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UNDAF Assistance Area # 1 Institutional Reforms It is critically important for Ukraine to intensify institutional reforms that enhance outreach to enable all people to access conditions to enjoy their human rights. Target to be achieved in Ukraine by 2010: Government institutions at national and local levels function on a transparent, accountable and participatory basis, harmonised with European norms and standards, that ensures the human rights of all people in Ukraine. In order to achieve this target by the end of the programme cycle, the UN cooperates with national counterparts to: 1. Promote human rights-based, gender-sensitive and participtory policies and practices at the national level. 2. Strengthen national capacities to promote, protect and monitor human rights through greater accountability of public institutions. 3. Increase transparency of people-centred, public governance operations and mechanisms. Progress made in 2006: The United Nations in Ukraine continues to advocate and provide policy recommendations to the Government on several issues related to the aforementioned UNDAF priority areas. As examples of our achievements in 2006, a White Paper on Justice Sector Reform and a Concept Paper on Juvenile Justice were submitted to the Ministry of Justice. The UN further participated in the development of refugee legislation according to international standards and submitted joint position papers on health care, in general, and HIV/AIDS, in particular, to the Government. Moreover, the UN Country Team developed joint recommendations on laws and policies of top priority for revision to the President, the Parliament and the Oblast administrations of Ukraine. The consolidated UN policy recommendations: to consolidate the foundations of democracy through constitutional and institutional reform; inten-

4 Participating agencies: UNICEF, WHO, UNHCR, UNDP, IOM, WB, ILO.

sify and deepen democracy through empowerment of civil society; democratise health care and social services by widening people’s choices; make the fight against HIV/AIDS a national strategic priority; and democratise the economy and reduce disparities through economic growth and poverty alleviation.

Five Centres for Migrant Advice (CMAs) were established, providing free consultations on migrants’ rights to approximately 8,000 people. CMAs conducted more then 70 workshops in universities and employment centres4 Advocating proactively for the development of a comprehensive national development plan, the UN developed in 2006 the third Blue Ribbon Commission Report: “The State and the Citizen: Delivering on Promises”; providing policy advice to the Ukrainian authorities on priority institutional reforms in the economic and social sectors. (Additional information on the Blue Ribbon Commission Report can be found under UNDAF Assistance Area # 4, p.8). A consequent comended achievement in the sphere of institutional reforms was the President’s submission of his anti-corruption package to the Parliament, and the subsequent adoption of this legislation in the first reading. The package contains provisions on several aspects relating to corruption, including provisions on conflicts of interests and access to information.

In 2006, the UN Country Team provided training and capacity building to approximately 150 judges and 27 representatives of asylum authorities. In addition, 80 judges of newly created administrative courts were trained in administrative law4 Further UN contributions towards increased transparency of peoplecentred public governance operations include the establishment of Child Advisory Boards in six cities in Sumy and Lviv oblasts. Strategies for the introduction of a Child Friendly City governance model were endorsed by respective city councils.

UNCT Annual Report 2006


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