Valley Voice September 2018

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September 2018 . Issue 7.9


a member managed llc

Steamboat Springs Hayden Oak Creek Yampa

Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route Photo by Craig Brundridge


September 2018

W! O H S E E R F t! h g i N y a d Fri

Valley Voice

Same Super Fun!

Super Fun Steamboat Show

All NEW Material and Surprises!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Doors/ Bar: 7:00pm Show: 8:00pm

Do you like kittens and puppies? Then this is the Super Fun Show for you!

Help us raise money for the Routt County Humane Society!


Ages 18+ Recommended

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All OPTIONAL donations for this FREE SHOW will go to this great cause and organization!

“I’d give Twin Enviro 6 stars easy!”-Mark

“You have the best prices around!” - Susan

“Twin has an unparalleled commitment to the environmentI and I appreciate that Twin is bilinqual.”-Miquel

“Twin, You have made it easy for us and all you do!”- the Smiths

“The staff represents the best of our community!”- Anita “You are the Best Trash Hauler

“Trash! Recycling! and Composting!

“We know you You can handle it all!”- Joe in the Yampa Valley!”-Maria care about the “They have the friendliest customer service!”-Bill environment!”- Eric

“Twin Enviro Rocks!”-John

“Thank you Routt County for your overwelming support!” - Twin

Sign up for a tour of Twin Enviro’s Milner facilities! “I thought the Milner Mall had a food court!”-Debbie For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

Valley Voice

September 2018

Contents Economic Diversification By Scott L. Ford

Page 4

Lost Art Revival Page 5 By Dagny McKinley

COBDR Page 6 By Matt Scharf

Hobnobbing withthe King of Hearts By Ted Crook

Page 7

Musical Advocacy Page 8 By Melissa Hampton

Reported Offenses to the SSPD By Scott L. Ford

Page 9

Autumn Art Page 9 By Dagny McKinley

The Tragic Death of the Free Range By Ellen & Paul Bonnifield

Publisher/Art Director: Matt Scharf

Page 10

Hayden to Decide Fate of Old School Property Page 12 By Brodie Farquhar

Business Manager:

Scott Ford

Disconnected Thinking of Retirement

Page 18


Eric Kemper

“You Better Think...”

Page 19

Event Calendar:

Eric Kemper

The Wisdom to Know the Difference

Page 20

The Dixie Cup

Page 21

When God Sneezes

Page 21

Online Dating, How to Do it Right

Page 22

Permeable Gut and Supplemant Mania

Page 23

Calendar of Events

Page 24

Valley Voice is published monthly and distributed on the last Wednesday of each month. Please address letters, questions, comments or concerns to: Valley Voice, LLC, P.O. Box 770743 or come by and see us at 1125 Lincoln Ave, Unit 2C, Steamboat Springs, CO 80477. Or contact Matt Scharf: 970-846-3801. Scott Ford: 970-819-9630. Website Subscription rate is $40 per year (12 issues). All content © 2018 Valley Voice, L.L.C. No portion of the contents of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission from the Valley Voive.

Official Fine Print

Advertisers assume full responsibility for the entire content and subject matter of their ads. In the event of error or omission in the advertisement, the publisher’s sole responsibility shall be to publish the advertisement at a later date. Advertisements and articles are accepted and published upon the representation that the author, agency and/or advertiser is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. The author, agency, and/ or advertiser will indemnify and save Valley Voice, LLC harmless from all claims and legal action resulting from the contents of the articles or advertisements including claims or suits resulting from libel, defamation, plagiarism, rights to privacy and copyright infringements. The views and opinions expressed reflect the views and opinions of the authors and may not necessarily reflect the views and opinion of the editor, staff or advertisers in Steamboat’s Valley Voice. Direct all correspondence, articles, editorials or advertisements to the address below. The author’s signature and phone number must accompany letters to the editor. Names will be withheld upon request (at the discretion of the publisher). Submission is no guarantee of publication. Subscription rate is a donation of 40 measly dollars per year. However, if you wish to send more because you know we desperately need your money, don’t be shy, send us all you can! Advertisers rates vary by size, call 970-846-3801 and we’ll come visit you.

By Scott L. Ford By Nina Rogers

By Shaney McCoy

By Aimee Kimmey

By Francis Conlon

By Mr. Helpful M.D. By Monica Yager By Eric Kemper

Yepelloscopes Page 26 By Chelsea Yepello

Comics Page 27


Rants... Motorcyclists who overestimate the truck’s concern for their safety… Craven opportunists… The selfish need to have a campfire while people are evacuated from their homes just down the road… The writing on the wall when a company takes the town name off its logo… One hot gully and a broken leg… How some people treat a hero… Not knowing where the booger flew… 3 gallons on a 4 gallon trip...

Raves... John McCain (1936-2018). American Hero & Lion of the Senate… Native Excavating for being a responsible contractor and good neighbor… Sunsets. The only good thing to come from all the smoke in the air… The Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route… Riding a new motorcycle on new roads… Bungee cords… Welcome rains and cool nights… Jessica Rossi for the help… When friends look out for friends...

Say What?... “Can you name the three branches of government?” “Nacho Cheese, Cool Ranch and Flaming Hot?” “Vast amounts of water…foolishly being diverted into the Pacific Ocean?” “That whole thing about the world being round or flat – I would have loved to be in on that meeting” “So, you were offered the best salary in your field and then you asked for more?

We go to press September 24th for the October Issue! Submissions always welcome!

Sometimes Accidents Happen. Put us in your phone before you head out for your camping or hunting trip.

Please make checks payable to: Valley Voice, LLC P.O. Box 770743 • Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 Thank you for your support!

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.—Marcel Proust


September 2018

Valley Voice

Valley Voice

Council Voices

Taglines! By Matt Scharf

I apologize for not stating last month’s cover was taken by Jeff Morehead at the Ziggy Marley concert at Howelsen Hill a few years back. I photoshopped Carl Howelsen in the photo stating that he would be shocked at the crowd size. This month’s cover shot by Craig Brundridge. It’s Greg Pohlman, myself and Tom McLaughlin showing off our BDR muscles.

Economic Diversification is Achieved by being a Great Place to Live By Scott L. Ford

As a community, we were sadden to learn that Smartwool will be relocating their Steamboat Springs headquarters to Denver. Smartwool employed about 70 people. Like all good relationships, Steamboat and Smartwool were mutually beneficial to each other. They will be missed, and we wish them well.

Never Miss an Issue! Go Old School!

Get the Valley Voice magazine delivered to your door! It’s something you can hold in your hand! And it’s real paper! Yearly Subscription is only Send payment to: Valley Voice, llc P.O. Box 770743 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477


Include your address and we will send you a copy every month.


"You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline - it helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer." -Frank Zappa

The Original Local’s Liquor Store

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The announcement about Smartwool’s departure has focused a lot of attention on the need for economic development and specifically, economic diversification. As an economist, I have been involved in both topics locally/regionally for many years. During this time the focus of economic development and economic diversification has changed. In the mid-1980’s, economic development was focused on establishing a year-round economy. This made a great deal of sense. During the late 1960’s and through the 1970’s, Steamboat became known as a major winter resort. The lodging (bed base) built for the destination winter visitor was essentially vacant from the end of March until Christmas. For almost nine months of the year, Steamboat was quiet. The economic development strategy to establish a yearround economy was to market Steamboat as a summer resort. A funding source was identified, and significant marketing efforts began. It worked! Over the next 10 years, employment, specifically in the Arts, entertainment

Time for some Monkey Business

and recreation, accommodation, and food services industry sectors expanded. Steamboat was not as quiet during the summer months as it once was. Steamboat was not alone in aggressively marketing themselves as a summer resort. Essentially every Colorado mountain town was competing for visitors. Economic development efforts shifted its focus to constructing recreational amenities and developing special events in the hope of capturing an increasing share of summer visitors. Amenities such as the Core Trail and the Haymaker Golf Course were built because of this shift in economic development focus. The goal of a year-round economy has been achieved. According to 2016 US Census data, there are 1,213 employed persons in the Steamboat area, of which about 60% are employed year-round and full-time. In the Denver metro area this percentage is only slightly higher at 67%. Year-round and full-time are defined as an individual working 50 weeks per year and working 35 or more hours. In the mid-1990’s, the shift in economic development began to focus on economic diversification. It was felt that there was an over dependence on industry sectors supported by tourism. Some efforts were made to develop incentive programs to attract companies to the area. This is an economic development/diversification strategy called “Economic Hunting.” This strategy has failed, and will still fail, because Steamboat is too remote and the cost of living, specifically housing, is high. It is essentially impossible to make a creditable financial argument for moving a company to Steamboat. Sometimes we just get lucky. Beginning in 1999, a focused effort was made to expand broadband to Steamboat. Within a few years of the arrival of broadband, an economic phenomenon started to occur which was eventually defined as Location Neutral Businesses (LNB’s) and Location Neutral Employees (LNE’s). These were groups of individuals who could live and work anywhere provided they had broadband access. These folks diversified Steamboat’s economy in ways we would have never anticipated, yet alone planned for. They were attracted to the area because of the quality of life they felt Steamboat had to offer. At best guess, it is estimated that about 1,100 to 1,300 people in the Steamboat area can best be described as LNB’s or LNE’s. The economy did not diversify because of a major employer moving to town. It rapidly diversified because a lot of already employed people were moving here. Today Steamboat finds itself in a unique place. Its strongest economic asset is to be a great place to live first and foremost. The city plays an important role in this ongoing effort.

Mud Season Hours after Labor Day:

Monday - Saturday: 8 am - 6 pm Sunday: 8 am - 5 pm

2570 South Copper Frontage • 970•879•5717 For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

(970) 879-6830

(Although I am a member of City Council my opinions are my own and may not be shared by my fellow council members.




Valley Voice

September 2018


Art in the ‘Boat

Lost Art Revival By Dagny McKinley

September 17 – 22nd, 2018 a new festival will take place in Steamboat Springs. No, this is not another music festival, beer festival or art festival. Lost Art Revival is unique in that the focus is on Steamboat’s Western heritage, unique sense of place and natural environment. The week will celebrate traditional art forms that capture the spirit of Steamboat through workshops, heritage tours and a Chuck Wagon style dinner. “People come to Steamboat for the sense of community but also for the honest Western heritage that still remains,” said Kim Keith, Executive Director of Steamboat Creates. “We want to make sure that heritage is not only remembered but is given new life through teaching people the art of blacksmithing, dying wool with plants, candle making and so much more.” Workshop instructors were recruited for their mastery of particular art forms. Participants and visitors will experience life and art the way it was during early pioneer days. Workshops include Western Nature Photography with one of today’s Contemporary Masters in photography, Rick Meoli. His distinct subjects, style, texture and rustic ambiance has made his work sought-after everywhere in the world. Rick will take participants to photograph some of Steamboat’s most iconic scenery. Learning the traditional art of plant based dying of wool, spinning and weaving teaches participants skills that are still relevant today. Candle making with Steamboat’s own Candice Jones is a workshop not to be missed! For those wanting to try their hand at blacksmithing, the Wyman Museum in Craig, Colorado will be hosting a blacksmithing workshop with their master blacksmith. Step back in time to a traditional black smith shop where participants can feel the heat from the forge while they craft their own keepsake.

19 Years in Steamboat Springs! Come In and Check Our Daily Specials! Heritage tours include a walking tour of Steamboat’s unique historic downtown buildings led by the Tread of Pioneers, a guided tour of Steamboat’s once famous mineral springs, a visit to local artist Julie Anderson’s studio, and a hike to Mad Creek with artist Camille DiTrani and a historian from Tread of Pioneers Museum, where participants will experience nature as a muse for art. Find out about locally grown foods at the Chuck Wagon dinner where diners will be entertained by Cowboy Poets, music, dance and a silent auction with western themed goods. “Steamboat has a long history of cultivating the arts. From the Ute Indians and their expert beadwork and hide tanning techniques, to Steamboat’s pioneer families of writers, artists and musicians, to Perry-Mansfield Performing Arts School and Camp, founded in 1913, now the oldest continually operating performing arts school and camp in the West, to the state certified creative district of today, Steamboat stands out as a unique and exceptional cultural and heritage destination. A lot of towns host modern vibrant arts scenes, but Steamboat has creativity in the lifeblood of the town since its beginnings, and creativity flourishes and continues to this day,” said Kim Keith.

Cheapest Drinks in Town! 116 9th Street 970-870-9980

Lost Art Revival is a continuation of that long history of art inspired by Steamboat’s environment, community and sheer necessity. Participants can sign up for individual classes, heritage tours or the whole hog, which includes a choice of classes, heritage tours and Chuck Wagon dinner. Visit (Events) for more information.

Routt County is an incredible place to call home, but families are being pushed out across the county. I’m committed to sustaining our way of life while embracing new ideas about what


the future can bring us.

– BETH MELTON Paid for by Beth Melton for Routt County Commissioner

Any revival in which I am involved is liable to change.—Tom Stoppard


September 2018

Valley Voice

Moto Heads

COBDR By Matt Scharf

I think good trails should be kept a secret. Top secret. That’s what makes them good trails. But the Colorado Backcountry Discovery Route (COBDR) is no secret. It’s a 680 mile route through the entire state of Colorado, north to south or vice versa, depending where you want to start or finish. It is 98% dirt that takes you over mountain passes and through green valleys! Truly epic! It takes about a week to complete it. It’s a blast, whether you camp along the way or go soft and get a room along the way. Camping is the way to go for me. It’s backpacking with your bike. What do you bring? How can I lighten the load? How far can I make it on a tank? Can I live without a tent? Man, is this going to be fun!

Ophir Pass, Colorado Photo by Greg Pohlman

Tom McLaughlin

Matt Scharf

Matt Gorevan

Gabe Richter Photo by Greg Pohlman

Greg Pohlman on Cinnamon Pass

With a week’s notice, I was invited to join a group of Steamboat Springs locals; Greg Pohlman, Craig Brundridge, Matt Gorevan, Gabe Richter and Tom McLaughlin to ride the BDR! We all met at the Mountain Tap Brewery a week prior to go over the details. Who’s coming, who’s bringing what. We want this to go smooth and safe. I was super pumped and couldn’t get ready fast enough. I’ve ridden all over Colorado, and then some, but never “through” Colorado camping with the motorcycle! Adventure riding is new to me. Although I have always owned a dual sport, using it to commute and tooling around. Only racing in the enduro circuit have I ridden the massive miles and spent the long hours in the saddle. I think I can handle this! Packing for this kind of trip is critical and so is having riding buddies. In case something happens…

It’s great to know a great group of like-minded guys who truly love Colorado and most importantly – motorcycles. We were well prepared, packed and ready. (We are all riding fine iron with various displacements.) We all zeroed the check at 8 am Saturday morning at “Ted’s.” We all hit our odos and took off on the BDR! Pleasant Valley, Lynx Pass, Gore Pass, State Bridge and down along the Colorado River. Out of nowhere we then took a hard left up the hottest little gully in the state. This is where things turned adventure-y. Matt G. took off first, and hit a bottomless fine silt puddle about a mile up the road. It took his front end hard left and launched him over the bars, with one of the biggest KLR 650s out there landing right on him, breaking his leg. Did I mention the heat? No one panicked and we had all the tools for the situation. Gabe R. went to call for an ambulance, which was cancelled due to a passerby that took Matt G. directly to the Gypsum Urgent Care Facility. We all rode to see how Matt was doing. He was fine other than breaking his leg and losing the rest of the year of riding. Bummer. Gabe stuck with Matt while Matt’s wife brought the trailer down from Steamboat to haul the crew, and that mean KLR, back to recovery land.

Matt S. on Gore Pass

Tom McLaughlin on the AT

Matt G. hours after the crash. Photo by Gabe Richter

For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

Valley Voice

September 2018


Politically Speaking We lost two riders in our group but gained Craig B. in Gypsum. We are down to a group of 4 to continue on. We are also 100 miles behind schedule and it’s getting dark. Time to camp. 11 hours in the cockpit made for a wonderful night’s sleep that night. It was perfect weather, a perfect spot with good friends. The next day everybody continued their trip to Buena Vista and then onto Telluride and beyond before returning home. I was only able to make it to Leadville before I needed to head back and return to my duties. I hit it solo and camped half-way back to Steamboat to make it less of a brute in the saddle. On the way home, things got a little more adventure-y again. Rolling through this beautiful country on Lynx Pass on my KTM 690 was pure bliss until I came across a huge fallen tree across the road from a violent wind storm and welcome rain. It was impassable, even for dirt bike standards. So I built a jump out of logs on one side, thinking I was going full “Evel Knievel” on this one with only 20 miles to go. There I was ready for launch, until local ranch hand, Jessica Rossi, came down the road to inspect the wind damage from the storm that had just passed. Jessica suggested a loading ramp for the other side to land on. She went to retrieve it and made the whole thing easy. I’m glad she showed up. Thanks Jessica.

Hobnobbing with the King of Hearts By Ted Crook

Conservative professionals like Frank Luntz are extremely good at the creation of two and three word phrases of incredible emotional force. While facts can never be correctly expressed in two or three words, emotions thrive in such expressions. “Tax and spend,” “pro life,” “less government,” “lower taxes,” “freedom first,” “our constitution,” “liberals are ______,” “crooked Hillary,” “Deep state,” and the subject of this essay, “bleeding heart liberal,” all evoke emotional responses which don’t rely on truth. All these phrases provoke cheers or anger much more strongly than any longer statement would. Progressives are very bad at producing short phrases to establish their positions. Being”pro choice” is a much weaker position that being “pro life,” even though it more accurately expresses the position of progressives on abortion. It can even be argued that many conservative positions are really anti-life, but the winning score in this two word contest goes to them. An aside: In the context of these short phrases, one name to Google is George Lakoff. I won’t give details here, but much of his work in linguistics has been an analysis of this area of political speech. One other aside: While progressives are hard put to counter any of these epithets directly (the typical response is to sputter in abject frustration), I would suggest that they may be effectively countered by calling them what they are: two or three word lies. The phrase “two word lie” can be correctly applied to almost all two word expressions-even though it is a phrase of only three words.

We traveled through some of the most beautiful country you would ever want to see. It is adventure riding at its finest. So, I don’t know if it’s riding almost 700 miles that makes it an adventure, or all the things that happen to you along the way that makes it an adventure. I know one thing for sure, I’m riding it again! Thanks guys!

Craig Brundridge taking a break.

“Bleeding heart liberal” is a phrase that has been around for a long time. It is, of course, absolutely accurate in the sense that the heart of a liberal, in pumping blood, is always “bleeding.” If it implies that only liberals have bleeding hearts, then it is stating that all conservative hearts have stopped. It is meant to evoke ideas somewhat like these: a soft touch, an easy mark, possibly gay, over generous, too accepting, impractical, vegetarian, and unrealistic. It is remarkable that such a large part of the ideological divide can seem to be expressed in three words--a tribute to the strange genius of the conservative who first expressed them. Since the human capacity for compassion and empathy is the glue that holds society together, the statement--meant as an insult--actually refers to the best traits ensuring human survival. These traits, of course, being shared by all. It is, of course, droll to point out that humans who lack compassion and empathy --who lack “bleeding hearts”--are sociopaths and, often, serial killers. Thus, this conservative description of progressives can be made to imply that conservatives are sociopaths. None of us would want to come to that conclusion.

There is no such thing as the pursuit of happiness, but there is the discovery of joy.—Joyce Grenfell


September 2018

Valley Voice

Opera Steamboat PRESENTS



Sept 21 7:00 pm An evening of music in support of Advocates




Mon.- Fri. 9-6 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 11-3

In Central Park Plaza

Musical Advocacy By Melissa Hampton - Trustee, Opera Steamboat I was noodling around on Pinterest recently and came across t-shirts with this quotation: “When words fail, music speaks.” This sentiment seemed like a good introduction to an unusual musical event coming up on Friday, September 21, at Strings Music Pavilion. ‘Our Voices Will Be Heard’ is a one-night-only collaboration between Opera Steamboat and Advocates, in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness month in October. Every fall, organizations around the country focus on this critical problem, providing opportunities to educate the community on the pattern of abusive behaviors that impact the lives of too many of our neighbors, friends and family. Even here in beautiful Routt County, we have a problem with domestic violence. According to Lisel Petis, Executive Director of Advocates, the reported incidents of women in abusive domestic situations are on the rise. “This year so far, we have had 170 client contacts with victims and survivors via emergency shelters, crisis support lines, and advocacy services,” says Petis, “whereas last year, for this same time period, we had just 126.” Since 1985, Advocates, a Routt County nonprofit, has provided crisis services, residential shelter, advocacy and community awareness for victims and survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence. Beyond our own county, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, stalking, and family violence crimes have reached a national epidemic. And, then, says Petis, there are the misconceptions. “An important goal of our outreach program is to re-frame the definition of abuse. People often think abuse refers to exclusively to physical violence: beating, hitting, shoving and strangling. But just as destructive are the more subtle behaviors of withholding access to money, name-calling, belittling, or threatening to take away the children. It’s so important that our community understands all the ways that domestic violence can manifest.” To get the message across, Advocates is constantly seeking new channels for reaching out to the community. One of those new ways is to partner with other community organizations. Thus, Advocates and Opera Steamboat are teaming up to bring attention to domestic violence problems and gender inequality through music. Two short operas by American composer Jake Heggie will be staged on September 21, at Strings Music Pavilion. The production costs of the operas have been underwritten by local donors, so all the proceeds from ticket sales will go to support Advocates.

To Hell and Back is a dialogue between two women, a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law struggles to hold painfully opposing ideas in her head: that the son she loves is an abuser.


Into The Fire is the story of the 19th century French sculptor Camille Claudel, a talented artist who suffered a misfortune all too familiar to talented women: living in a

905 Weiss Drive - across HWY 40 from the Holiday Inn For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

time, place or relationship where female talent is not supported. It is the story of Claudel’s struggle to find creative recognition while living under the shadow of her more famous mentor Auguste Rodin, and the ultimate toll it took on her life.


“I chose these works for our September production for twoS reasons,” says Opera Steamboat Artistic Director Andres T Cladera. “First, October is Domestic Violence Awareness t Month and we wanted to support that. The other reason is r that I wanted to counter-balance the story of our main- o stage opera in August, Don Giovanni.” o Opera fans will recall that Don Giovanni, an 18th century opera by Mozart, is the story of a serial womanizer who callously seduces and discards women. “I wanted to make it clear that, while we wouldn’t re-write Mozart’s story, we will take a strong stand on supporting gender equality and condemning violent and abusive behavior.” So why don’t women in domestic violence situations just leave? “That is the question that so many people ask,” says Lisel Petis. “And this is the question Advocates would like to turn on its head. We need to stop blaming the victim and start holding the abuser accountable. We should be asking, ‘Why is he beating her?’ ‘Why won’t he stop the abuse?’ We want to get to the point where our community is not OK with any kind of violence or control in intimate partnerships.’’ One of the keys to changing perceptions is to identify the often hidden roots of abusive behavior. Seemingly innocent phrases like “when a boy hits you it means he likes you” or “boys will be boys” are just two examples of socially condoned behaviors that give permission for male aggression against females. Says Petis, “In addition to our support for women in crisis through our advocacy work and crisis lines, community outreach is our best chance to disrupt the systems that allow domestic and sexual violence to continue in Routt County.” “Opera Steamboat is proud to serve our community by putting a spotlight on this critical issue,” says Cladera. “It is an honor to collaborate with Advocates to raise money for them and build awareness. And we’re doing it through the powerful medium of music.” You can see these two short operas and support Advocates on one night only, Friday, September 21, 7pm, at Strings Music Pavilion. Tickets are available at operasteamboat. org. For more information about Advocates, see

Valley Voice

September 2018


Happenings at the Depot

By The Numbers

Autumn Art

Reported Offenses to the Steamboat Springs Police Department

By Dagny McKinley

The Red Bull by Jeffrey Joel Johnson

By Scott L. Ford

During State of Colorado Fiscal Year 2016

Source: Colorado Bureau of Investigations The number of offenses reported is arrived at by using the Uniform Crime Reporting Summary, based hierarchy rules. Therefore, although multiple offenses may have occurred in a single incident, only the highest ranking offense is counted.

Number Months Reported 12 Murder/Manslaughter 0 Negligent Manslaughter 1 Rape 5 By Force 4 Attempted 1 Robbery 2 By Firearm 0 Knife/Cutting Instrument 1 Other Dangerous Weapon 0 Strong Arm 1 Assaults 117 Firearm 4 Knife/Cutting Instrument 7 Other Dangerous Weapon 6 Hands/Feet/Fist 4 Other Assaults 96 Burglary 40 Forced Entry 15 Unlawful Entry 21 Attempted 4 Larceny/Theft 253 Motor Vehicle Theft 6 Auto 4 Truck 1 Other 0 Attempted 1 Arson 1 Total Number of Offenses


September 7, 2018 from 5-8 pm, members of Steamboat Creates, a program of the Steamboat Springs Arts Council, will be showcasing their work at the Depot Art Center. Artists will be exhibiting painting, sculpture, photography, mixed media and more. Autumn Art represents a diverse collection of work carefully selected by each artist. Familiar names include Chula Beauregard, Robert Dieckhoff, Greg Block, Jim Steinberg, Abbey Jensen, Jeffrey Joel Johnson and Lana Turner. The member show is more than an astounding exhibit of art by some of Steamboat’s most beloved artists, it is a time to reconnect as a community after the rush of the summer. What better reason to get together than to experience art? “Art is one of the things that put Steamboat on the map,” said artist Lana Turner. “There are an incredible number of creative, artistic people in this relatively small town.” Turner’s photography captures the essence of Steamboat Springs through composition, color choice and texture. Last summer Turner visited the rodeo to shoot some behind-the-scenes events. When she spotted two cowboys in their white hats and crisp shirts, she captured the moment from above. Converting the image to black and white accentuated the Western feel. For Turner, “art encourages me to pay attention to the beauty and whimsy I see in the world, and to share those images with others.”

For Johnson, Art is “not some electronic item stored in a mysterious cloud. You can see, sometimes touch, smell, taste and hear it. Get Art out of studios and galleries and into people’s personal space, whether it is an apartment, condo or trophy home. Decorate yards, parks, streets, walls, sidewalks, anywhere!” In order to get Art out into the world, Johnson has filled his retirement days with Art to the point he once wondered who shortened the days once he quit working full time. Johnson believes Steamboat needs Art to stimulate economic activity, as well as people’s involvement and interaction with artists and with each other. Steamboat is one of those rare communities that truly embraces the arts, which is “good for the soul,” said photographer Abby Jensen. Being a photographer, “my inspiration comes from the beauty in and around the Yampa Valley. I let it talk to me,” Jensen said of her piece for Autumn Art. Jensen started her art career as a child making mosaics with rice she colored, pencil drawings and sculptures from bailing wire. Picking up a camera at age ten changed her perspective of the world and allowed her to tell stories visually. “I’ve always liked to tell stories about adventures, moments in time, and our world,” said Jensen. Autumn Art is a time for storytelling through art, a time of connection and reconnection. Outside, there is the “fall explosion of color, the bull elk start bugling, the geese are flying, the big brown trout get aggressive, ski season is just around the corner, holidays are coming and hopefully people start thinking of the gift of Art,” said Johnson. Inside there is a different explosion of color, of wildlife on canvas, of aspen trees changing and the world unfolding through the eyes of Steamboat’s favorite artists. Come to the Depot Art Center, September 7th from 5-8 pm to connect with art and reconnect with old friends.

Whimsy is a perfect word choice for Jeffrey Joel Johnson’s entry, The Red Bull. A signature member of the Western Colorado Watercolor Society, Johnson has been drawing since he was around seven or eight years old. “Any blank piece of paper I could find was a possible piece of art,” said Johnson, who went on to major in art in college with a minor in partying. The Red Bull was created in response to Johnson’s desire to tie the ranching heritage of Steamboat to the ski industry. With ski runs in the background, the bull looks like he landed in the best place on earth. All advocacy is, at its core, an exercise in empathy.—Samantha Power


September 2018

Valley Voice

Bonnifield Files

The Tragic Death of the Free Range - The Birth of Taylor Grazing

Edward Taylor

By Ellen & Paul Bonnifield

Blended in the turbulent history of northwestern Colorado and neighboring areas in Wyoming and Utah are the forces that ended the free range (unrestricted access and use of public domain). Legendary stories of gold and silver miners, cowboys and Native Americans, lumberjacks, town boomers, railroads, and homesteaders intertwined with free access to public lands. Following the Civil War, thousands of people from around the world rushed to America to claim their portion of the land’s treasure. It all unraveled in the 1920s and 1930s. Nowhere were the forces more evident than in northwestern Colorado. The men who conducted the funeral service for free range were not starry-eyed Utopian dreamers from the East, but proven conservative men from the area. Congressman Edward Taylor from Glenwood Springs, speaking before Congress on April 20, 1910, lashed out at conservationists. “I can not see any redeeming feature to this kind of legislation. I indignantly and emphatically deny that it is conservation. [It’s] bureaucracy run mad. It is confiscation. I am in favor of the conservation of the inherent rights of the people of the West as against the Utopian theories of the East.” Twenty four years later (1934), he shepherded the Taylor Grazing Act through Congress that effectively closed the free range.

Ferry Carpenter was a Hayden rancher, leading citizen, lawyer for cattlemen organizations, and politically an antiNew Deal Republican. He was the model conservative. Yet, he was the first administrator of Taylor Grazing. Why did two men so strongly opposed to the principles of federally managed public land become leading killers of free range? The two decades from 1900 – 1920 witnessed the massive migration of homesteaders onto western lands. Recruited by railroads, state immigration boards, and others, they came by the thousands. The Denver & Salt Lake Railroad and the Denver Post vigorously promoted the Great Divide settlement west of Craig. Great Divide briefly flourished with a hotel, stores, and newspaper. At its height, 2,400 farmers worked 131,000 acres. Rains were plentiful and the market high during World War I. Then came the crash of 1921. By 1928, only 700 farmers worked 35,000 acres and the exodus continued. Mormon crickets plagued the region with each surge of settlement, but in 1918 the plague relentlessly remained. Families made heroic efforts to defend their gardens against the invasion. The effort was wasted. Men organized to spread a mixture of bran and arsenic before the invading crickets. But people were so poor, they could not purchase enough poison. The cricket invasion continued.

OPEN Monday - Saturday 4pm - 2am

What the crickets did not eat the jack rabbits did. In Routt, Moffat, and Rio Blanco counties, Colorado, and Carbon County, Wyoming, settlers organized jack rabbit drives. Many men formed a circle, drove the terrified rabbits to the center, and clubbed them. Usually they killed more than a hundred rabbits. All the settlers intended to pasture their livestock, milk cows, horses, beef cattle, and even pigs on public land. Soon the range was overcrowded and livestock were starving. Johnny Peters told of his family’s experience. They had a homestead near Craig and having no feed for his animals, his dad drove a team and hay rack to Craig to purchase a load of hay. On the return trip, so many starving animals assaulted the hay rack that he could not defend it. By the time he reached home, the rack was nearly empty. Dejected, he and his family gathered their livestock and drove them to Craig where they were sold – given away. Johnny’s dad found work with the railroad and the family never returned to the homestead. Ed C. Johnson, who operated a grain elevator at the time, estimated 85 percent of farms were abandoned with the crops unharvested. Testifying before the U. S. Senate, prominent Montana rancher Henry I. Harriman summed it up: “It is no kindness to let settlers come in and take up worthless range. All of you who have come from the West have seen hundreds if not thousands of holdings abandoned because it was absolutely impossible to make a living on them.” At the same hearing, Taylor testified that good land “can be bought a whole lot cheaper than you could acquire it under the homestead law today.”

The V, Inc

Monday Night: Poker Night / Starts 6:30 pm Tuesday Night: Pool League / Starts 6:30 pm Wednesday Night : Dart League / Starts 6:30 pm Thursday Night: 8 Ball Tournament / Starts 6:30 pm For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

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Homesteading was no match for the Sagebrush Sea between the Rockies and the Sierras. With too little water, too much wind, too much cold, too many rocks, too little grass, the region proved too hostile and homesteading died at the hands of Mother Nature. Livestock raising came close to killing itself. Congressman Taylor in 1916 proudly led passage of the 640-acre Livestock Raising Homestead Act. He believed the law would allow thousands of small ranchers to get control of sufficient land to make a decent living. Millions of acres were filed on. In 1934 he testified, “Those lands are not taken up for real homesteaders.” He believed that twelve

Valley Voice of every thirteen entries were dummy (fraud). Ranchers hired men to enter a homestead and sell it to them. The filing included the water holes and springs. By controlling the water, the ranch controlled thousands of acres. Cecil Connor liked to tell that in the Sand Wash, dummies were hired, but the Craig lawyers were even more dishonest and filed on dry areas away from springs. By 1934, Taylor readily admitted his grazing bill failed to achieve its purpose. Taylor also stated, “We have had many sheep and cattle wars. For many years there has been more or less of a kind [of] guerrilla warfare going on between . . . the sheepmen and cattlemen with bitterness, strife, ill-will, and more or less litigation, and some sad killings. We want to terminate that condition.” Sheepmen were also at war with other sheepmen. The sheep and cattle wars were long and deadly; however, this article will only consider three. On Blue Mountain in 1920, J. E. Price and his son-in-law John Darnell bedded the sheep and retired for the night. Hearing some men, Darnell investigated. The interlopers murdered him and drove the sheep over a cliff. In 1921, N. M. Chapman and Isadore Bolton were wintering 5,000 sheep in Lily Park when masked men attacked and clubbed 1,300 sheep to death. Two Rio Blanco County boys, William Mann and Dean Leonard, were watching Snellen Johnson’s sheep on private ground when they were attacked. The sheep were killed. District Attorney Frank Delaney, adhering to the established custom, took no action. Johnson, being of different stuff, turned to the federal government for help. The federal government began a long series of legal actions. Soon it was clear a new day had arrived.

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Hunting Season is around the corner. Are you ready?

Even bigger changes occurred. In 1921, the cattle market crashed and did not recover during the decade. A prominent rancher and businessman at Steamboat, Jerry McWilliams, purchased steers at $60 a round and sold them at $28. He went broke along with all the big cattle ranches in northwestern Colorado. Into the vacuum came the sheep ranches. Itinerant sheepmen, according to Ferry Carpenter, went into the bank, borrowed a little money, bought sheep and started grazing them on public domain. They owned no property, paid no taxes, obeyed no law or custom, and respected no one’s rights or claims. They were called range pirates or free riders. Often they were foreign born. Joe Livingston herded 9,000 sheep under armed guard. They went where they pleased and took everything with them leaving no grass behind. Joe was not the only large-herd free rider. The Sears Sheep Company required eighteen months to make its circle from Browns Park. L. C. Winder shipped 10,697 head valued at $110,000 from Craig in 1926. The 1932 Craig Empire reported a train load of wool shipped from Craig. Cecil Connor told of one sheep wagon moving onto a hill in the Sand Wash and staying for a couple of weeks. When it left, another moved in, followed by a chain of wagons.

DOLA Appointment Governor John Hickenlooper appointed Cari Hermacinski to serve on the board that awards energy industry-generated grants that fund community projects around Colorado. Following the appointment, Steamboat Today reported: “It’s right up my alley,” Hermacinski said. “I grew up in an energy town (Craig), and I still live in an energy town (Steamboat Springs).” Recently, the City of Steamboat Springs and Routt County were awarded a $1 million dollar grant by the board for the construction of the joint law enforcement facility.

The range could not and would not take the abuse. Loco weed was all that was left for livestock to eat. The consensus was that the range was heavily overcrowded. State laws were passed and ignored. In his Senate testimony, Carpenter stated, “We believe that Federal control [Taylor Grazing] over this area should be extended. That is the only chance against being completely wiped out of existence as far as the cow industry is concerned.” Next, the Taylor Grazing Act – its passage and life span.

Where there is an open mind, there will always be an open frontier.—Dorothea Brande


September 2018

Valley Voice

By Brodie Farquhar Be Local & Eat Local! Locally roasted espresso and coffee drinks. Amazing sandwiches, soups & salads. Wonderful baked goodies!

Hayden Community to Decide Fate of Old School Property Analysis By Brodie Farquhar

198 East Lincoln Ave. Hayden, Colorado 970-276-4250

Everyone in and around Hayden is focused on the design, construction and eventual use of a new, Middle School/ High School, which will be located next to the current Elementary School.

•The current campus could be cleared of structures and be retained by the school district, sold or given to the town, sold for private development or donated to public/non-profit entities.

But once teachers, students, books and equipment move over to the new facility in the fall of 2020, what will happen to the current facility and surrounding grounds?

•Transfer of property could be as a gift, a $1 bill or for top dollar from a commercial/residential developer. The value of 10.2 acres in town, this close to Steamboat, could be breath-taking. A developer could build commercial and/or residential properties. A commercial project could feature a hotel, restaurant and shops, or residential buildings at low to high price points. The money from that potential purchase could be used to benefit teachers and students for years to come, including scholarships for students or helping teachers with housing.

That is a question that will be increasingly on the minds of town council, the school board, administrators and the general public. Voters had approved a $22.3 million bond issue, then the state’s Building Excellent Schools Today (BEST) program gave the district a $38.9 million grant. That means the district has $61 million to build the new facilities. Technically, there is money and a BEST preference to simply tear down the current MS/HS facilities and cart off the debris. BEST policy is to avoid having an abandoned building just sit there – a magnet for vandalism, possible arson and a visual eyesore. However, BEST can amend that policy if a community presents a good reason and plan for using all or part of an old building that is being replaced with a new facility. And according to a 103-page school facilities assessment report released in March, 2015, tearing down all of the current facilities might not be a bad idea. Much of the building is characterized as operating beyond life expectancy, where bringing rooms, hallways, roofing and other infrastructure up to snuff, would be hugely expensive and inefficient. “The middle school section really is beyond salvage,” said Tammie Delaney, school board member and mother of two Hayden graduates. “Yet the gymnasium is in pretty good shape and the auditorium could have an extended lifespan,” she said, with a reasonable expenditure. The high school library and some nearby classrooms and administrative space could also be salvaged – but toward what end, used by whom and maintained at what cost?

The board meets at the Yampa Valley Brew on the second Monday of each month. Plans are underway for a last Friday “stroll,” where interested businesses can showcase their goods and services, 6-8 p.m.

The original campus was built in 1948 and additions followed in 1972 (parts of middle school and high school) and again in 1986, with the high school gym. All told, the grounds cover 10.2 acres, west of downtown Hayden and bordering Highway 40, or West Jefferson Avenue, the main drag through town. The current MS/HS grounds are owned by the Hayden School District and lie within the town’s boundaries. Here are just a few of the potential options facing the town and school district:

For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

•Some parts of the current building could be kept intact, repurposed and come under new ownership/ managment. A possible scenario could be that the gym/auditorium could be acquired by a special recreation district and grounds used for additional ball fields. Office space could be acquired by a business group and used as a business incubator. •Or those acres could be developed as affordable, nonprofit, public housing, for low or moderate incomes. In such a scenario, high school students could learn the construction trade and build tiny/small homes for use by new teachers. •Hayden could opt for art district recognition from the state, by building homes, shops, galleries and a performance venue for artists. That would couple nicely with retaining and improving the current auditorium facility. Hayden Town Administrator Matt Mendisco cautions that while anything is possible for how the 10.2 acres is ultimately used, he does have one BIG question. Who’s going to pay for it? Mendisco said he doesn’t see how town taxpayers could take on new projects all by themselves. They’d have to be part of a larger, special district that would bring in tax revenues from a larger, net number of taxpayers, he said. In any event, Mendisco and Dr. Christy Sinner, superintendent of Hayden School District, have had conversations with each other, and their respective boards, about the future of the 10.2 acres. More conversations are sure to come, and more ideas are sure to arise, over the next two years. What would you like to see happen to that property?









September 2018J I

Yampa Valley Regional Airport



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Map under construction Map Disclaimer © 2018 Valley Voice, LLC. All rights reserved. NOT TO SCALE! No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the artist. The publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of this map.

Yampa River Hayden Branch



101 N. 6th Street







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Dry Creek Park


Valley A Voice




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September 2018B A









Valley JVoice

Buff Pass Fish Creek Res. Fish Creek Falls

Map Disclaimer

© 2018 Valley Voice, LLC. All rights reserved. NOT TO SCALE! No portion of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the written permission of the artist. The publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of this map.

Map under construction

Dry Lake

Spring Creek Fish Creek Falls Rd.

Burgess Creek

Rollingstone Golf Club

Valley Voice, LLC 1125 Lincoln Ave 2C Steamboat Springs, CO 80487

Steamboat Blvd.

Fish Creek

Amethyst Drive

Tamarack Drive


Amethyst Drive

Hill Top Parkway


RCR 36

Anglers Drive


Ski Time Square

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Memorial Park Fish Creek Falls Rd.

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8 19 Years in Steamboat Springs!

Crawford Ave.


Come In and Check Our Daily Specials!

CMC (College)


Lin col nA ven ue

116 9th Street 970-870-9980

Steamboat Cemetery

Emerald Mountain


12 Cheapest Drinks in Town!


The Howler



Yam pa Riv er


Howelsen Hill BMX Track

Ski Jumps

13 Blackmere Drive

Fart Park


Depot Art Center

For those A who live hereBand for those who C wish they did. D







Valley Voice K








September 2018 S

Mt. Werner

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Rabbit Ears Pass Dumont Lake




Village Drive

Knowls Mt. Werner Circle Eagle Ridge Dr.

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Meadows Parking

Casey’s Pond

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Central Park Drive

Whistler Road


Pine Grove Road


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Haymaker Golf Core Trail

RCR 22

Yampa River

Stagecoach Res.

Fetcher Park RCR 14

RCR 14f RCR 14



Steamboat Cemetery

Copper Ridge Animal Shelter Shield Drive


Elk River Road Downhill Drive


Shield Drive

Bob Adams Airport Yampa River

RCR 33

Steamboat Golf Club











September 2018


124 123

E3 Chophouse

More than 130 Vendors













Music from 11am-1pm September 1


For a complete list of vendors, go to

















7th Street

114 11












September 8


Annual Chili Challenge Edition

111 110


Eating Area



Shawn David Allen

35 36






















43 44 45 46












69 70 71 72

81 82












M s oom r t s Re

95 84


Questions? 970-367-7060 or For those who live here and for those who wish they did.









Trevor G Potter Last Market of the Season








September 15




Music: Adia Clark Lay Trevor G Potter with Walt and the Ol’ 37 Buffalo Commons




Saturdays from June 9 - September 15 9:00 AM to 2:00 pm. 7th and Yampa Streets






85 94








Come down to Farmers Market and vegetate with the rest of us. Have some lunch, listen to music, talk to your neighbors and have a great time. Then stick around to explore the rest of downtown.


6th Street

Valley Voice

September 2018


The Routt County Fairgrounds RV Park is officially open! Camping

There are 9 full-hook up (water, sewer, electric 20/30/50 amp) sites with concrete pads and an asphalt parking lot. We also have 14 primitive electric-only (20amp) sites. Open year-round with long-term stays available.


Full Hook-Up Sites: Daily: $43.09 + taxes Weekly: $251.35 + taxes Monthly: $650.

Exhibit Hall

The largest community event center in Hayden (9,625 sq. ft.), with tables, chairs, full kitchen, sound system, restrooms.

Phone: 970-276-3068

RV Dump Station

Open seasonally, rinse water available, big-rig friendly, easy to use. Credit or debit cards only, $7.50.

Facility Rental

The Routt County Fairgrounds offers several amenities for your event: Exhibit Hall, Multi-purpose building (indoor arena with roping amenities, bleachers, sound system), Outdoor Arena (two crow’s nests, sound system, warm-up arena, holding pens, roping amenities, bucking chutes, grandstands), horse stalls, restroom/shower facility open year-round.


Camping reservations visit For all other facility reservations call 970-276-3068.

City Mouse needs a hat! Silver Creek Fire seen from the rest area at Wolford Mountain Reservoir as of 8/13/2018

If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen.—Ronald Reagan


September 2018

Valley Voice

Your Money - Your Life

The Danger of Disconnected Thinking About Retirement By Scott L. Ford

When it comes to your finances, what worries you the most? Is it having enough money in your checking account to pay the bills each month? Are you afraid you’ll never get out of debt? Over time, American’s #1 money worries have changed. A few years ago, the biggest concern of American households was the daily grind of living pay check to pay check and the feeling of never being able to get ahead. In 2010, the big worry was losing one’s job. The number one fear as of 2018 is the realization that they may never be able to retire.

We Rent Bongs & Dab Rigs Steamboat’s Only Adult Novelty Store 2730 Downhill Plaza #105 Next Door to RMR

Why are more Americans afraid they’ll never be able to retire? For one, the decline in employer-sponsored pension plans has some people worried about being able to build a large enough nest egg on their own. There are essentially two kinds of retirement plans offered by employers. Defined Benefit – A defined-benefit plan is an employer-sponsored plan where employee retirement benefits are computed using a

Octoberfest is for BEER! Over 400 delicious beers to choose from! Open: Mon - Sat: 9am -11pm Sunday: 10:30am -7pm Located next to City Market in Central Park Plaza, Steamboat Springs. Unbelievable Selection. Unbelievable Specials!

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formula that considers several factors, such as age, length of employment and salary history. Based on the formula, a fixed amount is paid out, usually monthly, when they retire for the rest of their life. Defined Contribution With a defined contribution plan the employee decides how much money they want to save on an income tax-deferred basis from their pay check up to limits established by the IRS. To encourage employees to save, employers often match the employee’s saving efforts up to a percentage. Upon retirement, hopefully the employee has built a nice nest-egg they can draw upon. According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), defined benefit plans have declined from 28% of all pension plans to now less than 2% of plans in 2017. Defined Contribution plans during the same period have grown from 7% to 34%. As of 2017, roughly 40% of working Americans had access to some type of employer-sponsored pension plan (Defined Benefit or Contribution), according to Pew Research. Even though eligible for a pension plan, 10 to 12% of employees do not participate. The percentage of folks with no access to an employersponsored plan has been on a slow but steady decline since 2000, likely because of the growth of the “gig economy” – more independent contractors. Although these self-employed workers have access to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), they often do not save anything toward retirement. The same EBRI survey referenced previously has found that Americans are woefully unprepared for retirement. The survey found that: • 34 percent of Americans have $0 in retirement savings. Another 21 percent have less than $10,000 saved.

• 40 percent of Americans who don’t have retirement savings said it’s because saving for retirement isn’t a priority.

• Less than half of Americans think they will retire in their 60’s. Twenty-six percent think they won’t retire until they’re in their 70’s — or later. Based on these results, the fear of never being able to retire is well founded. However, there is a major disconnect occurring in American’s thinking about retirement. Simply put, folks are retiring way too early. According to the Social Security Administration, the average age when a person begins to draw benefits is now age 63 and two months, with an average monthly benefit of $1,329. At age 63, according to Social Security life expectancy tables, a 63-year-old can expect to live 22 more years. Even with a very modest life style, it takes about $3,000 a month to live, assuming NO debt. Doing 4th grade math $3,000 - $1,329 = $1,671 x12 months = $20,052 x 22 years means do not retire at age 63 unless you have about $450,000 saved. According to the federal reserve, average households between the ages of 55 and 64 have an average savings of any kind of $163,577. Based on the example above, with this amount of money saved, folks will run out of money in 8 years with 14 more years to go. Ouch!

For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

Valley Voice

September 2018

The Way I See It

Marijuana Dispensary

“You better think!” By Nina Rogers “You better think!” – Aretha Franklin We’ve all seen them– the posts and bumper stickers and social commentaries that basically say “I’m struggling to make it because I have to give my money to some lazy mofo who’s not working!” These commentaries don’t care about the reality of what percentage of tax dollars go to what program, they are intended to get folks into victimthinking and away from caring for each other. To this, I join Aretha in saying, “You better think!” Before you hit that share button or plaster on that bumper sticker, stop and think: “What if one of these non-working mofos is someone I love?” Because that’s the thing about bumper-sticker thinking – it doesn’t make room for humanity. It may say, “These mofos don’t have a job and they want me to bail them out!” but it doesn’t ask the question “Why don’t they have a job?” Maybe they worked for years at ToysRUs and got laid off when the stores shut down with no notice. Maybe they have a sick family member and can’t be away from home long enough to work. Maybe they are on disability. Maybe they can’t find work due to age, sex or race discrimination. Maybe it’s someone you love. And someone is sure to bring up the cheaters, as if those few taint all the recipients. Yes, there are people who take advantage and cheat the system, but there are also laws and penalties in place to deal with them. And anyway, what if it is someone you love? These are polarizing times. Maybe more than in the past, or maybe it’s simply that social media brings it more to our doorsteps. There is anger, there is fear, there is division (real or imagined). And the only way to find our way through it and come together is to ask ourselves, “What if it is someone I love?”


S T E A M B O AT S P R I N G S I love Bernie Sanders. I believe he truly wants to bring Ask Us Daily us all together for the good of our country. But I have to About Our admit that I’ve been getting really annoyed recently with Product Loyalty his need to call out “the other side” before making his Specials Program 970.879.4420 point about progressive reform. I understand that this is a political tactic and he’s been doing it a long time (drumRecreational & Medical from 8am-10pm everyday ming home that “our side” is better than “their side”), but what’s called for now is empathy (which I know he has) 2093 Curve Plaza Unit C and unity. In Bernie’s scenario, there have to be winners Steamboat Springs CO 80487 Billo and losers and both sides are going to fight like hell to July 2018 make sure “their side” isn’t the losing side. If, instead, we can look for that commonItground, one has toa few ideas for our new ad. looksthen likeno we have “lose” and all our energies can come together. -- We are going to have a different background for the ad as well as chang

Order Online at

--We to highlight that we are open for Recreational & Medical from 8 If I am a Trump supporter and folkswant keep hammering away at how bad his policies --We are or want what aitliar is, I’m tohesay "Order online at" right above the website to consolidat gonna stick my fingers in my--In earsthe and area yell, “Fake news!” where it had said "order online," we'd like to highlight our loy as loud as I can so I don’t have to wonder whether I made the most bone-headed decision of my life in supporting I still needme to in get the wording for all this approved by a few members of o him. If, however, his detractors approach a nonconfrontational fashion and ask me “What can we do to support ageing infrastructure?” or “What can we do to make medicines more affordable?” I just might join in the conversation in a constructive way. And maybe even come away thinking that the “other side” is not all that different from me after all. We’re all in this together, folks! As demonstrated by the insane wildfires in California, if the planet burns, we’re ALL going to burn. If the planet floods, we’re ALL going to drown. It’s not going to matter one whit how we voted or how we worship or how we look. We have to keep asking ourselves, “And what if it’s someone I love?”

Loving Our Senior Pets in September

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Older Dogs and Cats are the treasure at the other. 102 Anglers Drive

“I’m sure that came FedEx”

970-879-5273 Our character is what we do when we think no one is looking.—H. Jackson Brown, Jr.


September 2018

Valley Voice

Ready to Feel Good

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By Shaney McCoy, CMHC, LPC

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God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, Courage to change the things we can, And the wisdom to know the difference.

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Uninsured Chip Repair Mention Only this Ad Let Us Assess Your Crack!


Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

3162 Elk River Road, P.O. Box 772498 Steamboat Springs, CO 80487

Many of us are familiar with this “Serenity Prayer,” often associated with Alcoholics Anonymous, but its authorship remains a mystery and may date back centuries. It’s been found in written materials from military companies the world over, and was known to be used by groups suffering religious persecution. Many have found deep insight in this verse regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs, or lack thereof. From a mental health perspective, these three short lines really pack a punch. The last line in particular gives us something to look at that can make or break our sense of well-being in the world. After all, while it’s important to work on changing the things we have control over and accepting the things we don’t, it’s imperative that we learn to discern which is which. If we don’t, if we instead struggle against the things we have no control over and just accept the things we could be changing, we can end up feeling like a victim of our circumstances. This in turn leads to constant stress and a sense of powerlessness. So how do we learn to identify what we should be trying to change and what we should be accepting? Well, the first step is awareness. Just paying attention to the idea that we need to be paying attention. This sounds simple, and it is, but it’s a great example of something that’s “simple but not easy.” It’s not easy because we so often believe our own stories about what’s happening. I’ll give you a personal example. I have two large, active, fun-loving dogs that I often take to an off-leash dog park. One of them has discovered a hidden mud puddle that he loves to get into, meaning that when we get home he will need to be washed and dried before he can go in the house. For weeks I either avoided the trail with the mud puddle or I got frustrated with my pup for getting into it and resigned myself to cleaning him up when I got home. For some reason it never entered my mind that there were other ways of dealing with this, and

For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

I felt like I had no control over the situation. I was believing my own story that walking past this mud puddle was aggravating. Suddenly one day I realized I had all the necessary elements to make this a stress-free walk – I had trained my dog to come when called and I had his leash in hand. That was all I needed! Simple! As we approached the section of trail with the dreaded puddle, I called him back to me, put him on the leash until we got past it, then took his leash off and continued on our walk. Voila! No mud, no stress. All it took was being aware that I was believing my own story about how frustrating dogs and mud are. This may seem like a small situation with little consequence. The troubles multiply exponentially, however, when our days are filled with lots of situations where we feel powerless. Research has shown that the more stressed out we are, the more we have tunnel vision when it comes to problem solving. We have trouble looking at the big picture and recognizing that there are lots of different ways we could approach a solution. In essence, we get stuck believing that the way we’re dealing with it is the only way to deal with it, and if that’s not working we just need to do more of the same or accept that we can’t solve the problem. This becomes a vicious cycle of feeling stressed, having less ability to determine whether we can change a situation, feeling more powerless and helpless, and then feeling even more stressed. When we can step back from this short-sightedness and bring some awareness into the process, we often find many of the frustrations we’ve just been gritting our teeth to get through can actually be resolved. This also gives us the space to notice if the situation is one we truly can’t change, in which case it’s more effective to quit fighting to “get through it” and instead practice acceptance. So my challenge to you, and to myself, is to try paying attention. Notice if there are aspects of your life that are consistently irritating, annoying, stressful or frustrating. Spend a little time trying to think outside the box about these issues and explore whether there may be ways to resolve them. Go for a walk, make some soup, or play with your kids (or grandkids or pets) and let the problem roll around in the back of your mind rather than trying to come at it head-on. Allow yourself the space to look at your challenges from a different angle and determine whether they need to be changed or accepted, and you’ll find you already have the wisdom to know the difference.

Shaney McCoy is a mental health counselor in private practice in Steamboat Springs. Learn more about her at

Valley Voice

September 2018


Tales from the Front Desk

The Dixie Cup By Aimee Kimmey

The story you are about to read it true... More or less. Tuesday. Room 143. 3:18pm. For the front desk clerk it was a Monday. Her weekend had been nice, but now, barely an hour and twenty minutes into her shift, it felt like a long time ago. The hotel wasn’t quite at full capacity; the season was starting to wind down. The hoards of screaming children had turned into waves of couples and retirees. Sure, they were just as needy as the families, but at least they were quieter. Mostly. Although it wasn’t crazy busy, the front desk clerk and her co-worker had processed plenty of guests. She’d already answered the requisite barrage of obvious questions, and it was still early. So when the phone rang, she wasn’t shocked by the weird conversation that followed.

Hanging up the phone, she shrugged at her co-worker’s quizzical look, “Noise complaint.” Her co-worker nodded knowingly.

Shaking her head, the clerk let herself out. She had to hand it to the kid, it was pretty amazing that the cup trick actually worked. She hadn’t expected it to.

As she walked toward room 142 she could hear raised voices, it seemed like quite a row. But there weren’t any crashes or screams. Hopefully they could skip the police call.

When she got back to the front desk, her co-worker asked, “Did you crack some heads?”

Before she could knock on 142, the door to 143 popped open. The front desk clerk mentally patted herself on the back: she’d nailed the kid’s age. He wore cheap dress pants, and a clean white T-shirt. He grinned mischievously, waving for her to come to his door. She hesitated, feeling like she should issue the noise warning and get back to work. But the kid seemed so excited about something. He grinned wildly as he beckoned her into the room, he had a paper Dixie cups in his hand. “C’mon, they’re still at it--you can totally hear...” Okay, now she was getting curious, what was going on here? The kid led the way into the bathroom, um...? A sport coat and dress shirt that mostly went with the pants were folded over the back of the room’s chair. Now she recognized the kid, he stayed in the hotel every other month or so. He was a salesman of some sort. He held out the cup for her. “Here, put the cup to the wall, you can totally hear everything!” She hesitated. She could already hear the couple next door fighting, this seemed... intrusive. The kid grinned and nodded encouragingly. His enthusiasm was infectious, she didn’t want to disappoint him. Reluctantly she took the cup. Tentatively placing it against the wall, she leaned in for a listen. “Well I’ll be damned.” She could hear every word, crystal clear: “...You’ve always hated my mother!” “Your mother is a monster! She’s treated me like crap ever since our wedding!”

“Hello, Front Desk?” She said with practiced efficiency.

“Well maybe if you hadn’t run over her roses with your stupid car!”

“Yeah, hi. This is room 143, there is a major fight going on next door.” The guy on the other end of the line sounded younger, maybe mid-twenties?

“Oh! One mistake, I make ONE mistake, and I can never live it down?!”

Noise complaints were pretty common when people shared walls, but the real question was; did they need to call the police? “Is there physical violence or just shouting?” “Oh it’s a full on shouting match; you’ve gotta come check it out!” He sounded excited, but not panicked. So that was a start, maybe a simple warning would suffice. “Alright, which side is it?” By this time her co-worker was staring at her, trying to guess the tragedy. “They’re in 142.” The kid said. It didn’t sound like an emergency, but the front desk wasn’t slammed at the moment, so... “I’ll be there in a minute.”

Despite herself, the clerk giggled. “Have they been at it for long?” She whispered. He nodded excitedly, “For like a half hour! Amazing, isn’t it? The cup thing actually works! I didn’t think it would.” “That is pretty cool. You want me to go break up the fight?” The kid looked aghast, “Are you kidding? This is way better than anything on TV!” She could understand how a bored kid on the road would find this titillating. She handed the kid his cup back, “Okay. Well let me know if things get violent?”

“Naw, there’s nobody in 141, and the kid in 143’s having a ball listening to the fight. Did you know you can actually hear through the walls with a Dixie cup?” Her co-worker looked stunned, “Seriously? Oh my God, I’ve gotta’ try it!”


When God Sneezes By Francis Conlon

When God sneezes, is there “Achoo,” And blessing given as one pleases? What being might venture, I wonder who, Dares to offer a new-age view, Is this a moment that one seizes? An unsteady second for Earth to run, A micro-second for a cosmic slip, That lets loose a miracle for fun, Turning a rich man from a bum, That change would be a clever blip. Such miracles slip twixt natural law, Defeating hard sequence, given a chance, Reminding of time before the Fall, A happening this person never saw, But adds a step to earth’s dance. I let events pass; I just excuse, ‘Tho it may seek attention, Unusual phenomena might confuse, And let minds their reason abuse, Better avoid the cosmic mention. Of things going sneeze and then pause, Enough to strike an independent clause. (Stick now, as then, with a blessing, No need to go with my confessing.)

“Sure!” Still grinning he leaned back to the wall, cup to his ear. I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap.—Ani DiFranco


September 2018

Valley Voice

Mister Helpful’s Dating Guide

Online Dating, How to Do it Right By Mr. Helpful, M.D.

It’s all about your Happiness

Chapter One – Your Profile There are three basic sections in any online dating or phone dating app: pictures, basic information and personal written section. The various length of all of these can be from a very short with one picture and nothing else, to 25 pictures and a frickin’ novel in the written area. Let’s break it down so you will know how to do it right. Of course we’ll start with the photos because that is the singular reason we are on any of these sites – are they attractive to us? The basics in posting pictures is to think of highlighting the best of yourself. Show your face close up, but not too close. Show your body, but not too far away. If you have great hair or teeth, use a pic that really pops with those features. Everyone should show themselves in a variety of positive, healthy lifestyle, interesting scenes. Indoors, outdoors, with friends, alone, being creative, with an animal that could be a pet but doesn’t have to be. Nothing wrong with posting a photo of you doing a challenging thing like work or working out either. Remember we are trying to “get someone’s attention” – so as always – Be Interesting. Strangely enough there are folks who waste their time (and sometimes ours) by thinking that they should not have to post pictures; that fate/luck/divine guidance, coupled with an amazing written section will bring their perfect partner. Let’s call them Dumbasses. Cousins to the Dumbasses are the Idiots who believe that posting a single picture also “does the trick” in attracting their soul mate. Or even using photos from over 5 to 7 years ago. Please say no thank you to stupid people.

Men should post between 4 to 9 pictures. Sadly I feel that I have to say this upfront: *no pointing guns at the camera. *no giving the middle finger. *no laying out money/bling on the table/bed. *no more than one photo of you holding a fish. *no screaming into the camera with a red plastic solo cup in hand. *and of course – no shirtless bathroom mirror selfies. Other than that, make it fun – after all, this is supposed to be fun. Women should post between 5 to 14 pictures. Any more then 15 means you have no idea what you want in life other than more photos of yourself. Stop being so damn narcissistic. Lots of the same advice here as for the men. *no pointing guns at the camera *no middle finger pics *no hugging another person *no pictures with you and someone who is more attractive then you. *no multiple photos of exactly the same look, but different clothes *no “just my face and no full body” pics – no one is dating someone’s face EVERYONE needs to learn how to crop a photo, bathroom selfies for sure. Crop OUT the disgusting unclean messy sink area. Please. In other columns and on FB I go further with this advice, but I need to move on to … Basic Information. Age, height, location, kids or not, previously married, pets, religion. Those are the biggest “Tell me about yourself” basics that folks want to know at a glance. This gives someone a very clear “Are We a Good Match or Not” idea so as not to waste anyone’s time.

“But Mister Helpful, I don’t want someone to know some of those things about me – I want to protect my privacy.” EXCELLENT, then don’t do online dating. In fact, stay off the Interwebs completely. Safety First. Sharing basic information is what builds trust and common ground. Are we familiar to the other? After all, we are hoping that they will let us see them naked, right? Well, take a step forward, be cautious, offer information, share information and ya might just end up kissing a fabulous person. Lying or hiding on the basic information part means they either didn’t complete that part or they are untrustworthy. Ask questions about this to find out which is the case before passing judgement. Keep your preferences about who you want to date following their answers. A simple “No Thank You” will do. And now … The Written Section. Women could write “I have two legs, a dog and can drive a car to work and back home.” And if her photos were attractive enough, she would be bombed with messages, winks and swipes to fill her days until Death said to her “Ok, That’s Enough.” My encouragement to women is honestly, do not worry too much over the written part. Be funny, creative, straight forward. Men will find your profile. Actually forget funny and creative, be BLUNT. Lay it right out there as to what you want and will NOT put up with. So many profiles on phone apps are women clearly saying in the first or last sentence NO Hook Ups! Rare are those who say they’re just looking for a fun time with the right person. But women’s profiles can be short, under 200 words easily. Just don’t be boring, cliché or more negative than positive. Men’s written section HAS TO BE fun, creative, unique, intelligent and, above all, something that shares your lifestyle choices/hopes/dreams/non-sexual desires. This is the part that woos the princess with poetry. It doesn’t have to be poetry, but it does have to capture her mind’s heart. Well over 400 words of well crafted sentences. Share your likes and dislikes; your love of all things manga; how you love the smell of rain in the morning and want someone to share that with as you plan out your day together, from the bed you share … together. Be romantic you meathead! The basics of online dating are not that hard to understand and act on. MILLIONS of folks have done it and you can too. Of course, not all of them got it right and yet still managed to find happiness after a bit of time. You can too – I believe in you!

Find Mister Helpful’s Dating Guide on Facebook, hit the LIKE button and read the expanded versions of this column. Up next from Mr. Helpful – Knowing When the Date is Over – When she says “I’m not sleeping with you until you’ve had a vasectomy,” the date is pretty much over.

For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

Valley Voice

September 2018

A Closer Look

Permeable Gut and Supplement Mania By Monica Yager

For instance, recommending vitamin D may not be a good practice. Vitamin D, taken with calcium, has shown only slight benefit in prevention of bone fractures and no evidence for other claims, including “building up the immune system.” Science-based medicine takes a simpler, more natural approach, advising against routine vitamin D testing as unnecessary, costly, and unreliable, and recommends stopping smoking, controling weight, being active, and getting vitamin D from food and sunlight.

One of the hallmarks of the alternative health world is the constant attempt to become part of science-based medicine. Even though alternative health information often can be put forth so earnestly and sometimes from a source that seems legitimate, the information can easily be debunked, the sources incontrovertibly untrustworthy, but ultimately, it is health care consumers that are affected by bad information with their health and their pocketbook. So it is with permeable gut, claimed to be a condition in the alternative health world. This actually started out as leaky gut syndrome, a fake diagnosis in which bits of food supposedly escaped from the gut, ending up in various parts of the body causing alleged problems, but it was never a medically recognized condition. Hence, the condition called leaky gut morphed into permeable gut, which sounds a lot like intestinal permeability, a process of the gastrointestinal tract in which nutrients are allowed to pass through the cells of the intestine while potentially harmful substances are prevented from passage by a barrier. This is a rather necessary feature of our bodies, so in that sense, permeable gut would seem normal, even desirable. Increased intestinal permeability can be a problem. This is a medical condition in which microbes or antigens make it through the intestinal barrier, causing an immune system response. Increased intestinal permeability is a factor in several serious diseases and best treated by science-based medical doctors. Despite incomplete understanding of the human body, alternative practitioners nevertheless recommend glutathione and other supplements for what they call permeable gut. Recommending random and routine supplementation results in bad information for health care consumers.

Recommending B vitamins doesn’t make much sense. Vague notions that “stress” depletes B vitamins or can be relieved by ingesting B vitamins are not supported by evidence and, because B vitamins are readily excreted by the body, taking high doses for “stress” doesn’t make sense either. Antioxidant supplementation is also without benefit. Our bodies make all the antioxidants we need, one of the many ways our bodies keep us healthy.

HappyHours Last minute changes can and do occur - Mother Nature, illness, tour malfunction, whatever - the accuracy of this calendar is not guaranteed! 8th Street Steakhouse 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Aurum Food & Wine 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. daily Azteca Taqueria 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. & 8:00 - 9:00 p.m. daily

The BARley 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. daily

Rex’s American Grill & Bar 4:20 - 6:00 daily

Big House Burgers 4:20 - 6 p.m., Mon-Sat. & 2 - 6 Sunday

The Rusted Porch 2:00 p.m.- 6:00p.m. daily Salt and Lime 3:30 p.m.- 5:30 p.m. & 10:00 p.m.- 11:00 p.m.

Routine multivitamin supplementation, even the “right” kind, has not shown any known benefit. Herbal supplements for sleep or pain not only have no evidence of benefit, they are also not standardized and may be unsafe. Despite alternative health claims, supplements just do not have the ability to determine an ambiguous “imbalance” and initiate healing in the human body, nor can a supplement be considered an “insurance policy for health.”

Circle R Bar 4 - 6 p.m. Thurs., Fri.,Sat.

Sake 2 U 3:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Cuginos Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. & 9:00 - 11:00 p.m. daily

Sambi Canton 5:00 - 6:00 pm Monday - Saturday

Routine iron supplementation does not appear to be rational either. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) say people in the United States usually obtain adequate amounts of iron from their diets, and isolated iron deficiency is uncommon. Our bodies protect us by storing some iron. In cases of suspected iron deficiency, or any vitamin deficiency, consumer health is best protected by consulting a medical doctor who can identify and treat an underlying cause, something alternative practitioners cannot do.

Dude & Dan’s Bar and Grill 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. daily Late Night Happy Hour: 10:00 - 12:00 p.m. daily

Double ZZ BBQ 2:30 - 6:00 p.m. daily

E3 Ranch & Chophouse Restaurant 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. daily Harwigs & L’Apogee: 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. daily Laundry 4:30 - 6p.m. Tues.-Sat. Low Country 4:30 - 6 p.m. daily Mahogany Ridge 4:00 - 5:30 p.m. Late night happy hour: 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. daily

Schmiggitys 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. daily Slopeside Grill 10:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. Steamboat Smokehouse 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. & 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. daily: Sunpies Cajun Bistro 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. daily Table 79 Foodbar 5:00 - 6:00 & 9:00 - 11:00 daily The Tap House Sports Grill 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. weekdays Truffle Pig 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. daily The V 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. & 10:00p.m. - 12:00 a.m. Vaqueros Mexican Restaurant & Taqueria 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. daily


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750 Hospital Loop Craig, Colorado 81625 Phone: 970-824-9411 e-mail:

Old Town Pub 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. daily O’Neil’s Tavern and Grill 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. & 10:00 p.m. - 12:00 p.m. daily

Mazzola’s Majestic Italian Diner 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. daily

101 N. 6th Street

Off the Beaten Path After 4:00 p.m. daily

Back Door Grill 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. daily & All day on Sundays

Mambo Italiano 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. daily

Hayden Branch

McKnight’s Irish Pub 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. & 9:30 - 11:00 p.m. daily

Carl’s Tavern 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. daily

A Closer Look is the culmination of witnessing first-hand the wackiness of the alternative health world from the perspective of a former owner of a health food store. Everyone can and should take a closer look, especially when it comes to their health.


Coming Soon ….Zirkel TV….

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Arthur C. Clarke

We choose mania over boredom every time.—James Gleick


September 2018

Valley Voice

Calendar of Free Events RECURRING WEEKLY EVENTS:

To submit your free events or calendar information e-mail to: Events may be edited for length or content. Calendar entries must be received by the 15th of each month.




Latin Dance Night 7PM @ Schmiggity’s (Free Salsa Lessons). FREE.

“A Good Yarn” Crochet & Knitting Group 10:30AM @ Hayden Public Library www.haydenpubliclibrary. org

Steamboat Springs Writers Group SAT. SEPTEMBER 1 Noon @ Art Depot.FREE

MONDAY Author/Journalist, Edith Lynn Hornik-Beer THE ART OF WRITING TO HEAL 6-7:30PM @ Colorado Mountain College. To sign up phone 970 870 4444.

Pool League 6:30PM @ The V

Poker Night 6:30PM @ The V


Piano Bar Night with Mike Martinez (Except Labor Day) 8PM @ Schmiggity’s. FREE.

Two-Step Tuesday 7PM @ Schmiggity’s (Free Country Dance Lessons). FREE.

Dart League 6:30PM @ The V Karaoke Night 9PM @ Schmiggity’s. FREE

“A Good Yarn” Crochet & Knitting Group 4:30PM @ Hayden Public Library www.haydenpubliclibrary. org 8 Ball Tournament 6:30PM @ The V Live Band Karaoke/ Schmiggity Jam 9:30PM @ Schmiggity’s. FREE. SATURDAY Farmers Market 9AM-2PM @ 7th & Yampa (Until 9/15) Live Performances 11AM1PM Each Week

Yampa Valley Crane Festival August 30 - September 2

Sketch a Bird workshop with artist Chula Beauregard and feathered models from HawkQuest’s live raptors 9AM @ Library Hall & Library Lawn. FREE HawkQuest’s Live Raptors at the Library 10AM-4PM @ Library Lawn. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events “Optics 101: Choosing the right binocular for you” 11AM @ Library Hall. FREE Yampa Valley Crane Festival Crane Yard Art Display & Silent Auction Noon-4PM @ Library Lawn. FREE Yampa Valley Crane Festival Photo Contest Awards Noon @ Library Hall. FREE Free Film: “Free Like a Crane” 12:30PM @ Library Hall. FREE Yampa Valley Crane Festival Keynote Speaker: Anne Lacy “The Trumpet in the Orchestra of Evolution; the Story of the Sandhill Crane in North America” 1:30PM @ Library Hall. FREE

“Crane Ballet” by Kathy Simpson For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

Yampa Valley Crane Festival Picnic Dinner Talk by Birding Magazine Editor Ted Floyd, followed by a guided nature walk.

4:30PM-7:30PM @ The Nature Conservancy’s Carpenter Ranch in Hayden. BYO picnic. FREE Live Music @ Farmers’ Market Shawn David Allen

TUES. SEPTEMBER 4 Fall Pool League at The V starts Only 8 teams max. City Council Meeting 5PM @ Centennial Hall WED. SEPTEMBER 5

Town of Oak Creek Labor Day Festivities For more info, go to: labor-day/

Free Film: “RBG” 6:30PM @ Library Hall. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events

Aquaducks 10PM @ Schmiggity’s. FREE.


SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 2 Denver Zoo Curator of Birds talks about the cooperative approach to the North American Hooded Crane Species Survival Plan 12:15PM @ Library Hall. FREE “Birds of Prey” with HawkQuest 1:30PM @ Library Hall. FREE Town of Oak Creek Labor Day Festivities For more info, go to: labor-day/

Behind The Scenes Tour of Collections 4PM @ Tread of Pioneers Museum. FREE First Friday Art Walk 5PM @ Downtown Steamboat. Self-guided tour of local art galleries, Museums and alternative venues. FREE. First Friday Artwalk Reception Autumn Art 5PM@ Arts Depot. FREE Super Fun Show 8PM @ Chief Theater. FREE


Eminence Ensemble 10PM @ Schmiggity’s. $10.

Labor Day


Town of Oak Creek Labor Day Festivities For more info, go to: labor-day/

Live Music @ Farmers’ Market Annual Chili Challenge Edition Music From: Adia Clark Lay Trevor G. Potter with Walt and the Ol’ 37 Buffalo Commons

Schmac andSeptember Cheese2018

Valley Voice


Calendar of Free Events What do you want to do today? I don’t know. What do you want to do?

Literary Sojourn 11AM @ Strings Pavilion www.steamboatbooks. com/event/literarysojourn-2

Author Sue Mateer, “Cassidy’s Present” Storytime Afternoon 1-3PM @ Off The Beaten Path. FREE

Muzzy Bearr 8PM (All Ages) & 10:30PM(21+) @ Schmiggity’s. $15/$10.


Hayden Chamber Meeting 7PM @ Yampa Valley Brewing Company, Hayden.


City Council Meeting 5PM @ Centennial Hall

Wild Films: “The Last Rhino” 7PM @ Library Hall. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events


Parks & Recreation Commission 5:30PM @ Centennial Hall agendas

Free Film: “How To Run 100 Miles” 6:30PM @ Library Hall. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events


Planning Commission 5PM @ Centennial Hall agendas

Library Author Series: Craig Childs “Atlas of a Lost World: Travels in Ice Age America” 6:30PM @ Library Hall. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14 Coffee with Council 7:30AM @ Centennial Hall Speak of the Devil 10PM @ Schmiggity’s. FREE SAT. SEPTEMBER 15 Last Market of the Season Live Music @ Farmers’ Market Trevor G. Potter Oktoberwest 2PM @ Steamboat Mountain Village. steamboatoktoberwest. com SuperMagic 10PM @ Schmiggity’s. $5. MON. SEPTEMBER 17 Free Film: “Blue Heart” 6:30PM @ Library Hall. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events TUES. SEPTEMBER 18 City Council Meeting 5PM @ Centennial Hall Bud Ukes: Film & Jam! “Heart Strings: The Story of the Kamaka Ukulele” 6:30PM @ Chief Theater. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events



Yom Kippur

El Dub 10PM @ Schmiggity’s. FREE.

Bud Werner Memorial Library’s Foreign Film Series at the Chief “Hotel Salvation” 7:00PM @ Chief Theater. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events THUR. SEPTEMBER 20 Talk & Book Signing with Jerry Alsum “Miracle on Buffalo Pass: Rocky Mountain Airways Flight 217” 6PM @ Off The Beaten Path. FREE LUNAFEST a traveling film festival featuring award-winning short films made by women 6:30PM @ Library Hall. $10 helps support Young Bloods Collective www.steamboatlibrary. org/events FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21 Off the Beaten Path is happy to be bookselling at this years’ reunion of survivors and rescuers of the 1978 crash. Book Signing with Survivors and Rescuers “Miracle on Buffalo Pass: Rocky Mountain Airways Flight 217” 6PM @ The Grand. FREE Our Voices Will Be Heard A Collaboration Between Opera Steamboat & Advocates 7PM @ Strings Music Festival. Steezy Nicks 10PM @ Schmiggity’s. FREE.

TUES. SEPTEMBER 25 Library Author Series: James McLaughlin “Bearskin” 6:30PM @ Library Hall. FREE www.steamboatlibrary. org/events WED. SEPTEMBER 26 Behind The Scenes Tour of Collections 2PM @ Tread of Pioneers Museum. FREE Parks & Recreation Commission 5:30PM @ Centennial Hall agendas THUR. SEPTEMBER 27 Planning Commission 5PM @ Centennial Hall agendas FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 28 Jakubi 10PM @ Schmiggity’s. $5. SAT. SEPTEMBER 29 Authors Claudine Norden & Bonnie Wiegand, “Quigley the Quiet Hedgehog” Storytime Afternoon 1-3PM @ Off The Beaten Path. FREE

821 Lincoln Ave - quaducks A 1 r e b , Septem Saturday 10 pm - FREE l Funk/Sou ble nce Ensem e in m E 7 /Fusion) ptember Friday, Se (Progressive Rock 0 ws) 10 pm $1 arr (2 Sho e B y z z u r8-M eptembe 0 pm $10 21+ S , y a d r u t Sa 0:3 all ages/1 8 pm $15 onic / Guitar r Live Elect Devil eak of the p S 4 1 r tal) ptembe Friday, Se (Classic Heavy Me e 10 pm Fre Magic 5 - Super 1 r e b m e , Sept Saturday (Funk/Soul/Disco) 10 pm $5 REE zy Nicks F e e t S 1 2 ptember Friday, Se lectronic/Dance) /E 10 pm (DJ ub er 22 - El D ck Looper) b m e t p e S o , Saturday E (Funk, Reggae, R E 10 pm FR ubi er 28 - Jak B b m e t p e Friday, S ip-hop, rock, R& H Pink 10 pm $5 You Were h is W 9 2 er and) , Septemb Saturday ink Floyd Tribute B P 9 pm $5 (

ht 7 pm Dance Nigl Fuller 7-8 pm) in t a L : s Sunday son from Rache ez 8 pm ike Martin (Free Les M h it w t ar Nigh : Piano B Mondays abor Day) (Except L pm Tuesday 7ftwich 7-8 pm) p e t S o w e L : T Tuesdays son from Amanda s e L e e (Fr Night : KaraokeE s y a d s e n RE Wed raoke ) - 9 pm - F e Band Kah iv L (Karaoke ): 3 1 r long wit ptembe arting Sepm (Play or sing a t (S s y a d s 0 Thur y Jam 9:3 Schmiggit) live band

Oh Schmiggity!

Wish You Were Pink 9PM @ Schmiggity’s. $5. Steamboat's ONLYHour Happy Hour fromDaily 7-9 pm Schmappy 7-9 1/2 Off the entire bar;


$3 Hot Dogs & Corn Dogs Tickets online at or at All That.

The math of durability in McCain’s life is extraordinary.—John Dickerson


September 2018

Valley Voice


Your Monthly Message By Chelsea Yepello Aries

March 21 - April 19

This fortnight you will be excited to realize that you really can ‘set it and forget it.’ Wow. That was the best four easy payments of 19.95 you ever spent! Although you ask the same question a million times in a million different ways, you will still only get the same answer a million times in a million different ways.

April 20 - May 20


May 20 - June 20



June 21 - July 22



August 23 - September 22

Take a deep breath and hold it in. Ok. Wait. Eventually you are going to have to breath out... Oh geez. Don’t take it so literally. You’re going to pass out.

IN STEAMBOAT * * Excludes flower. Not to be combined with any other discounts.


July 23 - August 23

Looking back, it has been a much harder journey than the difficulties you are dealing with now. It seems like a bummer, but it will just become another part of the puzzle and will eventually fit neatly into place.



September 23 - October 23

Your sneakiness seemed to work a little Oktober West 2017/ Photo by Shannon Lukens





Recreational & Medical

1755 Lincoln Avenue Steamboat Springs, CO On the Free Bus Route

970-870-2941 For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

October 24 - November 21


And now a word from the robots; Boop bop bee boop bop. Bee boop bop bop boop. Wow. Now that was really inspiring.



In the end, a mustache is the make or break of your almost super bad-ass outward attitude. Please do not take the mustache lightly, it can either make you or just make you look like the creepy weirdo no one wants to sit next to on the bus.

You are cool enough that you don’t have to try to be cool anymore. You are cool ironically. Actually that might not mean you are cool… just a hipster.


better when the people around you had their eyes squeezed shut and their fingers stuck in their ears.

November 22 - December 21

Really though, although you don’t understand it, some people can’t just shut off the past that is so ingrained in their head. It has become such a deep part of them that if they did want to change, it would take a long time. You might just have to accept that.


December 22 - January 19

You have calmed down and looked at the situation in a better light. Yes, it still bothers you, and there may be no guarantee that the way you feel will ever go away, but now at least it doesn’t feel like it’s tearing you apart at the seams... At least not all the time.


January 20 - February 18

It’s like a monkey in a room filled with cymbals, add some screaming children and a mix tape of Yoko Ono singing…about like that.


February 19 - March 20

You made your bed, now you have to lie in it. Hmmm. But you just made it, so why would you lie on it and mess it all up again?

Valley Voice

September 2018

OSO’s Adventures

Up, Up and an OSO!

By Jeff Morehead

By Matt Scharf

The “Knit Wit” will miss us!



September 2018

Valley Voice

Over 40 Brewers!

September 14-15th

Live Music!

Friday, Sept 14th - 4-8pm

Beer Stroll (Downtown)

Saturday, Sept 15th - 2-6pm

Beer Garden & Beef Cook-off (Steamboat Mountain Village)

GET YOUR tickets! Presenting Sponsor:

Routt County CattleWomen

For those who live here and for those who wish they did.

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