Hope College Bnchor UX-ll
Official PubUcation of the Students ol Hope CoUege at Holland, Michigan
I. R. Qub Plans Meeting Tonight
Alma Vander Hill Recital To be Event of March 2
The International Relations Club will hold its regular meeting this
The second student recital of the year will be presented by Alma Vander Hill, organist, on Sunday afternoon, March 2, a t 4:00 P. M., in Hope Memorial Chapel. Alma is a junior, and lives in Holland. She has made many appaarances at the organ in daily chapsl services.
She also accom
panies the Chapel Choir. She has been very active os a church organist at the Maple Avenue Christian Reformed ChurchAlma began her organ training with her mother, who also is an organist at the Maple Ave. Church. As a senior in high school, she won the Hope College Organ Scholar ship, and has been studying the last three years with Mrs. Snow, has been studying the last three years with Mrs. Snow. Her recital program will be as follows: I Toccata and Fugue in D minor Bach II Prelude, Fugue and Variation Franck III Song of the Basket Weaver .Russell Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy Tchaikowsky (Nutcracker Suite) IV Fourth Symphony, Opus 13, No. 4 Widor Toccata Fugue Andante Cantabile Finale o
Van Raal+e Home To Be Memorial The 100-year-old home of Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan, will become a "shrine" to house his collection of documents and other memorabilia of the history of the Dutch settlements in Western Michigan. William B. Eerdmans, b o o k publisher of Grand Rapids, who announced purchase of the long withheld Van Raalte letters and papers, said that he had recently purchased the home, just outside Holland, and would convert it into a "Van Raalte shrine." Eerdmans said he would restore the two-story brick and wood structure, which has been used as an auction room and second-hand furniture store, and would create a park on the 25 acres of land surrounding it.
Two Groups See 'Julius Caesar 1 Presentation Members of two college groups, English Majors and Pallette and Masque, last night attended a presantation of William Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," at the Grand Rapids Civic Theater. Two buses were chartered f o r the j r o u p of seventy-two, which included members of the English Department faculty. Special prices were o f f e r e d to the group for the Wednesday night presentation. This performance, with W. H. Turner playing the title role, was me of Western Michigan's few Shakejp?arean productions in recent years.
Architect Makes Renovation Plans Architect C. J . Thebaud recently discussed plans for redecorating the basement of Van Raalte with Dr. Irwin Lubbers and Lou Bixby. Preliminary plans anJ estimates will be made. It was decided that the Blue KeyBook Store will be modernized, the KofTee Kletz will stay where it is, and the Janitor's room will be shut off. Suggestions for the various rooms will be decided later through the help of the questionnaires which were recently distributed. The Student Council appointed a committee to be in charge of the work. The purpose of this committee will be to act on all matters — financial or otherwise. It is hoped that a f t e r the renovation is completed the Koffee Kletz will be open until late evening. o
Holland to A c t as Host To General Synod, R.C.A. First Reformed Church, Holland, will be host to the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America during the early part of next June. The meetings of the Synod will be held in the First Reformed Church and in Hope Memorial Chapel. The college has made arrangements to provide f o r room and board of the delegates. College dormitory rooms and Temple Dining Hall will be used for this purpose. General Synod begins June 5, 1947.
Student Council Sponsors All-College Sing in Chapel The All-College sing sponsored by the Student Council will be held on March 21 in the Hope Memorial Chapel. Alma Vander Hill was appointed by the Student Council as
Itinerary Announced For Glee Club Tour The
general chairman of the event, and Glee Club tour was announced reher committee members are B e t U cently. The tour which will begin Van Lente, Joe Palmer, and Max on April 7, will find the club in Frego. Mr. Robert Cavanaugh is Detroit; April 8, Cleveland; April the faculty adviser.
9, Pultneyville, New York; April
evening a t 7:15 P. M. The club will travel with its speaker, Mrs. Renze
"down under," Australia. She has traveled throughout Australia by plane, train, truck and horseback and has gained exparience as a lecturer both in Australia and in
Anchor Adds R. Wildman As Mew Associate Editor Robert Wildman, pre-seminary student from Traverse City Mrs. E. Baughman Michigan, has consented to fill the position of Associate Editor of the Anchor for the remainder of this semester. Bob Joins Hope Faculty has been active on the Anchor as both a reporter and a memMrs. E. Stanley Baughman, of ber of the Business Staff throughout last semester and to Grand Rapids, has been added to date. While attending Traverse City High School he was
this country as a speaker at Liter- the Hope Music faculty. She will teach voice on Wednesdays in her ary Clubs and at Rotary and studio at the Walsh Music House. Church gatherings. Mrs. Baughman's career in music The last club meeting was a dis- is a very colorful one. She gradcussion meeting centered around uated from the College of Music a term paper written by Duane at Cincinnati, receiving the Springer Gold Medal. A f t e r graduation, Vander Yacht, "Weighted Represhe studied with many prominent sentation in the United Nations." vocal instructors in New York, inEvery member of the club was'im- cluding Proschowski, Eleanor Mcpressed with the idea expounded Clellan, and Esperanza Barrigue. and it would be well worth the time of anyone vitally interested in the United Nations to contact Duane and a r r a n g e to read his brilliant paper. A business session occupied a part of the last meeting at which time plans for the forthcoming banquet were discussed. Arrangements are being made to engage a nationally known author and speaker f o r the banquet to be held at the W a r m Friend Tavern. The club decided to send at least six of its members to the Sixth Regional Convention of International Relations Clubs to be held April 4 and 5 at Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Mrs. Baughman
Dr. C. Bouma To Speak March 9
Her experience has been varied, including Light Opera work in New
Dr. Clarence Bouma, a member York, solo work at F i f t h Avenue of the Calvin Theological Seminary Presbyterian Church, First PresbyFaculty, will speak at the second terian Church, West End Collegiate meeting of a series which is being Church, and Broadway Methodist held under the auspices of the Centennial Committee. This meeting Church, all in New York. For six years she and Mr. Baughwill be held on Sunday, March 9, at 3:30 in Hope Memorial Chapel. man were with the C o l u m b i a This service will be conducted in Broadcasting Company. She has the Dutch language and will feathappeared on concert stage with er the singing of Dutch psalms the Cincinnati Symhony Orchestra, which fit the history and experiand Grand Rapids Federal Symences of Van Raalte and the pio phony Orchestra. For the past neering faith, seventeen years, she has been conMr. Cornelius Vander Meulen, as nected with the Riverside Synachairman of the Centennial Com- gogue in New York, singing the mittee, was appointed by Mayor High Holy Day services. She has Steffens to plan an appropriate cel- appeared with Mr. Baughman in ebration. Two other meetings have m a n - Women's Club programs, inbeen planned. There will be one in cludn Muskegon and Holland. August and another in the autumn At present, Mrs. Baughman is in connection with the s t a t e histori- teaching voice in Grand Rapids, cal committee. and carrying on the work of her Several groups and organizations husband, E. Stanley Baughman, are also celebrating this year. The who died about a month ago. She First Reformed Church of Holland is also directing the Junior choirs will conduct a centennial observ- of the Westminster Presbyterian ance this year. Church of Grand Rapids.
YWCA will have as its March 4 speaker Mrs. Alice Klomparens, a war bride who came to Holland from Estonia. She will speak on her experiences in Europe during the war years. Mrs. Klomparens gained her knowledge of Europe by traveling extensively and by living in both occupied and unoccupied Europe. She was also a member of UNRRA. On February 25, YW held a joint meeting with YM. The speaker was Dr. Raymond Irwin Lindquist, guest during Religious Emphasis Week.
Dutch T r e a t Week ended with a Hard-Times party on Saturday evening, February 22. The party was held in Carnegie Gym. The main activity of the evening was the square dancing. This was led by Professor Geerlings. A variety show was presented by John McCullum and Bob Paul. Refreshments were sold throughout the evening. A grand prize of a chicken was awarded the worstdressed couple. The party was sponsored by the Student Council under the general chairmanship of Dorothy Content.
( E a l m d a r of iEuenta
3. Judging will be almost entirely on the singing itself. Dress and other special f e a t u r e s will be given little consideration. 4. Musical selections with solo p a r t s will not be accepted. 5. Songs which college organizations have in their repertoire will 'dfrted.
knows' tfie selection chosen -
teach ^H mi B 8 t ** hfmde<1 4 0 '-r
» bjT March 3.
. j/rize will be awards* to t h e best men's group and to the best women's group t h a t performs.
Organ Guild to Hold March Meeting at Hope The monthly meeting of the Western Michigan Chapter of the American Guild of Organists will be held a t Hope on March 3. The meeting will open with a dinner a t the Temple building a t 7:00, followed by a business meeting. Following the business meeting, the Women's Glee Club -vill present a short program. Mrs. W. Curtis Snow and Mr. M. Johnson of Hope's music faculty, are members of this organization.
Debaters Compete I n State T o u r n e y The highlight of the year for the Debate squad occurred on February 14, when the group participated in the annual State Debate Tournament, held at Michigan State College in East Lansing. The tournament was divided into two parts. In the League Debates, each of the eleven participating colleges entered one negative and one affirmative team. Hope was represented by the affirmative team of Luella Pyle and Joanne Decker, and the negative team of Betty Timmer and Jean Watson. Miss Pyle and Miss Decker lost successive debates to teams from West3rn Michigan, Calvin, and Michigan State. Miss Timmer and Miss Watson won debates against Central Michigan and University of Detroit, but lost to Michigan Normal. Hence, Hope teams won two am lost four of the League Debates. These are matches which are used in determining the state champions. This year there was a threeway tie between Alma, Albion, and Western Michigan, all of whom won four and lost two rounds. The second part of the tournament is known as the Tournament Debates. In these, there is no restriction on the number of teams any school may enter. Hope won six out of eighteen Tournament Debates. Participating were: Lambert Ponstein, Albert Ponstein, Robert Danhof, Peter Breen, Harvey Moes, Nelson Stegeman, Henry Shaw, Carl Koning, Dennis Shoemaker, William Jellema, Marvin De Young, Donald Vandenberg, Harold Grissen. Only six of this year's debaters had had previous experience in college debate. They were: Luella Pyle, Joanne Decker, Betty Timmer, Jean Watson, Robert Danhof, and Peter Breen. The other members of the squad gained valuable experience, which should prove itself in f u t u r e competition. Accompanying the squad to East Lansing were Dr. William Schrier, Wesley Dykstra, Harland Steele, and J a m e s Bos. All of these assisted as judges of the various debates.
The appointment of an additional Associate Editor by the Public a t i o n s Committee was made necessary by the resignation of Howard Koop and Lois Van Wyk, and to relieve the excessive load for the Editor and remaining Associate Editor. Howard Koop, who has edited the sports page for the past year, resigned because of the necessity of advancing the publication date of the 1946-47 Milestone. Howie's position has been ably filled by Owen Koeppe, formerly a very faithful contributor to the Sports Section. Lois Van Wyk found it necessary to resign because of the necessity of carrying a heavy scholastic load and ill health caused by this circumstance. Dr. Clarence De Graaf has contacted the Editor of the Grand Rapids Press in an effort to have instruction and guidance from specialists in the various phases of newspaper work brought to Hope's campus, f o r the benefit of the Anchor and Milestone Staffs and any others interested in Journalism as a profession. It is planned to make this instruction available on either Friday afternoons or Saturday mornings. This instruction should to devote time to Hope's Publications and to make them really serve as an incentive for students worthwhile.
Women's Glee Club Sings at Michigan Meets The Women's Glee Club has made several appsarances recently. They presented a short program at the Women's Literary Club, at the Second Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, at Central Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, and in the chapel on February 12. The service in Grand Rapids on February 23 was conducted by Dr. Lubbers with the Glee Club singing eight selections.
The calendar of f u t u r e engagements lists appearances at the Methodist Philathea Club on March 14. The Glee Club will also present a program at the evening service and appear at the Community Hymn Sing on Palm Sunday eveThe Survey of College Wit and ning at the Spring Lake Reformed Wisdom is putting out a late spring Church. publication to be written by college They will also sing at the monthstudents and printed especially f o r ly meeting of the Western Michistudents. Hope College students gan Chapter of the American Guild mve been asked to participate in of Organists. The highlight of the contributing to this publication. season will be the annual concert Jokes, anecdotes, and poems will to be presented in the College be the basis f o r humor. The rules Chapel on April 1. for submitting copy are as follows: 1. All copy should be of a humorous nature, in the form of a poem, anecdote, or joke. 2. Each should be written by a college undergraduate, and should be about college situations, students, professors, etc. 3. They should be mailed to the M a r t h a Felton, Hope College Survey of College Wit and Wisdom,
Mrs. Klomparens Hard-Times Party Publication Includes To Speak to YW Ends D.T. Week Humor By Students
The rules as drawn up by the 10, Schenectady, New York; April committee and adviser are as fol- 11, Walden, New York; April 12 and 13, in New York, performing lows: at three of the collegiate churches 1. Each society is to present its on the 13th; April 14, Elmhurst, group which is to be composed only New Jersey; April 15, Keyport, of the members of its society. The New Jersey; April 16, Hackensack, director shall also be a present New Jersey; April 17, Hudson, New York; April 18, Rochester, member of the society. New York, and returning to Hol2. Each group will sing the so- land on the 19th. Feb. 27 ciety song and another selection of their own choice.
active on the school paper, "Black and Gold," serving in various positions on the business staff and eventually as managing editor of the paper.
Feb. Mar. Mar.
Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr.
Former Hopeite Places 3rd, 4th In Ski Contests
Jox 18, Tiffin, Ohio, by March 25, 1947. 4. All rights to publication are reserved by the Survey of Colege Wit and Wisdom. Humorous items which have appeared in the college paper will be eligible f o r inclusion. In April, a book bearing the best of these pieces will be published.
International Relations Club. 28 Hope-Alma Basketball game. 1 Hope-Calvin Women's Playday. 2 Organ Recital, Alma VanderHill, 4:00 P. M., Hope Memorial Chapel. 3-4 W.A.L. Project. 10 - Departmental clubs. Acuity Holds Meetings 21 All College Sing, Chapel. The faculty of the college h a s >een holding monthly dinner and 22 Sophomore Class Party. 25 Organ, Voice Recital; Betty Christie, Roger Riet- business meetings in Temple Dining Hall on the fourth Monday of berg, 8:15 P. M., Chapel. each month. The business meeting 28 W.A.L. Carnival, Carnegie Gym. is held f r o m 7:00 until 8:30 unless 29 Glee Club Dinner. it is voted upon to extend it. A 1 Women's Glee Club Concert, 8:15 P. M., Hope different f a c ul t y member is in charge of each dinner, Misa Lichty Memorial Chapel. being in charge of the one held 4-14 Spring Vacation. 'ebruary 24. „ ^
student of 1944 and 45, recently participated in the WAC European Theater Skating and Skiing Tournament. This five-day tournament was held J a n u a r y 20-25 a t Garmisch Partinkirchen in Germany. Cpl. Felton was sent to Garmisch Partinkirchen
3341st Signal Service Company. In the Downhill Race she finished in third place, in the Slalom Race she finished third, and in the cross country race she placed fourth. While a t Hope she was a member of the Chapel Choir and the First Reformed Church Choir, in Holland, Michigan. Oyereeas she directed the Polish Giris Choir and s a n g in the F r a n k f u r t ' Messiah Choir during the Christmas holidays.
Page Four*
Hope College Anchor
Michigan Veterans Meet
A t University of Michigan J a m e s Friesema and Ted Dooley represented Hope College at the Michigan Student V e t e r a n s Conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, The meeting was called to discuss and t a k e action on the various problems t h a t c o n f r o n t Michigan veterans. Among those considered were housing and r e n t control and subsistence. V e t e r a n s Administration, and educational problems. Mr. John Moyer, Dearborn Housing Expediter, presented to the veterans the desirability and necessity of having a veterans organization on each college campus in the state. He stated t h a t only in this way would Michigan's almost 95,000 veterans get the support and representation t h a t they need in the legislative bodies of the nation.
Hope's Orators Place Fourth in Peace Contest
Committee Lists Attendance Rules .A list of rules r e g a r d i n g absences was set up by the Educational Policies Committee at a meeting held on Monday, December 9, 1946. These rules which became effective J a n u a r y 27, 1947, a r e again brought to the attention of the students in order to emphasize their importance. 1. R e g u l a r attendance in all classes is required. A student is responsible for all work missed during his absences from classes regardless of whether the absences are excused or unexcused. Excessive unexcused absences are penalized by loss of credit.
The body went on record as f a 2. Unavoidable absences due to voring the Roger's Bill which has illness, death in family, difficulty been introduced into the House of in transportation, and other emerRepresentatives. This bill (H.R. gencies may be excused by the fac871)) would provide for increasing ulty committee on absences prothe subsistance r a t e s for single vided the student files written apveterans to $100.00 a month and plication for an excuse at the those of married veterans to Dean's office within three days $125.00 per month with $10.00 ad- a f t e r he r e t u r n s to school. The apditional for each child. Another--pii c a tion should s t a t e dates of all bill to which the Conference is classes missed and reasons for the lending its support would provide absence. for a disbursing officer or pay3. Absences incurred while actmaster on each campus. It is felt ing as a representative of a recthat this would greatly facilitate ognized and regularly scheduled acpayment to the individual veterans tivity of Hope College shall be as well as assuring the colleges of excused provided the faculty spona more regular income. It was also sor of the activity signs the appliproposed t h a t an increase of $50.00 cation, thus indicating the sponsor's p?r month be granted for lOO^r approval of the absence. disability pensions and proportional increases for all lesser pensions. Support was given by the conference to such things as federal subsidization of education, the raising of teachers' salaries and the advisability of revising present coll?ge entrance requirements. The establishment of a federal plan for national scholarships for graduating high school students and the formation of a Federal Department of Education was also favored. I ^8888888888888888888888888888888888888388888888^
Three Hope students participated last Wednesday in t h e Extemporaneous and Oratorical Contests of the Michigan Intercollegiate Peace G a m m a r Gurton's Needle, a f o u r - Speech Association. The contests teenth-fifteenth century d r a m a , is were held a t Michigan S t a t e Northe P. & M. production scheduled mal College in Y p s i 1 a n t i. Mr. for the middle of March. The play Charles Previte represented Hope is under the direction of Prof. Ed- in the men's oratorical contest. Miss ward Avison. President Anne Van Lorraine Van Farowe in the Derveer recently announced t h e women's oratorical division, and :ast, and rehearsals a r e now u n d e r Miss Isla Vander Heuvel in the way. Those on t h e cast a r e : Gam- Women's extemporaneous speaking mar Gurton, Irene H e e m s t r a ; contest. Hope was not represented Hodge, Ted D e m a r e s t ; D : ccon, Ray in the men's extemporaneous diviMartin; Tib, Edna Mae Van T a t e n - sion. hove; Dame Chat, Anne Van DerBy coincidence, all t h r e e of veer; Cook, Mary Vande Wege; Dr. Hope's speakers won f o u r t h place Rat, Marvin Mepyans; J u d g e in their respective contests. The Baily, Douglas Cameron; Doll, men's oratorical division was won Marion Hanna. by Mr. Robert Reed of Kalamazoo College, who last year won the regular S t a t e Oratorical Contest. Miss Bernice Cleland of Michigan S t a t e Alumni News Features College won the women's oratorical Science Department contest. Michigan S t a t e College Mr. Willard Wichers, editor of also produced the winners in the the Hope College Alumni News, two extemporaneous contests. They will return from the Netherlands were Mr. Robert Carson and Miss next March to begin work on the June Szosz, respectively. Cash prizes were awarded to the April edition of the publication. winners of the first three places This issue will f e a t u r e the science in the oratorical divisions. Dr. and department and will contain inforMrs. William Schrier accompanied mation regarding new faculty members as well as news of Hope's the Hope College speakers, and sen-ed as judges. alumni. The next outstanding intercollegiate forensic event will be the 5()th Library Receives Gift anniversary oratorical contests of h e M i c h i g a n Intercollegiate From '46 Alcor Society tSpeech League. These will be held Two exhibit cases which were on March 7, at Western Michigan presented to the library as a g i f t College of Kalamazoo. Hope will from the Alcor society of 1946 be represented in these events by have arrived. Miss Gibbs, Libra- Miss Marian Korteling, with an rian, reports t h a t the cases have oration e n t i t l e d , "Renascence," been installed in the reading room and Mr. Vergil Dykstra, with his and they will be filledwlth old his- oration, "The Publican." Both of torical books, r a r e documents and these orations will be delivered at unusual bindings. The exhibits will the morning chapel service prior be changed each month. to the contest.
P. and M. Schedules Drama Production
UlTH Atocoftiftf
X * f D t A
To Tni Huroay
4. Faculty members shall report daily all a b s e n c e s from their classes to the Dean's Office. Excuses for absences shall be granted only by action of the faculty absence committee. 5. If a student accumulates as many as 5 unexcused absences during a semester, the total number of semester hours t h a t the student earns in t h a t semester shall be reduced by 1*1 semester hour. When the student accumulates 10 unexcused absences, his credit shall be !
reduced by 1 semester hour; 15 unexcused absences, 1.5 semester hours, etc. 0. Unexcused a b s e n c e from classes preceding or following holidays or regular vacations shall receive double penalty. This rule applies to the first and second consecutive absences preceding or following holidays or vacations. The Committee on Absences will be composed of Dr. Charles Wimmer. Miss Elizabeth Lichty, and Prof. Milton Hinga.
F. T. D. A.
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Hope College Anchor
Page Two
On Knitting Argyles
Hoie College (Hiclur : 6-tT1C Pbsocialed GoOeaiate Press
STAFF VIVIAN DYKEMA Uenzs L. Hoeksema Robert Wildman Louise Ter Beek Joseph Palmer, J r
Ed.tor-in-Chief lABBociate .JEditora Business Manager Asst. Business Manager
STAFF Harriet Hains Barbara Bilkert Glenna Gore Owen Koeppe Mary Young Dorothy Davis, Janet Pfeiffer Dale Ackridge
News Editor Feature Editor Society Editor Sports Editor .Circulation Manager ) jTypisU. Art Editor
REPORTERS Lou Bixby Joanne Decker Rachel Dykstra Virginia Hemmes Carolyn Ingham Alida Kloosterman Ernest Meeuscn
Jean Meulendyke Lois Meulendyke Peggy Prins Ruth Quant Eleanor Rubingh Ruth Ruys Geraldine Sheerans
Walter Boerma Dick Brown Marie Buttlar
Marian Hanna Carolyn Ingham Jan Joldersma
Jean Thompson Dick Vriesman Arlene Wieten Vergil Dykstra Bob Hill Casey Friesma
BUSINESS S T A F F Roger Kempers Lyn Lundberg Don Vanden Berg Robert Wildman
Another week another issue, and what's news today people. One can always give with the clubby chatter and elaborate on the latest song "Open the Door Richa r d " or wizz ozzer words, "oflfnet die Tiir Richard" or "Fermez la port Mort." Pretty soon all the sequels will come out — the newest being "I Left My Key in the Mailbox." Spsaking of keys we now know the reason why Prof. Hinga didn'l •jive his history class a quizz last Wednesday. Herk Buter lost his keys at Calvin, or should we say they were unconsciously appropriated and the boys, including the :oach, didn't get back till one o'clock. To top it off J r . Buter lad to patronize the G. R. transit to get his machine back.
With "Dutch Treat Week" over now I imagine all the fellows are wishing it came along more than 3nce a year (easier on the pocket CIRCULATION S T A F F book and oh, how nice on the ego.) Ruth Bartholomew Donna Slugter Bonita Zandbergen We understand Claire De Mull had Marcia De Young Evelyn Van Dam -O hire a secretary to keep his dates in order. He gave up when Published every two weeks during the school year by the students of the secretary asked him out too. Hop? College. Bud Newton and Nick Yonker Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan were among the elite at a party at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of given by Ruth De Graff, Friday Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. nite. From all later reports the party was a success especially with PRINTED"AT OLD NEWS PRINTERY the added attraction of that romantic atmosphere only Lake Macatawa can offer.
(sweater boy) Muddel, Hope College's basketball manager has been giving the Coopergville trolly quite a bit of business lately, promoting interstate relations between Michigan and Montana. T h a t ' s livin' Jim. Congratulations go to Phyllis Andre and Ruth Jorgensen who ?ave in to t h a t old saying "Let me pin you down." Have you noticed though t h a t for each pin a fellow loses he finds a ring in his nose? It has been suggested that they enlarge Voorhees living room and divide it into sectional rooms, blind dates, friends, good friends, better friends, best friends, e n g a g e d couples. In that way a great deal of tension would be eliminated and you wouldn't have to see your best friend out with your friend's blind date. Then we have the little news flash from Zwemer dining room. Evidently Mrs. Aldrich and Mrs. DenHerder want periodical changes in the table line up down there ind all the waiters have to move them around. A new reason f o r higher pay. They have a terrible time drawing up floor plans so they'll know which end of the table to put the food on.
I see my time is short — I've got to quick take the Virginia Park bus to Horner's Hangout for Hope Hep-cats. Nothing promotes student-faculty relationships better than a Beethoven Balla.1 over a A late scoop tells us that Jimmy cup of coffee.
War and Peace
War and Pcace in the 20th Century At the turn of the century the international barometer was going down. Germany refused to cease the armament race and was building big ships. In 1910 the British governr.ient gave freedom to the Boers, which action brought helpful repercussions. Then, you will recall from your history, Britain built the "Dreadnaught," the largest battleship of that day and an admiral remarked that "there will be no war till 1914, because Germany won't go to war till they build a ship like the 'Dreadnaught,' and that will take four years." Then came in 1914 the Great World War I. In 1917 the U.S.S.R. camc into being. In that revolution Allied Forces were fighting on behalf of White Russia. Then the Great Peace of 1918. This was a unique occasion when t h e beginnings of the League of Nations were woven into the Treaty. With this great hope we associate the names of Woodrow Wilson, Smuts of South Africa, and other ^ r e a t men who brought in a League to outlaw war. What hopes were in every heart, and what a failure in the main objective of keeping the peace. Why failure? There were many reasons. The U.S.A. did not enter for political reasons. The U.S.S.R. were not considered respectable enough. Germany was outside as the villain of the peace. France came in with an obsession of feai of the German war machine and determined to create the largest army in Europe to preserve their security. The Government of Britain was not sufficiently convinced of the security of the League. It was always watching and taking steps by secret diplomacy to preserve safety. Reparations demanded of Germany were impossible of achievement and she paid l / 2 4 t h of what she was asked to pay. The landed and officer classes were determined that Germany would remain active and with inflation came the ruination of stability for the great masses of the people Then, in 1933, Hitler came into office, and became a leader for the German youth to follow. Then follows the sad story that led to six terrible years of war, after which the world began again to plan for World Peace. With gratitude we remember the late President Roosevelt and the Four Freedoms. Freedom of speech and conscience freedom from want and freedom from fear. Churchill and Roosevelt suggested the Atlantic Charter which was signed by 28 nations in London—Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt met in Moscow and men's hopes began to rejoice in these steps being taken to secure peace. Basic in the heart of man is his love tor community life Such cannot be permanently thwarted. God's will must be done. Through history you see it. Science is a factor that has made the world very small. We can talk across the world, and soon television will make us see what is happen ing around the world. Culture has made great strides so that language is no longer a barrier between nations. Stu dents of today have this common heritage. We must teach the youth of the nations that we live in a new world of cooperation. Three things we must learn: 1. War'is total and World peace is indivisible. 2. Economics are inherently bound up with security from war/Joverty and unemployment. The Atom Bomb can wipe out civilization. The Church Itnows the meaning of the brotherhood of men, and we must teach 9ur ^ ^ n ^ ^ e o p l e that we must co-operate to make the world what God upended it to be. The United Nations gives us another chance. Study i t ! Discuss it! Back it! —RLH.
t m \
dars °* H 00%
The question this week concerns , ARTHUR and LAMBERT PONmr campus veterans: Should there [ STEIN, BOB MAJOR: A veteranr. be a
VeteranH' Organization
on 1 organization would be a good idea; however it should be 100 per cent business without the usual social THOMAS J. DURKIN: Three obligations. Its sole purpose should luestions will have to be answered: be to speak as one voice in preFirst, would the college approve ot senting our views to the Veterans uich an organization? Second, Administration. would all the veterans back up such an o r g a n i z a t i o n ? Third, JACK ROBINS: I believe that would such an organization be ot an organization of the veterans on any value to the veterans? The first this campus would be a practical two questions will have to be way f o r our veterans to assert answered by those concerned. The themselves on issues which conthird question can be answered in cern them. If it were felt that the affirmative if the first two certain measures should be taken questions are approved and the to maintain student veterans, such veterans organization with a vet- an organization could take the materan faculty adviser on the board ter to the larger local veteran works hand in hand with the col- groups or directly to the Veterans lege. Here are just a few of the Administration. I believe that this many things t h a t could be accom- organization should concern itself plished by such an organization: with business only and leave social (1) It would assimilate veteran affairs to the existing societies. news and pass it on to the Anchor. RITA E. K U F F E L : The idea of How few veterans knew, until rea veteran's organization on Hope's cently, that a bill is pending in campus sounds good to me. An orCongress for an increase in their ganization t h a t is f r e e of politics subsistence? Such a bill requires with no axes to grind. It should their support. How few veterans be formed not with the idea of know t h a t Michigan veterans are establishing an exclusive group, eligible for loans when needed ? but more to preserve in civil life (2) It will bring to attention of what tolerance and togetherness proper authorities the snail's pace were gained in the service. of how veterans c o n s t r u c t i o n (housing) is going. One veteran WALLACE F R I E D B E R G : I am with his wife, due to the lack of not in favor of any organization housing, is r e s i d i n g at a local on Hope Campus which will dishotel f o r $28 per week. He was tinguish between veterans and promised a veterans dwelling on non-veterans. Among the many the campus a month ago, but a reasons I could give, I think the question mark still remains on following are the most important: when he will be able to move into (1) Many veterans have been away a veterans dwelling and lessen his from school and away from normal expenses. (3) It will call attention living f o r years and any organito the authorities concerned, the zation t h a t would make them come purchase price of veterans text- in contact only with other veterbooks and supplies: celluloid rulers ans more than usual would make that draw dotted lines are being for cliques and make the job of sold f o r $1.25 and are being the veteran to return to the normal charged to Uncle Sam — such an associations with other students item is not justifiable. more difficult. (2) To any such organization would flock the trouROBERT DORSCH: We could ble-makers and the high-pressure certainly use a Veterans' Organmen. Their actions would arouse ization. Especially when the Vetresentment by students, faculty erans' Administration i s t a k e n {and townspeople, of the veterans away f r o m the school. Some of in general. (3) Any temporary the checks were certainly slow in good t h a t could come of a veterans coming and a little .pressure-could organization would be minor in probably have speeded the process. comparison to the long-range harm. I also think t h a t a social organization of this type would be welF R E D V E L T M A N : I don't think come. it's necessary. An ex-veteran is no different from a civilian and his BOB BIRCE: I do not see any problems would not vary enough reason f o r having a veterans orfrom a civilian's problems to make ganization on the campus. We have a veteran's organization necessary. been treated very well and now most of the fellows want to f o r g e t LEO MROK: I think we need that they are veterans and try to one, but not a powerful one. It resume civilian life. should have an elective board. Hope College C a m p u s '
I t all started way back when a little lamb let out its first "bah". Next, ancient history tells us, the early cave man progressed from the fig-leaf to the sheep skin and went around well draped in 100 per cent raw wool. The latest thing in dress those days was an amazing tubular zebra dress t h a t only took an hour to whip up. They usually set the dress off with a black bear skin belt and a porcupine chapeau imported from Tibet. For evening wear, one just l e f t on the tail. There I am digressing again when I should be telling you about t h e potentialities of a sheep. Finally some s m a r t "yolsal" in the early B. C.'s discovered t h a t sheep wool could be twisted together and made into thin thread. This discovery delighted him. He'd been looking for something to string lions teeth on. You all know what happened next — a regular Renaissance in the animal world. Those sheep were a bunch of " f r e e thinke r s " going around with butch hair cuts and contributing to the needs of human order. The next few centuries brought on g r e a t things. Sheep became more cultured and man became more clothed. Weaving appliances were set up and it wasn't long before a chop stick merchant in China invented the a r t of knitting Any textbook will tell you that knitting grew immensely in popularity, then gradually took an economic slump and has had periodical spurts of prosperity ever since. Today the average American woman is 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighs 120 lbs. and knows how to knit — not only sweaters and caps but argyle socks too. The popular co-ed must be well supplied with at least six varying colors of yarn and a ten page book of instructions, which she always carries with her. The argyle sock is the most complicated. For the beginner it usually takes fromj 2 to 3 hours for the ribbing and five to six months for the rest of the sock. Unless the knitter has a lot of patience she should knit argyles alone so no one will hear her say "oh shucks" when she gets to the first row of the second diamond and finds out t h a t the third knit together on the sixteenth row of the first diamond was off and she has to separate ten individual balls of yarn to get at it. Usually there are just a couple of experts at the art of argyle knitting and they are constantly swamped by the unspecialized knitter who asks " W h a t do I do now? I think I made a mistake." Of course when the job is done there is no more s a t i s f y i n g feeling. No one thinks anything at all of f r a m ing theirs. Knitting of argyles is usually a detriment for conversation. In fact it completely eliminates the need for conversation. So if you're the quiet type take your argyles along with you. Your date will be so engrossed in watching you so engrossed in knitting his socks you might even have them done in a month.
M \ X B X t
ax By Dick Vriesman Well, the lid is off and the strains of music can be heard coming from "Ye Ole Musick Boxe." And mixed strains they are. Alma Vander Hill practicing f o r her recital, which, incidentally, is March 2, so keep t h a t date in mind. Then there are strains of Sigmund Romberg's "Serenade," being practiced by the Men's Glee Club, in preparation for the tour in the East, beginning April 7. And then the Women's Glee Club working toward their spring concert. Recently the Women's Glee Club sang in Kalamazoo. They were supposed to travel by Greyhound, but the " P u p " didn't show up, so they flew via automobile. Well, the Men's Glee Club made its long awaited debut. Being a member of the club, it would hardly be fitting to express my views as to its success, but let me quote a few of the comments which I overheard. Here they a r e : "Wow," "I'm breathless," "Sure was swell." I guess these, multiplied by three hundred, indicate that it was a hit. Musical A r t s Club meets this week, and we look forward to a great program, with Miss Dorothy Van Voorst, of Zeeland, as guest soloist. To those of you who may not know! The opening song which the chapel choir does each morning is a call to worship. This does not mean calling you from home to the chapel, as conditions seem to indicate, but r a t h e r to create an atmosphere of worship which should carry through the service. We would appreciate singing this opDning sentence to a filled auditorium, rather than a lot of empty pews. Here is an interesting anecdote taken from a scrap book of Harry Meiners. The note appeared in the April 9, 1941, issue of "The Anchor." " P r o f . Robert Cavanaugh recently disclosed an ability for which he was famous in his youth. He was Bubble Gum Champion of his grade school. The magnificent record which he attained was the chewing and blowing of nine sticks of gum at one time." For those who have not heard. Miss Holleman has a "Listening Hour" every Tuesday evening a f t e r Y, on the first floor of the chapel. These hours are open to all students, and it's a good way to broaden your knowledge of real music. Well, the spring has sprung, and we can see the lid closing in on us, so before we lock the Box, just a reminder. Watch for f u r t h e r announcement about a piano recital by Marian Slinn. We're sorry we didn't include her name in the last issue.
Sing Me to Sleep
Sing me to sleep By the waters deep. Where the waves lap on the shore; Sing me to sleep All'i quiet on the Western Front. The E«*t in quiet too; And watch and keep The corridora are dark and b l u n t ; Me s a f e f o r ever more. Without, a pleasant view. Let the boat roll as in a cradle I lie. The dormite-* aniiRde '•sniiK" in bed. Their smiles on faces beam; And let the waves sing the lullaby; With pin-curls "haloed" round each head, Sing me to sleep They sleep, and snore, and dream. By the waters deep, I'm ever content by the sea. Occasiona'ly rn- roommate speaks
Ode t o Van Vleclc
Not knowing what she said. "What's that you r a y " her bunkmate squeal But to the w.irlJ she's dead. The r a d l - ' . i n Ft"it to banit And sp'i . ar.d sp.ay, and spree: The st' I ves- n h a f e r g with a clang The / m e is half-past three! The he;, r men fart, the room gets hot, The q u i l „ arc thrown aside: To sleep — to dream about a yacht. Or just a cooling ride. Ah, SLEEP h such a wir.drous bliss. And once again all's still. But HARK I That noise one cannot m i s s Alas I A Arc drill 1 At half-past four, once more in bed. To sleep — no chance to dream. With pillows burying each head To blot out any scream. I abut my eyes — they ope at last. Alarms arc r i n g ' n c round. The morning-hour has come to fasti The walls with noise resound. A skirt la yanked, a shoe is tiad.
Sing me to sleep By the waters deep. Where the winds and tempests roar; Sing me to sleep And watch and keep Me s a f e f o r ever more. Let the song of the sea in my ears ever be. Let my eyes ever span the wild blue sea; Sing me to sleep By t h e waters deep, I'm always content by the sea. R. J . QUANT. A sweater thrown in place. A kerchief (uncombed hair to hide); To Chapel I must race. TTie chimes are ringing, numb'ring eight. Bach one is in bis pew ; But sUII some more come straggling late, And I'm one of the f e w ! The choir ends the prayer with song;
each semester, to settle disputes. As one, all rise "en maaee", I t should meet like a f r a t e r n i t y , I barge my way amidst the throng. At I daah on to claas. once every week or two weeks. There should be such an institution Now thinking all have slept so well. in every college and they should The teacher delves the DEEP; combine ideas. What care I what the teacher tell — — By Ginny Hemmes.
For natal I'm going to sleep I GINNY HEMMES.
Hope College Anchor
Delphians Pofluck In Temple Lounge
C o s m o Introduces Thirteen Pledges
Food rated top billing a t the Delphi potluck Thursday at 5:00 p.m. in the Temple lounge. Town girls furnished the main dishes while dorm members provided the desserts, beverages and " e x t r a s . " Despite the fact t h a t Boelkins was minus a salad and Muncie ran olf with all the celery, everyone was filled to capacity. Best of all — no one had to wash dishes. President Luella Pyle presided at a short business meeting. With adjournment came the unanimous decision t h a t Hope men are mighty lucky to have such wonderful cooks available on the campus.
A r c a d i a n Pledges Eleven in Literary M e e t i n g "Stories of Winter Sportsmen," was the subject of the serious paper presented by Dick Van Dorcn at the regular literary meeting of the Arcadians last Thursday. Huss Kraay also presented a very good humor paper. Keith De Jong led the songfest which preceeded the reading of the papers. Eleven new pledges were welcomed into the f r a t e r n i t y at this meeting. They are: Jim De Young, Walter Studdiford, Art Barnett, Karl Kragt, Charles Metzer, Ken Leestma, J i m B e n e t t , Howard Pierce, Elton Bruins, Gerald Dodds and Bill Meidema. In the business meeting it was announced that the informal initiation of the new pledges will be? gin next week with the traditional slave sale.
p'UUH TtofaMeA
Doc Van Zyl: "It's not important Cosmopolitan what you know or how much you f r a t e r n i t y held a regular meeting know, but t h a t you know where Thursday, February 13, in Walsh to look it up." Dr. Kleinheksel: "So, there, obMusic Hall. President Merle Vanviously, therefore, that is!" den Berg opened the meeting and Dr. Raymond: "Money!!!" Wyba Nienhuis, secretary, read the Roy Davis: "Why is it that these minutes of the previous assembly. bright dames always have to be Choruster Bill Leverette led group such d r i p s ? " singing. Bob Becksfort aided in Don Mulder: "That's Livin'." directing several s e l e c t i o n s and Gabby Van Dis: "Whatcha say, Roland Semmelink served as acold buddy?" companist. A business discussion Dr. Vergeer: "Of course, this is was held a f t e r preliminaries. highly diagramatical." P r e s i d e n t Merle Vanden Berg Dr. Osterhaven: "It's a brilliant presided at a L i t e r a r y meeting book." Thursday, February 20, which was Prof. Haverkamp: "Take out a held in the lounge of the Temple piece of paper." building. George Toren led the Bob Pontier: "She's a beast." group in prayer a f t e r which PresiHank Jensen: "Hay, whacha doin, dent Vanden Berg presented a pahay?" per entitled, "Evaluation of MemJohn Mooi: (silence) bership In A Society." Master critic Prof. Hinkamp: "Now let me see, for the evening was Albertus Van What is your name a g a i n ? " Dyke. Dean Hinga: "Marriage is a ( 5 0 New pledges of the society were 40 proposition!" or "Now, I'll tell introduced after the business disyou." course. They are the following; Miss Boyd: "Our favorite winter Tolan Chappell, Jack Glupker, Walsport is the conjugation of verbs." ter Gruber, Timothy Harrison, WilJo-Anne Decker: "Oh, Rats!!" liam Klaver, Kenneth Piers, Robert Howard Jnllvin: "And I thought Kuip2r, Edward Roberts, William only p s se.n students got 'A' in Reeves, Harris T i m m e r , Robert Bible!' Schuiteman, Edward Stetson and Luella Pyle: "I bet I flunked that Edwin Van Ilarn. exam."
Don E v e r s e : " H e l l o , S w e e t heart!" Bill Bennett: "Now, Mary and I . . ." Dr. Hollenbach: "By 'n large. Don I n g h a m : "Had a long talk with "Doc" the other day." Henry Stillwagon: "Shucks" Audrey Regan: "No, I don't want a career — I'm just gonna get married." Miss Lichty: "Well, what do you drink when you go into those places." Miss Meyer: "Time is relative."
Members of t h e
Dutch M i l l Restaurant
George Dalman: "I don't have a book yet." Marie 3rd."
Page Five
Prof. Miller: "Will you please hand in your outlines at the end of the class." Glenna Gore: "My, but that's interesting." Bob Emery: " K i s s m e q u i c k Baby, nothing makes me sick." Mrs. " K " : "The boys at my table are so sweet." Herk Buter: "I wonder who I can give a tumble now." Charlie Davidson: "David was a living man-ruff!!!" Louie Rove: "But I don't have time to get a haircut." Don Scholten: "Rugged, Boy." Mary Ellen Brower: "I'm waitinr for E n v e . " Mary Van Loo: "Uarnes and I ire off again." Bill Leverette: "Down south they look at things differently."
Completely Air Conditoned
The Tailor
S i b y l l i n e s , E m m i e s Sorosltes Guests F e a t u r e V a l e n t i n e g A t Frater M e e t i n g Members of the Sibylline SororThursday evening, F e b r u a r y 20, ity were the Valentines of the Em- the freshmen F r a t e r s escorted the ersonian Fraternity at a joint gathered Sorosites to Van Raalte meeting held on the thirteenth of Lounge where the remaining F r a ternal brothers welcomed them to February. A singspiration f e a t u r the first joint meeting since 1942. ing melodies of a "heart and lace" Well-surrounded by men, the Sorotheme under the baton of Roger sites were a ga i n welcomed by PresReitberg started the evening's ac- ident De Vette, following which, tivities. A f t e r an exchange of F r a t e r Mulder offered the invocation. greetings by Presidents Vada Mae The inimitable humor and musiEfird and Clarence Wagner, the cal talent over Station O R E of serious paper of the evening was F r a t e r Evers and Robert Westerread by Paul Myrehn. It proved hoff was witnessed by all listening. to be an interesting history of St. (They should be featured a t the next barn-dance). F r a t e r KoeppValentine's Day and its varied brought us back to reality with his meanings through the ages. Cu- timely and well-written paper on pid's songbird, Betty Christie, then the faults of the high schools of favored the group with two appro- today, including their curriculums. priate numbers worthy of being The next thing featured on the one s best Valentine and expressing cleverly p r i n t e d p r o g r a m s was the sentiments often felt but sel- Group Singing led by F r a t e r Burdom put into words. Humor for the ton. In and out of unison we all evening was furnished by Dorothy sang "DAISY," " T H E TAVERN Oldenberg in the form of "Daffy- IN THE T O W N , " the society songs nitions." After her efforts all pres- and finally the Hope Song as a preent felt capable of understanding requisite to the next night's game. all forms of pig Latin taught at Frater Snow gave a humorous lecHope. Music by the Barbershop ture on m a t t e r s pertaining to the Quartet provided a fitting Valen- scientific ( ? ) development of catine in music for all present. Cupid nines and felines — or, when is a Ann Van Eck brought the meeting dog not a dog but a c a t ? to a fitting close with her Master Following Master-Critic Kraai's Critics repDrt, commenting on the report, t h o s e s t r o n g , handsome excellent manner in which the pro- Fraters took iuuk O' over the role of waitgram was presented. Immediately ers and "galed the g a l s " with icef o l l o w i n g , refreshments were cream, cokes and cookies. With served p r , o r t o returnin K to the Prof. Cavanaugh as chaperone, the land of reality and textbooks. I meeting was a grand success. :,888SSS:88
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Hope College Anchor
Page Three
Hnp^ A m b a s s a d o r s
Introducing Arabia Sami Muktar
In g e n e r a l , A r a b i i c o n t a i n s difTerent independent countries ruled by its own people. The a r e a of these countries is one million s q u a r e miles. I t s g r e a t e s t l e n g t h is f o u r t e e n hundred miles and its g r e a t e s t b r e a d t h twelve hundred and f i f t y miles occupied by fifteen million in population. T h e r e it lies like a g r e a t inverted keystone, a t the junction of E u r o p e , A f r i c a , and Asia, but by n a t u r e as completely cut off f r o m all t h r e e as the mind of an isolationist politician f r o m the c u r r e n t s of h u m a n a f f a i r s .
By d i f f e r e n t c o u n t r i e s , the O t t o m a n E m p i r e a f t e r T r a n s j o r d a n , and Palestine and the most civilized and
I m e a n the p a r t which w a s s e p a r a t e d f r o m the first World W a r : Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, which compose the n o r t h e r n p a r t of A r a b i a you will bo g r a d u a t e d with an A.B. degree. When M.A. and Ph.D. modernized section of the c o u n t r y . degrees a r e obtained they a r e exceptable by all English institutions. Arabia h a s one of the g r e a t e s t oil resources in the world, which Everyone can go to school f r e e until he finishes the secondary school. Some colleges a r e f r e e also. made her a v a l u a b l e c o u n t r y for the Allies d u r i n g t h e last war.
What s u r p r i s e d me about the American people in general is the feeling they have a b o u t this land. When you mention A r a b i a to them they think of the d . s e r t first which is positively w r o n g . T h e r e is a lot of sand, but t h e r e is still a lot of sand in Coney Island, too. They say the people of Arabia d r e s s s t r a n g e l y . Once one of the girls asked me a week a f t e r I a r r i v e d at t h i s school, " H o w do you feel w e a r i n g A m e r i c a n c l o t h e s ? " She felt e m b a r r a s s e d when I told her, "I w e a r the s a m e back home." A n o t h e r asked me, " W h a t w a s it like living in a t e n t ? " T h i s made me feel terrible.
Being a native of Iraq I'd like to mention a few t h i n g s a b o u t it. Iraq has a population of five million. Most i m p o r t a n t of its p r o d u c t s a r e wheat, d a t e s and oil. Most of the people a r c either f a r m e r s or business men. The good land of the c o u n t r y is watered by the T i g r i s and E u p h r a t e s sweeping the country f r o m the north to south. 1 hope this gives you an idea about Arabia. I hope I have swept the desert, the tent and the uncivilized people a w a y t h a t you t h o u g h t was all t h a t you could find in Arabia. 1 hope you will have a chance to visit the country s o m e day and prove what you have just read.
We have practically all the t h i n g s you people have here — modern buildings, good h i g h w a y s , fine s e a p o r t s , a i r p o r t s and don't f o r g e t t h a t the Garden of Eden is located in t h a t part of the world. Most of you s t u d e n t s might have some i n ' e est in our system of education. .1 won't say it's b e t t e r than t h a t of America for probably someone would ask. " t h e n what a r e you d mv; here".'" The education s y s t e m follows p i r l l y the English system. We go t o school at the age of five, spend two y e a r s in K i n d e r g a r t e n , six years in g r a m m a r school, t h r e e y e a r s in i n t e r m e d i a t e school, followed by two y e a r s in secondary school which will e i a h l ? you to e n t e r the p r e p a r a t i o n year at any college. A f t e r a y e a r of p r e p a r a t i o n in the field you choose, you s t a r t your first y e a r of college. A f t e r f o u r y e a r s of s t r u g g l i n g in a college,
F o r hundreds of years, S a r o s p a t a k College was one of the chief educational centers of E a s t e r n Europe. Many s t u d e n t s were exchanged with Dutch and E n g l i s h schools, and the Western C u l t u r e w a s b r o u g h t to an a p p r e c i a t i v e audience. The g r a d u a t e s of S a r o s p a tak, which literally m e a n s " m u d d y brook," became the cultural and polital leaders of the Balkan Countries. The f o r e m o s t of them was Louis Kossuth, one of the 19th C e n t u r y ' s leading p a t r i o t s . In 1847 Kossuth edited the most i m p o r t a n t radical n e w s p a p e r in the A u s t r i a n Empire. He was imprisoned a f t e r he advocated r e f o r m s in the e n t i r e social system. As a prisoner he studied English, appropriately enough his textbook was the King J a m e s version of the Bible. He was soon released f r o m confinement and elected to the Legi s l a t u r e in Budapest. On March 1848, Kossuth openly denounced the H a p s b u r g g o v e r n m e n t . Metternich fled Vienna a f t e r the resultant uprisings, and all Europe openly prepared rebellions. The H u n g a r i a n Revolution was crushed by Russian troops who aided I" ranz Joseph, the new E m p e r o r . Kossuth fled to Turkey, most of !iis g e n e r a l s were executed and his followers imprisoned. A United S t a t e s naval ship carried Kossuth to New York City. At a f o r m a l
3it65 hours and
S a r o s p a t a k is j u s t l y
pi'oud of this honored g r a d u a t e , but her pride is the exultation of all f r e e men toward their liberators. C h a r l e s A. Daroczy.
PERRY HAYDEN T m n n s e h , Mich.
With the most spectacular international human-history story in the world
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Kossuth r e t u r n e d to E u r o p e in 1852, and lived in exile in v a r i o u s countries. He r e f u s e d A u s t r i a ' s act of a m n e s t y and continued to enc o u r a g e the cause of liberty and to exhort young liberals on in t h e i r work. Lopis jifossuth died in Italy at the age of 92 in 1894. T h e f o r e m o s t Calvinist of Central Europe, he s t e a d f a s t l y held to his f a i t h . T h r o u g h o u t the bloody revolution he remained a Christian in more than o u t w a r d signs. Symbolically, the H u n g a r i a n National Ant h e m , written d u r i n g his rule, begins with the all e n c o m p a s s i n g
This Saturday Night
Mine at horn in
Is g a i n i n g in Popularity with those in College who know where to go for those EVENING SNACKS.
reception, K o s s u t h held his audience spallbound with his p e r f e c t c o m m a n d of t h e English l a n g u a g e . He later a d d r e s s e d the U n i t e d S t a t e s Congress in a joint session d u r i n g the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n of P r e s i dent Millard Fillmore. A c o n t e m p o r a r y account s p e a k s of the overw h e l m i n g e n t h u s i a s m and wild c h e e r i n g of the Congressmen following his a d d r e s s . Many of our l a r g e s t cities welcomed him and t h o u s a n d s of A m e r i c a n s became enthused over the cause of E u r o pean revolutions a g a i n s t autocratics u p e r states.
Now I M Wave
Kossuth of Sarospatak
12 West 8th Street
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Page Six
Hope College Anchor
1946-47 Co-Captains
Hope Drops First
In Final Cage Tilt of 1947
M.I.A.A. Game 51-45 Hope was really off f o r the first
A single came stands between Hope and her third straight M.I.A.A. championship. The last game of the season will be played in the Armory tomorrow evening. The visiting team is Alma coached by Steve Sebo. The two teams met earlier this year at Alma. Hope took that one 66-54. Alma put up a terrific fight last time and were leading midway through the last half.
time this year as they dropped a hard fought g a m e to Kalamazoo 51-45. The first half of the g a m e was very similar to the one played in
stepped off to a 9-1 lead. Hope
As of last Saturday Alma had a came back well and took over 17500 percentage in c o n f e r e n c e 12. From then on Hope just could games. Two of their losses were not hit their shots. Kazoo took to Albion. In both of these they the lead 23-17 and still held it 29led until the last few minutes. 24 at the half. With only one week of play left, One was an overtime affair. Alma pave Kalamazoo a very good game :he M.I.A.A. basketball teams line As the second half started everyin their first meeting. one was expecting a Hope explojp in the same order as before, Alma's team has no particular sion, but it never came. Neither ind there seems little chance for standouts. Every man on the s t a r t team could do much as the scoring ing lineup has had high scoring jhange. Hope college is ranked crept forward. Kazoo still lead at games. Walker, a guard, bothered number one, having scored three Hope last time with his accurate wins over M.I.A.A. opponents in the the three-quarters mark 39-34. At long shots. He scored over twenty .this point in quick succession De past two weeks and dropping one. points. H a r t t , their regular center, Vette and Van Dis left the g a m e usually comes through with a fine The Dutch beat Hillsdale 71-45 and with five fouls. Hope then tied Adrian 89-60 on a road trip. They game. things up 42-42 with six minutes Hope has a definite edge in their dropped their first conference game Alma series during the past ten to Kazoo 51-45 but snapped back left. From there on it was slow Russ De Vette and "Gabby" Van Dis will be playing their years. Alma, however, has scored death as Kazoo painfully eased to whip tail-end Hillsdale again last home game in Hope uniforms tomorrow. They have the most points in a single game. ahead. co-captained Hope's team to another M.I.A.A. championship They ran up 82 back in '40-'41 72-36. Feb. 14 Hope took over twice as many Meanwhile Albion College still (co-championship at least) and to its highest scoring season when the Howe brothers and Carey High team game—Emmie A....796 shots during the g a m e as did Kalwere in their glory. The closest held glimmering hopes of at least on record. Hope has scored 1152 points in 18 games. "Gabby" High individual games — amazoo, but they made only 13 Hope came to this was 77 points iharing the title as they did last 188 field goals. Both teams committed and Russ have been Hope's starting forwards in every game. Jalving—Frater A in the second game last year, A year by edging the Alma Scots in Draper—Emmie B 137 a large number of personal fouls. win tomorrow night would give Between them they have rolled up 441 points this season. overtime 76-66. The Britons also Yoemans—Frater B i g l Had Hope made a better percentHope 25 victories in her last 28 M. Russ came to Hope in the fall o f , "Gabby" also came to Hope in Boerigter oeat Kalamazoo 45-40 and pushed I. A. A. starts. age of her f r e e throws the second them back to third place. The '41. He played on Hope's star-1'41. His first two years were simi- High individual series — half, she would have won. Kazoo's Slarling I.inrup Britons' final game is with Adrian studded Frosh team. The following lar to De Vette's. He was a regular Meengs—Knick A 504 Wayne Thompson played a fine year he starred as center for the forward on Hope's '42-'43 cham- Boersma—Knick A HOPE 503 g a m e and led his team with fifteen POS. ALMA vvhich they must win if they wish i chance at the title or even a sec- 'Blitz Kids" and was chosen ALL- pionship team. Veltman—Frater B 493 points, Hope's players were about n,- Vctt.F -Greenhoe ond place. M.I.A.A. He was not lucky enough to get Feb. 21 equally off, Van I'i* F Budjfe n; Muter, Herk Alma also made a week-end trip While in the Marine Corps he in any sen-ice ball but he did get High team game—Knick A 823 KALAMAZOO (51) C Hnrtt FT TP Honeax, f S holtcn G Temple similar to Hope's and came away played forward f o r Denison Uni- back in time to help Hope to a co High individual games — — 3 3 0 Thompson, f M ilder G Walker with two victories which, coupled 5 ir. 231 Tuckett. f championship last year. He was J a l v i n g - F r a t e r A versity in Ohio. He averaged 15 -O 0 2 with the loss to Albion, set their 195 Marlette. c one of the sparks of the team and Meengs—Knick A 1 3 points a game that year and was Goerigter ^ 3 Waltern. c standings at 500 per cent. The was eselected ALL-M.I.A.A. 0 2 ielected on the ALL-OHIO team. Stan ski. Scots beat Adrian 54-46 and HillsVan Dis is from Kalamazoo High individual series — 4 8 Emrick, « j Rusty played two years of high where he played two years of ball Jalving—Frater A 4 c 547 App. r dale 53-42. The Scots have games . 3 0 G 527 with Kalamazoo and Hope left to ichool ball for Muskegon. He was for Kalamazoo Central, He, too, Boersma—Knick A Totals 17 17 51 :aptain and all-conference his sen- was captain and all-conference his Meengs—Knick A 511 HOPE (45) Kalamazoo, besides losing FG FT Twenty Calvin girls will be the play. ^ losing to to TP '>e Vette. f •or year. He has scored 443 points last year. He has a total of 329 Top Five Averages 2 2 C lests of the Hope Hooe W,A.A. W.A.A this .hi. . A I T n . a n d b e a t , n K HoPe. ^ guests Van Di s . f " "" " luring his two years a t Hope, | points while a t Hope, 1 5 (.More than 3 games) Hillsdale in a slow moving affair Buter, Harv. f coming Saturday. A day of sports, t (1 4 37-31. Jalving—Frater A 171 Vonker. f q eats, and entertainment has been 1 1 Boersma—Knick A 171 Buter. Herk. c 2 In some non-conference games planned for the visitors. 11 Mulder, g , Meengs—Knick A 170 Alma beat Olivet 71-67 and lost to 13 The sports program, in charge Scholten. k 9 1 Fris—Cosmo A 155 Central Michigan 46-40. Toledo,! Totals .0 of Connie Hinga, will s t a r t at 10 19 45 conqueror of U. of M., just edged Rinkes—Cosmo A 155 A. M. and continue on into the afternoon. Events will probably in- Kalamazoo 72-64. Calvin took Hillsdale 52-45. clude basketball, ping-pong, volleyO w n Opp. ball, pateka, and badminton. Each At the close of the first half of There were big doings in the team will be composed of girls from Team W L Pts. PtH.| inter-frat competition t h e "B" FEB. 11 " A " league this past two weeks as both Calvin and Hope. Hope .... ..8 1 599 4151 squad of the Fraternal organizaTeam No. I 22 Team No. 4 the Arcadian fraternity broke into Team No. 6 Arrangements for the noon lunch Albion 7 2 459 425|tion seemed to have the situation 2® Team No. 8 Hope snapped out of her twoTeam No. 7 Defeated Team No, 5 are being arranged by Viv Dyke-1 Kalamazoo 6 3 446 3791 well in hand. With an overwhelm- the win column with a surprise 37 Team No. 1 22 game slump to gain a convincing Team No. 3 ma. A f t e r the afternoon sports. Alma 4 4 430 428 ing victory by the score of 34 to to 26 upset victory over the Knicks but u n s e n s a t i o n a l victory over FEB, 18 tea and entertainment under Glenna Adrian 4 7 331 4691 12 over Cosmo, second seeded team The other big news of the week Hillsdale. The Dutch had f a r too Team No. 1 II (lore's supervision is planned. Team No. 4 - 1 Hillsdale 0 10 336 4851 in the league, they showed theii was the defeat of the power-laden Team No. 2 14 Team No. 3 - 3 much class as they piled up a 72Team No. 7 18 Team No. 6 - 8 36 margin. This was Hillsdale's powerful hold over the other teams Own Opp Frater team by the vastly W in the league. After defeating the Pts Pis tenth M.I.A.A. loss giving them a Tenm No. 2 3 55 19 Cosmos they went on to trounce proved Emmie team by the score Team No. 7 3 perfect" record. This was also 39* 16* Team No. 1 2 41 22 the Knicks, This time by the scare of 34 to 37. Hope s twentieth straight win over Team No. 6 2 37 42 Team No. 3 [j of 39 to 15. ^ 13 Hillsdale. Hope has averaged 72.3 42 Frater, a f t e r becoming undis- Tenm No. 5. 6* 9* Bounding back from thill Ceat puted leaders in the " A " league by Tenm No. 8 ""0 points in their last ten Hillsdale 26 41 Team No. 4 0 15 41 encounters. at the hands of the F r a i t . . .he "Incomplete. defeating the second rated IndeThe game Friday night started O In a battle that showed Hope was held to five points by this sec- Cosmos shaded a much improvet Emmie team 31 to 25. This is the pendent team 31 to 25 at the end very slowly. Hillsdale was trying had not as yet recovered complete- ond string guard. This however same E m e r s o n i a n team whic.. of the first half of league play the same tactics which held Kazoo ly from their defeat at the hands did not end Yonker's accomplish- romped over the Arcadians by the to a scant 37-31 win. Hillsdale shot played r a t h e r sloppy and dispirited of Kalamazoo the Dutch barely ments for the night. While holding score of 40 to 17, only when close in and emphasized ball against the inspired Emersonescaped defeat at the hands of The Arcadians still in quest of ball control. Midway through the his man to five, he dropped in ian team. Hope h a s a d d e d a twentieth their traditional rivals, the Knights their first win of the season came nrst period the score was only 13-7 seven points. After their surprise win the Ar- g a m e to her basketball schedule Hope Hope then, paced by Van Dis of Calvin. In the first few minutes close to it in their next game when of play the team was noticeably off The honor of putting Hope out they lost to the Independent five cadians lost their following game with Manmouth College in Illinois. and De Vette, improved her acstride. Shots which at other times in front fell rightfully to the 30 to 26, This makes a clean to the Independents 32 to 39. he game will be played next Mon- curacy and found herself riding a The Cosmos bolstered by the would have been certainties were sweep for the Indies, as these two s a f e 33-18 lead by hal/time. "Duke" who dropped two points in day night. Manmouth is located being missed consistently. The Calteams do not meet again this acquisition of Bill (Moose) HolhaIf re8se Hiu!Ll! ,eforgot , 8eCOndmore Pro*> werda defeated the Knicks 37 to near the western border of Illinois Hillsdale vin team, on the other hand in the with a beautiful one-handed push season. and more d, of and will involve a 300 mile trip. earlier minutes and in numerous shot. This made the score 49-48 This defeat of the Arcadians 30 with Holwerda scoring 16 of her b a l l - c o n t r o l tactics. Hope's instances a f t e r that couldn't miss. and at this point the team began made it two in a row for the these points. Before Bill joined the The team plans to leave sometime speed was again telling the story The score well into the second to resemble the old team. There Independent team as they came team they lost to Emmie 21 to 31. Saturday, stay in Chicago Sunday, In ten minutes Hope's s t a r t e r s ran and go on Monday morning. They quarter was all Calvin. They led bounding back from their two the score to S8-26 and retired from 'A" LEAGUE STANDINGS was again the smooth floor work, will return Tuesday. in the first quarter 15 to 12, which quick defeats at the hands of the game. The second five took Own Opp was increased to 28 to 14 in the t h e faultless passing a n d t h e Frater and Cosmo, In their other over for the last quarter and man's^SSSS88SS8SS8@8S&8@SSf W PU Pis later stages of the second quarter. stifling guarding. game they just barely shaded the Frater aged to give Hope over 70 points 5 204 151 The first half ended with the Emmie 4 Knicks in one of the most thrilling f o r the sixth time this season. 175 143 The score just before the end 4 Knights ahead 31 to 20. 168 if not the most thrilling game of Indies 170 Hope's shooting had picked up Accident Insurance for of the game was 56 to 49 and then Knicks 2 173 211 The first half was as bad as the the season. This game was decided Cosmo a great deal over her past two 2 Hope College Students 140 151 score indicates, with the only Calvin scored the last two buckets as the final gun went off on two Arcadian games. Don Mulder was a little 1 138 172 Holland State Bank Bldg. off due to a light case of flue. Don bright spot in the otherwise bleak of the night as the game ended fouls or rather a double foul. The picture the play of Don (Duke) 56-53. This was a f a r cry from Indies made theirs while the Scholten held Edson, the M.I.A.A.'s ^SSSSSSS8SSSS@@8S Mulder. Don kept Hope in the Knicks just barely missed. The second high scorer, to a scant 7 the last game which ended on the game by tossing in 13 points in score on this one was 28 to 27. points Don shot only three times note of 71-38. this half which is almost double and made them all. De Vette's 20 "B" LEAGUE STANDINGS Hope's B aquad edtred Calvin's B's five his four teammates combined total. points gave him US in M.I.A.A. Own Opp With the s t a r t of the second half 49-46 in prelim. Bccksvoort led the Hope ( W 7 " . B u 0 b G r e g o r y m a d e some cagera with 12. Pis Pis the Hopeites appeared to have flne fast-breaks as he led HillsPrater 200 114 By FG dale s sconng. F TP Cosmo , come to life. They scored eight HOPE (M) 161 124 De V«tte. f 4 RUSS MORGAN 3 11 Indie _. straight points while they held EDDIE HOWARD
Hope Leads M . I . A . A .
Basketball League
Bowling Statistics
W . A . A . To Be H o s t l o 20 Calvin C o e d s
Fraters Continue Lead In Basketball Leagues
Hope Cagers Down
Girls' Basketball
Hillsdale 72 - 36
Calvin Knights Give Hope Cagers Close, Hard Tussle
Monmouth College Is Added to Schedule
Calvin to none. Then the s t a r s of the Grand Rapiders, " S l u g " Slager and Bylsma, came to life and began to hit again and the score went to 46-36. Slager had been a thorn in Hope's side all night scoring 11 points in the first half. I t was a t this time t h a t a Hope freshman named Nick Yonker made his appearance on the scene. If there ever was a right man a t the right time it was Yonker t h a t n i g h t In a magnificent defensive job Slager
Van Dis, f BuUr, Harve, f BuUr. Herk, c Brieve, e Scholten, g Mulder, g Yonker. g
Totals CALVIN (IS) Slater, f Pjrlman, f __ Bylsma, c Hekman, c Bratt, g Tuuk, g Zondervan, g Totals
1 Emmies 8 Arcadians 1
.11 . 3
FG - 7
.. -
1 0 8 1
1 S 8 1
F 4
159 171 187 107 1U(
160 190 217
Your Cheicc SSc.
25 7 54 TP
HOPE (72)
Photo-finishing, Framing
0 1
• 8
and Gifts
- S
- 1 .11
0 a
2 58
10 E. 8th St., Holland, Mich.
'g® Vette, f Van Dis, f Dalman. f Scholten, g Mulder, g ~~ Yonker, g ... I Konrer, g Totals
I HILLSDALE (81) | r e i r y , f —: Wolgamood, f ...
Mm., t — : r "
Totals ™
p r
'G . ^
I*"'— I J \8
_ TP