Dimensions of Mediterranean Diet

Page 140

FIGURE 2 Bread, one of the elements in the Mediterranean food trilogy.

fat and butter in their cooking. With greater or lesser detail, it was this image that Roman culture provided the Germanic peoples when it became interested in their customs. For 6th century Latin authors, reality was somewhat different and such dietary savagery was only seen among peoples on the fringes of the civilised world, such as the Laplanders, the Huns and the Scandinavians- of the former, Procopius said that they would not drink wine and drew nothing from the earth, since hunting provided all their food (Montanari, 1994). However, the prestige of meat and the culinary use of lard and pork fat would not disappear from among the peoples who occupied the vari-

140 a . f r e i t a s e t a l . ( c o o r d . ) – d i m e n s i o n s o f m e d i t e r r a n e a n d i e t , w o r l d c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e , f a r o : u n i v e r s i d a d e d o a l g a r v e , 2 0 1 5

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