1903 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 1 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 72

~"oscow, IDAIIO, March 4, 11}02-Robert Max Carrett, B. M. 11}O1. Assistant in Department of i\'1u!>ic 1899-11}O1. Piano teacher, !\Ioscow; tutor in l.atin and student in A. B. course U. of 1. 11}O1-02.

DHNVRR, IDAIIO. M:m:h I 1902-De~irable positions are 1I0t ~l路 ways open to inexperienced college graduate". at least. this ha'l been my experience. Last spring I applied for the pdncipalship of 5en"ral ,'illage schools. be~ides Ilumerous other JX1!'iliolls. bu~ in each case I was notified that they would emplo)' onlv experienced teacher!>. Disappointed in not securing-a position that I wished I decided to commence at the bottom of the ladder. so I be:g"ln to look about for a coulltry school. After nu.....erOu'l applications and dipappointment'l, I finally secured a !'Chool. It was a genuine backwoods school-the most desolate. dreary rt"fdon one could imagine. The school house stood in a thicket oflall pines and firs, and the children spent their recesses in chasing squirrels and chipmonks. After teaching thert- for some time with \'ariou~ SllcceSse~, a better positioll was offered, so I resig-ned. I next took charge of the Denver school. which position I OC<:lIPY. I find tbe work quite agreeable here. and begin to feel that. I am in a tair way to make a success of teaching. Ver)' trnly yours, L. W. NIXON. 2-16 J()02-:-'ly "career" has been rather limil~d since I left Moscow. The only event of imporlance is that I am a stu lent ill the Medical School of Nortb\\ e"ern Ulli\路ersity. candidate for the degree ~L D. Very cordially, CARROLL L. S:\UTH. NORTIIWKSTHRN UNIVERSITY



Mul.l.... N, IDAHO, Feb. 7, 1902-Vour communication recei\路ed. One'~ life seems!>O \'er)' trh'ialto himself that it is only natllTal that we should shun to record it. It seems a flight to e\'cnts for the conforma路 tion of worth. I cUlI't stand the test. Yours Truly,

C. W.


CnHY~:NNE, \\''0'0., Feb. 21, 1902-AftergraduatillginJlIne 1901, \\,as employed as reporter on the Cheyenne Daily Leader and during


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