1931 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 29 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 268

Men's Varsity Debate T wo questions of current economic interest were debated b y the men's v arsity debate t ea ms. The question that was deb ated the first semest er was, R ESOLVED: ttT ha t government interference in the wheat situ ation is detrimental to the b est interes ts of the farmer." The question that was used the second semest er was, R ESOLVED: .. That chain stores have been d etrimental to the best interest s of the A merican people." On D ecember 14 William Wetherall and Robert Vincent, d ebating the negative side of the wheat question, won a decision fro m Whitman College, w hile H arry Angncy and Joe Filseth, d ebating the affirm ative side of the sa me question, lost to Whitman College. William \Vetherall a nd H oward B alliÂŁ won a d ecision f rom Wa hing ton State College the followin g day. On F ebruar y 25, a debate between the U niver ities of Ida ho and Oregon on the s ubj ect of chain stores was held at Troy, Idaho. William Wetherall a nd Howard Wi e man, debating the negative side of the quest ion, won the d ecision for Id a ho. J o hn Fa rquh ar and Ralp h Olmst ead , debating the a ffirmative side of the chain tore que tion, lo t an audience d ecision to Pacific University on M a rch 7. The sa me t eam debated the University of Southern Californi a on April 3. Robert Vincent a nd J oe Filseth debated Oregon Stat e College on pril 15, using the Oregon syst em of cross -examination. The annual Pacific Forensic Conference was held at Seattle April 6, 7 and 8. W illi am Wether all represented Idah o in the ora torical con test.

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