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HOPE COU..EGE, HoIIud. Micbipa, Weda....,. MlI'Oh 19, 1919.







of the Hope Coli eKe Schools of Music and Expression Wednesday. March 19. 1919, Winants Chapel, 8 o'clock {l. m·






"Y" 31·23 Dlclde Stan With ·SIx

FIeld Ooall Every


· '.




PUY HOl'JI l'O8 . . .".



LoJal Hope6t.e Should Aalcom·

Aria-"Il est doux" ("Herodiade" )

MRS GRACE DUDLEY FENTON "Friday evening, March Zlst, the Gla%01tnow Grande Valse • Tbe DeLl'Oi t Bayle, at.a'te b&*etball Orange and Blue b'asketeus tralvel to ehaqlion. for .&verai yean, ud well MblIkllgOD, 'whore Lhey clash with the MISS MABEL MARBI,E k'llowu throaehout the United 8t.atett "iM.UskClgon "Y"-1l team clniming the Marjorie Bunting C.ooke beillauee <tit their libiUty to: pr04llee _Ia Reading-"A Dark·brown Diplomat" stnLc eharrQl ionsh~p. 'Right here, in reo wonllor.lo.l baaltetib&1l teama Hilh MISS ETHELYN METZ gard to tbe stute cb'lIlIIPiO!1ship, we will ~e t o HolJa.od, Friday, Kaz.h wisb to have it known Lo all t.hat tbe Wagner· Wilhelmj Parsifal Paraphrllse 23th to play the Hope College htereol· J{~ (Jollege quintet ;. not so in1lated MR. MEINECKE legia.te ehampioDBhip ·team in " ..... with IPrido tbat H claims' tho atate ehompionship-not at all . Il'be team is Bemberg tbat will decide the st.ate cbam(lionahip a "II neiKe" in 'ba*eflball lor the 191&-1•• merely a eon tender for tbe coveted Wekerli" 'Dbis will be the bjrgo.t pae at&pd laurel nnd we earnesUy believe thai b. L' Amour S'envole on the local floor ofor levera! thi. H<l\le spirit ",~lIlWo.k wonders for Wtkerlin c. Ber2ere Legere and H i. ~ted that one 01 the tJlC team. Woodm4n larveaL erOlWlda that hu haa ever wit· , iMUI!Kegon was dd'eated o~ our 6~r I d. "My soul is like a Karden·close" n_ed a coo.rt batotle On the 0a1ll1lP' Il1 nuory iMth by none palDt margt~ Clough·Leiter e. "My lover comes" gymnasium floor will tnrn out to " ' ; and OoOfCh Y.erlburg's ,varriors are out thia game, I tor oblood. The" Y" )las tbe decided MRS. FENTON /l'be Rayla who play under the DUDe Il'be first ten minlltes ef mixing eoo· l . dvant '4!e of pl~ying on its own floor I MR. ARTHUR H. HEUSINKVELD. Accompanilt of the T. B, BAyl HartiWate CoJIIIIUY sisted of a free thro\v du el b erween I and our teum will need the su.ppor!..gf ' ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"";!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"i"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....!!!!!!!!!!!!~ of Detroi t bave a mighty otroog t._ N)~Untp and Hcemstrn, tbe former 0\" at lenst 8eventy"fivc rooters if ~hat .. 8BOON!D~ SENIOR 0LA88 HOLDe A this yea r and coine to HOlland with " niog, aud both enging two out 04' tbr game is to be won Friday night. DEBATE WILL BE HBLD PlIJHIPlI,DfG GET·'!'OG·... k .. i .. IWA ....,. rOCOTd <>f having won 16 of the 18 three attempt s. The n Dick ie broh A special P. M. coa h lias been se· NErf MONDA.Y BVBNllfG gamee {tlayed' this seosn. The oo.ly AT ODD l'ELLOWJJ HALL tbe spell and cogNI th e spheroid from cured for the Hfl1lO delegation. The tare games the Rayle have lost were to the lott centor, Dyl<c followi ng immediate. round trip is $2.16. The trai n leaves Great La.ke3 and Osmego, N. Y. h a Iy afl er \\~ th R prett y shot from tbe 1I0lland Friday a.fternoon at 4:15 and Onm," return game the Rayla delfeated 0.. cenler ring. AI this I,oi nt Tunic <!ome Itave M.,RkPgo n lbe same night Ilt inego by a ICOra tit 30 to 10: The, j~with .bisJle\!onlLbtu.ke t ot the toea! 10:30. The train eonnections lire ex· rrbe Senior'dass held ano ther of ita fl'h. _nd 04' the lnter&ciety de· were oolible to get a retnn p.e witll . 90n and then Bill Vnn U" •• I fl1lOn ~d ~ellcnt; the trip 'Will be great; tbe famou s "geHogethen" last Tuesday bate. will be held next 1tlooday even· tbe Great ra.. team, '0 tIIey took for Ihe "Y ". Bill re<!ei ved a fine crowd' will b e a merry one; tbe game evening in tbe Odd FellOWlt Hall. Ger· ing, Monday Mareh 00, iDlltead C).f to· on tbe Toledo Overiande aDd be"t thea ovation fr om the II ~)(' crowd, big stel. will be clo!!C, but the " ietory will be ard R6111j1 and Miss Maude Van Drezer night ,Q>eeaule 01 the Ifaeu)ty long reo 3O.~. The Overlands ·had prevlOll8ly lor work at gunrJ I.st yeur Jor tbe vor' on .. if 0 largo crowd crt rooter. o~om' &eted' as ehaperons. The Seniors believe eita! t.hia eve~. 'l1hia deb.te will dl'teated the Great L~ 31 to 18, 10 sity, bei nll' still fres h in memory. P. pany the team. Wbat loyal Hfl1lOite that it il a virtue to retain one's YOlith prove more lnteretttiag then the first the Rayle have prllet!eally " oleu Prins, D ickie nlld H eemie stoed in will le t bwo dollars kel\11 hiJii or her and ~berclore iodulged in some. of the lrom the viewpoint at the Bud!encc. slate. rapid 8ucee, ion, "nd then Ih e " Y" from supporting the be8'l. team in tbo and ·p onimes. Il'be evening With you.r now limited knowledge of • old ""orts ".' Their record this eeuon is u fol· C8me through, th e b.n lt ending 10 to bistory <>f tbo teollege! I\'OS very pleasantly spent in playing tbe railroad quenion, by attendance 11JlI'8: l Z for tke winn ers. 'run ic counted n " Who's got the ring," "Charades" and MOnday eveo.lD(" thoro knowledge C1In R I "'" To. HOPE OOLLEGE RF-SERVE be obtaineit. You will also diseovtr ay s -"",-.uvtroit lunior College, 18, second lillie I>l';ore I he half was over, DEFEAT COMPAlI'Y F "01'11' ng." II 3'.......... "'h io State ." U", 18. " ",. thus sunpa.si ng hi s record of Ibe cnlire The memten crt tbe social committ ee that a qIlestion ean be dealtb with in BY FIFTEEN POIN'l'S t t ~iehigan, 12. season tbus far by one. "Ki ng Prins " ' deserve 8pocial mention becaMe of more waya th an one. -~ t m d: • R (!8...<ll. A. C., 17. did lellor work on th e oopposile end of "Sis" Vyn Th e I..... Entertains The tbeir 8ooccss.ful efforts in serving the over aa oompose o. . 17 I' tt Y' ..... " .... d t, m-..Dayton TriaDglea, 17. the floor. Members of the rream best "ossllle ent.. The luncheo .. , if it G. .....lIrte lDg, ..... "",eeop an " .' D' BIo·... ·I b Kn' ~reat W .. Sailors, PIT. rrhe se'ronll bult WtUl 011 e';cll rough sbonld Ibe eaHed a IUMboon, conlined l'ek _er, >Wi I meet t e t>eker· •• li0-8t. i! tbry's Oou.ge, 18. ond tmllill. match, Pete sustaining a II'h e Hope RC'Serve Five traveled to 04' fruit aalad, cboeolnte, c*e, briek bocker team, cOlll9Otted C).f Iud Holf· tt • • 2J9.-Ken10n, OhIo, 9, "Charley Horse" toward tbe elose of Grand Haven Friday (!'Ve ning nnd en· l"e cream and n""'le pie. man, Freddie'Vos and Bernie Mulller. " . ......... 2O-Daytoo triiloglea, 16 tho hair. ,J immi e wc nt in "nd did good lMred Ihe 00, If'. Veterans in 0 rougb 'l'be party WIIS only a sample of wbot Bernie ie a debater with a threo·yeu .. • II ' d b b' h' 38-1J.'ippeeanoe iOty, 0 " '!:T. work. 1 battle on the AmlOry fi oor, and win· i8 coming off in the ..,ring and plans n'.er-clO eil'ate rceor e tnd un, and " "r I 4O-<loncardia College, Ft. Hecmi e nnd II ny Ny" lOp, long·shol nlng hand ily 2 6to 11. The ga me W R8 were mode tor future par ties and sooial to hear him wi I be worth your tl ~'fDe, .1'1. 8rlist. ofor th ei r respective fives, were fa t 'from the . tnrt, tbe big crowd be· gatherings that will bring bad< in tbe att endance. 'l1be iIBue is again the . Elizabetb, 21. deeidedly off color, Hope's .tar cente r ing 8u'1Prised at the slellor work of years to come eherisbed ml'mories of railroad question, Relolved, " That the " · to t 15-()emcgo, N. Y., 16. .hoo.ld Oov t t eo ha ving Ihe br tter of the argument witb Bolt, W3s8cuoor nnd Mlk o... II that is tbe Illst days spent at Hope. eromen n lDoe O\l8ra e " _. • all state aDd i nter·atate railroads lin. :Ja.-,Dayton Trianelea, 'IIf. lJwo and Roy one. !Dickie led in tbe the sllCond 's wbot must Ihe first be," til J1lDuuy 1, 191M, under the polie., It OO-Oamego, N. Y., 10. A9Jlatore starred for the }"II.E8RMBN FILA!1'BB8 seor~tIig for Hopo witb six field goal8, said Ihey. ENl0Y IPAlII1'Y' AT KAOA. ,outlioe'd by Mr. Wm. McAdoo." , tl es--at. Mary'll College, 18. with eemie t·hre ; Nyje,amp caged lour losers. U m-"ralCbon "Y" TAWA PAU lL\'l'UJU)AY Tho little blue tags rJl the 6r.t de· t l ' • I for Ibe .. Y", Paul Oltman. being a Suommary:b~te will admit YOli. Et you hft"~ lo.ot 30-1.l'0ledb Overlandllj •• 00. ~'-ll close second with threc. Kuite's un. Hope Reserve_2C iBy merely I~ntr OVer thil record necessary !foot.ball toiled to 'bring reo Bolt.. ....................... R. F ......._... ABpa.tore Prof_ (Uld jKaI.lAmptD 0b&per0ne4 yoo r card, <!ome .nyway. L et's Jill up aado <!onlidering the calihe.r III the Winant. Obape!. suJts. T~e ................. .L. F ........... Nesterbof Jfhe~ _ •_ t _ the Baa.,ls have played, we e&II : Hfl1lO cleanly won the game on field SChunnan................. lJ..._........... Muoson ~ 11014 Part)' readily see that they h"v. the eba· J oy itaekl ruled over the Hope Col· baskets, and therefore Ihe importance Wassonaor ..............R.G................... Koch Last Tuesday eveniog' the Preps. had pionship 04' sevenll .tatlt;9 praelleelly of tbe vietory is tbnt much g;:eater, G. D Jong.............. JL. G............... NYland lege Frate r oparty held' i n tbe Van Dur· a -L. UU1squera d e par ty at tb 0 L 'lterary clnt hed. ~oth Heem ie nnd Ray nef'ting fi~e out .Goals from . the fi eld-lWn&renaor 4; ell summer p I&ee a t Um8ea t .....a P Drk C1t(b rooms, and bad a most enjoyable rI'he Ray1s will line lip .. foi1oon:04' eight misto'kes assel ed elllCh quin' MIke, 3; lJ'eP!lsk. , 3; Bo~t, 2; Allpatore, Solurday. Ooasti"lr and .lirn'bing the time. Great ingenuity <Was 8hown In Ruak~l. Boooey, Teep~e, Clble &lid tet. ~,. nnd Nesterbof. Goals f rou, the toul h'I ll K f urDl1 . be d a mllll&--' the di fferent eoatumea. Mter mal'llhlog Wilfrid<>, fOf'lf.rdl; VOSII, cent.r; Via· lt ne-&It, 2 out of 6; AlJPlltore, 5 out P ~ d ,,_ r . _ _ h-""'" '. Summory. I rOleSfJOr an lUIO. ~n e '.'.I;jl· in a ISrand "roeenion a letst TfU tOD, W_ad and we, ....rdI. 8ev. P. ~rins .................... R...F. ".. ..... Nykomp of 10. Rcferee-JioOl lfh rJI. Grand Ha· oned. Mrs. iLampen's c laim to entinar., epread. mae relt at the cvening WIIS eral of the tAlumni will JIO daabt ,"all tjIrngn...................L. F ......... ,........ Kuite ven. • ,ohility Uler ted itself at IlUpper time. 'talten QJI with • short program and Runbl, Bo08ey and W'ulnund After Ihe game, Sister Vyn of Hope W·th b er supann . , e""eU(le _ 1 ,.., ilocmstro ..._.............. O....... Von Tongeren . I ... IUeS gameR. It wu 00.0 of Ihe tiveliCl' played on the looaI lloor .... eral ,ean T.PriDll ....................R. G.... _....Von Hnzel Se.nlor cia eho.peroned the boYI to " IBillie" 8cllnooberger aod Allee Erow' pertie the Preps. ever had, and Ihowed &10. All tile pl.yeN on the "yl s VanPiitten .............L .O .............. Oltman. her home on d1bore they were rolyally _It y. . or 'Prepar cd a d'Inner fit'(OT ro,_ that the Preps, IIIfter .11, bne a Jot of ~eam .re men at inter·.tate "-e u4 Goal. froffiJ Field-.T-Wi.nga , 6; ontcrlolned on their victory. It il rum· F t J ', d D 0 Ik er were th e pep. -Prep. '19. .'t will be a ra..,'treat to _ ~ __ Heemstra, 3; T. Prins 2; P. Pri .. and ored lhat severn I medlen 04' the team I'llIdera app,np an _. _ In • • otlon agaiut oar Von Putten. yltarnp, 4; Oltman., 3; h ma S. • ' Ive requCllted 8 .. to . tart a matrlmon· . ... th • th tb y. W.o. A. ' qWlltet. Kuite and Van Irnzel. Ooal from the ial b t ......or 0 rapaa. e merry on81 p . loul tin~eemstra, 5 ou.t 8; Nykalll1l ureau. •• _ : ered about the dreplace ,their ahaclowl On Thuredat alternooa \he m_· I ••• G out at . Slibstitutiontt-Mope, Klom· T ... .&. 16J' 11 the moJDwprt", In \he note...... beiog c. . by the rayl of th. borai.,. bera at tile Y. W. O. A. held their all' prena for P. Prius. Reiferee-Sam Ui>The follCl'lriog others tThe regnl'ar aeeU. rtl the Y. . . 0Of en4Je8 11'...... calIII rotattoD. ~"and. against thelback'gl'ound. Laup· DUa! eleetion. ton C).f Grnn'd Rapills Central. SeorerA. _ held enlliq at ... . . la, mona the d'nUn, wIIIIiI tW lOll 'tor and son 611e(1 the rGOm and 10lt were .Ietctcd: Seigers and Fris. Timer-1M:ulder. iPrettident""'y Geeglt, '110. nal honr. DeIplte tile parV . . . . In a p reliminary to the big game, III tile pat of ~ Itsoll ill the D;pt. Junior Hjgh dlffeated Boy &out Trofl1l Mm., I Alfter the lintillg of tile Fr.ter 10111, iV~-!'realdellt-»vel'lI Zwemer, '110. el.l. . t1te atteatloa fIl • &11 " FI. 1d ~r_Dt.Uve--(Jertrade PIM' the . " . . a IaIp el'llMt f t I , . . . . 4 by a 16 to 3 eount, the 6rlt balf end· • the h"",., eoaplea prepared to retraee iag II to 3. Oar claW _ In Itt. II u ••llal1 ,their n . troaa the .ratie region bIa en, '11. to hear S ...e ItpeIk .. Got .. JIWIt AI Van Zoeren 01 Holland " Y" -.0 IIIaU IUb .. do wIIa ,.. - . ~ the ,"-e lit emllatlon. Jlappla. . I3erNrr-l'elli !!,II Welt. . . . ., . . . . Ia ....... III 1'. ~ refereed. DuUter. orcheatra .ugo· '111M iI the ..me. " & ~ 1.1011. lIIiIe...a th.lr ~. , '10. • wilt 111 ....... "UJ .... mellted, did IUpelib work. ....W.O. Y., 'D. 1J)ea..,er ITIila Ke,u, '11. lac Ia ....,. III ... .

Orongc nnd Blue Ba keteeu M)n their eighth eonsooulive victory Friday c"ening, deei iv.ly deteating tho Hol· lund .. Y" nggregation to the tOile at 31 to 23 nnd thereby nlso wjnning tho ci ty chn1ll'pionshWp in bn!kcLbnll. The " Y" (Iuiutct with lhe exilEft>tion of one mnll, was eoo'llOlled C).f former Hfl1lo varsity sln rs, Ihree of them 'being "H" men, oUll are cotlo('hed ,b y Joel< hou· ten, fomler Rove eo. b. The go.me wit S one Of th e roughe t 'Played on the loonl courl ond wos ve ry ilisawointing from tho SII>eetotors "i l"w~olnt ,tho can· tlnunl ploying of the moo instool\ of the 0011, causi ng much delay, nod mlllk· ~ ing teanl,work almost imp<> wle, Ouly here and there , vrre tbere flashe s tbat obo""ed old tim'e fomt .




1NIII7 ~ Team


. . ----





















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k1}nr . . . . . . . ..., Wtel.....,. (",liar 1111 001· ..... ) _ br "',,'''.,, of Hop. 00111",

RAD-or"'u AN. A.. D. ICDIt. '20 Pi ....... ....1"IDI Wler,illl, '2 1

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Lhonr7 .......... AIlDA M. '20 . . . . . ........ . •JWdoIpIo D, B"oopw., '1~

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NM St! 'fraud. P. IbrmaD, • • I I &4Itae ••••••• Ktlen K, BeJ~ ~...t &41&01' •••••••• Eye11D ZWUln, ...... ' g .... .......... lh.nko DOli JIioIlI. VIT ..... 1t'Il ... .. m MUtOD V •• Dyke, !rln. 1[, )l'e,er,


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AMp" /\or _ I ..... lh>echoI 8&1. 01 ....... pro,14ocI II>r 10 Seedo. ITOB, A~ " ~ IP~ • • _Iood, 0 . 00II .. 19,


that arrument during the preted eam· The Y. W. O. A. Oabinet wu. enter· -pnlgn, tor undor tho prO'pOled amend· talned at ho home 0If AlI~e BUCI on .mo.t all the mODO,. ,oes to tho etate. Wednesd.,. afternoon. .Atter tho reg· The clUe. !!rill h&>ve .olutely notblng , ular meellnV dainty refresholDOCnta wore to aay. Tho,. O)lIlInot 8'V1III regula to served . rnloon eloliog boors. The ..loons will i -hang out si(lls "Never OIosed," an ;1 »very one . ~ the PrOJlllT.atory stu· tbe liquor trallie will go on from day donts .bad a 8no thoo at their Miuquer· to day from week to week trom yuor ode party on 'l1uesday night, Mias to yea~, until lJIe UnHed El~ate8 reach. , Obri.Une Van &aalte acled as ocha-per. el the demoralized 1It&to thalOermnny on· in today. Neither ean tbe eitlps regulate the numftlor 01. saloons, ,1 ,ast trbil II the way It hllJWeaed: On year wben !Holland was wet. the el ty Tbu"lday niltrht a terrible crash Will t'ou~iI couM liUllt the numher ot sa· ' 'be rd on th. third floor in Voorheet loons, but under the prGpOseJ amou d· hall. JAne Potts met Jetlnette Vauder ment the cities would not hAW A ~ay We'll, and Jeanette _rod J'aoe ao In tbo mo\ter. badly that Jane dropped tho tray with J"urthermore, the ~ities eallnot regno dishes whiIlh Jaoe "18.S carrying . late the ..unom dt. " tr atin)!" in .a· -loons. The Oleo will" Kot 'en. np" And Th e first lootur on sm~ing In "drink 'om ~IO until Ihey 'bC\!ume Voorhees Hlnll wu rendered, and we sleClled in liquor, (Ind reek wi th Ihe si ncerely hope that a second one will most vile odor that hOB ClVer polin ted not be c9.lled for . the breath o~ mall, .inee Gq,l firsl ~ "breathed into his nostril tlle uroath Horriet Bak er favored us with a ot Ilfe.' 'Theil men do not boeollle "as ,·iolill solo in OlnJ;pol Friday morn.ing. livitrg 9Ouls" but bOl!(Y!IIe a~ the \YiI~ She plllyed SIlhulJert's " Ave Marie." beasts c4 the field. These men creat~d in the image at God, blaspheme Il is on · Some Off th e Junior girls want to (·red name. In short , they know nol take Histo ry tho pring term" jU6t to what they do wben they beCOTe r rn.z(\ be with Wi~bera . " '~ilh liquor. fJ'h ey ge home nnd ~ri,' e Iheir little c~i ldre ll oot on th ~ slreets. These ,'hi:l!rcn, slunted ill gr ,w' h. look At n meet ing ot the Trin ity Re· up to you, (lear rcader, with we:lz.'lItd fonlled Church of Amsterdam, N. Y., a fa ces· .;. ese crying child,pn lind uuaaimou. call was extended to George ~ellrlt.rok(n mothers appeal tJ YoIU 10 do y~ur ~"t~· and voto dow" Ih:. Steininger, '16, 10 a~ept tbe .pastorate of the church. 1M't. Siei ninger is now dU!I.nu bl(, OCl'r and wine 4mC" lm ellt. 0. senio r in the Theological Seminary TO THOBE : UNDER THE RED ot NCIW Bruu..wilck. BANNER ~ The }'ourth Ohureh of Holland, Mich. The present period i. olle ~ r general has extended 0. oCoU 10 Rev. Peter unrest and di s'ul\bunee. Forces, tbat Draw, '99, of Pella, I!>IYlI, havo long be~1I lying dormant. h:.ve ltev. aud Mrs. Garret Hondelillk, '00, been arou s~'l "lid nrc tuk ;ng til new form. ot actlv ,:y; powers, hitberto uu· and '03, both were 9pUkers at a joint Iried, are g;ving to man n n('!'N CU II C'1jl' meeting ot tho various mission ·socie. tion dt. the greatnClls of hi. pro"illt·e. ties Off the Eut Williamson Church in 80 ex teMive is this movelD ~ ,t ,~al it Booh,elller. .Mr. Hondeliak is, .t pro8· bas gntbered nil homanity into it . vaal. ent, pastor of the First Cbu":h in sweop; non e has been Io!t untouched ltoietester. -0by the great issues of the war. For· Rev. I. V4Il Westenberg, '00, O't 1mtAlnnte is that man, who, leaning upon the strength of his convictions, man1lal Ohureh, Grand RB{lids, left tor h.B Ibeen IlIble to keep his bearing in a two .weeb' evanllelist\oc uJll1lBiga Ihe midst ~ it all; "lbo, is oot lost in amoo.k tbe Moun4,in Wh ites 01 Ken· Ihe pathless maze, buL kn!)ws where be tuilky. He will lIpCnd half ot his lime .tnnd., and penetnting tbrll the st rife aL M1:Kce and the olher hall 0.1 Ann . on,1 hu~, gets close to the 80ul of ville, vioi1.Uig the h",,!>ital. ond schools est.aib lished by ~r Rtltormed ehureh. the world.

9t.egeman receiw:edJ a tellaoftilrip to that II t.IIe l'aartII J[opttte !l'v -..eelYe A jnriti1:lI'tiorll and ill tIDdIl,. & mealier of 8claoIInIIlp Froa ~ VDiTllnl.ty the ~lty at tb& ;oniunie,. of Pitt..

Andrew Karsten, II- 'DIetdbor ot bhi, year&' Senior c\nM, hil S boen 1IIWI1rded A IIChol'antnip in Ohem;stry at Ohio EIb; Unlverllity, The IICholarahip (lOv· ers tour yellftr, ealllng tor three hua· dred dolllu"" ]llu. tuitiorll and break.· oge at. one of tile beat univenritiee in !.he eounuy. Lt i. a filing reward lor t'h" \Ioneeienti~s \\tlrk Mr. KOTsten hlll done at the 10081 In~tutlOn under tbe direction of Dr. Mmon T. Go<Wrey, IUlUd ot tho DCflIIrt.mont ol ChMDi8try.





In leep!'n:g with the established pol· iey ot alf pobtieations, the editor of tile- AKhor ratnses 10 print any ·allony.

eo»trilKrtlons. Oontrilbutron. may 1M! signed with a nOIll~e."lume, but it r. lI_ry thBt Ihe name of the contributor a~cOlll'p811y the artiele. We are held re9p01lsi1>le tor any and all [teu tbt lIppea-r in the A:nebor an~ tAeretore we feel tho.t ·1I'e ore justified ill' Dot ' ~1IIblfrbing UlIsigned ort ieles. Win 1le-1*Irty wbo handed in an anony· colltribution tor th i. issue please reonal hLw or liter identity ~o tllt edi'tort dlOQI


----_..._---- -DO YOtlll. DUTY

DelIPite the tact that M I~biga n bas been voted dry; Mspite tbe taet that tbe required nu~er of st,a tes bave rat ified the dry amendment /lOd tbe United States has virtually become a dry nation-<lespite 01 IIhis, wesf{o ll "K'Ilin ha.ve 118100ns io our midst unless we g~t busy. On April 7th tbe so· ulJed' 'beer and wine amendment to Ar· ticle XV1 of the State Constitution will be presented to the voters. Th e pro· posed am endmenl reaw. in part 49 tal· 10'W1:

It ah&ll be forever l.r.wful1Jl thlJ IIt&te ,to Import, tl'IoIWpOzt, DlUIUtactw., QJe, buJ', eell, keep tor -.le, I1n &-f, b&rter or fum!a1l ent)' Jdad of cider, ~eI, beer, ale &lid porter, &lid to 1'0_ tile _ ill & plivate It'eSidUIC.. 11here is lIlso a clause jn the amend· meat whiCh ltates that Lbe olectors 01 eOlCh ei ty, village or lO'Wnship, bas the right to prohibi t the manufa.eture, .ale or keepi ng tor sale at vinous, mal t, brllWed or ifermented liquors. In otber word. ,tbe loeal option law will bo reo pealed. You all know what a fiJlilc the loe'IIl option. I_ W1lS. It was 0 I I rot!en" piece of legjlllalion alld i t~ repeal would mean untold dilalter to tbe o:oUDtry. U the amendment is acioopted at the Aclril election it win to.ke effect May 7th, ID19. This means that within _eD weeks we shall have saloons in ODr midat. Thia mean. tbat brewerie. wilT ibe lepl. Finally, it meall, thaI the jails will again be crowded with crimi ... ia .... d murderero. f. their former antlllrohlbition eam· pail'll ,tile weta bave argued that it tbe ltate went dry ,the cities would 101e the tboa.nda ot dolla .. tbat roll in eeIr ,.ear trom the Il.cenaing of sa· loons. TIs. WN, Iaowe.er, UDlI.t !lie

N. HOFFMAN, Proprittor Citlun'. Pbone IOU

34 W. 8th st.

Music Studies. Sheet Music, Song Books. Ukuleles, Guitars, Violins and Everything Musical.

Meyer's Music House I '.W. 8th Sl Holland, Mleb.



illany there are w'ho seem to be floundering about hopelessly in ~he rush aod f roth of things, not kuowing whither Ihey are Ibeillg carried. Ev· ery now dooetrine or tt1()Vement is an· at her confl ict. At the first alarm Ihe)' 11lr("~' Irlllh and principle to the Winds and now tbey find themselves adri~, alld, ill th e ottell\pt to gain thei r bMrillg, arc led inl o all kind. of rrOfS anti eXlCOSseti. It i. neee ... ry lor th em 10 get'll new hold ~ n cternal Iruths, to return 10 A wholesomo taith in the SU!Ir~m c Bei llg who is di,ceting Iheoe movemenlJ! in a.ocordance with lTis ~ie rnal purpose; they must get a n()W cOllceptio n of lh ei r relationship to their fellow·men. Let tJlom ultival e once IIgoin the genuille friendships ' let them devot.e tbem.elves to humlJle 'and loving SC M' ice, an dlhc~' will find Mm in t.he great Ihrot>4ling henrt of humanit,.. Let them do those Ihin gs, we say, and t.hey \\~ II have a finn grip 00 their. oWll Uve~ and a e lear "ision of wh ilber Ihe world and the nJl'airs ot men nre tending. -W.



New Spring Suits 10

Young Mens Waist Seam Models at

P. S. Boter,& CO. at prices that are right


- _. '

Prof. A. Rall(p, odueationol secretary of Hope Colle,ge, ad'dre.sed a meeting of tbe eon istorial union held 1811 Thursday <&t Trinity Roforomed church in Gr. Rapids. Hil address which WI. on Ihe . uh:joot " H~)C College As a }'uc. lor I n I he RetONDed Oburcb" was well r(lfCci \led.

Sporting Goods at



J oh n Von West.eoiJerg, a torme r prep Ilud ent, di~d OD the eveaing of March 71h, at the home of his parents, Mr. anti Mr.. John Van Westerlberg of AI. I~ndnle . J obn, who Willi forced to leave Hope bocau.e 01 rbeumati8DI was higly elteemed by bolh teaehers and pludenis. He wao a nepbew ot Rev. J ohn Van We,lfnborg of Fremont. R~.

Holland, Micb.

lio To This Store For



burgh; Joon A. V.. oder WII'p, '18, and F'4u1 Stegeman, 't'1, lire the other 1rW'o Hope men to reoelve 01M!) hte Unl· veraity IICbtllal'fJbipa. 1Mlr. Paul Stege • milo, recontly lI80Uted bls d1ae:h ....ge nnd 'boa. rOtlllmeci his II\Ibolanh\p worlt 8,t tahe UnJ~r.ty. {yo Kilraten wbtl atlained t1le Nnil CiI! Serf8lln'~ In the GoverDme1Il'8l Chemical Wlnr18re Service received a 8p1 ndid rcco.mmendaMon Irom his Col· onol ",!tell ho WIIS d'llICha..ged' a fllW II- tfIW moolhe ago.

For your meals and luncb.. wbile In Holland stop at tbe


k __ ah1MI ,about I\IB ill wbJcll _ IIBatI tlIInt c.ance ~ look for,... 'wiG • ." hope to' • ." mel era" ... titler. (


». XanotltL M ~ Iopelt, to r_Ive & .tlolaNlt.lf r.- tile Ohio OIBIO Ift.AU ,OBIU 11 aaKOTnABElP Df •• MillJftBY eate UAl"'~"7. h lJU Oetihard



Developing, .Printing

and ~hs. John H. WlITlIshui. ' 10, who have ioulMi it necessary t~ leave tbei r mission work in India, have sa~e ly arrived in Rolland.

tr'hTPe mC1®ers of the graduating ela .. of ~ h e Western Theological Sem indry have been hooored with cal~ to vacant pulpits in our Reformed den om· illdlion: O. Va.ruIer Lind~ll the chureh lit Beaverdam, Mreh. Arthur


Eterything Photographic •


}9 E. Eiahth Street

Cilz. Phone 1582


¥IlBLman to lhe chune!l II-t N_ Ere Wei,,; lInd Herman Maaaeen, '18, t~ ;; Dethany aehul1lh at EMly, Ie.

••• Knicl<erboeker IIOciety mcn held a merry smoker nnd II teed" in celebra. tion 01 MoV's State vittory, Miller's cream pie taatu rl.g. Wiund Ten Brock, better known M'Bii Chen trom China h81 a story to tel1 Ibout II 8uperion."


Two of " ElIId iKllIDp ju t returned trom down·tO'lJ1l ...hen be met Dick who said, "Say KeDl'p, did you .ee my wateh' I just bought a new one th.t strike •. " Kemp-" Mine has quit wonldng, too." -0-

Onr CINI an aU todq, our J07I an aU t.odq; The MiasM Jane Potts and Henrietta ADd 1Jl OM l1.We word, ov life, Dulmez went t'll Hamillpn tor tbe we~ end. They ,both had a II lpIeacliterolll" " . . lit It but-tIodIf'7 titae.


Geo. H. Huizenga & Co• Jewelers, Optometrists

Now at our New Location 18 west 8th street



.!:~~~~====~~~==~~~~~~~~~w~.~.~n~~~:T, "0, ""&1 dear, lno, 111', I uk'"

r.u..rartt IIrp.......... -nt ""'e":J W "''''


r v_, -



I i-to., W-.oa

at.o hid ibo op.WOII her. I}'II& rir" uld .he wu P&ullne .WeatIte..11, up III her OWll I *,"oud ud thoOlht beNel't 1Il0 poll ler room It .B..lIford Dorm., turned <trom lie ... while the .bo1' ui.~ abe Memed ber mirror hI' ditgult,' " No .ire~ I'm to !be I dl.lldy girl, lIut 110 icy that olle not r.lly ....r----hllt eyft if lowe, ra a ~'u in danaN of e&tobl- cold Iround rl.viac tear ill, ~ ndbod,. would •." Pauline milUlIdefltooU Weetoa pay any4ltt8Jlj!i0ll. to _I" Bb6 drop- ! ~d WestOIll mllUnderatood her: eacb peel ~ on & ehtIr at h~ .tu.". !.IIble Q!idkillg the other wat &t hult alld. and turn.ea to-Livy'e Beeood Punic: 'War tlI\t redishl'g thlt tbe,. both were to to divert ber mind trom Ilwt.t doi.tutfb. &~ave. BIIt thiDgl could IlOt al"'l,. log fact.. But .Hannibal . nel all hia May ill that condition. Already there ~erillp iD crolOlittg tb. Alpe fliled ~u a tellin'g illl the !JOI)ieUee that to le_ hI' «I.... grief, audaloejk,;nto lo'methlng muat pe done. P&uline allO, the b601t lRlfIIeed heT; thrmDi it Ie she bOl'lelf dilCOver.d, was gelltiDg , .• d%: ebe gntl>ed <tor ber ela.. reeu_ over it. She didll't bow A f I " . h-"" ter IDdi ran lrom 'I be roam, d OWD '"bleb , h e '11'11 or mo••• : lh e en d 0f a .>! YeAr a nd th e b om~.~ng, -I two 6igbte ot atai .., and QUtto or popu· In t he ""e ~ air. She waD<lered ilIto & latity, to some exteM. at leaat., among d tlie W t . woodY PI~t ot the Clmpus and h Ullte ee ODllns. out ber "re1l1Jing·pta<le"-a quiet bo1l1Mareb paned, April'. raiD!> w&8hed der, prObably dTopped to earth by 80me i~ May :wit~ it8110wol'S, but tlt.ill tbat IdDod of meteor for her tpeeial benefit "' lOmetblng" ·hld not yet ibeelll cfune. . aud CCN*lla.tion. It w" a will4'1 Pauline ..... thoroughl,. dll,gn8ted, aod P.A.VLDnI'. POPULd.1'l'Y



IIwut, ___6


lo~Wbolltit,"r.p!lIlhnU...,jwap. iJIic up to ld. her ID·other. . . It. . .

100~111'&t wiaet ;. polltively .tl41a.1 I'm lolaf alter Lo;" mother, ..41 til.., ttb a Wilt to the like. Ooocllyeo." • , . aero .. the lawn, alld jut u the wu .:rolliDe tb mt6t I. ....... bat ...... fairly lIull'i It her !by the modi. TuTUiDC' bl.ck. to ll'Om b i h w enee t CIlIU!, • e & younl JIlIn rUIID.!lIg to"rd. her, trying to clt:eb up with 1tit IVlI-away hat. ..u he Clllle up, Pauline bl.lldedl him h.i.I bat, but IJtopped . bort. dn suddleu emb&r~a· mnt. "Tb ...... ~u v.ry much, ~-," Ibe beard 'him .y. - "Bllven''t I HeD your flee belore' " Whet abe W'H IbJulhille: obouL Ibe did nO'\. ouelly know, but it made ber quUe uDl:omtontdlle. ., Wby,~e8, I went. to .Weston laat year." ..~YoU' ate Mi.. WeatheraIT,. theD, thal-" "Nobody likedl" finished Pauline, ber t.ee aJIame. "I eroo'" think tbat .. quite richt, Mill Weat berall. For aome realOn or



. . . . .l I dift't tu .... h.Ia dO_,"lIpllecl Pall!l.lHl u if ~,weTe Jlall uht.med of it a1I: oIfuold. 8tn_Dor 0( aU fIIlowlf You're IImlty, lid. 11',11 .... lIo'body Illu!it you at Wlltolll I IIiI1lN* yOi do",'I. kIIow every 80ph &in it elU7 about mm, ... d plenty of little iM-'lDll nOll Julll4lfl. Row !tid It bappm , ..


... ............... "'r.


&t lID,. Xa.1WIIw4 .....· ,w.ILed Ioj I ., ia.buttlt ball &14 0..' tory>, sad ".. allo ytq . .~. . . . . 'rtlJcloou- lila. . . . . . . F&elIaata will r..u die III_NI»I, ....... otatorioal coatnt: ot Mlar 98, 11116, iL wWQ be tlecJ, fteodor. ~, >.18, for _. olld. p1liee In . . . . .,... omt 1& l!U'


eema- by « _re of lID IIIN. G$b1rG'a ollMilta _ tile nrprile ~ t1te eoDtNlt. '11Ie ealwyo Burke Jra4. llO.,er beter. . . . . . (!lilt in I. OIlI.teIt IDod prior to the delivvyat !lie proa.. tion __ oot $IlIldered a . t.!tor ),y IDy ona ~ i!le .rita. (!'Ite willller of 'lbe me6't waa Geot"p Bleini. r , '10, ot latellllatJ& tame. Gebhard ill I lOa of 1iIe Rn. Ma ~ t'l-A.L_ .... ,,-rd, D. D., "78, wtt,o for tbe ... ~ e''II.....·eft~ y ......... --ed u cor. ....... re-ndl,u, 01. the Bolr".. o'• .,..... ., --'-ry ~ .. EclIe&tioa at ~ WonMai charda. .._

"Well, I dIon 't .... why he coulda" ult me.. well II aay onter &irl, Alice'" "Now, doo 't i et peeved', boney, I w.. jOlt eoD'"atolatiDl yo II. Barold &&Idom ~~ a Ir rl Inywh61_lIe .eeme to , .. a IDd we have I lot cd tun -wit hi ... b t that'. aU. Tell me 80me mor iIline." " There'. nothill( elM to tell ueept tblt I tot Icqullnted with him at beme lut MIDImor,-be wu .vil1ti°i In WateJ!t>oWD.... Then .be told the Itory. " WeU, I do vuml" ..... Alice'. u. pr_ive r'jolnder, whn !Pauline waa PUT.A..,. BlDl'&ya;OVJllf IP~ .aoJI..f l'UlI.LO'O'GJI t'bro\Jolh. "Well, I'm glad lblt you K -

_ _ ••


met him at bome. lDut ntlt'. ~u over

m. ALMA. ;KA.'l'BB

and OV8r 19ainl YOII''l1 get acqulia(,lid wbea you"re home, but you jump ill "PM W.. " oa...iA11tlltlWa7 hDIIl Mate'h atternoon, but bho the wind Wis b.d for .rune an.dl lbe \\1018 o<t tbe 0UIIp DodP. ft . . . . . . . ClIIaIalII played witb Pauline'. bair and skirts, 18I!hool. Itl semea a, it her only a bole and pull tbe .bole in .tier you, witb ber bands elalilling her lutee., ahe MeDd at .Weaton wea h.r .. reetill(- OIt.her we didn't get to know you ....11, ~....-. nor you us. I IIUfl'P08& you Iknow my here at coli.... " .. ~ upon her" reetiug 'place," clbllv· place." All her studyln'g ebe did' in DIme is Harold St6vealOd I bope " Oh," I\ched Plullne, " 111m hopeIPri·... te Bellry ]He"II, a ,..duate 1'-." iOIl!l.o e-verytbiD'g lIO!out het, and thia comtortalble little nook, ...bere ev· we C'an get better aequ&iJlted." ol lut year '. Halor eu, a lII_ber ot eryiling was 80 poaetltul, ncr where " Your're ~t," ber ebum ill-NOd. . l'CIred' illto space. "I knenv yOJU Il&me wu Mr. Steve· M~ the Fraternal _iely, photo editor of Pauline wae a Freshman aDd' uu- .Ibe held! many eOD'ferenetl out loud son,-my nam6 '~ Paul\n.e. W<hy,-that "Jut aet aenli.ble I I if you were at tbe 1817 ¥Untolle, Ct&ok outfielder 01. popular bee ides. She 'W18 D.ot eoxlrew&' wilb herB&ll. in IlpIite ot ber 1eelinll i9-do you' live b.re'" PaDlille 'Wu bame, IDd everyolUl willlilte you. Why, H~e'. baad>all aiae, &ad nu qolner· Iy pretty, buL no one eoulcll !by any lalfaiDst all Weatoniana in general, viAi'hly eDiI.rrued. _ Pauline, if you 'ell brice up Iud puU ~aclt on 1IIe 1818 tootb&ll. tolJll, bl_ meane .y ah "'.... homely. :Ber large P.auline had opidked! out lev.ral ltu· "No, lol:i.M Weltberall, I 8l1li vlal(,- younert ou~ ot your ,hell, you'd' he tile into to'Wll lut W:edanclay lIternoo. brown. eyeo hahed Iblack iD ~lement dent.. who sbe wilhed 'Were ber frien~., ing fri.Dd in WaterltoWl> this IUmmer. moet popular girl It WNtonl" on • 1lN. MY put trom Camp Dodge, or aoger, and ber hair, eyebrowl IDd One haDdllome )'IOUDg fellow in !partie' It'a atran18 we havmlt mel: belore, The of... party wu a .bappy one for Dea Moin", Ia. laahea were eo <t""'P obTftk. Her chin IUIIlr uught ber att.nti.on. Hit wavy isn't ill" Pauline. She Itu..... the _IIUII 01 a I I Pee Wee" aa he la aJfeetiouiteJy ...ae a. determ ined! cbilll .ud could look light bair aDd blue eree auited PaulPauliD. never did' know just exaetly good' number ill the clut, ibut bew called by bie many frienda Ind Ievery tltabborn at times. Her complex- ine '9 toste eneLly-ghe proferred -blue wbat 1wippeu.ed, Dor how Harold practicilly none 01. .the memllen thtmqoalnt&A\:ea, ia one of tbe moat popn1a. Ion was diark-DJld baw often had ahe eyes to ibrO'WD, am·o/Iye. Wben he wore BteveD'IOlt lol away, buL abe ... alt very selve., and ao it w .. a. ' pt.acqualnted' mell that ever walked 00wu. tbe .tepa wiebed for tbe rosy 'milk·white' his uDiform-lor WCBton bad had! it.a well_ aWl[8 ot the fact that lIhe bad time fIor ber. 'Harold IIOemed to "DIe of WilLlntl eb.,1 with tlte BO(MI 001· 'peacbes aoo cream' coIdplexion 80me I"hare of 8. A. T. C. joye IDd IOrrowe- melt bim, and. aleo th'at be had accept.ed ber baakw.rd"ue., aDd .moolbed num. Is a h d. .... -,. not ittaulille thought h. wao !by tar t he her iavitatio", to dw.p In .0111& time. borlen placea for ber, wbile abe lege .beepeltin ill hII bandt. fter • gtr ....r.Iy b at f ac. d'I.. lan 't a me~aJ>t oa Eighth rueet, • MUse ber uD(XJpularity among the stu- moot handsome young ItOldier .he had Sbe glfIW cold at tbe thouibt of llr- brealbed ID incoberent ptayer of millister In Boll&ad. or a all/Wll)oy 011 dents at We.taD, for there ....ere other ever seen. She merely lme... bia name, bow ever di~ alle dare ... SIII\:h a thankl'givinll t o God or to H.ro~ ,he Pete Siegers neWlptlper route, rio gir. 110 prettier, aDd', iudeed, 1I0t as aud lbGt was all. thingl He eertaillly mUJt think ber wit IIoOt quite a'ble 10 06gure out Which, doeaD't kIlO ... "Pee Wee." ftere Ian tot pret.ty u abe, wllo w"re in every" At last tame tbe day for wbich beld. BII~ant-y, the thot at reo -abe waa to bappy. a. B'opeite in 8eflViee wlto bal reeeived ... ~, " P au l 'lue l'ermed '. ' l B Ut I tiU Pauline badl Ion a been w~itiDg. With ......... .... tUrDiD'g to We.ton .w ", not quite.. Af ter lb'lt 11m el. . party, Plulille more letters from the co·eda hou.ed \n the ugly haunting <fart remained'- he more glee than ahe bad bad tor many d'lsl'CIst.atu1 DOW. began to 'eome iDto her OWII. Wbeu Voorheet, tb.. Belli')'. aIJIIolutely was Dot popular. a ooy, ahe packed up and loft, 18 abe onte ehe wal "in thl· n-" u .he . Pauline .'W<lke tb6 nut mora.lntr .... 1>IrOlltly alter lbe c10aini at IIIhool Aber lOme time PauliDe ",me out IIftld, "for all»olutely good· and all." call.d it, l1li, alWI""' .hone. iKer trou. ' wHh a 10.., on ber lipil aud! ill her J. of ber reverie .with n !!tart. " Pauline •• There wallD't a hlppier j'irl in all ble waa " -ttin... in," -ially If she laat June, be .nd_orea to ea1iat !.a heaJtt; she Wle gIld' to b6 alive. 8be .-.... - ....the Marine Oorpe wit.IL II BIlle" :aoc.en Weoatherall, you make m. sidld What Watertown. than Pauline Weatbetall iml""ft .... DO oU-wantedi 'ber. "be did Dbt know exactly wbat mac)e her 11,. " - bot Wit chaaed home by the reeruiti,. do you care wbether the girls or fel· all that SIIlllJIIer. Sho thre... berself I like &. "ower, ~b" h dr""""d IDd feel 0 hiPPY, llut tbe thot ot Barold .. .. II: - -.... Iowa n ve ov r you or notl You act in·lo the plealUres of yontb!lul .oci,ty seemed commo-'ace whm tbe IIUD hid oll\lc.rs beeauae he wu .11 e1gblh at , lingered aamewber& In her cOllllliou.. ..... liloe a sixte ..n -yoor-old .balb\ wbo'. cry- w••I,th a vigor tbat made ber I'IlOther al· . hia tlee, bnt """ 'eh I'a the tD-~'ftA an iu.:h under t).e required h.... tb. • De98. Harold! did drop iu to Me hel'~ .. w ...... i,. !becauae ber beetl "pok e to some· m2.8t fdeantul for ber welfare . . All '\b e dimpled and ..... r1t1ed &ad ahone till it Later in lbe _ e r the lad re.aded .. lbst eveuini, ~1Id the n.en, aruI the .... 011& elae. And here you're cryill'i be- s eme to waDt W'U a good-time-s e almost aeemllli & ditferut 1I0ftr. 8he to tbe call o<t the dratt IDd "61 NDt to , . ht d Y lived aDd breathed on" tun." AIIdI in nt!'Xt,-and by tbe time Bummer ..... 0aIIXIIp Dodp, whell he w-. 61tig'lled to UU8& you re elg oen an ,pa.,. ou .nded aner tbe time had! ani ved for 1Ie-a to opea up, ak'e a rosebud, in &lI infalltry ~ny . .MIer the .ipilll are not here fo r full nny waY-Dc t de- iic all she elearly ab_eel her bunger the warm IIImlhiu.e of ~ ...... uio-""ip , ber to wo ,back to Weeton, Pauline lelt "T.... 0 'ot the I1'mittltee hi, regiment WI. dia. centl" or the companioDship and pleuure of Ind: aoeie"• ., quite bape1ul Wout ell'joying berl8lt -, !Witb this del1'UneiatioD of herseLf, 00 cioty tlmt she had mined 'for eo .. Aren'~ ""'" glad," Hal'Old aaked ~and.d &ad thirty o<t tbe bOlt IDell ot 1 upoa her return. J ahe rose aDdi '",alked delermilH!dly Iback lon'g. Wbea abe fir.t came bome, ahe ber lOne Dieht .....t&! JIIonths later, at bach COGI(IIIIy ....ere ..I~ for per· manent worlt at the Due te dI. ~. ' Whe .. PauliDe arrived nt eoll-, to t he ""rmltory, up t he slalrs and t 0 1"u· th .m a II ... ..... t a be ... ouu.... neve~ -e- .be he WII .IIr1.gini her hAlme from I b .... fact tbat ho waa 'llbte to maa'lpolate & . to h.r room. Sh e hUDg up ber DO,I ncverl go ~-". to W-'-n Igal·.D. fouuck 4e wu to JI'ave G roomllllte M ketllall 'lime, "thlt you came bad< to III "",U L _w II Benry," Henry 11'18 ,"ell the jalt at wweater, . t ~OW1l quietly insteau o<t : 'f'biugs ~rDed out dUrereDUy 1rom BIlIb!ord tDorm. thlt year, ando abe...... Wee'tooDl'" . '" t.... I h d t.... 0 h overjoyed at "ding tbat her room· cIrlving a Ford tmelt It FIr. Statioa throwiDg herse If dOWD, a nd 'beg..D to wua .... au IDe a erpec eu. ne ot " Oh, Harold," sbe .n!JWered bl.p..... L' a\, d .... . a" '· ui eL ft . J' " h b mate .W18 Alice Denton' , a ";rl wbom Nulliber One. Mr. BoveD .tet.. that atu~J IVy . .,uo> .uecee en' JD conceD' lID q a emooll II), .... y, w en 8 e •. pily, "wh.t I W'Onld b&ve m,.tea if I tnLiDg-a tbing wh ieh she had ariit her mother were tOietber in their sh. h.d greatly ad'mired the year be- &adi1't COI!Il' hI,*1 Wellton Ie tbe bet! hla trodlo eln make twenty milea .. learDed iD " P 'Y"." elus ...as a moat cozy lit~le aunun"r house, Mrs. Weath· .fore, and .who wa. &1110 a Sophomore. coUere lD1"'here if you oaly UDder- bour ctcrwa hill with the wiad ia the bli88ful stal e or mind.l,....oDd forgoL her all' hrougbrt up th" .... jeet of Weeton Pauline 'W88 by no ·men. a girl wbo 'tend. it &lie} it ulldemaDda you. But rith-t dirett:ti.on. iII....i,. at HQIle'a ~toriel 011 Ilia •• trolful ... aDd tri nls nnd tribulatioD.8 in and of P.uIiDe's pOlSibl. retUrD i.n tbe did not care to lrave intimate trielldt, it doJel! telte 1m a 10lli tlnte to uod•. ,,"ebi! eoart, "our ·b ero" deeldai deeply sYlII'JlIlthiziDg ..... ith HanDibal's fall. Of cou rse Pauline cibjected-aDd 'but had, on tho conmry, a very con· ataud e.eh other I " to come to Hollaad to _ the . . . . poor mul ... who were. having a most ~tre Duou aly. lidi"&, IDd tru.tltul Dlture; to the two ...J'Nenl.", '22. .piOlllhip Fin I • ..tiOll. 'Jhery ftn .. dnadl!ul time on lhe ice. .. But, mo ther, J just can't standi ODe girl. beame cloIe ehwu.. tbe pme FirMY evelliDf will bear _ lWeatollliCollege wu a Imall :but high bi t more of We.etO D. Not a lIOul there "No, "'lice, you Im;o'w they don't BOABD or roaJIIG)f t\.mony to the' t.et tblt the .-y be gnded coUege in .Full.rtOD, a v~ry cares a tbiJllg llhout me, motber. I wa"", me. :!ia,rbe you do, but tbey JlIEon APPODftII lI0P11 .\ pot _eeded ia Itillittg 'h i. eat21111lu__ .mall lO'W11 in Iowa. ID Pnuliue's hate-hate everyoru! ot tbeml Of don't. Don 't you auppose I ean feel GB.AD'O'.A.'fB t'.I 1KIMl0)fAlLY and {lI!p lor Bope. worda the atud\!nts aL W""tuu wor. aU C rio," iL~ Cuuc~ckd; ' I don ' t euet· by the .....y tbey III . IICt, tNt tbey "Pee Wee" lett 'l'Ietday IDorllla. ".ruck up," which, ill real ily, was not Iy' hate everyon., !bUt almoet everyoDe. don't ~are to have me I've got ex&cUy true. Il'he .tudelllta ...ere DOt ADd! I do want to go to Columbua to atucly, Inyway." Pluline was de- 101m 01"''' QeI+ ...., lr.. '1" wm lie for CaJDp where he tWill patriotically 0cIaIIIde4 ,1 fttII ,.... .A1'c:ot ....... IDd lIealolLlly reanme hll won: &t the baugbty or ovet4hearing, ibut were hard Univcrtityl" te'm1ned!-t1te rirl., nor tbe boy. ill y ..... Fire Station. to geL in with wben one did n.o t come "No, t hat's imponible, Pauline,'1 eitber tor that mllter, dIdn't Wlnt When late"i.wed by &I ....\01 refrom Fullerton or ita immediaLe neigh. her mother r..,lied, "You kDow we ber, 00 ahe would'n't go to the ree..,· The BoInl 01 Foreip )C.... ioDi of porter II - to wIlea he wonld be dit· borbooct. 80 Pallline 10uud it.-a.. ,ber .ca.u't alford 10 aend you to the univen· thlll. Sbe d;d want to go, for .he lbe JU>t\)r.med Cbur.ch la Amem. &lI' ebarpct he atated that the pveflllllent home waa on Lab! Erie iD Watert01l'n it,., aDd: Weltoll' i. very modente in bew iEI'Irold _uld be there, but .be 01 tbe But keJ'8 atat e. PauliDe was DOt U'peDJeJI, eVe1l coD.!ldering r·ailroad Will 110 baekardl Ind afraid 0«. not nouD'Cee for pdIlIIiClltton the Ippoiut- realised he WIll a good woriler . . . . .n~ed, abe ... simply left out of fare ." being "auted', that tn. deoeidtd not to mt!'llt cd Joba Gabriel G8b1rard, Jr. '16, gOCld eo)dier 'Iad desired te Itaep him, IlS miflioMry to Iadi... Jer. (hIbberd but hi. oae loagiag i.a Iblt UlIIlIe &am . ) tbiDg. tbat s!!.,medJ to be'r mott im· "Couldn't I earn tbe Decessary go. porteDt.. ehe badl paid ber ela.. due" money tbia .... mm.,.' " I'But,Plulin8, do 'be I!1emible. Il'hat"l " It pr_t a 8e~or itudellt In New wonld flly _rdiJacly· l1'IIere .re and witlh fear snll brent>\illg bad "No, I need! you bere at heme, juat ,my nooody paid: any attentioll Bru.-.ielt TbeolOCi'eat Semillary, .nd Ih\Jlrl la the army he baa ao 1IIe fat: Oa t).. \ await. that 11r111 da!l9-part}', but ftnal- PauliDe. Don't thidk that everyone to you lut year; you bardly went ...y. will; therefore I""e for AItla la the & ".havet&ll" "aad lhe rifle. . • Jy bad"beoD too badkwara to go. In- b... t .. yo u ~t Welton. I'm alraid yQu ""'ere. We aU _lOt you, Pauline, Ind &utu .... o<t ttii. year. He win,be dOn· .tead at tryittg barcler to l'be a ' muer ', ahut ~uraeU up too mlH:h, and dida't YOll bow it," e'Ouea Allee. n~ed .with the AI!eO't .MiaIIIoa la lead· All the trieada dt Belli')' B'OY" IN .be abut bereelf up In a .bell o<t re- try very Iwt.rd to !be & maer. " :naa1ly, .tter muh p_loa, rlt PrelitlelllCY Ind ...m vary praobably hooplaJ IUt the pe_ art1eln will _a .. !lerve, and remained tbere. BIte , bed No mlfter what Objection Plulille Pas.llne decided to /1'0. "0, Aliee," be ..... pet la .......~ he liped In order lUI be -7 NtVll • not l!l&ell voted Into auyone of tbe lbree ralsed:, th.r. wu Ihr.ya • quiet ••. JIbe 1I0njlded to IJtr ehum late thlt Mr. Gebh.rd·. ~ia"'eat ill ~ to l1a lata Ia IQWIf. IIld 0_ aor. put aimr lOeietie., and this can&ed ber Ih\'er , ... bicb overt brew It. But PluliDe enlliar, ill bed, "I had IDell a alee cially tlm~y ill view of tile lact that h.i.I Mad to the Pow. .., all the moro to bep to heraelt. Now eo,ltldi not reeoncile henelf ~ tbe tltot time. it you hadn't IIIlde 1M CO, I perhlp DoO field at <Ilrlfttaa elf~ la hyOlle deairtar to write to iii. will _ it .... Mareb, au.cl u yet sbe bad IIoOt o't goin'g back to ,WMbon·; it wa. odoiOlll Mver Mnld hl.n follinll yoal But '10 woelnllr nadel'lliaa..a _ thet of ..m.. 61 J>ri'ftte lInry lloeY... ' beea admitted i"to &Dr of tbe iDlIer to ber. I c!id leel out ot 'plaee IIOmetba... AIId l.be Areo't Killlion. Zafo~ retire· Pin Statioa No, 1, Outp Doatt, Dee eirc," of eolleae lite. It w.. only "I'll kve a. good! time while I'm AlillO, I'n pi: & hid to our cia. part)' _", bee:a_ ot UI ha16 .... oe' )lobi... Ia. I' her <toDdu_ for Itud'y and her prefer· bome, IDyoway, motber," lbe Aid, n61l:t rrllllT.y ai'gbi." CIIrre'd wii!I alUllli.a& trequ.., chrbc I lJIICet tor hel' pro<teNofl wbich kept "4ut 01 bow tI hlte to 'go bacltl" "lnIy, Panlbl., cooct tor YOIII the _a1ia jut pUt, de _re Neat fa . . . . . . . . . . . . · heT tr.om tboroUCh1y hati.., We.tOll. "I'm IIOrry, dear, lIut I '... afraid 'bia """' I ~ jan beiJIc thole of ...... ud MA lob W1aUe PCIIlline bad her ~IaioD lIboat you will b&ve to ,0 111*1" lilte ,""U, you lltde IIt1a-thHOraar, O. VIII ~ tb .... INa JL wu.. ........





... ..







...... ,...--.;.... . a..., __ ... . •••




For Rainy. Spring Days

DENtIST Cit&. PbODe 1S2l 50 E. Eighth It' j 8 to 12 Lm. Hollaad 'OIIIce hean 11 to 5 p. m. MIch.



210 River Ave.



iBeukor (muddled Il(l n.bout a le880n) -IO Woll that's wbot Lbo autbor uy.




, Quality and Prompt Service

Interest paid on Time D .t Compounded epOS\ S Seml·An.ualt)



Doc. G.-IOlBut 1.£r. Beukor, I don't ""lint tho aunlor, I want you."



in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat at 22 west 8th St., above Woolworth 's 5 and 10 cent Store. Office Hours, 9 to II A. M. :I to 5 P. M. Tues. and Sat. 7)0 9 P. M.


The man who prnlse8 himself is nOI'or 1l0lPulnr." "No, ollpaelally not ,with the people wbo think he '1II1ght bo Ilroi8ing tblYDl." 10

T hoto it, J hole it Alid who shnll dnro, 11'0 ehide me for hllting The uenUst's chnir. :





Dry Goods,

DUMez m~ries .~-!I-II-I,.,.."-"-,'.1 Bros.' and Millinery '" I 31·33 E. 8tp, Holland,Mich. ..I THIS YEAR "" ~_ _ _ _-: ••



, I ~r~ ~er:e~:n~o~~ I All Sorts.of Good Eats I Photographs I Molena~r-&-De

HOLLAND FURNAOE 00. Holland, M1clUgan


World's Largest Direct Installers

WILL YOU DRAW APENSION? Anyone can easily arrange for their own pension by carrying One of the NelV 65's issued by the

Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. During the years you are depositing to arrange for the pension you are drawing your full share of the profits. . I will be glad to explain the conditions dod advantages of this profit sharing plan.

C. A. BIGGE, Dist. Agt. Pet... Buildio,

STUDENTS desiring to work an hour 0 1' more a day can make wages of more than $1 per hour selling America's War for Humanity and Life of Roosevelt. Send at once for free outfit, F. B. DICKERSON CO., Detroit, Mich. enclosing 20c in stamrs for mailing outfitr.

J _ __


more tban ever be-


Momloy c"etling, M'nreh 3, ~be Weill · ern Th col Cigiea I emimlry BnsJ'ct Boll 'oom Wlln a d~ish'e victory Ovor 1bo' Pore!!! Grove Ohampions by n !teJ" CYf 29 to ll, a.t tho Po Orov Snl:llle· g'Illl Y. M. C. A. gymllastie entertain· mellt hall. AMbo Lho !!Core W3S 5'O0l0' willIt, ..mo"en the Il'ltllC 'remaine\1 in· tere ling thruout, The first hnlf ~ndeu wi~h a *oro or 5 to 6, the Scmin:r.ry lendi ng. Tbi hnlf wns marKe,1 bv n ehnrnOl1orilrtie llIisjudgtuC!ll1. by 'tho players in rega rd to tiho ,vhoro.boll'. o ~the bnskdt>!. Th e OOor beill" ,muU, ~h e plllyers thot that. tho ba</l(ot. lI~re farL'ber Il4Jort' Uei," they were . ~"il so they thl'C!lI' the oall AIt'~her thnn Ihey ougl.l too. o"erthole9ll 'en10" Stege· tIlon storred with 1'1110 field' 1Jn~Ic('ts and ~

ICINGS .ck ~




to order for your college parties

Waganaar &; Hamm,

otta. PlIoa. 1470

55 W . 8tb St.



wherel'bo"t proeewed of th" b'lu!lcct8, '" strnightwny to . lnlf()rtll Ihe , / . . . ~J>Ilt·t.. tOr1l in regurd to it .by making Candle!, lt~rtlm,Soda', ~ot Dnnlc., " !Il','on lIeld ' bll8kct~ ond- ono bnk . Soaps and Toilet A'!,tI.. . from tho raul lin Do ;ron b m' Anytbing th·. t·ran be bougbt.t" throe fl ld ak g y '&kIng drug i tore " . ga 0 nDd 8t6j!<'rn1l'n by • maleong OllO field bnAi8l. ~===~ . TIro Forest Grove Item made t.ro ,I 6e1d &atlkill'8 pndl bWo ooskel8 ·' ritn. lhf ~ul' line jn Ib6 aeeond half. Tbue endcdl th e SOCOnd ~tf.


.I ce C. rea In . Damstra .


Hot Wafer, Steam and Vapor Heating Sanitary Plumbmg 2J wat IiIhtteo' b Street

I ;:

.. .

... ...



as a Christmas Gifts 80 don't fail to place your orders early at


THr LA CEY , , ~ S 'T U D I (Up~tair8 )



Ii ' ~=s;;.. ~=~ I. FOOT•. I

19 E S,b St.


WEAR '1:...__________-'



Hollaod, Micb . ..

VAII_II_tl_"_""'IIII'..S· •


and .cIR S'H.'~'Er




S.Sprietsma &Son

.ceo l ~1



We make

'"I ;:1

Trade at the - Superior Cigar Compaqy

eomr to allY dllfinito conclusionl, but nro 100 vi l\g the <JIle'Lion open and hope With ~v1r.~ Department t'llat lIut,m nrehaeolgiool excavations Olpllal, 8arpl.. ...4 Un_III ProAt. mDy rCllJc;)l'e nil dolM by dooi<Jing that 1127.000.00 . Hours it \\'r!" dOl'clqper) 'babwoen batv.s or 8:80 to 12 A. Y. 1:30 to t; P: M. Depolll .. fl,4DO,OO.00 In t er~no of I'Ile rril[. , B. 8tb. •• HoIIaDd, Kich. Oor. 8tb St. and Otllltr.i AYe. nolland, lUc.h. t:'II~ AW,V('vcr Ihal lIIay bo, when tJle team h"e} Ihi. correM idc.l in regnrcl to ti,e ,


Wlfum lVi~h Iwo t.n1ket. frolll the HOLLAND, . MICHIGAN foul line. Tho Forest ,rover.! workotl nnrd Rnd play",} a fn~t galliC durin;,\, the first hnM' .J. Keizer m~kir>g Olle fi eld bnsket nlld ono ba.ket. frotll the foul line and' G. K';zor m.11dng one flold uaskel. I II'hu8 endet h tho first llIllof. 'l'h.e fol. lowin.g prognllll W'tl8 givell botweon ha hoes: '1'11'0 toot~ froln a Forll horn', 206 River Ave. Movere1 whi"Ue~ blowJllig; llon·nn. noun eOIl~n t or the 8eol'6: .t eetero. 1'hc half hl'gin. with p p : -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...._ _ _ _• _ _ _ _"-_ _--.



EnDi.g Appointmeats Tueaday 9at1lrday ~rom 7, to 9

for clas~ and society and 'bunch parties lit


8tars:~8ev~FIeld l!a8kete

!>lId (,Jlds with entJlUsi'nlllll. It 80 II1r.p· r~lle<l that the Scminnry team dovel. '11'"tl n corrwl idro in regard to !'he wh.rmboll1's of the bnskct. Whelber this it! a was drvclqp6(11IHSblveen 'h'alivc~ or "'hrtlh~ r it W6 developed after the s IHI hnlf 1I'tI.. begu n, i8 lJIill a mn tiM' (~Il'ht. On certain &!minolo In('. the ~hcologinn8 8u~le, th'a't this G. J. Ill.koml. Pres .. H. J. Luld .... C•• bl., . 0rrlle t idNI was developed bo1Jween Wm. WOIlnn. AII'I 010111.. 'h(' hah·os. They bave, however, not

. . .-----""!"'-----:-----------...I Dr. James O. Scott

.... US4

Dr. A. Leenhouts









Bill Dulker-l ' Well, AI, I .co tbat "()Inc of yoor tem,,,," net like fool., WhOll in 10'l'e, what soyl" AI Rilll!llla-" For .ome of YOll fel· lo\\,,, it isn 't e'ven J1 ~eS sBry to bo in love. 'I


I have resumed my practiCe

lBeMer-"Woll, si r, you',\,e got mo."

CI'~ ...._ I ... ·

87·•• E. '~SL



Ad in a daily pll(lor:-J'Good ooppor· tunily tor a very bright youag lady wilh a Inrgo conporalion.

Clpltal $100,000.00


Holland, Mich. 2$

B. O... to tlIa jlleaYJ

Nick Dykema •

Burplu. lod Profits, .. $60,227.74

Ask for






Rain Coats Umbrellas AND


For Yau ttlU IDd Willter

For House Cleaning & Fixing Up Paints - Stains - Floor Wax - Kal~omine - Varnish ' Enamels - Brushes - .Dust Mops - Furniture Polish - etc., etc. Our stock is complete

John Nies Sons Hardware Co. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~::!jiji=~ ---

The photographsth,a't pleas '., e are the .nc · h 0 Id OutCh_Sepia · " 'k

Made by those who know how at

E. J. Mac n ·-rmand'. S.tudio

. lI'ho prno IYaf. .reli ~1ended nnd !:bo J"tereit ana '/lPi ri\ 01 p4ayel'll and JJe ~r8 "'01 110m that W6 predi('t , ZEELAND, MICHIGAN a brlHiant luture tor tbe Fore.t Grove POPULAR PRICES AND DIScoUNT TO STODINTS teem. Good luet to tJr.em. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



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