Ifc survey findings biomass to energy in ukaraine 2015 eng web

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Annex 1. Participants in the survey Total number of companies in the database and in the sample Total number in the database*

Number of companies surveyed

% of the total number




Municipal heat suppliers (teplokomunenergo)




Pellet producers




Sector Big agricultural companies

Annex 2. Biomass facts and figures Biomass is a non-fossil biologically renewable matter of organic origin that is capable of biological decomposition, in the form of products, waste and residues of forestry and agriculture (crops and livestock), waste of fisheries and technologically related industries, as well as a component of industrial or municipal waste.8 This definition of biomass in Ukrainian legislation was harmonized with that of Europe, i.e. EU Directive 2009/28/EC. Bioenergy is energy derived from the conversion of biomass where biomass may be used directly as fuel or processed into liquids and gases. Energy crops are grown specifically to produce some form of energy. Energy may be generated through direct combustion or gasification of the crops to create electricity and heat, or by converting them to liquid fuels such as ethanol for use in vehicles.


Law on Introduction of Changes to Certain Laws of Ukraine with respect to Securing Competitive Conditions for Generation of Electricity from Alternative Energy Sources, No. 2010-d of May 19, 2015.

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