1914 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 11 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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CAREY REICX BLACK, B. S. (C. E.) London Collegiate Insti· lute, London, Ont., 1907; Idaho SocleLy of Civil Engineers. A "would-be" Architect.

DOTTIE ELLA 1\lAY )1URRA Y, B .•\. )Julian High. 1910; Class B Honors: Biology Club; Classical Club (1). One of o u r foremost midnight kerosene burn· ers.

HAROLD H. HUGHART, B.S. Pocatello High, '1 0: "Cor· puscle; ·• Class Football; Class Bas e b a II: Zeta Delta. Biology shark and flun· key or the department. Llne:enfelter's only rival.


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