RealtorMag May/June

Page 56

power of R your membership

Power of R showcases the value of the REALTOR® organization and the impact of REALTORS® in action.

REaching Out to You

The Counselor Is In

Eight innovative technology companies whose products and services have the

named general counsel of the National

Katherine “Katie” Johnson was recently

potential to offer substantial benefits for NAR members have joined the 2014 REach

Association of

program, a nine-month technology accelerator operation run by NAR’s strategic


investment arm, Second Century Ventures. Last year’s inaugural class of REach

replacing Laurie

companies all experienced revenue or customer growth ranging from 100 percent

Janik, who retired

to 2,000 percent. Nearly 200 industry executives mentored program participants,

in 2013. We asked

providing one-on-one guidance on the direction of their products, services, and


promotions. In addition, about 700 REALTORS® tested the products, offering input

early-stage companies offer the industry. The selection process is highly competi-

What does the general counsel do for NAR and its members?

tive, with an acceptance rate of less than 10 percent. Three of this year’s companies

The general counsel oversees two divi-

focus on commercial real estate as their primary market.

sions of NAR: Legal Affairs and Board Pol-

to help tailor solutions best suited for the real estate industry. Learn more about joining an Insight Panel for this year’s class at Here’s a rundown of the 2014 REach companies and the value proposition these

icy and Programs. Legal Affairs identifies

Back At You Media

SeaSuite by Goby

and responds to the legal needs of NAR

provides Facebook marketing for the

tracks energy use in buildings to opti-

and its subsidiaries, affiliates, state and

real estate industry, with a proprietary

mize efficiency and regulatory report-

local associations, MLSs, and members.

lead generation, communication, and

ing. The platform helps building owners

That includes staying abreast of litigation,

education platform. []

and managers run better buildings by

laws, and potential liabilities affecting

capturing and distilling multiple build-

associations and REALTORS® so that

ing data sources. []

we can provide helpful risk management

Deductr is a tool to make tax time

education and resources. It also includes

less taxing by automatically tracking expenses, mileage, and time, allowing

SendHub is a phone suite de-

protecting the REALTOR® trademark.

practitioners to keep more of what they

signed for real estate pros. It works on

Ensuring the proper form and contex-

earn. It provides one-click access to all

any device and offers real-time analyt-

tual use of the trademark is important

of the information needed to maximize

ics, text messaging, and all the features

to preserving its high value and brand

deductions. []

of a PBX system. []

recognition []. Through

Desktime helps commercial

SmartZip’s marketing automa-

ber or association is involved in litigation

brokers optimize their clients’ offices

tion platform uses the power of big data

that presents issues of significance to

and facilities by turning unused space

to help agents win listings by identifying

the association, the industry, or property

into coworking areas and connecting

top home seller prospects accurately

rights, we provide assistance in the form

them to mobile workers who are seek-

and reaching them through targeted

of funds or amicus curiae briefs [realtor

ing work spaces. []

online and offline marketing cam-

.org/programs/legal-action-program]. In

paigns. []

2014, we’re rolling out a quarterly scan,

our Legal Action Program, when a mem-

FundWell is an online market-

Legal Pulse, that gives members a timely

place that prequalifies and matches

WeVideo enables agents to create,

look at court decisions and trends as they

small businesses and commercial real

edit, and share professional-grade vid-

unfold across the country. [

estate investors to lenders, giving users

eos with a few clicks on the web using a


access to the best possible funding

desktop browser or any mobile device.

options. []


Learn about the work of the Board Policy group and more:




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