Summer Institute 2017 Creative Writing Journal

Page 43

SCENE II (Erinda is sitting on the steps with ice on her elbows. Frida is standing by her slide eating a popsicle. A hazy summer afternoon has set in, and the slip and slide has become the block’s hottest, newest, coolest thing. Frida slides effortlessly across the slide on her back.) Girl #1 Can we try? Frida

Erinda Frida? Fr- Frida? Frida Quiet Erinda! I’m thinking about this, okay? Girl #1 (Pops bubble gum) Pick your poison! Erinda Frida?!

I think we’re gonna put it away soon sooo…


Girl #1

Girl #1

That’s like, so unfair! Girl #2 Frida It’s my slide. (Girl #2 starts to get upset) Girl #1 Oooh ooh! (Girl #1 puts her fingers in her mouth and whistles. As loud as she possibly can) JUMP ROOOOPPPPPE! (A stampede of kids is heard running to the location of Girl #1. They halt when they arrive. Girl #3 pushes through the crowd holding a jump rope in the air) Girl #3 He- here! (Places the jump rope in Girl #1’s outstretched hand) Girl #1 (Points to Frida with jump rope) JUMP ROPE BATTLE! 2 on 2. Winner gets the slide. (Frida contemplates)

Unless you’re like… chicken? (Group of kids pipe up this comment) Everyone Except Frida And Erinda OooooooooooooOOOOOOOO! Frida (In a “I don’t give a fuck” attitude) Yeah sure. Whatever. I don’t care. Let’s do it.


What about turns?

Hold on!

Everyone Except Frida And Erinda YEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH! Erinda (Standing on top of a car) Frida! Frida WHAT?! Erinda (Beat) I… can’t… jump rope. (She bows her head) EVERYONE EXCEPT Erinda WHAAAAAT?! (Everyone backs away from her slightly) 41

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