UITP Activity report 2014 & 2015

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TRAINING: ADVANCING TALENT IN PUBLIC TRANSPORT Over recent years, the number of training programmes organised by UITP has grown exponentially with courses being held in more than 40 countries and attracting participants from as many as 90 countries so far. More than 600 companies sent their staff to UITP Training courses already. In this context, UITP recognised training as a strategic field to establish its Centre for Training in June 2015.

UITP’s last two years have been marked by training developments: ► T he portfolio of training programmes has been extended to meet the mobility challenges of today and tomorrow. ►N ew training methods were introduced: e-learning, mentoring support in daily work, case teaching, project assignment, job attachment and pre-post knowledge tests.

development of customised in-house training programme contracts with UITP members. ► A trainer scheme was introduced for the selection, qualification and continuous performance monitoring of trainers.

Disseminating knowledge through strategic partnerships

►A new pricing policy was also introduced integrating all training courses worldwide and offering discounts to developing Nations in some programmes.

There was a specific focus on the development of strategic partnerships with international organisations, universities and regional bodies, in order to improve the quality of the courses and to disseminate them on the five continents.

►U ITP Training Programmes started to be organised in different languages other than English including Russian, Arabic, Turkish, French and Spanish. This helps an increasing presence in different regions of the world and allows the

A partnership was established with Oxford University in 2014 to organise the Executive Education Programme for High Levels in Urban Transportation. In addition, some lec-

tures in courses have been given by professors from the Poly Technical School of Lausanne (EPFL).


An increased focus on training

UITP works with the World Bank for the organisation of the LUTP (Leaders in Urban Transport Planning Capacity Building Programme) and the development of case studies. ITP also collaborates closely with UNDP (United NaU tions Development Programme) and organise training programmes in Kazakhstan in 2014 and 2015 and a contract was signed in 2015 to organise nine different training programmes in Russia. Thanks to Regional Partnerships with RTA Dubai and LTA Singapore, UITP continued to organise training programmes in the MENA and Asia-Pacific Regions via regional Centres for Transport Excellence.

is the most powerful weapon “whichEducation you can use to change the world... ” Nelson Mandela, South African President, 1994-1999


UITP Activity Report 2014 & 2015


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