1925 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 23 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 195

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lntra.. mural Basketball More interest was shown in Basketball this year than in any other sport. There was a larger turnout this year than in any of the previous years. An intra-mural tournament was held first and then a class tournament. The Alpha Chi Omega's won the Intra-mural tournament. The members of the team were Margaret Carter, Evangeline Bennett, Mary Francis Updike, Dorothy Teats, Dorothy Sowder, Josie Nash and Mary Fisher, substitute.



Class Basketball The Freshmen team won the class tournament. The members of the Freshmen team were :\Iarjorie )!iller, Dorothy Sowder, :\Iary Partner, Evelyn Huston, Helen Stellman, Pauline Clare, and Ella )lae Farmin, substitute.


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