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Tlu A 11rllflr

thick byer o f t a r and d eckt·d in feathe r~, wa :o; lH: ing- ca rri t· d c.1rnund in a big tat kettle suspendt:d fr o m a p u le. u n stl'rnati o n and ~ham e w e re stamp .:.- d upu n his every fe ature. 11 i-' rotund furm c o mpl tely filled th e kettle. whil e hi s s hag-gy. black xt e ri o r lookul s upn•m e ly grnt c :-;qu,. Coming to th .: end o f the stred. the carriers ~ ttddcnly gaYe th ~ pol · an un ,• xpccted jerk. thro wing Jack to the ground. n cforc h e r e c n\'l red his .·ensc · the cro \\'d had fl ~.: cl. llearin'-" 11 :-... ::=- mcbod)· o·rc1a h •)11 h is l e ft. Jack painfully crawltd in that directi o n and :-:nn! l t·amc upo n th e panic ~trickt• n So~om o n, wh o was· still ta k ing ;H h a ntagc oi th e f;l\ orabk pnn , ct io n oi th e tar kett le. T h c n e Xt tl ! lJ r 11 i n g- a t 2 0 . c lu . k t h r (.' e :-: t i rr. t i red b l1 t \\' i :..; l' r 111 ~ n ro d ~ into t he ,·illag-t· o f 'cd a r . ' prings. Th t: n r :-: t {'i :\\'ere alrca~l~· ann• n tnctn g th e da\\'n. Jack and l1i s ·o usin \\'t'l'\' ' lhjccts o f ~-~ ~p ici o n fo r s e' era) <lays nntil th e real facts of th ,· c:1~e kaked out; then tl;,, ,. tri ed to p s c a~ martyr . . Jack se nt a n tJ~ t· to "l'o:·k" sayi n g- that h • c tnlld n't j o in th : t·rui:-;c a th e iuncl~ \\' <.: re not aYailahk. Ab o ut a \\'eek after that 111 11111rahl c ni~h t. Snlo111 n n c ;tll ··d Jack in and whispered, •·. ay. Shack. I fix do t lanter n up untl ~i:--t t1 a de it ·:or a11 1 icycl<·. .-\ bicyck· is ntrt m r c: as d ot < 1k •lrgan ,·ot 1 first had!"

J; ·ion: h t• Jca,·c:-; fo r h o ne. he make:; his annu al v ts tt tn tht' libran· and t h t' ~l)ll \\'i n ~ li ~t i~ a :'ampl -.: of the b t>ks lw di'aws: Ruskin':' " ~<:,·t:r. Lamps of .\r c h itcctu r · ·· in t\\'O larg-e \ 't 1 ittmcs. Sn t ~ l('hody E ls· ' ;-; Th c u ry and .\r t of E locutiun ." a co u ple \' O I~tm e. o n P syc h o lo g-y. c t·ammed with foot · tH t -.·:- . . \ris t otlc's ''E t hics ' ' in the original. a nd bst a nd b est o f all . a FtTn c h and ;crman b o k eac h c1i a c nph: hun d r ed pag·c: . Th t>sc laltL' l' he take:; a t th e :n~gcstinn o i th t: :.\lc.;dcrn I.ang·uag- · J ll·uft·:'~o r : th e~ arc dcsigne·l tu inci l':tsc hi:' '.'Oc::tbnlan·. .\it Lhcsc art• to h·· nad ins idt: ui t\\· > \\'lC .~s! . Uut if ) LHI could t al.c a tonk al ~hi -. O\' t: r-amh:tiuus a\·erag-t: :'tudent in hi s !1\ntlw r's pa · lor you \':uuld pcrlt~q, · chan:..:···



For the a,·erag-e ~tndent the ,·acati n n g-i\·c n durinr.r til l' \\'inter hol ida y s beg-in:' during- th e last \\' cc k o f ~c h oo l. t )f cnurse, durillg th :..' last \\'t' t' k he prc tc·nd =-- t o b e crammi ng j, , ;· c:'xaminat io n s: hut tl lt' re i~;:! grent cleal o f fatali s m it; tlh· stndt.:nt'~ mak - up. li t: do ,_:' o ne of l\\' 0 tbinrrs. l ~ ithct· with an o ptimi :'m un\\' a rrant e(l hy classn)()m work h e c:xpcc h "(~s· : and "Fs" and 'S cont nt to rc..-t o n hi s lau rcb:: r h t• gi \· e~ him-=elf O \ ' r to th e "d on 't-gi,· c-a-hooraa'' th ught and r ests o n his laurel ~ a nyway. Th e r est ing- o n his laun.·ls i"' al\\'ays part of his program. llc con:'id c rs himself so mcthin ,. of a martyr and hC'Iiev cs mo~t earnest]\· that a re~t i.;; abs.-l~ lutely neces~ ary. Acco rding to the st udent's own version (and he if anyh0dy Ott?"ht to know) he is o n the Yer(l"c nf ;:-, n cr Yo us prostration. l ~ut physical wreck as he is to\\':trd" the end nf th e t e r111. hiR "lofty ambiti o ns ,atlt) t1o ll > e a sp1· ra t'to n . .. <1o not \\'all <'.




Y''ur mind alJout hi:-; llltlltal eq nil ihri ttlll. .\ 11 th r~ h o ok· \\i.t!l l:i g h ~vur:ding titic;-;, :ncluding- tltc lhrlin~· ( ; ~nn :lil :HHl Frcn·lt hun~,s . are nt: at1y tu cked a\\'ay in the b k ca:'e Ura\'c boy. t u Ita,·~ h ad l ' '.' (.' ll th e faintest 11ush uf an int cnti1l11 t o r,·ad th t'lll ! Th l' · J ag-t·~ in "Th eory ancl . \rt of l ~loc n lion" an: .- til! un c ut , and · IIlll C h of th ~: r ~ .1di n g- matte r in t h e grcaL \'Plulllcs o n Eth ics h as nc,·c r been peru t•d by · tudcnt-c,·c. T h<.' ~t ud enl ha~. prclimi,1ary t o starti11~ ' nlid ~e·;.d ing-. fi:-.1~ (.-d out one l i l11 s :-.ist <·r ·...; faqlrit:..· p;q>L' I'- (.'( I" t'n·d n n\·,·1'· ~Clll!e t h; n ~· lih: " \\ 'cdrkrl :llld P:trto.."' d" o t· " The ltrokt·n l I ca:·t" c. r " Th.t· I : ;· ta l \\ 'cd(:i ng." I ~c snd(knly finds a t·harm in t!1ese houk·th· l h~· h :1 · b \. j,,;-,. o..;o cnn:'cit.·nti u usly ca ll l'd tra:-: h: and hcf .n· h -- kno\\·:o: it ,·acat i uil i~ •. ,·c r ancl the lcarnc.:d Yn lu l~'"~ arc still :ta ring b lank ly fro m the h c-.nk ca~c ... . But snmctillH'' tlH' stul!t•nt o..; ta~· :- in tn\\'n duriiiQ' \· a c1li t )Jl . lf c tells hi m:'L'Ii th at h e h ~!;-; a I ng- dull cs;-;a,· to \\'ri tl'. o r that h ~· is g-o ing- t u prepare for nex t ll'rm 's elnc;llioa t. de .. etc .. l•' th e e nd o i th c chaptt•r. l i e ''stays in tn\\'n." hut t iJ th i:-; ph 1as"· Il l' g-i,·e:"' a p eculi::tr mea n ing-. Tt results in hi. b e ing out uf t o \\'n ntn c-te nth~ f the time. I Ic u~ualh· n~anag-cs to "take in" fo ur o r fi,· c partie~ :1 t \\'hi c h tH bnch · ~\'<.'r thi ;1ks o f rroino· lHHn e a t 10:30. 1\: rs o n a lly I \\'Ottlcl n't. g-i,·c the , -alu e ~ th~ stem P f a ti\·c-cc nt c rn c o b pipe for all the \\' rk thi:-. " sta,·in-town " ~tudc nt do e:;-; d uring- \' C\Ca licm. Dut sometimes h e ·j~ engaged far int o the ni ght. :\t 7 :30 h e ta k l·s a loo k at "IT w th e Office I~ l)' . ·aw the Ball ,ame" a n cl o th e r scene.;;. _.\ fter th:lt _h~ tak e,..; ad,·atJtag-t• l1 f th l' b ea uti fu l m oo nligh t and g·o~ .. =-'k at1ng- for a c o upl e of hou r s . :\t <.'lc,·en h~ tire ~... of this, take-. • ,f{ snml'lwrly's "ka t <'" a n d go"·s stro lling- d )\\' n a · ha- no .

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