1935 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 33 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 205

Dairy Husbandry

E. Spencer, 0. Campbell, L. Hall, C. .-\rndt

Hepresented by D uard Campbell, Leness H all, Chester Arndt, and Edward Spencer, the Dairy H usbandry judging team won first place at the P ortland show. L eness H all was high point man in this department. Idaho won first place in judging H olsteins and J erseys, second in Ayrshires, and third in Guernseys. This championship team was coached by F.\\'. :\tkeson.

Agronomy The :\ gronomy judging team this year won first place with the highest number of points ever made by one team in the Pacific International Show. T he highest individual score ever made was chalked up by J ohn Schwendiman, Idaho. The team, coached by H . \\'. H ulbert, this year won the grain grading trophy and the cu p for judging and identification. Members were J o hn Schwendiman, Wilbur Schroeder, Mark P eterson, and Andrew J ean.

Ag Econ llont in Little I nternntionol parncle . . . Agronomy Judginl( T eam Member-= l\1. Petuson, W. Schroctl cr, i\. Jean, J. Schwendiman ... Jersey cows ... H~mp,hi re ~heep ... J>ercheron horses ..• Pri1e Jersey co" •·

Page 201

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