anc or
N-CATE Pays A Visit to The Education Department This past Monday through Wednesday, Hope College was host to a six-man team of professors from various schools which was here to evaluate the educational department and consider its eligibility f o r membership in N-CATE—the National Council f o r Accreditation of Teacher Education. N-CATE is a recently organized a t t e m p t to establish
Africon Art To Be Exhibited ' •
Hope College — Holland, Michigan
Tomorrow, from 6:00 p.m.9:00 p.m. African Paintings and etchings will be exhibited in the Commons Room of Western Theological Seminary. The exhibition was brought here by Dr. Rolf Ataliaander, visiting African history professor. The showing will also be from 3:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. February 13 through 16. Admission is free for students. Watch for a s p e c i a l edition of the Anchor next week for f u r t h e r details.
standards f o r teachers education and certification on a national scale. Of the approximately twenty colleges and Universities which offer education courses in Michigan, only eight have* been granted accreditation by this organization up to this date. Previous to its visit, the committee thoroughly studied a onehundred page report submitted by the education department,
which s t a t e d its structure, achievements and reasons for believing it should be accredited. The committee met with various individuals and groups on campus including student advisors and a selected group of junior students. They also had meetings with various public school teachers and supervisors in the Holland school system who are connected with Hope's student teaching activities. A f t e r it has been completed, the committee will turn in its report to the Washington, D.C. headquarters of N-CATE where it will be thoroughly studied. Hope will be notified of its decision during the first week of May. The committee was headed by Dr. Massanari of Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana. Also among the members of the committee was Mr. Eugene Richardson, present director of the division of teachers certification of Michigan's Department of Public Instruction. The accreditation, if granted, will f u r t h e r the certification of Hope graduate teachers in states other than Michigan and will also affect Hope's status in its relationship to other small liberal a r t s colleges. Up to this point, Hope College has received full accreditation from the Association of American Universities, the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the American Association of University Women, and The American Chemical Society. The Music Department has also received recent accreditation by a national music association.
Faculty To Give 2nd Recital The Faculty String Quartet will present its second recital this Sunday, February 12, at 4:00 p.m. in the Music Building Auditorium. The program will begin with the complete Quartet in G major of the 18th-century Austrian classicist Joseph Haydn. This will followed by two contemporary A m e r i c a n compositions. Piece for Flute and Muted Strings, by Walter Gloz, and 4 Minutes and 20 Seconds, by Roy Harris; these two numbers will feature flutist Gail Schaberg. Concluding the program will be the "Allegro Con Spirito" from Quartet, Op. 121, by the early 20th-century G e r m a n , Max Reger. Members of the Quartet are Morrette Rider and Wanda Nigh Rider, violins; Charles King, viola; and Peter Kleyenberg, cello.
Kuyper Gives Senior
Profs 'Take to the Road" Four Hope College professors are among 175 top scientists and mathematicians from Michigan colleges and universities who are "taking to the road" to share their wealth of knowledge with students and teachers in secondary schools throughout the state. The visiting scientists program, administered through Michigan S t a t e University's Science and Mathematics Teacher Center, is being sponsored by the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters with the financial support of the National Science Foundation. Participating in the program from Hope College are: Dr. Harry Frissel of the Physics Department, Dr. Irwin Brink of the Chemistry Department, Dr. Jay Folkert of the Mathematics Department, Dr. Philip Crook of the Biology Department. The project, being conducted during the academic year, is directed by Dr. Wayne Taylor, associate professor in the MSU Science and Mathematics Teaching Center.
He explains that the scientists, in their one-day visits to schools, lecture and give demonstrations to classes, consult with groups of teachers, and more likely than not, give special talks before science clubs a f t e r school hours. Dr. Taylor, who was instrumental in starting a similar program in Texas before joining the MSU staff in 1959, said the visiting scientist program has a dual purpose. "It not only helps to encourage those students interested in science as a career, it also helps to produce an informed citizenry concerning science, an aspect which is also vitally important," he said. Schools throughout the state are receiving the program"enthusiastically," Dr. Taylor reports, adding that requests f o r the visit have come from schools in all p a r t s of Michigan. Other institutions t a k i n g part include: Albion College, Central Michigan University, Eastern Michigan University, Ferris Institute, Kalamazoo College, (Cont'd on P a g e 3)
Williom Kuyper
French hornist William Kuyper, from Holland, will be giving his senior recital next Thursday, February 16, at 8:15 in the Chapel. Accompanied by Brian Dykstra, he will be playing the following numbers:
February 10, 1961
Fifteen Graduate Caps and gowns and ribbonedsheepskins were not the order of the cold wintry J a n u a r y day. Nevertheless, fifteen Hope seniors unceremoniously reached the end of the college careers. Amidst the final e x a m s the January graduates were guests of the college at a luncheon in their honor. Mrs. John Stryker spoke to the graduates about the Alumni Association. Each graduate was given an Alumni Bulletin and invited to return to participate in the June commencement exercises. The graduates' majors and future plans are as follows: Karen
Abel majored in mathematics and will attend Western Michigan University and study library science. James Bolthouse majored in economics and plans on entering the service. Thomas DeBruyn will attend John Marshall Law School; his m a j o r was business administration and economics. Mary DeWitt graduated with a composite English-German major. She will teach at Jefferson School in Holland. Evelyn Hollander majored in psychology. She will attend Wayne State University S c h o o l of Social (Cont'd on Page 3)
Look Out Fellas
Dutch Treat Week Coming Soon How many girls on Hope's campus wonder what it's like to have a different date every night of the week? Well, the week of February 13-17 will give Hope's women a chance to realize their dreams. The first event of the week is the Bachelors Bank drawing at 4:20 in the gym on Monday. There, eligible bachelors from each class will pick their dates' names out of a box. The box will be in Van Raalte, the week before the drawing, to give everyone a chance to put in the n a m e s of their Valentine's Day Dinner. Wednesfriends and enemies. The lucky day is night of the Calvin game, couples will then be given free and on Thursday there will be passes to the bowling lanes, the another D u t c h Treat Week movies, the p i z z a shop, and special. All day Thursday is other places. Kletz Day and for girls with The e l i g i b l e bachelors are dates coffee and rolls will be Cosmos, J e r r y Rottschafer, Paul half price. Hyink, Jim Anderson, and Bob Friday is the day of the Klaasen, Emmies, Jack White, dance which will be the highRick Brandsma, John Blom, Lee light of the week. It will be Ten Brink, Fraters, Rich Dirkse, held at the Woman's Lit Club. Jim Vander Weg, Tom Riekse, Dancing to a band will be upand Doug Japinga, Knicks, Robstairs with games and refreshert Bines, John Woodward, Rich ments d o w n s t a i r s . Special Irwin, Bill Kutzing, APO Peter Paulson, Gerry Blood, and Dave entertainment is planned including the Barbarettes and others Maris, and independents Wayne with a surprise early in the eveSaxima, Jeff Jones and Jack ning. The price is $1.00 per Parkes. couple. Tickets will be on sale On Monday night the Sibylin Van Raalte s t a r t i n g Wednesline Sorority will sponsor a day and at the door Friday night. pizza break for gals and their dates from 8:00 to 10:00 P.M. On Tuesday, for boarding students, there will be a special
This year, girls can choose their own valentines, so make the most of your opportunity.
Strauss, R. — Concerto No. 1 in E flat Major Op. 11 Riantoni — Aire de Chasse Tomassi — Chant Corse Fransaix — Canon in Octave Hindesmith — Sonata There will be a reception in the Music Building Auditorium following the recital. Mr. Kuyper is a secondary instrumental music education major. He has b e e n studying French horn under Mr. Albert Schaberg at Hope. He plays in the band, orchestra, and symphonette and also in the West Shore Symphony in Muskegon. Last summer Kuyper attended the National Music Camp at Interlochen, Michigan. After graduation in June, he plans to join the US Marine Band of Washington D.C.
Chivalry reversedl Karen De Young tries to balance an armload of books and hold the door open — fulfilling her obligation of Dutch Treat Week.
Page Two
Editorials When men and women both were housed in Voorhees Hall—along with the administration offices, of course, when the women's and men's choirs went on separate tours in opposite directions, those were the good ole days. When today's dog-eared lecture notes, yellow with age were first composed, when philosophy had no beardy connotation, when art was still rational, those were the good ole days. When the English kennel was still an office, when chapel was worship—not a course, when exams were exposition, not multiple guess, those were the good ole days
When the campus, particularly the lounges, was not littered with Siamese twins, when last week's exams were used for the first time, when Voorhees was redecorated—or "re-charmed" as the case may be, those were the good ole days. When the cheerleaders outnoised Harm, when intellectual freedom still ruled every department, those were the good ole days. When meals were served without a 45 minute wait in line, when students were naturally trusted on their honor and no codes were made only to be broken, when women students were allowed to choose their own attire for weekend use, before men students came in the library looking like something the cat dragged in, those were the good ole days—so were the days before I was invited to leave.
A Prayer We are grateful, our Father, for this reminder that you come to us where we are, engaged in the routine of our daily occupation. Grant, our Father, t h a t we, on our campus and in our world, may have our eyes opened to perceive the glory of God at work around us. Forgive us our sense of shock and fear, f o r we had long since become indifferent to the fact of Thy presence in our academic world In our uncertainties and perplexities reassure us that we trust in the good news t h a t is your purpose to act in our behalf. In this is our assurance. You have come to us this day (and each day) in the community of our campus as the Lord in whom our pursuit of knowledge must be centered if we would be delivered from rationalization and confusion. Make us members of that host who with minds dedicated to God in gratitude make knowledge an instrument of peace and well being among men to the glory of God. Teach us to accept in humility the signs by which we are pointed to the truth of God where we least expect it so t h a t we may not despise even those things which at first seem to lead away and obscure. Let us act without hesitation upon the knowledge we have received for it is in our response to what God has made known that we find that God is with us. Comfort us again and again, our Father, in the child of the manger, the man of the cross, the Lord of life. Grant t h a t in our seeking and in our speaking we may make known by the quality of our scholarship and the depth of our perception that we have learned of him. At times we must wonder and at times we must ponder, but in all things we must glorify and praise Him who came to us where we are. May we be transformed by the renewal of our minds, that we may prove what is the will of God, what is good, acceptable and perfect. (Reprinted from the INTERCOLLEGIAN)
HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Member Associate Collegiate Press PRESS
Published weekly by and for the students of Hope College except during holiday and examination periods, under the authority of the Student Council Publications Board. Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at a special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918. Subscription Rate: $2.00 per school year to non-student subscribers.
Editorial Board L. Bonnema, P. Geitner, J. Michmerhuizen, R. Jaarsma, J. Rietveld, J. Nienhuis, G. Wolf Picture Editor..Mickey Hoffman Photographers..?. Vande Vusse, and M. Hale
February 10, 1961
Why the Honor System Will Not Work at Hope College
Good Ole Days
Co-editors....Norma DeBoer and Louise Hunter Assistant Editor Nancy Sonneveldt News Editor Kristin Blank Sports Editor....Paul Armstrong Copy Editors Barbara Bloemers and Judy Cameron Proof Readers Eileen Watt and Jean Paduch
Girls' Sports Ed SharonNeste Make-up Editors Sandra Vander Berg, Dale Conklin Business Manager..Tom Klaasen Advertising Managers Mary Walters and Mary Hoksbergen Circulation Manager David Bringedahl and Roger Jansma Reporters J. Louret, J. Jenner, T. Andersen, J. Diephuis, 6 . Geubering R. Flikkema, J. Rietveld, Marcia Meengs, N. Malstrom A, Prins, P. Lucas, J. Thomas Typist Karen Lefgren
In this article I will try to connect the basic role of Hope College with the Honor System in the f r a m e of reference of admission requirements.
is representative of the of system used effectively college the size of Hope. system at Antioch allows den freedom in all areas.
I propose t h a t we need be concerned with three primary areas of honor: personal integrity, academic honesty, and the collective upholding of the basic philosophy and principles upon which the school was founded.
What are the results of this honor system at Antioch? In talking with the Dean of Women, I was told that in her opinion the morality of the girls at Antioch was higher than at many church related schools, because her girls faced up to their adult responsibilities while at college. In talking with some of the students, I found that they did not experience drunkenness because they did not drink to the point of intoxication in order to display their depraved state to their friends as an indication of the violation and contempt for college regulations as we so often find at Hope. Several students who were going to take an examination t h a t evening were questioned as to whether or not they would use notes or consult the text. The answer was a resounding "no!"
Let us now examine how we have fallen short in these three respective areas. Concerning personal integrity we are told that knives, forks, spoons, glassware, and plates are being appropriated by students for their own use in the dormitories; that a tape recorder has been stolen from the speech department; and t h a t valuable musical instruments have been taken from the music building. Turning to academic honesty, I wish to cite a glaring example of cheating. In a final exam given in the area of the social sciences a student was seen erasing the name of a classmate from an exam book at the conclusion of the exam and substituted his own. I am certain that all of us can think of many o t h e r examples where academic honesty has not been used.
type by a The stu-
The admissions policies of Hope are governed by the concept that any student t h a t shows any possibility of making the grade to be given a chance to prove himself. While this is a noble philosophy, it has two inherent weaknesses. The first is that it forces the college into an educational policy oriented around the all important grade point average which is necessary to push the weak student along by continually requiring certain goals f o r extra activities. This artificial prop often obscures t r u e learning and serves the ulterior superficiality of college graduation f o r the sake of financial or social status. The second weakness is that this admissions policy allows the admission of a large group of students, t h a t are devoid of character, devoid of honesty, and devoid of integrity and seek to get through college with the minimum average in order to get a diploma which is the magic key to the s o f t job.
In the t h i r d area, the collective u p h o l d i n g of the basic philosophy and principles upon which Hope College was founded, I wish to examine a question that was asked of me by one of our foreign students. This student, asked how I could consider Hope a Christian College when I observed students not going to chapel, students repeatedly taking the name of the Lord their God in vain, and s t u d e n t s consuming alcohol. What could I answer when I was confronted with the glaring reality that Hope College is a living example of the hypocrisy existing among church related colleges! My only reply was that Hope could be considered a Christian College in that most of the faculty teach f r o m a Christian f r a m e of reference. Why have we fallen short of moral adequacy? Students as a whole have not been the cause of the previous incidents. The majority of the students have no need f o r a documental honor code because they have an internalized sense of honor and integrity which is evidenced in their daily lives. Our concern then rests with • an influential group t h a t displays no honor, character or integrity. The solution to the problem of establishing an effective honor system which will improve the present status-quo, lies in the in the control or elimination of this group by the h o n e s t students. In order to see how this may be accomplished I wish to mention two honor systems with which I am ecquainted. The first is t h a t of the military honor system. This system is effective because it establishes a strong police system through the student officers, and offenders are subjected to dismissal f r o m the academy or loss of rank. This would not be practical f o r Hope because we do not wish to become a m i l i t a r y school, or initiate a reign of terror. Let us then examine the second system. The system used at Antioch College at Yellow Springs, Ohio,
p i m w h
When asked wliy they said t h a t that they would rather fail the exam i f ' they did not possess the knowledge required to pass it. When asked about their average they replied t h a t no average was required f o r varsity team membership because there were no varsity sports, likewise no fraternities or sororities. The exams are graded pass or fail, with the equivilent of a B at Hope required to pass. I was told t h a t a recommendation from Antioch is sufficient to gain entrance into any graduate school in the country. Thus we see that Antioch has placed the emphasis upon true learning and not merely striving to maintain an arbitary average to get a sheepskin. Why does a system work at Antioch t h a t we realize would fail miserably if applied to Hope? The answer is simple. The admissions requirements of Antioch College are geared to the selection of students who are able to progress academically and socially under such freedom.
Hope College has arrived at the point in its histoiy where it must take a stand for either the good or the evil. Hope has sat on the fence long enough as is evidenced by one of the Deans saying t h a t he had, "A list as long as his arm of students he could expell f o r violations of the regulations." Hope must either enforce or abandon its basic philosophies and principles as are set forth in the catalogue. The minority group must not be allowed to despoil and pervert whatever good Hope is capable of achieving in the future. The charge of hypocrisy by the foreign student must be met. I think t h a t when we firmly face the grim realization that neither type of honor system will work at Hope due t o the presence of such a group without the basic concept of honor, that we must conclude t h a t the Honor System will not work at Hope College. THOMAS F A U L K N E R
February 10, 1961
Page Three
Feb. 15
Arkies Adopt 9 Year Old Greek Boy
African Art Topic for IRC
Greece may seem to be a long way f r o m Holland Michigan, but to the members of the Arcadian F r a t e r n i t y Greece and her people have suddenly taken a new meaning through a little 9 ^ y e a r old, black - eyed G r e e k boy named Anastassios Papa** pavlo. Anastassios has been "adopted" by the f r a t e r n i t y through the Christian Children's Fund, Inc. which arranges f o r such adoptive measures in 40 countries throughout the world. The CCF operates under the Foreign Missions division of the National Council of Churches and through this organization is able to provide a great deal of assistance on a limited budget. The f r a t e r n i t y contributes $120 a year f o r the full care of the boy. This includes food, clothing, medical supplies, books and tuition as well as full care at a summer camp.
Visiting African History Professor Rolf Italiaander will lecture a tour of his l a r g e and significant collection of modern African a r t which goes on display tomorrow in the Commons Room of Western Theological Seminary a t a special International Relations Club meeting Wednesday. All students and faculty members are invited. Prior to the tour, Professor Italiaander will provide a brief
introductory commentary on the collection at 3:45 p.m. in the Seminary Chapel. It includes modern A f r i c a n paintings, watercolors, and etchings. The m e e t i n g , designated "Contemporary Art f r o m Central Africa," is the second in the IRS's spring semester studies entitled "Focus on Africa." The organization selected the topic because of its timely and dynamic nature and because of the campus' u n i q u e position in hosting an expert on Africa.
Kleinhebel Becomes Chairman Of American Chemical Society Dr. J. Harvey Kleinheksel, professor of chemistry a t Hope College, has been named chairman of the Western Michigan section of the American Chemical Society. Dr. William G. Jackson of Burcick and Jackson Laboratories in Muskegon is chairman-elect; Jack H. Mellema of Miles Chemical Company of Zeeland is secretary and Clarence Menninga of Grand Rapids Christian High School is treasurer. The Western Michigan section of the A.C.S. has a membership of 1 3 7 and meets alternately in the Science Buildings of H o p e and C a l v i n Colleges. A program of monthly meet-
ings feature A.C.S. tour speakers —men of prominence in both chemical research and chemical education. The local section also has Ladies Night, plant tours, student nights and other special events. Members of the society include industrial research chemists, college chemistry teachers, and professional chemists. High school chemistry teachers are associates and many attend the regular meetings. Students who plan chemistry as their profession are encouraged to attend the meetings. The American Chemical Society is the world's largest membership organization devoted to a single science.
O A. B. Cosmo 1959
1. 2. ). lu 5.
7. 8. 9.
10. 11.
In a letter to Ben Vanden Bos who originated the idea of the f r a t e r n i t y sponsorship, Mr. J. Calvitt Clarke gave an insight into the boy, his characteristics and his background. Anastassios Papapavlou was born May 27, 1951 and is now in the third grade where reading is his favorite subject and football his favorite game. He is now in good health and makes very good progress (in school). Mr. Clarke stated t h a t among his p e r s o n a l characteristics were, "A well-mannered, helpful, kind little boy." In telling of the boy's previous history the letter stated: "This child's family are native to this area and they have been caught in a heartbreaking unemployment situation that has lasted for years. Thousands of refuges have s w a r m e d into Athens during the years of war and its aftermath, making work scarce and labor cheap. Then to add to this family's plight the f a t h e r left home one day and has never been heard of since. Though the mother tries hard, she earns such a pittance that the family go hungry most of
Dr. De Haan to Write For Library of Education Dr. Robert De Haan, Chairman of the Department of Psychology at Hope College, has accepted an invitation to write f o r the Library of Education. His subject will be "Accelerated Learning Programs." The Library of Education is being published by the Center f o r Applied Research in Education, headed by G. Richard Gottschalk. The volumes in the library will t r e a t education and its present trends as a dynamic institution in American Society. At the p r e s e n t time, it is planned to have 75 volumes in the library. The Center for Applied Research in Education, financed by Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, has as its aim the improvement of general understanding of the fields of specialization in education. It also seeks to shorten the time between completion of educational research and the moment this information reaches the using educator at whatever level. To accomplish these aims, the Library of Education has
been established as a project of the Center. Dr. De Haan, who received his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in 1951, joined the faculty of Hope College in 1956. He is a member of the American Psychological Association, American Personnel and Guidance Association, Society of Sigma Xi, American Association f o r the Advancement of Science and the Christian Association of Psychological Studies. Dr. De Haan and his family reside at 325 West 32nd St., Holland, Michigan.
Students Recieve Assistontships Steven Havlicek, a sophomore from Ridgefield, New Jersey, and George Su, a junior from Hong Kong, have each been awarded $800.00 research assistantships f o r research in the department of chemistry. These grants, extending over 2 academic semesters and one summer, a r e supporting the research of Mr. Jekel and Dr. Brink, members of the chemistry staff.
Fifteen Graduate (Cont'd f r o m P a g e 1) Work, and will become the bride of Calvin Bosman, a 1958 Hope graduate, on June 20, 1961. A r t h u r Schmidt majored in business administration and will begin work as an insurance underwriter. Mathematics m a j o r Charles Smits will teach science and mathematics a t Byron Center High School. Howard Hughes majored in business administration; Myra Karachy, English; Elmer Veld-
the time. Anastassios was therefore r e c o m m e n d e d for CCF 'Adoption'." A Greek boy was chosen by the f r a t e r n i t y since the name "Arcadian" come from the old Greek province "Arcadia" and too, because the f r a t e r n i t y is a Greek letter fraternity, XOE. Through various fund-raising campaigns the f r a t e r n i t y hopes to continue the project with the ultimate aim of bringing Anastassios to the United States and Hope College.
Debaters Travel To State of Ohio A f t e r a month of inactivity the Hope College Debaters are preparing f o r a week-end schedule of three speaking engagements. On Thursday the debaters leave f o r Bowling Green, Ohio, where they will participate in an audience debate in the University Union against a team from Bowling Green. On Saturday they will compete in the Annual Buckeye Invitational Debate Tournament a t Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, and on Monday they will appear before the Men's Brotherhood of the Bethel Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. In all the debates the students will be considering the national intercollegiate debate resolution: Resolved: That t h e United States should adopt a program of Compulsory Health Insurance f o r all citizens. At Bowling Green on Friday Leonard Lee, a Holland senior, will team with Herbert Tillema, a f r e s h m a n f r o m Arlington, Virginia, against David Miller and Mike Pheniger, two Bowling Green State University seniors. Lee and Tillema will uphold the affirmative side of the proposition. On Saturday at Kent State Tillema will advocate the a f firmative in f o u r rounds of debate, with P e t e r Eppinga, a Holland sophomore, as his colleague. Supporting the negative side at the Buckeye Tournament will be Ann Herfst, a Holland junior, and Mary Whitlock, a Chicago junior. These same four debaters will clash in a cross-examination style debate on Monday evening at 8:00 a t the Bethel Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. Accompanying the students will be Prof. Robert L. Smith, instructor in speech and director of debate. He will also serve as a judge a t the Buckeye Invitational Tournament at Kent State.
heer, English-Germ an; Bruce Crawford, English; Robert Holt, mathematics; Thomas Klomparens, history; Louise Marsilje, German-French; and Gene Van Dongen, history.
EBELINK FLORIST 2 3 8 River Ave.
Store nearest your College ISmartest Clothes on The Campus
Phone EX 2 - 9 4 9 6 'Flowers f o r Every Occasion"
Special prices on rented Tux
TER HAAR CLOTHING 5 0 East 8th St.
Profs "Take to the Road" (Cont'd f r o m P a g e 1)
Phone EX 6-4991
PIZZA MADE TO ORDER Take Out Only — H o u r s 7:30
- 12:00 P.M.
Michigan S t a t e University, Northern Michigan College, Olivet College, University of Detroit, University of Michigan, Wayne State University and Western Michigan University.
Corner PLACE
11th and River Ave. BATTERIES
Poge Four
February 10, 1961
Basketball Review and Preview
Social Sidelights
Parties! Parties! Parties! Hi everyone,
Chi Phi Sigma The Arkies started their second semester activities by electing their "most eligible" bachelors for the Dutch Treat Week "Bachelor Bank" last Friday evening. The ^'Bachelors" and their classes are: Bruce Roelofs, freshman; Gary Nederveld, sophomore; A1 Dietz, Junior and Jim Stull, senior. Echos of "Deep Purple" have been sounding through the XOE House during the past week as the Arkies began practicing for the All-College Sing. Dean Nederveld is the director of the Arcadians this year. Tomorrow night the men of Arcadia and their dates will journey to Goshom Hills for an evening of tobaggoning to be followed by refreshments at the fraternity house.
Sigma lota Beta At the meeting February 3 the Sibs made further plans for the pizza break to be held on Monday evening. Nancy Meerman is the chairman. Judy Loveys gave the devotions and Jan Koopman gave the serious paper about the music of Claude Debussy. Debussy is of special interest to the Sibs because he composed the song which they will sing at the All-College Sing.
A return match against Wheaton College found the "Flying Dutchmen" grounded during most of the contest, missing the first seven attempts at a field goal, and failing to capture any rebounds at all during the first seven minutes of play. Only some spirited last half defensive play by Nederveld, Reid, Vanderbilt, and Jim Vander Hill prevented a more serious trouncing than the eventual defeat. The visitors were decidedly anxious for revenge, and their inspired playmaking marked a considerable improvement over their last encounter with the Dutchmen. The Hope cagers redeemed themselves last Saturday night however with a 92-78 victory over Alma. The win, which moved Hope into undisputed possession of second place, was the 6th in MIAA competition. While the contest, played before a somewhat less than enthusias-
tic crowd of 75 paying spectators, three timekeepers, and two referees, seemed a decisive victory for the Dutchmen, the only really encouraging factor of the evening was another standout performance by Jim "Spider" Vander Hill, who netted 35 points to lead the winners. The effort b r o u g h t Jim's League total to 188 points in eight games, a 26.6 game average. Wilt Vanderbilt followed with 20 points, and Freshman Ron VenHuizen showed signs of improvement, yet even Coach DeVette felt that the play-making and ball-handling could have been much better. Alma Coach Wayne Hintz lost four players due to second semester ineligibility (including, incidentally, all-MIAA guard Ferris Saxton, who spearheaded the Scots in their last appearance here), and the Dutchmen, possibly hindered by the lack of spectator enthusiasm, could
Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!! To start Dutch Treat Week off with a bang the Sibylline Sorority will hold a Pizza Break in the Terrace room of Durfee Hall on Monday evening, February 13th, from 8:0010:00 P.M. Now is your chance girls! Grab that guy and bring him along. You won't be sorry f o r the girls of the sorority will have a hand in making this delicious treat as well as serving it.
Phi Kappa Alpha "Misty" was the theme of the Cosmo's annual formal, held at the Cascade Hills Country Club on Friday, January 13th. The evening was a tremendous success, starting with a delicious dinner of filet mignon. A f t e r , dinner everyone danced to the music of the "Ambassadors". For entertainment Dale Schoon, emceed, and John Gezon did a pantomine skit of Johnny Mathis. Also on the program was a humerous movie, "The Return of Little Red Riding Hood to Hope", starring Cosmos. The girls received white umbrellas for favors.
Phi Tau Nu The members of Emersonian held their annual joint meeting with the Dorian Sorority last Friday night. The Dorians looked sharp in their new bright red blazers. Sharon Smith gave an enlightening history of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic" and Steve Morse entertained all with his satirical story of an airline company. The Dorian Quartet displayed their talents in a "Whopper" of a song on Trend. After many months of planning the annual Winter Formal will be held tonight at Spring Lake. The newly elected officers f o r the winter term are: Steve Middnernacht Pres.; A1 Peassle, Vice Pres.; J e r r y De Groot, Sec.; and Jerry Miller, Sergeant at Arms.
Alpha Gamma Phi "Famous February Figures" was the theme of last Friday's literary meeting. To open the meeting Betty Cooper led devotions. A serious paper followed with Karen Hyink's comment on Abe Lincoln and George Washington. The formal date is drawing near and by now every gal should have picked her favorite escourt! "Norwegian- Nocturne" is the theme of the winter formal and will be presented at the Hotel Pantlind on February 24.
Meet the Captain A member of two championship teams, and captain of this year's squad, Bill Vanderbilt is concluding his four years of action on the Flying Dutchmen this semester. While Bill, better known to area f a n s as "Wilt", is not often a headline performer, as say, one of his roommates, high-scorer Jim Vander Hill, his solid consistent play, especially under pressure, has decided many a ball game in favor of the Dutchmen. J u s t recently, at Alma, "Wilt" turned in one of his best performances of the year hitting eight f o r seventeen from the floor, and sinking four consecutive free throws to score twenty points in the victory. "Wilt" hails from Oostberg, Wisconsin, where he was cocaptain of his football team, and also co-captain of a basketball squad that turned in a winning season of 23 wins and 3 losses. While at Hope, Bill has also been active in track, where he tied f o r the MIAA high jump championship in his sophomore year. A history major, hoping to coach a high school team in Wisconsin next year. Bill's academic efforts placed him on Dean's list this term. He is a member of Blue Key, H-Club, College Linen Supply, SNEA, the Arcadian Fraternity, and this year's player representative from Hope to the M.I.A.A.
Sigma Sigma Bongo drum favors hinted of the theme "Exolica" to which the Sigma Sigma sisters and their escourts dined and danced Friday evening (Feb. 3) at the Sorosis winter formal, held in the Spring Lake Country Club. A f t e r a delicious steak dinner, mistress of ceremonies, Carol Yonkers, introduced Sylvia Wildschut, who played three piano selections, and Donna Davis, who read two entertaining papers. Palm trees. Bamboo, primitive masks, a jungle pool, and music by the Continentals set the scene f o r the dance in paradise. Thanks for a fine time go especially to Sally Tellman and Joan Ten Cate, co-chairman of the formal, and to our special guests. Dr. and Mrs. Brown, and Dr. and Mrs. Megow.
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During the first ten minutes, Alma, sparked by game highscorer Tom McPhillips with 36 points, Dave Peters, with 20, and other reserves, brought up from the school's intramural league, managed to tie the Dutchmen t h r e e times, and emerge at the end of the first half with a mere 45-42 deficit. Tomorrow night the Dutchmen will travel to Adrian and attempt to repeat their earlier victory over the squad, now currently pressing Hope for second place. Next Wednesday, the team will take the floor in what will probably be the most exciting game remaining in the schedule. It is certainly the most crucial. For, despite the fact that the Dutchmen have only a very dim chance for retaining the MIAA championship, even in the event of a v i c t o r y Wednesday, it seems that the success of the entire basketball season hinges upon how the team fares against this traditional rival, Calvin. Regardless of how sound this philosophy is, it has provided area sports f a n s with some of the most thrilling ga^nes that basketball fans anywhere have been privileged to see. Last year, the Knights tasted bitter defeat not once, but in both encounters, and there is no doubt the Calvin five (practically, to a man, the same five that were trounced last year) consider this contest quite necessary to avenge themselves. A Hope victory, while it would not necessarily w r e n c h the MIAA from the boys from GR, would certainly remove the icing from the cake. —P.A.
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Bill's greatest thrill, during the three years on the varsity, came last year when the Dutchmen swept two games from Calvin. While maintaining the traditional silence which coaches and players usually exhibit before a Calvin game. Bill does not s e e m at all pessimistic about this Wednesday's encounter. It is typical of the 6'3" senior, whose good-natured personality and friendly mannerisms have won him the admiration and respect of all who know him. A wonderful mixture of fighting determination and exceptionally good-sportsmanship have made Hope students extremely proud to be able to point out "Wilt" as captain of the Flying Dutchmen.
not assume a significant lead until the third quarter.
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Delta Phi February 3 Delphis and dates had a "sehr gute Zeit" at the informal, "Heidelberg Hideaway" held in Ilfomo's keller. After justice was done to the delicious smorgasbord, it was moved that the informal be retagged the "Munich Munch". The group was entertained by a folktale told by Barb Walvoord, "Letters to Mama" by Marcia Hondorp and Jean Paduch, a piano selection from Mary Ann Iperlaan, and a spirited folkdance from limber Delphis. We enjoyed the company of Dr. and Mrs. Granberg and Mr. and Mrs. Brown and thank them f o r joining us.
Congratulations Barb Bloemers was pinned to Jim Betke; Jane Veurink was pinned to Ron Zegers.
and Mary
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GREETINGS FROM GREECE: A Greek farmer waves cans of meat from a CARE package, in joyful salute to the American whose gift helped feed him and his wife after blight destroyed their crops. Disaster victims, refugees, orphans and other needy In 20 countries can be helped with CARE's $1 f o o d packages. Contributions may be sent to: CARE Food Crusade, Detroit 3 3 , Mich.