Fugue 33 - Summer/Fall 2007 (No. 33)

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The University of the South


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...._ he University of the South in ._ Sewanee, Tennessee, is the home ..__ of this venerable quarterly, hc~un in 1892. It is a distinguished trm.litional literary magazine devoted to British and American fiction , poetry, and r<.!vicws, as well as essays in criticism and reminiscence. Those published in the Revi<."U' 's pages include T. S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, \\'allacc Stevens, Flannery O'Connor, ~lary Gordon, ,\ndrc Oubus, and more rccciHiy \\'endell Berry, Fred Chappell, Denis Donoghue, Elizabeth Spencer, Grace Schulman , Louis Rubin , and Sam Pickering. ._._~·­


Published qum1:erly in \\'inter, Spring, SummCJ". ;md Fall. Volume 114 (2006). Prepayment is required. ,\nnual ~>uh~eription!>: .S25.00, individuals; S20.00, students (with copy of student I J>. ); .S.\,1.00. institutions. Furci~n po-.ta~c: S7.00, Canada & .\texico: S7.00, outside ~orth .\merica. Sin~le-i-..,ue price: St-..00, indi\'iduals; S&.OO, instittuions. Payment must he drawn on a l '.S. h:mk in t:.S. doUars or made hy international money order. Sales tax:

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Send orders to: T he Jo hns llopkins l'ni\'ersity Press P.O. Box 199M Bal timore• .\ID 212 1 1-0966, l' .8.,\. For inquiries. email: jlorder@jh upress.jh u.edu. To order usi n~ .\meriean Express. Oisco\'er. :\lasterCard. or \'isa. call toll-free: 1-800-5-IN-178-1. out~ide the l'.S. call non-toll-free: -H0-516-6987. fax: ·H0-516-6968. or order online: www.prcss.jhu.edu/jounlabJ


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