Trade Capacity Building Resource Guide 2010 Volume I

Page 244

Agency Summaries

building among the social partners; social upgrading of enterprises and the strengthening of their role in the design and implementation of on-the-job vocational training; and promotion of gender equality. More recently, with project support from Spain, the programme implemented the priorities of the National Action Plan at the enterprise level. Training has been conducted on the social upgrading of textile and clothing enterprises, the strengthening of human resource management, and enterprises’ role in training. Social upgrading is based on a bipartite approach facilitated by national trainers who help workers and managers to identify actions that they could carry out at their workplace to improve working conditions, productivity, and labour-management relations. In order to secure sustainability, the training at the enterprise level is undertaken by national training institutions trained by the ILO. This approach is being tested on a pilot group of voluntary enterprises.

Major achievements


One of the major achievements of the project is a shift from conflictual relations to more collaborative social dialogue. Not only has this led to the adoption of the tripartite action plan, but it has also given a new impetus to national, sectoral and regional social dialogue. The social partners decided in January 2004 to establish a bipartite TC committee to deal in a socially responsible way with the new challenges of globalization. In addition, in the recent past, some trade unions have established TC national federations to strengthen their representation. The programme has improved the social partners’ understanding of the challenges and opportunities the TC industry faces in global markets. The creation of a decent work agenda has now become a key driver in the competitiveness and trading capacity of the Moroccan TC industry. The employers’ association, AMITH, has put the social dimension at the heart of the restructuring process, recognizing the importance of integrating the creation of decent work with the search for economic efficiency. Partnerships EU, ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNIDO, WIPO, WTO

TCB activities described in this guide GLOBAL ADVOCACY • Policy Coherence Initiative (PCI) • Working Party on the Social Dimension of Globalization (WPSDG) • Integrating the decent work agenda in poverty reduction strategies TRADE POLICY DEVELOPMENT • Regional integration and employment policies • Assessing and addressing the impact of trade policy on employment LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK • Technical cooperation on labour laws SUPPLY CAPACIY • Integrated sectoral strategies to build capabilities and improve competitiveness • Value chain analysis, upgrading, and cluster development • Workplace practices OTHER TRADE-RELATED ACTIVITIES • Development of the business environment • Local economic development (LED)

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