Check your english vocabulary for ielts

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topic-specific vocabulary

Architecture 3 Complete this report w ith w ords and phrases from Exercises 1 and 2. In some cases, more than one answer is possible, and you w ill need to change the form of one of the words.

Report from the director o f the West Twyford Town Planning Committee T h e last year has been a busy one fo r the W est T w y fo rd T o w n Planning C om m itte e. O u tlin e d b elow are a fe w o f the areas w e have concentrated on.


A pplications fo r 1.......................................... .............. permission fro m hom e ow ners w h o w a n t to d evelop th e ir properties have increased by 50 per cent. How ever, m any of these hom es are historic buildings and have 2.........................................................orders w hich p revent th e m fro m being altered externally. A t present, w e can only a llo w ow ners to 3.........................................................the inside of th e ir hom es (including installing central heating and im proved w all insulation).


Last sum m er w e invited several 4 design plans fo r the n e w council offices on Peach Street. W e eventually chose Barnard, Jackson and Willis, a local com pany. It was generally agreed th a t th e ir design, w hich included a grey tin te d 5......................................................... 6 at the fro n t o f the b uildin g, was the m ost aesthetically pleasing. T h e y are currently in the process o f laying the 7 r the n e w building, w hich w e understand is taking some tim e as the land must be drained first.

3. In response to a lot o f com plaints a b o u t the lack of 8 ......................................................... facilities in the to w n , it was agreed at last m onth's m eeting th a t funds should be set aside fo r the construction of a n ew sports centre and yo u th club.

4. Several 9 ......................................................... buildings w hich have been ruined and a bandoned for over five years are to be knocked d o w n . In th e ir place, a n e w housing 10......................................................... w ill be built. This w ill provide 20 n e w homes w ith in the next tw o years.

5. Everybody agrees th a t the n e w shops on the H igh Street are 11............................................................It is certainly tru e th a t the y are very ugly and o u t of keeping w ith the oth e r buildings on th e street. In future, w e must ensure th a t all n e w buildings are b uilt in a so th a t th e y fit in w ith the older buildings a rou nd the m .

6. Th e re has been an increased crime rate in the 13......................................................... to the east of the to w n . W e plan to dem olish these ru n -d o w n areas w ith in the next eight years and re-house the residents in n e w 14.........................................................apartm ents in the Berkely Heath district.

In an a tte m pt to help th e e nvironm ent, w e are g o in g to make the to w n hall m ore 15.......................................................... W in d o w s w ill be d oub le-gla zed , walls and ceilings will be insulated and w e will replace the current central heating system.

M y next report w ill be in tw o m onths' tim e. A n y b o d y w ishing to discuss these issues can contact me on extension 287.


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