CANTA #3 2020

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We at Women’s Wellbeing believe that building a positive relationship with yourself is vital to your overall wellbeing. A positive relationship with yourself ensues happiness, increased confidence, improved general health, and a more positive environment. Remember that while people come in and out of your life, you will always remain. It only takes a small amount of effort to take steps to improve the relationship you have with yourself, so we’ve compiled a few simple tips to get you started …

then let it slowly fall as you breathe out. Uni (and other pressures/ strains) can cause us to become overwhelmed, so taking at least 5 minutes each day to practice this will improve your mood, clear your perspective, and help to release the tension you’re carrying. Yoga and meditation are also great ways to incorporate this!

The Basics!

In order to improve your relationship with yourself, it is important to talk to yourself with the kindness that you would your loved ones. Just as we have the ability to convince ourselves we’re not good enough, not strong enough, or not “something” enough, so too can we change our mindset for the positive. You deserve just as much kindness that you give others, so lift yourself up rather than putting yourself down!

It is extremely important to take a step back and ensure you’re fulfilling the basic needs of your health before you do anything further. Think of these are the foundation for which you can build a positive relationship with yourself.

Getting enough Zzzz It is typically said that 7-9 hours of sleep is required each night to re-charge, re-store and re-energise. Even though those assignments may be screaming at you to be completed, you’ll feel fresher and clearer-minded in the morning if you get some sleep. So, switch off those phones and shut down those laptops a little bit earlier — you’ll thank yourself for it!

I like to move it, move it, We like to…move it! Some form of movement each day is highly important for general wellbeing – it boosts your fitness AND causes the release of endorphins which make you feel happyyyyyy - it’s a win-win!

You are your own worst critic

Put yourself first – it’s not selfish! You are worth looking after, so start putting your wellbeing first! Figure out the things that make YOU happy! Aim to incorporate them more into your life, and potentially cut out what may be bringing you down. Happiness is contagious, so take time for yourself to boost your wellbeing, and in turn, boost the wellbeing of others! A happier you will lead to a happier environment.

MORE H2O! Just a reminder: we literally need this to survive. It’s simple. Drink water.

Eating Well! It’s no secret that what you put into your body impacts your mood, energy levels, and the many reactions that go on inside of you that allow you to feel your best. We’re not saying you need to start your mornings with celery juice, or cut out ice cream all together, but it may be worth asking yourself whether you should be increasing your fruit and veggie intake, and decreasing your intake of Cappy B’s and choccy bars.

Are you breathing? No, really, are you? Diaphragmatic breathing is key to activating a sense of calm. All it involves is breathing in deeply so that your stomach rises (rather than breathing shallowly in your chest),

A few Blocks



Set achievable goals – this is a surefire way to make sure you continue to build an increasingly positive relationship with yourself. In setting these goals; write them down, but also write down the steps you’ll need to take to get there. Goals can be big or small, as long as they are important to you. Reward yourself when you achieve them, and remember that they will take TIME! But you’ll get there if you set your mind to it. Practice gratitude – thinking of/writing down things that you are grateful for can put things into perspective and instantly boost your mood. Look for those silver linings of situations and appreciate what you have now! Lastly, don’t compare/compete with others! Everyone is on their own path of self-improvement so take one step at a time. Selfcare is for YOURSELF, and if you don’t look after yourself, who will?


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