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the chevron

31, 1975


-.Think’of~-aTProblem,: * and keep thinking of more. Now how many other students that you know, or don’t know, might have l some of -the-same problems? There are over 150,000 university and college students in this pro- 4 vince.. Our problems are-n’t going to decrease very ‘much in the near future, and things will likely get 7



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Sowhatarewetodo? *‘‘. I For one thing, let’s consider an-organization


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the ONTARIO! FEDERATION OF STUDENTS. Over one hundred thousand students belong to it . through their student councils Representatives from membercampuses, periodid ’ . tally meet ,to discuss their situation, and to define the problems. They ch’oose seven persons from around the *province to act as an Executive. This \ executive works with a full-time staff to combat . 1 problems we face as students and citizens. ’ The staff of O.F.S.. presently numbers six , and plans ’ ’ to expand to ten to include- three-researchers, four . fieldworkers, one secretary, a lobbyist, and an execzutive db-o-rdinator. I _On Weghesday,‘Fbbruary 5, we will vote (at thb polling stations-._ for the presidential election) on whether or not to have the university- collect (with our other fees) $1.50 per year from each-of l us 0P;EN FORU<Ni ON O.F.S. REFEREN-DU-M FEE & MEMBERSHIP -On’ Tuesday, February 4, at i :00 p.m. in the Cam: ’ ,pus Centre Great Hall,. Shane Roberts of the _ ’ Federation of Students and a member of the0.F.S. executive for,two years, will be available to answer any questions-you may. have.


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