Magennto users guide

Page 46


Select an Attribute Set. Select Default if you haven’t created any attribute sets. This will determine what product data you can enter. You can refer back to the previous section for more information about managing Attribute Sets.

Select Configurable Product. Click Continue. Select Configurable Attributes.

For an attribute to be listed here, it must be associated to the attribute set which you selected in step 4, and it must not be a System Attribute. Also, as described in the message on the page (see image above), The Scope must be Global, the Input Type must be Dropdown, and Use To Create Configurable Product must be Yes. If an attribute is selected, it will not be configurable in the admin (as opposed to Simple Products, for which all attributes are configured in the admin). Instead, a drop-down menu will appear on the front-end for this attribute, and the customer will be able to

configure it. The options from which your customer will be able to select will depend on which Simple Products are associated to this Configurable Product (more on this below). If an attribute is not selected in this step, it will be configured in the admin just like is done for a Simple Product, and it will be fixed on the front-end. For example, if you were to select Color to be Configurable and Button Count not to be, then you could select the

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