SPECIAL FORCES. History, roles and missions, training, weapons and equipment, combat scenarios

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i U.5. RaNGeRS aND THG BaTTLG I OFTORa BORa (DecEMBer 12-17,2001) I

n October 2001, the United States and its allies began nnilitary

the defenses of the al-Qaeda fighters, who pulled back with their


operations in Afghanistan in an effort to destroy the al-Qaeda

weapons to fortified positions higher up the mountain,Tribal


terrorist movement operating from that country, and also to topple

militiamen opposed to theTaliban regime maintained their advance


the Taliban fundamentalist regime and install a democratic

through this difficult terrain with the aid of air attacks coordinated


â– government. By November 2001, the U.S.A. had come to believe


that the al-Qaeda forces and its leader, Osama bin Laden, were

negotiated a truce with a local militia commander to give them time


based in theTora Bora complex of caves within the White Mountains

to surrender their weapons, though it is now believed that this was


of eastern Afghanistan, near the Khyber Pass into northwestern

a ruse to buy time for senior al-Qaeda leaders, including bin Laden,


Pakistan, Tora Bora, able to accommodate up to 1,000 persons and

to escape into the tribal areas of Pakistan,


believed to contain a very large cache of weapons left over from the


campaign against the Soviets in the 1980s, also included

by U,S, and British special forces,The ai-Qaeda forces then

Combat restarted on December 12, the combination of militiamen,


outposts created by the enlargement and strengthening of natural

allied special forces and allied air power enabling progress into the


caves achieved with the assistance of the CIA in the early 1980s,

cave and bunker positions extending through this mountain region.

On December 3, a group of 20 U,S, special force soldiers was airlifted into the area by helicopter to support the forthcoming operation, and two days later Afghan militiamen took the ground below the mountain caves and established tank positions from which to shell


U.S. special forces entered Kandahar airport on December 15,2001, and here

joined U.S. Marines in setting up a base of operations and a detention camp for ai-Qaeda prisoners captured in the Tora Bora campaign.

â–ş Men of the Afghan Nationai Army and U.S. Marines disembark from the rear of a U.S. Army Boeing CH-47 Chinook in Afghanistan's rugged Tora Bora mountains.

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