Typotex Rights Catalogue

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The Babel Web Anthology builds upon the Babelmatrix idea that changes the traditional bilingual relationships between original literary works and their translations into a special, multilingual form. Thanks to the innovative structure of Babelmatrix, it is possible to handle original literary works and their translations multi-dimensionally, that is, in multiple languages at the same time. BWA is edited with great care and continuously updated with contextual information that can provide the user with adequate insight into the cultures and literatures of other European countries.

www.babelmatrix.org The Visegradliterature Net is a fullfilled part of Babelmatrix where Visegrad countries’ – Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Slovak – literature pearls are available in each other’s languages and also in English and German translations.

www.visegradliterature.net The Hungarians in Babel is a basic literary pool of classical, modern and contemporary Hungarian literature translated into several languages, and the pearls of the European literatures translated into Hungarian. It has just become available for the average user/amateur translators in web2 style.


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2011.03.28. 14:40

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