High Tech Web Crime Magazine

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Backdoor: A procedure that circumvents a computer's regular user name and password protection. Backdoors are usually created by a worm or virus, allowing for remote access to the affected computer. Chat Rooms: Are online environments where people can instantly "chat" with one another, primarily by using text (but video and audio can also be used).

Cyber bullying: Involves posting or spreading libelous or intimidating material in electronic form (usually on the Internet, but could also appear on cell phone text messages). Reaches a wider audience online.

Cybercrime: A criminal offence involving a computer as the object of the crime, or the tool used to commit a material component of the offence. Examples include distributing computer viruses and child pornography. Cybercrime Unit: A section within a police force that is dedicated to investigating cybercrimes. Cyber Stalking: Using the Internet to stalk someone. It's online harassment. Denial of Service Attack (DoS): Blocks users from a network. For example, by flooding the network with useless traffic that overwhelms the network's server. Dissing: A slang term that refers to someone showing disrespect.

Flaming: Refers to hostile or rude comments sent over the Internet. Hackers: Usually the term is used to refer to people who have expertise in accessing computers and networks.There are two types of hackers: "white hat" and "black hat." The former use their skills to fix and find vulnerabilities, while the latter (also known as crackers) use their skills to create problems. Both have expertise in creating malicious software. Instant Messaging: Instant communication. Messages are sent and received in real time, enabling people to instantly communicate. Instant messaging also allows users to see who else is online. People can see and hear each other, as well as play games together.

E-mail Spoofing: Masks an e-mail's true origin. Often used in fraud cases and to transmit worms. See "phishing."

Internet Luring: Involves the use of chat rooms and other forms of electronic messaging. Pedophiles use Internet luring tactics to obtain illicit images of underage children and/or meet them in person. Because the Internet is quite anonymous, it is easy for pedophiles to pretend they are children.

Firewall: Generally software that protects computers from outside threats (e.g., malicious software).

Jurisdiction: The extent or range of judicial law enforcement.The territory over which authority is exercised.

Technology for the masses

Child Luring: Refers to adults (pedophiles) using the Internet (e.g., chat rooms) to meet children face-to-face. Child luring was added to Canada's Criminal Code in 2002. Cookie: A text file that collects and stores information about what websites you have visited. The information is stored on your computer's hard drive, but websites have access to it. A cookie is supposed to assist websites in assisting you and your personal preferences; however, some people view it as an invasion of privacy. Sometimes the information is given to third parties, such as marketing organizations.

Elementary and secondary school students are often involved in cyber bullying.

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