United Way-Thomas Jefferson Area 2013/14 Annual Report

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Dear Friends,

One Vision: Learn GroW Live Our local United Way’s vision is a Charlottesville area community where children arrive at school ready to learn, individuals and families have enough resources to care for themselves, and children and families live healthy lives. Our vision is a strong, healthy, and vibrant community. Our United Way is local. We invest in School Readiness, Self-Sufficiency, and Community Health right here in the Charlottesville area. Our strengths are our local leadership, long-tenured staff and faithful volunteers. The direct services we offer, and the meaningful grants we provide to carefully selected community partners, are strategically aligned with our priorities and preferred outcomes in each of these areas. This is how we accomplish our vision to help people learn, grow, and live. If these goals speak to you, we would love to have you partner with us! While these are admittedly big goals, we are confident that with your help, we can achieve meaningful progress towards making our Charlottesville community a place where everyone has a chance to learn, grow, and live their best lives. Please stop by for a visit or call either of us. It’s been an amazing year and we would love to share all that we have accomplished so far, and all that we aspire to do!

Dan Goodall​​​​​​ Chair of the Board of Directors dgoodall@swiftruncapital.com 434.817.4234​​​​​​

Cathy Smith Train President

ctrain@UnitedWayTJA.org 434.972.1701



United Way makes our community a place where children grow up healthy and arrive at school prepared to succeed.

United Way supports local adults working to become financially stable and economically independent.


United Way builds a community where people are healthy and have access to needed care. 1


BOARD OF DIRECTORS We are a community-based nonprofit with a local board of directors serving Charlottesville and the Counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and Nelson. Simone Alley Glenn Bannan Jay Barton Russell Bell* Spencer Birdsong Jeff Bloxsom Liza Borches Catherine Boucher Steve Bowers Peter Brooks Suzanne Brooks* Richard Brownlee Lisa Cannell Mike Chinn Carol Clarke* Deborah Conway* Carolyn Cullen


Margery Daniel* Tim Davis Alison DeTuncq Charles Du Bose Peggy Echols Bryan Elliott* Sasha Farmer Adrian Felts Dorrie Fontaine Frank Friedman Melissa Gardiner Phil Garland Michael Geismar Mark Giles* Dan Goodall Brad Groff Amanda Hallstead

Brad Haws Allen Hughes Amy Hughes Timothy Hulbert Eric Johnson PK Kamath Eddie Karoliussen Eric Keathley William Kehoe* Blair Kelly* Jim Kennan* Steve Krohn* Chris Laing Chris Lee Don Long Alec Lorenzoni Abby Lunn

Charles Lunsford Stacey McDonough Gary McGee* Jim Richardson Joyce Robbins Eric Spooner Carrie Stanton Dave Stebbins Margo Szeliga Bryan Thomas* David Toscano Deborah van Eersel Juandiego Wade Bill Wardle Michael Wesson John Young

*Active Life Members

Top left: Eric Johnson, top right: Liza Borches, bottom left: Deborah Conway, bottom right: Juandiego Wade



JULY 1, 2013 - JUNE 30, 2014

FINANCIAL REPORT Thanks to the generosity of thousands of donors and volunteers, our United Way invests in School Readiness, Self-Sufficiency and Community Health.


Dan Goodall, Board Chair








22% COMMUNITY HEALTH The audited financial report for United Way-Thomas Jefferson Area is available at www.UnitedWayTJA.org.



ISSUES United Way makes our community a place where children grow up healthy and arrive at school prepared to succeed.

OUR PRIORITIES: • Provide home visiting services for families with children age 0-6 years. • Increase access to quality early education through the Virginia Star Quality Initiative. • Raise awareness about the importance of early childhood experiences to increase school readiness, health and life-long success.


In 2012, 36% of tutored K, 1st and 2nd grade children in the Fifeville neighborhood repeated a grade. Most did not have a high quality preschool education. - Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries (CALM)

In 2012, 16% of Charlottesville’s entering kindergarten class lacked the literacy skills they needed to be successful readers by third grade without intervention. –Virginia’s Biennial School Readiness Report Card


READINESS PROGRAMS Child Care Quality Children, Youth & Family Services

Child Care Scholarships United Way Thomas Jefferson Area

Home Visiting Collaborative

Jefferson Area CHiP and Children, Youth & Family Services

K-4th After-School Tutoring

Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries

Smart Beginnings Initiative / Thrive Before Five

United Way Thomas Jefferson Area

MIKE CHINN — SCHOOL READINESS CHAIR The School Readiness team advocates for and funds early childhood programs that prepare at-risk kids for kindergarten and beyond. We believe there are numerous opportunities to educate the community on the importance of starting early and to better coordinate the investments our community is already making in these excellent programs.


Mike Chinn, Chair; Suzanne Brooks; Carolyn Cullen; Adrian Felts; Frank Friedman; Phil Garland; Michael Geismar; Amanda Hallstead; Eric Johnson; Eric Keathley; Chris Laing; Chris Lee; Eric Spooner; Bill Wardle.




RESULTS Children in our community are healthy and ready for kindergarten so that they can benefit from education and break the cycle of poverty.


at-risk local low-income children received home visiting services last year. 11% of these children were diagnosed with

significant developmental issues and were referred and received additional services.

of our Child Care Scholarship children are enrolled in centers rated by the

Virginia Star Quality Initiative an increase of more than


in the past two years.

schoolss ine read s ult res

As of June 30th,

In FY14, we leveraged

$230,318 in cash and in-kind services to advocate for early childhood.




51 children received United Way Child Care Scholarships, totalling:



Daughters: Millie and Cora Nick is a single dad who works full time and has custody of his daughters Millie, age 3 and Cora, 10 months. Nick researched local child care centers using the Virginia Star Quality Initiative (VSQI) rating system because he knew that quality early care and education means a successful start in school. “I know my daughters are in great hands here. They need the stimulation and structure this center offers. They have a lot of resources we wouldn’t have at home with a sitter. Millie loves art and reading books and she comes home and tells me about her teachers and who she plays with. They are learning socialization skills by interacting with other kids. Having the child care scholarships makes my work more stable because they have reliable care and my girls have a steady, safe place to grow and learn. I have peace of mind and they love it here.”



PROGRAMS Adult Tutoring Services Literacy Volunteers



Building Dreams Habitat for Humanity

Center of Hope Salvation Army

United Way supports local adults working to become financially stable and economically independent.

The average annual cost of quality infant care in Charlottesville/Albemarle is $13,000 per child – as much as 30-50% of a low-income resident’s takehome pay. – United Way Child Care Scholarship Progam

OUR PRIORITIES: • Address barriers to employment and job training for unemployed/ underemployed adults, including promoting GED and post-secondary education. • Increase access to financial education, literacy and budgeting.

Half of all Charlottesville residents spend more than 30% of their gross income on housing expenses. – US Census

The poverty rate for people over 35 without a high school diploma in the City of Charlottesville is more than double the rate of those with a high school diploma. – City Workforce Development Strategic Action Team 2013


Computers4Kids Computers4Kids

Emergency Food and Shelter Program United Way Thomas Jefferson Area

Family and Individual Development Program Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries

Information and Referral Center

United Way Thomas Jefferson Area

Re-Entry Services OAR/Jefferson Area Community Corrections

Strive Charlottesville Abundant Life Ministries

Thomas Jefferson Area EITC Coalition United Way Thomas Jefferson Area

Welfare to Work WorkSource Enterprises

SASHA FARMER — SELF-SUFFICIENCY CHAIR We have worked hard to focus on the underlying and most critical needs that are tied to self-sufficiency in our community. Our team of volunteers really drilled down to determine the barriers people face in obtaining and maintaining employment. We want to help people become financially stable, contributing local citizens. By keeping our focus narrow, we can have a deeper impact, with measurable and remarkable results.


Sasha Farmer, Chair; Catherine Boucher; Charles Du Bose; Abby Lunn; Stacey McDonough; Joyce Robbins; Deborah van Eersel; Juandiego Wade; John Young.


In FY14, our EITC free tax preparation program prepared


RESULTS Adults are financially stable and independent.



for local low-income residents, generating a





of Re-Entry Program participants became employed last year while



completed financial literacy training.

—OAR/Jefferson Area Corrections

direct local economic impact in refunds, saved fees and tax credits.

4,350 local residents called our Information and Referral Center in FY14, and received more than


referrals for services.

100% of the families who graduated from the Center of Hope transitional housing program in FY13 remained in permanent housing one year later. —Salvation Army



Daughters: La’nyah and Lanaysia As a mom at the age of 16, Victoria realized that she needed help outside of her family to finish school and be a confident parent. Thanks to a local United Way grant-funded program, Victoria received home visits that helped her learn about child development and schedule regular doctor visits for her and her daughter. “It meant a lot that I had someone to count on.” Today, she is working as a pharmacy technician, her younger daughter is receiving a United Way Child Care Scholarship, and she is the proud owner of a Habitat for Humanity home. Victoria next plans to attend nursing school. “I want other moms in my situation to know that there is always help – don’t give up!”







Health Compass Blue Ridge Medical Center

United Way is building a community where people are healthy and have access to needed care.

OUR PRIORITIES: • Improve prenatal care and the health of babies. • Promote physical activity and improve the nutrition and eating habits of local residents, or other obesity prevention projects. • Increase access to preventative and basic health care resources for underserved persons, including low-income and rural communities.


High rates of poverty put kids at risk for obesity and diabetes. 23% of Charlottesville and 11% of Albemarle youth under age 18 live in poverty. – 2014 County Health Rankings

In 2012, 20% of the pregnant women served by the rural Blue Ridge Medical Center did not seek prenatal care prior to the 2nd or 3rd trimester. – Blue Ridge Medical Center

37% of Charlottesville and Albemarle fifth graders were overweight or obese in 2011, up from 31% in 2010. – 2012 TJHD MAPP report

Individual Growth Program On Our Own of Charlottesville

Mental Health Counseling and Services Program The Women’s Initiative

RxRelief Prescription Assistance Program United Way Thomas Jefferson Area

Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive United Way partnership with the National Association of Letter Carriers and the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

Teen Pregnancy and Parenting Jefferson Area CHiP

Triple Play Boys & Girls Club

DAVE STEBBINS — community health chair I have been on the Community Health committee for 3 years and it has been motivational to see the number of resources that exist in our small community. The issues of childhood obesity, mental health, and access to health care have been of growing concern in our country and this has helped us concentrate on supporting programs that are working in these areas. We encourage these programs to build relationships and collaborate with other groups in the community. Through this we are seeing great results and more comprehensive programs each year.

community health team:

Dave Stebbins, Chair; Glenn Bannan; Spencer Birdsong; Lisa Cannell; Deborah Conway; Margery Daniel; Dorrie Fontaine; Melissa Gardiner; Brad Haws; Jim Kennan; Alec Lorenzoni; Miette Michie; Jim Richardson; Michael Wesson.


This past year, 566 local uninsured residents received


prescriptions valued at more than



RESULTS Adults and children are physically and mentally healthy and have access to needed care.


MILLION through our United Way Prescription Assistance Program.

Local program data over a five-year period demonstrates that

80% of low income women receiving counseling services attain

COPING SKILLS to address daily stress. —The Women’s Initiative


50% of children attending the Boys & Girls Club participated in a cooking and nutrition program last year, while


participated in at least 45 minutes of physical activity daily.

In 2013, all Blue Ridge Medical Center prenatal patients sought care prior to the


Erika Vicellio & Helen Frye Erika Vicellio (l) Executive Director of the Charlottesville Free Clinic, and Helen Frye (r) United Way Medication Assistance Caseworker, who helps Free Clinic patients five days a week.

Without the Free Clinic and the United Way’s medication program, I don’t feel I would be alive today. There is no way I could afford my medications on my own.

—Free Clinic patient



ENGAGEMENT Our vision is a strong, healthy and vibrant community that helps people rise above challenges to reach their full potential. We engage volunteers, lead initiatives and collaborate with community partners to achieve this vision.


United Way Laurence E. Richardson Day of Caring


United Way Volunteer Center


Women United

The Santa Fund

United Way in partnership with The Daily Progress and News Radio 1070 WINA

United Way Mentor and Tutor Fair

United Way Family Volunteer Fair Initiative for Effective Nonprofits

United Way partnership with the Wardle Family Foundation



United Way makes our community a place where children grow up healthy and arrive at school prepared to succeed.

United Way supports local adults working to become financially stable and economically independent.


United Way builds a community where people are healthy and have access to needed care. 19



Members of our Presidents Circle are donors who share in ONE VISION. We thank the members of the Presidents Circle, and we invite you to join them. Thomas Jefferson Circle ($10,000 and above)

One member wishes to remain anonymous Suzanne J. and Robert L. Brooks The Charles Fund Bridget and Tim Davis Mr. and Mrs. Donald Flow Teresa Sullivan and Douglas Laycock The MLG Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Nunley Perry Foundation Hunter Smith Family Foundation Whitney and Anne M. Stone Foundation Mrs. M.R.J. Wyllie Wardle Family Foundation

James Monroe Circle ($5,000 - $7,499)

Flavia and Bernardo Anger Margery and Thomas M. Daniel Shirley S. and Robert L. French


Mary Pope and E. D. Hirsch Dawn McCrickard John G. Nunley Sue and Reuben Rainey Michael Strode The Yorkshire Foundation

George Washington Circle ($2,500 - $4,999)

Two members wish to remain anonymous Alison DeTuncq and Paul Archer Guy Babineau Carol Bauer Nancy and David Bogdonoff Liza and Peter Borches Mr. and Mrs. John T. Casteen III Edith Catlin Didi and Pete Chapin Mary and Mike Chinn Gail L. and David R. Clelland Ruth C. Cross


William L. Dalton Donna and Bryan O. Elliott Gretchen and Jared Feury Dorrie and Barry Fontaine Jane Brown Foster Caroline Green Fund Wendy Zomparelli and Richard Handler Ann and Greg Harris Amy Hughes Judith and J. Michael Jaeger Laurie and Blair Kelly Pattye H. Leggett Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia Sarah and Michael Rettig Grace D. Riggs Caroline and Jim Satira Mr. and Mrs. William W. Sihler Lynda and Michael F. Tubridy Jerry Vinson Susan Webb

John Tyler Circle ($1,750 - $2,499)

One member wishes to remain anonymous Bebe Heiner and Bill Atwood Inez Duff Bishop Trust Carol and Stephen Clarke Bonnie Wilfore and Chris Conti Valerie and Carlton Gregory Pat and Leroy Hamlett Linda W. Hitchings Lisa and Randy Huffman Trevor and Justine Joscelyne Susannah and PK Kamath Carol and Steve Krohn Frances Larner


John C. Rowlingson, M.D. Susan and Richard Tremblay Michele and Wade Tremblay Pamela L. Turner Luke Vaccaro

Woodrow Wilson Circle ($1,000 - $1,749)

Three members wish to remain anonymous Anonymous, in honor of Peter Harbilas Marilyn and Michael Ashby Kathy Rhyne and Chuck Axten The Honorable Gerald L. Baliles April and Jay Barton Robert Baydush Gina Bayes Holly and Russell Bell Kathy and Jim Berlin David Bilko Leah A. Billingsley Diane and Spencer Birdsong George Brannock Timothy Breeden Bernard T. Bress Diane and Richard Brownlee Dianne and Michael Burris Maxine C. and Henry L. Burton Todd F. Cadle Richard Carpenter Trish Cluff Deborah and George Conway Shane Cook A. Stuart Craig Shirley Crehore Carolyn Cullen Linda Dallanegra

Sonia, age 8, our youngest donor.

Susan W. and David L. Dallas Polly and David Deck Sally and Charles Du Bose Amy and Courtney Eastlack Peggy and John Echols Sarah Horne and Caroline Emerson Sasha and John Farmer Kirby and Adrian Felts Pat and Bob Foster Sue and Frank Friedman Rod Gentry

Leslie and Richard Gilliam Mindy and Dan Goodall Laura Faye and Brad Groff Mr. and Mrs. James E. Haden Amanda Hallstead Alison and Jeremy Hartman Debbie Harvey Allison and Duncan Hill Dr. and Mrs. Stuart S. Howards Mr. and Mrs. R. Edward Howell Barbara and David Hutchinson


James L. Jessup, Jr. Kelley and Eric S. Johnson Diane and Van Johnson Carol and Charles Johnston William J. Kehoe Bob Kemp Betsy and Jim Kennan Barkley and Chris Laing Mary E. and Jon C. Leachtenauer Dr. and Mrs. Hal M. Lippard Valerie and Don Long Carol and Peter Low Abby and Sean Lunn Peggy and Thomas MacAvoy David Madigan Carolyn and Frank Maginnis Grace and Leonard Mailloux George E. Marshall, Jr. Lawrence McConnell Gary McGee Ryan McKillip Thomas J. Michie Freddy Mladen Karen Moran and Wistar Morris Lee and Joe Mullen Ann and Carter Myers Carol Hurst and Jon Nafziger Lee and David Owen Sarah Corse and Bill Pearson Helen Plaisance Warren Polson Susan McLeod Prindle Joyce Robbins Dr. and Mrs. Dudley Rochester Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotgin, Jr. Joan and William Rough


Virginia and James Rovnyak Standish Family Foundation Kathrine and Richard Santen Jeffery Saylor Mr. and Mrs. E. Sykes Scherman Carolyn and Kevin Schuyler Mrs. Frederic W. Scott Betty and John Scott Dr. and Mrs. Hubert A. Shaffer, Jr. Timothy L. Shelton J. Anne and Phillip W. Shiflett Charles Smith Suzanne H. and Mahon T. Smith Jody and Robert Smith Julie and Phil Sparks Helen and John Steele Jodie A. Stevens The Stillfield Fund Jane and Bryan Thomas Elsie and W. McIlwaine Thompson Dorothy and Bill Tompkins Cathy and Kirk Train Sarah Turner Laine VanDyke Deborah and Michel van Eersel Pierre Verdier Claudette Grant and Juandiego Wade David S. Walker, Jr. Lorraine Wallenborn James Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Wesson Mary Lyndon Whitmore The Honorable and Mrs. J. Harvie Wilkinson III George Yin Nancy and John Young We have taken great care to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this list, and regret any errors or omissions. Please contact Caroline Emerson at 434.972.1701 if any corrections are needed.


Martha Trujillo Child Care Scholarship Coordinator & EITC Manager

Caroline Emerson Vice President and Campaign Director

Helen Frye RxRelief Medication Assistance Outreach

Lisa Frazier Vice President and Finance Director

Leigha Rae Data Manager

Kim Connolly Vice President of Community Engagement

Barbara Hutchinson Director of Community Initiatives

Alaina Schroeder Board and Impact Team Liaison

Megan Borishansky Information and Referral Specialist


PK Kamath Campaign Chair

Michael Geismar At Large

Blair Kelly Immediate Past Board Chair

Richard Brownlee Audit Committee Chair

Deborah van Eersel At Large

Liza Borches Board Vice Chair

Mike Chinn School Readiness Chair

Jim Kennan Historian

Peter Brooks Endowment Trustees Chair

Sasha Farmer Self-Sufficiency Chair

Cathy Train President

Brad Groff Operations Chair

David Stebbins Community Health Chair

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