2012 Department of History Newsletter

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SUMMER 2012 University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Department of

HISTORY history.unl.edu



NEW BOOKS page 15


“The past is infinite”

UNL Student Ali Bousquet photo: Patrick Jones

harvesting history by Patrick Jones

Three years ago, the History Department initiated a new program, called “The History Harvest” (HH). The program was born out of an acknowledgement that Nebraska is a diverse state with a rich and complex history that is often overlooked and that everyday people are the main “keepers” of that history, in the things they hold onto and in the stories they have to share from their own experience. The History Harvest program is a collaborative effort to help uncover, collect, preserve, archive and share some of the many “hidden” historical treasures located our own communities. Once a year, The History Harvest program goes to a different town or neighborhood and holds a community “History Harvest,” inviting local people to bring us interesting historical artifacts they have in their personal collections. Historical artifacts might include letters, diaries, photographs, pamphlets, records, legal documents, memorabilia from local or national events or campaigns (buttons, fliers, posters, programs, etc.), popular culture

-Toni Morrison

objects, artwork, and other ephemera that hold historical significance. Community members bring their artifact(s) to our site, where a team of professional historians, as well as graduate students and advanced undergraduate History majors, are on hand to talk with them about the ways their artifacts connect with the broader national story of American history. In short, we educate the community about the historical value of their artifacts. Additionally, we create a digital copy of each historical artifact (through photographing it or scanning it) and collect oral histories attached to the object. The digitized historical artifacts we collect are then included in an expanding web-based public archive of Nebraska history that we are creating. This History Harvest web-archive (historyharvest.unl.edu) will be free and open to teachers, students and the general public in Nebraska, across the country and beyond. At each History Harvest stop, we also try to build partnerships with community organizations that have an interest in preserving local history.

In fall 2012, we conducted our third History Harvest event in North Omaha and focused on the hidden history of African Americans in Nebraska’s largest city. For the first time, eight advanced undergraduate History majors worked on the project as a part of an internship class taught by Professor Patrick Jones. Students learned about the history of African Americans in North Omaha, then planned, organized, advertised and executed the History Harvest in late-October. Objects brought in by community members included a slave cup, a 1925 North Omaha business directory, photographs of jazz bands and other musicians, various artifacts related to a local Tuskegee Airman, and early-20th century sheet music by three North Omaha composers. Students also worked with the Great Plains Black History Museum, an important community institution in North Omaha that has been closed for more than a decade. Students helped refurbish damaged and decaying archival holdings and spent a day inventorying artifacts that had been locked away in a storage container. Among (continued on page 14)

WELCOME from the


Summer 2012 The Department of History had a terrific academic year in 2011-2012, and we are looking forward to fall 2012 when three new faculty members will join our department and classes begin again. You will read here about our recent successes and achievements. Our faculty members won major book prizes, including the National Jewish Book Award in the Holocaust category, and prestigious fellowships, including an American Council of Learned Societies fellowship and a Fulbright. Our graduate students have published peer reviewed journal articles in the most prestigious journals, including The Journal of Military History, Environmental History, and Great Plains Quarterly. Our undergraduate students led a wildly successful History Harvest in Omaha in October 2011. Our major is more popular than ever—it has more than doubled since 2002. We currently have over 285 history majors in our undergraduate program, and in the past year, we restructured many of our undergraduate courses and added new courses. We want our students to be grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, to have gained the research and communication skills necessary for the 21st century, and to have mastered the discipline of historical inquiry and thinking. These skills are more important than ever in today’s economy and society, and University of Nebraska students recognize the value of a History degree. This year our department will welcome three new faculty members. Katrina Jagodinsky will join our department as an Assistant Professor of History. Professor Jagodinsky specializes in North American West, Women’s History, 19th century history, and Legal History. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Arizona in 2011 and was a Research Fellow at the Clements Center for Southwest Studies at Southern Methodist University. She is working on a book manuscript, “Legal Codes and Talking Trees: Indigenous Women in Imperial Courts.” She has also taught Native American history as an Instructor at the Tohono O’odham Community College. Malte Rehbein will also join our department as an Assistant Professor of History. Professor Rehbein specializes in Digital History and Digital Humanities, Medieval History, and European History. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Göttingen (magna cum laude) and he has served as an Associated Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria and as the Director of the Würtzburg Research Center for Digital Editing. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Digital Medievalist. Rehbein has also served as a Visiting Scholar at An Foras Feasa Institute in Maynooth, Ireland, and as a Senior Management Consultant for Siemens AG.


“We want our students to be grounded in the liberal arts and sciences, to have gained the research and communication skills necessary for the 21st century...”

James Coltrain will join our department as a Lecturer. Dr. Coltrain specializes in Digital History and Digital Humanities, Colonial America, and Atlantic World history. He earned his Ph.D. in History at Northwestern University. Coltrain’s dissertation, “Constructing Empires: Architecture, Power, and Provincial Identity in Early America,” used three-dimensional models to reconstruct and examine the architecture of imperial spaces at three fort settlements in the Atlantic: Castillo San Marco, Fortress Louisbourg, and Fort Stanwix. This 2012-2013 academic year, we have major events that will be exciting and important for the future of the department. We will undergo an Academic Program Review and evaluation and we have been preparing for the visit by the review team. We will host the Pauley Symposium on “History, Truth, and Reconciliation,” which will feature an impressive list of speakers and scholars. We will convene our first meeting of the department’s new Alumni Advisory Council whose members include business leaders, scholars, lawyers, and writers. We will lead The History Harvest project this year (historyharvest.unl. edu) on Lincoln, Nebraska and its refugee communities. We are looking forward to an exciting new year! To see more about the Department of History, including upcoming events, news, and videos with five senior history majors (Rex Burkhead, Academic All American, Lane Carr, president of ASUN, Kelsey Jistel, president of Phi Alpha Theta, Brittany Jones, McNair Scholar, and Robert Perry), please visit our web site at history.unl.edu Best,

William G. Thomas Chair

“ a community feel to it!”

-Lane Carr, History Major and ASUN President



5 undergrads make history

by Mikal Brotnov

Five undergraduates at University of NebraskaLincoln are making history. The Department of History at UNL attracts students from inside and outside Nebraska. Rex Burkhead an Academic All American history major who hails from Plano, Texas remains “passionate about the subject.” For him, history was not just about the books, it was “fun.” Another Texan, Kelsey Jistel, took part in History Harvest, an innovative program within the History department. Kelsey feels as though History Harvest, which took place this year in North Omaha, afforded her an “internship experience.” Experiential learning and hands-on interaction is at the core of studying history at UNL. In a collaborative effort with the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities at UNL, the department knows that history is constantly moving forward. Historians at UNL have the ability to be trained in the digital humanities.Brittany Jones, a McNair scholar from Olathe, Kansas relishes the ability to work on the Civil Washington Digital Project. (http:// civilwardc.org). In reflecting on this project, she noted, “a great teacher makes it [history] exciting.” And this project stands out as a perfect example. She and Kelsey both agree that history greatly improved their analytical skills, something needed in the 21st century workforce. While many people see the study of history as isolating, two undergraduates disagree. Lane Carr, Ainsworth, Nebraska believes that the “community feel” of the department is something that makes studying history at UNL unique. Carr plans on a career focusing on improving educational policy. Robert Perry, a Houston native, sees history at UNL as a “collaborative effort to help people move forward.”

Right to Left: Robert Perry, Lane Carr, President of ASUN, Rex Burkhead, Academic All American, Kelsey Jistel, President of Alpha Phi Theta and Brittany Jones, McNair Scholar. Photo: University Communications.









UNDERGRADUATE Taylor Meyer spent this summer photographing beauty pageants for National American Miss www.namiss.com. In addition, he shot Husker Sports for www.cornfedsports.com. Taylor will also be enrolled in the History Harvest this fall under the direction of Dr. Patrick Jones. Kaitlin Mazour was elected ASUN Internal VP. Jennifer Montgomery made the Dean’s List for the Arts & Sciences. Markus Schoof worked at the Love Library Archives and recently received by the Park Foundation – Annis C. Sorensen Scholarship. Shailana Dunn-Wall worked on the Civil War Washington project as a UCARE student.

GRADUATE PROGRAM This summer, Jeremiah Bauer traveled to the Filson Historical Society in Louisville, Kentucky and the National Archives in Kansas City, Missouri to conduct research for his dissertation and for a paper he will be presenting at the American Society for Legal History Conference in St. Louis in November. Jeremiah is hoping to get to Washington, D.C. and Maryland to do more research before the summer is over. Other than that, he has enjoyed the summer teaching American History to 1865 online for UNO. During the 2011-2012 academic year, Mikal Brotnov worked as a research assistant for Dr. Margaret Jacobs. During spring 2012, he returned to Clark University, where he delivered a paper entitled “Squatter Imperialism and Genocide in Nimiipuu (Nez Perce) Country” during the Second International Graduate Students’ Conference for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. This summer Mikal was awarded the Graduate Research fund by the Harris Center for Judaic Studies at UNL to travel to the American Jewish Archives in Ohio. He also completed the Summer Institute for Online Teaching and Preparing Future Faculty programs at UNL this summer. This fall,

he travels to University of Manitoba-Winnipeg to present a paper, “So We Lift Our Trusting Eyes: The Conversion Process by ABCFM Female Missionaries in Armenia and the American West” during their workshop, “Colonial Genocide and Indigenous North America.” Kevin Chrisman writes from Oaxaca, Mexico. There, he is attending the 13th annual Oaxaca Summer Institute for the next month under the direction of Prof. Bill Beezley and Maria Munoz. This is a rich cultural experience that combines the social culture of Oaxaca with various scholars of Modern Mexico. Following the institute, he will be traveling to the Archivo General de la Nacion, in Mexico City to conduct archival research for my thesis on Mexico in the late 1960s. Kevin is looking at an event in a pueblito called San Miguel de Canoa in Puebla, where a lynch mob of 2,000 residence of the town murdered four University of Puebla employees who were going on a mountain climbing expedition. They were mistaken for communists. He was awarded the Prof. August Edgren Fellowship, the Valeda K. Wood Graduate Fund and Graduate Teaching Assistant 2012 – 2013. Kevin will function as a senator on the Graduate Student Task Force and the treasurer for the HGSA. Brian Gribben accepted a position with Fort Hays State University (KS) as an adjunct instructor in their history department. As he had in the spring, he is currently teaching survey courses through their Virtual College. Brian is also developing courses over the Soviet Union and Holocaust for FHSU’s Virtual College as the history department has expanded their graduate program to include an online, non-thesis, M.A. With respect to the doctoral program, he continues to review primary and secondary material while he formulates potential dissertation topics. Brian is currently considering the Western Allies failure to prosecute or extradite Heinz Guderian for war crimes amid East-West tensions, German rearmament, and objections from Wehrmacht veteran groups. Brian thanks Kerstin von Lingen and Gerald Steinacher for this inspiration. During the 2011-2012 academic school year, Adam Hobart was a recipient of the Nels Andrew Cleven Founder’s Prize in the National Phi Alpha Theta paper prize competition. He is currently spending the summer in Detroit, Michigan, working on his Master’s thesis, which is a study of the “Walk to Freedom,” a massive civil rights demonstration in 1963 in Detroit. Having spent the last year in Portland, Oregon teaching at Lewis and Clark Law School, Sean Kammer is now beginning his appointment as Assistant Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Law at the University of South

Dakota School of Law. This summer, he used a History Department research fellowship to spend several weeks researching in Saint Paul, Minnesota for his dissertation, a legal history of Pacific Northwest railroads and their role in the development of natural resource law and policy from the late nineteenth century through the Progressive Era. In addition to that project, he is also completing a law review article on the Wilderness Act as it applies to wildlife restoration efforts. Brandon Locke was appointed Project Manager of UNL’s History Harvest, a digital archive of historical artifacts cultivated from communities around Nebraska. He is also serving on the Steering Committee of the Right to Research Coalition, an international studentbased organization that focuses on advocating Open Access policies and educating current

and future faculty of the benefits of Open Access. He traveled to Budapest, Hungary in July 2012 for the Right to Research Coalition’s General Assembly. Catherine Medici-Thiemann gave papers at the South Central Renaissance Conference in March 2012 and the Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Graduate Student Conference in January 2012. Her paper “To Persuade and Connect: Mary Sidney’s Essential Role in Henry Sidney’s Irish Rule” will be published in A Mirror for Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Selected Proceedings of the Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies 2012 Multidisciplinary Graduate Student Conference. She is also co-writing the essay on Mary Sidney for the Ashgate Research Companion on The Sidneys (1500-1700), Volume 1 Lives. Nate Probasco and his wife welcomed their second child, Anton John (A.J.). During the summer he will continue working on his dissertation, which examines the 1583 voyage of Sir Humphrey Gilbert. In late July he leaves for the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA, for a one month seminar in Tudor/Stuart Paleography. Then, he will return to the Huntington during the fall for a one month fellowship, and

spend two months in the spring at the John Carter Brown Library in Providence, RI, on a short term fellowship. Andrea Nichols’ work in the Medieval and Renaissance Studies minor and her interest in print culture led her to take Dr. Alison Stewart’s AHIS 476/876 “History of Prints: New Media of the Renaissance” in fall 2012. The class research projects were used in a Sheldon Museum of Art exhibition “Media Revolution: Early Prints from the Sheldon›s Vault” (Dec. 9, 2011 – Feb. 19, 2012). Several members of the class presented their research to a standingroom only crowd on the evening of January 17, which was mentioned in a Lincoln Journal Star article on the exhibit published a few days later. Andrea discussed her work on a woodcut image Walking Fish by Francois Desprez from Les Songes Drolatiques de Pantagruel (1565), later included in a Zea E-book for the exhibit, available online at http://digitalcommons.unl. edu/zeabook/9/. In May 2012, Andrea won the UNL History Department’s Albin T. and Pauline Anderson Memorial Award for excellence in research in European history, and the UNL Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program’s Knoll Graduate Essay Award. In early June, she went to the University of Virginia’s Rare Book School to take the course “The Printed Book in the West to 1800” taught by Martin Antonetti. During this trip, Andrea also visited the Library of Congress and was granted permission to do research for one day in the Folger Shakespeare Library archives.

rently working on the first ever transcription of Heinrich Bullinger’s 1568 work “Tractatus de Excommunicatione,” scheduled for publication in 2013. While in Grand Rapids, he also won the Run as One 5K. Rebecca Wingo is entering her third year of the PhD program and is the current President for the HGSA. Over the summer she worked on a digital project about the Gertrude Kasebier’s photography of some of Buffalo Bill’s “Show Indians” with Michelle Delaney, the Director of the Consortium for Understanding the American Experience at the Smithsonian. Wingo has several events lined up in the Fall as well. She was invited by the Montana State Historical Society in Helena to present some of her research at the Opportunity for All? Homesteading ‘Next Year Country’ conference


above: Rebecca Wingo, Jake Friefeld and Brandon Locke photo above and previous page: Grant Forssberg

Pablo Rangel has been designing his digital project for the William F. Cody project, which he finds exciting. He chose to extend that Vaquero research as his MA thesis. To that end, Pablo has been spending quality time in the quiet confines of Love Library and 607 reading and writing.

in September. She will also present on Crow photography at the Western History Association’s annual conference in Denver, Colorado this October. Lastly, she is contributing a book chapter on popular culture for A Companion to Custer and the Little Big Horn Campaign under the direction of Dr. Brad D. Lookingbill.

Brian Sarnacki finished coursework this summer and is now reading for comprehensive exams. He is currently preparing to present at the Sixth Biennial Urban History Association Conference on research from his Master’s thesis. He is also working on two articles, one from his thesis and another developed in a past research seminar. After chairing the HGSA’s James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities last year, he will serve as the history department representative in the Graduate Student Association this year.

Robert Voss has been spending this past year working on his dissertation, “Crossing Indian Territory: Coal, Railroads and Native America.” While writing, he also taught the survey at Hastings College and taught History of American Technology at Nebraska Wesleyan University in their Master’s in Historical Studies program. This summer he continued to work on his dissertation and taught an intensive one-week course at Nebraska Wesleyan: “Teaching History with Technology,” to approximately fifty current k-12 teachers along with Leslie Working. This fal he is finishing an article for the upcoming The Atlas of the Plains and its Peoples and will be teaching History of Nebraska and the Great Plains at UNL, History of American Technology at Nebraska Wesleyan-Omaha, and Civil War and Reconstruction at Nebraska Wesleyan-Lincoln while finishing his dissertation.

Paul Strauss completed certification for my.UNL (Blackboard) development training and also completed the Summer Institute for Online Teaching hosted by UNL. Thanks to a grant from the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, he participated in a two-week Latin paleography workshop hosted by Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. His colleagues from the workshop and Paul are cur-


“History sees beyond our line of sight”

-Rebecca Wingo


DH digital history:design by Mikal Brotnov

“... simplicity inspires the functionality.”

-Mikal Brotnov

Graduate students in the interdisciplinary, “Readings in the Digital Humanities” seminar charged History graduate students Mikal Brotnov, Kaci Nash and Rebecca Wingo with the overall design and user interface for the “hstream iPad project.” Using an approach that “simplicity inspires and informs the functionality,” the design team went to work. The major obstacle facing us was that the team was asked to design for, iOS6, an operating system not yet released. Version six was to be released in mid October; but the project was due at the end of September. In order to overcome this challenge, the team worked hand-in-hand with the coding team, who understood the iOS6 parameters and authoring environment. Additionally, the class worked with Apple to acquire a developer account in order to gain access to the new authoring environment for iOS6. Inspired by the designs of Twitter for iPad and the New York Times applications, we used these interface designs as a foundation for our iOS6 format. With fly out menus and cascading drop menus, the design team felt this was the best route to handle the large amount of content on a small screen. In order

to determine the amount of content from the “information pipeline” (RSS feeds, twitter and blogs), the team drew upon information from the content group, headed by Andrea Nichols. The content team in turn used our design schematics to pair down the number of buttons needed within the application. The ability for each user to email, to send to Twitter, or send the information to Facebook was a top priority for all the student’s involved. Surprisingly, the longest part of the design process was the logo design for the home screen button, the application icon and the splash screen in both landscape and portrait use. The design team narrowed down eight different designs, all according to Apple’s specification, to just three finalists. The entire class selected the winning design and decided on the name “h-stream” and the final logo (as shown on the previous page). The design team then went back into Photoshop and created three additional versions, albeit with slight changes before the class approved the final version. All of the final design items were then turned over to the coding team for implementation. Left to right: Initial mock up; final release; icon placement on home screen. Design by: Mikal Brotnov, Kaci Nash, and Rebecca Wingo

DH digital history:code by Jason Heppler introduction: Mikal Brotnov

“Along the way, trial and failure proved just as important to learning about ObjectiveC...” -Jason Heppler

During fall 2012, history graduate students participated in the first interdisciplinary “Readings in Digital Humanities”seminar, the core course in the new graduate Certificate in Digital Humanities program. The course was taught by Professor William G. Thomas. The course asked students to undertake an enormous feat: design and implement a working iPad application for the digital humanities in one month. The coding project laid the foundation for class discussion on readings, which ranged from Marshall McLuhan to Evgeny Morozov. Every group worked around the clock trying to accomplish this lofty goal. Jason Heppler, chair of the coding team shares the processes his team took during the “h-stream” project in the paragraphs below. While Design began mocking up ideas and Content collected material, the Coding team began by building the bare-bones of an RSS reader for a proof of concept. Since no one in the class had experience with ObjectiveC, the programming language used by Apple devices, or Xcode, the developer platform built by Apple for Objective-C development, the group turned to a variety of resources including online tutorials, Stanford’s iOS programming class on iTunes U, consulting Stack Overflow, and reading the Apple guidelines on iOS development. The first iteration of the app was built for the iPhone/iPod touch and was presented to the class by the second week. We had a proof of concept. For the iPad version, however, the code would have to be rewritten from the ground-up to take advantage of various features built into the device. The iPhone version of the app proved that we understood how to parse XML and display the results as an RSS feed, thus giving us the basics of what we wanted the app to achieve. Along the way, trial and failure proved just as important to learning about Objective-C as did the resources Coding group consulted. For the code curious among the rest of the class, and for ease of sharing the code with the rest of the Coding team, the files of H-Stream were placed under a version control system (VCS) called git and stored on Github. By the final week, the Coding team had managed to build a basic RSS reader. They demonstrated to the class how the app worked

using the iPad simulator built into Xcode and showed various features useful for developers, including logging errors to spot issues and how to debug in Xcode. The app was not perfect. An issue with parsing XML and getting the results to display correctly remained. One test feed would work while another did not. But Coding team did demonstrate that the app could do the basic functions we originally envisioned. Limited time, energy, and knowledge restricted what Code team could pull off for the final product. Plans were in place, for example, to allow users to filter their RSS reader by topic or source (such as reading only Twitter or blogs). Code team met previously with Ian Cottingham, director of the UNL Computing Innovation Group in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, who explained how to implement some of the features we hoped to add. The final app, for example, only parsed a single XML feed, so one of the remaining challenges was to write the program so it could handle multiple feeds. We also hoped to categorize the feeds to allow users to sort by source. Finally, the design elements developed by the Design group had to be applied to the app and the app tested on devices rather than the emulator. Including categories, filtering, and browsing proved too difficult a challenge in the time allotted, although Coding team

Official logo produced by design team: Mikal Brotnov, Kaci Nash, and Rebecca Wingo



Pablo Rangel and Michelle Tiedje explain their digital project. photo: Kevin Chrisman

rawley conference by Brian Sarnacki

The seventh annual James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities was a first in many ways. The History Graduate Student’s Association’s yearly conference went off campus, holding its panels and keynote at the National Parks Service’s Homestead National Monument in Beatrice, Nebraska. We also were fortunate enough to have not one, but three distinguished keynote presenters: Sarah Carter, Elliott West, and John R. Wunder. Drs. Carter, West, and Wunder formed a very engaging keynote panel, “Future Directions in Western History” moderated by recent alumnus of the graduate program Brenden Rensink. The discussion touched on a diverse range of historiographical and methodological questions facing western history that were also useful to students in other fields.

The presenters came from North, South and near to attend this years Rawley Conference. Sarah Carter is the Henry Marshall Tory Chair in the Department of History and Classics and Chair of the Department of History and Classics and Faculty of Native Studies at the University of Alberta. Her most recent book, The Importance of Being Monogamous: Marriage and Nation Building in Western Canada to 1915, has received several book awards. Elliott West is the Alumni Distinguished Professor of History at the University of Arkansas. In addition to the numerous books and articles he has published, he was a finalist for the 2009 Robert Foster Cherry Award recognizing outstanding teaching in the English-speaking world. John R. Wunder is an Emeritus Professor of History and Journalism at the University of Nebraska-

Lincoln and recent president of the Western History Association. Conference attendance was pleasantly diverse, though slightly down due to its location outside of Lincoln. Presenter’s disciplines ranged from Art History to Geography and covered topics from military history to colonialism and gender. Members from the public and National Parks Service also kept panel discussions lively. The Rawley Conference would not have been possible without the devotion and commitment of members of the History Graduate Students’ Association and the faculty of the UNL History Department. We would like to highlight the efforts of those who helped organize the conference, especially the committee chairs Megan Benson, Robert Jordan, Pablo Rangel, and Paul Strauss as well as to panel commentators Margaret Jacobs, Douglas Seefeldt, Brenden Rensink and Rob Voss. We would also like to thank all the students and faculty that attended the conference and especially Mrs. Ann Rawley who made the trip from California to join us this year. The HGSA is also grateful for the financial support received for this year’s Rawley Conference from the Department of History at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Homestead National Monument of America, Plains Humanities Alliance, Center for Great Plains Studies, UNL College of Arts and Sciences, Office of Graduate Studies, Department of History, Department of English, Department of Textiles, Clothing, & Design, Geography and Geographic Information Science, School of Natural Resources,

Department of Anthropology, Nineteenth Century Studies, Institute for Ethnic Studies, Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and Women’s and Gender Studies Program Thank you to everyone who helped make the Rawley Conference as success.

“Presenter’s disciplines ranged from Art History to Geography and covered topics from military history to colonialism and gender.” - Brian Sarnacki


reflecting back

by Michelle Tiedje

The 2011-2012 academic year was busy and rewarding for the HGSA. In the fall our organization focused on welcoming and recruiting history graduate students. During my tenure as President, the HGSA re-established the previously held tradition of communicating regularly with the Department Chair and holding workshops geared toward discussing and promoting the interests, concerns, and professional development of history graduate students. Upon soliciting and receiving feedback from the HGSA community, three workshops for the fall semester were organized in close cooperation with both fellow students and department faculty: Building Your C.V. and Utilizing Social Networking for Your Academic Career; “Alternative” Employment Opportunities for History Graduate Students; and Getting Your Scholarship Published. These workshops were each well attended by both graduate students and faculty and furthered the organization’s commitment to a wide breadth of programming. In the spring we held a special session to brainstorm more effective ways of utilizing the HGSA’s website, as both current members and prospective students look to the site for the latest information on our activities. The spring semester also afforded history graduate students many opportunities to learn about the academic employment processes involved. Thanks to our Department Chair, Dr. Will Thomas, and the UNL Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, students were invited to attend the job talks of all the candidates for the department’s North American West position as well as the university’s newly-created Digital Humanities positions. The strength of the department’s commitment to and connection with its graduate students was further demonstrated by its work to arrange additional, informal meetings between each of the candidates and the graduate students, and to enable students to provide their feedback on the candidates directly to the Department Chair. Graduate students were grateful to have been included in the process and appreciated the strong support of our department and mentors. Indeed, the HGSA finished the academic year strongly with the seventh annual James A. Rawley Graduate Conference in the Humanities. The conference co-chairs, Brian Sarnacki and Rebecca Wingo, worked exhaustively to secure the HGSA’s first ever conference partnership with the Center for Great Plains Studies. The Rawley Conference, themed “Shifting Boundaries: Expansion, Invasion, and Violence in the West,” was held in cooperation with the Center for Great Plains Studies Conference, “1862-2012: The Making of the Great Plains.” The site of the Rawley Conference, the Homestead National Monument in Beatrice, Nebraska, enriched the theme of the Rawley and attracted both prominent scholars and many members of the public. Although I am pleased to conclude my six years of service with the HGSA on such a high note, I will miss the hustle and bustle that is the HGSA. May this year’s president, Rebecca Wingo, preside over the HGSA’s best work yet.

Michelle Tiedje, HGSA President

“These workshops...furthered the organization’s commitment to a wide breadth of programming.” -Michelle Tiedje 9

Waskar Ari-Chachaki is finishing up a book entitled: Earth Politics: Bolivia’s AMP Indigenous Intellectuals 1921-1971. The book explores the connections between politics and religion in the making of indigenous intellectuals in the broader context of race, coloniality and gender in Latin America. Waskar will resubmit the book to Duke University Press in August. Waskar has also published an article entitled: “Framing and Disseminating the Indian Law and Toribio Miranda’s Jaqi Nationalism,” Anuario Estudios Bolivianos 2011 Sucre, Bolivia: ABNB, 2011:103-130. In March 2013, He will be a speaker at the Americas Initiative Conference: “Becoming Indigenous, Asserting Indigeneity in Canada, Mesoamerica and the Andes,” at Georgetown University in Washington DC. He will lecture on the indigenous experience in the Andes during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Tim Borstelmann has just published a new book with Princeton University Press, entitled The 1970s: A New Global History from Civil Rights to Economic Inequality. He and his co-authors are completing a revision of their U.S. history textbook, Created Equal: A History of the United States, which Prentice-Hall will publish in early 2013. This fall he will be teaching a new 200-level course on “Modern America since 1900.” Borstelmann is beginning work on a new book on how Americans perceive non-Americans, tentatively entitled “Inside Every Foreigner: How Americans Understand Other Peoples.” Amy Burnett spent five months in Germany as a Fulbright Senior Scholar. In addition to doing research for her book on the Reformation debate over the Lord’s Supper, she co-taught a seminar at the University of Mainz on the early eucharistic controversy with Irene Dingel, director of the Leibniz-Institut for European History in Mainz. While in Europe she presented papers at conferences in Switzerland (on Basel

as center of intellectual exchange in the early Reformation) and Finland (the International Luther Congress). Bedross Der Matossian is currently working on a research project dealing with communal violence in the Ottoman Empire and Egypt. This research project funded by Charles H. Oldfather Faculty Research Grant, is part of a larger project that deals with comparative aspects of understanding communal violence in the Middle East. By concentrating on the Ottoman Empire and Egypt this research aims at a better understanding of communal violence from the perspective of dominant vs. nondominant relations. The two cases that he is exploring are the Adana Massacres of 1909 in the Ottoman Empire and the Kosheh Massacres of 2000 in Egypt. Despite the vast temporal difference between both incidents and the glaring difference of the number of the victims in both cases, they both represent the culmination of longer period of ethnic and religious tensions between dominant and non-dominant group. What triggered both incidents? What are the similarities and the differences between both incidents? In sum, the project aims at demonstrating why it is important to properly deconstruct such cases in order to understand the complexities of communal violence and its impact on Middle Eastern societies. Student Salem Elzway is his research assistant for the project. Besides this, he is reviewing books for the European History Quarterly, Review of Politics, Review of Middle East Studies, and the International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies. David Cahan is working on a biography of Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-94), a German scientist. During the past academic year Parks M. Coble continued to work on his manuscript project,



“China at War, 1937-1945: Remembering and Re-remembering China’s War of Resistance against Japan.” Parks also gave papers and talks the Association of Asian Studies in Toronto, Canada, in March 2012, at the Asian Conference on Cultural Studies in Osaka, Japan, in June 2012, and at the International Conference on Modern Chinese Society in Global Perspective and on Chiang Kai-shek and Modern China, 1840-1949,” jointly held by the Center for Chiang Kai-shek and Modern Chinese History of Zhejiang University and the Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China, in Hangzhou, China, in June 2012. In May 2012, Parks gave an invited lecture at the Institute for Chinese Studies at The Ohio State University. Jessica Coope recently completed a new book on medieval Spain called The Most Noble of People: Religious, Ethnic, and Gender Identity in Muslim Spain. It is about the long-term social impact of the Arab-Muslim invasion of Spain in 711. She spent the month of July at the University of California, Berkeley, working on her new project, which is a biography of a prominent Muslim theologian from eleventhcentury Spain. James Garza recently returned from a research trip to Mexico where he researched material for his next book project, an environmental history of Mexico City. The project focuses on late nineteenth-century efforts by both government officials, scientists and foreign developers to transform the capital city into a showcase of modernity by controlling the environmental landscape and the sanitary habits of the poor and indigenous population. Professor Garza will present part of his research at the upcoming Urban History Association meeting in New York City in October 2012. Rosemarie Holz was promoted to Associate Professor of Practice in Women’s & Gender Studies. In Spring 2012, she was awarded the College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award. And in June, her monograph The Birth Control Clinic in a Marketplace World was released by the University of Rochester Press as part of its History of Medicine Series.

photo: Mikal Brotnov

Margaret Jacobs received an American Council of Learned Societies grant for 2012-2013 to complete her new book project, tentatively titled Taking Care: The Indigenous Child Welfare Crisis in Settler Colonial Nations,

1945-1980. The book explores why a surprisingly large number of indigenous children were fostered and adopted by non-indigenous families in the 1960s and 1970s in the United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. In December 2011 Ann Kleimola presented an invited paper at a conference on the Muscovite Litsevoi letopisnyi svod of the sixteenth century, sponsored by the Bavarian State Library in Munich. In May 2012 she was honored to be made a laureate, Socius Honoris Causa, of ELTE (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem/ Eöt vös Loránd University of Budapest, the oldest university in Hungary), Ruszisztikai Központ

(Faculty of Rusistika). She presented the keynote lecture, “Ivan the Terrible, Karamzin, and the ‘Devil in a Skirt’,” at the international conference on “The World of the Historian, the Historian and the World” held at ELTE. Carole Levin was on sabbatical for the 20112012 year and got to spend December and January at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington DC working on a new book project on representations of queens in sixteenth and seventeenth-century England. She was so productive and had such a good time she went back to D.C. work at the Folger in June. She is especially excited about her research on how those in Tudor and Stuart England regarded the first century British queen Boadicea and how she compares with Queen Elizabeth I. In July she will be talking about Queen Elizabeth at a Shakespeare camp for high school teachers in Kansas and in August she will do a public lecture about Elizabeth in Toronto. Frederick C. Luebke, Emeritus, and his wife Norma recently moved from their home on

Crescent Ridge Lane in Eugene to an apartment in Cascade Manor, an excellent retirement community conveniently located near the home of his son David, who is a UNL graduate and professor of European history in the University of Oregon. As an octogenarian he has limited his professional activity to occasional book reviews and manuscript evaluations for university presses and individual scholars. He has also presented short courses in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute sponsored by the University of Oregon. Since retirement in 2004, Gary E. Moulton has carried on with some of his Lewis and Clark activities, although these slowed considerably with the end of the expedition’s bicentennial. He still gives presentations on the topic, leads occasional tours in Lewis and Clark country, and presently serves on the board of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. He and his wife Faye enjoy

organized by the Holocaust Educational Foundation in Evanston, Illinois, and in the Humanities Festival in Chicago. This fall Gerald’s last book, Nazis on the Run: How Hitler’s Henchmen Fled Justice, will be out in paperback and Kindle edition by OUP, and four of his articles will be published in European journals and edited volumes. Lastly, Gerald is spending some of his summer developing a course on 20th and 21st century espionage and intelligence history, which is supported by a Great Plains National Security Education Consortium grant.

traveling to sites beyond the expedition’s trail and lead the good life in Lincoln.

John R. Wunder’s highlights this year included packing up more than 50 boxes of materials for UNL’s Love Library University Archives and a dinner here in Lincoln fifteen former grad students organized and gave in his honor during the Great Plains Studies Homesteading Conference. He also chaired a session at that symposium, made a presentation to the Northern Plains History meeting in Mankato, MN, and participated in a panel discussion at the annual UNL graduate student Rawley Conference. My essay, “’That No Thorn Will Pierce Our Friendship’: The Ute-Comanche Treaty of 1786,” published in the Western Historical Quarterly, 42(Spring 2011):4-27, won a Finalist 2012 Spur Award given by the Western Writers of America for Best Short Nonfiction. In March 2012, he completed a book manuscript currently in the copyediting stage with Texas Tech University Press. Entitled Plains Tapestries,

Benjamin G. Rader divides his time between tennis, travel, and research/writing. He has received two grants from the Maude E. Wisherd Fund of the UNL Emeriti Association for his book-length project: The Magic of Mahans Creek: A Tale of Neighborhood and Family in the Missouri Ozarks, and is working on the 7th edition of “American Sports.” Gerald Steinacher is currently working on his next book under the working title The Red Cross and the Nazis: How the Holocaust Changed Humanitarianism. This book examines the institutional crisis at the Swiss-based International Committee of the Red Cross following the Committee’s failure to speak out against the genocide of World War II. Gerald was invited to present this new research at a conference titled The End of 1942: A Turning Point in World War II at Yad Vashem, Israel, this December. Later this year he will also take part in the Lessons and Legacies conference

William G. Thomas’s book The Iron Way: Railroads, the Civil War and the Making of Modern America (Yale University Press, 2011) was named a Lincoln Prize Finalist by the Gilder-Lehrman Institute of American History and won the New York Book Festival in the History category. He is currently working on a new project on the history of slavery.




Q: In The 1970s: A New Global History from Civil Rights to Economic Inequality, you chart a tumultuous time for America in a global context that ultimately led to a higher rate of wealth and social inequality. What can we learn from these social forces? A: A major theme of the book is how the United States has become, simultaneously, more equal socially and less equal economically. “Equality” is a complicated concept that requires careful measurement. Part of what I treasure about writing serious history is the requirement that we be open-minded rather than ideological, and that we work hard at examining evidence that does not confirm our personal predilections. Q:How did your own experiences in the 1970s shape this monograph? A: Hardly anyone would be interested if I were to write a memoir of the 1970s, because I had a quite happy childhood and adolescence—not the stuff of bestsellers. But the era itself was fascinating and much more complicated than most histories of it have suggested. My own experiences with optimistic strivers and reformers during that decade did not mesh easily with the usual tale of the 1970s as an era of decline and confusion. I was motivated to figure out the political and cultural crosscurrents that shaped the world in which I came of age.

Princeton University Press


Q:Your work charts the rise of two influential cultural movements: religious fundamentalism and environmentalism? Do you see these movements, often viewed as opposites, as similar in their genesis? A: Fundamentalism and environmentalism are the two outliers in my story of the 1970s—they are the dissenters against the developing consensus around social egalitarianism and free-market economic values. At first glance, the two movements seem utterly different and even opposite: religious fundamentalists in the United States tend to line up with anti-environmental economic developers, while environmentalists tend to associate with more secular cultural liberals. But these two groups are actually much more complicated. Many conservative religious people have deep ties to the land and the environment and do more to take care of those than do many more self-identified pro-environmental voters. “Conservation” and “conservative” are nearly synonyms, after all. And many environmentalists are deeply religious or spiritual people. Both groups grew in strength and organization in the 1970s out of a parallel sense of disillusionment with the mainstream direction of American life and politics. Q: Describe the 1970s in three words. A:Exciting. Complicated. Watershed.

DR.GERALD STEINACHER Q: Most people are familiar with Adolf Eichmann, one of the most notable trials stemming from the Holocaust. How does Nazis on the Run complicate that narrative? A: Until recently we did not know exactly how Eichmann managed to escape to Argentina. We also did not know which institutions and individuals were involved in his escape. And of course we knew nothing about the motives of priests and humanitarian aid workers to help mass murderers escape justice. During the 1961 Eichmann trial in Jerusalem for example, there was almost no mentioning of how Eichmann and many other perpetrators were able to escape justice in the immediate postwar years. In Nazis on the Run I describe exactly how they got out of Europe, the structures and institutions they used, and the political background that helped. Since my focus in this book was on the processes used, I also studied the escape of relatively unknown SS-officers and Nazis fleeing Europe, and not just the prominent ones such as Eichmann. After all, the processes they used to escape were the same. Q: Myth plays a big role in the Holocaust and it seems like every historian’s job is to dismantle them. Yet, they persist. Why was Odessa important to you? A: We now know, that Odessa - as an almighty organization of former SS members - never existed. The reality was much more complicated. The Odessa myth was in some ways a comforting one. After all, it put the blame for perpetrators escaping justice on those we already knew were guilty – the perpetrators themselves. What my book points out is that the reality was a lot less comforting. There were many more parties that shared the blame for failed justice, and many of those parties are the kind that we would have never thought to blame. Q:What is next on the horizon? A: My research about the Red Cross triggered my interest in this humanitarian organization. I am in the process of writing a new book that studies the organization’s immediate postwar years, especially its institutional crisis following the challenges of WWII and its silence on the Holocaust. both interviews conducted over e-mail by Mikal Brotnov July 2012

Oxford University Press

Katrina Jagodinsky will join our department as an Assistant Professor of History. Professor Jagodinsky specializes in the nineteenth-century North American West, emphasizing gender, race, and the law. She earned her Ph. D. at the University of Arizona and recently completed a research fellowship at the Clements Center for Southwest Studies at Southern Methodist University. She is working on a manuscript project that examines indigenous women’s use of imperial legal regimes in the borderlands of Arizona and Washington Territories between 1853 and 1935. Dr. Jagodinsky has taught courses in her field at the University of Arizona, Pima Community College, and Tohono O’odham Community College.

Malte Rehbein will also join our department as an Assistant Professor of History. Professor Rehbein specializes in Digital History and Digital Humanities, Medieval History, and European History. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Göttingen (magna cum laude) and he has served as an Associated Assistant Professor at the University of Victoria and as the Director of the Würtzburg Research Center for Digital Editing. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Digital Medievalist. Rehbein has been a Marie-Curie research fellow at the National University of Ireland, Galway, and as a Senior Management Consultant for Siemens AG.




The Department of History is pleased to announce its first Alumni Advisory Council. Former chair of the department and Samuel Clark Waugh, Distinguished Professor of International Relations Lloyd Ambrosius will serve as the Department’s Alumni Liaison and has helped convene the group. The first meeting of the Alumni Advisory Council will take place on October 19th 2012, in conjunction with this year’s Carroll R. Pauley Memorial Symposium on “History, Truth, and Reconciliation.” The emphasis of the Council will be on identifying prospective donors, serving as wellinformed advocates for the department with relevant constituencies in the University of Nebraska and the state, enhancing and broadening the reputation of the department, and helping to educate, inform, and inspire our undergraduate majors on career decision-making and the value of the History program and major. The inaugural Advisory Council members include: Andrea Bjorkland ‘86, Davis, CA, Professor of Law, University of California, Davis Jack Campbell ‘72, Santa Fe, NM, General Electric (retired) Don Gerlach ‘54, ‘56, ‘61, Harvard, NE, Professor of History, Univ. of Akron (retired) Garth Glissman ‘05, Omaha, NE, attorney at law, Kutak Rock LLP James Hewitt ‘54, Lincoln, NE, attorney at law Mary Ann Hanusa ‘87 (M.A.), Council Bluffs, IO, state representative, Iowa Legislature Benjamin Knoll ‘83, Edina, MN, Chief Operating Officer, Greater Twin Cities United Way Bruce Pauley ‘61, Windsor, CO, Professor of History, University of Central Florida (retired) Nathan Sanderson ‘11 (Ph.D.), Pierre, SD, Policy Advisor to the Governor of South Dakota Karen Starr ‘96, Vancouver, BC, Senior Manager, Accenture Natalie Wagner ‘02, Cambridge, MA, attorney at law, Bank of America

HISTORY HARVEST (continued from page 1)

locked away in a storage container. Among the hundreds of wonderful objects cataloged that day were a commemorative Bob Gibson baseball bat from the 1976 Major League Baseball All-Star Game; a number of church photographs from the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s; a pristine WWI uniform; a band uniform and two horns from the Dan Des Dunes Band; and several diplomas from local schools. Through this immersion in local African American history, students came to understand the myriad ways that local black people built a strong community, created a vibrant culture and significantly contributed to the life of the city over the years, despite the historical realities of inequality and discrimination. Due to a generous grant from an UNL history alumnus, four advanced undergraduate students continued to work on the project during the spring semester and help build the web-archive, which will launch early this fall. All of the students involved with the

History Harvest project last fall described the experience as “transformative” and one of the best educational experiences of their entire academic careers at UNL. “Being able to do work outside the classroom,” reflected Senior Matt Koziol, “and realizing that what we were doing in the community was making a difference” is what set this class apart. “ I loved the honesty in this class,” said Senior Kelsey Jistel. “It was really personal.” Senior Nick Pestello agreed, stating, “The whole hands-on experience really made me realize how great it is to be a History student. I really felt like I gained something from it... it was everything I ever wanted to do as a History major!” Justin Stawarz concluded, “I’d like to see elements of this in all History classes. Getting that hands-on experience is so radically different than anything else and it helps you internalize the learning a lot more.” The North Omaha History Harvest received widespread and enthusiastic support from the local community, as well as media attention from the Omaha World Herald, the Omaha Star and several local radio stations.

The World Herald featured the North Omaha History Harvest in its 2011 Martin Luther King Day lead editorial, using it as a springboard to encourage city leaders to take a more active role preserving the city’s important past. Media coverage was also important to our students. “I sent my parents every article written about this project,” explained Jistel, “and they were so proud of me. It was nice to have that to show them what I am doing and why I am a History major. History is important. It is not just about a book or an essay. It is about people.” This coming fall, the History Harvest program will again be led by Dr. Patrick Jones, with a focus on refugee communities in Lincoln. In the future, the department plans to hold History Harvests in central and western Nebraska. For more information about the History Harvest program, to get involved or to help support this innovative project, please contact Dr. Jones (pjones2@unl.edu) or Dr. William Thomas (wthomas4@unl.edu).

pauley lecture On September 15, 2012 Thomas G. Andrews, presented the Ninth Annual Carroll R. Pauley Memorial Lecture, based on his award winning monograph, “Killing for Coal: America’s Deadliest Labor War” at UNL’s Great Plains Art Museum. Indeed, Andrews has garnered many honors for his 2008 book including the Bancroft Prize, considered to be one of the highest honors in American history. Additionally, he was won the American Society for Environmental History’s George Perkins Marsh Award; the Vincent DeSantis Prize of the Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era; the Mining History Association’s Clark Spence Prize; Colorado Humanities’ Colorado Book Award; and many more. Andrews himself is a John Simon Guggenheim fellow.

His lecture explored the 1914 massacre of striking coal miners in Ludlow, Colorado. By masterfly weaving economic, labor and enviromental history, Andrews told the audience how a group of migrant workers from more than 30 nations transformed into a militant fighting force. Prior to his lecture, Professor Andrews took time to meet graduate students from the department and answer questions. Many students noted their gratitude for his time.



The Glenn Gray Award–Jessica Hare Distinguished Service Award–Kelsey Jistel Award for High Distinction–Adelle Burk, Jessica Hare, and Scott Jorgenson Ed Hirsch Scholarship–Tyler Pooley Phi Beta Kappa new members: Adelle Burk Lane Carr Jessica Hare Derek Higgins Scott Jorgenson Bryce Pfalzgraf Zachary Smith

Andrews is an associate professor of history at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

above:Thomas G. Andrews

Dov Ospovat Award to the Oustanding Graduate Essay in History–Rebecca Wingo Addison E. Sheldon Fellowship–Adam Hodge


Albin T. and Pauline Anderson Award–Andrea Nichols

Charles H. Oldfather Faculty Research Grant– Professor Bedross Der Matossian

Viola T. Barnes Fellowship–Jared Leighton Marguerite C. and Clare McPhee Fellowship– Nathan Probasco

Albin T. and Pauline Anderson Awards– Professor Amy Burnett and Professor Carole Levin Frank A. Belousek Research Grant–Professor Stephen Lahey James A. Rawley Faculty Research Grant– Professor Katrina Jagodinsky


Carroll R. Pauley Memorial Symposium, “History, Truth, and Reconciliation”

OCT 19 NOV 3

Alumni Advisory Council

History Harvest, Lincoln, Nebraksa

March 2013

Big Red Road Show, Omaha, Nebraska



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