A Million Voices: The World We Want

Page 53

2| One Million Voices from Around the World Diverse stakeholders and methods of outreach

Consultative process in Tanzania on post-2015 with young people while filming the documentary ‘Listen to Us’ (Photo: UN/UNFPA)

This chapter reports on the messages coming out from the national consultations that have taken place in 88 countries across the world. These consultations have been led by UN Country Teams (UNCTs) with the involvement of national governments, and were carried out between October 2012 and June 2013. Some are still ongoing and are, therefore, not reflected in this report. Countries in all situations have participated: both low- and middle-income countries, including least-developed countries, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), landlocked countries, countries affected by conflict or high disease burdens, and those with large indigenous populations.

A Million Voices: The World We Want | A Sus tain able Fu t ure with Digni t y f o r A l l 43

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