1963 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 61 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 63

Top Seniors CL.\RL\·CE EIlW.\RD CU.\l'M \S "' his nusincss alltl t\pplied Science major gradualed "Cum I.audc" fmlll lhe Uni,ersil)' or l!l:,ho: howe\cr. schol:,stic :lchi<;,cmCllls ahmc 110 1101 accounl for Cl:ore's outsl:""li,,/{ cullt'ge recan!. Duri"g his Senior lear, Clare hea,lt..:1 the Idaho ch:'pler of IIlue Ke}', nalional men's !IoChobslic and senicll' hOlll>l'3r,: COIllmanded lhe .\rl1l) RO rc Cadel Brip"lc: rt"CCl\ed his «IllIl1lission ,l' a lK'COnd Lieulenanl in Ihe U.s. ,\011\ R~rH~ :is "J)istingllisluxi :\liliI3T} GrddU:llc": and "'as selected ;IS the recipicnl of the highl), eo.·tled "Je"'ett Scholarship" 10 Hi\n"n! 1..'";'c,,,lt)·s Gnd"ale School or Rusines:l:, Clare's scnior 'e:iT "';lIS indeed trull' indicui\c of his olha thr~ 'an al ld",ho "'here he alii) srned his IJni.ersil\'. his fello..' StutlcrllS. and his Farmhouse Fr.tlemin.

G.\RY .\LDES c.\IU..soS l'n:sidcrH of his Junior Cl:is.s. l'r('Sidrotll or the I"ler· Fr;Hemit} Council, and l'rC5idem or his Bcl:i rhet:i "i .'r"lltemilY h:i"~ ~n onl' :i re..' or the m:ill\ extr.a· cunieul:ir aeti,ities of this SC1,ior hum Boise. G:i'1 :ilso excelled in his 5Chol:istic endelnors ...ilh Illcruboership in I'hi lJ.ct:i K:ipp;t. I'hi Kal'l':i Phi. Hlue Kq. :ind Sihcr L:ince as :imple proof or his success in lhis field. Gaq ''':is :ilo;o the unsllcc('SSrul Uniled I':irt} Clmdid:ilC for ,\SUI I'resitlenl during his Junior }ear. Perh:ips lhe mOSl important highlight or G:aT) 's college career was his selection b}' the t\mcriean Chcmical Society ;as onc of Ihe n:.tion·s t0l' lwcl. e gratluating college seniors in lhe ficld of chemistry. Gar)"'s immediale plans call for gr:,t1u:lIC study and lhe Uni"crsil)' Gill juslifiably cXlx"Cl mallj' oUlst;u"ling arro",plishulents from C:.r)' in lhe f'"l1re.

CII \RLES FREDRICK W.\RRES. JR, Hai'ing frum Le"'islOn, Frt"l w:.s Iluid; to eslablish his n:lI11e in Ihe polilical arena of sWllenl go,erumen! :ll Idaho. Ri,ing lhrough lhe I':lIlls of Unilt..:1 I':'rl), !'re,1 .'llCccssfull)" g:,int..:l :0 ptlSilioll on the t\SUI EXt"CIIli,c 1I0ani dllring hi, Seniur j'e:"', ""ed sent,,1 Ih" E·l\o:ord in lhe cal':ocil) of ch:,irlll:l" of the SII"leut ..acullr R"treal at Camp I.ulh"rh:.. "". Fred, a lIlemher of lhe Si/:ma :-"11 Fl':l.lerllil}, ...as laplK:d for m"m· hcnhill illlo lillie Ker and he :iM}' fulhlled Ihc emcC'C spot for Iheir annual Talem Sho.... ;\Iore 5Chooling lies il\ Ihe rlll"re ror frcd also as he goes on 10 DemiSIT) School :il George Washinglon L·ni.enit} in W:ishing, lon, f).C.


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