1909 Stout Annual

Page 114

'The l..m cl 1907 wu


the otronf!OI lam whioh S4aut h.. ncr hod.


,.., due partly lo l.he Ia« th>l thrte wcrr old playen from the ' - cl I 906, ud p&tt'y

good m•n pt.yrd lon•••rd. With Z..tlt-m..n 11 ~rc. S!>auldinc aad MeN cal gu•rd.. Bailey and Sehau forward., .nd B>utn.\n and Touton wlHtitut.., the t...., WAt wolf b.lancrd. All woto old men with the exapliect cl Bauman and Schorr and they

~>«•- an exe<-p~ionaffy

W(I(C 11\C:U Of cx-peri.rnCC,

'llle ecnl('f WAI l\t fQ0$1 timet imJUtpable,

nu:~ fotWardt W('l'..

oxcdlenl. •nd the po:<itions ol ~uord w.,e well de/ended, And the l.oall wa. kep~ &<>in« one way mo.t olthc time duoinR lite teaiiOC\.

·n,;. team


in the Uni>rr..ly da» ud could mok. mew• than o

•«•frut any unl\·cnity learn. Schoof tpirit i. •

f<l••• "''l'"•lion

body •• well ., the foithlul ""'k cit he

to playm and the Ull<tt<l c•1nced by the Jtucinlt wrrr impo,unt 1.«.,. in the ..,.cea <I


tho lr•m ol 1907. Conddiont h•vc dt•ngrd cocuod.,.Liy thi. JJafcd with the tucoeu

«ood ohowina

r••• •nd • cry hul~ wa• looked lor u


of fmmcr )'Cllrf·,

Firat ol •fl. the toltool •t>irit wa• lacking: time lor p<Aetiec· wat nOI obtoinable more than ur• of men un.auw.tomrd to each other. S.ill. thrte: wat fully .. good material in the tum •• t.dorr. Sehon and Baum.n were men ol the yea• (,.,. locc. and the reot olthc loam W<tc n><n who had played tn othn team.. The 6tst game ol the O<"aJOO wllh the 1Hokomln' . • league learn cl Minnras>ola. thowed ol whAt the t<am WO> compoocd. "The ococe at the md cl the 6nt hall wu 1 lie and proved thAI the le•m ol ooly • month'• p<actice ""' one that eoukl hold men "ho had pfoyed together fO< fi•·e suacui•• yc011. lltc lr.m wa• JUpcrioc to the compony tum of Ncihval~ and ,(,owed what it could do loy winni11g • ocoro of 67 lo $. h lost 10 H ud.oc•'• <OITII"'"Y lcom ond the County ltAm, hut '"'' b«aute of laek ol 1••<1itc and the non·WPt>OII ol the Khoof. A.ido from tfti.. lh~ le•m wa• cE.onani!ed by tho lou ol Seharr. No one can '">' that the hatket ball le>m wat a la'lurr. "The ttamc> our team lost W«c lost hona<ly lo lr>nu that had bem ttainrd to ~~<••let cnduronre Hddfingc< wAt •• 1!0011 •• pLayer eoold be on cent<<. Nt<t the bt cl Scharr. O.um.. n and ChurduP ""'"• •n cndlcnl Jhowins. Hrwec 1lb~r<l the on guard and. with the help of Foot« and O.ny. dte POtilion WM wdl IIUpt>Oflffl. '11tc cllorta ol all <Oitccrncd to <fu the tchool acdit arr dtut c•id~nl. 1he lf'lnl ol once a week, ""d the team wa• madr



i iORKffi per&evttn'ln<:e WM I'HC&r.nl fHIIQHg them, 1\lld lhe 1('~01 wal ClOfUIPOtc:d


ll band


loyal men. ·n.e se<.ond team kept "'' r.ithful .,....... agointl the rr~ulo .. and played cui • err<!~. alok oc!tedulc. Theco it m>lrriol amonK thnn lo do iu>ltce 10 Stool athktio nc>l yur. Woth more p<ni.tcnl work and 1\f<Aict O<'hoof>Uppott a "'nn"'K loom may be o.pte~ed. 'The alhktic fcaiUie ol odtoof WO<k C&nnol be nc«k<trd and dt;etv.. the · - · cl Ill

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