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Pay your Anchor subscrip' HOPE DROPS ONE tion-~$1.50. The time for all subscripTO KAZOO NORMALS tions are past due, so, in order LONG SHOTS OF THE VISITORS COUNT UP TOO RAPIDLY Home Quintet's "Come Beck** Unable to Cut Down Lead of . Teachers % In the mo®t exciting game of the season on the 'home 'floor, Hope's baskete^rs met defeat a t the hands of the Western State Normal aggregation Friday evening. The game was fast and scrappy f r o m s t a r t to finish. The Hope quintet were the | more skillful in getting the ball under the gasket and made most of their points from this position while the Normal team succeeded in maintaining the lead f r o m start to finish with their long range artillery. De J a n g did stellar work as guard, time and again preventing the enemy f r o m penetrating his territory. Miller of Kazoo proved to be Hope's most dangerous opponent for he repeatedly dropped the big pill thru the meshes from the center of the floor. Kazoo started the scoring from the foul line, following this up with a long field goal. Japinga then came in for two points and the fight was on, both teams scoring alternately. The half ended just a f t e r Dickie dropped the speroid thru the ring f r o m deep center, the score being 15-11 with Kazoo on the credit side. Kazoo commenced the barrage again in the second half with threelong shots in quick succession. Hope then rallied and crept up on the Normal's lead imtH the finish. Kazoo changed h e r tactics from one of point gietting to one of killing time for she realized that the home- team was hot on the scent of the bacon. The excitement was intense f o r Hope brot down the opponents lead of ten points to but three. When the gong sounded the finish the tally read 2824, the "Celery C i t y " prospective teachers being the victors. The line-up follows— Japinga iL. F Miller Wassenaar. R. F Simo Schuurmans C Borman Van P u t t e n , . . ,L. G Far?er De J o n g . . f t . G . . . . . Cameron Summaries—Field Goals—Japinga 5, Wassenaar 2, Van Putten 3, Miller , 4, Borman 3, Cameron 2, Bennett 1. ;PRQF. WICHERS GIVES FIRST , LECTURE OF SERIES ON MODERN PROBLEMS The average college student occasionally comes across the word Bolsheviki or iMenshiviki, perhaps so oftefn as to become disgusted with his daily paper. We all get a vague idea of new movements, b u t few of us take the pains to find out what they really are. We forget to connect the present (events with the end of our "Hayes*' or " C r o s s " . The history department is offering a course, consisting of one lecture a week on present-day topics, f o r all those who are interested. Professor Wichers, who, perhaps, does more reading along historical limes than any other person in this part of the state, with a keen annalytical mind, is presenting present-da^ movements to us, tracing their origin and showing u s their relation to world History. That the student body is highly interested in such a course is shown by thei^ ateftdance not only, but iby their efforts to get as much of it in their notebooks as possible. |It is indfeed Ja course which one who seeks to become a cultured citizen cannot afford to miss.


to help the present staff keep the Anchor out of debt, the subscribers should remit as K soon M/V71I <10 as possible. j-fWOOlUlCe , We f f C have IlrtVC on1111ly a .fow more weeks to serve on the Anchor Staff, and those -

c n u 8 e



ble confusion for the new business manager. Please remit $1.50 as soon as possible. Boost the Anchor and help 1 advertise . A1 your Alma Mater. Business Manager, SENIORS HOLD LONG POSTPONED PARTY L

Ahh-h! At last! We have persevered and the victory is ours! Not to be stumped (by four succeaeive breakings of the date set for our Senior party, Monday noon saw us gathered in the chapel for a minute meeting. Here it was unanimously Jem son and De Boer's cottage. And decided to take the 5:15 car for thus it was. Dates which had been hanging fire since the firet of November were cancelled and a new ruling of "No Dates" was passed with only one dissenting vote. This ruling, was ostensibly — — j made in order that our number might be blessed with the presence of the engaged the presence of the engaged men of the class whose f a i r ones are absent. Well, the party was surely a success—one of the biggest and best in the history of the < distinguished class of . 21. , Skating, three-deep, ^ . and teg for the outdoor sports kept the roses in the cheeks of the more athletic, the cottage we me t e y amily, gossiped, and frequently called upon the name of e

D But; the song that good grul)

„ eats—Oh, Boy! iats—Oh, Boy! ~ The old aa college g.rl can't fix is all bunk,• if the feed is a specimen of what can be done, and i i j ,,even the "the half is yet un0 " „ „ 7 S , T 8 ' n 0 " f / a r t , y "^ l h t s ' the e a * ' 2 6 b u t due to Miss ope s expert supervision of the situa rnn, we were a I present at roll e a . , ' a v i n g a ( i d e d 0,116 m < ) i r e P l e a s ant memory to our list.


The Mrs. S u u i a l Sloan Foreign Million Prize of $28.00 . . SPEAKS ON "DOUBT YOUR will b« Awarded to that student of ATHLETICS NOW ON FIRM BASDOUtfTS" IN RELATION the college who submits the best eaIS—DUTIES OF OFFICERS TO STUDENT THDT say' on the subject, "James DEFINED I 11' WWHWTO Hudson XAUUSUll a M,n the » P*«»l**'nt ProUont Cleared "f Inland Mis- . .. . si(>n LetUrs and Sw«*tort ' Up h. Opo« p u « u i o n :. Contestants mart r e f i n e r Causes Much OUcumIob t h * contest with Prof. Hinkamp MoTi: We should like to write all that K " * 26th, 1921. and must ^ , h n d i n th,, ev n was said Tuesday night at Y. M., on * «e typewritten copies of « "« nwHubew S8a th ir th tl c ® topic "Doubt Your Doubts," led ® e y" b^ore J w e . i s t . , __ 1 AMociation pithewd in Chapel and discussed the new (Length of essay: minimum 2000 by J E KuiMn a 0 ^ * • * ' the Seminconstitution drawn up by a commitwords; maximum 2600 words. but 8paec it . ^ ^ ^™ ' He discussed and, jfcs Van Zwaluwaaburt Domtttic tee of the Athletic Board. The old constitution was hopelessly inade* ^doubtinft your doubts," and furMUtion Prise th€ The Van Zwaluwenburg Domeetic 2r Uate , * n < i M l i n g ™ed* o t ther answered the questions which 8 .* expanding athletic were previously handed him, as well Missions Prize of WS.OO - will be awar(fe ctlv ties 1It 1 activities. contained no articles as answereing those asked in the ^ to that student of the col- f ' contained no wh(> regard to the meeting; and entering into a diithe best essay on « r a n t l n ? o f "on®an<1 cussioa of t h a n whirf, were not t h e fiubjwt- "Walter C. Roe^Our " Provided ,nac n ry w h e p e b thefl c ^ i y understood. Pioneer Missionary to the Indians" ® y e eouM be Two lands, and only two kinds of O m f c r t f t n t s m O T t r e g i s t e T w i f c h honorably granted as coming from Under doubt we often ^ Hinkamp before March 25, . lC association; it did not d ( > u b t exist. mua,t ^ hand in three type recognize "prep" athletics nor did o u r perplexities and difficulties it recognize any sports for girla; ari( i c a j j t j 1 € m t r e r eaUy b i t t e n copies of their eaeays be{oT and, it did not clearly define the du* Ist. o f neither cass of doubt. ••"There is more faith in Honest "Length of essay: Minimum 2000 ties and powers of the various ofwords ficers. - Maximum 2600 words. d o u b t than in half the creeds," says Altho Emerson. The emphasis must be ^ Staked Bible F r i t . , the constitution was hot ratlfi d 83 pre86,vted of |2i5.00 will be awarded to that * ^ th€ commitlaid up(>n W)>rd and ^ we u changes that were made were have the first doubt, namely "Con- n^niiber of the Class in Christian tee, ^ Athe" " not at all radical. There was some structive doubt". It aims to know Evidences who submits the best eato not having the 051 the truth. I t acts on the Truth, and ^ y aub|ject, "Miracles: trifling . . objection . t a i n s off tthe a r i o U 8 teams on the captains is always anxious to discover more Stumbling Wocka or • Stepping ^ ° h e vvarious the # aoovui l u list of officers of the associatioci of or the truth. On the other hand it Stones?" a w m e s r ' the uie class dass record of the IV*. ' " " , ^t ^ , " ^' ^ or

gatiafied with merely seeking co^eatante during their Juniorr and A t h l e t l c B ( > a r d » ^ t objection# were not flustaiMd ot -. ^ ** tthe h e ttruth r o t h bbut u t g seeks e t k a k knowledge n o w k ) d j f e a and n d Senior course in BiHical literature conviction. These are menal pro- and Evidences being taken into con- managers of the various teams ware more clearly outlined, especially in cesses, and in the end the person d e r a t i o n relgard |to m^kfng treportai fn the The writing of this esaay is a becomes a thinker and ceases to be . after each 0ame. The an echo. uJar in CiVlUMmcVff Evidences treasurer "***' partv of the course mi . . ,, a t e s t ®W«ti»n was to the rwthIn early childhood one's mind is a of Christianity an4 is required to all ^ atudAn*. od of granting monograms and mold into which b o d expects the ^wjants taking this course. . h ( ) m e ) th<s c h u r o h a n d ^ ^ ^ Essays must ' be handed In by sweaters as proposed'by the coi»Jun p0Ur ^ e 1st. Length—minimum 2000 mittee. a n ^ educating inAs a substitute it was requests* f 5 u e n c e g . But there is a period of words; maximum 2&00 words, and accepted that the granting of adolescence to come, and it it is then Cooper.rille Men'. Adult Bible monograms and sweaters should be CIm. Prise w e encounter for the most part honest doubt. of ^ 5 . 0 0 will be awarded to that left entirely In the hands of a board 0 l 0 9 e d oof f the coach, the captain Destructive doubt springs from a member of the Sophomore class in ccomposed " P the coach, the captain is


^ p r a c t i c a l bearings of truth. I t refuses viumu tAb i^iuoca to bu act up to the me t n l t h t h a t a l r e a d y kn0W8. It s e e m . delight in doubting, jfor -i n" giy o - j findg wrwaa^av m wuvi<ici^, lw the sake of doitbting, and doubts in It is a subtle o r ( jer to unsettle. Q f self-flattery. f h i s kind of doubt abhors faith, a n < j f a i | g ^ understand that faith is the bridge to w certainty, wwfccamigr,that uiat itit isia the lilc " . . . " 4< supremest hypothesis.'' This doubt is a bad thing) ,it s keeps one sinking Y. W. ENTERTAINS Y. M. CAB back morally and physically. De1NET strutetive doubt must become ft sin. It smashes a man to pieces, leads to When the familiar 5:15 went parkdisease of mind and ibody. ward last Saturday it bore the hardIn order to know what doubt is we ly to he recognized Y. M. C. .A. must know what faith is. Dr. Kuizcabinet, bound f o r the source of atenga quoted Donald Hankey along traction—the 17. W. cabinet awaitmg them with a chicken supper. with others. 'Hankey ^says '"faith Taitn 18 b e t t l 1 0 llfe lonesome for awhile awMp ^ V ™ that there is a Harold lookedd lonesome—(for God." This faith he was able to —jand Windy became hilarious with instill into lives as he worked among his high spirits; and not even an enm e n d u r i n g t h e w a r da L-vcioDeoia could coma contain roaiunn all mi that y«» and from cyclopedia

rthe ~eats—spell - j : ^it

with capitals, please—'E-A-T-S, and after that games and more hilarity, Windy and Garry starring in the shnpleness and subtleness of their "bright ideas." After a short devotional service, aH managiedi to connect vimixcb with wiui the uie 9:27. • A favored few helped wash dishes and dispose of the excess of refreshments before the last word was said. » But those Y. W. girls gave us one royal time.



Bdblical yterature who submits the best essay on vji the wie subject, suujcvi- "The ProMems of the Apostolic Ohurch an<i Solution," the cli —— — — clhss record 0 le ' ^ conteatants during their Freshman and Sophomore courses in Biblical Literature being laken ijlto consideration. writing of this essay ia a regular part ^ r " ^ of the work wv** in a.t the uic « , Sophomore Biblical Literature course and is required of all students taking the course. Eeaay* must be handed in by June Lwi^th: 2000 words minimum; maximum, 2500 words. Tih® faculty Committee on Contests and Prizes reserves the right to bar from entrance into any of these contests any or all essays essays sub suonutted, if an the judgment of the committee they are unworthy of consideration for the prize.

tsrftszst 2 £ r

Announced by Dr. J. B. Nykerk,



rnzes. Per iProf. Paul E. Hinkamp, Departhas added to our faith. • 1P1 m€n The questions answered were in t of Philosophy and Biblical as simple and as clear a way as Literature, and member of commit could be, and much information was tee on Contests and Prizes. gained from the discussions. February 1st, lft21. ILet us all take Dr. Knizenga's ad•• , , , M mor a n d to I?" " ® f' P"®" Miss Swwntina De Young, more o t r rovi ^ ™ P ^ by Sec'y of Student C o u n c i l : witnessing ttiat we have such bei t x v M t o n w ' m sinHgfa, and-.^to organize ourselves eere gratitude t o the Student Body around Ar around them; them,I to to doubt doubt our our doubts. doubts, fffor h o u g h trtwn> l e s s and o r their uvuuui, their tthoughtfulness and symsymand in regard to faith to do as Sam p a tK y in my sorrow? I a s ^ r e you

Valparaiso University, Indilana, a T y o u has reorganized, selected a representative board of trustees, elected a James new president, and is out for a mil- Western lion dollar endowment. This Tnairka reeeived a new epoch in a remarkjable school, liamson,

^ T b e w ^ t o geTiC' " ^ J t ^ o J J T ' ^ e w gei comfort to me. Very sincerely yours, Anne Visscher. Burggraaff, 1 9 , student at ' Theological Seminary, has — the promise of a call to Wil1 * 7 y o u r Anchor N. Y. ^ tion~~$1.50. *

• '

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man a

. «€r

the team concerned, P r M , d e n t o f the association and another student member chosen at large from the membership of the association. But there was a great deal of objection to this because the Association had absolutely no control over the board. After some agitation am amendment was added to the section stating tha a minimum « /> •. . • BhouW ° ?? P- y before an ahlete was eli«ie or a s e5ater or y monogram. This 0 C r e 068 1 mean e w ^ ® jf J® y a er cen, 0 . P t ' the games in his sport shall necessarily h e granted a sweater, but some fear that that, is just what it will amount to. The board will become nothing more nor less, except in extreme cases, than a presidential electoral college merely filling another page in The Milestone photographic section. ^ , The committee also suggested that the

xvr mi " t ' t tHis w u vigorously objected to and dwliaed. There will be no change from the present except that a uniform lette? will be granted for all track events. • Another change is the requirement that managers shall have had an average of eighty per cent during the f<>rm

of athle ic8



"111 Z l i ' t h e A t t i t t c finds itself' upon a better footimr T and r t o ^ T u unauthorn afooting, t and nothing nothingj aarbitrary and itative T a ^ b T l V e a n ^ T The As80ciati0n hM n o w busi^ , 'become". nesa proposition proposition with with rtofinlt* definite roes.


Rev. Henry Colenhrander, '13, of «uv* vau«y, wwa, nas received Rock Valley, Iowa, has received aa a call from the Roteland Ref church T,, Chicago, 111.

: -SB;'.- ;- C li

r - -






most capemBy and so evolve a »jfS manahip .and r^emphasize «he toue tem whereby every student shall dignity of manual labor; W must ^ have a/n unmiBtakabl^i

knawl€<ige of call to mind again t h e

; practical eugenics. And of aU, p^blUhtd •»««7 Wtdntadmy durinj iht Ool- christian colleges ought to take !«(• t m i by itudMU of Hope Oollefe. j f r o m a m e r e spirit Far criticism, may we not express

the the of the




^^u^oKriBtUn u S w






Boys and Girls

Hie address was an


ot P -« dignity of inspiring one, and his fine attitude Have your annual photo's —rather than t . .. body made it fi t o w a r ( i the student taken now at the position; we must leam to ftnd sat faction in doing contentedly and a r that H o p e has a warm friend m BOARD OF EDITOKS , . , earnest wish, that Hope shall soon well the work that is ours. Med our kindred denominations. Theodore Yntomfc.fit JMJior see Ot to ser- iocrity consists m advancing p_t-_ Hp VriM Associate LO render icim^r* this tuia imperative' "••r-f-r 9ELVE6 AT THE E X ! > E N S E OF OUR F AJS!:Z:.: -^S&SS! VICE' Helene V«i IU»lt» men; success consists in advancing HOLLAND ' Pay your Anchor aubscripFrieda HelUand p ^ d FiJe Ka ),d l l u Tunis Baker...» THE MILLIONAIRE* AND EQUAL- our fellow-men at the expense of ourselves. Having learned this, Cap- t l o n - ^ L o U . ITY ital and Labor will *iave found that V BUSINESS DEPABTMENT Evert Fllkkema:. Manager the ultimate good of both lies not in "All men are created e<iual," con- the domination of the one over the ||HI Terns I WW pet jwur in adTance Centa eluded the Sage of Monticello, and other but im a fairminded co-opera- ~ Single Oopiei. ••••• thenceforward every Aimerican uou tion ui of uie the one with the yother. — : , p . t a nf thenceforwara evei-y == schoolboy was taught to take it for E q u a l i t y is best r e a p e d not as an = postage . * 1917, e'ltiioTiMd October 19, g r a n ^ e < j ibecame a p a r t . of his outward' state of society but as an _ of October, 1918. f daily scholastic diet. He received it inward state of mind. S as the fundamental principle of de. VERBOTEN—EUGENICS mocracy, and shaped his ideals ac p l e m I N G LEADS CHAPEL = cordingly. He learned to boast that Humans are idolaters. And all the ^ lived in a land of equal liberty, ^Thursday morning the chapel ex- : great ones are either image makers equal rights, and equal opportunity, g ^ j ^ s W € r € conducted by Rev. G. V. ^ or image breakers. He lived in in the land of the free, piej^irvg from the Methodist church 555 Since the measure of greatness is Now come other days. •• of this city. The studeT\f body is sel- 5 = their degree of success, we shall i n one of our leading monthly j o m f a V o r e 4 with the .remarks of ^ never be great because our logic will publications last year there was pub- m -i n i s ters from other denominations, s s hardly be keen enough to peel off Hshed anonymously by a certain mil- g o i t w a s ^ pleasure indeed, to have ^ the callouses of coinservatism. But lianaire an article intended to counIn addition to the 1 w i t h us. if neither success nor greatness is in teract the widespread results of the wholesome content of his message, -j— store, we shall be iconoclasts any- Sage's observation. It did n o t ac- t w o things in particular marked his s s (we like the sound of the complish its purpose—for t h a t were address. He stressed the need of ^ way word since Miss Iconoclast appro- a task to large for even a million- f a i t h ) a n d the necessity of Christ's = priated it) and to do that we must a i r e to perform—but it did give the i n fl U enc€ In every-day life. "No have some excuse; we must have public in general something to think i i f e f " he said, " i s complete without s s some images. While we are choos- a b o u t . He apoke of the eternal clash j e s u s , " and with this leading thot he ing out of the girand array—mum- between- Capital and Labor, and W ent on to show the necessity of ssmies of custom and tradition, dolls sought to show how it might be mod- Christ's companionship. His remarks of fashion and f a d , cupids of love jfied. Coming, as* it did, f r o m a and witches of hate, pull-the string, monied man, one would expect it to jerkia-leg affairs t o Apollos and be biased in f a v o r of Capital. PerVenuses, statues of liberty, law and haps it was; twit nevertheless there anything you please—ithe long end- was also a spirit of fairplay 4 and less gallery of images—aince an sensibility about it all that held iconocast ought to make at least a one's interest. show of service to humanity, let us One of the basic causes of the plant some of our mental dynamite recent economic difficulties, he under one of the juggernauts to see stated in effect, is to be found in whether we can start one little our educational latform. One of crack in its self-complacency. the m a j o r planks in t h a t platform Uplifted on the pillars of polite a s f a r as the economic situation is society conservatism, but smeared, concerned has been that of Equal V E R Y incandescent lamp h a s a filament. M o u n t a metal with the mire of unspeakable offense Opportunity f o r all. We have unplate on a wire in t h e lamp near t h e filament. A current is that image of Baal which demands ceasingly preached to our youth that leaps the space b e t w e e n the filament and the plate when t h e its sacrifice by fire of passion, whose there are no imitations to his aspirname is ^"Eugenics V e r b o t e n . " ations in life, except his own inertia. filament glows. To the mind in whioh the mystery We have hitched his wagon to the Edison first observed t h i s phenomenon in 1883. H e n c e it was of life is unfolding its marvels, it is star of* Mammon, and told him to called the Edison effect." ineomprehensble why the door of steer boldly toward the highest point Scientists long studied t h e " e f f e c t ? b u t t h e y could n o t explain knowledge is closed t o it here. It in the financial universe. This is a it satisfactorily. N o w , after years of experimenting w i t h Crookes does not understand (nor do we) l a nd of equal oportunity—you can why literature of all the c o m e r s of be a millionaire if you choose t o be, tubes, X - r a y tubes and radium, it is known t h a t the current t h a t the earth, science, music, a r t and re- —(be contented with nothing less. leaps across is a stream of *4 electrons"— exceedingly m i n u t e particles ligion should contribute to the per- The inevitable conclusion has been negatively charged w i t h electricity. fectin^ of culture^, and perchance that we have become a nation of T h e s e electrons play a n important part in wireless communicaservice, and leave t h e eternal veri- moneyv-grabbers, each person strivtion. W h e n a wire grid is interposed b e t w e e n t h e filament and the ties of the whence, the whither, the ing f o r just a little bit more of the wherefore and t h e how of this won- filthy lucre than his neighbor has by plate and charged positively, the plate is aided in drawing electrons derful think, life, as if it were a doing just a little less work. In across; b u t when the grid is charged n egatively it drives b a c k the eleccloset hiding a skeleton. Why? 0 , some respects this policy has been a trons. A very small charge applied t o the grid, as small as f h a t rewhy? whooping success, but in others it ceived from a feeble wireless wave, is enough t o vary t h e electron. It is almost impossible to get the has failed miserably; f r o m unedustream. proper knowledge. The home rare- cated plowboys and coaldiggers we ly furnishes it, much of the liters- have occasionally made multimillionSo the grid in the tube enables a faint wireless impulse t o control ture is misleading or too technical, aires, but what about the fellow-. the very m u c h greater a m o u n t of energy in t h e flow of electrons, and the school of experience is hardly to plowboys and fellow coaldiggers so radio signals t o o weak t o be perceived b y otiier m e a n s b e c o m e perbe recommended. At just that per- whose shekels went to produce these ceptible b y the effects t h a t t h e y produce. Just as the m o v e m e n t of iod when the growing generation millionaires? 'From them there has a throttle controls a great locomotive in motion, so a wireless w a v e , ought to have the understanding— arisen in increasingly louder tones b y m e a n s of the grid, affects the powerful electron stream. the scientific understanding—of those the age-old cry of discontent. Into principles which so inexorably gov- the Sage's theory of political equalAll this followed from s t u d y i n g t h e mysterious " E d i s o n e f f e c t " — e m their relations to society and ity has been read a program of soa purely scientific discovery. to posterity the chances are excellent cial and economic equality. N o one can foresee w h a t results will follow from research in pure ly in favor of their being in the dark. Now f o r a remdy. science. Sooner or later t h e world m u s t benefit practically from the How will a rational attitude toward The millionaire author advises a discovery of new facts. the evils and problems of the world change in our educational pl a t f or m ; c


Lacey Studio

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii DONT MISS


GREAT UNLOADING SALE Sale Continues until Saturday Night, February 12


ever be obtained unless the Individ- instead of emphasizing Equal Opual know? portunity for All, let us rather emit is neither necessary nor a pro- phasize the fact that the great mapos at present to idiscuss this ques- jority of us must be ranked among tion with reference to. the average the great mass of ordinary workman or woman. But is exceedingly men,. iWe cannot all be millionaires pertinent to consider it with refer- or Presidents—then why instill into • ence to the college man or woman, our (Young Hopefuls a belief that All the great reforms of tomorrow they can if they will be contented must come from those who know; with nothing less?- Those who fiail and i f they know not, how shall the —and tihat is most of us—must then reforms come? The heresay knowl- be inevitably discontented with our edge is dangerous and insufficient; lot. iLet us rather emphasize 'the is f o r a comprehensive folly of aiming too highly, let us on those facts which rattier teach the lesson of contentdevelopment of the ment 'm our own little njche,—the .he race. Our pris- inevitable lead§rs will aim high asylums are a terri- enough anyway without our telling * ignorance and , them to aim still higher. on this point. Buit that is only a part .of the remwe are not hnmetisely :edy. We must also acquire a new^ the colleges and un- conception of work. We must hark this problem back to the old standards of ciaft•.•7&7Vv4 'V

How is a Wireless Message Received?

For this reason the Research Laboratories of t h e General Electric C o m p a n y are concerned as m u c h w i t h investigations i n pure science as t h e y are w i t h the improvement of industrial processes a n d products. T h e y , too, h a v e studied the " E d i s o n e f f e c t " scientifically.

T h e result

has been a new form of electron tube, known as t h e "pliotron", a type of X - r a y t u b e free from t h e vagaries of the old t u b e ; and t h e "kenetron", which is called b y electrical engineers a "rectifier" because it h a s t h e property of changing an alternating i n t o a direct current. All these improvements followed because t h e Research Laboratories try t o discover the " h o w " of things. justifies itself.

Pure science always

General Electric Geiferal Office C O I T l l

Schenectady, N.Y.



Pajfe where, they are not particular but Peter Prins Writes ~most of the big men around here think have their eyes on this from Turkey •city. Ithey do not doubt it much. They



The Dramatic Club members haye may also intend to make a stab at begun practice on ''The Fortune As you know, Armejiia is situated getting their hands on Mesapotamia right between Russia and Mesopo- and thus get a seaport which will Hunter," which is to be given some tamia. ITurkey lies just west of jt. lead them into the Atlantic and the time this month. Fannie Steketee, who has been doIn the treaty which the Turks were Pacific both.. This, of course will made to sigin they had to give Ar- drag in England. You have read ing Preparatory work the past semmenia her independence, had to of the trade agrement which Eng- ester, has gone to Lansing to take up nurse's training. give up most of their territory in land was tryiing to make with Russia Rev. Guy. B. Flemming, pastor of Europe and Smyrna This treaty and you know that has fallen flat. the M. E. church of Holland led the was signed bait not without the op- That in itself looks bad because it position- of the younger Turks. This shows that Russia is unwilling to Chapel exercises4Thursday morning. Willis Renskers of Cedar Grove, I f o t about the organization of the make any promises to England in reWisconsin, is a visitor on the campus. Turkish Nationalists or the Kema- gard to remaining in her own counJennie Van Dam has discovered lists as they are called. They are t r y and heing satisfied with what that there is an element of advenoposed to this treaty and since they she had. ture in skating on Black Lake. In could n o t remain in Constantinople Some people think that there is a stepping off the dock to the ice, she and oppose it they fled to Asia chance of the Bolsheviki and the suddenly found herself to her shoul, Minor under the leadership of Mus- Kemalists uniting and tryingi to reders in the water. However, she had t a f a Kemal and a few other influen- gain - Constantinople but I hardly presence of mind to seize hold of the tial TQurks who set up another gov- think this is possible. Russia has the dock and advise Sadie Kuyper to ernment of their own in the inter- ordered the Kemalists to get out of call f o r help, which advice Sadie ior. It is this troupe of Turks who Armenia but I don't know if this" heroically followed. Maurice Vis< are giving the allies all this trouble,. order has been entirely obeyed. scher, hero that he is, heard the cry The real Turkish government is en- They had quite a fight, but now all of distress and rescued the f a i r lady. tirely subdued and everything is go- is calm, like the calm before the Last Friday evening the ''Mystic h>ing peacefully where they are in storm, you might say, because there Seven*' met a t the home of Edyth power. Of course you can imagine are going to be some lively times that they do not oppose these Na- around this old place before this Tyner to partake of a Post-Exam, tionalists very much. They would thing is settled, you may be sure of six o'clock dinner. The ravenous apreally welcome them if they suc- that. This summer, I imagine Will petites of the Seven and the hearty ceeded in retaking the territory see something of importance hap- refreshments made it an occasion of solemn rejoicing for all. which they lost in the late war. pening. The Volunteer Band had) a deYou can imagine that Kemal was not lightful informal meeting with Dr, particular what kind of men joined and Mrs. Warnshuis of Shanghai, him and of course has succeeded In Y. W. C. A. China, a t the home of Grace Mersen getting all the worst element in the last Tuesday evening. interior. Some weeks, or rather " I s my religion vital to m e ? ' ' was months ago they recaptured prac- the question every " Y " girl asked tically all of Armenia and it was at herself last Thursday. Frieda Heitthat* time you (heard of the new land and Kathryn Schmidt led the To A Flower massacres taking place. I have no discussion—first of the problems of doubt a t all that they would have those who have not professed Christ Emit thy fragrance, gentle flower. been very successful if the Bolsheviki and then of those peculiar to most Send forth in air that wondrous power, had not overwhelmed Gen. Wrangle of us ^ p r o f e s s i n g " Christians. at this time and headed f o r ArmenNon-Christians a r e either honest That draws all hearts to thee. ia as you know they did. Of course, doubters or <<dTtifters.,, T h e r e , a r e The beauty of thy countenance fair it would have been suicide f o r the not many of the first' class. Doubt- Together with thy fragrance rare, Armenians to oppose them and they ers who -have given nonest and sin- Hasbrought new love to me. did the only thing they could have cere and open-hearted study in the done f o r themselves under the cir- search for truth thru Christ, are Blest be the breeze that gently blows cumstances, and that was to kindly few. Those who are in the drifting submit to the Bolsheviki. There was class—who assume the " I don't Thy fragrance, like a brook it flows. another reason f o r this submission c a r e ' ^ a t t i t u d e are many. This at- Only to bring sweet joy. which t think was the main cause titude is itself very often insincere. No f e a r nor hate within thee lies. of it. The Armenian people do not This class often accuse professing Only to please thy fragrance tries. care f o r the financial or moral aid Christians of insincerity and hypo- And thus thy art employ. from the other powers including the cracy, when they themselves in hidU. iS. A. What they wanted and ing their true feelings under the With poor and rich in equal measwhat they really need is mdlitajry " I don't c a r e , " mask, are guilty of ure. aid, some power that would guaran* insincerity. They are afraid of Thou sharest alike thy simple treastee them their lives and their lands. ridicule which they imagine ure, they Then they could take care of them- would incur by frankly admitting A friend to man and all. selves. That is why they were so their need of some higher help in Hadst thou a thousand lives to live, bitterly disappointed when the U. S. life. A thousand lives thou'd have to give. ] m did not accept the mandate. You There are also two classes of To virtue's humble call. . see they have been living always in professing Christians, the confesf e a r t h a t on the next day they might sed follower of Christ who has Love ds thy law of life supreme. be killed; they have no property doubts, and the indifferent one. The Nor is that law an empty dream which they call their own; the Turk- girl who was sincere in her belief, Built to last an hour. ish government has conifiacated. it but has taken her religion almost Changeless it lives till thy final breath all; so' they were merely living from as a matter of course, begins to day to day, trusting that good luck thdnk, and very naturally doubts at Breathes its last, when silent death would be theirs and that somewhere first. She studies science—learns Stronger makes its power. food might be found that would the natural laws of the universe, keep them alive. Now, when a and is shaken in the faith she had as Would that my life were more like thine! mighty power, as the Bolsheviki, a child. Her religious experience came which could guarantee them has been very limited—she negletcs Living to' give, and more divine above all their Jives, and t h e re- to pray, and she neglects all liter- With instinct only love. turn of their property, they were ature that would be likely to help No riches could my soul possess. Greater in worth than thine eyes only too v glad to accept it as their her solve her problems. express. form of government. Now you can The indifferent class are those not blame them, very much, can who let minor matters take their Akin to the heart above. you? I am sure I do not. It has best attention and fail to put the There are 1,176 higher institureally meant the building up of Ar- ' T i r s t Things F i r s t . " The reason menia during the last f e w weeks. f o r the existence of both these tions of learning in the United This list includes all the We do know that the Bolsheviki classes is fourfold. Two little in- States. professional are in control of practically all of dividual thinking—honest and hard, Universities, colleges, schools, colleges of agricultural, meArmenia. We also know that now too little readingi of inspirational litthe Armenians are enjoyigi more erature, too little work—effort to chanical, technological and mining science, normal schools, theological freedom and better times than they make personal religion a power. have f o r years. It think it is a very Virginia Van Verst added much to seminaries, and junior colleges. good example of a compiete failure the meeting as she sang that beauThe Honor System continues to of the so-called League of Nations tiful solo "Face to Face." The solo be the subject of discussion in deal with a very pitiable and im- with accompaniment by Ruth Garportant situation. The Turkish Na- dei, as also the fine selections of American colleges. It has recently tionalists have also given in to^the hymns by the leaders'all helped to ,been adopted in lihe Military DepartBolsheviki. This rids Armenia of make the meeting impressive . and ment jof Colorado Agricultural Colthat menace. But it does not solve memorabe to the girls. The leader lege (by tftie students of Ohio State the problem of the near east by a closed with a poem prayer, two University, Gustavus-Adtolphus College, Minnesota, and Valparaiso Unlong ways, it merely make it more verses of which I quote: complicated than, ever. We can "Keep the path that's straight and iversity, Indiana. Other student bodies having the same under considerhardly expect the Allies to stand by narrow ation are Bethany College, West calmly and see Russia gobble up Lighted, so that I may see. this territory for surely, altho they When I grope in blindness Father, Virginia, Coe -College, Iowa, University of Michigan and Oklahoma. Agclaim that they are not trying to do jSteady me. this, and have merely set up for Other pathways are much smoother, ricultural and Mechanical College. Armenia a sort of an Independant I am weak, as thou dost know state, that is what they are doing. And they sorely tempt me. Father, • Subscribe for the Milestone Ttey are looking for a seaport, As I go," —$3 for a fortune of memories

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not argue about it. We'll have i t our way. The only reason that we wrote that article at all last week was, in the first place, because we Nutty Stuff Editor: had to fill this column some way and Dear Sir:— in the second place, because we had I r&adi with much interest • your the /i^erve. Old Tooth, we had the article of last week on examinanerve. tions. To all appearances you a r e So long, Old Hub, we have'spoke. in favor of them, but a f t e r reading your article over several time®, I came to the conclusion that it was Jiotftiing but a job lot of odds and ends, misfits am-d ibad epigrams, that One-two-three—did you step out possessed neither point nor merit. with him three times? Then there's In fact I believe that you wrote it no stepping with others- Didn 't you with the intention of bein^ sarcas- ever learn the rule of three? Not tic, amd in spite of the fact that till you came to Hope College? Realyou exclaim to the universe with be! Do you mean to say that if a both feet your approval of examin- be! Do you mean to sa that if a ations, you do not believe in them man merely takes the trouble to get at all. Well, listen, bull-Dog, my acquainted with you and you spend tale is short. I have only this to several mutually enjoyable evenings say. The trouble with you students together that you are not his propis, you do not ^tudy enough. Just erty as much as his hat and cane? let me prove it to you. What? Do you dare to matintain In the school- year there are that another man has the right to .274 days be friendly to you too? What You spend 12. hours a day audacity f o r a new-comer! You eating and sleeping; con^ actually maintain that you would ' »equently you only have feel perfectly f r e e to accept atn inone-half of the time f o r vitation from elsewhere, and t h a t he studyting or . . . 137 diays with whom you have gone out for the In the sctoool year there half-dozenth time would have no are Sundays . . ; 40 days cause to think that you were thereby intimating to him that» you would Which leaves 97 days prefer not to have his company Holidayt;, inoluddng Christagaitn? That's a long sentence and mas, Thanksgiving and a long cry from the Campus honor. Easter vacation 35 days Ah, ibut even t/ho you may be thus loose in our ethical code, you are •62 days safe-guarded from violating itNo You spend two hours a day man on this Campus would so- far at Van Tongieren's reading betray his friend as to take his the sporting news; 5 days a " g i r P to any function where the week f o r 40 weeks 16 days friend had the least intention of going. You say you're not his " g i r l " 46 days just because he has taken you to sevTwo hours a day in the lieral functions in succession? Then brary chewing the rag; 5 you are mistaken! Peifliaps t k a t is days a week for 40 weeks 16 days So in the , heathen haunts from whence you haiJ, but Hope life is otn 30 d a y s a higher scale. T h e policy of nonWhen you figure the hours Intervention is Hope's Social Code, you spend making a date you say that you prefer a little vathe hours primping up for riety in company as well as in other the date, and the hours things? What heresy! Merely your spent with the date, you ignorance, my dear! You ^ n t have can substract 15 days more than one acquaintance of the other sex at one time, or you are . 15 days "keeping them on-the string!'' You 7ou are allowed 3 cuts a say lit is- nothing of the sort—that semester and of course where you came from, your friends you take them all, so for don't consider you ineligible f o r an two terms . . . .• 6 days invitation because tihey believe someone else might ask you? What a You 9 days low standard thy must have! The first three days of each thlink that it is only fair to you, who term you spend writing may not give-the bids, to allow you out checks to pay your a little variety once in a while? I tuition a n d Laboratory see you have a lot to learn about fees, f o r two terms 6 days loyalty to one's friends- You say it is a false loyalty—that- one friend 3 days among your sister-coeds does not And of course when you figexclude the possibility of all others, ure in the time you spend and you see no reason why you darning your socks, reading should not have the same privilege the bulleting boards, runin regard to the men? T o |ell you to fires, lingering between the truth, I entirely agree with you, classes, missing the 9:27 but it is best not to say so out loud, at the park, thinking <ft an for feeHngs will 'be hurt and friends offended. Without cause? Yes, cerof an excuse afterwards, tainly, but still offended. You say etc., why those last three days are also shot 3 days it is no slur on one friend to appreciate others, and that college ought to give what at might—the broaden0 days However once in every student's ing influence of wide friendship? college career. Leap year comes Of course, but still one cannot b^ the around, which give him an extra day too careful in maintaining and he proibably does some studying motto and customs of Rome when on that day; and if the faculty de- olne is at Rome,—"Hands off till I cides that he ought to go to college ask her no m o r e ! " Miss Iconoclast. six or seven years instead of four, why he sometimes has another day, ALUMNI NffWS due to Leap Year, on which to study. There are the figures and figures Rev. and Mrs. A. Livingston Warndon't lie. shuis will return to China early in Very truly your. Feb^bary. Mr. Warnshuis was called Prof. Blank. here a year ago to take charge of Dear Prof. Bl^nk— special work connected with the ReWe agree with you. Figures don't formed church. v~ lie, but some times liars figure, and Miss Clara E. Vntema, Hope '16, no blankety-blank-blank professor is of Kenosha, Wis., was a Holland visgoing to get a weigh with a figure itor last week. like that. Of course we realize it is Arthur H. Voerman, '18, student easy to be critical and hard to cor- at New Brunswick Seminary, has rerect, and we don't know whether ceived the promise of a call to Lodi, you are laughing at us or against N. J. us, but anyway, there are always two side^ to an argument;—the Pay your Anchor subscripwrong side and our side, so we will tion--^1.50e

Nutty Stuff

•#•#••••§#••«§••••• • § • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••»§••••§•••••

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Molenaar&DeGoede 14 East 8th St. Student Dry. Plan to Form World League The formation of a world student anti-alcohol organization is the J prohaible result of the'recent international student anti-alcohol coi«erence held at Karlstad, Sweden./Del- egates were present from abstinent, / temperance or prohibition student organiaztions of Sweden, Norway, Deninark, Finland, Germany, JJwitz- ^ erland, Esthonia, and the United States. The American represents-' tives was Harry S. Warner, Educational Secretary of the Int.ercollegiate Prohibition Association. ^ No greater compliment could be paid any girl—she made other girli wish to be good.

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