Gender equality inclusion in local development strategies in Serbia

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work of local self-government and gender equality Designated funds for implementation of projects intended to improve the position of women and advance gender equality



2.5.3. Southern Banat (Alibunar, Bela Crkva, Kovin and Vršac) Local development strategies of selected municipalities and cities in Southern Banat have not included gender aspect in a systemic manner, nor have the issues of gender equality been recognised as important for local community development. In two out of four municipalities (Vršac and Alibunar), some issues of importance for gender equality have been acknowledged: poverty, women unemployment, violence against women, as well as lack of strategies for women employment in rural areas. However, there are no defined objectives or activities that would be focused on solving the problems which have been identified. Answers to key questions are presented in tables for each municipality. Fields which are empty denote that there are no data in the documents for the given indicator.



Analysis of situation in the municipality contains data at the level of local community and households classified by gender

population, education, unemployment

Bela Crkva



population, unemployment

population, unemployment

Analysis of situation contains information on socioeconomic situation of women in target municipality/city Strategy recognises importance of gender equality Strategy features objectives (projects) focused on improvement of women’s position and advancement of gender equality


Strategy features activities (projects) focused on improvement of women’s position and advancement of gender equality


Areas in which projects focusing on improvement of women’s position and advancement of gender equality are defined Issues/problems of importance for achieving gender equality are recognised in the analysed documents

Strategy recognises the area of rural tourism

violence against women violence against women, unemployment


lack of strategy for self-employment of women in rural areas, violence against women, women poverty X


Strategy contains gender aspect to rural tourism Defined gender indicators for monitoring of strategy and

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