1922 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 19 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 189

School of Practical Agriculture The School of Practical .\griculture i~ maintained for the purpost' of training the young- men of the state in practical ag-riculture. It is open to eighth grade g-raduates who do not desire or arc unable to attl'JHI high school. lt is also attended by btl} s "ho h:\\ e had some high sdwol \\ork or ha,·e graduated from high school. The course is arrang-cd for thrcc years of fi,·e months each. II igh school graduate~ arc able to finish the work in t,,.o years. The boy:> attcnding the school \\ork on their farms at home during the summer and attend school during the winter months. The school term begins in the fall after thc c rops are han·estcd and ends in the sprin g about the time that spring work begins . . \11 of the College of .\griculturc equipment is a\'ailable for the use of the School of Practical .\griculture. The students get the same kind of work that the regular college students receive except that it is briefer and of a more practical nature. The greatest interest is in Animal llu sbandry. Dairying. . \griculture Engineering. Farm Crops. and I lorticulturc. Each fall a stock judging team of five is selected to go to the Livestock Show at Lewiston to compete with other short course teams. This team has been winning consistently each year. Last fall it took first m·er the l'. of I. Yocational team and the Lewiston Xormal School. The team consisted of Yernon Perry, Peter F. Kershisnik. Fred 0. llorning. Glenn \\·. Da,·is and Hugh C. Sinclair. On the .\nnual .\gricu lture Judging day the School of Practical .\griculture students are eligible to all of the contests. This year they made a clean sweep of the Dairy Cattle Judging Prizes and won a place in each of the other contests. In Dairy Cattle Judging the following men \\'Oil prizes: Yirgil Lickley, first; Fred 0. llorning, sec ond: ( :tenn \\'. Da\'iS. third: Chau ncey B. :\fays, fourt h: Francis S. Coyle. fifth: Ralph lioness, sixth; Edward \ \'. Lundy won second in 1)airy Products: Fred Schuetz won fourth in Grain Judging: Peter F. l'crshisnik \\'on fifth in Fruit Judging. In the .\nimal llushandry con test, \·enwn Perry took third in Shorthorn Cattle. .\ special loving cup was gi,·en by Professor Dickinson. l'rincipal of the School of Practical \griculture. to the high man in either \nimal llushanclry or Dairy Cattl<:. This cup was \\On by Yirgil Licklcy. he ha\ ing won the Dairy Cattle Judging cup also. PractiC'ally all of the students in the school come irom farm homes ancl intend to make farming their bu;;;iness. Returning to their respt.•cti\ e comnnmities a iter one. two or three winters spent in study. the} become the leaders in matters of scientific farming. cooperative mm·emcnts and right li,·ing.

Page One Hundred and Eighty-three

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