Fugue - Fall/Winter 1991 (No. 4)

Page 48

FUGUE, Vol. 1, No.1 respect you both." She paused. ..Some of us would like to be just like you, Professor Snail." At that the snail reared from his shell in gooey pride, reared so far, in fact, that be nearly unhoused himself. ..And some of us," the young aphid continued demurely, ..would like to be just like you, Professor Gadfly." At that the good-looking gadfly whirred so high from her seat on a yellow tomato blossom that she nearly disappeared from sight.

..But," the aphid added, raising her voice and suddenly sounding more than a little professorial herself, ..most of us don't want to be like either of you. Most of us want to be something like one of you and somewhat like the other, but most of all like ourselves. Studying lit helps us a lot with that, and the great thing about learning with you two in this garden is... " The snail and the gadfly edged forward eagerly. .. ...is that neither of you seem to get in our way all that much." 0

THE GODDESS OF SAX Giver of Beauty Cause of envy, Sound to us your brass. Controller of fate Purpose of life, Play to me my hope. Force a tune From your lungs, Blow the wind of happiness. You are the tempest Swaying my emotions, Noting the changes of my passion. -Alisa Stoffel


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