 9, during a reception and dinner held in conjunction with the Michigan Youth Arts Festival at Westem Michigan University in Kalamazoo. "Roberta Kraft has been a valued member of our staff for many years," said Stuart Sharp, professor of music and chair of the department. "Her work with the keyboard skills program has helped many music majors."
Today is the last day to donate domestic products f o r migrant workers. Donations of money or supplies can be made in the first floor lounge in Scott Hall. For more information, contact Chuck Green at ext. 7725 or green@hope.edu
Voting started today for next year's student congress positions . Photographs of and statements by each candidate are available on Knowhope. To vote, check Knowhope for a link to the voting site. A total of ten students are running.
Inside Anchor@Hope.Edu (616) 395-7877
Student Congress Campus, page 3
Symphonette Arts, page 4
Senior Page Spotlight, page 5
Baseball Sports, page 8
A p r i l 23, 2 0 0 3
Senior Legacy campaign will leave lasting impact at Hope Erin Riley SENIOR STAFF REPORTER
On April 16, members of the Senior Legacy Campaign committee hosted an ice cream sundae buffet in the Devvitt Center for their fellow classmates, the graduating class of 2003. The event was part of a kick off of a campaign to raise $4,000 for this year's senior legacy gift. The committee, in partnership with the Hope Fund and College Advancement, are asking seniors to donate a portion of their SI00 security deposit in order to reach their goal. As the pioneering class of many changes, seniors are seeking a way to leave a lasting impression on the ever-changing Hope College campus. The students of the class of 2003 experienced a new millennium and the inauguration of a new college president their freshmen year, and have since witnessed the plans of future changes. O C C U P A T I O N
Each year, the graduating senior class is encouraged to leave a senior class gift. For the past several years, senior gifts have been donated to an annually funded scholarship for incoming f r e s h m e n . However, this year's committee desired a change. "We wanted something timeless, a tangible legacy that would last forever," said Sara Steele ('03), chairman of the Senior Legacy Campaign. The group decided to challenge their classmates to raise money to purchase a flag rotunda featuring about 20 international flags. The rotunda would stand on the roof of the Martha Miller Center slated to break ground later this year where Lincoln Elementary School presently stands. Along with the rotunda. a bronze plaque would be mounted inside the new building recognizing it as a gift from the class of 2003. Because the new
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building will house the communication and modem and classical language departments, the committee thought the gift would be very appropriate. "The committee liked the emphasis it gave to diversity, something they all agreed is very important," said Dianne De Young, Senior Gift Committee staff advisor. Seniors can pick up more information by contacting Dianne De Young in College Advancement. Donations can be directly deposited from their student accounts to the Legacy fund or students can make personal donations and drop them off at the student union desk or the office of College Advancement. There will be posted boxes for donations. "I think it would be awesome if the seniors of 2003 could kick this off and leave this precedent for future classes to leave a legacy for the college," Steele said.
of thousands of Shiites trekked to Karbala and Najaf, in southern-central Iraq to participate. Although Shiite leaders are pleased to have Saddam out of power, they also would like America to withdraw - and soon. The Shiite leaders have been setting up local governmental agencies to create order since Saddam's disappearance and many religious leaders have taken the torch of leadership. Some pilgrims in Karbala chanted such things as "Yes, yes to Islam, no to America, no to Israel, no to colonialism and no to occupation." Not only Shiites have claimed powers in Iraq, though. One man had declared himself mayor of Baghdad, but U.S. officials said that they did not recognize him as an authority and that he had no authority. The United States has also issued a request to all police forces in America to dedicate some of ttheir forces to the occupation and temporary government in Iraq. The U.S. has appointed an interim police chief in Baghdad to organize the Iraqi police forces already on the streets. These will train special Iraqi forces. Meanwhile, U.S. forces are still on the lookout for the Iraqi regime leaders depicted on the deck of cards the U.S. distributed to troops. Eight of the subjects of the deck of the 55-card deck have been positively identified as captured. One other, Ali Hassan al-Majid, also known as Chemical Ali, has been positively identified as killed in a U.S. strike.
Hope students don't seem to have as strong opinions about the occupation as they did about the war. The main thing mentioned is that the desire for expediency in the occupation. They feel that a prolonged stay in Iraq may cause Iraqi discontent to fester. No students of the opposing side were available for comment. "I think George Bush's first mistake was when he separated us from them. He said, i f you're not with us, you're against us.' I think the whole war was gone about completely wrong even if it was justified," said Kyle Delhagen ('04). "As much as they say it's going to be a fiar, democratic regime, I don't think that's what the Iraqis want. You hear about regime change, but it's just going from one regime to another one." Others are worried that the U.S. will try to force a recompense from Iraq in a few years. Noree Logsden ('06) thinks the U.S. may try to get paid back in oil for the billions of dollars being poured in currently. "I didn't agree with George Bush's decision on going to war but now that it's over, I think we just need to help them establish their own self-subsisting government as quickly as possible and then just get out of there. It's a really fine line, like with the oil. That could be dangerous, oil and money. It could get screwed up," Logsden said.
Students gather for talks on war and peace in Iraq. Varied opinions have been expressed about Operation Iraqi Freedom, the occupation, and Saddam Hussein. Hope College has tried to create a safe forum for students to voice their opinions, using such media as the Peace Wall outside of Lubbers Hall. AMOHOf? P H O T O
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A/JCHOft P H O T O C O U R T E S Y D I A N E D E Y O U N G This is a conceptual sketch of the planned facade for the Martha Miller Center for Global Communication. Construction is scheduled to begin this summer.
Kresge grant may increase donations Danielle K o s k i B U S I N E S S MANAGER
The move in date for the new edition of Peale Science Center has been set for July 15^. Even though the building seems close completion, there is still a lot of work to be done, and there is still money to be raised. Another step in earning that money recently became clear this week with a Kresge Foundation C h a l l e n g e G r a nt b e i n g awarded to the s c i e n c e c e n t e r project.. When Hope raises another $3.1 million for the project, they will receive another S850,000 from the Kresge Foundation grant. The goal is to have the money raised by March of next year. "I'm very pleased that we have been approved for a Challenge grant for the construction of our s c i e n c e f a c i l i t y , " said J a m e s Bultman, president. The science center project totals approximately $36 million. The new building alone costs $26.6 million. When the new building and renovation are done, they will house the departments of chemistry, biology, psychology, geology, environmental sciences, biochemistry, and nursing. "We have about 11 months to secure the remaining funds, so this will present for us a considerable challenge," Bultman said. According to Bultman. the challenge grant will add value to every
gift the college receives for the project, since not only will the grant m o n e y go t o w a r d s the completion of the science center, but the contribution will also help in Hope r e c e i v i n g a d d i t i o n a l Kresge funding. "We look at (the grant) as a wonderful opportunity to complete funding for the new building and a very strong affirmation of Hope College and the new facility," Bultman said. The Kresge Foundation is an independent, private foundation created by the personal gifts of Sebastian S. Kresge. It is not affiliated with any corporation or organization. The Kresge Foundation has supported Hope in other projects including the renovation of Van Zoeren Hall, the renovation and o r i g i n a l c o n s t r u c t i o n of VanderWerf Hall, the construction of the Van Wylen Library, the De Free Art C e n t e r and G a l l e r y project, the renovation of the dining hall, construction of the original Peale Science Center, construction of the Dow Health and Physical Education Center, and the construction of the DeWitt Student and Cultural Center. Professors in the old part of Peale will be moving to the new part of the science center this summer. Next fall, science classes will be held in the new facility while the old building is renovated. Completion is scheduled for 2004.
Van Wylen Library Exam Schedule Sunday: Monday: Tuesday:
I p.m. - 2 a.m. 8 a.m. - 2 a.m. 8 a.m. - 2 a.m.
Wednesday: Thursday:
8 a.m. -2 a.m 8 a.m. - Midnight
8 a.m. - 5 p.m
Noon - 3 p.m.
Sunday: Closed T h e music library is closed on S a t u r d a y and S u n d a y
AHCHOff P H O T O BY R O B O N D R A The improved Peale Science Center will offer students like Sam Lien ('05) better facilities.
A p r i l 23, 2 0 0 3
Student Congress Candidates As the academic year winds down, ten candidates are vying for seats in the 2003-04 student congress cabinet. Voters will fill the positions of president, vice president and the senior, junior and sophomore class representatives on Wednesday and Thursday. Voting will be conducted electronically. The Anchor has asked each candidate to write a brief statement about their respective campaigns for elective office.
Jeremy Brieve ('04) for president In order for Student congress to be efficient and effective, its leaders must have experience in and dedication to the organization. Over the past three years, I have served as an off-campus representative. Parliamentarian and Comptroller of Student Congress. In doing so, 1 have attempted to represent my constituency with accuracy and fairness, presenting not my personal opinions on issues, but the opinion of the student body I represent. As Student Congress President, 1 will strive to create open lines of communication between myself and each student in order to ensure that all suggestions and concerns are heard directly by me. This week Wednesday and Thursday, I hope to earn your respect and support as I attempt to lead a congress devoted to representing every student at our college.
i Liz Tyndell ('04) for vice president My name is Liz Tyndell and I am seeking election to be your student congress vice-president for the 2003-2004 school year. 1 have spent three years on congress, serving as a Dykstra Hall representative. Sophomore class representative, and Junior class representative. Throughout the past three years, I have had the privilege of voicing student concerns to the administration and faculty staffed boards that I have been placed on. If elected, I promise to keep the lines of communication strong between the students and the administration in hopes of better representing the student voice.
Lauren Caluory ('05) for junior class rep.
My name is Lauren Caluory and I am running for Junior Class Representative. I have served two years on congress, as a Kollen Hall Representative, and secretary. I have sat on a variety of committees, ranging from Extracurricular Activities Committee to Appropriations committee. As junior class rep, I will do my best to listen to your concerns and ideas, and bring them to the rest of the congress with high hopes of implementing them. Congress is a big responsibility, and because of my strong desire to lead and serve, I feel that I am qualified to make that commitment.
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Kelley Hutchins ('05) for junior class rep. Fire up Dutch class of 2005! My name is Kelley Hutchins, and I am running to represent you as a junior class rep. I am running because I want to be able to help voice the opinions of all of you, and try to make a difference around campus. Hope College truly is a great place, and I want to take part in making our next two years the best that they can be! I would greatly appreciate your vote, this Wednesday and Thursday. Thank you very much for your time and consideration!
John Rodstrom ('05) for junior class rep I stand for Truth, Justice, and the American Way. No bull, just Rodstrum
Lauren Engel ('06) for sophomore class rep. Energy. Enthusiasm. Excellence. These qualities are essential to a Sophomore Class Representative and I feel as though they have been integrated into my personality. This past year 1 represented Dykstra Hall in Student Congress and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity. I worked as an active member of the Speakers Series Task Force, the Appropriations Committee, and helped bring new developments to Hope College. As a Sophomore Class Representative, I promise to voice your ideas and follow them to completion as well as
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continue my work to improve Hope College's campus and school morale. Vote Lauren Engel, you'll be glad you did!
Candice Evenhouse ('06) for sophomore class rep. Hi! My name is Candice Evenhouse. I am running for sophomore class rep. I am currently a Dykstra Hall rep. 1 believe this makes me a great candidate for sophomore class rep because I have experience in seeing how Student Congress works. I have greatly enjoyed being on Student Congress this past year, it is something that really interests me. 1 would like to be sophomore class rep because I want to continue my involvement on Student Congress while taking on a larger role. If you have any concerns feel free to email me!
Stefanie Haha ('06) for sophomore class rep. Stefanie Haba is your next sophomore student congress representative. She is Pre Vet with a Biology major and a Chemistry minor, plays soccer for Hope, and is an active member of the Delta Phi Sorority. Haba wants to bring new ideas to student congress such as ice machines and laundry card dispensers in every dorm hall as well as an optional meal plan for on campus students. So vote HABA-DABB A-DOO and she will work for YOU!
Chris Meeusen ('06) for sophomore class rep. Like a lot of other people here on campus, I'd like to have a chance to make a difference in the lime that I'm here. The chance that I have is to become one of the Sophomore class representatives and affect how things are run on campus with the best of my ability. So just vote for me. Thanks.
Other Candidate:
Senior Class Representative: William Ziegenhagen
A p r i l 23,
Hope summer theater has great Rep HSRT features eight shows irr a variety of venues Maureen Yonovitz ARTS EDITOR
After classes have ended and those not taking summer terms have all gone home, the action at Hope is far from over. In fact, the Hope Summer Repertory Theater, Hope's professional resident theater company, will just be getting started. Most of the HSRT actors, directors, and designers are hired by the college from outside of Hope to run the summer theater. However, Hope students do take part, generally as interns, in both acting and set design. This year's play list includes eight shows in four different venues: the majority in the DeWitt Main Theater, two children's shows in the DeWitt Studio Theater, a second stage show, ' T h e Guys," in Snow Auditorium in Nykerk, and a cabaret show in the Alpenrose restaurant in downtown Holland. The plays work in rotating repertory, meaning that new shows are added one after the other so that there is a different show every night. "We want a show that our audience can
Af/CHOft P H O T O
Last year HSRT presented "Footloose." It was highly attended by students. This season's lineup includes "Guys and Dolls." enjoy," said Mary Schakel, HSRT producing director. This is done through a wide variety of shows that Schakel hopes will provide something for everyone.
Four plays are set to run on the main stage of the DeWitt Theater this year. Usually there is one big musical, which for this year will be "Guys and Dolls." A more family-ori-
ented musical will be "Once Upon a Mattress." There is also a mystery thriller scheduled, entitled, "The Caine Mutiny Court Martial." The final main stage show will be "The Game of Love and Chance." The Children's Performance Troupe, also part of HSRT. will perform "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse" and tentatively a children's version of "Cyrano de Bergerac" in the Studio Theater. Shows are picked based on several factors. Usually, the large musical is picked first. The smaller shows are then chosen to either go along with it or are those that are thought to make a good contrast with it. However, the final decision is more complicated and not based solely on these factors. Even the actors may influence what plays will be performed. "Sometimes we have a really good actor and say that show will be a really good showcase for that particular actor," said Judyth Thomas, HSRT production associate. This year's Summer Rep. season will begin June 19 and run through Aug. 9. Tickets range from $8 to $26. For more information, call the DeWitt ticket office at 3957890.
Symphonette heads abroad Dance groups unite Group travels far and wide for annual tour Glenn Lester STAFF REPORTER
There is still more to the end of the year as the Hope C o l l e g e Symphonette performs one final farewell concert before flying to the British Isles for their annual tour. Forty-two musicians, as well as organist Huw Lewis and conductor Richard Piippo, professors of music, will travel to Wales and England May 6 through 17. They will present seven performances in several cathedrals and churches in Cardiff, St. David's, Gresford, St. Asaph, Stratford-upon-Avon, and Coventry. The Symphonette tour usually happens during spring break, but this year's trip will occur during summer break to allow for extra t i m e o v e r s e a s , a c c o r d i n g to S y m p h o n e t t e t r o m b o n i s t Paul Wesselink ('04). The Symphonette will be playing w o r k s by Faure, R i e g g e r , Larsson, Bizet, Khachaturian, and Poulenc in England. Lewis will also perform solo as well as with the Symphonette. The Symphonette will present a pre-tour farewell concert at 8 p.m. on May 5 in Dimnent Chapel, fea-
This year's Symphonette will tour in the British Isles this summer after a farewell concert to take place at 7 p.m. on May 5 in Dimnent Chapel. turing all the works they will play on tour. Admission will be free. Students will also have an opportunity to experience Welsh and English history and culture through museum and city tours set up by Witte Travel as well as leisure time. "I've never been across the big pond," said trumpeter Chris Major ('04). "So I'm looking forward to experiencing UK culture." Other Symphonette members agree. "I'm looking forward to the opportunity to experience a whole other part of the world I've never
been to," said oboist Sarah Taft (05). "I think the most fun will be free time to explore historical stuff," said bassist Jeff Wheeler ('04). Most Symphonette members are looking forward to the performances as well. "It'll be fun to hear the ensemble sound in a big church," Major said. The tour will include a joint concert between the Warwick University Brass Band and the Symphonette. "Meeting and playing for our English peers will be the most fun," Taft said.
Fewer than two years after a successful visit to Holland, Grosso Modo dance company is returning to Holland, this time to perform with Aerial Dance Theatre. "Grosso Modo is a fascinating company, with powerful technique and a cultural perspective that is part of Holland yet uniquely contemporary and Hispanic," said Linda Graham, Aerial co-artistic director. The companies will combine for concerts at 8 p.m. on May 16 and 17 in Knickerbocker Theatre. " A u d i e n c e s attending this concert will not only see the Holland-based company. Aerial, but will be treated to the performance of Grosso Modo at the same time," Graham said. "This is a unique and very exciting cultural exchange." The cultural exchange will be complete when Aerial Dance g o e s back to M e x i c o with Grosso Modo to perform immediately following the Holland concerts. Visits in Holland and Queretaro will include classes.
open rehearsals, and public school performances. Steven lannacone, associate professor of dance at Hope and co-artistic director for Aerial, only sees more opportunities as the relationship grows. "It is the wish of both companies to keep this dynamic going and growing," he said. Future plans may include student exchange visits and Grosso Modo setting a work for Aerial's dancers. For the upcoming concert, dancers from both companies will perform "Bolero," a work donated to Grosso Modo by Aerial. Tickets for the performance are $7 for regular adult admission and children over 12, and $5 for senior citizens and Hope College students. Tickets will only be sold at the door, beginning at 7:30 p.m. each performance night. Additional information may be obtained by calling the college's department of dance at 395-7700.
Students participate in Bach marathon "Bach-around-theclock" took place at Grand Valley April 3 Maureen Yonovitz A R T S EDITOR
Eight students from the music department represented Hope in a Bach marathon, "Bach- Aroundthe-Clock," on April 3 at Grand Valley State University. Hope was invited to participate in this event along with other music departments from colleges throughout West
Michigan. Each group of participants, made up of either faculty or students, were allowed a one-hour time slot in which they were to perform. "We chose not to have faculty perform, but rather we nominated students to appear in the concert— it was not a competition, nor a requirement: it's an honor, though!" said Huw Lewis, professor of music and college organist. Violinist Ben Fuhrman ('04) and pianist Joe Turbessi ( ' 0 5 ) both agree, saying that although they
would have liked to see more people in attendance, they found the marathon to be a good experience and would definitely do it again. "I'd rather play for a few people who really enjoy the music rather than a huge crowd that's forced to go," Turbessi said. The student performers included Turbessi, Dave Bellows ( ' 0 5 ) , Fuhrman, Heidi Dykema ('03), Sara B o l k e m a ( ' 0 4 ) , A b b i e Rockwood ('06), Joe Deller ('03), and Titus Munteanu ('05). Violin, piano, and organ were represented.
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"Bolero" will be performed by members of both Aerial Dance Theatre and Grosso Modo in the Spring concert taking place May 16 and 17.
A p r i l 23, 2 0 0 3
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Anchor senior staff bids farewell to Hope Building community is a team effort
An end or a beginning? |
October 6, 1999. That was the date my first byline appeared in an issue of the Anchor under the headline "Women's Soccer Looks for Wins." Since then I've moved from Staff Reporter, to Senior Staff Reporter and finally to Campus Beat Editor. I've changed my major once, spent a I semester in Washington D.C., run — — — — — c r o s s country and track, joined a Kurt Koehler fraternity, joined the army national C A M P U S BEAT EDITOR G ^ I B E N involved in several U A R C
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student groups all around campus. They say college is a time of change and growth and I'm no exception. Now, with graduation looming in a mere few weeks I'm taking part in another great Anchor tradition, the senior column. Unlike others, I don't think this is the time to dwell on how fast the time has gone or what I did or didn't like about my experience at Hope College. A wise man once said that those who dwell on memories live in the past and those who can't deal with their past inevitably relive it. I would rather look forward to the future and whatever it might hold. In the immediate future is law school, but even more generally the future holds change. Recently, I've run across an amine series playing on the Cartoon Network titled, "Reign: The Conqueror." It is an interesting and sometimes odd take on the life and conquests of Alexander the Great. Aside from the strange yet innovative character design and the futuristic setting, one main theme stands out. In the series, a prophecy claims that Alexander is destined to destroy the world. Indeed, he is called the devil king of destruction and basically everyone is out to kill him to prevent the destruction of the world. That is because everyone, except Alexander and few philosophers, failed to see what destruction really means. In the end destruction is not always an end in itself, but it can also be a new beginning. The series asserts that the world can not be recreated unless it is destroyed. Thus, destruction is the agent of recreation. This seems to be the natural order of life. A developing baby doesn't initially grow fingers and toes, but rather has a ball of flesh for a hands and feet. By a process called apoptosis, or programmed cell death, this changes. Certain cells may die, but as the result we have fingers and toes. Again from destruction you get a new creation. You may wonder what that has to do with graduation or a senior column, but I think that one can reasonably construe destruction as change. In other words, in order for a new situation in life to emerge another must end. It is more important to look forward to the new opportunities that this end we call graduation makes possible than to look back at what has come before.
As I am preparing to leave Hope — after one more semester spent student teaching, I have naturally been reflecting on the past four years. When I think about my Hope experience, I am confronted with a jumble of emotions, and Nick Denis today I don't really know how I E D I T O R IN C H I E F feel about Hope College. Over my stay here, there have been many times that I have felt that the only thing I was getting from college was my education. The instruction that I have received from my professors has pushed my growth as a musician, an educator and a person. This remarkable educational experience, sadly, does not stack up to the social experience I have had. When I first arrived here, Hope seemed to be a very backward place. It seemed to me that the college was full of nothing but people bickering over slight religious differences that separated the campus. That was the same year that we were listed in the top five questionable colleges for homosexual students to attend. Everything I saw around me indicated that the students here really did not want to further the community or understand each other. After my first year, I almost walked away from Hope without looking back, but something made me return. The next couple of years didn't help my opinion of Hope much, either. I more or less felt the same way, but I learned how to cope, how to shrug off all of the negative things I felt. I kept hearing the same old arguments that had divided the campus for years. I did not see a community of educated, scholarly individuals
in a learning community, but instead a group of 3,000 students who could care for nothing more than getting their Spanish homework done so they wouldn't be hassled in class the next day. These problems have still not gone away completely. There are still people on this campus who would rather stick fast to their ingrained beliefs than to be challenged and adapt their system to fit another's experience. Some still refrain from questioning the administration, even when they think something strange is happening. But it seems like their numbers are waning. Over the past year, I have noticed an outgrowth from the student body noticeably trying to build this community into a place where many people of different backgrounds can live and learn together. This kind of a community is what a college is supposed to Tester. Just because more people are beginning to speak up, however, does not mean that everything is going to be OK. As it is every year, our seniors, who are often times our leaders, are graduating, leaving behind others to carry their torch. It would be a shame if these legacies were to sputter out and die because the originator has graduated. I would like to issue one final challenge for this year to the campus. Take these last days to make a difference. Help build our community into something you can be proud of. Don't let the building stop there, either. Come back next year with a resolve to continue on a mission of building an educated community where everyone can live together peacefully. 1 can see many exciting things in Hope's future if we help launch the community into the future, but we all have to take part.
Hope must promote true learning to accomplish its purpose Well, here it is. My time at Hope College will come to an end in about ten days. For the past four years, I have experienced a love/hate relationship with this school. It is _ J
no! u n c o m m o n t o r
Chad S a m p s o n people to look at my long hair and bare feet PRODUCTION EDITOR only to ask, "You go to Hope College?" During the middle of my freshmen year, I thought I had made the largest mistake of my life by coming to Hope. Religious debates were still very prevalent on campus and even though I considered myself a Christian, I felt on the outside of many things. But then came the Anchor, Rise, Pull, Nykerk, Student Congress, Inquiring minds, the Milestone and Ultimate, just to name a few of the groups I have been a part of. Through these activities, I found a voice for myself in the everyday life at Hope. Professors like Boyd Wilson, Jack Ridl, Allen Verhey and Steven Bouma-Prediger helped me connect what I learn in class to my life in ways that I never thought could happen. I want to thank the members of these
organizations and all of my professors for making the tough times at college bearable. After four years of being at Hope, I find myself suddenly scared at the prospect of leaving. I will never be an undergraduate student again, and this means no more games of Frisbee golf at 2 a.m., no more watching movies till 5 a.m. because I don't have class the next day. My life is heading for a large change and it's scary, but I know I will be ready for it. This, however, is not why I'm writing this column. I could list off all things that I plan to do with my life, like go to seminary or hike the Appalachian trail, but these things are not what I want to talk about. As a member of the Anchor staff, I have seen the best and worst of Hope College. On Student Congress, I had opportunity member of boards that made important decisions for the college. Now, as I leave, I would like to voice my opinions about some issues at Hope. For the past few years, Hope has had a severe definition problem. The college can't figure out what it wants to be. The issue at the heart of this identity crisis is what we mean when we say "Christian College." This term is a concept composed of two terms that have not yet been accurately expressed.
Hope wants to be a college, but seems to be afraid of what a college is. An administration, faculty, buildings and students cannot make a college in themselves. It takes all these elements and one more thing to make a college — learning. When I say learning, I am not speaking about indoctrination, but real learning. This is to say an almost reckless search for truth and understanding on all levels. I have met professors at Hope that try to teach this real learning, but it seems that these are also the professors that are kept under the closest watch by the administration. I understand that a college cannot function without money, but if money .becomes too much of a focus, the buildings will still be standing but the college will collapse. A college that does not have the goal of real learning can produce intelligent people, but it will never produce truly wise individuals. The reason that Hope sometimes fails to be a real college is that it misuses the term Christian. A college cannot be a church and a church cannot be a college. The fact that there was even a debate about the Sexuality Roundtable is proof of Hope College's failure at being both a real college and a Christian college.
A college does not have doctrine, and a Christian must put love before doctrine. We have race and sexuality issues at Hope that other schools have long since left in the past. We hold on to these issues because of doctrine or a fear of losing alumni support. Well, wake up Hope! There are more important issues at hand. We should regret the loss of real learning more than the loss of money. We should rather break with doctrine than fail with love. Christians should be the kind of people that everyone likes to be around because we are called to love, not to spread damnation. We have task forces about diversity and homosexuality, but we have yet to have a task force on the issues of love and hospitality. These should be the issues that a Christian college worries about. As I leave Hope College, a place I have grown to feel a part of, I hope that the Hope community will continually work towards real learning. I hope that Hope will become a model of love and hospitality. Hope has come a long way since I arrived four years ago, but there is still much work to do. Thank you Hope College, and good luck.
6 .Anchor
Editor's poici Editor's voiceEditor
s voice rsi r <
Your voice
Recently, I have been exploring some of the archived Anchors online and in our office. As I perused the pages and read some of the past editors' opinion columns, I noticed a disturbing trend: apathy. Over and over, the writers mentioned apathy toward anything and everything on campus, f r o m attending arts events to promoting race relations. In the 4/25/01 issue of the Anchor, Andrew Lotz pointed out that only 36 percent of the c a m p u s voted in the Student Congress elections that year. 1 also remember that lack of attendance at c a m p u s events and a seeming lack of interest in anything extracurricular has been commented on more than once this year. All this got me wondering, has any of this c h a n g e d ? As I look back at the past year. 1 can see a change in the student body at Hope. At the beginning of the year, no students attended concerts; now, musical recitals are fairly well attended. It seemed that students didn't care what happened in the world around them last semester, this semester we have had numerous anti and pro-war gatherings. It looks to me as if the students at this college are finally starting to care about things that affect their lives, directly and indirectly. Even though H o p e ' s trademark apathy is waning, some is still present. One needs to look no further than page 3 of this issue to see a perfect example. Out of 3000 students, only one is running f o r Student Congress President and one for Vice-President This reduction of apathy could not make me happier. At the Anchor, it is our duty as a student media publication to promote open dialogue on c a m p u s that can enrich all of our lives. It would be m y hope that we at the paper have been the cause of at least some of that dialogue. In the past f e w years, it has b e c o m e evident to me, f r o m the actions of the student body and faculty that the H o p e community is ready to grow even m o r e as a learning institution. Open dialogue and the demise of apathy on c a m p u s will only serve to further that goal. I am just glad to have been here at a time when this kind of growth can be seen as feasible, and that I could take part in these dialogues. T h a n k you.
Your voice
The decline of apathy at Hope College
Anchor Staff
A p r i l 23, 2 0 0 3
Hope's administration cares about Greek community To the Editor: In the 4/16 issue of the Anchor, Mathew Cooper's letter entitled, "Does Hope's Administration Really Care About Greeks" ended in a question. I would like to answer that question by saying yes, the administration does care about the Greek Community. First of all, reduced numbers in fraternity membership is not localized to Hope College and its Greek System. Nationwide, Fraternities and Sororities are losing members, so there must be some reason other than inept administration behind these declining numbers. A fraternity must be looked at as a business with a product to sell. If you offer people a bad product, few will want to buy it. However if the product is good, people will be very interested in it. How can it be the
fault of administration that NonGreek males on campus are not interested in what the current local Greek System has to offer? Blaming individuals in charge will not change the fact that the lack of interest is due to an unfavorable image rather than anything the administration has or has not done. Mr. Cooper also mentioned the January 30,h meeting where President Bultman and Dean Frost talked to Greek leaders about declining numbers. He correctly stated that Bultman and Frost said they would support the Greeks in any way they could, but what Bultman also said is that the Fraternities have to take it upon themselves to fix their problems because of all the help the administration has already given. Why should it be the responsibility of the administration to make the existing Fraternities more appeal-
ing to a selective student body? Fraternities need to take it upon themselves to change their image into something that is more desirable. Another point that Mr. Cooper forgot to mention is that the administration did not bring a National Fraternity onto campus. A group of men with common interests came together as an interest group. This interest group had to present their case in front of the ECAC board, and the Campus Life Board. The fraternity was approved by all the necessary boards to be an official group on campus. The members of Phi Sigma Kappa worked hard to become a recognized group and were not brought or invited onto campus by the administration.
â&#x20AC;&#x201D;Andy Mercer (y05)
Letters to the Editor Guidelines Open to anyone within the college a n d related communities T h e Anchor reserves the right to edit due to space constraints No personal attacks, poor taste or anything potentially libelous Letters chosen on a first come first serve basis, or a representative sample is taken No anonymous letters, unless discussed with Editor-in-Chief Editor-in-Chief may verify identity of writer The A n c h o r reserves the right to refuse publication of any letter submitted Letters over 500 words in length will not be considered for publication
Mail letters to the Anchor c/o Hope College, drop them off at the Anchor office (located in the center of Dewitt, behind WTHS), or e-mail Anchor@hope.edu
Anchor Staff Anchor Staff
editor-in-chief Nick Denis production editor Chad Sampson campus beat editors Anjey Dykhuis Kurt Koehler arts editor Maureen Yonovitz sports editor Dave Yetter photo editor Rob Ondra business manager Danielle Koski distribution manager Ellen Vigants ad manager Ana Santibanez Zamora production asisstant Jason Johnson advisor Mark A. Lewison Senior Staff Reporters: Erin RHey, Katie Taylor Staff Reporters: Glenn Lester, Stephanie Szydlowski
This year's Anchor staff takes a quick break from producing the final issue of the year. They are, from left to right: Chad Sampson ('03), Maureen Yonovitz ( 05), Mark Lewison, Anjey Dykhuis ('06), Kurt Koehler ( 03), Dave Yetter ('05), Danielle Koski ('04), Rob Ondra ('04) and Nick Denis ('03). In 2001, Student Congress used $500 of the student activity fee to buy this scrolling marquee sign in the lobby of the DeWitt Center. Although active in 2001, the sign has yet to display anything electronically since. As a service to you, the Anchor will keep track of how many weeks it has been blank or been used as a bulletin board since installed.
Photo Assisstant: Anneke Meeter The Anchor is a product of student effort and is funded through the students of Hope College, funding which comes through the Hope College Student Congress Appropriations Committee. Letters to the editor are encouraged, though due to space limitations the Anchor reserves the right to edit. The opinion s addressed in the editorial are solely those of the editor-in-chief Stories from the Hope College News Sen ice are a product of the Public Relations Office. Oneyear subscriptions to the Anchor are available for $20. We reserve the right to accept or reject any advertising.
2003 spring semester, Issue #25 of 25
Classified C lussiltCu
LIKE TO SAVE $$$!? NEED SOME CLOTHES? NEED TO FURNISH YOUR DORM ROOM? JUST LIKE TO SHOP? You should c o m e to L a k e s h o r e Rescued Treasures at 32nd and Lincoln. We're open 10am to 6pm Monday through Friday and from 10am to 5pm Saturday. We offer a huge selection of clothing, books, household items, and furniture, all gently used and at prices that are gentle on your budget.
Class i f iifii
C lassified Classified
Free Mumia!! Anchor Emo joke of the week: What kind of Emo freshens your breath when you listen to it? Minty-mo!! A & M- So, this is what it feels like to be done with a whole year. A whole body of work behind me, and only open road ahead. -N Lyle! T h i s ' S a t u r d a y at 8 at Lemonjello's, cover is only $1! All that rock for only a buck? Does it get any better?
Classi Classified
Mark and Chad- Happy birthday to you. Sorry we couldn't afford any presents...-Ank Staff A n k S t a f f past a n d p r e s e n t Thank you for giving me so much and making this a truly stellar year. I appreciate all your hard work. - N Girl in the f o u r t h row- I'll be graduating now. The amount of p l e a s u r e f r o m our r e l a t i o n s h i p would please Epicuras himself. But now, like a good Buddhist, I must break off our attachment. -Man in the third row
CAMP JOB OPPORTUNITIES: Openings for Assistant Camp Director, Unit Leaders, Camp Counselors, Food Service Staff, Nurse, Arls/Crafts Specialists, Waterfront Director. Boating Instructor, and Lifeguards. Girl Scouts of Metro Detroit are looking for energetic, caring young adults to work at their summer camps. Camps are located near Detroit. What better way to build your portfolio! Contact 800-334-0883 for an application, information, and interview arrangements for oncampus interviews may be scheduled. Right to Life of Holland Area has information regarding abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, and stem cell research. 100 S. Waverly Rd. Holland, Ml 49423 Phone: 616-396-1037 FAX: 616-396-4566 http://www.rtlofholland.org E-mail: rtlholland@egl.netWANTED!! Avon Reps. $10.00 to get started. Free brochures for first month. 40% off first 2 months. Products shipped to your door, shipping is free. Call Annie Wiley 399-3429 or email: anniewiley@chartermi.net
A p r i l 23, 2 0 0 3
The Greek Council would like to congratulate this year's Greek a w a r d winners. Greek M a n a n d LUoman o f t h e V e a r : H a r o n J o h n s o n o f Phi Tau Nu K a t i e B a u m a n o f K a p p a B e t a Phi
O u t s t a n d i n g Seruice P r o j e c t : Phi Tau Nu a n d Sigma l o t a B e t a
Outstanding Sisterhood Euent: K a p p a B e t a Phi a n d Sigma i o t a B e t a (no b r o t h e r h o o d e u e n t s l u e r e e n t e r e d )
Greek Rduisor of the Vear: M a n d g Prgor, Sigma I o t a Beta aduisor Or. O e r s h a m , A l p h a K a p p a Pi
M S i m s B B a i i l i i B
S Jf o
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Some scheduled readers, followed by an open mic format, bring poetry, prose, and your acustic guitar for a night of spoken and sung words!
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Find your voice. W T H S Sq.g
" T h e Voice o f H o p e College,,
sports ^
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Wished • • n
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^ S p o r t
Sports Sports Sports y
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Spo Sports
A p r i l 23, 2 0 0 3
Track tunes up at WMU
Sports editor
The dominance continues The softball team completes a perfect week with a sweep of Kalamazoo. The baseball team sweeps another team over the weekend. The golf team wins a co-championship at the TriState tournament in Indiana. These are some of the things that happened this week at Hope and yet it doesn't seem like such a big deal. Why? Because this type of thing happens all the time. It seems that every time I look at a score or cover a Hope team, they are always sweeping teams or winning tournaments. Both basketball teams had great years. The women went undefeated in conference play and had their most successful regular season ever. They won the MIAA outright, won their league tournament, and advanced in the NCAA tournament. The men won their 31 st MIAA Championship, won the conference tournament, and got Coach Glenn Van Wieren his 500th victory. The baseball and softball teams are doing well again. Andrea Adams C03) was just
named the MIAA pitcher of the week after winning three games and saving another in just one week of play. Hope has dominating sports teams and are at the top of the MIAA in just about everything. I think that the coaches deserve a lot of credit. They are genuinely nice people and it has been a pleasure covering their teams. They always take time out of their schedule to return emails or talk on the phone. These are things that they don't have to do but they do anyway because they are good people. Obviously, the athletes deserve credit as well. The practice schedules that some of these athletes have is just amazing and the CPA of most students on sports teams is a testament to what kind of people these athletes are. It has been a real joy covering these teams over the last semester. Hope has some of the best teams in the MIAA and some of the nicest players and coaches in all of college sports. Let's have a great summer and continue the winning tradition next fall.
A/fCHOff P H O T O C O U R T E S Y D E R E C K C H A V I S Kristen Post ('03) and Katrina Alvesteffer ('05) run in the 3,000-meter steeplechase.
Athletes have personal bests, team looks ahead to MIAA meet David Yetter S P O R T S EDITOR
The men's and women's track teams competed in an invitational meet Saturday that was hosted by Westem Michigan University. Both teams did well at the meet and a number of records were set. The competition was a tune-up as both teams get ready for the MIAA Conference meet at Alma on May 2-3. Maureen Warfield ('06) set a school record in the pole vault, finishing third in the meet with a vault of 10 feet. Kristen Post ('03) also set a school record, finishing second in the 3,000-meter steeplechase with a time of 12:00.74. There were also several season-best performances recorded at the meet. Brooke Costing ('03) ran the 400-meter dash in a season-best 59.71 seconds. Other season-best performances from the women came from the 4x400-meter relay (4:00.71) and the 4x100-meter relay (:50.01). Some other notable performances for the women
came from Christy Watkin ('04) and Emily Schlitz ( ' 0 5 ) . Watkin f i n i s h e d third in the long j u m p (17'10.75"), while Schlitz finished second in the javelin with a throw of 115 feet. The men also had a solid meet at Western. Peter Derby ('05), Edward Perez ('06), Ben Troost ('06), A1 Chimoski ('05), and Ken VandenOever ('06) all had season-best performances. Derby had the best finish for the men, placing second in the 1500-meters with a time of 3:59.42. Perez finished ninth in the 110-meters (: 15.82), Troost finished seventh in the high jump (6'1.5"), Chimoski finished fifth in the pole vault (12'6"), and VandenOever finished 13th in the shotput with a toss of 40 feet 7 inches. Other solid performances from the men included Kyle Williams ('06) finishing fifth in the steeplechase (:56.60) and Brendan Ryan ('06) finishing 4th in the 400-meters (:50.22). Coach Dereck Chavis was pleased with the performance of both teams "Our team is in the best shape of the year," Chavis said. ' T h e injuries that we have had are getting better and we are looking forward to the conference meet."
Dutchmen buzz Hornets in conference contest Hope sweeps Kalamazoo, now has 7-game win streak Bradley Vanderberg GUEST WRITER
W h i l e most Hope s t u d e n t s headed home for Easter weekend, the Hope College baseball team remained in Holland and swept the Kalamazoo Hornets in a threegame weekend series. The Dutchmen were looking good coming into the weekend series. They swept Calvin during the week by scores of 17-4,4-3 and 91. With their three game sweep of Kalamazoo this past w e e k e n d , Hope comfortably sits on top of the MIAA with a record of 11-1 in the league and 14-10 overall. Hope won both games of the doubleheader on Saturday with an 11-1 victory in game one and a 6-2 victory in game two. Game one was shortened by a slaughter rule in six innings. Jon Deming ('05) went the distance for Hope, giving up one earned run on three hits and striking out six batters. He improved to a perfect 4-0 on the season. Hope infielder Jon Edmondson ('06) hit his first homer of his collegiate career, a grand slam in the six-run third inning.
Clisby Jarrard ('03) grounds
A/VCHOff P H O T O S B Y D A V I D Y E T T E R Nate Brandsen ('06) bats during Hope's win over Calvin. ' T h e season has turned around dramatically from the beginning of the year," said Edmondson. "A lot of guys are stepping into their roles, and the team is coming together really well right now." In game two, the Dutchmen got three quick runs in the first with back-to-back-to-back doubles by Mike VanBeek ('03), B.J. Maas ('03) and Eric MacKenzie ('04). Matt Widenmier ('03) pitched for the Dutch and improved his record to 3-2, pitching four innings while allowing only one earned run on three hits. Kenneth Bart ('04) worked the
last three innings of the game and earned his first save of the season. Saturday's victories came hot on the heels of a victory on Friday, a game that saw the Dutchmen come back from behind twice to outlast the Hornets 11-10. The loss was Kalamazoo's thirteenth out of their last fifteen games, earning them last place in the MIAA standings. With the Hornets trying to hang on to a 10-9 lead in the 8th, Nate Brandsen ('06) got things going with a single to right. That was followed by a clutch 2-run homer by Aaron Quimby ('04), who replaced starter Clisby Jarrard ('03) in left
field to begin the 6th inning. Eric MacKenzie ('04) also had a good day at the plate, going three for three with two RBI's. "After we held them in the ninth, we realized that we can't take anyone lightly because every game we HOPE COLLEGE
have in the league is the biggest game of the year," said Edmondson. Andrew Vlasak ( ' 0 5 ) started on the mound for the Dutch. He went four and a third innings and surrendered only four runs while striking out four. Christian Viel ('04) out. worked the last three innings and got the victory, striking out two and improving his record to 1 -1. Hope will play three games this weekend against Albion, their last home series of the MIAA conference season before traveling to Aquinas on May 2. Non-Profil
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