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MbNDAYTOkRIDCirY Continuous-cfrom 7-p.m. Saturday And Sunday

13. <big place!-Alternately in aes- . 4. 0; the-‘quick road to--Scotland? Take a turn‘& passover. (9) tival(4) 5. Daughter of Mrs. A.? No ecc14+It’s oqer 2 if blown. (4)17, For the hence,/ sins city; but - lesiastic mass. (5,) sullen, end , flurriid all no - 6. St& _ , ‘“sorted out by the sherriff dirtied up. (7) principle3 at all. ( l$+‘i. Makes 6 nearer Godly. ‘(7) 19. yheline guy gets his&e (ouch) Across _ ’ c . -just west of the yellow idol. (8) ’ 20. An onion, Blodwyn;- will: make 1. Cdllected works on grey 11. are head, stupid! (9) . hom&? (-7) .. . ( -YOU swing your keel. (4) _12. How’s that, grasshopper? (7) 13. Scurvy fakir in his acid drops 21. Zohds! fle.as. (5) 5. _A greek letter (so) feeds my 22. Treacles are sweet, Take&e globe for F_rench connective. love. (5);. .-- -and shak,e for dryer drinks. - -( 7 ) _-/ (7) : L 8. I&rein Mofite Christo presuk’ ed to saymenay!/(4) ’ i .Down i5. Sarcastic seamstress? (7) 9. Melt the .Vise sold at jqqble 2. No shine with the Queen, its 16.- Emphasize ‘the electric penny sale. (8) - L. solid stuff. (6)” (6)1. 10. Tailless hawk takes ‘headless- - , 3. The last df Jim gives reportqs - 18: Apehes arsenate mixed 4, nation dh trip. (13). - “ - but not eaten. ,(5) - 1 ! . chance to make a mark. (7) ’ -‘< r/ \ . Nicholas Sour&iki wbn tti* pias?ies for completing last weeks crossword before anyone e/s& This weeks crossword was compL@d by Maximitiian Praxiliedes. This week‘s winner will again !eceive ten pias‘tres. I


a summer likqthis.

Classified ads are acc&@d between 9 and 5 in the chevron office. See Charlotte. Rates qre 50 cents -for the first fifteen words and five





-Ele&ohome &“’ TV, Al condition. $50 5762249. ‘64 Land Rdver camper, fully equipped for TransAfrican journey, complete spares. Call Toronto 259-4639 collect. Must sell. 1963 Chtvsler Newo& V6, nood conFOUND dition. $200.576-5144.R e canvas knap sack in seemingly fine conFound one sliver band with -inCription. Idendi idn. Capable of holding, concealing OT or stash- tify.and call 576-7070 or 579-6796 ask for ins foiti oounds of shit. For more info call 579- , Eleanbr. 6796 lov&. _ /1966 Ford Galaxie sedan, top condition. tires’1968 Buick OS 350, 2 &or hardtop. viny! roof. miles. Mechan$al fitness certifi( burst 4 speed,_ new wide ovals, 26.000 miles. _- good. 42,000 i Best offer. 578-J 152 afterBpm;-m I cate. Call Toronto 416-486-3424. d_* 9 . / -IN MhiORIAM JlNCHES. .Sigmund and Sirnone. beloved and survived by Carl H. Sulliman. In lieu of flowers, donatidns to be sent *to the Engineering Dean’s Bail Fund or Eng Sot Stag Foundation. R.I.P.


I - .


. - - -

- - -

, -

‘All typing done efficiently, and promptly. Call Mrs. Wright 745-l 111 weekdays; 745-1534 L eveti ngs. HOUSING






Males mount

and females to share a house near Westand Erb. Call 579-6798. -_ Girl needed to share apartment.’ Rent reasonable,Aose to universities. Phone 579-2002.



Girls double ioom .in townhouse use of home, nutdoor pool. No res&tion&. Mrs. Wright 745 1111 weekdays; 745-l 534 &oings. , --

-_ -




campus-student,faculty or staff. See the call extension: 3443. Deadline is tuesday

_ _

I . TODAV . Federation Three Flicks $1 members; no&members. Bpm AL1 1 G.,,.Sponsored deration of Students. Bi-National Dance-$Ionference-Theatre --/ Arts. --

SUNDAY ’ ‘-Blbck Box Theatre - Bi-NatiobaL Da&e performance’. Bpm Theatre of -the Arts. Admipsion $2.06; students $1 .OO

$1.50 by Fe: of’ t&

Bi-National Arts.

Lxthus Coffee Housemopens. 9pm-CC snack \ bar: \ SATURDAY , Ririe - Woodbury Dance Company ‘-‘ Bi-Natibnal Dance Perfoyance. 6pm HUM Bldg, TheBtre. Admission $2.00; sttients $1 .OO Federation Three‘ Flicks noti me&bers. BpnAL116. ation of Students.


2 46 the’ Chek& . _


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AS ADULT A subscription

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ENTERTAINMENT -_ . . . . . . -- . f?e

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, _,!eFs address

Bi-National, Arts. el &t/es



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W sfvdents The

receive Chevron,


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_ movement Bpm HUM _’ -

ToroCFto Dance Theatre: Bi-National Dance perfermance. Bpm Hum Building Theafre, Admission$;!.OO; students $1 .OO. *’ i Bi-National D&ice Conference Theatre I& !he ‘6, Arts.

of the by


Waterloo University Gay Liberation general meeting. Everyone welcome. 161 Grad Student LBunge.



. off-campus,,t~p..Non-Hudenir: , Waterfob,

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ihe Chevron




$1 members; $1.50 Sponsored by Feder:

Co,nference to

Dance Conference-Theatre ’ - ,’

TUESDAY -. --Bi-National Dance Arts. Flying Club gr&nd 7pm MC3007.


annual/y, .

$3 -






of the welcome


The Brock-mrt Resident Dance Company - BiNational Dance’ performance “Saga”. 6pm Humanities building Theatre Admission i$2.00; students $1 .OO. WEDNESDAY Bi-National Dance Conferetice, Theatre of the Arts. THURSDAY Federation Three Flicks. Bpm AL1 16 $1 .oO_ . members; $1.50’lnon-members. SPonsored by . I Federation of Students. _ Bi-National Dance Conference. Th’eatre of the Arts.

a term.

.ior I

Ontario. . \


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