Indulge by Boulevard, November 2017

Page 64

DE SI G N , F ORM & COM FORT / 舒適創 意

Inspiration Furniture


Supreme Contemporary nspiration Furniture is Vancouver’ go-to source for contemporary, on-trend pieces. 2018 is all about texture, says store manager, Hesen Zhang.

Velvet furniture is irresistible - colourful, plush, inviting. Its association with mid-century classic furniture appeals to more mature clients, while its colourful options is very attractive to younger buyers. Velvet also naturally complements almost every other texture so it’ easy to introduce into existing decor. On the other end of the spectrum, ceramic’ cool, smooth texture is hot again. Ceramic emulates marble’ mottled patterns but requires far less maintenance (marble is porous and suceptible to staining and cracking). Beautiful and durable, ceramic is also considerably less expensive than marble, making it an ideal topper for dining and occasional tables.



果想在溫哥華尋找現代新潮的家居用品,那麼 Inspiration Furniture就是必去的傢具店。店面 經理Hesen Zhang預測,2018年將是注重質感 的一年。

天鵝絨傢具色彩鮮艷、富有絨感、吸引眼球,具有不可抗拒的魅 力。它與中世紀的古典傢具頗有淵源,吸引了更成熟的客戶,而其 豐富多彩的式樣也深深打動了年輕買家。天鵝絨可以搭配幾乎所有 其他紋理,所以它很容易融入現有的裝飾。 另外,陶瓷因其冰涼光滑的質地,再次受到熱捧。陶瓷可模仿大理 石呈現斑駁的花紋,但所需的維護大大減少(大理石是多孔材料, 容易染色和開裂)。陶瓷美觀而耐用,價格也比大理石便宜得多, 使其成為餐桌和其他桌子的理想選擇。

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