1938 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 36 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 53

William Wayman Guthrie Marie Hauch Cla.rance Hallberg Vivian Hagadona B.S.( A gr.); Emmo tt H tgh B.A.; Twin F~ llslllgh School; B.S.(Ed.);Coeur d'Alene High B.S.(Bus.): Blackfoot High Highest Honore 2·3: High School: Alpha T~u Omega; School: Wtllts S weet H~ll: Ag School; Hoyo Hall. Club 1·2·3·4; Rifle T~m 2·3; Honora I; Alpha Chi Omega; 'T' Club; &sketbell I, Bos&Animal Husbandry Judgong Mortar Board: Cardona! Key; bell 1·2-3-4: Basketball Man· Team 3; Colonel of Cadets 4; Spurs; Alpha Lombda Delta; agar 2. Ag Club, President 4 W.A.A.l·2·3:Cia•T~surer 4; Phi Beta Kappa 4.

Paul Ennia . • . other half of the Trl Delt-Sogma Nu cooperohon .. is pep band enthuato•t .. very talented trurr r. eter ... Ia prexy of Stgma Nus .. mtxeo politics wtth other achvlllea

Man ford, Boyd Harland Gwendolyn H&J"J'lgan B.S.(Ed.); Troy High School. B.A.; Northwestern Busoness Colloqe; Highest Honors 1·2· 3; ll~ys Hall; Alpho Lombdo Delta; Phi Beta Kappa; Von· dofeera: Debate 1·2·3: Chaor· man Junoor Serenode.

Don C. HarTia Bote Thete Po.

H arold Lynn Harria B.S.(For.); A shton High School.

Naomi Dahl Hillman Dwivht Sp<>ar Hoffman Edward W . Hokanson Maude H od~PQn B.S.(Ed.). Boise Hogh School; B.S (Ed.); Cottonwood Hogh B.S (Chem.E.); Cheney Htgh B.S.(C.E.); Lowos ond ClMk Albion Normal; Delta Delta School, Cheney, Weshongton; High School. Spokane, w~sh· School Delta; Highest Honors 4, Htgh ongton; Gonuoga Unlvorolty; Koppo Stgmo, President 4; Honors 3; Kappa Delio Psi; Stgm~ Tau; Chemical Engl· Phi Oelt11 Theta; High Honors noera; Associated Enqoneers, Westminster Guold; Unover· I; Scabbard and Blade: Soqma ally Sonqert: Blue Bucket 3; Tau; Blue Kay; Silver l..nnce: Pre tdent 3. Gem 3-4; Treble Clef Club 3. Covol Engoneers;.

Florence T huesen Horton Cleta Charlotte Hudaon James Burnham Huvhaa M ary Lorraine H u le tt B.S.(Mus.Ed.); Gooding Hogh B.S.(H.Ec.); North Central B.A.; Nompa Hogh School; BS.(Ed.). Brookings High Hogh School, Spokane, Wash· School; Alpha Chi Omega: College of Idaho; Interchurch School, Brookong•. So. Oak.; ongton; Hayo Hall: Home Ec Htgh Honors I; Soqme Alpha Daleth Teth Gtmel; Intern&· Council; Vandaleera: Univar· Club; Universoty Sonqora; Big Iota 3; Arqon<~ut; lnterno· ally SinQert. lionel Relations Club; Debate Sister. tiona! Rela tions Club; Treble 1·2; Argonaut I. Clef Club.


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