Preparing Croatia for the Community Led Local Development in the Fisheries Sector

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• Increase resilience & reduce vulnerability of fisheries sector, increase the sustainability of fishing and the resource on which it depends, as well as its capacity to react to shocks & crises. Prior to reform of CFP there has been a disconnect between fishermen and their environment & resource and without improving this connection, the fishery sector’s capacity to inadvertently cause or exacerbate a crisis remains a risk. The FLAG can help to reduce this risk as it can provide: • A mechanism for direct engagement by fishermen with the management of the resources and their better understanding; • Tools – and funds – for fishermen to take responsibility for assessing environmental impact of coastal development and resource-use; • A mechanism for training and awareness raising; and • An ability to provide improved supply chain benefits to fishermen by increasing the value of products and sales. In each case strengthened coordination, organisation and fisheries governance can play a key role. Improved associations will help in marketing, purchasing, stock management, engagement with other sectors locally; as well as improving the means for engaging with national agencies and supporting the process of adaptation necessary, as the CFP is implemented. These issues were thoroughly discussed by the national and local workshops and both concluded that based on the rationale presented above, there was a need and a role for FLAGs in Croatia and they could play a strong role in securing the future of this important sector.

3.2 Target audiences, stakeholders and “affected groups” A key component of the development process is to identify the “affected groups” regarding FLAG implementation. This process has already commenced, and a positive collaborative atmosphere was evident in both the national and local groups.

3. Discussion and Conclusions Study Report of the Project Preparing Croatia for the introduction of the Community Led Local Development in the Fisheries Sector

At the national level, the development work done to date has identified: • Ministry of Agriculture – Directorate of Fisheries – the lead body for development and implementation, as Managing Authority within the management and control system for EFF and EMFF. Whilst CLLD and FLAGs are not within the scope of the work of the Twinning Team within the DF, they could play a role in the transfer of experience from those countries where FLAGs are already implemented. • Ministry of Agriculture – Directorate of Rural Development – DRD is DF’s key partner at the government level, given the need for complementarity of programmes and funds. Important lessons can be learnt from the current implementation of the LEADER programme under IPA. • Paying Agency for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development – responsible for the Payment and Control System for the FLAGs programme and is likely to be required to participate in the certification of the CLLD programme within EMFF and its implementation. At the local level the development work to date has identified a range of groups who should be involved in the development of FLAGs in each fishery area: • Fishery interests – it will be important that the structure of the sector is respected in developing partnerships; in particu-


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