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Random Facts

This month's random fact concerns those unmistakably orange favorites of the Halloween season, pumpkins. Now, we all know that there are some pretty big pumpkins rolling around out there, for example Cinderella's coach and Peter the pumpkin eater's house, and that there are some equally impressive pies made from them. But I'll be willing to bet that never in your wildest sugar induced Halloween dreams could you imagine what reality has to offer!

Joe Jutras from North Scituate, Rhode Island is the man we pay homage to as the king of pumpkin growers. His world record busting pumpkin came in at a flabbergasting 1689 pounds! His gigantic wonder smashed the previous world record by 187 pounds, now that's what I call a pumpkin!

As if growing the giants were not enough an ingenious group, the New Bremen Giant Pumpkin Growers in New Bremen, Ohio, made the worlds largest pumpkin pie. It weighed 2,020 pounds and was more that 12 feet across! It took five hours to bake in an oven designed specially for the event and lost 200 pounds in the process. Wow. All that comes to mind is "Where do I find a fork and some whipped cream?"

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About Johnny Carson Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer turpis. Vestibulum sodales pharetra libero. Mauris scelerisque arcu quis metus. Nullam faucibus malesuada arcu. Suspendisse eget erat. Donec tincidunt ultricies nibh. Curabitur nunc erat, rhoncus sed, vulputate quis, dapibus non, ligula. Mauris magna. Proin vel metus pulvinar leo sodales adipiscing. Donec lectus nibh, tempus gravida, fermentum ac, congue non, lectus. Sed adipiscing orci sit amet nisl. Aliquam vel augue. Donec neque. Fusce diam. Integer id arcu a ante iaculis vestibulum. Praesent fringilla eleifend nisl. Morbi nec sem at arcu imperdiet porta.

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