Glosario marketing

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51. Marketing mix (mezcla de mercadotecnia): Marketing strategies used to obey the Company objectives. Here are the called four P’s (promotion, product, price, place). 52. Material P.O.P. (material P.O.P.): It isa ll the material used to promove the place of sale. 53. Matríz del Boston Consulting Group (Boston Consulting Group mould): It is a char t where are included four characteristics: A star (represents the market units with a big par ticipation and increment), an incognithal sign (the market units which requiere of a new planteament), a cow (activities with a lot of par ticipation in the marketing but have a low increase), and a dog (activities which don’t have a lot of par ticipation in the marketing and don’t have any increase). 54. WHOLESALERS: This is when the manufacturer delivers its goods to be distributed to an intermediar y between producers and retailers. 55. Mercadeo (buying and selling, marketing): Activity where people change ser vices or products to money. 56. MARKET: Space where is done a commercial activity - bought or sale. 57. E-MARKET PL ACES: Are websites created by companies to facilitate understanding of their products or ser vices to client. 58. Merchandising (hacer mercadeo): It has the proposit of improve the rentability of a sale. 59. Método científico (scientist method): It is used to give cer tain proves of something that is going to be inclued in an idea. 60. Metodología de la investigación (investigation methodology): It is a procedimient applied to be a good investigator, in this case, with the marketing área. 61. Monopolio (monopoly): It is an exclusive control of the market supply of a product or ser vice. 62. Necesidades (needs): These are things that a client ask for when buys a product or ser vice.

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