General Catalogue 1916

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VETERINARY SCIENCE PROFESSOR FREDERICK 1. VETERINARY ELEMENTS. Anatomy and physiology and the common ailments of domestic animals; the most prevalent contagious diseases, their causes, symptoms, course, diagnosis and treatment; observation and practice in the free weekly clinics. Two hours, either term, and a three-hour clinic. Three credits. Lee. Wed. Fri. 9:20; clinic, Wed. 1:30 to 4:00

2. CoMPARATIVE ANATOMY. For students in agriculture, and animal husbandry especially. Practical work in dissection. Two lectures, illustrated by skeletons and models, and one laboratory period, thruout the year. Six credits. 3. OBSTETRICS. Obstetrical anatomy, reproduction, hyg iene of pregnant animals, obstetric operations, accidents of parturition, and diseases of the young animals. The college herd and the surrounding stock-breeding community g ive opportunity for practical work. Three hours, one term. Three credits. 4. PHYSIOLOGY. The vital functions of the different species of domestic animals and those of the human body are compared; the physical and chemical laws as related to physiology; the general properties of animal cells,-their origin, development and growth; special physiology of the various organs and tissues of the animal body. Three lectures a week, thruout the year. Six credits. Tu. Th. Sat. 11 :50

S. CLINICS. Free clinics at the hospital, in which students of veterinary science must assist. The numerous cases represent all diseases common to this locality and furnish the clinic with abundant material for observation and practice. Hours and credits to be arranged. 6. HoRSE SHOEI NG. The anatomy and physiology of the horse's foot; the form of the foot and direction of the limb ; variations in the flight of the foot, style of going, shoeing of normal

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