The U.A.C. Alumni Quarterly, Vol. 1 No. 4, May 1925

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of the department of texti les was granted sabbatical leave for one year to continue her studies. The board decided , subject to the limits of funds of the Institution , to extend the sabbatical privilege to include assistant and associate professors. In comm en ti ng upon the facu lt y for next year President P eterson cal led atte nti on to th e fa ct that fi ve new doctors degrees would b e represented on the teaching staff. These include Ors. Stewa rt, hraelson , Daines, Pack and Carter. The matter of the appoi ntm ent of a dean for the sch ool of agriculture to succeed Dr . Hill was taken under advisement as was also the matter of securing a head for the department of anim al husbandry.

College on Sound Basis for Coming Biennium. A lth o ugh the approp riations for maintenance made by the last Srate Legislature were less than the College hoped to rece ive for the coming biennium , it appears that the Institution will pe .able , by elim inating entirely its buil"din g program and by practicing careful economy , to functi on on as large or larger teaching bud get than last year. The attitude of the legislature toward the college was cordial in the ex treme and it is felt that the appropriations made were as large as possible und er the circumstances. Beca use of a very limited state income and of expa nding sta te expenditures, the legislators w ere forced to pare down all appropriations to the very minimum. One very gra tifyi ng situation that developed during the session was the complete approval given to the Institution and its program by the Farm Bureau of the state indicating how closely the College is in harmony with the agricultural interes ts of Utah . The appropriations made the College for the coming biennium were as follows : General maintenance, $ l 25,000 , a slight decrease over the last bienn ium ; Experiment Station, $9 5,000, the same as the last biennium; and the Extension Division, $ 78 ,000, a slight increase over the last biennium. In addition , $I 3,000 was appropriated for two experimental seed farms , one to be in the Uinta Basin and one to be in San Juan county. A bit of legislation that will doubtless be of great importance to higher educational institutions was the bilJ enlarging the duties and the importance of the State Board of Education. This board of which President Peterson is a member, has lodged with it now authority to eliminate duplications of work in the entire educational system of the state. It is not know n as yet how it will react upon the institutions of higher education. The president of the institution was made a member of the n ew ly created state parks commission by the Legislature.

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