Alumni Bulletin, University of Richmond, Volume 3, April 1939

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J. Vaug han Gary , Richmond attorney; Dr. Sparks Melton, Norfolk pasto r, and Congressman A. Willis Rob ertso n of Lexington are candi dates for the office of pr esident of the University of Richmond 's General Society of Alumni. The victor in the battle of ba llots w ill succeed W . B. F. (Billy) Cole, genial commonwea lth 's attorney of Freder icksb m g, who for two years has lent his best efforts to the office. Ballots will be p laced in the mail on or about May 1st and the new pr esident will be inaugurated at the Commencement exercises in June. Althou g h the ballot will contain only the names of the candid ates- in alph abetical order - THE ALUMNI BULLETIN will attempt to tell briefly the accompli shm ents of the men who have been placed in nomination for thes e important offices. This is don e for the benefit of alumni - particularly the younger alumni - to whom some of the candid ates may not be known . Vau g han Gary won his Bachelor of Arts degree at th e Univers ity in 191 2 and received his LLB. three years later. H e represents the class of 1915 on the Alumni Council and is a member of the University's Board of trust ees and th e athlet ic council. H e is a former member of the Virginia House of Delegate s. Dr. M elton, pasto r of th e Freemason Street Bapt ist Church, is a memb er of th e class of 1893 at th e University of Richmo nd which later conferred on him th e honorary degree of Do ctor of Divinity. He received his professiona l ed ucation at Crozer Theo log ical Seminary. He is a member of the University's board of trustees and recently was hon ored by th e Norfolk Cosmopo litan Club whi ch conf erred on him the title of first citizen of Norfolk for 1938. Congressman Rob ertson received his Bache lor of Arts degr ee in 1907 and his law degree the fo llowing year. H e represents the class of 1907 on th e alumni council. He has served successively as a member of the Genera l Assembly of Virginia , chairman of the State Comm ission on Game and Inland Fish er ies and as a member of the United States House of Repr esentatives. Vi ce presidential cand idates are A . H. Camden, ' 11, super int endent of Hargrave M ilitary Academy and president of the Halifax-Pittsy lvan ia Alumni Chapter; Lee Gaskins , '30, membersh ip secretary of the Down town Branch of the Y.M.C.A. in Pittsbmgh and president of the Pittsbmgh Alumni Chapter; Virgil H. Goode, '27, nominated for ree lection, B.S. in Busin ess, '27, LLB. in 1935, now pra cticing law in Rocky Mount , Va.; Norwood G . Greene, '29, Un ited States Secret Service age nt at Camden, N. J., who has bee n of grea t assistance to the athletic department in interviewing prosp ective stude nt s; Joseph A. Leslie , Jr. , '16, associate ed itor of the Norfolk L edger- D ispatrh , and

an official and act ive member of the Norfolk Alumni Chapt er, and Dr. Roscoe R. Spencer, '09, M.D. John s Hopkin s, 1913, internationally known for his work in spott ed fever, engaged now in cancer study for the National Institute of Health , pr esident of Washington Alumni Chapter. For secretary the candidat es are Victor H. Chaltain, '34, class representative on th e alumni council and assistant secretary of the New York Alumni Chapter; W. Rol and Galvin , pr esident of the class of 1926 , head of the science department of Thomas Jeffer son Hi gh Schoo l, Richmond , and E. Douglas G unt er, '3 0, nominated for reelection, Richmond insuran ce man. Candidates for election to the athletic council are Y. M. Hodg es, South Hill lawyer and a form er memb er of the General Assembly of Virgini a; Richard C. Walden III, '2 2, of Richmond , chairm an of the ath letic council since 1928, an executive of the Old Dominion Mort gage Corporation; Thoma s C. Yeaman, ' 30, an executive of the Ch esapeake and_ Potomac Telephone Company of Virg 101a.

class repre sentative for 1935 on the alumni council, treasurer of th e Richmond Quart erback Club, assistant advertisin g mana ge r, Neighborhood Theatres , Inc. -f

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One of the year's outstand ing events in chur ch circles was the consecration of the V ery Rev. Alexander Hugo Blankingship, '2 1, as Bishop of the Protestant Episcopa l Dio cese of Cuba. The ceremony , at which the Rt. Rev. H. St. George Tucker, D.D. , Bishop of Virginia and Pr esiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church in th e United States, presided, took place in the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Havana , of which Bishop Blankingship has been dean since 1927. -f

Suggested as candidates for memb ership on the University 's board of directors are Samuel T. Bowman , '2 0, banker and commissioner of the revenue at Bristol, Va. , and pr esident of the Bristo l Alumni Chapter ; Morgan L Combs , ' 17, (M .A. Chicago , M.Ed. Har vard, Ed .D. H arvard) president , Mary W ashington College , Fredericksburg; Wilmer L O 'Flaherty , B.A. '1 1, and LLB . '15, offered for reelection to the board of trustees , class representative of '11, prominent Richmond attorney; Oscar B. Ryder , B.A . '08, M.A. ' 09, United States Tariff Commissioner, past pr esident of the Washington Alumni Chapter; Dr. Henry A. Slater, ' 07 , superintendent of the Southwestern Minnesota Sanatorium at Worthington , Minn. , recently reelected as pre sident of the Minnesota Publi c H ealth Asso ciation , int ernationally known for hi s discoveries in th e treatment of tuberculosis and in the prevention of the disease; J. Maurice Trimmer , '27 (Th .M . Southern Baptist Theological Semin ary) , class repres entative for '27, secretary of the Roanoke Alumni Chapter , retiring vice presid ent of the General Society of Alumni , pastor of the Salem Baptist Chmch. For election to the executi ve committee th e candi dat es are W . B. F. Cole, ' 12, retiring president of the Gen eral Society of Alumni, benefactor of many students who hav e attended the Un iversity, commo nwe alth 's attorney of Fredericksbmg; Edward J. Fox, '17 (M.A., George Washington University) , class representative for 1917 on the alumni council, past secretary of the Washington Alumni Chapter, chemist for the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils of th e United States D epartment of Agriculture; R. R . Park er, '06 , Appalachia , Va. , lawyer, member of the Virginia State Senate ; S. Fran k Straus , '35,


Loui s Krapin , '32, is now emp loyed by the :Ji. city of Richmond as investigator of th e 5,000 • persons on the relief rolls. Louis , wellremembered as one of the outstanding basketball players in Un iversity of Richmond 8 11nals, came to Richmond from the Emergency Relief Bur eau of the New York D epa rtment of Publi c Welfare.



Mr. and Mrs . Cheevers Moran Barry announce th e marriage of their daught er, Mary Moran , to George Carlton Hop e, '3 7, coach at Maury High School, on March 30. George and his bride are now living at 1475 G leneag les Road, Norfolk . -f



R. Buford Brandi s, Jr. , '37, has been awa rded a fellowship in econom ics at Duk e . University for 1939-40. He will receive his M.A. in Jun e and will start work toward his doctorate in September.

Legion of Honor Richmond 's "Legion of Honor "-t he ten members of the ad ministration and facult y who have been in the serv ice of the University for twenty-five years or more - will be honor ed guests at the board of trust ees' lun cheon at 1 :00 P.M. , June 5th. In the order of their association with th e University, the Legion members are: Pr esident F. W. Boatwright , a member of the faculty since 1887; Rob ert Edwin Gaines, professor of mathematics , 1890 ; Dr. Samuel Chiles Mitch ell, professor of history and po litical science, 1895; Dr. William Asbury H arris, profe ssor of Greek and Latin , 1901; Dr . Rob ert Edward Lovin g, professor of physics , 1908; B. West Tabb , vice pr esident and treasurer of the University , 1911; H enry Brantly Handy , professor of Engl ish, 19 14; Mis s Elizabeth L Thomasson, secretary to the president , 1914 ; Dean May L Keller of We sthampton College, 191 4; and Miss Fan-• nie Crenshaw , director of physi cal educat ion at W esthampton, 19 14.

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